#also that masterlist - yeah idk anymore - lets just say itll happen eventually lol
brettsey-two-tts · 3 years
Brettsey Drabbles: Disagreements
When they fight, they don’t shout at each other or hold their opinions in. Sylvie and Matt made sure to make communication a top priority in their relationship. If one person had a disagreement, they would talk it out and make sure to understand each other’s side before making any conclusions. That’s how it went for the first few of their fights until one disagreement in particular. It happened as they were leaving her apartment to go on shift. They weren’t able to talk the entire thing out before shift started, so they decided to stay in their respective corners until after work so they could have a proper discussion.
Ambo’s third call into shift was the aftermath of a shooting gone wrong; a stray bullet had hit a nearby house where a little girl was running around with her little brother. Violet was rushing the ambo to Med while Sylvie did her best to keep their seven-year-old patient stable.
When Violet arrived at Med and opened the back doors, Sylvie was off to the side on the verge of tears. The little girl didn’t make it and Violet could tell how badly her partner was taking it. She offered Sylvie a donut on the way back to the firehouse as a distraction, but she declined. Sylvie thanked Violet for trying to cheer her up and reassured her that she just needed a breather.
Violet offered to wipe the ambo down to give Sylvie some time to herself. After she was finished in the ambo, she walked into the firehouse expecting to see her partner in the common room either with a candy bar or talking to Mouch or Ritter. She knew her partner tried to find ways to keep her mind away from thinking about the aftermath of their bad calls.
Violet then went into the bunkroom, expecting to see Sylvie on her bed reading a book, but she didn’t see her there either. After some deliberation, she went to the only other person she knew her partner would, without a doubt, confide in.
She knocked on Casey’s doorframe and saw his head turn away from his paperwork to face her.
“Hey,” Violet greeted him.
“Violet,” he greeted her with a small smile. “Everything okay?”
“Uh, yeah, sort of,” she replied with a lopsided frown. “Has Brett talked to you recently?”
Casey furrowed his brows in confusion. “She hasn’t.”
Violet hummed to herself and briefly wondered why Sylvie didn’t go to him first thing when they got back. It was no secret that Brett went to Casey whenever she was having a bad day or needed to talk to someone. She actually thought it was sweet and endearing. 
Violet confessed to the Captain, “We just got back from a bad call. A little girl got hit with a stray bullet.” She winced at the remembrance. “She didn’t make it to Med and Brett was with her in the back.” Casey’s mind flooded with thoughts of his girlfriend, knowing full well that she was taking it hard, especially since it probably reminded her of her little sister, Amelia. He couldn’t imagine how terrible she was feeling. “I’m worried about her,” Violet blurted out. “She brings her whole heart to work and doesn’t leave it at the door. It’s why she’s such a great paramedic.” 
Casey briefly smiled at Violet as he thought of Sylvie’s selfless care and compassion. “Yeah, she is.”
Violet let out a small sigh. “She’s probably feeling worse than what I can imagine, but I just want to make sure she’s okay.”
He knew what the paramedic was trying to get at and gave her a thankful nod. “She’s lucky to have you as a partner, Violet. I’ll see if I can find her and check in with her.” Violet flashed a thankful smile and left to go back to the common room.
He got up from his chair and walked out of his quarters. His eyes scanned the bunkroom, but it was empty. The only other places he thought she would be at were either in the bathroom or the locker room. He walked down the hallway from the bunk room and popped his head into the locker room. Lo and behold, Sylvie was standing in front of her opened locker. Her eyes were trained down at the inside, most likely looking at the picture of her and Amelia that she kept pinned on the door.
He saw her saddened frown and thought-filled stare, probably trying to wring out all the self-deprecating and regretful thoughts.
“Hey,” he greeted her in a murmur, not wanting to startle her.
She blinked and met his gaze, almost surprised that he was approaching her. “Hey,” she replied with a small, soft smile. She promptly closed her locker and locked it.
Matt tilted his head to the side as he carefully studied her. “Violet mentioned you two had a bad call.”
Sylvie meekly nodded. “A little girl got hit with a stray bullet. She was playing with her brother in the living room and…” She paused when she felt her throat start to close from the emotional remembrance of it all. “...She didn’t make it. She’s was near Amelia’s age, too.”
Matt gave her a sympathetic look. “I’m so sorry, Sylvie.”
Sylvie allowed herself to take a deep breath in hopes it would calm her down. Matt’s presence reminded her of what she usually did after bad calls. She would go to him for some much-needed comfort, talk to him about what happened, and take shelter in his arms. She always did enjoy his hugs; they never failed to make her feel like everything would be alright.
“I’m sorry,” she blurted out. He looked at her, confused. “I would’ve gone to you when we got back, but… this morning on the way here, I know we agreed to keep to ourselves until we could talk later…”
Matt sighed; sure, they were in the middle of a small fight, but he didn’t want her to think that was a reason she couldn’t come to him for things. “Sylvie,” he began. “Even if we’re in the middle of a fight or a disagreement… it doesn’t mean I don’t want you to come to me with whatever is bothering you. Nothing will change the fact that I love you and care about you.”
Sylvie’s mouth parted in shock at his confession. Matt tended to be private with his feelings and he usually disclosed them to her when they were stowed away at her apartment. He rarely did such things while they were at work or around their firehouse family.
He flashed her a soft smile before shuffling towards her and enveloping her in a warm and comforting hug. She promptly melted in his arms and let out a small sigh of relief. She felt his hands rub comforting circles into her back and then felt the press of his lips against the top of her head.
She let herself get lost in his presence, his comforting scent, and the unmistakable sound of his heartbeat thumping in her ear, all of which did a lot to calm the negative thoughts that swirled in her head from the last call. She hummed her appreciation and wrapped her arms around his waist. She could honestly stay in that exact spot with him for hours (she nearly does in the mornings during their off days).
“Thanks, Matt.”
She felt his lips press against the top of her head, again.
“‘Course,” he whispered soothingly.
After a few moments of nothing but the soothing sound of his hands rubbing her back, he pulled away. She did so, too, albeit reluctantly, and found him staring at her with knit brows and a worried frown.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
She smiled to herself; it was just like him to throw their differences aside to check on her wellbeing. She nodded and replied, “Yeah, I’ll be okay.”
He leaned in and pressed a longing kiss to the crown of her head, hoping she knew that he was there for her no matter what.
“Let me know if there’s anything else I can do.”
She beamed underneath his lips, missing them already, and murmured, “You’re already doing a lot.” 
She was briefly thrown back a few hours prior when he had gotten out of the shower and passed her on the way out of the bathroom. She was in the middle of brushing her teeth when he pressed a few kisses to the back of her neck and only decided to stop when she elicited a minty muffled toothpaste-filled half-chuckle half-squeal.
She could never grow tired of the many ways he showed how much he loved her, at work, in public, and in private. As he walked back to his quarters, she bashfully smiled, still basking in his affection. She was really lucky to have someone like Matt Casey.
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