#also surprising was the rapid decline of interaction in general tbh even though it looks like there's been quite a growth in the fandom?
crazy-walls · 1 year
🤩💖😮🤯 & 😍 for the end of year ask game? 💕
🤩 What’s your favorite fic you posted this year? - apparently I’ve only posted 2 fics + fic updates for Trigger this year so my favourite fic was Bubbles because that was fun once I disregarded some of my phrasing/word choice concerns! (as for updates I guess chapter 12 of Trigger because that bar scene is one of my favourites in this whole fic)
💖 Was there a comment or another piece of feedback that made you feel all the warm and fuzzies? - really can’t pinpoint a specific comment but as you might just maaaybe be somewhat aware of, there’s someone who’s been sending me lovely and detailed comments via email (and also leaving long comments after uploading) that make me very very very happy and motivated every time 🥰😘 generally, those comments where someone writes their reaction as they read are just so fun because they let me see my story from an outside perspective for a little bit ^^
😮 What surprised you this year? Was it reception to a certain fic? A direction change in one of your stories? - I am surprised about the trouble i’m having with finishing Trigger - i had this ending all sorted out (I thought) but now i’m overthinking and rearranging and despairing every time i even so much as think about the plot until the end and I am so fucking indecisive as to how exactly to go on and how to finish this story in a way that makes sense and feels satisfying to me
🤯 What’s the coolest thing you learned researching for a fic? - uhhhh I I looked up drug prices around 2010 and it was just really interesting to see how much it differs depending on the city and how much more expensive it’s gotten. also that Colombian cocaine is apparently some of the most expensive coke because it used to be the best one back in the 80s or so, that’s info I got from Agustín ^^
😍 What’s one of your favorite lines or exchanges you wrote this year?  - the first one that came to mind was this one from Damned If I Do Ya
„Wenn du mir noch ein Mal die Decke klaust, schuldest du mir morgen früh noch ‘nen Blowjob.“ „Wenn ich dir noch ein Mal die Decke klaue“, murmelte Skinny und schlang einen Arm um sein Kissen, „darfst du mich morgen früh vögeln.“ Entgeistert starrte Dylan in Skinnys Richtung, konnte sein Gesicht in der Dunkelheit jedoch nicht ausmachen, und versuchte, sich gar nicht erst vorzustellen wir es wäre, wenn – Er war schon wieder halb hart. Scheiße.
fanfic writer 2022 wrapped ask game
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