#hopefuly this makes sense
justkc9 · 7 months
Man Richas really is just a kid
He doesn't quite understand the weight of the situation that is q!Tubbo's death because eve he doesn't believe that Tubbo's really- dead. He doesn't understand why others are upset with themselves and him because Creation has promised that it can bring Tubbo back with the right materials. Richas wasn't taught that crying is good for someone. That's kinda evident in his conversation with Bad, Em, and Dapper (from bads stream last night). He was taught to smile and look at things in brighter ways, which in some cases is good, but I don't think he knows the difference in the situations. "You do not get better at handling grief. You just learn what works for you" (Wise words from Dapper) I think that if Creation had waited longer to show up, we would have seen a deeper emotional defiance from Richas. He's not sad of Tubbo's death because he trusts in the people around him to bring Tubbo back. He trusts in Creation's word. If there was no way to bring Tubbo back, I think that guilt would hold heavy over Richas. I don't think he would know how to deal with it. He's a good egg, he really is. Just sympathy isn't something he's learned. He's still a kid, physically and mentally.
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pizzabox-box · 2 months
Deep dive into the "Dead Man Walking AU"
SPOILERS AHEAD! If you haven't read the introductory comic yet I strongly advise you to read it first!
Watch out! Hurting Peppino, tomato sauce and long walls of text ahead!
This AU takes place in an alternative timeline where Fake Peppino defeats and kills real Peppino in their fight on the fourth floor. After doing so he ingests real Peppinos essence. (fancy way of saying he bit off a good chunk of Peppino) and thanks to this he‘s able to perfectly take Peppino’s form.
He also gains Peppino’s memories and an inteligence of a regular human. And only then, as memories that aren‘t his own invade his mind and a man’s last thoughts before his death echo in his head, he realizes what have he just done.
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The guilt drives him to finish what Peppino started. He climbs to the top of the tower, defeats Pizzahead and the other bosses, crumbles the tower, and takes over Peppinos restaurant. Nobody, except for him, knows what happened on the 4th floor. Question is, how long? How long can he keep this secret? How long will he be able to keep this illusion alive? How long before the consequences of his actions eat him alive?
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Thanks his newly acquired inteligence he’s able to speak properly and has complete control over his more monstrous side. Through he can still do all the things Fake Peppino is known for, if he chooses to. (like speaking the „gibberish“ language, deforming, reforming and miscellaneous frog stuff) He  knows how to make a good edible pizza but has to wear gloves while handling pizza dough to prevent a piece of him getting into it and a clone forming. (I don’t have to explain why pizza coming to life would be devastating, right?)
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As mentioned above "Peppi-NO" has real Peppino’s memories. He has reacurring nightmares based off real Peppino’s memories. Most often the war and real Peppino‘s last moments. (He has two sets of memories from before the incident, his own and real peppinos. Luckily he’s able to clearly differentiate between them. This also means that he gets to experience Peppino’s death from two points of view. Quite lovely, isn’t it? )
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He treats other characters like real Peppino would. But doesn’t feel any real connection to them. „I’m mean to the Noise, because real Peppino would be mean to the Noise“ Kind of mindset. The only exception is Noisette who was Fake Peppino’s pal before the incident. He views her as a friend but still needs to keep the act up around her.
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The best way to understand this character is to put yourself into their shoes. So...let’s do a quick thought experiment: You are you, right? Of course! It makes perfect sense. But now imagine this. You are not actually you. YOU are a clone of yourself, who managed to kill off the real you. And all of your memories are not actually your own. What would „your“ friends and family think if they found out? If they found out that the real you is dead? Hell. How would you react if you found out that your lifelong friend was actually killed by a skinwalker few months ago and the damn thing has been pretending to be them ever since?? Imagine that for a second...
Let’s not forget. This is actually Fake Peppino we’re talking about. Despite everything there’s still a silly side to him that sometimes shines throught the facade.
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To summarize this character in one sentence. He hurt Peppino and now he’s stuck in his personal hell.
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There's a lot to this character I haven't mentioned yet. Well, hopefuly I didn't forget anything important. In case you have any questions feel free to ask! I will be opening Q and A for this this character (and also the others)
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wordsbymae · 6 months
Late One Stormy Night Pt. 2
This is a continuation, including a large time jump, of my original farmer storyline, the canon events if you will. I would have loved to do this for flower seller and mousy au, however I feel it fits much better for the original farmer. I may do one for the other aus as well. Also this is just a short little snippet into where this reader ends up, I have spoken in depth about their life together, but this is years down the track, where pumpkin has finally given in.
