#how u gonna call my blog shit when u were always liking my posts 😭😭
crucefix · 2 years
damn it's so weird that your about page says "big bigots etc" when your own page is like..... you complaining about gender inclusive language (terf much?), saying that it's crass to celebrate "an old lady's death" (imperialist much?), and blogging harry potter (terf once more i see?). interested in what your definition of a bigot even is. americans have never been affected by the queen and should "stay out of it"? it seems you are forgetting some nasty and complexly woven webs of imperialism, migration, and diaspora there, but whatever! have the day that you and your shit ass, frankly outright disgusting harry potter supporting blog deserve. i hope you get a better brain than one that can't acknowledge that abortion is a wide ranging issue, not all women have one kind of body, supporting the harry potter franchise means supporting a vile woman and its many anti semitic, transphobic, racist tropes, and that the queen's death is orgasmic and joyous for so many people - rightfully so. rest in piss elizabeth
i was going to ignore this because it's dumb but my plans were cancelled so i've got nawt better to do 1. disliking being referred to as a 'birthing person' or a 'womb haver' is not complaining about inclusive language, it is not being cool with being referred to with language i and many other women find dehumanising. i don't like to be referred to as a baby incubator tyvm. and if you can't see that it is inherently misogynistic to not even be able to use the word 'woman' when talking about abortion rights without getting attacked idk what to tell u!!! abortion is a women's rights issue and that isn't going to change. and it’s people like you who are making women scared to speak up about their bodies and their rights because you just scream terf at anyone who does. 2. iuhvfhosh i'm fully anti monarchy and disliked the queen immensely and i don't mind the jokes (tho some are in poor taste seeing as this will likely trigger a lot of shitty events and political shifts in the uk where i happen to live, and were the posts i was referring to when i said americans should stay out of it because they were telling us to riot and shit like mate we've got enough going on here at the moment) but i do think it is crass to make posts like 'i hope she died in excruciating pain' like i get it she was terrible and deserving of hatred but i still don't enjoy seeing posts wishing unimaginable pain on an old lady lol call me old fashioned but i just think it's unnecessary and a bit immature ! i prefer actual criticism to 'lol hope her brain exploded' meself 3. if you think i'm a terf because i reblog the occasional harry potter movie edit (which literally thousands of good decent people worked on and who i don't think deserve to have their work shunned and erased) on tumblr dot com i think you should go outside and touch some grass and breathe in the fresh air fore you are chronically online. have a nice day 🤠
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
hiii want to say that i just met your blog and i obsessed with it!! i really love your writing. anddd i want to make a abby request, abby and reader are in college and abby is like super popular and when they start to date reader is called “abbys girl” all the time and get super flustered? i dont know if i express myself good, english is not my first language, sorry! hope u have a amazing day, xoxo <3
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- Abby’s girl -
Pairings - modern au! Abby Anderson x Fem! Reader
An - this is kinda bad I’m sorry 😭😭 I wasn’t really sure what plot to write but I still appreciate the request.
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Everybody was cheering. With only a minute left on the clock the Seattle wolves vrs the Jackson mustangs— one of the oldest lasting rivals on and off the court, were pushing one another around trying to keep Abby from making her shot.
The blonde dodged around trying to avoid the other team. Making it to the 3 point line she threw the ball. Going through the hoop the clock blared at the same time, the referees announced the wolves win making the home side scream with excitement.
Abby shouted happily, making eye contact with you she grinned. Making your way out of the stands was easier said then done.
Eventually getting to the locker room you walked towards Abby’s spot. One of her teammates walked past you taking a moment to say hi. “Shit It’s Abby’s girl, hey she’s just over there the girls are cheering for her”
You felt your face turn red, “oh thanks” with a smile you watched as she walked away before going towards the shouting. Being the girlfriend of the basketball team captain tended to help boost your own reputation. Most of them didn’t know your name only addressing you as ‘Abby’s girl’.
Was it your preferred way of being addressed… well no. But it wasn’t the end of the world, all it did really was embarrass you.
Setting your purse down by Abby’s duffel bag on the bench you watched as the girls other girls crowded around her, chanting Abby’s name while they all celebrated their big win which would now take them to state. You were and always will be Abby’s biggest supporter, no matter what you would never miss any of her games.
