#also the pens went well just because he stood with them ok he provided emotional support with his sweet little face
ugartecoco · 1 year
before extra time rituals:
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group therapy ✅
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calf massage + zoning out ✅
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encouragement + more zoning out ✅
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balls check??? ✅
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raysofcrosby · 5 years
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𝘨𝘪𝘧 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵 (𝘹)
𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥: yes | no
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨(𝘴): angry nolan, bad words and mentions of std’s
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 4,901
𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦: so i’m not a huge health expert, so there’s a good 90% chance that the way the appointment in this goes, isn’t factual. so please don’t attack me lmao. tbh this idea came to me while i was cleaning out our garage??? like i think this is gonna be a multi-part imagine??? safe sex is important everybody!!!! even if you’re on bc, condoms are important so please be safe!!!! ok enough rambling, bye!
“Chlamydia! The stupid asshole has Chlamydia!” You screamed, pacing back and forth as you waved the piece of paper in front of your best friend, Nolan's face. “He has Chlamydia and he wasn’t even going to tell me!”
“Well, do uh...have you er—“ Nolan asked, the tips of his ears turning red as he scratched at his neck.
You stopped and stood directly in front of him, the piece of paper feeling like it was on fire as you held it in your hand. “What?”
“Have you...” His eyes shifted from the paper to you and then back to the paper. “You know...”
Now it was your turn to turn red from embarrassment as his eyes stayed glued to the piece of paper. You and Nolan have been best friends since you were kids, sharing all the awkward moments that growing up with an opposite-sex best friend had to offer. He was (unfortunately) there for your first period, your parents gave you joint sex talks after they walked in on the two of you sharing a quick, experimental kiss when you were 10 (which also marked the end of your joint sleepovers) you knew each other’s, body counts— there was nothing in this world that could make you feel embarrassed in front of him...or so you thought. Because him asking you whether or not you have an STD was brand new territory and you didn’t like it.
“No,” You stared back down at the piece of paper, looking for the date. “But the results say he came in Tuesday last week and we haven’t had sex—“
“Nope, stop right there.” He held up his hand and got up off of the couch, walking towards the kitchen and grabbing his keys off the counter. “I guess our parents duel birds and bees talk didn’t scare you as much as it did me, because if it did— you’d be more aware of STD’s and getting tested.”
“Oh trust me, I was scared the moment your mom brought out the fresh produce.” You replied, cringing at the memory of your parents teaching you about condoms. “But we haven’t had sex in—“
“Doesn’t matter Y/N! Who’s to say he hasn’t had....” He paused as the elevator doors closed behind you. He couldn’t even bring himself to say the word— and you were thankful for it. “What I’m trying to say is, guys are idiots. He could have had all the signs and ignored them and not realized something was wrong until too late and that’s why he got tested.”
When the elevator doors opened again, he walked ahead of you and you followed behind like a puppy. “What you need to be focused about, besides getting tested, is why the hell he’s had these results for almost two weeks and hasn’t told you.”
“Oh trust me, I’m giving him an ear full the next time I see his sneaky ass.” You mumble, getting into Nolan’s car and putting on your seatbelt.
He didn’t say another word as he left the parking garage to his apartment building and began driving down the road. You were equally as calm as you were embarrassed right now, and you had Nolan to thank for it. He’s been your rock since you were kids, even taking you under his wing the moment that you decided to move to Philly last year, for a job opportunity that you couldn’t refuse and one that your parents didn’t understand. He and his teammate, Travis let you stay with them rent free until you could save up some money and find a place. But instead of finding a place, you found Preston.
Nolan was supportive of course, but his unease about just how soon you and Preston moved in together was not something he ever shied away from. The two of you even got into a huge argument about it the night before you moved in with Preston. The worst argument you’ve ever had, one that had you thinking that you’d probably never talk to one another again. But the next morning, Nolan had an edible arrangement sent to your desk with an apology and everything’s been well ever since. He’s always been supportive of you, no matter what you’ve done— and now is no different.
“Um Nol, this isn’t the way to my doctor's office.”
“That’s because we’re not going to a doctors office. You need results quicker than what a doctor’s office an offer. Not three days, not next week, now.” He pulled off the road and into the parking lot of a small clinic. “So, you’re doing a walk-in and getting your results the same day.”
