#also their dynamics remind me of Amity with her twin siblings
chrisy-birb · 2 years
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AU Family shenanigans!
Justin, Sam belong to @br333
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
Just a random thing that comes from rereading too many of @sepublic’s analyses on the blight family dynamics.
But Amity is put under immense pressure. Like totally soul crushing should not be put on a child pressure. No one should expect their child to be so perfect and Amity is clearly feeling the effects of this as she never thinks she's good enough and needs external validation by people like the system that would never care for her as an individual.
But I was thinking of the twins and the pressure they may be under too. Like we are told in Adventures in the Elements that they are naturally gifted. They can skip class and still get the top scores so they probably don't have to study too hard. And of course, Alador and Odalia would like that because it's representative of how powerful the Blights are, and so it would make them the golden kids to Amity's "screw up."
Besides, we know Edric and Emira aren't exactly ideal Blight children. They dislike authority, they're troublemakers yet their natural talent probably allows them to keep golden child status. But  I imagine, a bit angstily, that they know that. That without their natural talent, their parents wouldn't love them. Well maybe it wouldn't be that bad. But the Blights strike me as people that act love as conditional and that mistakes would make someone unworthy of being loved or some sort of horrible crap like that.
Imagine what would happen if they weren't able to do something so naturally. Like after the third try, they still can't get the spell right. It ruins the one thing they pride themselves for, natural talents. Have to study? Have to work and practice their skills.. why that makes them normal, makes them like Amity. And we know how their parents treat Amity.
So the twins live knowing that if they lose their natural talent in things or temporarily lapse, that praise would disappear since unlike Amity, they aren't obedient and pliant enough to make up for their loss of talent.
I imagine that's also why they were so unnecessarily harsh with Amity for telling on them. They mostly get away with their "golden children" image because their parents don't know about their pranks. Then Amity tells on them, reminding their parents of how their personalities clash with Odalia's control freak tendencies. That thin line that only their natural talent protects them from being cast aside.
Another sort of angsty thing is that I think the twins also want validation. They're golden children to be sure. But Alador and Odalia have high expectations, they probably always set the finish line farther, that even if one completes one accomplishment, now you have to go after the bigger, better goal. It's never enough.
So while I think Odalia and Alador encourage maladaptive and unhealthy competitiveness between the siblings with Amity comparing herself to them and wanting to beat their high scores, and them...I'm not sure how they'd be jealous of her. Maybe dislike how Odalia and Alador praise Amity for being so good and obedient.
But that while Odalia and Alador may mention the twin's achievements to Amity to rile her up. I don't think they actually praise the twins when they do achieve something significant to them. That it would be met with a "It's to be expected. You better continue to get As."
There's no pride. There's no celebration. Just expectations for them to continue their streak. Thus continuing the pressure to remain naturally gifted.
And they're jealous that when Amity gets something like top student at least there's some surprise, praise for her to keep going. They don't get the same praise. At least not from their parents.
Because honestly I think as much as they pretend not to care, they do. If they really didn't care why not be obvious about their troublemaking. Why bother with their grades and retaliating on Amity for ruining their golden child image. Why not embrace all the way and disgrace the Blight name because screw the rules and their parents.
But they don't go that far. They show off their natural talent, they keep the golden child image, because they're still kids. They don't want to be cast out of their parents' favor entirely. They still want their love. Or at least the closest they can get to it.
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rohad93 · 4 years
Moonlit Masquerade: Shades of Autumn
Luz is early today. She’d been getting to school earlier and earlier as the weeks have worn on.
She always has been an early riser, just not an early to do anything after she got up, person. More content to lay in bed, enjoying the quiet of the morning till her alarm actually went off and she was forced to get up.
But Amity gets to school early, so Luz does too, of course.
Any extra time spent with her paramour Is enough to get her moving, even at the crack of dawn.
The air is cool and crisp with the onset of fall. The trees have begun to change color, though to her it’s strange to see because the foliage in the Isles is already such varying shades aside from the green she’s used to, the only way she can really tell is because the ones she sees every day outside the owl house or on the way to school have begun to change hue and flake off the branches. Greens are turning red and brown while the reds wilt into bright yellows. The woods are a rainbow of hues; she likes it.
Even if it is a constant reminder.
She takes a deep breath of the cool air and grins as she jogs towards the school, some fallen leaves crunching under her steps.
