#also sukuna is kinda ooc but im working on it
sukuna-dees-nuts · 1 month
rizzless sukuna pt 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
at long last!!! it's here, im back!
It’s been about two weeks since Sukuna had his date with Megumi. His mood is the best it’s been in awhile; the change is enough for his parents to notice. When they try questioning him about it, he brushes them off with an easily crafted lie. He’s not quite ready to tell them that he’s possibly dating his younger brother’s best friend (who they almost consider their own son at this point).
Sukuna isn’t ashamed or anything. He knows that his parents wouldn’t give a flying fuck if he told them he isn't straight, but he also didn't think it necessary to tell them anything. Who cares? It isn’t anyone’s business but his own. They’ll figure it out when Sukuna brings Megumi as his date to dinner or something. The idea alone gives him butterflies and he scowls at himself. 
He and Megumi have been texting back and forth nearly nonstop since their date. Well, nonstop in the sense that he talks to Megumi more than anyone else, which only happens to be his brother and Maki. Sukuna has never been one to hold a conversation (which was obvious during their date), but there’s something about Megumi that makes Sukuna want to talk. He wants the conversation to keep going. Every time it drops, he finds himself picking it back up again, usually with a movie related question.
Megumi still questions the fact that Sukuna says that he is not a movie buff simply due to the amount of movies that the older boy has seen. The more Megumi mentions it, the more Sukuna starts to believe it himself and he curses his younger brother’s effect on him, not that he’d ever admit it to Megumi or Yuuji. 
At the moment, the two of them are arguing over who is better: The Joker or Loki. 
Raisin Boy: Idk I think that Joker could outmatch Loki
Sukuna's jaw drops and his thumbs furiously tap away at the screen, not listening to whatever Yuuji is saying to him. He's in the middle of an important argument!
’There's no way. Loki has Joker beat 100 times over! He’s taken punches from Thor and The Hulk,  and he has magic. There's nothing the Joker could do to Loki!’
He huffs and drops his phone onto his leg, crossing his arms over his chest as he waits for Megumi's reply. 
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” Yuuji asks, briefly glancing at his brother before looking back to the screen so that he can dodge an attack. 
Sukuna shakes his head and scoffs, “Your shitty gaming skills. You still haven't beaten this boss?” 
The younger boy grunts. He stays quiet for a moment as he concentrates before he replies, “His spinning maneuver that he does always catches me off guard.”
Another beat of silence stretches between them and Sukuna momentarily forgets about his little argument with Megumi as he watches Yuuji rolling around on the screen. He manages a few hits on the boss character before ultimately meeting his doom when he goes into his spin attack and kills Yuuji’s character immediately.
Yuuji huffs and slumps back against the couch in defeat. “See what I mean?”
“Gimme that,” Sukuna grumbles. Reaching over, he snatches the controller out of his brother’s hands. He leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees (his ‘boss fighting position’ as Yuuji has appropriately named it). 
The only sounds in the living room are the sound of Sukuna’s fingers rapidly hitting buttons on the controller and Yuuji’s gasps in surprise. He sits up with wide eyes as he watches Sukuna effortlessly fight this boss character that Yuuji has been struggling with for about a week now. Of course, leave it to Sukuna to pick up on Yuuji’s slack. 
When Sukuna’s phone dings, his concentration goes out the window and he glances down at his phone to see who the message is from. A bad decision on Sukuna’s part because within that same second, his character dies from a large attach from the boss, leaving Yuuji’s character defeated once again. 
“Wh—Sukuna!” Yuuji groans. “You almost had it!”
Sukuna shrugs and tosses the controller back to his brother. He picks up his phone with a shrug, unlocking it to read Megumi’s message. “Sucks.”
Yuuji stares at his older brother for a long moment, taking in the expression on his face. There isn’t a smile per se, but he notices the way Sukuna’s features seem to relax when he reads the message he just got. It makes Yuuji raise an eyebrow in intrigue. Who could he be talking to that would earn just barely a hint of a smile from Sukuna?
He leans over, trying to peer at Sukuna’s screen, curiosity getting the better of him. “Who are you talking to?” Yuuji asks. 
The older boy’s trance is broken at the sound of Yuuji’s voice and whatever “smile” was on his face falls immediately and he narrows his eyebrows at his brother. “What?” he asks, instinctively leaning away from Yuuji. 
“You never just lose a boss battle because someone texted you. Who is it?” Yuuji asks again, a shit-eating grin on his face and he leans even closer to try and get another look at Sukuna’s phone. 
Sukuna scoffs and shoves Yuuji away roughly. “None of your damn business.”
“Well it has to be someone!”
“Yeah, I’m asking the adoption agency if they’ll take you back if we still have the receipt.”
“I wasn’t even adopted!”
Sukuna raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure about that? I’m hot and you’re…” He pauses, his eyes quickly glancing over his brother and grimaces, “eugh.”