She instantly noticed your presence, breaking free abby quickly made her way to you. Grabbing you by the waist she pulled you into a messy kiss. It was full of adrenaline and not coordinated. Pulling back Abby kept her face close to yours. A few of the other girls on the team chuckled at the display making you blush. “Hey” abby flirted against your lips.
“Hi” You giggled “You did amazing out there.. I mean really I genuinely believe Your Gonna win this thing”
“And im Gonna do even better tonight” she continued her cocky streak, pressing your hips against hers.
You rolled your eyes finding her attempts at seduction funny. “Uh huh, I’m gonna wait for you outside ok” kissing her one more time you gasped as she grabbed your ass. You rolled your eyes as you pulled back, giving her a warning look as Abby remained on her high.
You sat down on a bench near by the exit. Pulling out your phone you started to scroll on Instagram, trying to decided what to make a post about. That and finding a new restaurant near by to take Abby to, just to celebrate her big win before she actually tried to get you pregnant.
“So your Abby’s girl huh?” A woman spoke. Looking up you were taken back by seeing Ellie Williams the Jackson mustangs team captain.
Confused you nodded “uh yeah..”
She just scoffed. “How the hell did she manage to pull you” standing up you grabbed your purse, Ellie knew you had been offended by what she said.
“First of all she didn’t pull anyone, how we got into a relationship was because she’s a good person and secondly” you looked her up and down “why are you even over here, your bus is on the other side of campus”
“Damn, I was just asking” she laughed crossing her arms “but seriously though Abby? Her being a good person, that’s total bullshit she’s anything but good, besides I can do anything she does”
“Except win a Game”
You could tell Ellie was starting to loose her patience. Why was she over by you, to hell if you knew. There was a tense silence between you both, before she could speak the back door opened.
Abby stood tall and strong as always only her former grin was replaced with a look of disgust. Getting up you walked over to her, kissing her cheek. “Williams”
Both girls staring at each-other with a Look of hate, You had heard Time and time again the rivalry between the two schools and between their families. “Why are You over here, and better question why are you talking to my girl”
“Fuck dude nobody’s trying to fight Dina just forgot her bag inside I offered to come get it.” Ellie looked at one once again before gesturing her head to Abby. “Your Girl seems like a real catch, guess you got lucky”
“Guess i did” her response was harsh. At this point you were fed up with the conversation and dealing with Ellie. Grabbing Abby’s hand you pulled her away.
Sitting on Abby’s bed you laughed softly at watching her go on a rant. “And don’t get me started on Joel the sheer fucking audacity of that man! He punched my dad because he couldn’t help Ellie. I repeat he punched MY DAD— why are you laughing”
“Nothing Nothing its Just.. your really cute when you get mad” Abby flipped you off making you laugh once again. After a moment she sat down on the bed beside you, taking a calming breath she leaned over kissing you softly, slowly, sensually.. pulling back she gently squeezed your hand.
“What did I do to deserve you” she muttered.
“Not much but working out and getting buff and being blonde helped, you know the important shit” you gave her a charismatic smile
“Your not Funny”
“I’m hilarious”
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soup-scope · 10 months
You have been bitten by the mutual virus. To cure yourself, you must provide one reason why you follow each of your mutuals before sending this to others (whether mutuals or not) while in anon.
Good luck!
This… is gonna be so long…..
@star-sheeps : absolutely fucking hilarious. i always catch myself giggling whenever i see one of ur posts!! i also loved the ‘styling the listeners’ lil series u were doing i love fashion content sm. you were also one of the first people i followed when i first joined the redacted fandom🫡🫡
@caramel-metal : you somehow find the funniest shit to ever exist. your blog is a genuine gold mine for content i would’ve have seen otherwise it’s so‼️‼️‼️‼️
@taelonsamada : i thought it was a mistake when u followed me back 😭😭 but ī absolutely ADORE your writing. i constantly find myself rereading between me you and the fence post ehehehe. i’m gonna be ordering your new book soon and i’ve been vibrating at a frequency that’s impossible to witness with the naked eye (translation: im very excited)
@davidsfanclub : ANOTHER PERSON THAT MAKES ME GIGGLE. i loved ur angel design the first time i saw them and it’s genuinely infected and rotted my brain like THATS how i see angel too now omg. a very creative mind that makes me want to nibble on it
@artbykays : another person who i thought followed me back by mistake. *THE* best listener designs omg. THE ANGEL DESIGN EVER. AAAAAAAAAAAA. i genuinely love ur redacted art sm i had heart palpitations the day u followed me back
@basiliskbrews : another one of my first moots!!! i love citrus with a burning passion. i witnessed u rebrand ur blog and i still absolutely adore all and any content you put out. your vega and warden design has me frothing and convulsing on the ground like a fish abandoned on a deck.
