#also the amount of self depricating shit he said last night
justkc9 · 7 months
Man Richas really is just a kid
He doesn't quite understand the weight of the situation that is q!Tubbo's death because eve he doesn't believe that Tubbo's really- dead. He doesn't understand why others are upset with themselves and him because Creation has promised that it can bring Tubbo back with the right materials. Richas wasn't taught that crying is good for someone. That's kinda evident in his conversation with Bad, Em, and Dapper (from bads stream last night). He was taught to smile and look at things in brighter ways, which in some cases is good, but I don't think he knows the difference in the situations. "You do not get better at handling grief. You just learn what works for you" (Wise words from Dapper) I think that if Creation had waited longer to show up, we would have seen a deeper emotional defiance from Richas. He's not sad of Tubbo's death because he trusts in the people around him to bring Tubbo back. He trusts in Creation's word. If there was no way to bring Tubbo back, I think that guilt would hold heavy over Richas. I don't think he would know how to deal with it. He's a good egg, he really is. Just sympathy isn't something he's learned. He's still a kid, physically and mentally.
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sevengraces · 4 years
This Wouldn’t Happen If You Would Communicate With Each Other pt. 3 (final ch)
Roman and Virgil finally have a conversation, but only because they're being forced to (by their mutual affection for each other.) Also did I need to fluster Virgil that much? No. But did I? Absolutely, he deserves it.
This is the last chapter! Thanks for sitting through my first multichapter fic (: TW: Panic Attack (what did you expect lol) Exhaustion Self Depricating Thoughts Self Hate Eating Flirting Blushing Crying Emotional Conversations (is that a tw?) Let me know if I forgot anything! Hope you enjoy it
Link to AO3, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, You are Here. Title Card
Chapter 3: If You Ignore A Pot of Water It Boils Over Eventually (by eventually I mean right now)
   Virgil had sat on the counter for awhile, that much he knew, but he definitely hadn’t been there long enough that it was normal waking hours. Which was why he startled when Roman shuffled into the kitchen.
    He was on edge because of his panic and the late hour so he jumped. Unfortunately for him, there was a cabinet directly above his head and Virgil jumped headfirst into said cabinet.
    “What the- Virgil?” Roman had spun around, “Why on earth are you lurking in the kitchen at four in the morning?”
    Virgil winced, “I was just uh, was just eating?”
    “Eating? At four in the morning…?” Roman gaped
    “Yes?” Virgil hoped that sounded convincing.
    It did not at all sound convincing.
    Roman stood for a moment to look at Virgil. He was hunched in more than usual. His hood was up, but from what Roman could see Virgil was either still wearing makeup or he really hadn’t been sleeping enough. The next thing he noticed was that Virgil’s eyes were rubbed raw and there were tear tracks down his face. So no, not makeup.
    Roman’s confusion softened into understanding, Virgil had clearly had a rough night, possibly a rough few nights.
    “Okay,” Roman poured himself a bowl of cereal and sat up on the counter next to Virgil.
    After a long, tense silence Virgil asked, “What are you doing Roman?” he was far too tired to sound anything other than exhausted and confused.
    Roman chewed for a moment, “Eating. You?”
    Virgil sighed, “Apparently watching you eat. Why’re you up?”, he situated himself more comfortably on the counter and leaned his head back against the cabinet.
   Roman smiled slightly, “Short answer? Working on a really important idea that I’m not getting anywhere with. What about you?”
   Virgil chewed his lip for a moment before replying, “Walked into that one huh? Couldn’t sleep, too busy ‘n my head.”
    Roman smirked, “That’s part of it isn’t it?”
    He stared, “...yes?”
    “How ‘bout this,” Roman put his bowl on the counter next to him before continuing, “I tell you my whole reason and you tell me yours?”
    Virgil stared into the ceiling for a moment before hanging his head, “I concede, I guess.”
    Roman laughed, something small and quiet that did something soft and sweet to Virgil’s insides.
    “Fair, okay, uh all aboard the vulnerability train I guess. I wasn’t lying, I am working on an idea that’s really important to me, but it isn’t really the idea that matters so much as how well you receive it.” Roman glanced at him before staring into his own lap.
    Virgil sat shocked for a good ten seconds before whispering, more to himself, “How I take it? Why does it matter what I think?”