Triggers: Pregnancy! FemReader, Stockholm syndrome ofc, reader has pretty much been brainwashed into being a perfect house wife, if you didn't know the context or if I didn't remind you within the text, it would seem like a nice love story. feminism please do not judge me
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A kick against your belly halted your movements. A small smile etches across your face. You drop the washing you had just grab back into the basket that lay on the lush green ground beneath you. A gentle spring breeze floated past, bringing the scent of pine and grain past. The babe in your belly has only just started to move within you. You had yet to fully comprehend that life, a new being, was growing within you. Another kick, against both your belly and hand this time, brought a giggle to your face. The sound of tyres on dirt brought your attention to your husband pulling up in front of the house. Your giggle faded. You didn't like remembering the time before you were allowed in the house, the time you spent huddle within a stable in the barn. When you fought against his every action and offer of affection. Now, after finally putting your pride aside, you were happy. It took years, but you finally content by his side. It was so long ago know that you couldn't even really remember how you came across him. All your remember is rain, and that is all you could begin to remember before the memories fell apart like ash.
You begin to make your way to your husband, pushing aside the laundry drying along the washing line. The sun beamed down with kindness, bringing a subtle warmth across your skin.
You stopped a few metres away from him, watching as he jumped out of his pick up truck, a wide smile on his face at the sight of you.
"Well good afternoon to you pumpkin, how you feeling? That boy of mine not giving you trouble?" he greeted, turning to the tray of the truck, grabbing from it a large wooden log. He huffs as the weight of the log pushes against his shoulder.
"I'm feeling fine" you laugh, it was a game of yours to count how many times in one day he asked how you were feeling. This was his 10th ask of the day.
"We don't if its a boy yet. Could be a girl" you offer with a smirk. He was convinced it was a boy.
"Nope" he states as he walks towards the work shed, you follow behind him, begging for attention. Ever since the barn, you've been so desperate for affection.
"In the last five generations of my family, there hasn't been one girl born" he drops the log down in the dirt next to his wood working station. You pout, wondering how that is even possible and also wondering why he had a massive log to begin with.
"what's the log for?" you ask.
He turns back to you with a lazy smile, wiping sweat from his brow and he takes his hat off.
"A crib" he beams. Delight dancing in his eyes.
"Oh, that makes sense" you mutter. Your eyes begin to slowly blink in exhaustion. Carrying a baby isn't easy.
" Come on pumpkin, lets get you to bed" he drawls, grasping your hand with a gentle touch. So very different from how he used to touch you when you first arrived.
You nod lazily, still surprised with how quickly sleep comes to you these days.
"That boy of ours sure likes to cause trouble huh? He's gonna just be like his daddy, although I'm hoping he's gonna look like you sweetheart." he muses, a hand coming down to trace your belly as you walk.
The farmer smiles once more. Everything he ever wanted he has. A beautiful wife, the perfect family and more hopefuly to come after this one. He chides himself for the years spent alone, angry at the world and himself. That whole time he could have had this, a place within a family. But he wouldn't change anything, not the timing or the place. You came to him at the perfect time, you were everything he ever could have wanted and more.
He thanks himself for having the courage to take what he saw as his.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
Happiest last days
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[ ONE-SHOT ] [ Class 1-A ]
[ My hero academia / Boku no hero academia ]
⚠️ Hidden depression, implied suicide
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This was dificult to write between the depresive episode and the write block... but is here! I thought of doing it with class 3E instead but I didn't at the end, maybe other time? Anyways hope you enjoy it!
Also I thought on mention as much characters I could but I the end I didn't do it much, sorry
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Become a hero is almost every child's wish! In a world with superpowers the idea of becoming a hero is like a dream come true! And now that you are in the hero course you can't feel happier. Everything about the course seems like a dream, from your classmates to the teachers, the facilities, the dorms, the classes, it all show how close you truly are to become a hero
Everyday in Class 1A is like a new little adventure, with the training and all those exercises that simulate real situations as a profesional hero every day is quite exciting, learning new things and improving your own habilities gives you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction like anything before, slowly boosting your self confidence
And not forget about you classmates, no matter how shy you have being at the start everyone is so welcoming and cheerful, everyone is kind in their own way that is so heartwarming
You have spend your days having little adventures with your friends, from playing video games non stop with Denki, Sero and Kirishima to not only learning to dance but do it randomly on the common room with Mina, having some time to just relax and talk with your new friends, enjoying some of the tea Momo kindly make for everyone and even the pastries Sato kindly have share with you
Ever when it comes to school, Momo is more than willing to take you in her little study group (and help you not fail on your grades) or training with your friends to learn new things, everyone is a good option to ask for help but Deku is the more analyltical and he is more than ready to give you some advices about what he can see on your quirk (as long as you don't mind the ranting, he just can't control it)
Even whenever you feel down they are always there to offer some help, like Aoyama who is more aware than he seems and would share you some comforting words in his own way and cheese or Kirishima who is always there to tell you how manly you have being!