@mothmayhem : I MISS YOU💕💕💕 another moot that has me giggling and kicking my feet. constantly has me twirling my hair and laughing ehehehe. i still can’t get over how you CALLED the david and asher proposals like dawg. how
@beedoes-stuff : GIGGLE ALERT. aka another moot that makes me laugh my ass off. not only do u post absolute bangers you have a tendency to reblog them too and i always have to put my phone down for a few mins
@themonotonysyndrome : it took me three tries to spell ur user right. we got another castin lover in this house 🤝🤝 i want to bite you on the head and then maul you. (all said with love and extreme amounts of affection) I LOVE HOW U TALK ABOUT BRIGHT AAAAA. i want to take a gigantic chunk out of ur writing i love it sm it has me rolling around and flailing
@falkea : MISS YOU💕💕. THE ANGEL DESIGN THAT EXECUTED ME ON THE SPOT. i hit the floor when u followed me back like my mouth was AGAPE. your quinn and darlin art genuinely changed my brain chemistry i will never be the same. a very big art inspiration for me. i shake with anticipation whenever i wait for ur next posts.
@vaselinepot : sometimes all you need is a silly lil moot who says the funniest shit unprompted. sometimes i have to put my phone down and breathe. i miss u vaseline come home
@darlin-collins : ANOTHER MOOT THAT MAKES ME LAUGH. YALL ARE FUNNY AS FUCK. however whenever you talk about the imperium i have to mentally prepare myself to be mentally and physically crushed.
@jollyfang : I LOVE THE REDACTED ART SM AAAAAA. another person who’s follow sent me into cardiac arrest. THE GAVIN DESIGN THAT HAD ME SWEATING. i love how you draw portraits it has me falling in love with ur art all over again when i see that u post.
@thevqid : i think we need to sit down and have a talk. idk about what. i just know that one of us isn’t leaving that room alive. said with all the love i can possibly muster. i love u tho💕💕
@beemybella : genuinely one of the sweetest people i’ve ever interacted with. i love being on ur tag list smth whenever you post it tosses me out of artblock and FILLS me with inspiration 💕💕
@konnorhasapen : PIRATE AU PIRATE AU AAAAAAAAA. i love your writing sm i need to be beaten back with a stick. i’m going to fist fight with you in a parking lot one of these days. i’m so glad you made it back into ur account. i love u sm from afar i feel like a maiden waiting for her husband to return home from the war.
@bratty-telepath : so shape. so shape. i love how stylized your work is. make an art book. please. graphic design IS your passion like pls spare some good character designs and interesting layouts for the rest of us. another moot who id be down the fist fight. this is a fight that i know id get my ass kicked during tho. like my body bent at angles no one is capable of. said with love ofc
@lovesstateofmatter : i always forget we’re moots until you interact with my shit and i bounce around for 5 minutes straight. YOUR BLAKE AND ELLIOT ART. I STILL THINK ABOUT IT. that’s fr how i imagine them now 😭😭
@friendly-waffles : TANKTANKTANKTANKTANK I LOBE UR TANK DESIGJ SM AAAAAAA. AND ANGEL AAAAA. i want to bite your art and SHAKE like a rabid animal. i think about ur sam and darlin art daily. i hit the floor when we became moots
@peraltuki : THE WWDITS X REDACTED VIDS 😭😭 we joined the redacted tumblr at like the same time so i feel a bonded connection to u. ily. you have the best fucking posts they have me sobbing on the floor (cause i giggle too hard)
@doodleanddie : your redacted doodles killed me, sent me to heaven, then dragged me back down to hell and then reincarnated me as a fly. i love ur art and all ur doodles have so much character it’s WILD. (i miss u💕)
@epsi-l0n - your thoughts are so incredibly big brained i want to pick apart ur brain and take a few bites while i’m at it. i think if we fought it’d be the battle of the ages. simply because i think we both *CANT* fight so it’d just be entertaining to every witness
@dollvre : VINCENT STAN HIIIIII. finding another vincent lover and taylor swift enjoyer in this fandom had my brain exploding. tell me what zsakuva videos i should watch. i’m too indecisive to choose what series i want to get into. i think we need to hold hands and exchange rings 👍
@mrsmiagreer : Niyah i would genuinely kill for you. tell me a name. or names. plural. i would quite literally do anything for you. say the word. BUT I LOVE UR WRITING SM PLS MAKE A TAGLIST PLS
@oceanicwhitetipshark : whenever i feel myself drifting from redacted. i get a notif that you’ve posted and i’m immediately pulled back in by all ur writings and your thoughts. ur genuinely so talented and so incredibly sweet di i’m very glad we’re moots
@kelseadelle : i’ve never loved women more in my entire life. the way u draw has me wanting to sacrifice myself to the nearest woman for no reason other than that they’re a woman. your evie and ranger art. id give anything to be a werewolf.
