#love how he got the massage then immediately got benched lmao
ugartecoco · 1 year
before extra time rituals:
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group therapy ✅
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calf massage + zoning out ✅
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encouragement + more zoning out ✅
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balls check??? ✅
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kuroos-moon · 4 years
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『The Pretty Third Year』
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pairing: Oikawa Toru x Reader
anon request: can i pls hav a scenario where oikawa was practicing his serves and the f!reader was hit by the ball and when he came to her she saw his face and was like: “..god?” or smth like that skdhsj
a/n: ngl kinda got carried away with this one
wc: 1.1k
genre: just some fluff and hinting of future romance bc oikawa’s smitten lmao
warning/s: none
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You had no care for the world at all as you stroll towards the almost empty volleyball gym, skeptical about your decision to give being their manager a go. 
“You won’t regret it, you’ll see, I bet you’ll get along with our captain,” Kindaichi grins. 
“Hm, now that you say it, Oikawa-san and y/n would click, childish minds and all that shit,” Kunimi nods, “up to you though,” followed by a shrug. 
Well, their words can’t have come from nowhere, even Kunimi agrees that you’ll love managing the team, and gaining a few more friends isn’t bad either. Poking your head through the doorway, you scan the place, immediately intimidated by the frowning third year by the benches. 
In an instant you hide outside, telling yourself that you could maybe make friends elsewhere and that being their volleyball team manager just ain’t for you. Right, you smile to yourself, relieved that you didn’t have to face any scary scowling third years. 
“Oy y/n I saw you, just come in!” You kinda want to punch an onion-head right now, but you keep it cool and stop moving, hoping the silence would be enough sign for him to leave you alone. 
“Maybe you’re imagining things.” Listen to Kunimi, please.
“Y/n just come in!” 
“Fine,” you grumble to yourself, legs begrudgingly carrying you towards the door. The last thing you see is Kindaichi’s horrified expression before you’re knocked to the ground.
For more than a few seconds, everything’s shifting and you couldn’t comprehend what was happening around you, your head hurt and you were beyond dizzy. Just when you’re about to fall to your side— your head no doubt bound to make contact with the wooden floor, a hand supports your head from behind while your back rested on something firm, warm and moist with sweat. 
Oh, it’s someone’s thigh. 
Your vision’s all blurry with your head pounding too much for you to understand the string of apologies and “are you okay’s” from Oikawa, who guiltily so— was the one to hit you with his infamous nasty serve. 
“Iwa-chan is she dead? Oh my god I can’t kill someone!” 
“Y/n are you alright?”
“Back off, give her some space, but seriously are you okay? Can I take you to the hospital?” Toru couldn’t hide the worry and panic in his voice as he looked back at your squinted eyes, his calf starting to ache from having to support you with his thigh but he couldn’t care less, no. 
Finally, you could see quite better, though you still had to squint your eyes as you looked up at the the third year who held you, the light a tad bit too bright behind his head. 
“It’s too bright,” you groan in pain, and you feel his hand brushing strands of hair off your face. “Is it now?” You hear him mutter mindlessly to himself under his breath before he slightly shifts, now blocking the light from your face. 
“Better?” He smiles, and when you could now see him clearly, it’s as if your brain and rationality flew out the window. “Pretty,” the word comes out in a genuine and awestruck tone, definitely clear and loud enough for everyone to hear. 
Oikawa Toru was indeed the prettiest person your eyes ever landed on your whole life— with his mint green Seijoh shirt, the material sticking to his chest because of his sweat, his handsomely disheveled hair that you could only imagine running your fingers through, and with his lips slightly apart as he breathed through them; chest rising up and down quite heavily, obviously because he’s been practicing too long. 
He smells so freaking great, and he was extremely close you’re gravitated to hold him. 
What really had you smitten and weak were his eyes though, with the way he looked at you, you could almost pretend he found you as interesting and beautiful as you did him. 
You snap out of it the moment you hear Kindaichi’s laughter. Oikawa was clearly surprised at what you had just said—speechless, eyebrows raised, and head cocked to the side in puzzle. 
Kunimi snorts from behind his captain, “she’s okay,” he says while trying to stifle his giggle. Oikawa’s caught in a dilemma, should he flirt and get carried away with the admiring look in your eyes or should he check on your condition first?
The latter, he tells himself. 
“Y/n-chan, was it? You okay? Does your head hurt?” He calmly asks you as he helps you completely sit up without having to lean on him. 
Toru being afraid you’ll collapse or get dizzy again, was still sitting at the balls of his feet, his thigh just behind your back and his hand unconsciously massaging your head. This doesn’t go unnoticed by everyone, of course— what a shocker, the Great Oikawa was genuinely this concerned even though you’re evidently okay now?
“Here,” he offers his hand, helping you stand up, the both of you failing to fight the fuzzy feeling in your chests at the contact. You may look like you were still battling the dizziness in your head but in reality, you were cringing so bad now that you’ve realized what you had just said. 
“Thanks, Oikawa-senpai,” you shyly mutter, your idiot friends giggling at your exchange. For obvious reasons, you can’t bring yourself to look up at Oikawa, “I’m really sorry y/n-chan, you appeared out of nowhere, you could hit me back if you like, though Iwa-chan already hit me hard too, wait, no, the point is, I’m really really sorry,” he brings his hands together as he slightly bows his head.
“It’s fine, please don’t worry about it,” you try to reassure him, instinctively grabbing his hands to have him retrieve himself from that position and at the same time planning your escape. “Uh, it’s late, I have to go,” you awkwardly say when he looks at you, and your eyes meet even if it’s just for a mere second before you looked away again. 