Clearly, being in Class 1A, studying for in the future become a profesional hero is like a true dream! Or, well, thats what you constantly tell yourself
Everyday you wake up and remind yourself how amazing are the people around you, trying your best to put a smile before getting out of you room, sometimes a sincere one, other time one not so sincere and yet they always manage to sincerely make you smile
Its true that you have being feeling genuinely happy, having so much fun with your friends and even if school is quite hard sometimes it have made you truly happy, looking back you can easily say that this is the happiest you have being since a long time, or maybe in your entire life
And yet, is not enough to take away the sorrow of your heart, to take out those unspoke feelings that live inside of you, those that torture you in the darkness of your room, those feeling that make you feel like trash, that reminds you that not all in life is fun and you wont be good enough when the time comes to confront the real world, that feeling that makes you just want to finish everything
Even when this has being the happiest days of you life you have already made up your mind, you went through your days like always, having fun with your friends, smiling and laughing at their side, doing your best o what you are doing until the end of the week, without them noticing you prepare everything to put an end to your life, even writing a goodbye note to your dearest friends, hopefuly they won't get mad at you for nor saying it in person
When the day finally came you went through the day like always, enjoying your time with them at its fullest until the moment it came, saying a last bye with a smile and going back to your room, taking some small deep breaths to get ready, smiling to yourself for finally achiving what you wanted the most, ready to finally close your eyes and don't open them ever again, quietly thanking life for letting you met such amazing people before letting the heaviness and sorrow that torments your heart win and finally put an end to your life
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So in honor of it being two weeks since MYATB ended, I figured I would talk about what I'm working on. I’m writing a fanfiction (which, I haven't done in, like... 10 years). This plot just got into my head and I had to write it.
The plot (which was developed from something I posted after the final episode) where Xiaobao and Shaoyu go on an unexpected adventure against their wills, putting the two brats together to--hopefuly--build a friendship (read as: create a terrifying duo). While Huai'En and Su Yin also have to unwillingly team up to find them. It’s set a year after the show with the planned wedding being three months away.
I've written it mostly just for me and my desire to see more happily ever after play out in the show, and my absolute love for the characters. It is based on the show (ages, viewpoints, etc.) with very few things pulled from the novels.
If you’re interested in seeing more, below are a few of my favorite lines so far in no particular (or chronological) order.
The leader, slightly fazed by the look on Huai’En’s face, took a step back. “And who the hell do you think you are?”
“We could ask you the same question.” Shaoyu spat, annoyed with the gall of these men.
Followed directly by Xiaobao’s gleeful “that’s my wife!”
Shaoyu looked at him with eyes that seemed to ask him what the fuck was wrong with him while Su Yin simply gave an exasperated sigh.
“Xiaobao, their last prank started a fire in our bedchamber.” The exasperation in Huai’En’s voice was nearly comical.
Su Yin cleared his throat. “What about you, Xiaobao, are you feeling well enough to ride?”
Before Xiaobao had even a moment to process the question, Huai’En and Que Siming said in unison, “don’t change the topic like that, Su Yin.”
Said man glared at the two in response.
As he entered the courtyard, [Huai'En] met Su Yin, who had been coming from another area of the palace.
“Have you seen Xiaobao?”
Su Yin raised an eyebrow, “Maybe he finally came to his senses and left you.”
“And who are you to tell me what to do?” Shaoyu looked a touch offended.
Standing up, Xiaobao raised his chin in challenge. “Who is going to stop me?”
He made a show of sweeping an arm out at the forest that seemed to be inhabited only by them.
Su Yin protested, “let me go after the carriage, I know the area better.”
“And send him to question people?” Zhao Cai asked, jerking a thumb at Huai’En. “Someone would probably die.”
Huai’En didn’t even deny the idea of possibly killing someone.
I'm not a great writer, but if there's an interest to see more, I may make it public, idk.
