#i noticed it in the actual scene too but i thought i was going nuts
myfairkatiecat · 2 days
nightfall was crazy, but I'm also kind of confused??? It went by sooo fast I was like WHAT? WAIT, WHAT? WAIT WAIT WAIT-
Love the fact that they went on with keefes whole "I'm not worth it, but you are, so I'm going to take over decisions we need to make (as a team) and screw them over so that they cause harm to me and not you!" Kinda vibe, honestly thought that after he came back from the neverseen in lodestar they were just going to forget about it, yk??
Only thing I really didn't like is that like...everyone has a slight distrust to keefe (at least in the start, till he apologized ) but Sophie, the person who was (in my opinion) most affected by his 'betrayal' never once had a doubt???? Like, if someone betrayed me, right? Yk they're my friend whatever whatever, ID STILL HAVE SOME KIND OF LIKE ISSUES WITH THEM???
I feel like her distrusting keefe and then slowly learning to trust him would have made the book MUUUCH better!!
Also, I'm still not getting where the Fitz discourse is coming from, like, his sibling just betrayed him, fell unconscious and WOKE UP WITH NO MEMORY OF ANYTHING?? I can see where the anger issues come from
Holy shit this was long, sorry!
-- @localburntoutkid
Had a blast reading this!
You’re so right about Keefe. That definitely doesn’t get dropped after lodestar, or even nightfall—it’s one of his character’s main flaws, and while it does shift and evolve as the series moves on, it’s kind of there, you know? And I’m really hoping it resolves in some way by the end of the series, because his arc is just… so interesting to me. Because it is NOT arc-shaped. At all.
I get what you mean about Sophie being the only one who doesn’t distrust Keefe when he comes back. I really like that too acknowledge that it’s a Sophie-specific thing, though! Too many people forget that this is a third person limited story told by an unreliable narrator, and act like Shannon Messenger herself is telling us Keefe deserves to be fully trusted. Sophie Foster decides, at the end of Neverseen, not to hate him, and Lodestar is where she has her moments of doubt and distrust, but even in Lodestar, she always believes in Keefe’s good intentions. There’s even a scene where she says something like “Yes, Keefe’s plan is horrible and I hate it, but his heart is in the right place. I have to believe that.” The part about keefe’s plan is paraphrased, but she did say she needs to believe his heart was in the right place, in that wording, and it’s fascinating to me. She’s very attatched to Keefe (obviously) and I think it’s mostly for her own sanity that she chooses over and over to believe that there’s something right about what he’s doing, because letting him go sounds excruciating, even by his own fault.
I actually have no issue with this being Sophie’s perspective, and I actually find it interesting especially in the context of sokeefe, but I wish we got to see this portion through another character’s eyes. For example, Fitz. Someone who does distrust him afterwards, and rightfully so.
As far as Fitz discourse goes, that stuff stemmed less from nightfall and more from flashback and legacy. I don’t hate Fitz in either of those books, but you’ll probably notice the moments that made people kind of go nuts about hating him and ran away with his character (personally, I think Fitz is fully understandable in both books, but don’t fully condone the way he acts in a few scenes, particularly in legacy. I’ll explain later after you’ve read it)
Don’t apologize for length, I’m literally Katie, have you met me? Everything I write is longer than I intend
I’m glad you’re having fun with the KOTLC series. Keep me updated!!!
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julesnichols · 1 year
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Hey guys can we talk about where Nat's hand is in this BTS photo/different angle of that scene
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actual-changeling · 1 year
welcome back to alex's unhinged meta corner, today's topic: the chest touch at the pub. that scene has me in a chokehold for some reason and i still cannot stop thinking about it.
the first thing i wanna talk about is crowley's reaction, since this is the shorter part. he did not expect aziraphale to reach out to him like this and freezes for a second while aziraphale happily chatters away.
they were both walking and the hand on his chest stops him, so he comes to a stop right next to him while he was slightly behind him before that. his gaze also snaps to aziraphale's face, who is very much not looking at him.
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they were having a conversation, but the touch essentially shuts crowley up and zira leaves him to get their drinks.
now, my question is why aziraphale does it. sure, it could just be an absent gesture since they're in a crowded place, just that he has never really done so before. i think it was very much planned, like asking crowley to dance and grabbing his hand later on.
a second before he actually reaches out, he also looks back to check whether crowley is where he thinks he is. that is the only time he does that, he was busy looking for a free table and miracles them one when he cannot find one - the look back is deliberate. especially since crowley is practically glued to his side, he has no need for confirmation, he can feel him brushing against him while walking.
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the hand motion he does gets me, too. he is busy fidgeting with his hands like normal and has them clasped in front of him. aziraphale lifts them once he gets to "that is precisely the point", yet also already moves it slightly towards crowley, realizes he miscalculated where exactly he/his chest is, looks to check, then looks away again before actually touching him. am i reading too much into it? maybe.
i think it is his version of a little temptation. not only does it make crowley's brain short-circuit for a second, he also gets them their drinks and is now (or so aziraphale hopes) a bit calmer and will take the news aziraphale is about to give him better. the conversation at the cafe did not go entirely as planned, after all.
additionally, something i am not sure if other people have noticed or not is that aziraphale does not just touch crowley, it is a caress. he moves his hand down his chest.
the movement in order:
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bar girl unfortunately moves in front of them, but you can clearly see the way his hand takes. to give you a direct comparison of the starting and end point:
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a good point of reference is crowley's bolo tie but also the angle of aziraphale's arm while it is still visible.
the best part, in my opinion, is that aziraphale puts his hand right on top of crowley's heart. i think the symbolic importance of that is pretty clear and does not require any more explanation, although it makes me want to throw myself into a river. but that's by the by.
to summarize, aziraphale caresses crowley's heart chest to get him to calm down and not go insane over the news he is about to give him. he is also simply a bastard and knows exactly what he is doing to crowley.
as always, this is me going nuts with analysis, but i'm also curious to hear other people's thoughts on this.
don't tell my therapist about my unhinged meta posts or she will probably be very concerned for my mental wellbeing
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ironunderstands · 4 months
I've seen some people mention that at the end cutscene of 2.2, while everyone else in the dreamscape looks to be waking up/seems dazed, Ratio looks composed????? Like this is a normal Tuesday and said people said "what if he's been awake from the Order dream for actually a while lol"
Thoughts, o Aeon of Reading Comprehension?
Knowing Ratio, yeah, he probably figured out he was in a dream pretty quickly, perhaps even as early as 2.2.
There are two things that confuse this though:
It doesn’t linearly become Ena’s dream, there’s no specific moment in time where everything is no longer reality. Rather, the entirety of Penacony is slowly falling into the dream, with people like the Trailblazer going in first because of their sensitivity to Memoria. Honestly the Ena’s dream thing is very confusing, but what I’m trying to say is that it’s difficult to pinpoint when exactly Ratio woke up, but we can make a few assumptions
We just don’t see shit from Ratio’s end like, at all. The amount of screentime he has versus his importance in the story is nuts, to the point where I think they are almost deliberately hiding what went down on his end. Like bro how did you figure out Dormancy, what happened 😭
However, even with these limitations I still have somewhat of an idea of what I think happened.
The Ratio we meet next to Aventurine and Topaz following our “defeat” of Sunday likely isn’t the real Dr. Ratio. Because well, look at him. And look at them for that matter 😭 “The IPC is going to leave Penacony alone” “I Veritas Ratio am working with the Genius Society” this seems more like wishful thinking on the Trailblazer’s end rather than something that could ever happen in reality, especially since in what universe would Ratio find the time to somehow convince and work with the Genius Society on a topic neither he nor they would care about.
Moreover, this scene is also meant to make the audience go “hmm, something’s up” so the twist that it was all a dream had more impact. However, in that scene, Himeko and Welt also comment on how weird their behavior is, which makes me wonder. Were Himeko and Welt (and by extension Dan Heng and March) also experiencing the same dream as TB, or are they also fake, and TB’s closer relationship with the other members of the Astral Express makes them more realistic in Ena’s dream, objecting to the IP3’s behavior in a way they would in reality?
Anyways, tangent over, the point is, that Ratio wasn’t real, so where is the real Ratio? I’d say he’s experiencing a perfect dream of his own, just like everyone else on Penacony.
Which is why he woke up so early. Sure, the memokeepers could have sensed he was useful and woke him up so he could help wake others up, something which we can assume he’s doing based on the singular frame he gets in that cutscene.
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Just based on vibes, it looks like he just helped those two people in the back wake up, and now he stands up to look at the Hunt arrows/stars/meteors? Shooting across the sky.
However, I want to entertain the idea that Ratio woke up on his own, because realistically, he 100% could.
Ena’s dream, and well, Penacony in general offers a perfect reality, and that’s not something Ratio believes in. He would immediately notice everything is too good to be true, and that would cause the dream to fall apart. Interestingly, Ena’s dream also seems to tailor itself to the individual, so what would be too perfect for Ratio to ever believe it could happen in reality?
I’m sure you have already guessed the answer.
How was it, Veritas Ratio? Having the thing that unraveled your dream be the one thing you have wanted all your life? How does it feel, knowing that being acknowledged by Nous is something that could never happen to you in reality?
How was it?
I still think it could have happened in other ways, or maybe he avoided falling into the dream in the first place somehow, but ultimately, I prefer my idea the most.
I hope this satisfies your question
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bizkitsnuggets · 4 months
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“You liar!” The brunet angrily cornered Mattsun with a red face. He couldn't believe it! Mattsun had tricked him about getting McDonald's and instead drove him to some place. Tooru quickly noticed that the “place” was Night Shift's practice location.
Mattsun only smirked before responding, “Too bad, should've checked the GPS then.” He shrugged, making the red in Tooru’s face a darker shade. The brunet groaned in annoyance. Out of all the places Mattsun could've taken him, here…?
He clearly wasn't having it, but Mattsun was the only one with a car, and calling a cab on this busy road didn't seem ideal or realistic. Tooru knew he had no other choice but to stay in that place for a few more hours before he could go home.
“C’mon, UFO nut, what's so bad about watching the group practice? They sound good!” Mattsun broke the odd silence.
Tooru closed his eyes and pinched his nose. “It's not the music, Mattsun. It's her.” He emphazised the word ‘her’, hinting who he meant to Mattsun. The brunet sighed, he really didn’t want to deal with YN. Tooru simply didn’t have the energy left, as he had spilled his milk tea all over his sweater and his professor pestering him to mark his student’s work.
The red on his face had faded away and was now replaced with an annoyed expression from just remembering the not-so-pleasing morning he had.
Mattsun clicked his tongue and flicked the brunet’s forehead, “You’re actually an idiot. She’s not gonna kill you just because you like aliens.” Tooru whined in respond, he’s fully aware he’s being childish about this whole situation. There’s no one else to blame but him. Still, he doesn’t want to cave into reality and believe he is in the wrong and instead continue his overgrowing hatred for poor YN.
And he knows that even if he bribed or begged Mattsun to take him home, it won’t work. Matsukawa is a strong man with a strong mentality. He doesn’t fall for silly tricks or antics especially if it’s from Tooru. Maybe if the brunet turned into a certain candy-colored vocalist, Mattsun would agree to drive him home…
Tooru crossed his arms and pouted like a sulky toddler, “You owe me mcodnalds on the way home.”
Upon entering the place, most of the band members were either cleaning or tuning their instruments. Unsuprsingly, Iwaizumi was also present. He never misses a group practice or performance, ‘I guess he’s a big fan of them’. Tooru thought as he rolled his eyes.