“You sure you’re okay?” He asks, eyes darting to his hands which you’ve held just seconds ago— he doesn’t want you to go yet. 
“Yes, uh, goodnight, and uhm well, take care,” you flush, cringing at every word that came out of your mouth. Take care? Wow, you sound so stupid. 
Before he could say something back, you’ve rushed out of the gym, his heart ultimately deflating after seeing you go. With a sigh, he turns on his heels to get back to practicing his serves— he can’t help it, there’s nothing he could do to see you nor does he have any reason to talk to you again. 
Little did he know you sat right outside the gym, on the first step of the staircase, with your hand on your chest at an attempt to calm down your erratic heartbeat. The image of his smile, his eyes, his face— breathtaking. His voice was velvet and his supposedly platonic touches were so immaculate for you that you still feel the tingles and the warmth despite being out there in the cold. 
Your friends were right, you’d love to manage their team.
or maybe you’ll love him, an involuntary voice from your subconscious makes you grow flustered all over again. 
“That sucked,” Iwaizumi comments just to piss him off more, referring to his 27th failed attempt at a decent serve. Oikawa groans, running his hands through his hair in frustration, “how annoying!” 
“Oikawa-san, you’ll see her again, you know,” Kunimi nonchalantly says without looking up as he scrolls through his phone, aware of how he’s got his captain’s attention in an instant. 
“What? What do you mean? I wouldn’t care less if I don’t Kunimi-kun,” he tries to brush it off, though he was beyond curious— when and how could he look back at those pretty e/c eyes of yours and hear you call him pretty again? 
“Y/n L/n, Seijoh first year, class 1-2,” he says with an eye roll. Oikawa grins— so you went to his school too, now there’s nothing to be down about anymore. Maybe he’ll accidentally cross paths with you in the halls and maybe he’ll accidentally strike up a conversation too. 
“So you guys are friends?” He asks, the subtle smile on his face never shaken off. “I guess, and just so you know, she came here because we asked her to try being our manager.” 
“Our manager?” He smirks, spinning the ball in his hands now with oozing confidence and ease, “even better,” he chuckles before tossing the ball in the air, and with full force sending it across the net, successfully hitting the floor with precision, speed and power. 
“Someone’s fired up,” Iwaizumi says with an eye roll, but his comment was ignored as Toru happily hums to himself, picking up another ball from the ground 
“Can’t wait to know you, y/n l/n.” 
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General Taglist: @noyasbitchh @dinablossom @haru-the-secret @strayczennies @lalisbitch @tinymidgetsstuff​ @animebs​ @sunshine-hina​ @hajimesbbygrl​ @kellesvt​ @24hr7dysdizzy​ @arnxldss​
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stxphxn-strange · 4 years
This is a Soap Opera | A Shrimp Gremlin Villain!Stephen fluff/angst fic
A/n: why is everything i write just fluff/angst? why not right? i tried to make this one kind of funny too lmao, ft. Steve being a little bitch (so this isn’t Steve friendly) and i have nothing against natasha i just needed someone else to be rude and i don’t love how she treats Tony
The Avengers’ Compound (Upstate NY), 4:31pm
Stephen stumbled blearily through the portal, a few disjointed thoughts rattling around in his mind like loose change. He had to find Tony and he was in need of a hug, nothing else was worth a damn in that moment.
Once he saw the genius, he sat and allowed himself to go limp, collapsing into Tony’s arms.
“I’ve taken no less than six (6) fucking Advil today, I can’t,” Stephen complained.
In his tired stupor, he chose to overlook the open hostility of the other Avengers in the room, snuggling closer to Tony. It also didn’t dawn on him, until a few moments later, that almost none of them knew that he and Tony were still together.
So yeah! That was kind of awkward.
Tony hummed, massaging Stephen’s scalp with the lightest grounding pressure. “Have you been drinking any actual water today, or just lots of tea?”
“We’re in the middle of a meeting—”
“Which can wait,” Tony replied. Stephen didn’t know who he was even talking to, he didn’t bother looking up. “Steph?”
Stephen shrugged. “Both. Probably more tea, though.”
“Not surprising. Why don’t you lay down?” Tony suggested, his voice soft. “Your lack of sleep might be catching up to you… sound familiar?”
Some discontented muttering broke out in the room, but Stephen ignored it. Despite the fact that 70% of the people in the room hated him, Stephen still felt loved and warm in Tony’s presence.
Tony ignored the muttering as well. “Don’t fall asleep on me now. Come on, bed.”
Stephen felt Tony gently maneuvering him into a standing position and leading him from the conference room.
“Stark, we’re in the middle of a meeting!” Steve snapped.
Stephen winced at his volume, pressing himself against Tony’s back and hiding his head on his shoulder
“Be quiet Steve. It’s not like this meeting is a big deal, nobody’s even taking minutes,” Tony replied. “I’ll come back, but pardon me for prioritizing my boyfriend’s health over this get together.”
The door to the room remained open as Stephen and Tony walked down the hallway, allowing them to hear Steve ranting about how nobody took his meetings seriously.
“Thor, you’re supposed to be taking minutes!” Steve yelled.
Inside the conference room, Thor shrugged. “But ‘Days of our Lives’ is on.”
“I work with a bunch of idiots. Some more likeable than others,” Tony commented, opening the door to his room.
Okay, it was more like his own wing of the building. Why shouldn’t it be? Tony built it and owned it, and the Avengers were famously bad for his work-life balance. Stephen was grateful that he could sleep in peace, especially once Tony blocked entry into the wing. He laid on Tony’s bed, the Cloak wrapping around him like a blanket as he disappeared in a pile of pillows.