Yuuji’s jaw drops. “What do you mean eugh? We look the same! We have the same face!” 
Sukuna slowly turns his attention back to his phone, turning his body so that Yuuji can’t peek at his screen. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.”
With a shake of his head, Yuuji kicks his brother in the leg and goes back to playing his game, grumbling under his breath. 
Focusing back to his phone, the older boy goes back to replying to Megumi. He types out a message only to backspace and try again. This happens 3 or 4 times which seems to be enough to concern Megumi because another message pops up.
Raisin boy: I'm just pulling your leg 😂 I agree that Loki is far better than Joker
Sukuna’s jaw drops as he stares at the message. Another one pops in.
Raisin boy: As your brother likes to say… Got em
Unable to keep himself from chuckling, Sukuna shakes his head and his mouth cracks a smile. “Oh my God.”
Yuuji glances over, his attention caught by the sound of his brother laughing. “Okay, seriously, who are you messaging?”
“Shut up,” is Sukuna’s reply.
Raisin boy: And you say that you’re not a movie buff
Biting his lip, Sukuna mulls over what he wants to say next. Since they’re on the topic of movies, he wants to ask Megumi to come over when his family isn’t home so they can actually watch The Exorcist and The Conjuring together as they’ve had planned.
He kicks Yuuji in the leg. “Do you still have plans with your friend Johnny or whatever on Thursday?”
Yuuji makes a face. “... you mean Junpei?” 
“Yeah, sure.”
The younger boy slowly nods his head. “Uh yeah, why—”
“'K, thanks.” 
Sukuna begins typing out his message, asking Megumi if he’s busy on Thursday afternoon. He hopes whatever higher being is out there watching that the other boy isn’t busy. It’s almost disgusting to Sukuna how much he wants to spend time with Megumi. Sukuna doesn’t even want to spend this much time with his own friends. Or friend, in this case. Maki doesn’t mind, of course. She has her own life and isn’t reliant on Sukuna for socialization. 
“Who are you bringing over?!” Yuuji exclaims, dropping the controller to turn his full body in Sukuna’s direction. “That’s the only explanation!”
Sukuna scoffs. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“I would!” 
The next thing Sukuna knows, Yuuji lunges at him. He tries to grab the phone out of Sukuna’s hands but his grip is strong, the two of them playing tug-of-war with it. Yuuji tries twisting his body so that his back is facing Sukuna, pinning the older boy’s arms under his armpit to give him better leverage when attempting to pry the device out of Sukuna’s fingers. 
“Yuuji, you brat! Let go!” Sukuna grunts.
“You first!” 
Sukuna makes the decision to let go with one hand so that he can tickle Yuuji’s side, in hopes of making his brother lose his grip. It works, but not in the way that he had hoped. The phone slips free of Sukuna’s fingers and Yuuji’s jerky movements are enough to send it falling and sliding acros the hardwood floor. 
Naturally, Yuuji dives for it first, scrambling along the ground to grab it. He cheers in victory and flops down on his back, holding the phone above his face as he reads the name on the screen. Sukuna is quick to jump to his feet as he snatches the phone out of his brother’s hands. However, the damage is already done, judging by the confused look on his face.
Yuuji sits up, yelling after his brother's retreating figure. “Who the hell is Raisin boy?!"
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If you write for Sukuna, I need head anons of him falling in love with a chubby reader. Either Canon Sukuna or fanon Sukuna, either works
Babe, i am so sorry but i went a little hogwild and wrote a novel instead of just a couple of headcanons, pls forgive me for how much you'll have to read 😔🙏 anyways, we're gonna do modern au Sukuna bc although i love that canon genocidal freak of nature, i have an idea and i wanna write about it. Also Sukuna is pretty ooc in this but ykw idgaf, i liked writing him this way sksksk
Word count: 6,826 (im so sorry, pls forgive me sksksk)
CW: chubby fem reader (ofc aldjakdj), modern au Sukuna, smut, use of the words "daddy" and "bunny", use of the word "fat" in a nonderogatory way, not beta read bc this shit is too damn long
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Okie dokie artichoky skskks, lemme set the scene for yall
You're a curvy, gorgeous, hardworking woman getting your bachelor's degree and you are 💫FABULOUS💫
You live off campus bc it's cheaper than a dorm. Yea, it's kind of a crummy apartment and one time a mouse crawled under your door but you're stubborn and don't wanna spend a bunch of money
You live at the end of the hall, and for two years no one has lived next door to you, and you were happy with that
Then that all changed when Ryomen Sukuna, an up-and-coming MMA fighter, moved in next door
The first time yall met was when you woke up to hearing him fucking some girl on the other side of your wall
So obvs you go over to his apartment and angrily knock on his door bc wtf dude i'm trynna sleep over here, what kinda asshole makes this much noise this late at night 😤
Ok but when he answered the door, you really didn't expect him to look like THAT
Modern au MMA fighter Sukuna is about 6'3", has pink hair, body and face tattoos, his ears pierced, oh god and he's jacked just built like a fucking god and he absolutely towers over you—
"You here to join or what?" oh FUCK his voice is deep too wtf yall what the FU—
what did he say??