“Do I even want to know how you know where a walk-in clinic is?” You asked, your eyebrows raised. It was hard to imagine that he’d ever had to come here for testing— oh God, what if he’s come here for another reason?
Nolan laughed, shaking his head as he opened his car door. “Never for me. Travis has made a visit or two after some...interesting encounters.”
You let out the breath you hadn’t even known you’d been holding and got out of the car. “I was about to say, I’m way too young to be a Godmother, Nolan.”
He mumbled something before getting out of the car. It was low, but it sounded like he said “you don’t have to worry about that,” but then again, this mumbling was a lot lower than his normal incoherent mumbling. So you probably misheard him. You shook it off and got out of the car, following Nolan into the small clinic. You didn't know what you were expecting. Any time you've ever gotten blood work or any kind of medical test done– it was at your own doctor's office.
There were four other people sitting in the waiting room, and you couldn't help but wonder what they were here for. Or if just by simply looking at you, they knew that your scumbag of a boyfriend had possibly given you chlamydia. "Here."
You shook yourself out of your thoughts to find Nolan shoving a clipboard into your chest. "What is this?"
"You were off in Y/N-land, so I got your paperwork. Just fill it out and then hand it off. She said a doctor should be with you shortly." He walked towards two chairs in the corner and sat down, patting the one next to him.
Your legs felt like jello as you followed suit and sat down. Picking up the pen that was connected to the clipboard, your eyes skimmed the paper. It was asking for basic facts like your name, age, insurance provider, and what you were there for– nothing too intimate. Though you knew the nurse or doctor you'd be cared by, would ask them as soon as you walked through that door. You slowly filled out the information before walking back up to the women, giving her a smile as she took the clipboard from you. "Just have a seat and we'll have someone with you in just a moment."
You nodded, turning back and immediately bumping into a little boy, no older than four. "Sorry." He giggled, running past you and over to a woman sitting by the small play area. No sooner than he bumped into her legs, she looked up and gave you a smile before returning back to filling out her paper.
A chill went down your spine as you walked back to Nolan and you could feel your palms begin to sweat. What if Preston had given you Chlamydia? What's the treatment? What if you had something worse? What were you going to tell your parents? Would you tell your parents? Surely Nolan wouldn't rat you out. Oh God, Nolan. He's as recognizable as a mall Santa. There's no way word won't get out that the Nolan Patrick, a Center for the Philadelphia Flyers, was sitting in a walk-in clinic with a nervous looking girl.
You could see the headlines now. 'Has Nolan Patrick knocked up a girl?' 'Tis the season for hockey– and a baby?!' You couldn't even begin to think about the mean tweets and comments on Instagram without feeling the least bit nauseous.
"Hey, you okay?" Nolan whispered, leaning over to you.
Whether it was his voice or the sudden realization of your situation, you got chills down your back and up your arms. "You should leave. I don't want you to get ostracized or something for being seen at a clinic with me."
In true Nolan fashion, he rolled his eyes. "I'm not letting you do this alone."
The door separating the waiting room from the rest of the clinic opened and a middle-aged woman in scrubs stood there with a clipboard in her hand. "Y/N L/N?" It freaked you out the moment her eyes landed directly on you without looking anywhere else in the room.
"Come on, let's go," Nolan said, wrapping his hand around yours and standing up, almost dragging you with him to the back room.
He hadn't let go of your hand the entire walk down the hallway and into a private room, only letting go when the Nurse told you to sit up on the exam table. And even then, he scooted the free chair closer to it in case of any emergent hand holding. "So Miss L/N, you wrote down that you're here for a Chlamydia test, is that correct?"
"Y-Yes ma'am." You replied, playing with your hands as your eyes darted around the room taking in all of the informational posters.
Like a well-oiled machine, she took your blood pressure and temperature, marking them down onto a piece of paper before looking at you again. "Are you having any symptoms?"
You opened your mouth to speak and your throat felt a little dry. You took a small breath and exhaled. "My boyfriend got tested last week and he uh....he has it. So I thought that I'd get tested..."
Her eyes immediately looked at Nolan with raised eyebrows. "Did you just do a Chlamydia test or a full STD screening?"
