#also technically its still remus' birthday for another 5 minutes so HAPPY BDAY AGAIN TO HIM <3
enbysiriusblack · 1 year
wolfstar is skin and bone, dark jokes that you can't help but laugh at, cigarette stains on every surface, knitted jumpers fraying at the cuffs, record players scratching as they reach the end but you don't quite have the energy to get up and stop it, liquor spilling on the floor, shaky hands clasped in anothers, the night sky lit up and glowing, sharp edges with a softness that makes it all worth it, browns, and silvers, and gold, and black, the lingering smell of weed, old books, petrol, chocolate, and coconut oil, drunken and stoned rash decisions ending with tattoos and piercings and stolen kisses, arms and legs kicking and pushing fighting for the blanket in the middle of the night, myths and fables told and sung, the moon and stars echoing and clutching one another, screaming and crying for something that can't come to pass, something to good to be true, tragedy and romance, soulmates and fate, life's intertwined but broken and burning to the bitter end.
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