    Roman’s head shot up at that. “Why of course it matters what you think! Why wouldn’t it?”
    Virgil cursed under his breath, still loud enough to be heard, “I dunno, I always ruin everything, so what does it matter how I think something should be?”
    “No, Stormcloud, you don’t ruin it! You are only ever trying to keep us all safe.”
    Virgil went bright red at that, he sat there a moment before stuttering out, “If you, you say s-so.”
    Roman’s face went soft and sweet, and he took Virgil’s hand. “I definitely say so. What’s your excuse for being up this late, even lovely one’s such as yourself need sleep.”
    Virgil sat shocked for a full minute before being able to respond. All he could get out was a soft, “Jesus,”
    Roman giggled, which Virgil did not have enough time to properly understand, and replied “Point taken, should I tone it down Tall Dark And Stormy?”
    “Yes, christ Roman. If you want a reply you prolly should.” Virgil hid himself inside his hoodie, pulling his hand away from Roman.
    Roman smiled again, “Okay, I got it for real. Your turn Virgil.”
    Virgil poked his head out of his hood, nodded and breathed for a moment. “Alright, here goes.” He stared up at the ceiling again, “I couldn’t sleep because my head is busy, that’s true. I was just thinking,”
    “Dangerous,” Roman butted in.
    Virgil laughed and shoved him, “No shut up, I was thinking about how stupid I was.” he sobered up there, “It was just so stupid to duck out. I didn’t want to force you all to stay around me but because I failed at even ducking out, now you have to be around me or you’ll feel guilty.”
    Virgil ran his hands through his hair, “Your all just so fucking wonderful! It isn’t fair for me to make you deal with me and my stupid issues. And I know, I know you all won’t say anything or tell me to fuck off now that you know how pathetic I am.” He was getting progressively more agitated, “And it’s so selfish but I just, I want you all to want me! It’s cruel of me to be shitty and then want you to love me and my bullshit!”
    Virgil’s breath had picked up the pace the longer he spoke and Roman could see this wasn’t helping.
    “Virgil? I need you to breathe for me.” Roman took his hands again.
    “In and out Stormcloud, look at me.” he tapped out patterns on his hands.
    Virgil was slowly coming back into his mind when he realized he had freaked out and said that he loved them.
    “Shit, Ro, I’m so so-” he started to backtrack.
    “You’re okay Stormcloud, it’s alright. You didn’t do anything wrong. Sweetheart we want to be around you, and it was wrong of me to treat you poorly when we were younger.” Roman pulled Virgil to lay against his shoulder.
    “You aren’t cruel and your problems aren’t bullshit. You deserve love and affection and so long as you want it I am more than happy to give you endless amounts of affection.”
    Virgil, with his head leaning against a side he had loved for as long as he had known, began to cry.
    “Shh, shh I know sweetheart. Oh love I’m sorry, let it out. Here you are.” Roman comforted him, running his hands through Virgil’s hair.
    Eventually Virgil cried himself out and became aware enough to feel embarrassed. He pulled away and Roman let him. “Sorry Roman, that was a lot.”
    Roman smiled, soft and sad, “You don’t need to apologize, Stormcloud I meant everything I said.”
    Virgil blinked and mumbled, “You gonna keep calling me that?”
    Roman laughed, loud and bright. “Yeah, so long as you’ll let me Sweetheart .”
    Virgil went even more red and hid in his sleeves, “...mmhm,” he finally got out.
    Roman smiled and climbed down from the counter. “Come on you need to get to bed and so do I Virgil.”
    Virgil stared for a moment, more than a little nervous about the night alone in his room.
    Roman suddenly reached forward and picked Virgil off the counter bridal style.
    Virgil shrieked, “Ro!”
    “Shh quiet down, I could see the anxiety on your face Stormcloud, if you thought for a moment I was leaving you alone you are severely mistaken.” Roman hugged him closer as he carried him up the stairs.
    Roman carried him into his room and dimmed the lights as they got comfortable on his king sized bed.
    “Hey Virgil?” Roman asked into the darkness,
    “You aren’t uncomfortable are you? You don’t have to stay if you don’t wanna.”
    Virgil shook his head, “Nah princey, ‘m sleepy and you’re warm.”
    Virgil and Roman fell asleep snuggled together in Roman’s bed, where they slept comfortably through the next day.
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