This bitch straight up starts flirting with you while his side chick is waitin for him back in his bed and you're just ??????? HUH????
You're super flustered but politely ask him to quiet down bc you're trying to sleep and he's making too much noise
And this mothafucka SMIRKS and says, "Sure, bunny, I can quiet down for ya. Not sure if she can, but I'm sure I can give her somethin else to do with her mouth."
If you could turn pure scarlet you definitely would bc you are currently losing your shit wtf why is he talking to you like this who tf is this guy—
Anyways, you stutter out a thank you and hurry back to your apartment, pretending like you don't hear him let out the sexiest chuckle you've ever heard behind you
He's kind of a menace after that. He's not the worst neighbor you could have, like he did quiet down after you asked, but then he just brought another girl home the next weekend and was just as loud so you had to go ask him to shut up again 🙄
Oh, and don't worry, he does that again. And again. And again, for five weeks in a row jesus christ, how many girls actually wanna fuck this dude wth?
But it doesn't stop there. No, this dude also insists on bothering you whenever you're home. Doesn't matter if you're just relaxing or studying, he'll knock on your door and interrupt you with some stupid shit
His go-to line is "can I borrow some milk?" which come on dude who tf drinks milk anymore, like I can't even finish a carton of oatmilk on my own and you're out here bothering your neighbors for some?
BUT ANYWAYS you get him some milk while he watches you from your doorway, leaning against the doorframe and eyeing you up and down until you bring a cup of milk to him
"Thanks, bunny. I'll have to return the favor sometime; maybe give you some milk of my own ;)" MAAAAAAN, IF YOU DON'T TAKE YOUR FUCKIN GLASS O' MILK AND LEAVE—
You hate that he flirts with you, you know he's a player, he's got fuckboy written all over him so you know he aint bein sincere when he flirts with you, so why the FUCK does your dumbass heart start to race every time this motherfucker shows up shirtless at your door?!
Sorry, got a lil angry there sksksk
Anyways, Sukuna flirts with you too damn much and you know he's just flirting for fun and doesn't mean any of it so you're pretty sick and tired of his antics
But the truth is that Sukuna actually is attracted to you, even if it's just in a shallow way
Tbh he's never fucked a curvy woman before and he's intrigued with how it would feel
He's curious about what it'd be like to fuck your tits or your thighs, or how you'd look folded in half and drunk off his cock
Surprise surprise, Ryomen likes rough sex and he really wants to be rough with you 🥴
I'm talking slapping your ass, tits and thighs, pulling your hair, fucking your face, choking you, spitting in your mouth. Mans literally wants to beat you up which?? you good dude? you need somebody to talk to because your kinks make me think that you need therapy sksksk
But since you're not used to big buff guys wanting to have sex with you and flirting 24/7, you don't see him as anything but an annoying playboy who just flirts with you bc he's bored and has nothing better to do
You avoid him whenever you can, but he always seems to show up, whether it's at your door or by the mailboxes, and you wonder if you're gonna have to spend the rest of college like this
But then, one day, he stops showing up around you
You expect to hear him fucking someone new that Saturday night, but you don't hear anything and actually have a good night's sleep for once
You expect to see him the next morning when he comes by for some milk ("Gotta have somethin nutritious after that workout last night ;)"), but he doesn't show up
It's Wednesday now and at this point you're kinda concerned, like did he die? Wtf happened to him?
Yk he's an MMA fighter, so you decide to look him up on the internet; maybe you'll find answers there?? It's better than sitting around and asking "what if" questions all day
First link that comes up is to a video showing Sukuna getting knocked tf out in his latest fight. You watch the aftermath of the fight, a hand over your mouth as you see blood drip out of his mouth, his face already swelling as the announcers comment on the fight
Ok, that's it, you're gonna go check on him.
Yes he's annoying and stupid and you've lost a lot of milk thanks to that asshole, but you're still worried about him and wanna make sure he's doing ok bc you're a good person
So you go to his apartment that evening and hesitantly knock on his door
He opens the door a minute or two later, and tbh he looks like shit. His jaw is definitely broken, exceptionally swollen on the left side where he got hit a couple nights before, and he looks super tired
"Need sumthin bunny?" he mumbles, barely able to move his mouth due to his broken jaw
"Are... are you doing alright? I saw your last fight and... I just wanted to make sure you were okay..."
Ryomen shrugs, "Yea, I mean... could be worse..."
The two of you stand there awkwardly, not sure what to say in this situation
"Are you... sure you're okay? Are you sleeping alright? Are you getting enough to eat?"
"I mean," he starts, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm drinkin protein shakes..."
