#also the cult makes mead from their honey too looks like
julesnichols · 1 year
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Hey guys can we talk about where Nat's hand is in this BTS photo/different angle of that scene
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abby-abs · 4 years
finding the light pt 2
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Summary: some time have passed and Y/N and Abby grown close since her and Lev’s arrival to Catalina. Lev sees the obvious tension between them but they don't. 
An: Im so sorry that this took so long my life has been hectic with classes and my mom having surgery in September. There is gong to have a part three i have some ideas floating around in my head. An extra big thanks to @swatlesbian​, @rianncreates​, and @ice-cream-monster-truck​ for encouraging me to write a  part two and being so patient about it. Love you all. Enjoy. 
If you’d like Read pt one here
“Abby do you like y/n?” Lev asks out of nowhere.
“Yeah, of course I do she’s my friend.”
“No, not like that, I mean like like”
“I don’t know what you mean”
Really? I may have been raised in a cult but I can tell. You act weird around her, all jumpy and nervous.
“Pff no I don’t.”
“It’s been three months Abby! there’s clearly something there!” lev says frankly.
There was a knock on the door
I got it” she says before rushing to the door opening it to see y/n standing there. “Y/n hey what are you doing here.” She lifts her arm to lean against the door frame but misses it completely causing her to stumble. Y/n laughs.
“Nice to see that you're still a dork.”
“ Yeah well, somethings never change I guess.” She could feel Lev rolling his eyes at them. Which he did.
“Some of the other fireflies are going more inland to have a bonfire and I wanted to see if you two wanted to come.”
“Yeah sounds fun.” She turns towards lev. “What do you think lev.”  
“Yeah, sure.”
“Great we’ll leave in a little bit.”
Both y/n and Abby grab some snacks and a blanket for you three to sit on.
“Got everything you need?” Abby asks and y/n nods and lev gives a cheerful “yup”
Y/n gets in the driver's side. When they get there the sun is beginning to set, creating beautiful hues of purple, pink, and orange in the sky. They spread out their blanket far enough away from anyone else to have some privacy.
“Look what I have for dessert” Y/n opens up the basket and takes out three slices of her famous honey cake. Lev’s eyes go wide, he absolutely loved y/n’s honey cake.
“Fresh honey cake from the honey that I harvested yesterday. Oh and.” She pulls out two bars of beeswax soap “it’s the citrus kind that you both like, and also citrus candles.”
“Y/n you don’t have to give us all this.”
“Yes, I do. Let me spoil my two favorite people. Anyways I wanted to give you two first dibs before I end up running out. There’s also a jug of honey mead that has your name on it, Abby, just have to wait for it to finish brewing.”
“Your so sweet y/n,” Abby says
“Like honey,” Lev adds and they laugh.
“ why don’t you guys come over sometime, I can show you how I make all these things and care for the bees”
“Sure that sounds awesome.” He turns to Abby “is that the right word Abby?” She smiles at him.
“Yeah, that’s right kid.” She says then looks back at Y/N. “Im gonna ave to start calling you honey bee.” she says. This makes Y/N’s face burn up, she hides her face by looking down.
The moment was interrupted when some kids that Lev made friends with at school come over to the blanket.
“Hey Lev we wanted to know if hang out with us.” They boy who Abby remembers his name to be Graham asks. Lev looks at them waiting for approval.
“You can go but just make sure you don’t get home too late okay. Graham I’m expecting your mom to drive you guys back to town yes?” Abby’s tone is stern. He nods still afraid of her even after countless of times Lev told him not to be. Abby gives Lev the key in the rarity of him getting  home before her. “have fun kid.”
He nods before saying. “Y/n make sure she doesn’t eat my honey cake. I still don’t forgive her for the last time.”
“You got it. I’ll guard it with my life.” She says.
Lev leaves leaving you two alone to stargaze. You both lay on your backs looking up at the starry night sky.
“Look at you being mama bear Abs. Setting curfews for Lev to be home by.” Y/n teases “it’s a good look on you.”
“Well, I know the island is relatively safe but I still get paranoid at times.”
“Yeah, I know. I can’t believe you ate the kid's cake though. You know how much he loves it.”
“I told him I was sorry. I wonder what I can do for him to forgive me .”
“Maybe not eat his honey cake for starters.”
“But it’s so good.” she coos.
“if we were together I’d make an endless supply of honey cakes’ is what  y/n wanted to say.
“All this talk of my cake and your not even going to eat the slice I gave you?” Y/N quipped.
“All right all right.” abby sits up and eats some of the cake “mm. you out done yourself again. This is amazing.”
“You wanna know the secret ingredient?”
Abby squints her eyes. “What?”
“honey” She says and abby groans at her bad joke.
“that was horrible.” abby says making Y/N laugh.
“Shush, i know you loved it
Yeah I do
“What was that. Did I just hear you say you love my corny jokes” y/n raises her brows in surprise.
Don’t push it
Whatever you say
Abby wraps up what’s left of her slice and puts it into the basket
They both end up laying on your sides facing each other, Abby moves hair out of Y/N’s face. You shiver at the cool breeze
“Are you cold?”