As she runs up the path to Hexside she quickly spots her girlfriend’s head of mint green hair near the steps, she grins and makes a beeline straight for her.
She’s talking to Gus and Willow who are apparently also early today.
“Hey, guys!” She smiles brightly as she comes to a skidding halt in front of them.
Hey, Luz.“ Gus and Willow grin and wave.
“Buenos dìas, mi amor.” She nudges Amity with her hip, who pinks a little but smiles at her tenderly. She’s spent enough time with Luz over the last month and a half to have started picking up some Spanish and it’s only when Luz starts her rapid, spitfire rambling in the language that she gets hopelessly lost, but she’s trying. She wants to learn, for Luz and for herself. She’d like to be able to say whatever she wants to her without fear of people overhearing things they shouldn’t.
It’s slow work, but Luz is all too happy to help her learn, even when she giggles at the stilted, choppy way Amity says things. Rolling her ‘R’s is another thing she’s having difficulty with.
She may have also managed to get a hold of a handy little Spanish to English dictionary, courtesy of Eda, from her pile of human trash. She’s been studying it in her spare time, hoping to surprise her girlfriend with things she hasn’t yet taught her.
“Morning…” She hesitates, hoping she’s not going to butcher this, “querida.”
Luz chokes on her own spit as her face turns red and Amity feels rather proud of herself, having brought her chatty girlfriend to stupefied silence.
“What’s going on?” Gus whispers to Willow who just smiles.
They’ve become pretty accustomed to Luz and Amity’s somewhat new dynamic since they started dating and all the strange, sometimes hard to follow conversations the two have. Though without any context Willow thinks she knows what’s going on.
She’s also picked up a little of Luz’s other language, and while she doesn’t know ‘amor’ or ‘querida’ the faces the two make tells her all she needs to know about the nature of these words and she rolls her eyes at the couple.
“They’re just being sappy, don’t worry about it.
“Oh…” Gus nods.
“Where did you learn that?” Luz finally sputters, still red-faced, and Amity grins, and maybe it’s a Blight sibling thing, but she winks and Luz feels like she might just melt into a puddle of human goo. She only thought she got flustered whenever one of the twins winked at her, this was a whole nother level entirely.
“If you two are done…,“ Willow started, drawing the couples embarrassed gazes. “I heard the Autumn festival is going to be in town this weekend, we should all go.”
“Yeah!” Luz quickly agreed before stopping. “What’s The Autumn festival?” she asks and Willow laughs while Amity can only roll her eyes fondly.
“It’s like a carnival but with autumn-themed food and games and all kinds of fun stuff,” Gus explains, bouncing excitedly on the balls of his feet and Luz joins him in excited fidgeting.
“Count me in!” Luz pumps a fist before turning to look at her girlfriend imploringly. Amity’s lips twitch at the large, pleading eyes now turned on her. Luz is the only one with this kind of power over her. Not that she would have turned down the opportunity to spend an afternoon with her and their friends.
“Sounds like fun,” she agreed.
Luz and Gus cheer, high-fiving while Amity and Willow share a look.
They talked a little while longer before the bell rang and they all had to make their way to class.
It was Thursday, and Luz had Bard and Oracle track classes today, so she bid farewell to her friends as she and Amity walked down another hall. Abominations were only one hall down from the bard hall.
When they stopped in front of the entrance to the bard’s hall Amity grabbed her arm.
“I won’t be able to meet you today, my mom wants me to come straight home after school.” She frowned and Luz resisted the urge to pout, she knew Amity didn’t like it anymore then she did so she simply nodded.
“It’s okay, I’ll see you tomorrow and I’ll message you tonight.” She smiled and Amity’s frown vanished in the face of it. She wanted very badly to close the short distance between them and lay a quick kiss on her mouth but there were students all around them, though none close enough to hear them.
“I’ll be waiting for it, querida.” she grinned as she walked away from her again short-circuiting girlfriend.
~ ~ ~
Luz was worried
She’d waited until sometime after dinner before sending Amity a message on her scroll as she laid in bed. Usually, Amity replied within a few minutes.
She’d waited a few hours, checking her scroll periodically, eventually feeling antsy and moving about the house.
Eda and Lilith seemed to pick up on her behavior pretty quickly as she wandered around the kitchen and living room, frowning.