After her question went unanswered, Nolan looked away from a poster on the wall to see her staring at him. His cheeks immediately went red as his eyes widened. "Oh no. No, no I'm not–" he cleared his throat, giving you an embarrassed look. "I'm not her boyfriend."
"He's my emotional support best friend," You smiled, reaching for his hand and squeezing it. "He actually drove me here."
The nurse gave you a smile before turning back to Nolan. "Will you be getting any testing done today, young man? Or just her?"
"Just her."
She nodded and turned back to you with the clipboard in her hands. "Do you want him in the room when I ask these questions? They get a little personal."
"That's okay, I'll just go ahead and excuse my–"
"No!" You held onto his hand tighter, giving him a pleading look. "He stays. Otherwise, I think I might faint."
Nolan squeezed your hand back and leaned into his chair as the Nurse nodded her head. "Okay, so these are just some basic questions. There's no need to be nervous or scared, I'm here to help you figure everything out, okay?"
You gulped and nodded, feeling the nerves surge through your body. "O-Okay."
"Have you or your boyfriend ever had an STD before?"
"I haven't, no," You shook your head, burrowing your eyebrows as you thought about Preston and his sexual history...which you realized you hadn't really known much about. "I don't know about him, though."
"That's okay, no worries." She smiled, scribbling down. "How many people have you had sex with?"
"4, including my boyfriend and he's the only person I've been having sex with for the last 9 months."
"The kind of sex you've had?"
You felt your body begin to heat up at her question. She really wasn't kidding about how personal they got. You were starting to question whether or not you should have had Nolan leave the room. You glanced over at him to see that he was looking at everything except for you, probably trying to make himself seem invisible...but the flush of his cheeks shows that he too was feeling a little embarrassed.
"Um...everything?" You squeaked, feeling your heart hammer at the fact that your best friend now knew that you were no longer untouched in the backdoor apartment. Something that you two never really dwelled on the topic at all, but he still knew that you weren't the biggest fan. Your eyes went back to Nolan and his head was now ducked and staring at the floor.
"So, Vaginal, Oral, Anal–"
"Yes, yes, next question please." 
God, if you're listening...please swallow me up right now.
"How often do you use protection? And is there anything else you do that could increase your chances of getting an STD?" How she was able to keep a stone cold face as she asked these questions, you had no clue. Because between both you and Nolan, you'd think that the two of you were tomatoes.
"Um...maybe like, 50% of the time, I guess? I've got the implant in my arm, but he switches on and off with condoms. And no, nothing that comes to mind."
She scribbled down the information onto the paper and gave you a reassuring smile before placing the clipboard down onto the counter and opening some cabinets. "Now, I know you came here just for the Chlamydia test, but is there any other testing you'd like to get done? Pregnancy? A full STD screening?"
"Um, sure? I guess."
She wrote some more stuff down on the clipboard before walking over towards the door. "Give me a minute and I'll be right back with the doctor, okay?"
She walked out of the room and it was as if she took all of the air with her. The tension between you and Nolan was so heavy, it was suffocating. "So, babies..."
He stood up and walked across the room, pointing to an anatomical poster of a baby in the womb. "There's a lot of babies in this room."
You could tell that he was trying his best to relieve the tension, but he was ultimately failing.  "Sorry, you had to sit through that. If I would have known the kind of questions..."
He shrugged his shoulders and stuffed his hands into his hoodie pockets. "S'okay. It was uh..." He rubbed the back of his neck and you could tell he was trying to fight his body from letting his cheeks redden even more. "Educational?"
You burst into laughter as the tears you'd been holding back released themselves. Out of all of the things, Nolan calling the fact that he learned you'd done anal...educational. "I love you," you sniffled, wiping your cheeks as he came and sat down next to you again. "What am I going to do? What if I have it? What if I'm pregnant? What if–"
He covered your mouth and while he had a smile on his face, the calmness in his eyes spoke to you the most. "What you're not going to do is give yourself a panic attack, okay?"
You nodded and he dropped his hand, reaching down and holding yours. "Then what am I supposed to do?"
He looked around the room, his eyes settling on a stack of pamphlets on the counter. He got back up and looked through them, coming back with what looked to be like one from every pile. "We read up on it. So if your results do come back positive, you have the right information and treatment so you won't send yourself into a panic attack."