Mattsun and the brunet greeted everyone as if it was an objective in a video game to talk to every person present. But, as they were approaching their last target, YN, Tooru had noticed a vibrant colored keychain hanging from her jeans. Oh, how Tooru was hating himself for deciding to not wear his glasses today. Mattsun thought he looked stupid squinting his eyes like that would make a difference. Upon a closer inspection, the alien obsseded brunet realized YN’s keychain was the limited edition toy story alien keychain.
He winded his eyes in pure disbelief, a new mix of emotions started consuming him. Tooru wasn’t sure if it was jealousy, excitement, shock, or even relief.
Was he intrigued? Very much so.
Will he stop being an ass to YN? No.
Mattsun greeted the bass player as she was busy wiping dirt off of her precious bass. She looked up at him and smiled, “Hey! Glad to see Makki’s boyfriend again.” YN teased as Mattsun’s face turned into a dark shade of red. The girl shifted her gaze to the unusually quiet Tooru. He wasn’t even looking at her, his eyes were everywhere but her own.
Despite that, she still made sure to acknowledge him. Tooru responded by glaring at her and then giving her an obvious fake smile. The kind of smile you give someone when you want to let them know that you don’t vibe with them.
And that deceiving smile of his didn’t go unnoticed by Iwaizumi and Makki who were watching the scene unfold. Fortunately for YN, she never picked up his expression and returned a cheeky smile. Which earned a low “ugh,” from the brunet.
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iwa doesn't have a car so he rides a motorcycle instead
tanaka and bokuto were at the dog park when they had practice
in the end, mattsun treated tooru to kfc instead of mcdonalds
do you guys believe in aliens?
taglist: @this-is-me-lolol @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @kettlepop @causenessus @neeksnicoboytoy @does-directions @rinheartshyunlix @nnnyxie @bae-ashlynn @iluv-ace @k0z3me @eyes-ofhell @sereniteav @phoenix-eclipses @whosramiel
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Fancy Meeting You Here
Word count: 4629
Warnings: implied parental abuse
Prompt: Danny sneaks into a fancy party that happens to be attended by one Vlad Masters
The evening had been going pretty well. 
Danny had noticed the mansion while flying in the area a few days ago. He'd come back tonight to see what he could lift - nothing that would be badly missed, of course, maybe some food and cash - and had been pleasantly surprised to find a lawn party in progress. Parties always had the best food, and though he knew he was risking getting caught, he also knew that he was capable of pretending to be a rich socialite for at least a few minutes when necessary. That should get him far enough. 
He flew back to the city, taking an appropriately sized suit from a store he knew - it would be returned by the time they opened in the morning - and again to the mansion to scope out the scene.
The lawn itself was not massive, a rectangle about the size of a football field. Still, it gave the few hundred guests plenty of space to mill about without getting in each other’s way. The mansion was probably half a football field in total area, spread across several irregularly shaped wings. Danny didn’t see many people inside; it seemed the guests only went in to use the restrooms. The building made up one edge of the lawn, another edge ran along the parking area and driveway, and the other two butted against the thick forest that covered most of this region. The entire property was surrounded by a barbed-wire fence, no doubt lined with cameras, but Danny had barely given that a thought as he flew invisibly overhead. 
He did note the black-clothed security guards walking the perimeter and roving through the sparse crowd. They might be an issue, but there were so many people here that it would take some time before they noticed him. Enough time to grab a few handfuls of hors d'oeuvres, at least.
After walking casually out of a restroom, Danny made a beeline for one of the food tables, smiling and nodding at people as he passed. He found an assortment of tiny sandwiches, fruits, and vegetables. All of it had been artfully arranged at some point, but the effect was less impressive after about half the food was gone. 
He picked through the sandwiches, finding various nut butters and thinly-sliced meats with strong scents that didn’t quite appeal to him. He did grab a couple of carrot sticks, though; he had to be the adult and remind himself to eat healthy, now that there was no one else doing it for him. 
The next food table was more interesting - a mixture of cooked and raw fish and other seafoods, with a rainbow of toppings and side dishes that reminded Danny, probably intentionally, of a coral reef. This table, too, was at least half-empty, but there was plenty left to choose from. 
“I’d pass on the caviar,” said an older woman on the other side of the table. Danny had not been reaching for the caviar, but he pulled his hand back and gave her a grateful look. “Far too salty,” she continued. “But that bluefin -” she nodded toward a plate of pink cubes coated in black sesame seeds - “is perfection.” 
“I appreciate the advice, thank you.” 
“Waters, Kindra,” she said, as if Danny had been asking for her name. He wasn’t quite sure which name was supposed to be first. “And you are?”
“Andy Benson.” It was his preferred alias; something close enough to his real name that he would turn his head automatically when he heard it. 
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Andy.”
“May I ask whom you’re here with?”
“Oh, he’s …” Danny looked around, as if surprised that his responsible adult wasn’t right next to him. “Actually, if you’ll excuse me,” he said, still turned away. He didn’t really have anywhere to go, though, with the whole party being in a single open space. Maybe he should go back inside and turn invisible so he could continue browsing the food without risking any more awkward conversations. 
He got about halfway back to the house before feeling a tap on one shoulder.
A broad man wearing all black and an obvious earpiece stood behind him. His shirt didn’t actually say “security” in a bold white font, but it may as well have.
Well, crap. Danny probably should have given them more credit. He quickly scanned the crowd, wondering what had given him away. Maybe his age; he didn't see any other teenagers in the immediate vicinity.
Turning fully to face the guard, Danny channelled his inner rich asshole. “Do you need something?” he sneered.
“What’s your name?” The security guard’s tone suggested that he had already decided Danny wasn’t supposed to be here, but protocol didn’t allow him to drag the teen away just yet. 
“Benson, first name Andrew. I’m on the list.” Danny crossed his arms impatiently.
“Andrew Benson,” the guard said into his earpiece. After a few moments of silence, he said, “You sure the Hell aren’t.” 
“Oh, that’s ridiculous. Who is in charge of this list? I want their first and last name. And for that matter -” 
“There you are!”
Danny and the security guard both turned toward the voice. A tall man with long silver hair was striding purposefully in their direction.
“Mr. Masters?” The security guard sounded slightly cowed, now that he was faced with an actual rich asshole. “You know this boy?”
“I was just telling them,” Danny started quickly, hoping he’d read the man’s intentions correctly, “they said there’s no Andrew Benson on the list, and I was just saying -” The man, Mr. Masters, held up a hand to silence him. 
“What’s this about Andrew not being on the guest list? He’s my plus-one.”
The guard spoke into his earpiece again, looking apologetic. “Does Masters have a plus-one?” After another few moments he said, “I’m sorry sir, you don’t have a plus-one listed. And, if I may be so bold -” Mr. Master’s glare suggested that the guard did not, in fact, have his permission to be so bold, but he continued regardless, “- I checked everyone in personally. I don’t remember seeing this young man with you, or at all.” 
“That’s ridiculous. Are you implying that I not only failed to inform Mr. Marra about my guest, but also somehow lost track of said guest before we even got through the gates?”
“I don’t mean to imply anything, sir, I’m just -”
“Just doing your job, I’m sure. Well, then, how about you run and tell your boss that you think a teenager got past your security team, and I can tell him that you were harassing one of his guests, and then he can decide which story he likes better and what to do about it. Does that sound reasonable?” 
The guard looked uncomfortable, but he didn’t back down. Danny had to respect that, even if it was inconvenient for him. “I will have to make a report, Mr. Masters.”
“Please do. If more accurate reports had been kept in the first place, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion. In the meantime, however, I’d ask that you leave myself and young Andrew to enjoy the party in peace, hm?” 
The security guard looked to Danny, then Mr. Masters, and finally nodded. “Of course sir; I apologise for the disruption.”
Before walking away, he threw one last narrow-eyed look at Danny, leaving no doubt in Danny’s mind that, whatever this random rich guy had to say about it, security would be keeping a close eye on him from now on. Annoying, but not a disaster. He’d gotten away clean from worse situations than this. 
Running through possible escape scenarios, Danny allowed Mr. Masters to lead him to the edge of the treeline. A handful of people followed the duo with their eyes, no doubt having been eavesdropping on their encounter with security. 
“I trust you understand what just happened,” Mr. Masters said when they stopped, his voice low but stern. “I’ve vouched for you, which means, from this point forward, your actions reflect on me. Behave yourself, or you will regret it. Is that clear?”
Danny wondered if this guy was a dad. If so, he felt bad for his kids. 
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes or do a mock-salute, Danny simply said “Yes, sir.” He figured someone like this probably wouldn’t accept being called much less than “sir” by the likes of him, and now probably wasn’t the best moment to offend him. Later, maybe … 
“Good.” He straightened his already-straight, perfectly-pressed suit and scanned the crowd. Idly, almost as if to himself, he asked, “What do you enjoy?”
“... I’m sorry?” 
“Enjoy,” he repeated, eyes still on the other guests. “What interests you? Art, mathematics, technology, … video games, I don’t know.” When Danny still didn’t answer after a few seconds, he added, “These sorts of events are about networking as much as anything; everyone will expect me to introduce you to people, especially people who work in fields you may be interested in. I’m trying to figure out who you can talk to without making an ass of yourself.” 
“Oh. Uhm …” He could lie, but why bother? It wasn’t like his desire to be an astronaut was some kind of identifying characteristic. And anyway, it would be a lot easier to keep up his cover if he wasn’t also trying to improvise his way through conversations about subjects he didn’t know anything about. 
Of course, it would be even easier to just say he had to go to the bathroom and then disappear … But he’d barely even tasted the food, and it could be fun to talk to people who worked in astronautics, assuming anyone here actually did. 
“Space travel, and astrophysics, that kind of thing.” 
Mr. Masters looked at him then, maybe trying to figure out if he was lying, or maybe just surprised by the answer. His expression was hard to read.
Danny suddenly wondered whether the expensive suit he was wearing was expensive enough, or maybe too expensive. Could rich people tell how much a suit cost just by looking at it? Did Mr. Masters suspect that it was stolen? Come to think of it, why hadn’t he asked any questions? And, for that matter, why hadn’t Danny?
“I don’t mean to sound ungrateful … sir. But why are you covering for me at all?” 
Mr. Masters’ gaze had returned to the people milling about the yard - some of whom, Danny noted, were still throwing occasional glances their way. He didn’t turn or otherwise acknowledge Danny’s question, though Danny didn’t doubt he’d heard. He spoke after a moment, still looking away. That seemed to be a habit of his.
“Our host’s name is Edward Marra. He owns the parent company of many of the big names in cobalt mining and processing. This party is to celebrate his recent acquisition of what was previously his biggest rival company in the Asian market. I’ll point him out when I see him. You won’t really be expected to know who anyone else is, but you will be expected to act duly impressed whenever they mention what they do, and to remember names. Can you handle that?”
Acting impressed, probably. Remembering names, probably not. 
“Good. And do wipe the cream cheese off your sleeve.” 
Danny frowned as he inspected both sleeves. There was a tiny bit of something white on one of the hems; it must have been from when he was reaching across the table of tiny sandwiches. Danny wiped it off with his finger and then tasted it, confirming that it was, in fact, cream cheese. How had Mr. Masters known that? 
The man was already walking away, and Danny hurried to catch up. 
No one did work in astronautics, it turned out, but Danny met several people who’s companies had contracts with NASA, and others who simply had a personal interest in space exploration. One woman who couldn’t have been older than thirty spoke with passion about the need to create human-livable environments off-planet, before Earth itself became inhospitable. A man who couldn’t have been older than twenty-five spoke with passion about the vast potential for resource-extraction in asteroids. 