@romeo-the-homeo : there can only be one trans jackass in the redacted fandom there isn’t enough room for the both of us. we should totally combine our physical forms and ascend to a higher form of being. and then get a wendy’s frosty or smth.
@clover-46 : whenever smth messy happens i always appear in ur dms 😭😭 i love obsessing over hush with you and giggling in our dms💕💕. YOUR DESIGNS SLAP SO HARD. i hope you know that i think of your milo design on the daily. he’s my little girlfriend and i’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life
@celestecreateschaos : trying to type out ur user gave me an aneurysm. I ALSO MISS GEORDI SM WHERE IS HE. you’re genuinely so funny you constantly have me giggling. i wanna tape an x-ray of ur brain to my wall.
@venuslove-28-replies : HIIIIOIOIIIIOOOOEDIIWIWISIDOW. one of these days i’m going to shake you so hard you come apart like a mr potato head. your art has me wanting to bite you and not let go. all your designs have me AAAAKAOSAIKALA
@peacefullibrarian : i will never get over that one piece of writing u did about lasko and his listener. the “like the fan” has me slamming myself into the ground imagining them interacting. make a tag list. make a tagLIST RN AND ADD ME
@morgansplace : hi king i’m going to evict you from this plane of existence. (translation: i love you and i love how incredibly creative you are. i want to eat ur nails. i think we could solve all the worlds problems if we held hands and spun in a circle until we fell over from dizziness. i think it’d be nice)
@heshheshfish : omw to send u a cease a desist. your walls are very comfortable. i have officially devoured all tress-passers who have crossed my unwelcome path. i only accept offerings in the form of whole blocks of cheddar cheese. (translation: hi hehe)
@teaseat : i don’t think i can genuinely put into words how much i love u tea. you have me CACKLING. and other days you have me needing to put down my phone to take a minute. anyways. IN SO GLAD IM IN UR TAGLIST HEHEHE I LOVE UR WRITING SM AAAAAAA
@deviantaj : you make me want to listen to marina and the diamonds and then kill someone. aj ily. you make me giggle. i think if we were ever put into the same room we’d probably cause a cataclysmic event that no one could ever recover from.
@swanconcerto : HOLLYYYYYYYYYYUEJFJE. ily holly my favorite person to ever exist you have me twirling my hair and giggling i’d give anything to exist in ur presence. holly i am in ur basement.
@messenger-of-stupidity : i love your writing so much it has completely rewired my brain i think we should tussle outside and then hold pinky’s or smth. THE VEGA LOVE>>>>> i wait with baited breath for your vega fic
@shawslut : i love ur blog layout sm how do you do it. we both go by ray/rae so i think maybe we should do a lil dance to decide which ones superior. your geordi fic had me wanting to test the sharpness of my new kitchen knives. i will eat you one of these days.
@4letteraroace : i want to bite your hands so bad bro. i still think about ur darlin dance fic. now i know nothing about dance but i could fucking picture what was going on and it HURT. i think your keyboard deserves to be taken away. it should also be taken away because of how u interact with lemon on a daily basis 😭😭
@milosirlgf : hi jaydyn i think one of these days you’ll genuinely rule the world so pls remember that i am nothing but ur undying servant hi. i’m going to empty my life savings in ur name.
@terrazaurio : YOUR DAVID AND ANGEL DESIGN AAAAAAAAA RAHHHHHHHH. i want to bite someone’s head off. i get horrific cute aggression whenever i see your work. i think if we ever existed in the same section of the universe the space time continuum would collapse
@goodboyaudios : i think we should fist fight.