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ultimate-weirdo-tk · 3 months
Re-introduction Post~✨
Hello there, everybody! So... This is my third attempt trying to come back to Tumblr.
Many years passed by and I feel like this blog needs some changes, since I don't feel like I connect to my past self anymore. Hopefuly, my social anxiety won't get in the way this time.
Anywho, we're here to reintroduce ourselves, right? Then let's waste no more time!
Who am I?
For those who don't know me, I'm Ultimate Weirdo, but you can call me UTK for short.
I'm a sfw tickle artist who makes silly fluffy drawings just for fun and comfort.
If you're not interested in this type of content, you might aswell visit my normal account:
Where I also post drawings that aren't tickle related.
If don't, you're free to explore around other Tumblrs that might be of your liking. Everyone has their own tastes and that's ok!
Where did the fandom list go?
I figured I don't wish to have a fandom list for many reasons.
But the main ones are that I'm in way too many fandoms to name, and the other one is that I prefear focusing my blog in my current fixation at that moment.
Note: My current fixation will always be stated in my blog's description, and will vary depending on the fandom I'm in at the moment.
Also, English is NOT my main language, so I apologize for any misspellings.
Things I do support and don't support in this blog
Some of the things supported in this blog are:
•OC x Canon
•Self Insert x Canon
•LGTBIQ+ Community
•SFW Tickling
•Alternative Universes
•And many more!
Things that I will NOT be supporting:
•Animal Abuse
•Any kind of Political Topics (Srry but this blog is to keep your mind away from the real world for a few minutes. Reality sucks so bad)
•And pretty much any other common sense stuff that is considered immoral
When will you be posting?
Only God knows. After a couple of tries of coming back to Tumblr (Each of them failing misserably), I've come to the realization that I will post whenever I feel like it.
I'm awful when it comes to managing my time and schedules, so you can expect a post coming out of absolutely nowhere in the least expected time.
Did I read "Social Anxiety" up there?
Yes you did, my friend. I really need to state this and it's quite important for anyone who wishes to interact with me at some point.
I suck at social interaction
That doesn't mean I don't want to make friends tho.
I just really need everyone to understand that I will not always be avaliable to interact, or that my brain tends to overwhelm so bad that sometimes I tend to leave the conversation.
This has been a trouble I've had for so many years now. And although it's theorically easier for people to interact via internet, for me that's not the case. I really hope everyone understands this, and I'm so sorry if I cause any trouble in the future because of this.
Take in mind it will not be your fault, but mine.
Well, that's about it! ✨
I really really hope this time I can keep up with this blog.
I also wanted to thank everyone who had been supporting this blog even if it was inactive for so so long. It really means so much to me and I really really want to try again and come up with more tiggle related stuff.
Take good care everyone! UTK out!
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ledgend-origin-mew · 4 months
Origin welcomes you
I've decided to make a dedicated location for my story and to give me more motivation to draw! I do have a set schedule so I won't have every day to work on the story, but hopefuly that won't hinder the pacing =3
Rules and Info:
This isn't going to primerally be an ask blog, however you are allowed to ask the mews, two and other mons anything you'd like. They can give you lore bits.
You are allowed to interact with the mons as you please as long as you be respectful, however the interaction itself likely won't be cannon to the overall story. Some might if you're lucky.
There is going to be multiple origin stories told in a set structure so that as the story is told, everything makes sense.
I do not want to hear any abusive language towards me or even directed at the characters, and i'd rather keep away from NSFW contect as much as possible.
Base Origins {mew}
Urain Origins {Mewtwo} here
Fernandes Origins {H!Zoroark}
Keith Origins {Eevee}
Mint Origins {Espeon}
Jasper Origins {Shadow mew}
Edward Origins {Deoxys}
{Side Stories}
Mino Origins {Missingno}
Rosemary Origins {Female Symbol}
Demo Origins {Decamark}
STEVEN Origins {Strangled Red}
Character Refs under cut |
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Multybility - this pokemon changes its ability at will.
Cosmic shards - fragments of a mutated space virus shattered by hand.
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Energy Overdose - when HP reaches 0, deals damage equal to ALL damage taken to the agresser.
Shadow Gem - a gemstone tainted by synergy, helps maintain sanity.
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Diamond Crown - a gift from the first of Diancie kind, overflowing with mega energy.
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{key item when removed} Rocket Data Tag - BIO-ID tag for hight ranking rocket pokemon. This particular ID is engraved "HEAD LAB ASSISTANT! DO NOT REMOVE OR HINDER THIS POKEMON!"