Mr. Masters always introduced Danny as Andrew Benson, the son of some old college friends of his. Danny always corrected this with a polite “my friends call me Andy.” 
It took what felt like an hour at least, and probably more than fifty introductions, for Danny to learn that Mr. Masters’ first name was Vlad. Though he always addressed people by first name, it seemed few were willing to be so informal in return. Was he much richer than most of the people here then? Or more powerful in some other way? A politician, maybe?
Vlad Masters. It sounded vaguely familiar. Then again, Danny had heard so many names in the last hour that they were all starting to sound alike. 
Vlad had just exchanged a few pleasantries with a husband-and-wife duo of scientists - two of the few people in attendance who seemed to have gotten rich off their own work, rather than collecting salaries as executives of profitable companies - when something caught his eye. “Ah, there’s Edward. I wondered where he’d gotten to. If you’ll excuse us …” 
Danny was glad for the distraction. Though the two scientists bore no physical resemblance to his parents, they reminded him of them in spirit, and it was not a welcome reminder. 
Following Vlad, he tried to remember if he was supposed to know who ‘Edward’ was. Oh, right - the host. He worked in … mining? Diamond mining? No, that wasn’t it. And what was his last name? 
The man they were approaching was distinctly middle-aged, but wearing it well. His shortish hair was a mix of blond and grey, and his face bore deep laugh lines. He noticed the pair coming and grinned, throwing his arms out by way of greeting. Danny wondered if he was a hugger. 
“Vlad Masters,” he called while they were still several yards away. His voice was loud, projected like an actor’s, and seemed to fill the space despite them being outside. “They told me you were around here somewhere.” When they were close enough, Edward reached out both hands to shake Vlad’s enthusiastically. 
“Edward,” Vlad said with a warm smile, “a pleasure as always. And may I be the, oh, three-hundredth, I’m sure, to congratulate you on your masterful acquisition.” 
Edward grinned, somehow, even wider. “It means more coming from you than from the other three hundred combined.” Was that because Vlad was a good friend? Danny wondered, or because he was so much more successful than all the others? He kicked himself again for not asking more questions while they had some privacy. Who was this stranger he was following? 
Then Edward looked down at Danny and shook his hand with just as much energy. His grip was firm but not hard, and his smile seemed genuine - but you could never be sure with these types. 
“And this is our ghost, I presume.”
Danny froze.
He couldn't have guessed, could he? Would he be smiling like that if he had? Would he have taken Danny's hand so carelessly if he thought Danny was a dangerous monster? Surely not. Probably, this man didn't even believe in ghosts. Most people didn't.
But some people did.
Unpleasant memories prickled at the back of Danny's neck, and he worked to keep his attention in the present moment. 
“Edward, this is Andrew Benson, the son of some old college friends. Andrew, this is our gracious host, Edward Marra.”
“My friends call me Andy,” Danny recited, not quite managing the smile and friendly laugh that were supposed to accompany the line. 
“Andy,” Edward said warmly, like they really were friends. Danny did not think about his parents. “There's no need to be nervous; you're not in trouble. I'm just fascinated that no one seems to remember you coming in, or even have any record of your RSVP. And yet, here you are. Like you've appeared out of thin air.”
“Like a ghost.” Danny managed a small smile at that. Of course he'd meant it metaphorically. Danny dropped his shoulders and noted, pleasantly surprised, that his hands weren’t clenched into fists. He was fine. 
“Spooky, isn't it?”
“But no real harm done, in the end,” Vlad added, possibly as a way to get away from the topic. Would Vlad face any consequences if someone found out he was covering for a party crasher? A few whispers and odd looks, maybe. Danny doubted someone like him had much experience with real consequences.
“No, heaven's no, of course not.” Edward waved a hand dismissively. “The important thing is that you're here now and enjoying the party.”
“Very much so, sir.” 
“Then I've done my job. So tell me, Andy, what is it you want to do after school?”
“I want to be an astronaut.”
“An astronaut!” Again, Edward’s voice boomed out, probably audible even at the far end of the yard. “Well, there's a lofty goal, eh?” It took Danny a second to realise Edward was making a pun, so his laugh was late. Edward seemed to take no notice of this as he continued without missing a beat. “Shoot for the moon, that's what I always say. It's rare for someone to take that advice so literally.” He laughed at his own joke, and his laughter boomed too. Maybe this was why the party was held outside.
Despite himself, Danny was put at ease by Edward's joyful demeanour. It reminded him - no. It was just nice to talk to someone so unreservedly happy. 
“To be completely honest, sir," Danny said with a wry smile, "I think the moon is a bit played out. I'm actually aiming for the stars.”
Edward boomed out another laugh, as Danny had expected he would. 
“I think you’ve got a little disrupter on your hands, Vlad.” Edward winked conspiratorially at Danny. “That’s a compliment.” 
Danny wasn’t quite sure what to say next, so he was relieved when Vlad took the attention off him again. Vlad and Edward made small talk about stock prices or something for a few minutes before Vlad pulled a “I don’t want to take up too much of your time” to end the conversation.  
“Of course, of course, I have plenty more hands to shake. You two enjoy the rest of your evening. But keep an eye on this one, eh?” Edward gestured to Danny. “You never know when he might disappear again.” 
“I’ll be sure to do that.” Though Vlad said this with a laugh, Danny sensed a conviction behind the words. It sounded a little like walking into a room and then hearing the door lock behind you.
This time when they walked away, Vlad didn’t lead Danny to yet another group of people, but instead was heading toward a nearly-empty food table with no one around it. 
“He seemed pleasant,” Danny volunteered, keeping his tone light. He'd just ask to go to the restroom now. Vlad couldn't exactly say no to that, could he?
Vlad responded, predictably, without looking at him. “He would destroy you and everyone you’ve ever loved to save himself a penny.” He said it casually, like this fact was as interesting as the man’s birthday or shoe size. “And, just in case it wasn't clear, he absolutely knows you aren’t supposed to be here.”
What Danny heard was, ‘I am currently the only thing standing between you and the man you’ve slighted who has no qualms with murder.’
Though it sounded like a figure of speech, Danny suspected the description of Edward's character was more or less accurate. Danny remembered one of Sam’s rants about the diamond industry, and then reminded himself not to think about Sam. The point was, if Edward Marra ran a diamond mine or something close to that, he probably had, indeed, sacrificed lives for his fortune. 
Was Vlad threatening him, then? Implying that, if Danny didn’t behave as he wished, he’d turn him over to Edward? Or suggesting that Danny owed him something now, since he had stepped in and put himself at risk to protect Danny?
Except, of course, Vlad didn’t seem remotely concerned for himself. All evidence suggested that, whatever Edward Marra might be capable of, Vlad Masters had nothing to fear from him. 
“Who are you?”
Vlad finally turned toward Danny, wearing a hurt expression. “You mean you haven’t heard of me? Vlad Masters? Owner of Mastersoft?” 
Danny couldn’t keep the dawning realisation off his face, though he schooled his expression as soon as he saw Vlad’s satisfied smile. 
Vlad wasn’t just a rich guy. He wasn't even just a billionaire. He was one of the richest people in the world.
“What are you doing here?” Danny wasn’t exactly knowledgeable about the financial elite, but he didn’t think anyone else at this party was a multi-billionaire. 
“Networking, as I said.” 
“Why would you need to network?” 
“Everyone needs to network,” Vlad said with a solemnity that suggested either a deeply-held belief or a very dry joke. 
“Right,” Danny muttered. “Well … Thank you for helping me tonight. I think I’m pretty much partied-out, so I’ll probably just hit the restroom and then take off.” 
Vlad nodded. “Indeed, I think I’ve had about all the small talk I can handle for the month. Shall we peruse the dessert table before we go?”
Vlad turned so they were side-by-side and simultaneously reached a hand behind Danny's back, like he was going to physically push him in his intended direction. Danny stepped away and turned so he was facing Vlad again. Unfazed, Vlad smoothly moved his hands behind his own back, striking a pose that should have seemed silly but looked natural for him.
“I didn’t mean that you had to leave just because I am,” Danny clarified. 
“What, am I to stay and mingle without you? What would people say? ‘Where’s that charming young man that was with you earlier? Lost track of him again, have you?’ I’d have no answer.” 
No, Danny supposed that would be kind of a bad look. Not that that was his problem. “Okay. I’ll go to the restroom while you say your goodbyes, then we’ll meet at the gate.”
“So you can disappear on me? I think not.”
Well, he wasn't stupid; Danny had to give him that.
“Where would I go? There are security guards and a huge fence.”
“Just as there were when you came in.”
Danny huffed, slightly frustrated with himself. It would have been simpler to leave as soon as security had clocked him. 
 “Fine. We walk out together, then go our own ways. If you think I’m getting in a car with you, you’re nuttier than a can of snakes.” Vlad raised an eyebrow but didn’t ask. 
“It will be a bit difficult to explain why I’m getting into the car without you.”
“I leave it to your vastly superior intellect to think of something.” 
Vlad inclined his head, allowing that. 
They did, in fact, hit the dessert table before they left. It was hard for Danny to limit himself to one plate, but without a more stable container, and knowing he’d be flying soon, he didn’t have much choice. He did, however, stack and interlock as much as he possibly could, grateful that the plates were sturdy ceramic instead of paper. He didn’t expect anyone to stop him from walking out with one of the plates - though he certainly wasn’t supposed to, he was also with Vlad Masters - and no one did. 
When Vlad’s driver arrived in a twelve-foot long limo, Vlad explained that he’d decided to enjoy the night air for a little bit longer, telling the driver to wait a mile or so up the road. 
“Very good sir,” the driver said, like he was trying to sound like every stereotypical butler in every movie, except that his accent was less British and more New Jersey. Vlad didn't acknowledge the random teenager beside him, and the driver followed suit. 
“I see you went with one of your more modest limos,” Danny deadpanned as they started down the long driveway. 
“Naturally, I didn't want to upstage the host.” 
They walked along the side of the road that bordered the Marra property, marked by the tall fence that ran as far as Danny could see from his current vantage. The other side of the road was the edge of the forest. Danny only needed to go a few yards in to be confident he was hidden, and then he’d be free to go ghost and fly back to his temporary home. 
“You know,” Vlad began, interrupting Danny considering whether to split off now or wait until Vlad and his driver were gone, “I’m not actually planning to kidnap you. If there’s somewhere you’d like a ride to …” 
“Thanks, but no thanks. I found my way here; I can find my way back.”
“And how did you find your way here? You obviously didn't drive. We’re really not within walking distance of anything, or even reasonable cycling distance." 
Shoot, had he given away too much? No, Vlad would have been wondering that anyway; at worst Danny had called attention to what was already a suspicious detail. And anyway, there were plenty of non-ghost-related possibilities. 
He shrugged. “I have my ways.” 
Vlad smiled slightly and nodded, probably having expected a response like that. Why would Danny answer honestly, after all? Most likely, Vlad had only asked to let Danny know that he was suspicious. Maybe it was another subtle threat, implying that he was curious about Danny and would be looking for answers. Or maybe Danny was being paranoid. Or maybe one of the most powerful people in the world - someone who could probably get some security camera footage and access to a police database if he really wanted to - had taken an undue interest in Danny, and Danny should get as far away from him as he could as soon as possible. 
“I’m going to leave now,” Danny said, not seeing much point in tact. “I’m going to cross the street and walk into the forest and you’re not going to see me again after that.”
“Watch out for wolves,” was all Vlad said in reply. So Danny crossed the street, glancing behind him constantly. Vlad never broke his stride and showed no sign of even remembering that Danny was there. 