Tony put a glass of water on the nightstand and sat beside Stephen.
“Sorry for bursting in. Now they know,” Stephen said. “If they didn’t before, I mean.”
“I care more about you,” Tony replied softly. “I also don’t give what most of them think. Their responses won’t matter much, the people who really care us and love us are supportive and happy for us.”
Stephen leaned back further into the pillows on the bed. “I’m lucky to have you, you know?”
Tony smirked. “Yeah, you are.”
“Tony!” Stephen gave him an affectionate push.
“I’m kidding. I love you,” Tony replied, kissing the crown of Stephen’s head. “You know you talk about shrimp in your sleep, right?”
“It’s good luck,” Stephen said with a yawn. “I love you too. I wish you could stay.”
“I’ll be back soon,” Tony promised. “Riposati, amore.”
Stephen nodded. “FRIDAY, how about some Food Network as background noise?”
FRIDAY turned on the TV, adding a pleasant, “It’s nice to see you today, Sire Shrimp.”
Tony rolled his eyes at the nickname, giving Stephen one last fond look before closing the door and heading back to the meeting. He wasn’t surprised to see the whole team talking about him, a stern look on Steve’s face. Thor, who was still watching “Days of our Lives,” was now consequently weeping with his head on Bruce’s shoulder.
So yeah, this meeting really wasn’t a big deal.
“Were you going to TELL us that you’re a no good, double crossing traitor?!” Steve snapped.
“Get out of my face,” Tony replied, pushing past him and returning to his seat between Rhodey and Thor. “What I do after hours is none of your business, and it’s not up to you to tell me who I am and am not allowed to date. Stephen and I never broke up after he left the team, I never promised we would! Furthermore I really love him and it’s in my best interest and great for my happiness to continue our relationship. Does anyone have questions?”
Natasha raised her hand. “Did you think we didn’t notice you were less pleasant to us? Strange makes you unpleasant.”
“Stephen treats me like I’m more than just an ATM.” Tony replied.
“How is Tony giving our secrets to some shrimp-obsessed VILLAIN permissible?!” Steve snapped, speaking to the room at large.
“What secrets? You mean that there are more things you haven’t told me? You don’t want Stephen knowing that you bully and belittle me whenever you feel like it?” Tony replied.
Steve was silent, angrily looking between Tony and the team. “Does anyone else see what’s wrong with this?”
Clint, Scott, and Natasha raised their hands.
“I don’t think we need to vote to agree that Stark’s conduct calls for immediate removal from this team,” Steve continued.
“You need me more than I need you,” Tony said. He was calm, despite the fact that his fists were shaking. “After all, who’s going to give you free stuff at your beck and call if you let me go? Where are you going to get all of your shiny suits and arrows?”
“As the leader of this team, I move to kick Tony out,” Steve declared.
“What is this, a playground clique? Who put you in charge?” Rhodey muttered, loud enough that only Tony could hear. To the group, he said: “We have to have a vote to bench anyone, as stated in the new Accords. And given that those Accords state that you are NOT the leader of this team, you absolutely cannot bench Tony. I say that as his best friend and as someone who ranks higher than you and earned it. I move to dismiss this meeting.”
“Oh thank god,” Tony quipped.
“Enough. We’re done here.”
Tony was out of his seat and down the hall before anyone could say another word.
Stephen was a light sleeper, always had been, and woke up the minute he felt Tony’s presence in the room. Shelving the dream he was having about eating shrimp on the beach, Stephen reached out for Tony and pulled him close.
“You’re shivering,” Stephen whispered, shifting so that he and Tony were both under the Cloak. “What’s wrong?”
“The rest of the meeting was just a shitshow, that’s all. It’s not important right now. How are you feeling?” Tony asked.
“A little better. I want to avoid taking any more Advil if I can, so I’ve just been trying to rest. I know I’ve fallen asleep a few times,” Stephen replied, hugging Tony closer and playing with his hair. “Now it’s your turn to rest. I’m okay, I promise, and I don’t need or want anything from you right now. I just want you.”
Tony sighed, melting into Stephen’s hug. He didn’t bother to hide the fact that he was upset, pressing his head against Stephen’s chest as he sought warmth and love.
“Hey,” Stephen began. “Let your shoulders drop, okay? It’s just us now, you can close your eyes.”
Stephen’s voice was effortlessly soothing, and Tony followed his instructions without hesitation.
“How was your day?” Tony asked, his voice already getting gravelly with tiredness.
Stephen smiled and kissed him softly. “It was fine. I tripped going down the stairs and dropped a plate, and Wong had to bribe me to take a break when I got to my sixth hour of studying.”
“No wonder your head hurts,” Tony remarked, snuggling closer to Stephen. “What did he bribe you with?”
“Coconut shrimp and talk show reruns,” Stephen admitted.
“Oh of course, because the way to a man’s heart is through reality television,” Tony said.
“The way to this man’s heart is being Tony Stark,” Stephen replied.
Tony blushed as red as a strawberry, tucking his head under the cloak. “Stop that.”
“I’m just saying!” Stephen bantered.
“How dare you flirt with me while we both have headaches!” Tony snickered. “Smooth bastard.”