“No, it’s fine.” Y/n answers trying to conceal her slight shivering.
“Here take my sweater.” She offers, taking off her sweater. Her shirt underneath lifts slightly to expose Abby’s toned stomach. Y/n bites her lip trying hard not to stare.
“Abby it’s fine, I’m fine really.”
“Y/n if you don’t take this sweater I’m gonna make a scene and everyone here will think we’re crazy.“
Y/n laughs “fine only because I don’t want anyone to know I’m friends with a psychopath.” Y/n sits up and puts on her sweater. It was warm and it smelt like the citrus soap she had made and gave her. Y/n laid back down scooting up next to her more warmth. Abby took this as an opportunity to drape an arm over her waist. This started to become a thing between them, they’d find themselves cuddling together on the couch or bed practically clinging onto each other. As if, if they’d be separated again not saying anything, the comfortable silence. Lev would catch them in these situations and think ‘how can they be so oblivious’. But for y/n and Abby they did it for comfort and security.  They could stay like this for hours, comfortable silence as they lay in each other’s arms. It was just too bad that they oblivious to even notice there feelings.
“Abby.” Y/n says breaking the silence
“Hm?” She hums
“We should get going, it’s getting late and cold.” Y/n suggests
“Yeah, your right.” You yawn to her response “I’m getting pretty tired.” You both pack up and she shakes off the blanket before wrapping you up
“Abby no it’s you I’m worried about.” She tries to push the blanket away.
“You don’t need to be. I’m fine, I run hot.”
“I don’t care, now put on the blanket before I make a sense.” Y/n imitates her from before.
Abby sighs in defeat “ here let’s do this.” She unwraps y/n and drapes the large blanket over both their shoulders.
“As clever as always.” Y/n comments
“Wouldn’t say the same thing for you.”
Y/n looked at her with fake offense.
“Excuse you!” Y/n scoffs
“I’m kidding”  
“Your not funny you know.” She says bumping her shoulder.
“So I’ve been told.” She chuckled
Y/n picked up the basket and walk back carefully not to drop the blanket. Abby keeps the blanket around her as you drive then gets out and grabs the basket this time. She throws an arm around y/n’s shoulder engulfing her in the blanket again. Once at the, you go to open it but notice that you forgot to grab your keys. Catalina is a safe place but she just felt safer if she locked the door while not being there, especially with all her merchandise in there.  
“Crap I’m locked out” y/n jiggles the door nob with no avail.  
“I’m having a 'you were right moment.'” Abby says
“Says who?“ you put a hand on your hip.
“Says me.”
“About what, may I ask.”
“About you being a knucklehead sometimes.” She answers back
“Well, I was brilliant before I started to hang out with you. You're rubbing off on me.”
She laughs “common you can stay at mine and we’ll deal with this tomorrow.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Now come.” They walked over to her house fuck I gave the key to Lev
“Who’s the knucklehead now.”  
“Still you. I have a spear under the mat. “
“Alright, Einstein why don’t you give Lev the spare so you both have your own.” y/n chirps amusedly.
“Shut up.” she says in defeat.
You laugh. “Not so high and mighty now.” You yawn again. Abby opens the door and they walk to the spare bedroom.  
“I’ll go get you extra blankets.”
She leaves and comes back with the blankets and a spare shirt for her to sleep in. She helps y/n get settled in then sits on the bed with her. “If you need anything my room is down the hall, Lev’s room is next to yours"
"Okay, thank you, Abby."
"No problem, good night y/n.”
"Good night Abby."
Abby smiles at her then closes the door. Y/n changes into the shirt before laying down, turning on her side, and falls asleep. When she opens her eyes again she’s at the firefly hospital, everything was dark and there was an alarm blearing in her ears. She looked around to find someone but all she saw were dead bodies.
“Abby! Manny! Nora! Guys!” She walks around looking. “Where are you!” She opens one of the doors and sees all her friend's there dead gunshot riddled body’s lie limply on the floor. “No.” Her voice catches in her throat. “No. No no, no.” Y/n runs over kneeling in front of Abby, setting her on her lap. “Abby, please. Abby, wake up please.” She cries her voice cracking. She quickly turns when she hears a gun cock. She sees a tall older man with a beard and dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans. She raised a pleading hand about to beg for her life but then there was the bang of the gun firing.
Y/n jolts awake gasping for air, tear-streaked face glowing in the moonlight. She panicked a bit when she noticed she wasn’t home then calmed when she remembered she was at Abby’s. Abby. She was okay and alive. Before she could even think properly she was at her bedroom door. She lifts her hand to knock letting it hover there for a second before doing so. She opens the door. “Abby?” She says peaking her head through the crack. How she was thankful at that moment that Abby’s a light sleeper. She turns to face the door.
“Y/n what’s wrong?” She asked voice groggy. If she wasn’t in a state of fear she would have thought she sounded sexy.
“I. I had a nightmare.” Y/n could feel her eyes begin to fill with tears again as the scene of the nightmare flashes in her head. Abby says nothing she just opens the covers as a silent come here which y/n was thankful for. She treks her way in and lays next to Abby who throws the cover over her. Abby pulls her close rubbing a hand down her back in hopes that would help calm y/n down.