What had the past hour and a half been to him? A brief distraction from the monotony of yet another boring “party”? A good deed for a clearly troubled youth? Or the beginnings of a puzzle he intended to solve? 
A few times in his life, Danny had been truly lost, with no idea how to even begin searching for familiar territory. When it happened, he never felt himself becoming lost; he firmly believed that the way back was clear, until he tried to take it. Then he would realise that he had, in fact, been going the wrong way for hours. 
Danny had a sense like that now - looking back on the evening, trying to figure out exactly where he had turned right when he should have turned left. Should he have run from the security guard? Should he have just stayed invisible from the start? At what point had this outcome become inevitable?
Granted, Vlad had given no real sign that he cared one way or another where Danny had come from or where he was going. Maybe there really was nothing to worry about. Still, as he watched Vlad Masters stroll casually away, Danny couldn't shake the feeling that he hadn't seen the last of him.  
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nikitaxlee · 1 year
All Yours?/ Possessive/Obsessive Felix X Fem! Reader
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Warnings: Obsessive/Jealous/Possessive Felix, Smut, kinky sex, Mentions of murder. Light breeding.
Please feel free to request anything for I am new and need ideas.
You were plagued on felix's mind 24/7. He constantly thought about you, and was inextricably obsessed with you. "Fuck, baby, just like that. Right there- Holy shit, Fuck I'm cumming all over those pretty tits."
Felix had his phone in his right hand as he jerked himself off to a picture on your Instagram. You had a nice top with a lower neckline but not to much. You had tagged Felix due to the fact he had taken the photo. How could he not jump at the chance to have a photo of you. Especially in moments like this when he craved sweet release.
"Shit, Mommy, I can't, I fucking can't hold out any longer, I-I Need it I need you, baby." Finally he released his load all over his hand and phone.
As he came down from his high, Post-nut clarity hit him hard. He realized he had a date with you this afternoon and needed to shower and get ready. He put on an nice white, linen button up, unbuttoning the first few buttons enough to show his defined collarbone. He grabbed his phone, which he had cleaned off, and wallet and walked out the door to his car.
As he drove to the cafe he played one of your playlists while imagining blowing your back out to one of them. As he arrived to the cafe he noticed your undeniable beauty sitting at a table with a guy.
Wait... With a guy? That couldn't be right. Felix was the only guy who could speak to you. Make you smile. And even just look at your sexy features. Felix rushed to the scene. 'I'm about to kill this fucking asshole, who the fuck does he think he is? He should know a pretty girl like my Y/N is taken.'
"Y/N? Ready to go?"
"Oh! Hey babe! Meet Salomon, he's from Australia as well! Brisbane actually!" You said as you shot Salomon a smile.
"Oh, cool. That's really cool. But we should go now. We have a date planned." Felix said as he gave Salomon a fake sincere smile.
'I don't know how much I can fucking take before I snap.'
"Bye Salomon! I'll talk to you later." You said as you waved goodbye.
Later. What the fuck does she mean by later. There is no later.
And you too continued walking
4 Hours later
Felix walked into the scene of you sitting on the couch tapping away on your fun happily. He enjoyed seeing you smile in his presence. He wanted you to be happy with him all the time.
"Whatcha doing babe, Playing a game?" Asked Felix.
"Yeah, Something like that."
Felix went to cook dinner for the 2 of you to finish up such a wonderful day. He heard you giggle in the next room over. Then he heard it again, then again, and once more, again. He finally decided to check on you to see what was so funny. He silently crept up from behind in hopes he could see what you were doing
He noticed you were texting someone and at first he thought it was one of your friends. Until he noticed the contact name.
'Salomon <3'
He snatched your phone out of your hands as rage overcame him. "What the fuck Y/N, What makes you think you can just go about texting another man when you have a boyfriend right here that would love to talk to you." He sounded genuinely hurt and offended that you would even think about another man around him. So you felt bad.
"I'm sorry babe, I didn't know you would be so offended, I was just bonding with-"
"NO, this is our time together." With that he grabbed by the neck and pulled you in to kiss him. The kiss hushed some of his terrible thoughts about killing Salomon but he could still feel the jealousy.
Felix laid you down onto the couch as he took off the tanktop he was wearing. He let out a deep whimper as you caressed his abs.
"Mhm- Fuckkk please touch me Y/N, Show me your mine, Show me I can put a baby in you. Show me I can fuck you better than he would ever. Show me I'm all yours."
You slipped your hand into his pants as you felt him up. You moaned as you felt his cock pulsing waiting to be used.
"Baby, please, I can't wait. Let me just put it in, Let me fuck a baby into you so everybody knows I'm yours as you are mine. So Salomon knows he will NEVER get you as long as I'm around."
You nodded as he pulled down his sweats and boxers and started jerking off his cock. He honestly felt bad he didn't eat you out or at least finger you, but this was you punishment for even thinking of another guy.
As he pushed in, inch by inch, you let out a high pitched moan. He started fucking deep and slow.
"Yes babe, yes take it. Take it all. Suck up all my cum with that tight, needy hole. I want you to be pregnant by the end of this month."
He picked up the pace and kept waves of pleasure moving through you. He know every nook and cranny, every spot, every detail, and he knew that he would make you cum harder than any other bastard that even dared to try. But he knew they wouldn't, because they'd be dead. As you moaned his name you felt him pulse inside of you cueing he was cumming. Suddenly he slammed his hand onto the end of the couch and pounded you.
"Cum, Cum for me, cum so fuckin- ahhh, yes, yes, yes"
He moaned as he released inside of you causing you to orgasm. As you both came down from your high. Felix gave you a deep, passionate kiss before saying, "Mine."
He carried you up to the shower before running it for you and hopping in.
"Y/N, You know I love you so much and I'm serious about putting a baby in you."
"Slow your roll pretty boy, You need to marry me first."
"I guess I will then."
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myechoecho · 2 years
Over all, that was a pretty satisfying part 2 of The Glory.
I love, LOVE how the core of Dong Eun’s revenge was just letting everyone destroy themselves. She may have found out details, planned and pushed people in certain directions but ultimately they are the ones who lead to their own ruin. An incomplete list:
Myeong O trying to blackmail them all. Yeon Jin turning on Sa Ra with the tax evasion story to lessen the heat on her and then Sa Ra turning on Yeon Jin with the bullying video. Sa Ra mocking Hye Jeong saying she was the stupid one and they just would have bullied her instead (which let’s be real, they were already doing). Hye Jeong showing the video of a high Sa Ra and Myeong O taking advantage of her. Sa Ra stabbing Hye Jeong with a PENCIL. Hye Joeng easily jumping into Jun Jae’s bed. Jun Jae easily casting her aside. Hye Jeong blinding him.
This doesn’t even take into account the detective, his thugs and Yeon Jin’s mom or the shaman.
Yeon Jin is actually quite intelligent. For the most part, she was able to connect the dots to what Dong Eun was trying to do. Problem is was never really able to do anything about it. Yeon Jin was a bully propped up by others. She’s not able to survive without the support of others. From the scene in prison where she gives the weather, I get the sense that she is the one who is bullied now. Unless she’s doing that by choice which means she’s really lost it.
I wasn’t expecting the Gyeong Ran to be the on who actually did the final blow to Myeong O. I like that Dong Eun protected her and insists it was Yeon Jin who did it. Though honestly there was a high chance he would have died anyway and certainly Yeon Jin was not going to let him live. Considering he sexually assaulted Gyeong Ran, along with the school bullying, I can’t say I blame her when she hit him. She was terrified of him. While Dong Eun didn’t really comfort her, I do like that she encouraged her to break free of the “gym”
I do enjoy the fact that Yeon Jin doesn’t know about Gyeong Ran and now that Dong Eun has implied she doesn’t know something it’s gonna drive her nuts
I wasn’t sure what to expect in part 2 with Do Young, however I am pleased that his focus was always on protecting his child (and himself). Unlike Yeon Jin, who near the end didn’t even notice that Ye Sol was gone. I think he knew he was going to have to cut Yeon Jin out of his life, but he gave her a chance.
I was a little surprised that Do Young was the one to ultimately end Jae Jun, but again, I think it was to protect Ye Sol. Jae Jun was dangerous to Ye Sol. He went to Do Young’s mom, revealed the paternity and asked her to remove her from the family tree so he could then get custody. He went to her soccer practice and says that he’s her dad (though she turned out not to be there). Even to the end he’s angry and belligerent to his captor. He’s a danger to Ye Sol, therefore he needs to be taken care of. I’m on the fence if Dong Eun knows or not.
I am so happy that Hyeon Nam got to be free of her husband. Mostly without getting her hands dirty. She and Dong Eun may have opened a door but he walked straight through. And Yeon Jin’s mom made her choice as well
Speaking of, I am not too sure what evidence Dong Eun had to prove that did she it on purpose but I guess that’s not important. I do love how Yeon Jin’s mom chose to save her own skin (thought it didn’t work) and does not acknowledge Yeon Jin in prison.
I was sad when Hyeon Nam and Dong Eun looked like they were going their separate ways but I adore how happy she was when Dong Eun reached out to her again.
By FAR the weakest aspect of the show was Dong Eun and Yeo Jeong as a “couple”. I just don’t see it. I don’t think they had any romantic chemistry. RIP Dong Eun and Do Young.
Pacing of the last episode felt weird. Though I do like how they are working on Yeo Jeong’s revenge they kinda spent a lot of time on the set up when I we won’t see the pay off.
I do like Dong Eun is doing what she always wanted - studying to be an architect.
Oh, I also love how even though Yeo Jeong offered to heal/treat her scars, Dong Eun has chosen to keep them and starts to cover some of them in tattoos. Specifically, a tattoo of flowers to show how she is now in bloom.
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 11 months
All BMC Hidden Song Motifs
These are all the little tunes I’ve noticed sneakily (or not so sneakily) appearing outside of their own songs in the show! 
I did leave out the ones that are obviously the same because they repeat the lyrics (e.g. c-c-c-come on, it’s from Japan, etc), but I can add those too if enough people want.
If you have more, tell me and I'll add them! And if you have thoughts on why any of these appear where they do, pls post about it so I can read more meta sdjlkfsdjflk
More Than Survive:
Smartphone Hour chorus on synth during Jenna, Brooke, Chloe’s conversation [credit: @zabala0z]
Michael in the Bathroom chorus on synth during Jeremy & Michael’s conversation 
The Pants Song: chorus melody on guitar when Michael talks about "survival of the fittest" [credit: @aqueous-aerolite - tysm for IDing it!]
(Broadway) MTS reprise
Jeremy’s Theme at the end
Two Player Game
In scene: Michael in the Bathroom chorus on synth during their first exchange (“He’s scamming you super weirdly.”)
The Squip Enters
The Squip Song melody on synth right before the SQUIP appears: Helps you to be cooooool…. It helps… youuuu… [“Welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor! Your SQUIP.”] ~~Ruuuuuuuule!~~
(Two Rivers) More Than Survive Reprise
Michael in the Bathroom on synth while the Squip scolds Jeremy for thinking about sex. (Still mostly inexplicable, but it’s technically a reuse of the dialogue music from More Than Survive, of which the only synth options were Smartphone Hour and Michael in the Bathroom.)
Michael’s reggae motif from More Than Survive at “Still not gonna be the cool guy”
(Broadway) Sync Up
The Squip Song: intro guitar riff plays when Rich talks to Jeremy
More Than Survive: MTS background chorus sings (‘na na na na na na na na’) with “ah”s in the musical interlude, then with “na”s at the end.