Tags: @stark-strange-love @daisypoisonpen @ayyy-its-an-idiot @kiwidino @leoachilles @chocopiggy
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showcub · 6 years
boyfriend!au wonho
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so it’s that time of the year again
where you have to travel almost 12+ hours to go back to your parents’ house in your hometown
because it’s THE festive season lmao
your are always prepared, like you have your money (also emergency ones hidden in your bra in case your purse gets stolen), downloaded some movies, charge up your gadgets until 100%
so you board the train and you get the window seat which you lOVE and started getting youself comfortable
when suddenly a guy came and sat next to you
and you’re like………….
and he showed you his ticket and it was his designated seat
and you’re like ok but then your eyes locked with his
and you studied his face
what a perfectly sculptured face like god literally gave him a special treatment
or is he the god
then he flashes the sweetest smile ever and you’re just like blushing but inside hE IS SMILING AT ME
so you get back to doing your own stuff and you texted your friend “the guy seating next to me is smokin hot”
but your friend being your friend never text back and would take another four years to reply
so the train departed and you decided to watch a movie first
and 10 minutes into the movie you could feel him getting closer to you as your shoulders bumped with his
and you looked at him and he said “mind if i watch the movie with you?”
and you’re like okay but you are so embarrassed because you were watching zootopia like you’re 20+ and zootopia is…..
nevermind that so you took off one of your earbuds and gave it to him
so while watching the movie, your friend being your friend just had to text you at the wrong time ever
so a notification popped off
“send me a pic of THE hot guy seating next to you” and “let me evaluate” and “be discreet!!!!” 
and she kept spamming you with notifications about the hot guy
and you are 100% sure, no doubt that the hot guy seating next to you could read it
and you are panicking while trying to close the notification
and like moments after he said “do you think i’m hot?” with a cheeky smile
well, you couldn’t handle the situation because you nEVER GOT YOURSELF INTO THIS KIND OF SITUATIOn
so you just shrugged and said ummm….yes…././//././././.
lord knows how you felt inside send help soon like sos like mayday like pls send help 
you could feel yourself being slapped hard by your soul for embarrassing yourself and for being so cheap
but he laughed and his laugh was the most contagious laugh ever that you felt the need to laugh at yourself
then your mind started to think if he was laughing at you or he was laughing because it was unexpected or cute (cue any hyungwon’s meme here)
at that point your soul was ready to leave your body
but then he said in between his laughs “you too”
and you were caught off guard like he thinks i’m….hot???? like???? me??? hot???? really??????
then he stared at you like yea………….
and both of you broke into another laughter again 
you could see the woman in front of you looking back at you and the hot guy through the cracks in between the seats with so much cringe
then he introduced himself as wonho and that he was also heading towards your destination
and you were like so overjoyed because you have somebody to keep you company for the next 12+ hours
you guys kept watching zootopia and some episodes of peppa pig
and he’s like peppa pig??? really????
and you’re like don’t judge me it’s for my niece
you fell asleep along the way and he leans close to you so your head fell voluntarily onto his shoulder
when the train finally arrived at the destination, you put your coat on and you’re really sad
because it was probably your last time meeting him
so you bid each other goodbyes and he said it was a fun 12+ hours train ride
and he said “you wanna take a selfie? don’t your friend need to evaluate my hotness?”
so you took selfies with him and that selfies were the only thing you’ve been staring on
you feel the need to print them out on a banner and hang it all over the house
because he so hot
a few days later you’re about to do your laundry so you cleaned out everything in the pocket of your clothes
guess what you found???????
a nicely-torn notebook paper with his number scribbled on it!!!!!!
you have wasted so many days so you immediately called him
he picked up the call and when he heard your voice over the phone, he’s like “i was so worried you might never find that paper”
then you guys talked for hours and he said he would like to meet you once again
so after you’re back home you met him at one coffee shop
he was wearing a suit and matched it with a necktie while reading a paper
then you started to wonder if he’s overdressed or you’re underdressed
then he reassures you that he’s currently on a break from work (read: lawyer)
“you still work at 7 PM?!?!?!??!”
but he didn’t wanna bail on you because he missed you
and you’re all blushed up because he’s so straightforward with his words
he already ordered you dark mocha and you’re like how did you know it’s my favourite???
while sipping on his coffee he’s like i just assume
yeah but he got that right
it was a short meeting like for only 45 mins
when you’re already outside the coffee shop ready to part ways, he held your hands
“i’ve been thinking of you since our first encounter and this wistful longing will worsen after you leave”
his eyes glistened with sincerity and you just “should i do it or not”
if he picks 1, you’re going to do it but if he picks 2, you’re not going to do it
“pick a number, 1 or 2″
wonho: 2
and you just ah, fuck it i’m just going to do it so you grab his collar and kissed him 
and he was startled at first but he kissed you back
you could feel it when he smiled in between the kisses and he let out giggles after the quick kiss
he leaned his forehead against yours and whispered “i like you”
you just grinned and wrapped your arms around his torso and he’s like “won’t you say it back?”