“It’s alright y/n you're in a safe place. Do you want to tell me what it was about? Maybe I could help.” Y/n shakes her head no. “Ok that’s alright maybe we can talk about it in the morning if you’d like. Try to get some sleep I’ll be right here, you're safe. “ Y/n takes a deep breath slowly falling back to sleep.
Abby gently rubs her cheek and presses a kiss to her forehead. Maybe lev was right, maybe she did have feelings for y/n.
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kog0ruhn · 5 years
The AwesoMew Headcanons (#379235)
For the sake of your review, I’m going to be breaking my usual template a bit. It seems the main goal is headcanons, and so I’ll sum up all of the dragons proffered to me for this adventure with a couple of simple words: Holy shit. I do not know where you found such beautiful babies, but I am oozing envy right now. Apera and the As-of-Yet-Unnamed-Coatl are a couple of lair acquisition goals in particular. I also got to say that I like the implied lore I’ve picked up from the bits and pieces of your impressive WIP, as the concept of ordinary dragons living ordinary lives is something that seems immensely interesting amid all the big, epic clan lores that exist, rife with eldritch horrors and assassins and cults (to list stuff from my own lair).
You have good taste for good dragons, and seem to be on the way to some hella good lore, is what I’m saying. Now, without further ado:
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Apera is a beautiful dragon, and a fine example of a XXX dragon that is far from boring. This is helped by the contrast provided by her orca, I think, with the stark black and white and the patterning of her python and morph helping to keep her from looking flat and “same-y.” 
Headcanon 1: Apera is every bit the dry and practical dragon one would expect of an ice clan, but she also has an appreciation for fine arts and a knack of music. She acts as a performing bard at Sunder’s Inn, regaling visitors with beautiful violin tunes she carefully crafted like a mathematical formula. While she prefers classier stuff, she occasionally throws out the bawdy drinking tune since it gets her more tips.
Headcanon 2: Apera is also a skilled mage, with as much of a talent for necromancy as the violin. Granted, she lives a boring life as a tavern performer and uses this skill mostly to coerce spirits to play back-up instruments to realize her grand dream. Nobody knows it’s technically necromancy, though. She throws out “telekinesis” a lot when asked how she does it.
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Again with the pretty triples! This girl you sent me to headcanon is absolutely gorgeous, with soft colors and the perfect genes to, yet again, keep her from looking too flat and solid. There’s a lot of visual interest on her by using genes that play to the secondary colors attributed to banana without delving into that weird brown “splotched fruit” territory that a lot of the original genes had with it.
Headcanon 1: Aurel is a soft-spoken and kindly dragon who works as an ecologist and ranger as a way to cater to her flight’s culture of preservation, without actually imprisoning or harming anything. Whereas other Ice dragons freeze and cage the things they want to preserve and catalog, Aurel maintains the woods around Thunder Hollow through educating others and enforcing her own personal law. Because of her flight’s cultural views of laws, she can sometimes be too strict.
Headcanon 2: She tends to hand around Sunder’s Inn in her off hours because it’s often the closest place to get food and drink after a long day of work. Usually, she’s too tired to even make it back to her den. Though she has her own
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Grapefruit is one of those colors that I don’t think gets enough love. The soft orange-pinks on the wing and chest fuzz is absolutely darling, and I adore the way the darker yellow inside the rosettes of his jaguar match his uncommon Light eyes. 
Headcanon 1: Proximus is a beekeeper. He has an apiary in a more secluded section of the woods, which he maintains with the help of a Bumble he keeps as a pet. His income is primarily made through jarring and selling honey to nearby dragons, though he keeps a small stash for himself because of his own sweet tooth.
Headcanon 2: Though nobody would expect it from somebody as sweet as Proximus, he also produces the majority of the harder drinks for Sunder’s Inn. Where there’s honey, there’s mead, and he is extremely proud of his special recipes that he’s come up with over the years. There’s dozens--berry mead, spiced mead, “extra strength” mead--and he always keeps at least one bottle of every batch for himself.
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He has no name, but he’s absolutely gorgeous. I absolutely adore him and his colors, his crisp and clean-lined genes, and the fact he is mostly grayscale with just a splash of color in his tert and eyes. The black of his butterfly gives him wonderful contrast, and his dark Arcane eyes are a far better fit for his muted color scheme than the typical, common pink eyes. 
Headcanon 1: This unnamed boy is a jeweler. In addition to being a wonderful artisan, he’s got a great eye for quality and is often used to appraise any pretty rocks or precious gems that younger dragons find. While he’s not exactly a master at the actual art of making jewellery, he’s very good at intricate wire wrapping of gemstones for pendants and necklaces.
Headcanon 2: He lives towards the ocean because he’s fascinated by what the sea has to offer to his craft. Pearls and shells, specifically, and he really has a fascination with abalone. Because he crosses paths with them so much, he’s on good terms with most of Clan Tidesong, and they’re among some of his best customers.
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