#also the way i know who u are. the anon button was wasted πŸ˜”
crucefix Β· 2 years
damn it's so weird that your about page says "big bigots etc" when your own page is like..... you complaining about gender inclusive language (terf much?), saying that it's crass to celebrate "an old lady's death" (imperialist much?), and blogging harry potter (terf once more i see?). interested in what your definition of a bigot even is. americans have never been affected by the queen and should "stay out of it"? it seems you are forgetting some nasty and complexly woven webs of imperialism, migration, and diaspora there, but whatever! have the day that you and your shit ass, frankly outright disgusting harry potter supporting blog deserve. i hope you get a better brain than one that can't acknowledge that abortion is a wide ranging issue, not all women have one kind of body, supporting the harry potter franchise means supporting a vile woman and its many anti semitic, transphobic, racist tropes, and that the queen's death is orgasmic and joyous for so many people - rightfully so. rest in piss elizabeth
i was going to ignore this because it's dumb but my plans were cancelled so i've got nawt better to do 1. disliking being referred to as a 'birthing person' or a 'womb haver' is not complaining about inclusive language, it is not being cool with being referred to with language i and many other women find dehumanising. i don't like to be referred to as a baby incubator tyvm. and if you can't see that it is inherently misogynistic to not even be able to use the word 'woman' when talking about abortion rights without getting attacked idk what to tell u!!! abortion is a women's rights issue and that isn't going to change. and it’s people like you who are making women scared to speak up about their bodies and their rights because you just scream terf at anyone who does. 2. iuhvfhosh i'm fully anti monarchy and disliked the queen immensely and i don't mind the jokes (tho some are in poor taste seeing as this will likely trigger a lot of shitty events and political shifts in the uk where i happen to live, and were the posts i was referring to when i said americans should stay out of it because they were telling us to riot and shit like mate we've got enough going on here at the moment) but i do think it is crass to make posts like 'i hope she died in excruciating pain' like i get it she was terrible and deserving of hatred but i still don't enjoy seeing posts wishing unimaginable pain on an old lady lol call me old fashioned but i just think it's unnecessary and a bit immature ! i prefer actual criticism to 'lol hope her brain exploded' meself 3. if you think i'm a terf because i reblog the occasional harry potter movie edit (which literally thousands of good decent people worked on and who i don't think deserve to have their work shunned and erased) on tumblr dot com i think you should go outside and touch some grass and breathe in the fresh air fore you are chronically online. have a nice day 🀠
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