Ok, you don't know what it was about the whole situation, but you could feel your motherly instincts kicking in and you just had the strongest urge to take care of him bc clearly he isn't taking care of himself
Long story short, you insist on cooking meals that are nutritious and pureed so that Sukuna eats some real food while he's healing
Cue you inviting forcing him to come over so you can make him some food and make sure he eats
He tells you that you don't have to do anything for him but you're stubborn as hell so once you've set your mind on something, you're not gonna change it sksksk
He tries to flirt with you and lighten the mood like he usually does, but tbh he just feels so exhausted and shitty that he can't keep up his playful attitude
He kinda just crashes on your couch while you make him some dinner and begrudgingly drinks the blended soup you made with a straw
You do this for him at least four nights a week, bringing him over to your place and sending him home with enough leftovers for at least lunch the next day
It becomes a new routine for the two of you: him coming over and chatting while you made him dinner, then watching a movie or two before he went back to his place
You start to learn that there's more to this guy than you once thought!
He's not just some annoying flirt who fucks a new woman every weak; he's actually pretty down to earth
Turns out that his upbringing wasn't the best: he was raised by a single mom and he didn't have a lot growing up
He was a delinquent in school, and he got into way too many fights. He eventually started fighting for money in high school, and he was scouted when he was 17
He got a manager and a trainer and within a year he was fighting professionally. He got his tattoos and piercings once he turned 18, wanting to stand out in the ring, and it's definitely worked! A lot of fans like him for his style more than his fighting ability
He earns a lot of money fighting, upwards of $50,000 per appearance, but he doesn't like to spend very much. He's put most of his money into savings and stocks so that he can live comfortably when he's a bit older
Fun fact: he invested in bitcoin when it was worth less than $500, and he got hella cash when the stocks skyrocketed, and then he sold his stocks and ran off with the money sksksks
Anyways, he's well off, but bc he prefers saving money and investing, he lives as cheaply as possible (hence the fact that he now lives in your shitty apartment complex)
Sukuna also starts to learn a lot about you!!
He learns about your interests, the degree you're studying, your taste in movies, and the more he learns about you, the more he realizes that you're not just a pretty face that he wants to pump and dump
And so, Ryomen's crush on you begins when he's healing from his last fight, coming over almost nightly to eat with you or even just to talk
Now, Sukuna doesn't know how to process his emotions at first
Tbh, the first time he realizes that he feels differently about you is when he finally gets the energy to masturbate again
He's masturbated to the thought of you before, fantasizing about all the nasty things he wants to do to you in bed, but those thoughts don't get him off this time
No, this time he keeps thinking about how gentle you are with him since he's injured, being so sweet and kind to him while he heals
He thinks about your pretty smile and the way your round cheeks puff up when you grin, how your hands move when you cook, how your laughter rings like windchimes while you watch a comedy together
And suddenly he's imagining that he invites you over once he's healed, either ordering an expensive meal or cooking something special for you as a way of thanks
He thinks about eating with you, bonding with you, letting his knuckles graze your cheek and jaw before he tilts your head towards his and kisses you oh so gently
He's been with plenty of women before, and he's always been rough with them, pretty much using them for his pleasure, not really thinking about their desires
But you're different from all of them, and he wants to treat you differently too
He wants to guide you to his bedroom and lay you down, kissing along your thighs and up to your sex
He wants to taste you, to lick along those chubby pussy lips and suck your cute clit into his mouth and he wants to hear you moan and feel your soft hands grasping at his hair and pulling him closer, suffocating him in the best way possible
He wants to slide his cock into you slowly, thumbing your clit the entire time, feeling you spasm gently on his cock once he's balls deep inside you
He wants to feel those plush thighs wrap around his waist, ankles locking under his ass and keeping his thrusts shallow, your arms holding him against you, letting him feel your heart beat rapidly next to his
He wants to touch and kiss every inch of you, hearing you whimper and whine with each squeeze, his name falling from those pretty plump lips of yours before he goes in for a kiss—
Ryomen realizes near the end of his recovery that he's fucked
What's he going to do once he's healed? Ask you out? You ignored his advances before his injury, why would you suddenly accept them? The two of you have gotten close enough that you consider each other friends; he doesn't want to ruin that when he's almost certain you wouldn't reciprocate his feelings
Basically, even though he's crushing on you hard and wants nothing more than to make you his, he worries that you won't feel the same and it'll ruin the friendship you've created
No, he can't let that happen. He's rather suffer by your side than lose you altogether, so he keeps his mouth shut and enjoys his time with you, not uttering a word about his newfound feelings
Two months have passed and Sukuna is finally all healed up and ready to fight again
You're prepared to be woken up that Saturday by him fucking some girl, but surprisingly, that doesn't happen
You check the internet to see if he had a fight, which he did, so you were confused why he hadn't brought home one of his fans
Well, maybe he's just too tired this week. He'll probably bring someone home the next week or the week after that, but that doesn't happen
It's been a month since he's healed up and you know for a fact that he's had at least three fights since then, so why hasn't he had victory sex? I mean, he used to do that all the time, why has he suddenly stopped? Did his recovery mess with his libido or something?
