#also the misogyny allegations too 😭😭
bisexualfagdyke · 8 months
"We need more complex traumatised characters" YOU GUYS CANNOT EVEN HANDLE ANDREW MINYARD!!!!
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not-goldy · 10 months
Absolutely true 😭😭
JM stans swear he's getting mistreated by the company and have no power to demand things but then draw a line when we say JK takes care of Jimin... LIKE HELLO ???
If you wanna fight for that, go and fight with Jimin first because it's not us who repeats 'protect me jungkook' a million times but Jimin himself.
Jimin KNOWS he's master of all that marital arts, JM knows to protect himself STILL he's asking his man to learn fighting, grow muscles and protect him. He completely surrenders to that man and doesn't have any problem being weak around him. So who's acting like Damsel in distress who needs her man to protect her ? Jimin himself lol
Jimin loves that safety he feels when JK around... all along being perfectly capable of doing it by himself too. Isn't that the most beautiful thing that you got someone you can trust your life with, even if you are enough on your own ? That he don't even need to worry about anything while joining a homophobic strict system because his man is with him ?
Or are yall just salty he got a man who's fully capable of protect and provide for him while you got none 💀💀🤔🤔
Here, enjoy him worshipping his man.. 🥰🥰🥰
Istg if Jimin was Desi he would've observe fasting on special days and pray for the well-being and longevity of his husband... he gives the vibe of a perfect desi wife sorryyyy Goldy... my desi jkkrs will get it 😭😭
It's exhausting really
They can't tell the difference between "victimizing" Jimin and genuine moments of him being a victim.
Yes, people do victimize Jimin and treat him as a weak frail being who can't wipe his own ass and need people to do everything for him. They do take away his agency and capacity for making consensual choices at his big age.
But then again he is made victim of harrasment, stalking, homophobic slurs, death threats, misogyny, racism, Asian hate- he is a victim of all these at any point in this Fandom.
Imagine how foolish you have to be to allege when we express concerns of these real life threats to his person and mental health that we are victimizing him.
I'm starting to think some of these people don't even understand the words they throw around or even understand why we rant about certain things when we rant about them.
People are out here cussing him out wishing he's sexually abused and stabbed for being queer and androgynous in MS- do you know how many people experience these things in places like that on a daily?
How many times do we complain about violence towards queer and trans people- victimizing him- IF I GET MY HANDS ON THAT ANON
Also I got that Desi wife reference don't worry lol
It's giving traditional wife
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dorianwolfforest · 9 months
what do sses shitty lay off policies have to do with feminism ?? men work there too 😭 and the ceo is also a man, so i really have no idea why you’re throwing women under the bus for that
I'm,,, throwing women under the bus? Dorian will never outrun the misogyny allegations.
SSE is a pro women in gaming company, which is a GOOD thing. It's great that they're taking a long needed stance in the gaming world. Feminism is fantastic, I will always be and have always been a feminist on account of having a womb and half a brain.
SSO feminism is right ass for several reasons, mainly because they're not actually trying to make any real feminist moves. Their feminism is a buzzword and a decoration, but that's a whole other topic that I am already writing a video essay on.
Onto the actual question. SSE employs primarily female or afab contractors and artists for their game, which is why I mentioned it in the layoff posts. The contractors who were the first to be dismissed (and weren't even told about it themselves, they simply had to figure out why they weren't getting contacted by the company anymore), were almost only women or afab people as far as I'm aware (I do not have the full scope of all the contractors). They need companies and private people employing them, because they are independent. (Helena is fairly well established, but Elli, the miscreants [if they didn't leave on their own volition], their loading screen artist, all other contractors need support during a lay-off that they were never provided)
For a game that prides itself on promoting women and especially women in gaming, they therefor did the contractors incredibly dirty. The real feminist move would have been to establish that these women/afab people did real work for their company, that SSE can no longer employ them, but other people should. Instead, the moment SSE didn't have use of these women/afab people anymore, they hoped they would simply fade into obscurity and no one would question it. I can only hope that the rest of the employees who weren't contractors that were laid off received substantial support from SSE during that period, which, legally, I think they needed to provide.
TLDR: I'm passionate about workers rights and women, fight me.
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gossipgirloff1 · 3 months
mega lols at the alleged kika and magui drama
kika saw someone else getting the attention and said not on my watch 😭 but fr I don't even notice her anymore in the paddock. i feel like she's being heavily overshadowed by the Ferrari wags and Lily Z (would've said McLaren wags but magui was barely a wag).
and the way we rag off on charles and alex being a pr couple but always gloss over kika and pierre (or maybe we don't, i haven't been around much). they do a whole ass photoshoot to prove they're still together 😭 embarrassing. maybe it's just because pierre is kind of irrelevant unless it comes to the French civil war and them as a couple is also irrelevant unless they invite drama.
also a huge lol at her hyping herself as a fashion icon when flavy ate her up fashion vise during the Monaco GP. I'm sorry but I just don't get the vibes from her. to me she just doesn't have that kind of influence that carmen has (saw an influencer I follow take her style as an inspo and I was surprised) and alex have.
i think before, or atleast last year, i would've considered her as an it girl of the paddock because she really stood out but right now, i don't really see her ever.
magui to me was barely a wag and even she wasn't interesting enough imo. a lot of people were making fun of her acting and then all the problematic stuff about her came out and that really soured my view of her.
i generally try to give the wags the benefit of the doubt because in my personal opinion, the hate they receive on a day to day basis is not healthy for anyone and mostly the hate is rooted in misogyny and just pulling other people down (not including the problematic stuff tho, if a person is problematic and ignorant they need to be called out but sometimes people take it too far, calling them mean names (some people, on the clip of charles where he calls leo and alex something in French, idk what, but they were equating alex to a dog and that really seemed disgusting to me and when the hate train against carmen and Lily z started and people were commenting just for the sake of it). so I try to look at things with a positive outlook and generally stay away from discourse about their mannerisms and their appearance. I'm just here for the low stakes, funny gossip about driver transfers and intra team Tom foolery that goes on and the occasional wag discourse.