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Hidden Ability - Corrosion - Contact with this pokemon causes sever poison.
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Pandora - This creatures very existence breaks reality around it.
Void Fragment - Black glass from the beyond, surpresses anomalous activity.
Corruption - 5pp - The user shreds reality pixel-by-pixel until it is unrecognisable.
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Power Hungry - absorbs life energy from pokemon that make physical contact <- this particular ability does not effect other pokemon infected with synergy.
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Ancient Bone - Item - a fragment corrupted by time and space.
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Omnipitence - Sees through the eyes of all Unown
Pure Light - Item - If held by anyone other than Decamark, this item does 30% of the holders current health.
Blinding Light [5pp] - Drastically lowers the opponents accuracy.
Blazing Sun [10pp] - The sun absorbs life energy then feeds it directly to the user, heals equal to damage delt.
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The armpit is definitely the weirdest place Gilbert has canonically bitten Emma
THe ARMPIT!? wtf???
Okay okay, I won't kinkshame
But bruh
That place for which actual humans have invented an actual deodorizing product for??
Maybe it's a medieval thing. Times were strange. Cybird unearthing a centuries old manuscript and being like "yes, Gilbert will do this thing"
Hold on, maybe armpit biting is actually a relatively common thing in our world and I'm just uneducated
*gently googles*
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It's Gilbert cuz you're face-down
But also, it could just be the "underside of the arm"? Hopefuly that's the ACTUAL translation. Plus it would make more sense given his biting trajectory in the scene in question. But I also wouldn't put it past him.
Fuck it, clearly I'm subconsciously into the idea of armpit biting and I'm just projecting disgust to hide that fact. I'll just write a nasty fanfic about it and get it out of my system.
So yeah, pretty sure he's actually just biting her underarm but idgaf
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dumb-doll-lips · 1 year
Eventually once you find a good man he'll take care of everything. You'll never have to go to another boring meeting again. Your job will be to stay home, look pretty, and be his fuck toy.
I found one, just there’s stupid distance. But hopefuly for not toooooooo much longer. Lol.
But super looking forward to it. I think the plans are like getting fired and maybe finding something soo much easier. I feel like having at least some kind of job feels like it makes sense when moving somewhere new as it’s another way to meet people. Especially if like it’s receptionist kinda thing. I think thay was talked about. I don’t super remember. But def would be like the kinda thing where I wouldn’t have to worry about if I’d get fired or not bc I’d still be okay.
I am like very suddenly all the sleepy so hopefully I did okay w it.
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divinationrose · 2 months
Hello! Hope this ask finds you in good health.
I have 2 job offers, and I am confused which to accept - A (which I got in January) and B (which I got in July).
My initials are AP
Thank you for your time and energy. Have a nice day! 🤍
Hello thank you kind soul 🌿
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So my main intent for this pull was to help you navigate which option to choose and for some insight. Not of giving me outright which option to chose as I don't feel confident enough yet with things like that, but here we go hopefuly this helps in someway! 🌿
Seven of cups upright!
What a card to get in this particular read! This card shows up when you have more than one option to choose from career wise, multiple choices and the need to make a decision. This card also suggests not waiting too long to make a decision!
Now.. It is the 7 of cups, the 7th month is infact July. This could be coincidence it maybe not. Quite honestly I'm not confident enough yet to say if it's relevant!
Queen of pentacles - practical and responsible. This card suggests you think about your work-life balance and potential growth opportunities, and where you see yourself heading with each of these offers.
Really look at your work life balance in terms of which offer you take before making a significant career change.
Death reversed - this card can suggest that you are resisting financial change in someway, possibly due to an attachment to old financial patterns! Resisting change could hinder financial progress.
Page of swords - reflect strongly on your skills, interests, and values to gain a better understanding of what you want to achieve in your career, but also do be realistic about your abilities and limitations. Focus on what is really going to bring you joy.
Visions for this tarot read -
Ferris wheel - They might symbolize a desire for freedom, adventure, or an escape from a monotonous lifestyle.
Unicorn - Indicates a time of creativity, inspiration, and new beginnings.
Group of people playing poker - Represents taking risks, being strategic, and making calculated decisions. It might be that you need a poker face and need to fake it to make it type of scenario! Im feeling more in a sense of self belief!
Dragon and then a close up of it's eye - introspection comes straight into my head, Power and strength, courage. Trust your instincts and your intuition. Confront fears and challenges.