Now during this time, Ryomen has continued to be friendly towards you. He's not flirting like he used to; he's treating you with respect and his actions and words seem genuine
The two of you got so used to your routine while he was healing that you decided to hang out in the evenings during the week
Ryo always comes over to your place (he doesn't have a proper couch; he's got a beanbag chair and that's it), either bringing food with him or helping you cook
You alternate who chooses the movie and you just chill with each other, enjoying each other's company in a way that you never in a million years would've imagined happening
He's become... softer with you. You're not sure how to explain it, but before he got hurt, he was all smirky and teasing and unpredictable, but now he's gentler, his flirtatious smirk almost nonexistent at this point
His eyes were softer too; before they had some bite to them, something mischievous, but now they're relaxed and focused, and you start to wonder if his eyes were always that pretty or if something changed along the way—
Oh shit
Ok so maybe you've grown more attached to Sukuna than you originally thought, but who can blame you? It's the Florence Nightingale effect, it's a very common occurrence so it's not like you're alone in how you feel
But how do you feel? Do you like him? Bc for the longest time he was just your annoying neighbor and you avoided him like the plague, so what changed? Was it bc you helped take care of him? Was it bc you got to know him?
There were too many variables for you to pinpoint the exact reason why you started feeling differently about him
All that you knew was that he was nicer now and you actually enjoyed having him around and you wondered if his hair was as soft as it looked—
"Why are you touching my hair, bunny?"
Shit, you didn't realize you had reached out to touch him. You pulled your hand back, curling into yourself on the couch and looking back at the TV
"Sorry. I was just thinking."
Sukuna tilted his head back onto the couch cushions, looking up at you from his spot on the floor
"Bout what? Wonderin if my hair is greasy or somethin?"
You giggle at that, and Ryomen can feel his heart pounding against his ribcage
"No, dummy. Just... I don't know, I was just thinking about your hair, like... like how often you dye it and stuff."
He feels like you're lying but he's not completely sure. He shrugs and looks back at the TV
"Well, I get it done every month or so. I got a personal stylist for photoshoots and shit and she usually does it before a promo for a big fight."
You hum in acknowledgement, barely listening to him. You're still staring at his pink strands, wondering what they look like when they're not gelled back, maybe after a long hot shower after a grisly fight
"You can... you can touch my hair, if ya want. It doesn't bother me."
You feel your face burn, and for a moment you wonder if he can read your mind. You hesitantly reach out again, combing your fingers through his hair, hearing him sigh softly at the contact
It's nice, petting his hair like this, scratching along his scalp and twirling his hair around your fingers. You swear you can hear him moan softly at your touch, leaning into it and following your hand for more.
"You're like a cat," you mumbled, your index finger lightly grazing the nape of his neck, making him shiver. "You act all big and tough and hiss, but once you get a little affection you turn into a little kitten."
"Excuse you," he retorts, arching his brow at you, "but I am not a kitten. If anything I'm a wolf."
You snicker. "Oh yeah? What makes you a wolf?"
"Well, I'm big and strong and protect those I care about—
"—and you turn into a big puppydog when people love on you."
"AYYO, SHUT YER MOUTH" he'll yell, throwing the pillow in his lap at you, making you giggle. You throw the pillow back and soon enough you're having a pillow fight, Ryomen laughing and you squealing as he gets on top of you and bops you with the cushion
"OKAY, OKAY, UNCLE, UNCLE, YOU WIN!!" you squeak, giggling as you pull the pillow out of his grasp and above your head, leaving you face to face with Sukuna
The two of you stare at each other, your smiles faltering as you search each other's faces. The atmosphere has changed; Ryo's eyes turn from playful to thoughtful before he sighs loudly
"Fuck it," is all he mutters before he leans down and kisses you
Long story short, yall fuck on the couch
You end up slapping him away, pouting as he leans back, your eyes beginning to water
"Jesus, what the hell, Y/N? What was that for?"
"You go too far, Ryo," you mumble, your lip quivering as you hug the pillow to your chest, looking away. "I don't mind you flirting with me, but playing with my emotions when you don't like me is cruel..."
Sukuna stares at you, rubbing a hand over his face as he sighs again
"God, you're so dumb, Y/N. You really think I'd kiss someone I'm not interested in?"
You blink, eyes darting back to see his face burning red, his gaze averted.
"...What do you mean? ...do you like me??"
Somehow his face turns darker, his hand rubbing over his neck as he looks up at the ceiling, breathing deep for a few moments.
"Yea... I like ya..."
He's prepared for you to kick him out, or worse, tell him that you don't feel the same and ask if you two can go back to how things were. He's tired of not being able to hold you, kiss you, cherish you, call him his. He's not sure if he can stay your friend forever—
"I... I like you too 🥺👉👈"
His gaze shoots back to you, eyes wide as he takes in your bashful expression. He can feel his lips curl unconsciously
"Shit... for real?" His grin spreads wider when you nod, his heart pounding as he leans down again. "Well then don't push me away this time."