so you’re like “i thought action speaks louder than words”
and he just giggled and you’re like ≧◡≦
anyway that night was spent away by keeping him company in his office while he worked over his unbelievably great amount of paperwork
and he’s just so beautiful while he focused on his work
dating wonho is a beautiful experience itself
like he’s definitely a sappy boyfriend also that type who gets touched at everything
whenever you’re with him he’ll play with your little fingers 
and sometimes he’ll help you paint your nails and you did the same to his so you can have ‘matching nails’
he really likes to bring you to fancy restaurants
wonho: you’re my princess and deserve to be treated like one
sometimes when you get to work you’ll get random flower bouquets and with little notes saying “it’s our 136th days together”
whenever you have movie nights he pretends that it’s his turn to pick the movie when it’s actually yours
but you didn’t mind it anyway
and he always falls asleep before the movie ends and the next day he goes like “how come i can’t remember how the movie ends”
but you’re just like yOU FELL ASLEEP
and he giggles
he loves night walk with you and one time you were having the normal night walk with him but it suddenly rains and you didn’t bring any umbrella or raincoat along
so you guys were running to find a shelter with a roof
but then he pulled you closer by your waist and kissed you in the rain
wonho: i wanted to do that ever since i watched the notebook
but the next day wonho caught a flu
so you take care of him by cooking him his favourite ramen and wraps him up in blanket
and you will plant a few kisses on his face and he’s like whining like nOOOOO you can’t be close to me you’ll get the flu too
but you’re like my kisses will cure you
and he really wants to cuddle with you in the bed with him but he just can’t-
when you and wonho argue, he’ll get really frustrated that he cries and you’re like no no don’t cry but your tears already rolling down the cheek
so you cry together and forget about what you guys argue about
he has a large world map hung in his room with bookmarks of places he wants to travel with you
and you guys have different piggy banks for different places
but the money would always disappear because wonho took them to buy you little gifts
sometimes he went out to lunch with his colleagues and he passed by an accessories shop and he stopped by to buy you hair clip because “it reminds me of you”
he definitely says “i love you” eighty times a day and gets whiny when you don’t say it back
wonho is definitely not the pda kind of guy because he likes to be private and intimate
if you’re stressed out from work he’ll definitely took a bath with you 
he’ll massage your body and just cuddle with you to lift up the stress off your shoulder
and he’ll aways bring you to the gym to workout with him but you can NEVER follow his workout routine
so he’s like for every sit-up you do i’ll give you a kiss
so that motivates you like A LOT
but you can never go on after 30 sit-ups
so you just sit there on one of the workout benches and watch him running on the treadmill 
like what a beautiful man, inside and out
don’t let him go
whenever the time of the year is coming up again, you two would take the train to return to your hometown to commemorate your ‘first encounter’ 
find more from this series: boyfriend!au shownu, boyfriend!au minhyuk, boyfriend!au kihyun, boyfriend!au hyungwon, boyfriend!au jooheon
boyfriend!au i.m coming up soon!
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richie-txzier · 6 years
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This (Who Am I To Disagree?)
Original Request: Can you do a Stenbrough soulmate story?!! I loved the Reddie one so much it was great.
Requester: @propertyofthelosersclub
Pairing(s): Bill Denbrough x Stan Uris, Eddie Kaspbrak x Richie Tozier
Warning: Migraines, Nausea, I guess?
Author: Admin Tozier
Note: So,,, does anyone remember this fic lmao. I FINALLY finished this chapter and now I sorta know where I’m going with this so yayyy :) 
Link To Song: I Get Ideas - Tony Martin
Paraprosexia , Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 (YOU ARE HERE) , Chapter 4 (Coming soon…)
The water was cold. While the diner bathrooms were spotless, cleaned to a standard Eddie would approve, the taps in the toilet seemed to be the only thing in the place that didn't work right. Even as he had streamed the tap for a while, hovering his fingers under the freezing flow, the liquid had no desire to change.
Bill felt similar. Splashing it across his face, it woke him up. Woke him from the lonely breakfast sat across from his unashamedly happy and affectionate best friends as he washed the food from his mouth. Woke him from this morning as it cleaned the dried tears from his face. ��But as much as he scrubbed and scoured and swabbed the frigid water into his pores, his eyes, everywhere, he couldn't wash away the lingering thoughts of his dream.
The motion of realisation that drove through Ben's features played on a loop in Bill's mind eye. It sent terror deep, the possibility of Ben not only being aware of his situation but more in the fact that he so easily figured it out. If he was so quick to understand the situation after only a few minutes, how many other people had realised in the two years he'd been crushing on him? How many other people could figure out who was in his dream? Could he figure it out? He didn't even know what to tell him- whether he even wanted to tell him - but what if the mere knowledge of the situation(the only shred of control he could still hold to stop him going insane with mortification or worse: having to face his problems) what ripped from him by Stan figuring it out before he told him.
"HEY! Bill, breathe, buddy, come on!" 
Bill's head snapped up to the mirror as a hand laid on his shoulder blades as was met with the severely concerned soft features of Ben looking back at him. He took a sudden deep breath he didn't know he was holding and turned around, Ben's hand falling as he leaned against the sink, his hands still on the rim, "That's it," Ben smiled gently, "Don't go doing an Eddie on me."
Bill laughed gently, more out of relief of being mitigated from his vortex of panicked thoughts than of amusement, "S-sorry."
Ben shook his head, "Don't be," Bill gave him a look, "No really, I reacted the same when I go mine."
A snort erupted from Bill's lips, running a hand over his face to dry himself of the droplets running down his nose and cheeks, "You and Bev were already t-together when y-you t-wo t-turned 17."
Ben shrugged meekly, "Didn't mean I wasn't shocked," He pulled his sweater over his hand and reached up to wipe a stray droplet from Bill's jaw, "It meant that it was properly real, you know? That I wasn't just lucky enough for Bev to like me enough to be my girlfriend, but also that she was Soulmate?" He shook his head, laughing, "I was in shock for days. Bev was so worried."
"How'd you t-tell her?" Bill asked in a small voice. Ben laughed again, more genuine as it was smothered in fondness.
"She basically tortured it out of me," His shoulder's sagged, "I didn't want to tell her,"  
Eyeing his body language, he took him gently by broad shoulders and moved the both of them to a bare wall and slump it. The two of them slid down, sat on the linoleum red and white tiled floor, their back against the crisp white painted wall. Ben seemed to melt into it, his jumper a matching colour as well as his sunken demeanour.
"Why not?"
"I was scared it was a mistake." He replied simply, "That when Bev woke up from hers a month later she'd see someone kinder, taller, fitter; someone better for her and realise how much I didn't deserve her."