Hope this helped if you could leave any feedback for this read it would be great as it helps me learn! Thank you 😊🌿
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buntsukim · 1 year
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i have made a persona. this is me. i mean what il hopefuly look like one day in the future when everyone will look at me and think damn thats a gorgeous guy.
anyway. yeah! Cade persona!
the mini version right beside it is basically what ill probably draw it as most of the time since it will probably mainly appear on notebook doodles therefore simple, easy to remember design is important (basically simplified chibi.)
inspired by various things i like. tried to make it look a bit like stanley parable bc uh... fictionkin stuff duh doy, make it look a bit like what i look like irl too except i look rlly feminine irl wich pisses me off but whatever. one day ill look like this on god (unless i get a better fashion sense, wich im hopping for bc rn i dress like white dudes in sitcoms)
also for the bag i actually have that bag irl. except no pins buut i do have a spooky sjsm plus attached to it. one day ill get a gay pin ATLEAST.
anyway sorry for talking so much. this is my persona so um if you wanna draw me. wich i mean u wont but still JUST LET ME DREAM! (pretend im yelling at a mirror right now ok.)
wait nvm im literally an artist
hold on.
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ok there.
anyway yeah uhhh Cade persona woohoo yippee yay uhhh...... goodbye forever
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thequietkid-moonie · 8 months
hi moonie! <3 i've been thinking a bit and i think i got a fun idea for the crossover event! how about a reader from the my hero academia universe being transported into the nier automata world? especially a reader with a quirk that makes them looks almost human, but not quite (like tenya with his engine legs, sero with his tape arms or pony with her horns). i think especially 9S getting to meet that reader would be fun, reacting to them being a human, but not the type of human he used to hear about 👉🏻👈🏻
hope this made sense! love you moonie and take care <3
Meeting a reader with a mutant-type quirk
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[ CROSSOVER - Reader comes from My Hero Academia world ]
[ 2B & 9S ] [ NieR Automata ]
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I LOVED YOUR IDEA!! It combines two of my favorites fandoms!!
This was really interesting to write, hopefuly I made it right! I didn't specify how the quirk changes your appearance so you can think on whatever you want!
Hope you like it as much as I did!!
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Just with a simple glance you knew this wasn't your world, everything looks in ruins and there was no one else around, as scary and strange it could be you know it was better to move around rather than just stay in one place, hopefuly you'll find some help, besides you weren't completely defendless, even without training everyone knows how their quirk works and how to use it to defend yourself
No matter how far you are from the resistance camp there are machines everywhere, so soon or later you'll end up dragging the attention to the machines and the androids, even if you tried to sneak and hide at some point you'll end up dragging the attention, fighting back the machines or trying to run away doesn't matter much since in any way you'll end up meeting 2B and 9S
Maybe it was an accident or they have detected strange activity already, in any case your first encounter would be a shocking one, for both sides will be so strange since you entire body look so human but at the same time it doesn't, 2B and 9S will keep their guards up but won't do the first move since their main purpose is to protect humanity, including you, so it would depend more in you the first move, trying to ask for help will lead to you to start explaining your situation, somehow, but attacking them it would lead to a troublesome fight, 2B and 9S will be more focused on stoping you without hurting you because they need answers
Honestly, this could be a situation way more stressing for you than for them, so at the end is probably just 9S trying to somehow comfort you while 2B doing her best to understand the situation and explaining that they are YoRHa units (and what that means for humanity), no matter how diferent you look from what they know about humans, they don't have any proof to refute whenever you say that you are in fact a human
It would be a dificult process for all to win the trust of each other (considering too that in your world human-like androids are more science fiction, and most of the time is just about androids wanting to kill humanity), but at the end 9S and 2B can't just leave you all alone in a world you don't seem to know, it won't be right
9S will have a more friendly approach, trying to make you feel comfortable with them while 2B will be more focus on making sure to keep everyone safe and explaining everything that she can about this world and YoRHa, once you finally trust them and are willing to go with them they will lead you to the resistance camp
Both are trying to be profesional and helpful but, honestly, the curiosity is killing both inside, they want to know so bad about you, even if there are just slight diference between your apparince and theirs that doesn't stop their curiousity, and at the end is 9S who will ask first, trying to be polite and showing care, asking things as if it wasn't way too strange for them (he is trying really hard to don't sound mean or rude but is dificult, specially the less human you look like)
2B and 9S are more focused on trying to make you feel comfortable and making sure you are safe but the moment you feel more relaxed and willing to share the information about you and your world you are going to be bombarded with questions about everything, your world is far different from theirs (and honestly, its sounds more hopeful at some extent), even when 2B knows it probably would better to don't overwhelm you she is unable to stop 9S from asking (or even stoping herself) since she is too inmerse on what are you telling them