He sat down and placed the pamphlets down next to him, taking both of your hands in his as you sniffled again. "I'm right here Y/N and I'm not leaving, okay? Whatever happens, you'll have me right here by your side."
He reached up and wiped your cheek, giving you a smile as you nodded. The door opened and the nurse from earlier came back in with the doctor by her side. "Hi Y/N, I'm Dr. Pippen," He smiled, extending his hand to you before turning to Nolan. "And this must be the emotional support best friend."
"Nolan, sir," Nolan replied, shaking his hand.
"Nice game Friday and an even better win," He replied, turning back to look at the paper the Nurse had written on. "So, what we're going to do is a basic STD screening and then a pregnancy test. Have you ever had any of those before?"
"No sir, never."
"Alright, so Chlamydia and Gonorrhea tests can be done through urine samples, so we'll have you pee in a cup and that's how we'll do your pregnancy test as well. Those results you'll be able to receive tomorrow." He flipped the paper over as the nurse prepared the sterile cup and pulled out packaged needles and labeled tubes. "Now, for the rest, we'll be taking small blood samples and those can take another day or two depending on how backed up the lab is."
"What are the rest you're screening for, sir?" Nolan asked, interacting during your appointment for the first time.
"HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis B." He looked up from the clipboard and gave you a reassuring smile. "Based on your answers, it's a slim chance that you could have any of those, but it's never a bad thing to be safe, okay?"
You just nodded and looked at Nolan as you heard the Nurse start to prepare to take some blood samples. "Hey, how are we ever supposed to get matching tattoos if you're freaking out over some tiny needles," Nolan whispered, the glint in his eye telling you not to worry.
"Go ahead and clench your fist for me, honey," the nurse said as you felt her tie the rubber band on your arm. "Perfect, now you'll just feel a pinch."
"Do I still get artistic control of our said, matching tattoos?"
"As long as you don't make it frilly and girly, of course." He said, but you knew he was lying based on the fact that he had three flowers on the inside of his bicep– one of his mom and the other two for his sisters.
"I'm going to pick the frilliest and girliest tattoo ever then."
"Okay, now we just need your urine sample and then you're done." The nurse said, turning back and placing the two tubes of blood into a plastic bag. She turned back to you and handed you another plastic bag with your information on it and a plastic, clear cup. "The bathroom is just right across the hall."
You took the materials out of her hand and were amazed at how solid your legs felt for the first time since finding (bf) paper results. Opening the door, you turned back one last time and looked at Nolan who gave you a small smile and a thumbs up. You turned back and left the room, letting the heavy door close behind you before walking into the bathroom.
You've peed in a cup before, sure. To get your job you had to take a drug test and that wasn't nerve wracking. But this, this was a test that would show whether or not you had two sexual diseases or if you were going to be a mother in 9 months time. Undressing from the waist down, you hovered over the toilet and closed your eyes, trying to relax your hand holding the cup from shaking. Unless you wanted to chug a few bottles of water, this was your only chance to get the test done and leave the clinic.
When you were done, you closed the cup and put it in the bag sealing it. As you washed your hands, you looked at your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes were puffy from your short stint at crying, your hair a little bit of a wreck– but otherwise, you looked the same. You didn't look how you had been feeling the last few hours– different, changed... as nothing would ever be the same after finding out that your boyfriend could have potentially given you an STD.
Walking out of the bathroom and back into the private room, you put the cup in a small tub on the counter and the nurse smiled at you. "I'll go ahead and print you off a copy of your test order and then you're free to go, I'll take you back out front."
You followed her down the hall and through the door, back into the waiting room again, Nolan still by your side. We stood at the front, waiting for her to hand you the printout. When she did, You gave her a thankful smile. "We'll call you with the results, have a nice night."
Walking out of the clinic, you'd expected for the sun to be completely set and the nightlife of Philly to be alive. Yet the sun was only beginning to set and traffic was at ease. It was strange because being in that clinic...it felt like you were in there for hours. Where when you looked at the time, it had really only been 45 minutes. You and Nolan had kept quiet as you got into his car and began to pull out of the parking lot. Coming to a stop, he placed his hand on top of yours and looked at you. "What do you want to do?"
What you wanted to do was drive out to an abandoned lot, get out of the car and just scream– to let out your frustrations. And even though you knew Nolan would support it full heartedly, maybe going to an abandoned lot at this time of day wasn't the best idea. So instead, you took a deep breath, squeezed his hand and said, "take me home."