“Is something the matter, Luz?” Lilith was the first to ask.
“Hmm, Amity hasn’t messaged me back yet and it’s been four hours…,” she mumbled, plopping down on the floor, opposite the couch where the sisters were sitting.’
“That’s it? Your girlfriend hasn’t messaged you back yet?” Eda cocked a brow. “You were wandering around here looking like someone was being murdered.” She crossed her arms.
“You don’t understand, Eda!” She threw up her hands. “She’s never not responded to me before… and her mom wanted her to come home right after school today… I’m worried.” She glanced down at her still silent scroll.
The women shared a look before turning back to Luz.
“I’m sure it’s gonna be okay, kid. If her mom wanted her home it must have been for something, she’s just busy.” Eda tried to comfort her apprentice.
“Surely if something were wrong she would have messaged you first,” Lilith followed up.
“Yeah, kids head over heels for you. If she needed you, she’d let you know.”
“Hmm, I guess…,” Luz grumbled.
Eda frowned at the glum look on her kid’s face and stood.
“Come on Luz, let’s go get ice screams,” she said, ruffling the girl’s head as she walked over to the door.
A tiny smile pulled at her lips at what she knew Eda was trying to do. They were probably right, Amity had a tighter schedule than most adults she knew, she was probably just busy.
“Okay” She hopped up to join Eda at the door.
“King, let’s go, we’re getting Ice screams!” she yelled, and upstairs a loud squeal of excitement echoed back. “You too, Lilly.” Eda jerked her head.
“Very well.”
~ ~ ~
Luz was very worried now as she walked quickly to school.
Amity had never returned her message and according to the little text next to it, she had never even read it.
That was not like her and it made Luz’s stomach tight with worry.
She shot right out of the house as soon as she had gotten dressed when she’d checked her scroll to still see no sign of Amity.
Students were milling about the front of the building. If she wanted to avoid people Amity would get to school just before the bell rang so she could use it as an excuse. She’s done it a couple of times since they started dating, though never to Luz.
Just as she predicted, she could see her girlfriends bright green head as she walked toward Hexside’s main steps.
She froze stiff at the call, but she didn’t look like she was going to try and run.
“Hey! I was worried about you, you never messaged me back last night.” She stopped at Amity’s side so their conversation was hushed as kids walked by them.
“Sorry, Luz… I got busy last night, I didn’t mean to worry you…” She turned to look at her with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
Luz noticed it immediately.
Amity’s hair was a bright new shade of mint and the auburn roots Luz adored were gone, now the same shade as the rest of her hair.
“Your hair…,” Luz mumbled and Amity clutched her books tighter to her chest. She knew Luz would notice right away. She didn’t know why she thought she could avoid this.
Luz pursed her lips as she looked at the uniform color and remembered what Amity had told her about it. She’d held her tongue before about the subject, but this clearly caused her girlfriend distress if the way her hunched shoulders and the way she couldn’t meet Luz’s eyes meant anything.
“Did your mom make you re-dye your hair last night?” She knew she hit the nail on the head because as soon as the sentence left her mouth Amity flinched, hunkering in even further.
“Yes,” she answered after a long moment, just as the bell rang. “I gotta go.” She tried to walk away but Luz grabbed her shoulder.
“Amity, wait…”
“I really don’t want to talk about this right now, Luz.” She pulled away and ran inside leaving Luz to watch her go from the bottom of the steps with a frown.
Her stomach was churning with worry for Amity and anger at her girlfriend’s mother. She’d never met Mrs. Blight, but she knew already without a doubt, she didn’t like her.
~ ~ ~
Amity could hardly pay attention to her classes. She was mad at herself.
She knew eventually her roots were going to reach a point where her mother was going to ‘suggest’ that she fix it. She knew by the length that the time was approaching and she should have told Luz about it, knowing that she would notice right away and that she knew her and her mother’s… secret agreement, if that was what she wanted to call it. Amity sniffed at that.
Even Ed and Em didn’t know why she colored her hair, they’d teased her mercilessly about it after the first time, saying that if she wanted to be like them she’d have to try harder then that.
Hell, she wasn’t sure her father even knew. Having inherited her warm auburn hair from him, he’d seemed a little disappointed after the first time her mother had ‘asked’ her to color it, in that cloying sweet way that meant she wasn’t really asking.