Getting to know that there is a world were humans live with some kind of super powers sound way to difficult to believe, but they can't just deny how you look, even if is only something small, is still there. Speaking of your quirk, they will want to know about your unique habilities too, asking you about what you can do and how it works, both feels fascinated by what humans of your world can do, still they won't ask you to show them your habilities, even if you had trained by years they would prefer if you don't do it, not that they don't think of you as capable, they just can't forget their missions to protect humans, and that includes you
9S will be the one who is so inmerse on the conversation that will end up asking you more and more details about your special habilities, he is just too curious to know why do you look so diferent and in what benefits you, 2B wants to stop him but she is just as fascinated as him, but she will have more self-control and will stop him if she things he is going way to far with his questions (specially when he ask if you will let him to touch you, he just can't contain his curiosity) leading 9S to feel incredibly bad about it and promising to try to don't do it again and make it up for you if he has made you feel uncomfortable
Just as they have asked you about your world, 2B and 9S will make sure to tell you all you want to know about their world too, as well to let you see all you want (just promise to don't be reckless and run into the battlefield), they are really anxious about dragging you around such dangerous world but won't be able to say no specially when they want to spend more time with you too
If you choose to show them your habilities they will feel anxious about it, they insist that there is no need (even when they are curious), they want to protect you and your habilities scare them to some extent (fearing you'll end up getting hurt) but you are so confident on your habilities, due living with them all your life, that they can't just say no, so at the end they can't deny you and honestly at the end it wasn't too bad of an experience (mainly if it doesn't deforms your body more, because if it does it they'll try to stop you more of instinct), but it would take them a long time before getting comfortable with you actively use it (not that they will stop you, but it would be obvious how worried they are everytime you use your quirk by how they pay close attention or tries to stick at your side), although ones the initial worry start to calm then the compliments start to came (as well as the curiosity, again)
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
Dear future me
Send me one "Dear---" and I'll write a letter to this person
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"Future me, huh?"
Wasn't that an interesting one? What would she even be like, in the future? How far into the future? Five, no ten years? She's never been one for outrageous ambitions--always felt like the next day should come as it does. No real plans, no nothin'. Let the flow come to you.
Maybe a year would be nice. Or two--yeah, lets do two years.
That's not too far off. A lot can change in two years. She should be married by then, right? She'd be in her own happily ever after.
Tapped the pen onto paper. She wouldn't try to write properly to start out with this time. No reason to--who the hell's gonna see it, anyway?
dear +2 yrs carol
suuuuuuup dude. its the coolest cat from way back here to check in on how youre doin. must be livin pretty, right? must be in like a super cool mansion with sony and must be swimmin in gold gems all day LOL. invite me sometime yo! id love to swim in all that cash~
okay but seriously, how are things? incase you dont remember writin this bravo sierra then here's a little reminder. this is before we say anythin to sony, just got done talkin to tangle. you still keep up with her, right? damn i hope you do, she's probably the coolest girl we've met on these dumb gemerald travels, besides asagi.
Shit, that wasn't a name she thought about in a while. Still trying to figure out the gem back then. She swore she got... something out of it, it got more consistent at one point. Consistent enough that she could visit people like Asagi all the time.
Then, she lost the mojo, somehow. Felt like it shifted. She could use it for short distances, but what was the point if she could just use her bike instead? Hell, now she can't even do that anymore.
But, the recent developments seemed hopefuly, at least. If she really could use it like this, to hop between her friends like a ping-pong ball then...
It made her want to train with it more. It made her happy. She could see her friends, for real this time.
...She'd really hope she'd keep up with them all. And... she would, right? She's seen so many people come and go...
speakin of, you keep up with everyone else, too? jet, bapho, dan--that weird bird girl seemed interestin', too. iunt remember her name if she told me. just has some weird marital probs. lmao cant say we cant relate right?
well. YOU probably cant. everythin must be perfect with him now. shit i bet you guys are thinkin of kids too right? i really hope not i dont wanna deal with kids theyre AWFUL. please future c. im beggin you dont get kids DONT GET KIDS
sony's okay too, right? we treatin' em better? no more drama bullshit right?
and lilac! hows she??? did she ever come back??? like she totally did right shes chillin with me and sony again
She scribbled out the last line.
she totally did right shes prolly like a world famous runner right. i bet theyd have to ban her from all of the competitions LOL. LIKE I BET SHE'D ENTER AND THE GUARDS OR WHATEVER WOULD BE LIKE ''LMAO SORRY DRAGON GIRL YOURE TOO FAST''
She snickered. Why did it feel like she wanted to tear up? That didn't make sense.
anyway keep up the good work, me! becareful tho we're in for another world invasion if timing suits us right lmaaaao.