Nolan was against dropping you off at your apartment and leaving you there to talk to Preston alone but after insisting and then threatening to cut his hair while he slept...he finally left. You didn't want Nolan to be there when you had the talk with him because you were already embarrassed enough at the fact that he had to take you to the clinic to get tested. Having him hear you argue with your boyfriend about how the hell he got Chlamydia and if he was going to tell you, wasn't something you wanted him there for.
The front door to your apartment opened and Preston strolled in, closing it behind him and hanging his keys up on the hook. "Hey babe," He said, sounding relaxed and happy as he made his way over to you in the living room. "Is everything o–"
That's when he must have seen it, his unfolded test results sitting directly in front of you, face up and in full view. You had your hands tucked beneath your chin as you stared at the paper. "Sit down."
"Where did you get–"
"SIT Preston!" You yelled, keeping your eyes on the paper because you knew the moment that you looked him in the eyes, your facade would fall and the tears would spill.
You reached out and slid the paper over towards him. "Y/N, I can explain."
You let out a gutted laugh, finally looking at him. "Please do! Please explain to me why I found a positive test result for Chlamydia from almost two weeks ago, sitting on the counter!" His eyes stayed looking down at the paper as if he was reading it over. But you knew better, he was just too chicken to look you in the eye. "How?"
You already knew the answer, you just wanted him to say it. To see if he was capable of being an adult and facing his problems head-on. The way his eyebrows furrowed and straightened out again as he chewed on his lip, was showing you that he was contemplating his explanation. The truth or a lie? "Maybe you–"
"Don't you even go there, Preston."
He sighed and rubbed his hands down the front of his face as he fell back into the couch. "It was only two times."
In an instant, it was like those five words sucker punched you so hard in the gut, that you could feel the pain in your back. "O-Only two times? ONE TIME IS BAD ENOUGH PRESTON! BUT TWO?!"
"Y/N, please it was a–"
You held up your hand to silence him, feeling your bottom lip tremble as you collected your thoughts. "I had to get tested today, Preston. Nolan had to drive me to the fucking walk-in clinic to get tested for Chlamydia and every other fucking STD in the book because you can't keep your minuscule dick in your pants?"
You stood up and held your hands out to calm yourself, looking at him. "And you have the fucking guts, to say it was only two times...and that it was a mistake," you laughed and shook your head. "Fucking unbelievable."
You heard the couch shift back as he stood up fast, clenching the paper in his hands. "Why were you even going through my stuff?"
"You left it on the kitchen counter, genius!" You said, turning your back to him and crossing your arms. "Get out."
"What?" He asked, scoffing at your demand. "This is my apartment! I'm not getting out of my apartment."
"Fine," You turned back to him, glaring at him. "Then I'm leaving. I'll come back for all of my stuff."
"Come on, Y/N, let's talk this out like adults and–"
"ADULTS?" You laughed, shaking your head. "WE'RE YOU EVEN GOING TO TELL ME?"
He stood there, his eyes switching constantly between the floor, his test results and you. "Eventually."
"Eventually," you threw your hands up and let them fall against your legs. "Eventually, doesn't work for me, Preston. You're putting my health at risk because you're too much of a coward to tell me that you cheated on me and the skank you did it with gave you an STD."
He lunged forward and grabbed your elbow as you went to walk away from him. "Y/N–"
"Let go of me, Preston!"
No sooner than the words left your lips, your front door burst open and Nolan came storming over towards you. In an instant, Preston's grip was ripped from you as Nolan pushed him against the wall, his forearm pressing against Preston's chest. He turned to you and nodded his head down the hall. "Y/N, go pack a bag," he turned back to Preston and glared at him. "You're leaving."
"Y/N, please don't! We can–" His voice choked off as Nolan slid his forearm up higher towards Preston's windpipe.
"You don't talk to her, you don't look at her," He looked back at you, "Y/N, now."
You turned away from the scene and rushed into the bedroom you shared with Preston. Reaching under the bed, you grabbed your duffel bag and raced around the room, grabbing as much as you could from your assigned drawers, your side of the closet and any of the electronics and other small stuff you'd need. You zipped it up and tossed it over your shoulder, walking out of the room to see Preston still pinned against the wall. He looked in your direction and nodded to his right, signaling for you to go towards the front door.