Guy that I’d Kinda Be Into
I Love Play Rehearsal: “I don’t always relate to other people my age” section is the same as “Most people do one thing for all of their lives” - the following lines match lyrics too.
More Than Survive: Christine’s bassline rhythm from the recurring motif of “Christine Christine Christine” (i.e. dotted quarter, eighth, half), originally from MTS, reappears during GTIKBI in the chorus, as well as the “I don’t always relate…” and “I guess a part of me likes to” sections.
Loser Geek Whatever
Two Player Game: the intro (“I already know what it’s like to be the loser”) is sung to the same melody as the main synth loop you can hear at the beginning of 2PG [credit: someone on the Genius page]
Touching My Hand: Not technically a motif, but I want to point out that the pre-chorus of LGW comes from Touching My Hand, a demo song that never made it into the show.
Michael in the Bathroom
(?) Knocking section could kind of evoke the staccato quarters that happen all throughout Halloween (eg, crank! the! bass!, and dunh dunh dunh it's halloween)
The Pants Song
(Broadway) “Michael in the Bathroom” on guitar when Michael says “Look, I already tried to help him, and called me a loser…” (THIS is hands down my favorite one btw. It’s one of the most obvious but that doesn’t stop it from stabbing me in the heart every time…)
The Play
Be More Chill: bass & guitar riff play when the Squip’s revealing its plan to infect humanity.
Jake enters: Jeremy’s Theme, then Upgrade
Chloe & Brooke enter: Do You Wanna Ride
Michael makes an ennnntraaaaance! (Michael in the Bathroom)
Two Player Game: pre-chorus during Michael and Jeremy’s fight (“kung fu fists, activate!”)  - and of course again the verse during their fight for the Dew.
Jenna enters: Smartphone Hour (the opening brass thumps)
Christine enters: I Love Play Rehearsal on flute - then she sings an altered version of GTIKBI
“Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy” is the same tune as “Christine, Christine, Christine.” (This one makes me go nuts actually. Like, that’s his deepest desire??? He just wants someone to love him as powerfully as he loves Christine????? AUUGH!!!!)
Loser Geek Whatever: verse melody plays on brass when he gives the Dew to Christine
Voices in My Head
Loser Geek Whatever: verse melody on piano during Christine and Jeremy’s conversation.
Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into: When Christine gives her answer about going out with him, they sing to the GTIKBI chorus melody, and a flute plays the GTIKBI bridge melody  (“I guess a part of me likes to”). Then when Christine says yes, it plays that bridge melody on piano.
ALSO: Overall character instruments?
Christine: flute & mallet percussion (i.e. glockenspiel, xylophone)
SQUIP: plucked guitar with tremolo, tubular bells. Edit: also the theremin [credit: @highlighter-goblin!]
(?) Rich: strummed guitar with distortion (Squip Song, Sync Up)
(?) Chloe & Brooke: plucked guitar with a Wah-wah pedal (DYWR/H)
(?) Jenna: low brass on staccato quarter notes
Yeah that's all I know of so far, but like I said please add on if you can think of more!!
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mayisgoingnuts · 2 months
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JJD-fying Random Characters (PT 5)
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(PS this shit is WAY longer than the past ones because I got way too excited midway)
On that one scene, Dexter managed to contain himself and not panic inside the box that Jaune brought, what made them simply throw it away as fast as possible instead of throwing it in the oven,, they were more traumatized rather than protecting themselves tbh, just,, JUST THROW THAT DOLL AWAY.
On that way to escape Lila's house and go kill something, him and JJD finally meet up again, she IMMEDIATELY recognized his voice but also how weirdly aggressive he is (more than he normally was), what only made him go from top 3 to top 1 on her list
Howeverrr of course: "I'm a doll, you dumb bitch!" and she couldn't do anything. But that's why we got magic on our side right
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JJD was acting like a damn hungry puppy asking for help to Atticus cuz she knew damn well that he could, but of course her own goals are just a bunch of stupidity to him. His ass wouldn't waste time on her and she'd need to di something to deserve it
And despite not doing almost anything in the cult she CAN be useful as FUCK, she simply chooses to do only the bare minimum, and oh boy the ammount of sacrifices he got for some time (until a certain date that was like a deadline). The girl was DETERMINED.
Sooo yeah, Atticus did tried to trick her and not give anything in the end but she let it clear that if she reached the date and Atticus don't keep his promise, she'd get him infront of the whole cult. Would she die? Of fucking COURSE. But does she has the guts to do so?? YES ASWELL. He had a reputation to keep-
So Atticus did it like giving a phone to distract a brat and went "alr take this shit don't tell anyone and go have fun"
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The amulet basically get supernatural beings (like demons or ghosts or monsters in general) to feel the sensation of tickling aswell, nothing more and nothing less. Silly and dumb BUT it was Dexter's doom cuz now JJD's dreams came true
You can easily count that as kidnapping to be honest KAJDHDK,, JJD just took him to herself, that's it. Where she goes he'll go and the other way around. Did Dexter liked it? Bruh he was pure NERVES in the beginning, he never felt so much rage, every opportunity he had to try killing her he would give it a shot (yes, she let him have a knife and never took it from him)
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Buuuuut it kinda got less worse with time? It began with the fact that the first time he was going nuts because of his needs JJD actually leaved and brought him like, 2 stray cats for him to kill and then went back to sleep. He thought she was messing with him but he noticed it was for real when he tested her and she once again began to walk around with him searching for animals to kill (wanting or not she knows how it feels to have a need, she wouldn't call it empathy but "basic logic")
And after some time JJD is A LITTLE more sufferable and her "peaks of boredom" weren't as bad, still annoying as fuck but now that he basically don't got the physical consequences of it it's way better,, although he still hates them. JJD is unable to shut the fuck up after all /silly but asides from that she's less of a bitch than he imagined
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Dexter would still not be sad or mad if JJD died and neither would she if he died-DIED (but she avoids because Dexter benefits her A LOT) and it's kind of a consent that they're getting along SOMETIMES to not make things annoying for both of them, plus he managed to get a few things that staying with Skid or even as a human he wasn't allowed to have, such as just satisfy his needs without having to be careful about it/dealing with consequences, a bodyguard 24/7 and the privilege of going to places and do whatever shit you want because they'll never get you
Those mfs are the definition of "unhealthily healthy", I have NO other ways to describe it, they're both weirdos /aff and I love both of them so much
Mayhaps they can grow into an actual friendship but now that depends on timelines and shit that I like to create ksbdjshdjs
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Taglist: @merwynsartblog @clownazon @dismissivedestroyer @jonesy-squish
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sasuhinasno1fan · 2 months
Ice cream break - Adrien AUGreste Day 5
This ended up shorter than I realised but oh well. This chapter is set during the Passion chapter in Wish come true, when they're in the middle of their cosplay photo shoot. @adrienaugust Ice Cream
Adrien couldn’t help but giggle as Luka spoke to a little girl, convinced that his cosplay of male Hanno in idol form meant he was a prince. The guitar player created a story of being a secret prince from the ocean but he couldn’t say more ‘because I’d turn into seafoam and it would make my partner very sad’. Adrien waved to the little girl who stared at him in fascination, or it could have been his blue hair.
Honestly, not double checking before he bought the hair spray was his own fault, but he couldn’t complain.
“Bye.” Luka said, standing up and pushing the fabric of his jeans down. “I swear we didn’t get this much attention when we did Naruto.”
“You clearly didn’t notice the group of preteens staring at us from across the park. I have one more idea for couple photos before we can go change.” Adrien said, picking up the tripod with the camera on the top. “You just need to be careful to not spill anything.”
Luka picked up his own bag, tucking the E-Mic inside and followed Adrien to a nearby ice cream cart.
“No Andre but I’m sure it’ll be good.” Adrien pulls out his phone and leans over to share his screen. “You’re not there yet, but in season 2, there’s a scene of all the girls going on a date with their boyfriends and Hannon and her boyfriend go get ice cream. They kiss and you first see their ice creams pressed together. I thought we could do something like that. It can be our last photo before we had back to the house.”
Luka looks relieved at that statement. “I’m starting to overheat slightly in the tailcoat.”
“Take it off, just careful with the bow. That took way too long to get into position.” They had joined the line and Adrien set the tripod down to push up his own sleeves before taking Luka’s bag so he could slip the jacket off. “Are you having fun regardless?”
Luka smiled down at his boyfriend. “I am. I kinda like it just being us.”
“So does this mean I can do another one with you?”
“Just tell me if I need to dye my hair. I’ve been debating changing the colour as a break from blue. Not red though, don’t want to look like a strawberry.” Luka said.
The ice cream was only 3 euro for both cones and it was good, except for a slight flaw. It wasn’t that hot, despite their complaints about getting hot, but the ice cream was melting quicker than expected. Thankfully they were able to get the final pictures in costume and seated themselves on a bench to finish eating their ice cream. Adrien had produced a towel for Luka to not stain his pants and had to help the rocker push his sleeves up to help from catching the dripping dessert.
“You know,” Adrien said, relishing at the taste of passion fruit in his mouth. The ice cream was actually really good, even with it melting so quickly. “I don’t think we’ve gotten a lovers ice cream from Andre.”
Luka looked at him surprised. “Really? We’ve been together for a few months now. We really haven’t?”
Adrien shook his head, pulling out his phone and snapping a quick selfie of the two. He did still have to update his food Instagram. “We’ve gotten separate cups that we’ve shared but never a lovers ice cream. I didn’t think it was possible to somehow become a couple and not get one.”
“Huh,” Luka said. “I wonder what our combination would be. Passion fruit and mint?”
Adrien scrunched up his nose in disgust. “that sounds like the worst toothpaste. I really can’t understand why you like that flavour.”
Luka laughed at Adrien’s disgust. “Ok, fine. then what flavour do you think represents you?”
Adrien thought, biting into the cone and flinching slightly as the cold bit through his teeth. “Maybe peppermint, if only to go with my eyes. Passion fruit would be too obvious, so maybe peach? You’d be blueberry and…pistachio.”
“Pistachio? But I don’t like nuts.”
“its an unexpected flavour that a lot of people like. You prefer music to words and you captivate everyone you meet. Certainly, did it with me.” Adrien teased.
Luka gave him a look before pressing a kiss to his lips, giggling when Adrien gagged at the taste of the mint chocolate chip still on his mouth. “Ok, so a lovers ice cream for us would be, peach, blueberry and…lavender? It’s a calm flavour and I think it something that is similar to us.”
Adrien popped the last of his cone in his mouth, trying to imagine the mix of flavours. All subtle flavours, didn’t overpower each other, kinda like them. “We’ll have to ask Andre what he thinks when we see him next.”
“I can’t wait.” Luka said, eating his last bite and leaning to kiss Adrien again. The blonde pulled back, knowing what would greet him but when Luka pouted, Adrien sucked it up and kissed his boyfriend.
“Thank you for your sacrifice.” Luka teased. “Come on. let’s get back and change. We can explore a little before we have to head back for our train. We can even see if they have gelato.”
“Oh no,” Adrien said, picking the tripod back up, the camera safely stowed away in the bag he brought for it, “If we’re eating gelato, it’s going to be in Italy and none of those overly fluffed places that have them on display. We’re getting them from the places that have them in the containers with lids.”
Luka listened to Adrien explain the proper way to find gelato in Italy and grabbed his hand. While gelato was sounding good, he really couldn’t wait to try their lovers ice cream. He had a feeling they were pretty spot on.