@tunasfishbowl : i think we should paint each others nails and then watch horror movies. tuna ur designs have me gasping for air on a daily basis i lost my mind when we became moots.
@yoteako : THE LASKO DESIGN EVER. INCREDIBLE WOLF BOY DESIGNS. i lobe how u draw them as grown men. idk if that makes any sense but it does to me. also enlightened me to the idea that is vega and brachium omg the most brain idea ever. when we became moots i breakdanced on the hardwood floor
@echovale052 : HI ECHOOO i’m taking a few chomps out of all of ur works like your art style is so pleasant i wanna EAT IT. i think that if we fought we’d probably end up destroying a few small towns.
@kittyshaw : HI REIIIIIII 💕💕💕💕 genuinely one of my fav people. you have the best takes and omg i love ur headcanons sm. i am going to eat ur brain one of these days. any second you aren’t moving i’m only getting closer
@lovelylonerliterature : i’ve read your cutie/geordi fix it fic an ungodly amount of times. (also a shadows appeal……) i love ur writing and interpretations of the redacted characters so much. your ability to capture angst has me wanting to throw myself into the abyss.
@elisacaleisa : another user i struggled to spell 💔💔. THE BEST MORGAN DESIYJ IVE EVER SEEN THATS MY MAN THATS MY WIFE I LOST MY SHIT M.LWFIIWKSJWIWO. i’m going to bite and shake your gavin design. i think our brains should combine at some point for fun
@sweetlemongrove : Lemon u are the light of my life. please make a taglist and add me to it. i love you. THE LOMLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. also ur blog layout is so pretty what.
(Ok but in all seriousness. This is my first time ever really fully interacting with a fandom and not just lurk. To be able to interact with an incredibly creative and kind fandom has been a pleasure :)))) thank you all for all the work you do!!!!)
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the-prophecy · 2 years
hey diti, guess who?
yeah "kid" here 🙄. first of all, sorry for not letting you know before deactivating (ik i always told you before and shared the url of my new account too) but well, this time, unfortunately i no longer plan to return back.
there are a few reasons...some private and some ig you already know (refer to that memories wala post ka screenshot I had sent. yup, now you know). I really dont owe anyone an explanation but well, here goes.
whenever i used to post, i had to recheck stuff at least 20 times before posting (yeah i still kept the typos cuz ppl loved them ig) and id get anon messages of why am i posting shit (which is one of the reasons why I had anons open like for only half a day on the last blog) and whenever i didnt post, people would still have a problem.
and well, call me a bitch for the next reason but it sucks when you send someone messages and you get zero response back (yup, still had zero response before deactivating) but you see them answeing asks and reblogging posts and shitposting etc etc. It sucks when you were there for them when they needed someone and now they arent there for you when you needed them the most.
so yeah that was 2 of my many reasons for "poofing" .
to the people who would say "its not gonna be the same" well it will. think if this as the aftermath of a hurricane. sure you need time but you do get back on your feet. If desiblr could survive without me all these years, it can survive now too.
and well, ig it would help if yall forget me. (except my haters, keep doing black magic so that i die soon before i turn 20 next year) .
and diti, you are an amazing person ok? and i mean it. without you, idek how i would have survived the last few months. and good luck for your exams! GET THAT DEGREE YOU QUEEN (and hopefully you get your man too but remember, having a partner or not having a partner doesnt matter for the only person who is responsible for your success is you)
I wanna literally go all feral cat on u and scratch scratch ok i literally cried WTF bro i leave for one day i feel so betrayed yet ilysm ok take care pls
I'VE TOLD U HUNDREDS OF TIME don't see how people see you they'll always be jealous of you being famous but like you have reasons and I'm no one to say anything
Who's this person DON'T U DARE TELL ME YOU'RE LEAVING ME AND TUMBLR bc of one person I'll kill u and find that person and kill them too you are making me angry now THIS IS DUMB CLEO COME BACK I'LL LITERALLY DIE WITHOUT OUR DAILY TEA SESHS😭😭😭
We literally can't ok i fucking can't ok i thought you'll return in a day this is cheating not accepted you can't leave without a proper goodbye I'LL CHAMAT YOU ZOOR SEE
You're making me cry😭😭 ilysm ok stay in touch plzzz plz plzz I'm begging
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
read a few chapters of devil that i know and the stark contrast between pre- and post-death of taehyung is sooo heartbreaking to me. their lives were so fairytale-like and picture perfect at first, all of them were getting along very well (i’m even very fond of jungkook because he’s so kind for a demon!) but then jungkook starts to act on his obsession towards the mc and everything went to shit. their friend died because he has to get the ingredients for jungkook’s little ceremony (i forgot what it’s called mb) and unfortunately caught the deadly virus. then, jungkook deceives the mc over and over again, nevermind that he takes care of her (and more than that) but it just seems like all of it stems from his selfishness to keep her, not because he genuinely loves her?