You walked by Preston, not even bothering to give him a second look as you stood by the door, shuffling side to side as Nolan glared at Preston once more. "You better pray that her test results come back negative or so help me God, I'll come back here and personally kick your ass." He pushed him further against the wall before letting him go, pushing a finger into his chest. "Let's get one thing straight. Whatever her insurance doesn't cover from this testing, you'll pay. We'll be back tomorrow to grab the rest of her stuff around noon. You can either be here, hide away in a fucking corner and not speak or you can choose not to be here when we are. Either way, if I find out that you're trying to contact her, I'll come back and kick your ass."
Preston just nodded his head frantically and Nolan sent him another death glare before walking over to you. He wrapped his arm around your waist and lead you out of the door and into the hallway. He kept you close to his side, even taking the bag away from you and carrying it himself as he led you to the elevator of the building. As soon as the doors closed behind you, Nolan leaned back against the elevator wall, his arms crossed. "You never left...did you?"
He looked away from the control panel and over at you. He stood up straight and walked over to you, wrapping you in his arms and hugging you tight. "I told you I wasn't leaving you Y/N." He pulled back and made you looked at him, his face stoic. "I'm not leaving your side ever. Whatever you want to do, I'll support you. Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it."
You stared up at him, noticing the way that his eyes took you in and hugged him tighter, pressing your face into his chest. "Take me home, Nol."
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Can you do another Punk Jask with Vicious Mockery? I love that AU soooo much. Maybe Jask sees the reader getting crushed in a mosh pit and jumps into the crowd to drag her out?
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Punk!Jaskier x ReaderWord Count: 1,478Rating: GTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak a/n: This one got a tinge of angst but I’m me so it ends happily. Hope you like it! PS, the lyrics I use are from the song Trust by the band 7 Seconds. 
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“Hello Seattle!”
Jaskier’s voice echoed through amplifies surrounding the venue, the roar of the crowd nearly drowning him out.
“How are you doing tonight my Mockingbirds?” Jaskier cries out, raising his voice above the din. You’ve heard him do the start of show banter a thousand times but it never gets old.
“We have a great show for you tonight, Geralt has even threatened to crack a smile,” Jaskier says, gesturing to the man sitting at the drum set who cocks an eyebrow and shakes his head. The crowd screams especially loud at that and you know he’s going to catch hell for that after the show.
“Alright enough of this, you’re not here for conversation you’re just here for the good times,” Jaskier says and you laugh out loud, the sound lost in the crowd and the sound of the guitar as Jaskier seamlessly transitions into the first song. You knew he was quoting a song he was still working on. You’d sat next to him drawing while he and the bass player, Yen, worked on the tune to fit the words he’d penned. Those little moments were the ones you loved the most, just getting to be around him as he worked on his craft, giving you a little smile every time his eyes met yours. This was a close second though, standing in the crowd and watching him perform.
He’d been anxious about you going into the crowd but you’d insisted on it, waxing poetic about the energy of a mosh pit and the comradery you felt with other fans when you were down there. Your relationship wasn’t officially announced but you also didn’t really hide it and that had already made your life a little more complicated with security details including you and your friend as you toured with the band. But you were determined to keep this part of it the same as before and so you stood in the pit with a crush of other fans in matching Vicious Mockery merchandise. Jaskier played to the crowd as he usually did though he did sometimes pause and sing a few bars meaningfully at you. The crowd jostled and danced around you and you felt the adrenaline pumping through your veins and realized that this moment, possibly, was the most perfect moment you’d had in your life so far.
And then you fell.
Jaskier kept his promise to you, playing to the whole crowd and not just singing to you as he’d come to love doing backstage. He still kept you in his sights at all times, even if just in the periphery. That’s why he was able to catch when you disappeared from view. One moment you were looking up at him, singing along to the words you knew so well, and the next you were gone. He knew all too well the danger a mosh pit could pose. He waited a beat – looking for signs of anyone around you helping you up – and then he dove.