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clare-875 · 1 month
Until The End (Levi x Reader)- Chapter 9
[The Plan]
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A/N: Posted on Wattpad (@CLARE_875) but also decided to post here :)
"You can push me away, but I will still fight by you, and I will still follow you… until the end."
The ever-so-stoic Levi Ackerman has only ever known the terrors that living in a cruel world could bring. This all changed one fateful day when he encountered [y/n]; a girl renowned for her looks and abnormal speed. As they escape the confines of the Underground together, they soon discover that freedom doesn't come easy in a world full of Titans. As they rise through the ranks, [y/n] becomes known as "Humanity's Angel", a beacon of hope to humanity as she melts the walls Levi had built around his heart. However, she has her secrets too, and a dark past that might just threaten to pull them apart.
The storyline and characters of Attack on Titan do NOT belong to me, but all to Hajime Isayama; however, I do own this story, and all that occurs disparate to that storyline.
[Series Masterlist] [Chapter Eight] <--> [Chapter Ten]
We're on our horses despite the early morning sun barely having passed the horizon. You look forward to Hange on their horse in a state of despair. You hold yourself back from giving comfort, knowing you couldn't do much and focusing on the road ahead. We had woken to hear that Bean and Sawney, the two Titans we had captured, and Hange had been experimenting on, had been killed. As we arrived at the scene, you saw what you heard was true as two skeletons depicting those of Titans lay steaming in the sun, soldiers surrounding Hange as they screamed at the sight in front of them. "Those subjects were very valuable... did one of the soldiers do it?" You turned to Gunther, who was staring at the corpses in disbelief. "Yeah, we don't know who yet," Eld replies, following Gunther's line of sight. "They were both killed at the same time before dawn. By the time the watchmen noticed, they'd used their maneuver gear to get away."
"So this was a deliberate plan involving two or more people..." Eld mutters as you nod, both looking at you grimly. "It seems that way." You watch as Hange screams the names of the Titans, clutching their head. "Look... Squad Leader Hange's gone nuts." You hear Oluo mutter between Petra and you. You tense up, used to criticism thrown at Hange's methodologies but sick of his disrespect at such a time. You elbow Oluo in the ribs, causing him to fall to the ground. "Respect your superiors, Oluo. Isn't that the first thing you learnt in training?" You mutter darkly as even Petra seems surprised at your lack of usual composure. "S-sorry, Captain," Oluo splutters on the ground, but you don't answer and instead look to Levi. "Let's go," he says as you look across to him, "It's up to the Military Police now." You go behind the squad to follow Levi as you see Erwin approach Eren, "What do you see? What do you think the enemy is?" You hear Erwin mutter to Eren as you walk past towards Levi. Well, something tells me Titans are the least of our worries right now. Somehow, the thought that would have provided you comfort yesterday scared you more than anything today. You and Levi wait for Erwin, who catches up with us after his interaction with Eren as we share a look and continue away from the scene.
Days had passed since the selection ceremony whereby new recruits selected what branch of the military they would join, and you were surprised to hear that people had actually joined the Survey Corps. Levi, Eld, Gunther, Eren and you had been on patrol, so we hadn't been there. You wonder what Erwin said to have made them join in a situation like this, but decided that if Erwin could get Levi to join, he could get practically anyone to. You tended to your horse, brushing through the white of her mane before tracing the white patch on the brown of her head. [h/n] leant down slowly at the touch, and you smiled. "We've been through a lot together, too, haven't we [h/n]," you mutter as you turn to see Levi tending to his own horse, which was a deep shade of black. You grin, seeing him gently caress the stallion.
"Have you still not named him?" you ask as he turns over to me, "It's been what, five years? What if he gets lost or something." He turns to you with his deadpan stare, "Well, it's been five years, and he hasn't gotten lost." His lips then slightly turn upwards, "Besides, I'm not one to pick out a horse that needs a name to follow basic instructions." You gasp, putting on a look of mock offence as your horse leans down so its head is next to you, the both of us glaring at Levi. "Oh no, humanity's strongest soldier can't name a horse," you tease as you reach out and pat his horse, who immediately perks up at your touch, and you grin as he nuzzles into your shirt. Levi gives his horse a sharp look, but he doesn't care. He had always been so openly happy to receive your affection, unlike someone else you know.
"Aww is the scary man not giving you enough love~," you say in a chiding voice, to which Levi continues to glare at the side of your face as you continue to caress the horse. "You know what, I'll name you then," you smile, eyes glinting, "I'll name you Bob." Levi's eyebrows twitch as he looks at me, "You are not naming my horse, Bob." Your smile widens at his growing irritation, "why not, he seems to love it," you say, nodding to the horse that seemed to melt under your touch. "He doesn't like the shitty name. He likes you," he mutters darkly as you let go of his horse and walk over to his side, crossing your arms as you observe the two horses, who now seem to be interacting with each other. "Hmm, too late. I've already made up my mind", you reply, as Levi sighs in both defeat and annoyance. You were going to be the death of him.
You smiled up at Levi, who met your eyes before you reached up and patted his head just as you had done with his horse. "Tch, you didn't even wash your hands," he mutters though the tinge of colour on his cheeks betrays him. "And you aren't stopping me," you whisper back before you put your hands on your hips, to which he just avoids your stare. A comfortable silence takes over before you look behind you where, a few meters away, Gunther is giving the debrief for tomorrow's Exhibition. Levi sighs slightly, "Oi, go make sure all that shit's in order," he mutters, following your line of sight. "Yes, Captain," you reply, giving him a mock salute before waving at his horse, "Bye, Bob!" You see Levi freeze before rolling his eyes, his Stallion instantly perking up at his new name, making you laugh.
You see the squad are all huddled around Gunther, who is explaining the formation of the upcoming Exhibition to the rest of the squad. "The special operations squad will be here," you see him point at the drawing of the formation. "We'll be standing by in the centre of the last ranks." You see Eren follow his pointer finger, "We're pretty far back." You smile, nodding at his observation before kneeling next to him. "It's the safest place in the formation," you say as he turns quickly, realising you are now present. "We're even better protected than the supply carts." Gunther looked at you in acknowledgement before he continued the briefing. "Well, this time, our goal is just to go out and return." He then turns to Eren, who continues to stare at the drawing in front of him, "This Exhibition is short because it's a practice run for your journey to Shiganshina."
You see Eren perk up slightly at that, "Uh, I- I still don't know what this power should be used for..." you look to see Gunther staring at Eren earnestly, "Didn't you understand what the Commander's question to you meant?" You remember the brief interaction you had listened to a few days ago. What do you think the enemy is? "Did you all understand?" Eren asks, looking around the squad, as he is met by the shake of their heads while you keep your eyes on the ground. "It may not be a lie to claim we understand everything. But I think-" Before Oluo can continue, Gunther cuts him off, leaving him to sulk in dismay. "It's possible this mission has another goal. But the Commander decided it was best not to reveal that fact to the soldiers. So, we should just focus on getting there and back." You look up and meet Gunther's eyes instantly. He seemed to try to test his theory silently, but you gave him a nod as we both stood back up.
You couldn't tell them that a few days ago, Erwin had already debriefed you and Levi on the true plan, as it required all squad members who had joined after the fall of Wall Maria to remain in the dark. So, you decide to say the next best thing. "Believe in the Commander," you say as Eren nods hesitantly while the others reply more affirmatively. "That's enough training for today. Let's get ready to head back." The others look at you, saluting, "Yes, Captain."
The sun had already touched the horizon and fell down to the Earth when we arrived back at the base. The entire ride back had been you announcing to the rest of the squad that we had a new member of the team, Bob. Levi had not taken too well to the news you continued to spread, but you paid it no mind as the squad bought into the story of the dark stallion's new name, congratulating Levi. You can't help but smile, thinking of his darkened glare and the other squad members trying to stop their laughter after hearing the name, for Levi's sake. Even Eren had laughed, though it quickly ceased at Levi's threatening glare.
You dismounted your horse, following along next to Levi as we headed to the stables. A short distance away, you see Eren speaking to his friends whilst Mikasa frantically checks over Eren for signs of torture as he continues to deny her accusations. "Still, that short guy went too far. Someday, I'll see him pay for it..." you see Eren pause at that, "You don't mean Captain Levi, do you?" You stifle a laugh as you look to your side and see that Levi has been listening in. His glare darkens as he sees you struggle to maintain composure, but you squeeze his shoulder gently as you walk ahead and see him briefly relax. After putting [h/n] away, brushing her mane, and making sure she was fed, you headed into the headquarters and met up with Petra.
"Hey, Captain [y/n]~," she yells over as she approaches you, grinning while you sigh. "How many times have I told you to just call me [y/n] when no one's around." Petra looks up, a smile still lingering on her face as she replies, "I'm sorry... Captain." You smile despite yourself as we link arms, and she drags you in the direction of the dining hall. "Speaking of Captains," she says whilst looking over, and you sigh again, knowing where this is going. "Who knew horses could be so... romantic." You look over at her teasing grin, knowing she had been listening to Levi and your interaction before you joined the group on their debrief. "Did you hear the conversation?" You asked, rolling your eyes, "Most of it was me teasing, him swearing." Petra looks up, unfazed, "Oh [y/n], when will you learn? That's his love language." You laugh at that. She did have a point, you think, before shaking your head as she continued, "Oh, just confess already~ you've known each other for years, and I'm getting sick of you both just staring into each other's eyes like it's nothing."
Silence fills the corridors as you pretend to think for a second before you smile back at her, "not happening," you say, to which she pouts. "Anyway, enough about me, what about you, Petra," you grin, noticing her suddenly avoidant stare, "w-what do you mean," she asks. "Oh, come on, there's got to be somebody," you tease, "Oluo?" She looks up instantly, making a disgusted face, "no way," she exclaims as you laugh. "Okay, okay, yeah, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." Petra nods understandably as you continue, "How about... Gunther?" Petra perks up, "G-Gunther?" She doesn't notice said man waving us over to one of the tables where Eld and Oluo already sat, steaming tea ready to go.
"Hey, Petra, Captain, would you like to join us?" Petra freezes, red flushing her face as you quickly reply, "Yeah, we'll be there in a minute," to which Gunther nods after looking slightly concernedly at Petra. "So, Gunther, huh?" You say as Petra rolls her own eyes timidly before a teasing glint suddenly reaches her eyes. "Guess I'm just into the silent, mysterious type," she says with a hinting tone, knowing she's about to suggest Levi again. "Okay, enough boy talk, let's go."
We walk over and sit down, Gunther pouring the both of us a cup of tea before Eld looks up. "So Captain, Bob, huh," he asks, looking up at you and smiling. "What can I say, look no further than me if you ever need something named." He laughs softly at that, shaking his head. "I'll never understand how someone like you are friends with Captain Levi, humanity's strongest soldier. Don't get me wrong, I respect him more than anyone, but you're both so different." You smile at his statement as Petra perks up, "Well, her good looks do come in handy," she grins teasingly, nudging you in the side. Eld laughs, face slightly flushing red at Petras remark, "can't dispute that, sometimes I forget that you're literally Humanity's angel." You roll your eyes at their words, "You all flatter me too much."
Gunther looks up from swirling his tea as he observes the interaction. "Humble, too; no wonder they gave you that nickname." You hear him mutter as Petra nods and agrees swiftly, slightly shaking you within her grasp, "Come on, Captain, if you don't have the confidence, who will?" You feel the heat rise in your face as it's your turn to become flustered at their remarks, "What is this? Cause if you're trying to make me feel as though I'm the greatest woman alive it's working." You laugh as the others shake their heads and join in. Oluo looks up, attempting to hold his tea the way Levi does, "tch," he mutters, "Kissing up to your superiors ain't going to get you anywhere." At his words, you see Petra's mouth twitch in annoyance before she reaches over and karate-chops Oluo in the head, leaving him shouting and falling to the ground. We all laugh. How does it always end like this, you think to yourself as you look at Oluo's mock tears.