also, i want to say that taehyung’s death made me cry and SOB. like i full on sobbed which is a huge deal because i’m numb as fuck lol. (spoiler alert: also cried bc lil meow meow died. poor cat didnt do anything wrong im so madd!! >:(() it hurt so bad when they found taehyung’s little notebook (?) where he wrote where they plan to travel and when and how to go there. aaaaaa it breaks my heart. it’s like i’m mourning for what could have been as well. but still, jungkook is such a sweetheart to mc but it breaks my heart that his constant deception of her will inevitably be detrimental to their relationship (i’m guessing) bc im kinda rooting for them even tho he’s a lil (a lot) crazy lol anyways this is long lol i’m thankful im found the fic as i was really immersed and reading it is an experience. thank u for writing it !! :3 <<333
(dtik spoilers below!)
i’m gonna cry 😭 i always get so happy when people read devil that i know because it’s literally my most favorite thing to write and where my whole blog started and when people say they’ve liked it so far i wanna sob because thank you for liking it as much as i do 😭
i think tae’s death is where everything starts to go downhill, especially because jungkook could have saved him but still chose not to because he was scared that he was going to take the m/c away from him when taehyung had given literally no indication of doing anything like that
i think it was sad, even writing it because it was like oh they’ve found their family, maybe not blood family but they have one another and now one of them is just gone, and again it could have been prevented
if you could see my chapter notes literally every time i plan jungkook’s magic shit i just write out jk demon time or something like that because i’ll be real i forget half the small details i add in that series and i always have to go back and check every time i start a new chapter
i think his selfishness is fueled by obsessive love. i don’t think the ‘love’ he feels for the m/c was anything he experienced with taehyung, hence not caring if he died even though they were good friends. i think jungkook loves the feeling of being in love so much that it’s moulded into more of his obsession surrounding the feeling and how good it makes him feel and that’s why he’s so sweet to her albeit a little (maybe a lot) bit of a morally grey character who doesn’t understand that what he’s feeling isn’t exactly a healthy amount of love of her and she’s too oblivious to notice sometimes though she’s slowly starting to catch on
her character is also a little morally grey and will continue to be in the future as she figures out jungkook’s character more, constantly turning a blind eye to all the stuff he does for her, and maybe that makes her as bad as he is, because she just wants to be loved too and if it’s from a demon who she slowly starts to realise can’t get enough of her, maybe she’s a little selfish too
EVERYONE MAKES ME FEEL GUILTY ABOUT KILLING HIM OFF but i refuse to regret it because it’s a big part of the plot line and it’s fine (spoiler) this a reincarnation fic so i’ll leave you with that much 😋
(spoiler for the last 2-3 chapters i think) lil meow meow is a king now so we don’t need to mourn, he’s actually living a better life than the m/c so king yoongi supremacy!
i think secretly i cant let go of taehyung’s character because the notebook scene was maybe a little bit of a spontaneous decision that i ran with and is now like a really big part of the plot line and will be very helpful to the m/c in the future
i was gonna be mean and write like scenes out of what it would have been like if he hadn’t died and they all got to travel together but uhh yeah i think killing him off was enough for that chapter 😭
jungkook and the m/c’s relationship is and will forever be my favorite to write, i literally have the end scenes planned out already, i knew how this series was going to end before i even started it and jungkook’s deception plays a smallish part in the bigger picture of their relationship and where they eventually end up, i hope that’s cryptic enough 😭 and i think it’s still impossible to guess the ending but that’s all i’m spoiling for that because we’re still quite a bit away from the end of the series and i have a lot planned before then
ahh thank you so much for reading! and im so happy you stumbled across the series, hopefully i’ll get an update out soon as well!!
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