Aaaaaaaaand it's official, you're dating sksksk
Tbh not much changes with your routine: Ryo still comes over for dinner and to hang out but now there's cuddling and kissing 🥰
You have a lot of doubts at the beginning of the relationship tho. Like you've seen the kinds of girls he used to fuck (literally all of them looked like models) and you obviously don't look like that so you're insecure about that and dont know what Sukuna even sees in you
You bring this up to him about two weeks after yall officially started dating and he asks if he can show you how he feels
You weren't sure what you were getting into but you agreed, letting Ryomen take your hand and tug you back to your bedroom
Now, Sukuna may be pushy at times, but he'd never force you to do anything, so everything he does is preceded by a question.
"Would you lay on the bed for me? Can I kiss you? Can I touch you here? Can I take these off?" and suddenly you're left in your underwear on your bed with Ryo on top of you
He's a man of actions, not words, so he barely speaks as he pushes his face into your cleavage, pushing your breasts together and groaning softly between them
He fondles your breasts for a while, his big hands are gentle but firm, squeezing your tits before he pinches your nipples, tugging at them before he introduces his tongue
You can feel his erection press into your thigh as he sucks your nipple, lavishing it for what feels like an eternity before he moves to the other one. At one point he pushes your breasts together and tries to suck both nipples at once, making you whine from the attention.
He eventually moves down your stomach, kissing and squeezing it along the way, leaving a trail of love bites before he reaches your sex
He nibbles at your plump mound, sucking on the extra flesh above your cunt, squeezing your thighs as he keeps them open
Once he finally reaches your pussy, you're completely soaked, your underwear drenched in your fluids
He teases you a bit ("Seems like somebody likes the attention they're getting 😏") before he practically rips your panties off, diving into your cunt like a starved man.
He eats you like you're his last meal, taking his sweet time slurping and sucking on your labia, bullying your clit mercilessly before pushing his fingers into you
You easily cum on his thick fingers, riding out your orgasm as he laps at your cum, but he doesn't stop. No, he pulls not one, not two, but three more climaxes out of you before he decides that he's done.
By the time he's finished, you're practically begging for his cock, on the verge of tears as you pull on his arms and try to bring him closer
"What's the matter? Does my cute chubby bunny want my cock? You want me to fill up that pretty pussy?" And you'll nod and whine and whimper for him, and how can he deny you when you're acting so precious? He hasn't even fucked you yet and you're already needy for more.
His cock is massive, to put it lightly. You always wondered why his past partners screamed so loud in his bed, and now you know. He's about 9 inches long, about as thick as a soda can, so heavy that it hangs low once he takes his boxers off
"Nervous, bunny?" he asks, massaging your thighs as he brings his cock closer to your entrance. "Don't worry. Daddy's gonna be real gentle with ya, okay? Gonna make you feel so good, baby girl."
And he does, he really really does. He's so gentle and sweet with you that you wonder what happened to your real boyfriend. The man on top of you is nothing like the man you first met months ago, and yet he's still sporting that same playful smirk right up until he pushes the head of his cock into you, thumbing your clit rhythmically
"Oh fuck, baby. Jesus... if I knew you'd feel this good, I woulda fucked you a lot sooner."
He doesn't last as long as he usually does, and it's all your fault. It's your fault for having such a tight, wet pussy that squeezes him just right; it's your fault for being so soft and warm and squishy underneath him; it's your fault for moaning wantonly, mouth falling open and eyes rolling back, looking so deliciously pretty as he grinds his cock into you.
He makes sure that you cum one more time before he pulls out, jerking off on your tummy. He groans loudly when he sees his thick, white semen coat your pudgy belly, and deep down all he wants to do is rub his cock against your tummy until he cums again.
Instead of that, he just plops down beside you, pulling you to his chest, not caring about the mess he's made.
"Feel better?" You nod and he chuckles tiredly. "Good. Now no more feeling insecure. You're too pretty to be sad." 🥺🥰💕💕💕
Once yall fuck for the first time, all bets are off sksksk like Sukuna is CONSTANTLY horny for you wtf
He's wanted you for so fucking long and now he's gonna have you in every way possible
He fucks you on every piece of furniture in both your apartments (yes, this includes all the countertops and even the walls)
He tries to be gentle with you after your first time, but he really can't help himself. I mean, you're just so cute and sweet and hot and god the look you give him when he slides his cock into you is to die for
Sukuna isn't a fan of pulling out, he'd much rather finish inside you. He also doesn't like condoms so be prepared to be on birth control if you aren't already bc he's gonna cum in your pretty pussy 95% of the time. Occasionally he'll pull out and finish on your ass or thighs, but he prefers watching his cum drip out of your tight hole 💕
He's normally pretty chill during sex, like he's not fucking the life out of you most of the time, but there are some exceptions!! For example, when he comes home after winning a match, when he's feeling jealous and possessive, when you're wearing something too cute/sexy. If any of these things happen, he'll be rougher with you, his fantasies from before his crush on you resurfacing
He only does these thing's with your consent, but once you give him permission he goes wild. You will not be able to walk for at least an hour after and once you do, you're gonna be wobbling like Bambi for a bit
You'd think that his fav position would be doggystyle so he could see your ass bounce, but he honestly prefers positions where you're facing each other. He wants to see your face when you cum and feel your nails scratch up his body plus then he gets to hold you close and feel your soft plush body against his 💕
He's begun a habit of buying things for you. You never ask him to, but sometimes he'll show up at your apartment with a few bags or packages and he'll ask you real nice and sweet if you could model some clothes for him.