in a way I'm thankful for you admin for not encouraging people who are being hateful towards a person's appearance. Kudos to you
-fashion girlie anon
I love reading all of your thoughts keep them coming 😊
Yeah a person’s appearance is a fragile thing I don’t think anyone should use this to belittle other ✌🏻
They have plenty of problematic things they have done you can voice your disinterest with that
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nonoqy · 6 months
i don’t know, i’m just wary of hannah’s intentions behind dropping them. it is very sudden to publicly cut ties with someone you were calling your brother a week ago, and yet she’s still following and refusing to talk about punz, despite punz’s allegations being way more serious. so she’s dropping george for drunk mistakes but standing by punz despite rape and racism allegations from an ex girlfriend…..?
hannah didn't even really speak about it yet, she said she'll talk about this when she's ready, and whatever bits and pieces of her opinion we get now are only bits and pieces. she's obviously very angry about all this and i would too if a man i considered my brother hurt a young woman and then instead of profusely apologising doubled down on saying I would never do this I'm not the bad guy She's doing this because of the hate train. you didn't plan for this to happen but it happened and now you need to say you're sorry 😭 so i think her anger is justified.
i also think she's completely shocked by this situation
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but i also think she might've revisited some of her interactions with george and was like Oh. cause that's what i did with that bit of calling ludwig's mother during that one banter ep, i see it in a new light and even though i dismissed it back then, i feel really put out by it now 😭 hannah might feel the same way and this might add to her feelings <- this all sounds so parasocial LFBWHRJQJSJ ive just been introspecting a lot and asking myself What do women around them feel? and so that's where i ended up sorry if it's too parasocial obviously it might not be the case at all
saying hannah trusts punz and refuses to talk about him is a Lot like i just don't think the girlies trust any of these men Completely right now. she might speak about punz when she streams next time (cause i imagine she'll mention george at least) but To Me. i feel like george was a good friend to her and she loved him a lot. i think that's why she's hurting so much about his situation in particular. i actually don't know what the fuck i think about punz's situation myself, it's so unclear to me and i don't know what i would say either
and implying her intentions are to preserve her place in the streaming world is lowkey crazy. she stuck by them during the drapture and she got so much hate for it. she wasn't even close with them until after the face reveal and yet she stayed by their side. hannah is a very loyal friend. she could've easily distanced herself like a lot of other streamers but she didn't and that is exactly why her reaction right Now is more impactful for me. and don't even say this is more blown out than the grooming allegations and that's why she's doing it like No. like i said, even if we only knew about the andi comment she would've probably still reacted the same way because she just does not tolerate misogyny around her and that is completely valid
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uncloseted · 2 years
Thank you for being so reasonable and nuanced in your depp and heard opinion. I agree that they are probably both abusers. It's been irritating seeing so many people on twitter acting like depp is completely the victim and heard is a complete monster. Why do you think that's been happening? Maybe this is petty but I don't think I've seen a female abuse victim getting such huge amount of support and believability
Thanks! I'm trying 😭
I think the support for Depp is probably a combination of a few different things. I think the biggest factor is that he was way more of a public figure than Amber Heard before the abuse allegations came out. A lot of people considered his characters to be a formative part of their childhoods/young adult years, and so I think a lot of people were more attached to him than they were to Amber Heard. Amber wasn't really a huge star before she started dating Depp- some people knew who she was, but her real career breakthrough was her role in Aquaman in 2018. So the allegations against Heard are kind of a "get out of jail free" card for people who don't want their fave to be problematic. It solves the cognitive dissonance people were feeling about "such a nice guy" having been abusive. Heard doesn't have that same level of popularity or the same reputation, so she wasn't really anyone's "problematic fave" to begin with.
Kind of along with that, I think likability plays a factor. I think to a lot of people, Johnny Depp seems more likable than Amber Heard does, and so they want him to be the "good guy". Women in general are held to higher standards of likability and there are a lot of things that can cause them to go from being "likable" to being hated overnight (see: Jennifer Lawrence and Anne Hathaway).
Misogyny also plays a part. The idea that women are falsely accusing men of sexual assault or domestic violence for person gain is one that's tantalizing to a certain group of people, and any time that seems like it may be happening, they jump on it. Female victims aren't believed a lot of the time, and that gets compounded when you're a celebrity and when there are allegations against you as well. People see her as "manipulative" (a criticism that is almost exclusively leveraged against women) and inauthentic (as if accusing one of the biggest actors in the world of abuse would somehow be to her benefit?). I think a non-zero part of this is also that she's not seen as a "perfect" or "respectable" victim. She has a previous history of physical violence, she was a victim of the celebrity nude photo link, she's openly bisexual, etc. I think people sometimes expect victims to be innocent and chaste if they're "to be believed", and so part of this may be indirect slut-shaming. People also accuse her of devaluing the narrative of "real victims" by "lying about abuse".
Finally, I think it's that people feel like there has to be "an abuser" and "a victim" in situations of domestic violence. It makes them uncomfortable to acknowledge the ways in which abuse is sometimes mutual, or to acknowledge that some situations exist with grey areas. It's easier to pick a side. And when people are picking sides, the more popular person tends to get more support.
Don't get me wrong, I do think she's probably guilty of abuse. But Depp is probably guilty of abuse as well, and there's a whole lot more evidence against him. If you're going to cancel Heard, I think you kind of have to cancel Depp, too.
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