She sighed to herself, she hadn’t meant to ignore Luz last night, but having her hair recolored had put her in a very bad mood and she didn’t think she’d have been good company.
Then this morning… she groaned quietly.
Of course, Luz would be able to put two and two together and see that she was upset. She always was the first couple of days after having her hair fixed. She really shouldn’t have blown her off though. She would send her a message later, apologizing.
There wasn’t much she could do about her hair. She wished she could just let it be the color it was; It frustrated her.
When class mercifully ended she took her time gathering her things. She knew in the back of her mind it was just to avoid Luz, even though she really wanted to see her.
After last night she just wanted to let her girlfriend hold her. She was always happiest and at peace whenever the human wrapped her arms around her and let her just bury her face into her neck.
But Luz also asked too many questions and felt righteous, indignant anger for others much too strong to simply ignore this, it was one of the things Amity loved about her. She cared so much, but this was something beyond her, and Amity needed to find a way to explain it to her so she would let it go.  
Luz thought the emperor was tough? She’d never met Odalia Blight and if Amity had her way, she never would.
She was walking down the quiet empty halls tiredly when a classroom door swung open and someone grabbed her pulling her inside. She didn’t even have time to cry out as the door shut and she was standing in the middle of an empty classroom.
“It’s just me!” Luz quickly soothed her panic.
“Luz!” Amity hissed. “What are you doing?” She held a hand to her chest over her rapidly beating heart.
“Sorry, I was waiting for you.”
“You could have just waited outside for me…,” Amity grumbled.
“So you could take off running the second you saw me?” Luz frowned, not glaring but it was a very stern look that made Amity frown guiltily.
“I’m sorry…,” she mumbled.
“Don’t be sorry, just talk to me, Amity” Luz pleaded. “I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me, amor”
“You can’t help with this, Luz.” she shook her head, looking at the floor. “This is just… something I have to do… I know you want to help but you can’t. So please, can you just forget about it?”
“No!” Luz flings out her arms. “How can I just ignore it when it makes you like this?!” Luz can’t understand why Amity just can’t talk to her about this.
Maybe she can’t do anything, but she’s there for Amity to lean on even when she needs her, when she’s hurting, even when they can’t do anything about it.
She doesn’t have to shove it all down and pretend she’s not bothered when she clearly is.
Frustration is bubbling up in Amity’s stomach like a boiling cauldron. Why can’t Luz understand that this is just something she has to do?
“It’s just hair, Luz!” She’s not shouting but it’s much louder than it needs to be.
“If it was just about hair then you wouldn’t be so upset and miserable about it!” Luz’s tone also raises. “You wouldn’t be hiding from me!”
“It doesn’t matter, I have to do this, you don’t know what my mother is like!” she is yelling now.
"I would if you would just explain it to me!” She shouts back, just as loud.
Amity turns away from her, shaking. She hates this, hates how angry she is, hates her mother, and that Luz can’t just let this go. Just this once, she wished she didn’t care so much.  
Luz frowns. This wasn’t at all how she had wanted this to go. She takes a breath, calming herself.
“Hey, it’s okay… maybe I don’t get it…” Luz starts quietly and reaches out a hand towards Amity’s shaking shoulder. “But my mom…”
Amity is just so frustrated by everything she spins around to face her surprised girlfriend and snaps:
“Stop, your right, you don’t get it and your mom isn’t here!“
Brown eyes go wide and the hurt couldn’t be clearer.
Just like that, all her frustration drains out of her and she wants nothing more than to take the words back, pull them back and swallow the vile things before they leave her mouth, but she can’t. They’re out there now and she has to live with that.
Live with the deafening silence that fills the empty classroom as she and Luz stare back at each other with wide eyes, gold filled with horror and brown with shock and hurt
Her stomach drops into her feet as Luz’s lips begin to tremble and her eyes turn glassy.
She wants to say something, anything, but for the life of her, she can’t get her mouth to form the words.
Luz bursts, choking on a sob before she turns and runs, wrenching the door open. It slams against the wall, the bang echoing through the room as she flees down the hall.
"Luz!” Amity calls finally able to make her body respond and she runs after her, but Luz is fast, much faster then Amity realized as she bursts out of the schools front doors in time to see the other girl vanishing into the woods at the edge of the school grounds, she stops at the bottom of the steps, helplessly watching her girlfriend disappear from sight amid the trees.