When he ripped his gaze from the solitary crack in the red tile in front of him, he met Ben's gaze and caught his silent question, "Yeah, I'm, I'm scared too," Bluebell eyes encouraged him further. He took a deep breath, "I-I'm scared that we'll be S-Soulmates, but not good t-together. That he'll be mine but also s-someone else's. That I'm so close to being with him, but at the same time, I'm actually the farthest away."
A small, half-covered hand moved to cover his, and squeezed his fingers gently, sandy blonde hair tickling his jaw as he leaned his head against his shoulder.
"For the record," Ben began as Bill mirrored his actions to tilt his head on top of his inhaling his soapy and sugary smell that reminded him weirdly of a kind old man; one always with a smile, candy, and uplifting words of wisdom to spare at any moment, "Stan would be insane to not want to be with you."
Bill laughed lightly, feeling freer and calmer and, most of all, thankful for his best friend, "Th-thanks. And Bev would have had to be blind, mute and d-deaf is sh-she didn't want to be with you."
"Hm, thanks." Bill could hear the smile in his voice.
They sat for a moment, breathing in the tranquil space between them, holding on to the moment of peace as they sat holding and falling into one another, the faint dripping of the tap and gurgle of pipes filling the comfortable silence. Bill was starting to feel the exhaustion of the day weigh down on his body and most notably his eyes; the warmth radiating from Ben's incredibly soft jumper making him feel like a nap was most definitely in order at some point today. Maybe he could convince Ben to nap with him.
As he was mulling over possible ways of persuasion, his warm pillow shifted as Ben stood up. A groan rumbled from Bill's throat. Ben rolled his eyes, grinning, "Come on, we should get back to the table. Rich and Eddie are probably wondering where we are."
Bill stood up, brushing off his sweatpants, grumbling, "Not likely."
Ben's hand was firm and gentle against Bill's back as they walked back to the table, but felt him leave about halfway towards the booth. He caught his small smile and motioning to the bulky, kaleidoscopic and luminescent jukebox on the opposite side of the diner. Bill nodded in response, returning his smile before tipping his head back, the booth only a few faux confident steps away.
He had just reached the table when he bumped into Audra, then engaging in a side-stepping rendezvous that had them both laughing lightly, "Sorry." He muttered through pink cheeks.
"That's alright, sugar," She smiled gorgeously. He was trying to shuffle back into his seat, the tinging of glass against glass alerting his attention. Looking up he saw Audra refilling Eddie's glass of water, her face pinched and cornflower eyes soft as she gazed down at him, "You need anythin' else, strawberry?"
"No, thanks though Audra," Eddie murmured his voice sharp around the edges. She hesitated but nodded, collecting the jug back into her arms.
"Alright, but lemme know okay?" Eddie nodded. She gave him a kind smile and Richie a playful fluff of his hair before she walked off, feet clicking against the linoleum floor.  
Bill took in Eddie's furrowed brows and his sour expression, and how Richie was gently massaging circles in his temple and softly kissing his jaw. He reached a hand across the table, on that Eddie slipped his hand, the tremors evident in Bill's palm, "You s-still got a headache?"
From a downward angle of his head, the glare that Eddie sent him was positively murderous even so that Bill swallowed, "No, William, I'm sitting here pretending to be in steadily throbbing pain for fun."
Richie tutted lightly behind him, pressing a kiss behind his ear that immediately softened the boy into his embrace. Bill could just see Richie's other hand stroking his stomach under the table, "Don't be so hard on Billy-boy, dear," He nudged the glass towards Eddie, "He loves you too."
Bill made sure Eddie could see him nod through the glass Eddie had tipped into his mouth, pairing it with an affectionate squeeze of his hand. Ben appeared back at the table, the sweeping calming rhythmic melody of Tony Martin crooning to I Get Ideas following him with kind grace. Eyeing the knotted couple in front of him, Bill seceded in moving down the bench giving Ben a look as he slid in next to him.
"Tony Martin?" Ben shrugged, cheeks a little pink.
"Beverly likes it." He muttered, swirling his mug embarrassingly as soon as he grabbed it.
When we are dancing And you're dangerously near me I get ideas, I get ideas
"Oh, I love this song," Eddie said wistfully, smiling at Ben as he hummed along with it.
Bill eyed the sudden mood change, "Careful Rich, I think he's reached the delirious stage."
"There's no fucking delirious stage, have you ever had a headache before?"
"Apparently not."
"Fuck you."
"Eds," Richie cooed, hugging him to his chest and fingers trailing to his hair. Eddie huffed, twisting in Richie's arms.
"Don't 'Eds' me. You don't have to fucking deal with this. You get to scamper off every morning. I have to stay and deal with her bullshit."
"Hey! I have to suffer too!"
"How could anything be as bad as a fucking half-hour scream-lecture about fucking apples."
"I have to leave my Spaghetti," He pushed his nose against Eddies, "It's so hard because he's so adorable in the morning."
Eddie's face flushed hot and a hesitant smile twitched at his mouth, "You're stupid."
"And you're bratty."
Eddie kissed him gently, fingers coiled into his shirt, his voice lowering considerably, just for the both of them, "I love you."
Richie kissed his forehead, practically beaming, "I love you too."
"-buh-borrow my copy of Pride and Prejudice only if y-you nap with me." As the two of them zoned back into the present they looked over to see Ben drinking the dregs of his tea whilst Bill was leaned engagingly on the table and the back of the bench, face edging on playful desperation.  Eddie's phone buzzed from his pocket, Richie feeling it against his leg and he wiggled on Richie's lap to get to it.