He gets lingerie, little dresses, crop tops, mini skirts and shorts, just anything that'll show off that sexy curvy body of yours. He'll sit on your couch with his legs spread, the outline of his cock extremely noticeable in his gray sweatpants, relaxing with a beer while you try on the clothes he got for you.
It's pretty embarrassing for you, having this hot guy buy you clothes you didnt ask for, telling you to turn around and let him get a good look at you. Your body gets so hot from the looks he gives you and the little whistles and comments he makes as he eyes you up and down.
"Cmere, bunny," he'll say, making you feel like prey in the presence of a predator. You listen, of course, bc you know he would never hurt you. He'll have you straddle his lap, bringing your hips flush against his so you can feel his throbbing cock against your cunt.
"Look at what you did, baby. You went and made me all hot and bothered for ya. Are you gonna take responsibility for yer actions or am I gonna have to bend ya over and punish my little bunny?" LORD, GIVE ME STRENGTH—
Fast forward to you bouncing on his cock, your new clothes ruined already from Ryo ripping them out of impatience. He doesn't care tho, he's got plenty of extra cash to spend on you.
Ok but Sukuna has a tendency to use the word "fat" but not in a mean way like he uses it during dirty talk. "I love this fat little pussy of yours", "you got a nice fat ass, bunny", "who's this fat cunt belong to?", "you better sit that fat ass on my face before I lose my patience" like???? Ok, it's a little jarring at first but he partly does it bc he doesn't want you to hate the word "fat". Like he knows you have a rough history with the word and he doesn't want you to have negative emotions associated with the word, like every time you hear the word he wants you to think about his thick cock splitting you open instead. Idk man, i can't explain it, he just loves how big and plump you are and he gets turned on every time he calls your pussy fat 🤷‍♀️ but ofc if u don't like it then he won't do it 💕
Has a habit of using your clothes to hold you better and fuck you harder. Like if you're wearing his shirt and lookin like a fuckin snacc he will bunch that shit up in one hand and uses it like reigns, like he's gonna pull you onto his cock with each thrust and fuck you harder
He's a fan of anal. He can live without it, but he loves fucking your ass while you've got a vibrator in your pussy. Again, he won't do anything you don't wanna do, but he'll bend over backwards just to put the head in let me put the head in oooo i dont want more than that girl i respect the cat i promise just a touch—
SPEAKING OF SEX TOYS, he loves using them with you 💕 he doesn't really like em on himself, but he loves using a vibe/clit sucker on you during sex, maybe put a cute little heart shaped plug in your ass, maybe put some clamps on your nipples that clink and jingle while you bounce on his cock. He's got a little collection, but he uses vibes most often bc he loves how it makes you jive on his dick 🥴
He calls you his good girl, but when he's in a rough mood, he calls you his little slut 💕
RYOMEN SUKUNA IS A SLUT FOR STEM BITCHES, LIKE IF YOU GET A DEGREE IN A SCIENTIFIC FIELD HE WILL JUST HNNNNNGGGG GO APESHIT!!!! He doesn't know wtf you're sayin but you sound really sexy sayin it. Big man just wants to turn a smart girl dumb with his big fat cock 🥺💕
He gets really pissy if you try to go on a diet or lose weight. Now dont get me wrong, he's happy if you're happy, but if you try to lose weight bc you don't like your body he will shut that shit down immediately. Makes sure that you don't skip meals and eat enough calories, he doesnt CARE if you don't like your size, you're literally perfect and there's no way in hell you're gonna change just so society accepts you so why don't ya chill out and let him order you some takeout after he dicks you down? I mean, ya gotta regain your strength after all that strenuous activity, might as well have a meal from your fav restaurant, hell, have some dessert too! If you're worried about gaining weight, he'll find a way for the two of yall to burn some calories ;)
Although he seems like the kind of guy who only cares about sex, he's actually a very loving and sweet boyfriend. It's just that his love language is physical touch so he often uses sex as a way to express his feelings for you. But that's not the only way: he also insists on cuddling with you every second he can, and if he isn't holding your hand when you're going out then he gets all pouty and grumpy.