Soon, the conversation continued as Eld and Gunther talked to you about the upcoming Exhibition and some new techniques they had been practising. You nod, impressed by the strategies they had outlined, as they grin at each other, happy to have your praise. Petra talks of some new clothes she saw in the markets around Wall Rose, saying how we should go the next time you had a day off, and how she's sick of having to wear the uniform all the time. Surprisingly, even Oluo calms down and joins the conversation like a normal person. A few minutes pass before Levi makes his way towards us, finds a seat next to you, and nods slightly at Gunther, who pours him a cup of tea. As the conversation dwindles and comfortable silence takes over, you can't help but worry about the upcoming Exhibition. You think back to Gunther's words and sigh. You could only hope the Commander's plan would turn out the way it was supposed to.
We were off. 
Erwin urged us forward as we made our way from Wall Rose through to the abandoned towns in Wall Maria. You hear Levi's usual words to stay close as you nod whilst galloping atop [h/n]. Already, you hear ahead of us the shout of Hange as a 10-meter Titan approaches before two support Scouts take it down. The plan devised had the support Scouts stay with us for as far as the abandoned homes would go; after that, we would be in Titan territory with only the formation we had debriefed on. As we exited the confines of the abandoned town, you heard Erwin speak up, following your line of thought. Putting an arm to the left, he shouted, "Go into the long-range Scouting formation." The Survey Corps started to pan out, you saw Eren looking worriedly at his friends, the new recruits, as we also separated from the bunch.
Soon enough, we had taken our place in the rear centre, with other Scouts scattered in fixed positions of the semi-circled formation but still within sight. This was done to extend the recon and message relay range as far as possible. This was where primarily Scouts in the front of the semi-circle would encounter Titans, thus releasing red smoke signals. Those who saw those signals would do the same until Erwin sees (positioned in the middle of the front row), to which he fires a green smoke signal depicting the safer route to go. This would allow us to advance whilst avoiding the majority of the Titans unless they have the advantage of obstacles or buildings in the terrain. However, this formation only worked with normal Titans whose behaviour was easily predictable. Abnormal Titans, however, weren't so predictable, and if unpredictable, it would mean Scouts would have to come into contact and in this flat terrain, maneuver gear wasn't exactly useful.
We raced along, following smoke signals as we went further into the terrain. You look up, noticing green smoke rise to our right. "It's a green smoke signal," you say to the group before looking behind you slightly, "Oluo, you fire it." He replies, "Roger," before firing. We had been travelling for a while now with no disturbances; everything seemed well. You wonder if that truly is the case, though. "Reporting," a Scout approaches next to Levi, "Message to pass along! Right Flank Recon has been destroyed! Our recon system is partially inoperative! Pass this on to the left!" You and Levi share a brief look before his dark stare makes its way to Petra, "Did you hear that, Petra? Go," Petra replies affirmatively before taking her horse towards the left. A brief silence takes place as you look to your right and see black smoke signals rise to the sky; an Abnormal Titan is approaching.
"Eren, you fire it," you say quickly, "R-right!" he replies, looking for his smoke gun. "What a mess," you look to see Levi with an unsettled spark in his eyes, "We let it penetrate deep into our formation." You take in a deep breath at his muttered words, hearing Eren shoot the black smoke signal in the air. What a mess, indeed. We continue the course anyway as Petra returns and soon receives word from Erwin that the centre flank is to move through the Forest of the Giant Trees as the left and right flanks move around to avoid it. We nod at the messenger as we approach said trees, but you frown. No one around us, except Levi and you, knew what was truly going on at this moment. But you wonder how much longer the squad will last, being kept so in the dark. You look up at the trees, all reaching an average of 80 meters in the sky, trying to push that thought away, as we make our way through.
"C-Captains!" It had only been a few minutes of us racing through the woods when Eren called out to us. You and Levi shared a brief look but didn't turn. "What?" Levi replies next to you with a blunt tone. "Well- we're in the middle of the woods! If the centre enters alone, we won't know if the Titans are approaching!" Eren's voice shakes as he speaks, betraying worry. "It seems something's approaching us from the right... How are we supposed to dodge the Titans or protect the carts?" Levi's voice doesn't waver when he replies, "Don't go on and on about the obvious... we can't do that anymore, of course." Eren takes in a sharp breath as he takes in Levi's words before he asks, "Th-Then why?" This time, you reply to his growing confusion, trying to ease his worry despite knowing neither Levi nor you can give a truly accurate answer. "Look around you, Eren, at all these massive trees. It's the perfect environment for 3D Maneuver Gear." Levi joins in with his monotone voice as you finish, eyes flickering slightly at me, grateful you had played along. "And try to use that tiny brain of yours... If you don't want to die, think."
"Yes, Captains!" You hear Eren reply as the sound of hooves enters the silence around us again. Despite the silence, you could feel the tension in the air. You could hear Petra's shaky breath and Oluo's muttering, along with the rigidness of Eld and Gunther. You could feel Eren's stare on our backs and could almost hear the cogs turning in his head as he soon came to the realisation. The realisation that even the squad around him didn't know what was going on, and he started to question whether the Captains in front of him spoke with truth or lies buried within their words. 
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prettysymbiosis · 1 year
I’ve been trying to get these thoughts out for days but basically I feel like the unifying theory of s16 (as I see it) is a conscious exploration of the dichotomy between sunny as a classically bold and brash pee pee poo poo comedy and sunny as a thoughtful, nuanced and subtle show about flawed people and also about itself, at times (by that I mean the meta isn’t always about macdennis or the other characters but about sunny itself - win an award, clip show, big mo, etc). the trailer actually captures this dichotomy well through the dialogue clips and animations, as well as the pinned comment which said “get ready for a whole lot of subtlety.” it’s still so baffling to me that sunny can simultaneously read as one of the most loud, obnoxious, unsubtle shows ever on television, OR it can be so subtle and allegorical in the writing of later seasons that most viewers would think people like us are crazy for reading so much into it even though we’re really not. this kind of self-reflective flavor is another product of the rewatch/podcast project which has been almost universally agreed to have had a very positive effect on the writing.
anyway having said that, I want to just share my notes on the first two episodes without trying to edit them too much. I’m bolding the points that I personally haven’t seen anyone else mention yet and putting a 😎 next to ones that evoke a Classic Sunny VibeTM because that’s important to the experiment of this season.
the gang inflates
macden fun/domestic/DUMB again 😎
something something never committing to the couch when it was absurd not to and it ended up costing them so much macdennis blah blah
dennis hanging up on dee was so funny to me oops 😎
and the WHOLE dee (as a character and specifically the female character) thing about being minimized to an absurd degree. I like to think the bog was a turning point for dee and the show is gonna do better by her now hopefully by recognizing her plight in a more serious way, like the way the guys have been doing?
are mac and dennis…… you know…… like for real??? as many have said, it could totally be revealed kind of retroactively to undercut the shock and be like “honestly we’re surprised you didn’t notice sooner” I feel like that is something rcg would do. suggestive clues:
“I don’t wanna talk to you about–” “a TON”
or is dennis like well that’s news to me jealous vibes??
“I figured you were man” ??
“I’m getting a little concerned about our nut”
“you truly have no reason to be sleeping with frank”
they specifically put a lil reaction shot of dennis after mac says “that’s a lotta blowin” a la the lil grin in gets romantic and, well, I just think that’s a choice that was made
“it’s not homophobic” is that so?????
when mac is like “you think we got rid of our furniture too soon/that the business plan won’t work” it’s kinda like no it’s not the committing to what they have, it’s that mac still has big denial problems and dennis can’t work with that… maybe? but so does dennis tbh
in a show-meta sense it’s like, we should be less worried about whether the gay gay-ass love story will alienate people and more worried about how these characters are too ridiculous to even let the love story play out effectively. they need mental health days if we are ever to have nice things
it’s possible mac denying his reaction to the allergy has to do with his body dysmorphia?
also it occurred to me that maybe part of why rob is clean-shaven this season is so they could do those prosthetics more easily?
those handprints though…. I hate everything
oh also just the bed scene. its existence
the zoomed in neck touch of course
“I’m not going to do it!” “..okay” dennis keepin his cool :)
just the sheer silliness of inflatable furniture - is there some metaphor here lol?
in a general sense could inflates be taken to mean flanderizes? also maybe it’s just implied but I noticed I hadn’t actually seen anyone mention inflation as a sexual kink and like, that was part of the intention right? if so, 😎
charlie “uhhhhhhhh… yep.” poor charlie :( he doesn’t want to live in a maze (like a rat)
“well then you’re just like being a predator” :( so here for charlie calling out bullshit with frank and mrs. mac and even his own mom so far in these first two eps
charlie just giving up and yelling in frustration which is kinda what bonnie does in ep2 (and ep3 based on trailer)
the gross horny male objectifying thing 😎
rob put his whole pussy into this episode
charlie saying “I don’t get why he doesn’t take me seriously” and dee saying “that’s gotta be maddening” 🙃
cats in the alley my loves 😎
gluing dee a pillow on the wall <3
“consider it an offering” “of war??” this says so much. must everything be a conflict?
charlie’s hair looks so crazy and good in the sleepover scene and also he’s so smart
charlie asks frank to “return everything to the status quo” by the end of the episode, sitcom style. full reset, no progression. except charlie is asking that frank not endlessly take advantage of the fact that mac and den can’t figure their shit out, not totally push dee out just because it’s easy, not make light of the trauma charlie has from what happened to him. all that stuff IS the status quo! so what is he really asking for? this is one of the bits of writing that I think is also about the show as a show, and how they’ve approached these dynamics forever. 
it’s funny that people are saying this season is such a return to form because it is, but it’s also so much more self-aware of what that form is/was and how deeper elements can coexist within it. they’re really walking with a foot in both worlds here and they’re doing it well. love this for them and for us, the people who know what it’s always sunny in philadelphia is REALLY about
“we’ll take you to the hospital, and they’ll have nuts. and you can– you can die there.” hahahah
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theteasetwrites · 1 year
Okay so when do you think Daryl figured out he had feelings for reader,like full on “I’m so in love with this woman” feels? Before they got together or after? And did he act any different when he came to the realization? Omg I’m so in love with his interpretation of him I just wanna hear you talk about him and reader for hours
Hi! I'm gonna put a "keep reading" thing on this because I went a little overboard lol
I am assuming you mean in The Beginning universe? Or do you mean in general?
I will probably answer in terms of The Beginning because that's like my main interpretation of Daryl and I love that Reader (she's literally me) and their relationship
So I think Daryl was sort of instinctually smitten with her basically the moment he saved her from that walker in the woods in Georgia. I mean, he definitely wasn't aware of it, but at the very least, I think he was just... attracted to her. Like, I don't know, soulmate shit. Very corny, I know, but what am I if not a little corny?
I think Daryl was definitely like "oh... she's really pretty," in his head, but he definitely tried to suppress those thoughts because a) they're literally in the middle of the apocalypse and no one has time to fall in love (even tho they eventually do because of course you can't keep them away from each other!), and b) he is so insecure at times that he definitely didn't think she would feel the same way.
But as for when he knew he was IN LOVE with her? It's hard to say because we have to recognize that Daryl is cautious with people and tends to not trust very easily, but I like to think he made kind of an exception for her. If you read the series, you know they got together only after about a month or so of knowing one another.