Paused for a moment.
Nobody would ever see this, right?
so how did talking to lilac go. she put us down hard didnt she, right? like how i figured. for as much as i wanna call her flaming id never do it to her face. we're sisters to her. she'd never see us in that kind of light.
this isnt a bad thing or anything lmao i
Nobody would ever see this.
She scribbled out the last line.
it hurt, right? thats what im expecting it to feel like. she'll comfort us or whatever but there's gonna be some sort of painful closure we get outta that. she's always there for us, she'd help us through this too. i can say that for sure because i know how this girl is. always helping other people. little miss heropants
A somber smile formed.
itll be nice to get that closure, though. im excited for it. especially after everything that happened so far. finally be at peace with the whole thing, keep her as our bestie, then focus solely on sonar. thats the best case scenario here.
regret not saying anything sooner, about all of this. i know i gotta keep with my ''everythin happens for a reason'' motto but damn it i fuckin hate havin regrets. like if i told lilac sooner she couldve rejected me sooner and i wouldnt have these will they wont they feelings about it all.
sure, whatever, i love her. i admit it tenfold now. but i KNOW in my heart that i love sony more. if i gave up ''my boy'' like that i think id ki--
id be fucked up about it for a long ass time. worst mistake of my life
swhy i want them both, on some level. and like i CAN have them both i just gotta keep lilac as my friend and sonar as my husband.
but the
She paused. What the hell was the word for it? Big long fancy word. Started with a D...
Whatever, she'll think of it later.
but the [FANCY D WORD] is whats important right. i gotta keep my head in the game and keep em that way. and thatll be easier when i get over lilac, shit i bet its easy as hell for you right now right
yeah ofc it is youve already been through it all. i envy you, carol. youre way cooler than me and i can only hope to get there someday. and i guess i will but the fact that im still choking on it makes it hard.
everythin with sony's gonna go fine. im only a little worried about that now. and lilacs just gonna say she's always been straight and that'll be that. easy.
bet it wasnt easy though. bet it was still anxiety inducing talking to either one of them. sonar's not gonna hate me for it, i cant imagine he would.
but id be lying if i said i wasnt scared of his reaction. tangle said itd be okay. so i think itll be okay. but honestly i dont realy know for sure.
the uncertainty is killin me. but my due date for the assignment's coming up and i cant procrastinate until the final second. ive already done that too much.
shit carol idk what this letter is anymore. im sure youll look at this in the future and crumble it up into a ball becaue its so cringe. but
shit idk.
hope its okay out there in the future. if one of my friends ive met now aint here with me by then then ill
i dont know what ill do.
take care, your's truly
carol tea
. . .
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She sighed. She'll actually fold this letter up, then walk over to the closet and put it in her hoodie pocket. She'll have a better hiding place for it later. But for now.
It'll stay there.
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cyanocoraxx · 3 years
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amerasdreams · 3 years
Light poured through the windows from the west, the sun beginning to sink toward the gray horizon of Desolation, the ashen landscape past the invisible barrier. The identical hexagonal buildings were sheened with reddish light and it spilled onto my hand which lay beside me on the green fabric. A quiver in the light, that strange distancing feeling again, as if my arm were disconnected from me. I lifted it, held it in my other hand as if to reassure myself it was real and solid. It felt normal. As normal as I was. A sardonic laugh spilled from me.
I was an anomaly. No wonder I felt disconnected from myself. I was pretending to be someone else…. Who was I even? A divided person… adrift without my parents, without the focus revenge had given me… what would I gain with freedom? Who would I be? On the run, a vague being with no real center, no relationship with my heritage… I would probably dissolve into the mist and dissipate completely.
I shook my head. My mind was going some strange places. Just… focus. Focus on the task ahead.
Which was – what exactly? Break for freedom—or break with this chance? Another could come along…. Was it worth it…
- Caught Chapter 1
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Lara Croft X Triss Merigold Whirlwind Romance and they are in Skyrim.
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