Overall, you're very happy with your relationship with him and you don't have any complaints... well, there is one thing
You've noticed that Sukuna never asks you to come to his fights. It's not like you want to go and see your boyfriend of six months get beat up, but you want to be there to support him! You wanna cheer him on and give him a big kiss when he wins!! Is that too much to ask?? 🥺💕
You watch highlights of his fights at home, and sometimes you'll watch the interviews after the fight and listen to what commenters say.
At some point, the commenters start talking about Sukuna and how he's changed over the last several months. They talk about how he used to be seen with a new girl after his fights every week, his arm around their waist as he answered a few questions before leaving, but now he's always alone and he tries to leave asap after his fights. "What happened to the playboy that Sukuna's fans grew to love?" they ask rhetorically.
You end up asking Sukuna why he never brings you to his fights, and he's hesitant to answer. You ask him if he's embarrassed by you and he firmly denies it, saying that he isn't embarrassed by you in the slightest. He eventually reveals that he doesn't bring you along bc he's seen how the media treats other fighters' partners and he doesn't want anyone to attack you for any reason.
Yall talk through things and basically you tell him that you're a big girl and you can take care of yourself. And although Ryomen just wants to keep you safe away from all the people who could be shitty to you, he gives in and invites you to his next match.
Fast forward to said match which is actually against the same dude who broke his jaw almost a year ago. You're sitting right outside the octagon where his manager and trainer are (they're super excited to finally meet you!! They're v nice and cool 😊). You're wearing one of Ryo's fav hoodies and almost bouncing with excitement bc omg you’re gonna get to see your strong hot boyfriend fight irl for the first time!!
The match starts soon enough, and you're cheering on your boyfriend the whole time. It's nerve-wracking to see him get hit, especially since this guy hurt him so badly just this year.
It's the main event so there's five rounds total, and it's long and grueling, but Sukuna wins by a hair and you're so excited!!! You literally start jumping around when he wins, squealing and clapping and cheering for him.
He leaves the ring and goes straight to you, picking you up and twirling you around. You're squealing, yelling at him to put you down bc you're "too big" and he "shouldn't exert himself after a fight like that". He finally puts you down, cupping your face and kissing you hard. He smirks at you when he pulls away a moment later.
"I know my limits, bunny. You need to relax and trust me a bit more." You open your mouth to protest but he just kisses you again, the two of you ignoring the rambunctious crowd in the background. "I'm gonna have to bring you to fights more often," he almost yells as he pulls away. "Pretty sure you're my good luck charm." 💕💕💕
You become more involved in his career after that, showing up to the majority of his matches and supporting him. You've even got some fans of your own! There's people out there that are literally cheering you two on and want you to stay together forever and it's so adorable 🥺💕
Side note: you know how they have those pre fight press conferences with opponents? And how the opponents trash talk each other and shit? Well, at his next big conference after yall went public with your relationship, the guy Sukuna was supposed to fight made some rude comments about your appearance and Sukuna ended up knocking him out on stage with a flying kick. Nobody dared talking shit about you after that
Ok so you're convinced that Sukuna is the only big buff dude who finds you attractive but you are WRONG, DEAD WRONG. A LOT of the gym rats that occupy the same spaces as Sukuna find you very sexy and wanna fuck a chubby beauty like you (bc let's be honest, a lotta gym rats are chubby chasers). You may not notice these guys looking at you, but Sukuna does and he hates it, you're his chubby bunny and he needs everyone to know it, so what does he do? He records himself fucking you from behind and sends it to his acquaintances so they know who you belong to. Also will not hesitate to drag you to the gym with him so that after he trains he can fuck you in the showers in the locker room. He likes knowing that his fellow fighters are right outside changing and can hear you moaning like a whore for him.
After a couple years together, Sukuna gets a tattoo associated with you. Could be your name or a little bunny, but he wants to have a physical reminder of his love for you. Maybe it's his wedding gift to you (bc he's dumb and corny like that sksksk).
Yes, he's had playboy tendencies in the past, but tbh once yall started dating he knew you were the one and he was ready to settle down after the first three months. He doesn't propose for a couple years, but in the back of his mind he knows that no one else can make him as happy as you do, so he's certain that he's gonna spend the rest of his life with you.
Please don't break this boy's heart. He puts on a tough act, but he wears his heart on his sleeve and can't handle when his loved ones hurt him. That's why he doesn't have a lot of ppl close to him: he's worried about getting hurt.
He won't admit it, but you're the only thing that matters to him, like you're his reason for living. Before you, he just went through the motions and didn't really think about what he'd do when he retired. Sure, he saves money for retirement and whatnot, but he doesn't really have a plan for life besides fighting.
Then you come along and make him all soft and mushy and now he's thinking about getting a nice house with a backyard, adopting a big dog and maybe having a kid or two if you wanted. He's finally found a reason for living and he's for damn sure never going to let you go 💕
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