"What the fuck are you two talking about over there?" Richie asked over at them, too aware of Eddie's wince as he unlocked his phone, his bright background of him and Richie sunbathing last summer, hitting his eyes painfully, as the sun glared off his sunglasses in the picture. The ache behind his eyes worsened as he scrolled. Richie kissed his shoulder, patting his stomach.
"Bill's trying to get me to prostitute myself." Ben sipped his tea.
"What's your price?"
"A book and unconditional love and attention."
"I'm offering both of those!" Bill complained, throwing up his hands.
Ben side-eyed him, a smirk curling at his mouth, "Mhm maybe, but Bev can give me more than just cuddling."
"No she can't," Eddie cut in, squinting at his screen. He held his finger on something for a second, before he flipped his phone around to show the two of them the picture - Bev's peaceful face, smiling sleepily as she laid on Stan, evidently being him as by the array of golden curls in the corner of the picture, the caption simply being 'nap time' and several sleeping emojis. Eddie clicked his phone off, "What is it with you people and napping, it's like 11am? Don't you sleep?"
"Do you?" Bill threw back, gesturing pointedly at Richie who was smiling smugly.
"Yes. And I'm not the one who needs a...nap..." Eddie trailed off, his hands suddenly gripping the table tip, his knuckles turning white and his eyes squeezing shut. He sucked a sharp breath through his nose, whimpering lightly, and curling into himself.
"Eds, Eddie, baby, hey hey hey," Richie flailed, cuddling Eddie up into his arms, turning him sideways so he could huddle him closer. He gave panicked looks to the boys across the table but found no answers in their equally confused and concerned faces. Eddie slowly relaxed, slumping into Richie's chest and Richie cupped his face in his hands, heart quickening in panic at he noticed the paleness of his features, "Baby, what happened, are you alright?"
"I just felt really nauseous," Eddie gritted out, his nose wrinkling in the tell-tale sign he was pushing down tears. Richie stroked his face lightly, kissed his forehead as Eddie continued to take deep breaths, determined not to have an anxiety attack in public. He looked at the ceiling blinking rapidly, "For fucks sake."
"No, no, no, baby don't cry. Please don't cry." Richie whispered, turning Eddie's face towards him kissing him gently and holding him firmly against him, hand stroking the small of his back. Eddie kissed him back a little before pulling back and sniffing deeply, unable to look at Richie's face as he gazed down at him, evident in his expression that his heart was twisting with worry for him. Richie kissed his unresponsive lips once more before puckering kisses across his cheek and temple. He eventually pulled back, pecking his nose and swiped across his forehead with his thumb, his brows coming together as he sucked his bottom lips between his teeth, "Maybe it's not just a headache."
Eddie could only shake his head, far too familiar with mother induced migraines to feel energetic enough to delve into the idiosyncrasies of them. Pressing another kiss to his forehead, Richie turned to Ben and Bill with a grim smile, "I think we're gonna go."
They nodded and Richie stood up from the booth, Eddie following him, swaying a little at the sudden motion and Richie tugged him into him, holding him around the waist. Eddie nuzzled his head into his shoulder, sighing deeply and gathering his bearings. Mostly though, he was trying to keep his firm hold on Richie while focusing on not vomiting on him.
I want to hold you So much closer than I dare do
He flinched a little at Bill's hand patting his hip and looked up to Ben and Bill's sympathetic smiles, "Get better soon Eds."
"Thanks, guys," Eddie murmured, eyes half closed and leaning against Richie. Richie kissed the top of his head and started to lead him towards to door, shooting a farewell smile and finger gun on his shoulder at Ben and Bill.
They watched as Audra flew over, a box of leftovers in her hands that she passed to Richie, her fingers running through Eddie's hair. Her lips moved with distant words, curved into a warm smile and Richie hugged her briefly with one arm, blowing a kiss to Patty who waved from behind the counter, a customer demanding her attention. Audra gave Eddie a sweet kiss on the cheek before moving away from them and waving them out of the door, her face twisted in adorable worry. When she returned to the counter the customer was leaving allowing Patty to cup her face in her small pale hands and kiss her softly.
Bill revolved back around with a soft sigh and stole a glance to his side to see Ben's gaze stuck ahead at the spot where Richie and Eddie were previously sitting. With a smile curving around the rim of his mug, his eyes twinkled and Bill's stomach jumped.
"I know th-that look, what?" He asked eagerly.
I get ideas, yes, I get ideas
"I just had an idea," He sipped purposefully, deliberately keeping Bill on the edge of his seat, brows scrunched frustratingly at the action, "A way to find out whether Stan likes you too."
Ben pulled out his phone, eyes lit with excitement and began to furiously tap on it, "We'll need some help though."
"Ben, hold on, what's the plan?"
Ben looked up and met his gaze, "We're gonna pull a Florence Nightengale."
"A what?"
For that's the whole idea, it's true The lovely idea That I'm falling in love with you
[TAG LIST: @stevekeeryngton , @biancavlove]
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woojinieemoved · 7 years
dating a park at a park ―
member: park woojin
genre: fluff
writing type: paragraph
word count: 1.3k
summary: you and woojin go on a date at the park and yall do something that embarrasses the both of you
a/n: so like i was gonna rewrite this but im tired and i want to write new stories so sorry if this sucks bcuz this is the first scenario i wrote when i first created my account!
my masterlist
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It was early in the afternoon and Woojin receives a text from you saying:
“Woojinie!! It’s nice out so let’s have a date day at the park :-) <3″
He smiles reading the text and blushes slightly at the little heart emoji at the end of your text.
“Alright. I’ll meet up at your place at 12:00?”