The crowd grasped at him, mistaking his sudden leap into the crowd as a part of the show, but he ducked low, looking for you in a tangle of limbs. You had crawled to the edge of the stage, hands raised over your head protectively, and he pushed through to reach you. He could hear security trying to move people back and Jaskier pulled you to your feet. He wanted to check on you right there, make sure nothing was broken or bleeding, but he knew it wasn’t safe and he let a guard guide the two of you through the throng. He heard Yen’s voice singing into the crowd, improvising to keep the crowd happy while he was gone and he made a mental note to thank her.
“Is she ok?” you heard your friend ask. They’d chosen to watch the concert from the wings of the stage as they usually did and hadn’t realized what was happening until Jaskier had leapt into the crowd. You drop your hands, still trembling slightly, and Jaskier takes your face in his hands, looking you over carefully.
“I told you not to go down there,” he said, “Are you hurt?”
“This happens to people all the time it’s fine,” you said, pride more damaged than your body.
“People die that way all the time too, Y/N,” Jaskier says, his voice angrier than you’ve ever heard. His blue eyes are stormy and his face a dangerous blend of anxiety and anger.
“I’m fine, I promise,” you say soothingly, resting your hands on his. Andrzej, the band manager, walks over with a first aid kit. He’d made sure he was trained in first aid and CPR to provide quick care if the band or crew needed help on the road and he began to gently examine your face, feeling for bumps and asking you to move your limbs to check for fractures.
“You should go back out and finish the show,” you say, rotating your wrists for Andrzej.
“No I’m going to stay here,” Jaskier replies.
“Um. No. That’s ridiculous,” you blurt out the words before you can temper them.
“You went down in a mosh pit, I’m staying here until I’m positive you’re ok,” he argues.
“Andrzej are you worried?” you ask, turning to the manager who glances between you and Jaskier, clearly not thrilled to caught in the middle.
“I’d suggest we still get you checked out by a doctor after the show just to make sure but so far everything seems fine,” he answers.
“Still I-”
“Jaskier would you do this if a fan got caught in the crowd?” you ask. His hands go to his hips and he glares at you.
“This isn’t the same. You’re not just a fan,” he argues.
“I know. But I’m ok and this is your job and I won’t let you put me before it,” you insist.
“You don’t get to decide what I prioritize or why,” he snaps, “If I want to make sure my girlfriend is ok more than I want to finish a show that’s my choice.”
“Well it’s not mine.”
You stand in stony silence, glaring at each other for a few moments. Finally Jaskier sighs and runs a hand through his hair and you exhale a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. When he looks up at you again his eyes are kinder but still pained and you want to pull him into a hug and tell him everything will be ok but he nods a couple of times and you wait to see what he’s going to say.
“Look we need to talk about this some more but let’s find a compromise for now,” he says. You nod though your heart is thundering in your chest. ‘Needing to talk’ about things never led anywhere good. Not in your experience at least.
“I will go out and finish the show if you stay up here with Y/F/N instead of going back into the crowd,” Jaskier says.
“Ok. Of course,” you say, and then, because you’re afraid it might be one of the last times you’ll get to, you pull him in for a hug, wrapping your arms around him tight. He holds you tightly, one hand covering the back of your head and the other around your waist and he rocks you slightly, the emotions that fueled his anger bubbling to the surface in ways that can’t be expressed in words, only touch. When you pull apart he gives you a smile and pulls you in for a quick kiss.
“Alright, go knock ‘em dead,” you say encouragingly. He gives you a little salute and runs back on stage. The yelling in the crowd spikes at Jaskier’s return and you see Yen pass his guitar back over, picking up her bass and getting back in position.
“I’d like to dedicate this song to my girlfriend,” Jaskier says. Your friend squeezes your hand and gives you a little nudge which you return, blushing hard as he murmurs something to Yen who nods at Geralt.
“Hey now I’ve this feelingThat I’ve never felt beforeI know it ain’t cool to say this nowBut I can’t help the way I feel inside…”
The song sounds familiar and you’re surprised because Jaskier doesn’t usually do covers. He’s still managed to make it his own by slowing the pace. You realize he must have been practicing this when you weren’t around and when he looks to you in the final verse there are happy tears in your eyes.
”You inspire me intenselyWithout any doubtYou keep me thinking, help me tryShow that I can do withoutWith you there’s more foundationMore than any other timeAnd when it comes to you my heart is trueUntil the day I die.”
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