So I don't think there was any particular moment where he knew he loved her, but there was definitely a gradual buildup. Like even on the first night they met, he was starting to develop a BIG soft spot for her. Daryl is observant as hell and I think he noticed how big her heart is. She took him in to her group for a start, which he probably thought was a little um STUPID of her (lol it kinda was), but mostly he appreciated how open-minded and kind she was. And when he found out that she didn't even eat meat, but she was grateful for Daryl hunting for them anyway? He couldn't believe that she was so unselfish for putting the needs of her group before her own, and he found a commonality there. Daryl cares about his family more than he cares about himself, too. He appreciated that.
And she brought him a bunch of nuts (I don't remember what kind of nuts lol... hazelnuts maybe?) as a way to say thank you to him for helping their group, and I think that also started a spark.
And just getting to know her slowly at the Atlanta camp, and that night he opened the geode for her. Actually, I think that's when READER fell in love with him. That rock is really important to her. It stretches back to her relationship with her father, who collected geodes. I think that touched her heart so deeply, and she fell HARD. You know that saying, he fell first, but she fell harder? That kind of thing.
But she, too, suppressed it. Carol points out how much she seems to admire Daryl, but Reader brushes it off. That stems from her issues with relationships and not wanting to be with a man again, after having a pretty bad relationship before in which she didn't feel appreciated or really loved.
And then, as we know, things come to a head at the CDC, where a little too much alcohol results in Reader's confidence going way up, and she and Daryl admit that they both have feelings for each other. I admit that when I wrote the scenes at the CDC, I think I went too far in making them like LOVE each other already lol. I mean, I do think they already loved each other and just didn't realize it, but they don't say "I love you" until after they have sex for the first time at the farm in season 2. It all culminates there, and I think then we see their relationship really blossom.
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vidavalor · 10 months
Hi! I'm the anon who asked about the logistics of together-the-whole-time twist back again. Firstly, thanks so much for your response! Secondly, sorry, should have worded that better! It's not the sleeping together part that would be the twist for me - I actually was confident we'd get the romance canonised, either with a kiss andor with an outright declaration and some hand-holding-forehead-kisses-type tenderness, though not necessarily until the 3rd season, I'm definitely on board with 1941 part 3 and now that they've kissed I have a pretty good feeling about some shape or form of implied, innuendoed or faded-to-black sex scene, or even something like Newt and Anathema, if it fits, in the next season - it's more about the fact that a first kiss an insanely long time ago and a secret, coded, largely unspoken romance since then that's been happening mostly past the audience's nose would put a pretty dramatic spin on everything else we've seen so far. A change our entire perspective and everything we thought we knew spin. Because that would mean that the story we thought they're telling is not in fact the story they're telling after all, that we've gotten the first 2 seasons in a completely wrong context, and that's where the feeling that this might be too much of a rug pull comes in. You don't need to respond again if you don't want to, after all you've already laid out your thoughts excellently as always, just thought I'd give you a follow up. Anyways, hope I'm wrong and you're right!
Hi. I appreciate your follow up. Please help yourself to cookies... Apologies for the delayed response. I save Asks as drafts in my folder to reply to if I'm going to and I somehow overlooked this one for awhile so I apologize. Let me add a few things here about why I really, really, really disagree with the idea that an ancient times vavoom would be "a rug pull" as you put it and "not the story they're telling." (I'm also not sure how you're okay with one happening in 1941 but not millennia ago when, really, both would mean that you'd have been "fooled" by the story? What's the difference, really?) This is actually exactly the story they're telling and there are plenty of suggestions of that.
I recently wrote a meta that I'll link at the bottom listing all of the things that Good Omens has shown you and then provided context for you later and I didn't get through a third of them... that I've even noticed so far. I'm sure there are more. What this does is recontextualize what you've been watching. It deepens it. You call that a "rug pull" with a tone that hints you might think it deceptive in a negative way. I see it as literally brilliant sleight-of-hand storytelling that's innocent in its intent. It's trickery in a magic show sense. Part of my argument to you is that a show where one of half of the couple we're talking about is a magician has a theme of narrative sleight-of-hand lol. It is very much intentionally not giving you all the information you need to have a complete picture of any one scene from only that one scene by design. It's been doing this all along and it is a way of building layers into the story and your understanding it. There is no reason not to think that this would not be the case for scenes related to the central relationship of the show that is between its main characters because every single one of them to date has already been about them.
I don't think the audience would find this complicated so I don't see it as too much of a deception. I think people would kinda go nuts for it, actually lol. You're already watching a show that keeps telling you things later that have you recontextualizing what you've already seen so don't sell yourself or the audience short. All it does is then allow the audience to see what a bunch of us expect is already there anyway. It'd make rewatching the show even more fun. If you ever want to already get a taste of that, theorize for a bit that I'm right and that this has been going on for ages and then go rewatch the show a bit and see what you spot in places. You'll be surprised by how much it all just sorta slides into place. That's because they've built it that way. You're reading a novel that's written out of chronological order and you're only two-thirds of the way through it... are you not expecting a few surprises and some deepening of your understanding of what's going on before the end of it? This show is no different.
I guess I'm saying that ain't no way that the show that keeps making scenes that change your understanding of scenes you've already watched and, as a result, your understanding of Crowley & Aziraphale's relationship, isn't planning the mother of all those scenes that will completely recontextualize the whole damn thing. They are absolutely going to have kissed before 2.06 but the way they recontextualize the whole series at once is if they make the first one near the start of the timeline.
S3 audience during The Ancient Times Vavoom lol:
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Hello :) Could you write a scenario for a mochi reader x mochi 1p Ancient Rome in which Ancient Rome tries to woo the reader by applying Ovid's dating tips from his Ars Amatoria, the reader thinking Ancient Rome's approaches are silly but he finally wins them over because they're so knowledgeable of the classics?
And can you go nsfw when the mochis get steamy and smush together and fuse into a single mochi, and give a headcanon as to what happens as their consciousnesses merge into one?
Thankss :**
Why must you torture me with this kind of ask?
The politeness in the ask is greatly appreciated tho
This is going to be shit btw because I really don't wanna do it but here you go
If anyone gets horny from this I will die of terror, please don't okay, I'm not trying to make it hot, I'm just trying to survive
Okay so a little background knowledge before we start
Ancient Rome is like 50 years old body wise and has the mind of a 20 year old, so his mochi form is a little bit weird, not like old old looking but mature looking, a very strong mate for any lonely mochi
Also have I mentioned that I hate you for making me look up Ovid outside of university?
Okay I don't, but Ovid is a dick
This takes place in Ancient Rome times because I do not want to deal with Ovids fucked up ideas in the modern world!
I know that it isn't logical but that's what I'm going with
There is going to be a weird sex scene, don't like mochi sex then please don't read it, I already feel weird enough writing it
If you only want the sfw part then scroll down until you find the second pair of ---- line
Have fun
Also I respect that you requested this off anon, but like wow that's wild
POV what POV????? It's everyone's point of view because I hate myself
It was a hot day in the ancient Roman capital, Mochi Rome was doing his best trying to get his owner to help him with a specialised mochi bath. It was one of Ovid's most important teachings, keeping good hygiene.
Rome had read the Ars Amatoria out loud for this dear mochi pet, and Mochi Rome was determined to sway you with his new found dating and literary knowledge, because his normal approach had not worked, which frustrated him beyond measure. You were simply too cute to be without a mate.
Luckily Rome was already ready with a Mochi bath and mochi Rome became very clean
Mochi Rome was anxious for his owner to bring him to the play area where his and your owner had arranged a play date for the two of you
Mochi Rome had a plan though on how to seduce you, it involved a theatre, well a home made one with sticks but that had to be close enough. He just needed to convince his owner to go earlier. A feat in itself since Rome was not good at showing up on time anywhere
So mochi Rome was going to start very early with bugging his owner into actually taking them both to the meeting place
He jumped around, made mochi noises as loud as he could, nibbled on Rome's fingers, overall he went nuts. it took a while but eventually Rome got the hint and brought him to the area with his sticks
Mochi Rome spent an hour preparing the stick theatre and was very proud of the result
In reality it was wobbly and did not even resemble a theatre. It was a pile of sticks.
Mochi Rome also decided to make a circus with sticks, actually everything was made with sticks
He was very proud of himself.
Rome thought his mochi was acting very odd recently, but did not pay much notice to it.
Finally mochi you and your owner arrived, (y/n) put down mochi you and walked over to Rome to let the two mochis have their play time
Mochi (y/n) went over to mochi Rome and greeted him happily. Then your mochi eyes caught sight of the theatre, the Circus and all the other whack things he built out of sticks, and built terribly as well.
Mochi you laughed at him because you thought it was silly and you were jumping away to do something else.
Mochi Rome however did not let this deter him from winning you over
He followed you and started reciting the Ars Amatoria. You looked at him, positively surprised he could remember anything from that very interesting book. Your human had also read it to you. Of course it was a silly book, but it was still cute he thought he could use it to woo you. Okay it was really cute, you looked at him and winked. Thus began the chase around. Mochi Rome ended up catching you.
Nsfw starts here, be warned it's just uh, it's weird okay, I don't like it either
Mochi Rome caught up to you and started nibbling on you, it was very nice and you made happy mochi noises, which soon turned to horny mochi noises.
You rubbed up against mochi Rome to excite him, and yourself.
Mochi Rome started to get very excited and he nibbled more intensely on you to make you show your entrance. Not after long he succeeded and he pushed his mochi appendage into your entrance. He started to hop back and forth to make friction. It felt very nice for you and opened up more for him
Mochi Rome made rather loud happy mochi noises. Surprisingly none of the humans heard it.
As you were both getting close your mochi flesh started to move oddly and you started to absorb each other. You both welcomed this, this meant your were true mochi mates. It was meant to be!
Mochi you and Mochi Rome became one mochi, of bigger size and with a mix of your features.
You were happy and so was he.
Sfw again
Rome and your human self were too busy talking to notice what was going on with the mochis, it wasn't until Rome out of the corner of his eye saw that there was only one mochi that did not look familiar that he snapped out of the conversation he was having with the very attractive human.
That was not a good outcome for two dotting mochi owners, your mochis had become one, not something that happened at a normal rate.
(y/n) looked over to see what Rome was staring at and when they realised what was going on they looked horrified. Not a good way to get to know you more personally and up close. He should've known his mochi would fall for the mochi of the human who was the target of his affection.
Rome got cockblocked by his own mochi, and now neither of you had your own mochi.
You looked at him for an awkward amount of time before finally speaking
"uhm... Can this be undone or?"
"... Not by anyone but them"
More awkward silence.
Or maybe it didn't have to be bad
"well one of us can't just take the mochi, they'll be sad regardless of who has it, it'll miss the other owner"
"....what are you suggesting?"
"well the house next to mine is empty, you could move in there and we could share a garden and have that as it's home and then it can be close to us both!"
You looked at the cheerful older man who had definitely been trying to seduce you for a while now. You were certain now, he was an idiot.
"... Fine, temporarily"
"Of course!"
This was like going to the theatre and watching a drama that was poorly written, but it seemed you had no other choice, for now at least.
The end. I am not continuing this.
I hate myself for writing the worst scenario ever, I don't know what's going on, I'm too sick for this, anyways that was your cursed request and now I re-evaluate my life choices
Have a cursed day.
This is definitely my curse
Fucking Tumblr wouldn't let me edit this shit on the app, I hate this fucking place
All I have left to say is this:
fy fy skamme skamme
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