You instantly rely agreeing to it and happily go to your bedroom, ripping everything out of your closet trying to find a cute outfit to wear. After throwing as many outfits as you could, you finally settle for a simple outfit: a long knit cardigan with a simple tee tucked into some high-waisted shorts. You had around a hour left before he were to arrive and ran to the bathroom to throw on some simple makeup and appreciating how cute you looked, hoping that your boyfriend would too once he got here.
Woojin was probably as frantic as you were, throwing on as many outfits he had as well, also settling with a simple outfit of a graphic tee that looked nice with the flannel he wore over, rolling up the sleeves, and a pair of ripped jeans. It took around 10 minutes to take a car to your place, so he used his time wisely, making sure he had all of the things he needed for the day, aka his wallet, phone, and his love for you ;) im sorry lmao   Looking at the time on his phone and realizing it was almost 12, he runs outside and catches a taxi to your place.
It was nearing 12 and you were anxiously waiting in your living room waiting for Woojin to arrive, looking back and forth at the time on your phone until you finally hear the sound of the doorbell being rung and you jump up from the couch, running to the door to open it. You see Woojin standing in front of you and you both immediately smile at each other, Woojin’s cute snaggletooth always standing out. Woojin pulls you in for a quick hug and blushes at how good you looked. “Are you ready y/n?” Woojin asks while holding onto your hand lightly. You nod your head and smile up at him, making the corners of his mouth rise a little, the two of you taking a taxi to the park since it was pretty far.
Once you guys got to the park, you were excited to see all the bright green nature and the blooming flowers, instantly smiling and gazing at your surroundings. Woojin watched you bounce around in excitement and chuckled, walking fast to catch up with you. He grabbed your hand and you jumped in surprise seeing it was only your boyfriend. You both walk around, eating snacks, and taking lots of pictures together. Woojin was still sort of camera shy, but he didn’t hold back on sneaking some photos of you for himself to admire later. You were swinging his hand slightly as you guys walked around the park, embracing the nice weather and surroundings, Woojin appreciating your beauty more than the area and just thinking how the flowers behind you made you look even more beautiful than before.
After walking around for a while, you’re legs get a little sore and you nudge at Woojin. “Can we take a rest? My legs are getting tired.” You say and softly massage at your thigh, frowning a little and looking up at him. He blushes at the sight of you squishing your thigh and quickly looks away.
“Y-Yeah. There’s a bench over there in the shade. Let’s go sit there.” He says and leads you to the bench, waiting for you to sit down first. There was a drink machine near the bench and Woojin takes notice of it. “I’m gonna grab a couple of drinks. You stay here and rest up.” he said and placed a small kiss on your forehead and flashing you that same cute smile before walking to the machine to buy some drinks.
You blush a little touching your forehead and sitting back, smiling at how great your date with him has gone. You sit back and suddenly remember Jihoon telling you a couple days ago about the thing you did upset Woojin and a frown appears on your face. Woojin is walking back with two cold bottles of water and he sees you sitting on the bench looking upset and immediately becomes concerned, walking faster and plopping himself next to you.
“Y/N? What’s wrong? You look upset?” Woojin said as he opened the water bottle before handing it to you. “Have you not been enjoying our date?” he asked with a worried look and gazing at you with puppy eyes.
Since you were sort of dozed off thinking about what Jihoon said, you were sorta startled when Woojin sat next to you. You thanked him for the water and took a sip, letting out an exhale of satisfaction. You were surprised hearing Woojin’s question and let out a small sigh followed with a smile. “Nothing’s wrong with our date. It’s just...” you hesitate and look to the side. Woojin frowns and scoots closer to you and putting his arm around your shoulder saying, “C’mon. Tell me what’s wrong. I don’t want my girlfriend to be sad while we’re on a date.” A waft of Woojin’s cologne as he gets closer to you and feeling the warmth of his arm around you.
“Well... Jihoon told me that the thing I did a couple days upset you.. I don’t know how much it upset you so suddenly remembering made me feel bad about it.” You said slowly, looking down and fidgeting the cold water bottle in your hands, crinkling the plastic lightly. Woojin stares at you for a little and snorts a little, bringing is other hand up close to his face to cover it slightly. You look up at him looking confused wondering why he laughed, but slightly relieved that he didn’t look mad. 
“He was just messing with you y/n.” he chuckled and you widen you eyes in surprise. “Jihoon.. I can’t deal with him...” you sighed and pouted. “If you knew it was a joke why didn’t you tell meeee” you whined and huffed, looking forward. You were honestly relieved that it was just a joke, but you were a little mad that he didn’t tell you it was only a joke that Jihoon pulled on you. He held in his laugh watching you get all pouty and smiled, nudging your arm.
“Don’t be mad~” he says and shakes you softly, looking at you with big puppy eyes. “Will you stop being mad if I act cute for you?” he asked, tilting his head with a grin on his face. You decided to ignore him a little longer, curious what you think he’ll do next. “Hmmmm? Fine. I’ll do it.” he said, you still facing forward with your arms crossed.
Woojin starts making kissy faces trying to grab your attention, slowly inching closer to your cheek. You notice the kissy faces he was making from the corner of your eye, trying not to smile at how adorable he looked making those faces. Waiting until he got close enough, you quickly turn your head to steal a kiss from his lips and got up to run away towards where the drink machine was in embarrassment. 
You ran away, holding your hands on your cheeks quickly burning up and flushing red and Woojin sat at the bench shocked and in awe, his face quickly turning extremely red with a huge smile appearing and hid his embarrassment on his face with his hands. You crouched near the machine giggling and couldn’t believe that you actually did that.
Once you two got over being super embarrassed, you walked back to the bench, flashing him a shy smile, Woojin also giving a shy smile. In the end, the whole situation was very embarrassing but pure and the date ended without any problems.
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