“Amity!?” She looks to see Gus and Willow, standing at the edge of the steps looking at her with concerned faces. No doubt they had seen Luz run by sobbing.
“What happened!?” Willow asks.
“What did you do!?” Gus accuses, pointing a finger at her and glaring.
‘I…” she stammers, then bites her lip and after a long minute trying to form coherent thoughts, she slowly explains what happened. The two friends’ faces change from shock to outrage and alarm by the time she’s done.
“Why would you say that?!” Willow is all but shouting at her as Gus crosses his arms and glares as if she didn’t already feel bad about what she’d said to Luz.
“I don’t know!” she wails. “It was stupid and cruel and I don’t know! I didn’t mean to, I was just frustrated, she wouldn’t drop it and it just came out…” She buried her face in her hands miserably.
Willow is pinching the bridge of her nose beneath her glasses. She knows what she’s about to say is going to make Amity feel so much worse, but it needs to be said.
“You don’t know how cruel…,” she starts and Amity is looking at her with worried eyes at the miserable tone of her voice. “Summer is over Amity, Luz was supposed to go home almost two weeks ago…,” she trails off and Amity’s mind shifts gears, spinning into overdrive as she takes in the meaning of those words, understanding slapping her in the face.
“Oh… oh, Titan, no!” She covers her mouth with her hands but the horror In her eyes is clear. In the midst of the cloudy haze of their blossoming relationship, Amity had lost track of the days.
Somewhere in the human world, a mother is desperately searching for her missing daughter and Luz knows this, Amity, Willow, and Gus know this, and Amity had only, no matter how unintentionally, dug the knife in deeper.
Her knees are on the verge of giving out and she drops on the bottom step before they can buckle of their own accord.
“Why am I so terrible!” Amity shouts, reaching up to pull at her hair, shame is the only thing she can feel and it makes bile threaten to rise up her throat; she thinks she’s about to be sick as water pools in the corners of her eyes.
Willow sighs and kneels down on the ground in front of her, thinking about what to say.
“You’re not terrible, Amity,” she said slowly. “I know you didn’t mean it and I’m sure Luz knows it to…”
“I hurt her…” Amity whimpers, and she’s never been so disappointed in herself as she is at this moment, knowing that she’s hurt the one person she cares about more than anything.
Willow and Gus share a look before turning back to the girl cracking too pieces in front of them.
“You can still fix this, Amity.” Willow reaches up and lays a comforting hand on the trembling girl’s shoulder. “You need to talk to her, now.” Willow impresses the urgency upon her.
She nods, wiping away the tears that are threatening to fall and she stands.
“I gotta go…” she takes off toward the owl house without another word.
When she’s finally standing in front of the house she’s panting, having run all the way.
She takes a moment to get her breath back before walking up to knock on the door. Hooty is strangely quiet as he looks at her from his place in the door.
After a moment it opens and the owl lady is standing there looking at her with a frown.
“Is Luz here? she asks, trying not to cower as Eda looks down at her.
Eda simply regards her for another few seconds before saying anything.
“Yeah, ran through here crying. Your doing, I take it?” It’s not really a question.
“Can I talk to her…, please?” She’ll beg if she has to. She has to make this right.
Eda continues to stare at her for the longest few seconds of Amity’s life before she steps aside and Amity shoots through the door and up the stairs, not even acknowledging King or Lilith sitting on the couch.
Luz’s door is closed but she can hear her quiet muffled crying through the door and it tears at her heart. She lifts her hand to knock but hesitates, and swallows, but her mouth is dry.
Finally, she taps on the door and the cries quiet.
“Not now, Eda…” her voice is quiet and it cracks. Amity takes hold of the handle, gripping it tightly before pushing it open.
It’s dim in the room, stray beams of light are streaming through the drawn curtains, just enough that she can see.
Luz is curled up on her bed, facing away from her.
She must have heard the door open.
“I just wanna be alone, Eda,” she choked quietly.
Amity licks her dry lips.
The girl goes still before her cries pick up again, though she’s trying to muffle them.
Amity’s feet are heavy as she walks across the room, but hesitates at the bedside, not sure what to do with herself.
Finally, she settles for kneeling on the floor, so her face is level with Luz, hands holding onto the edge of the mattress. The old, worn wood bites into her knees but she ignores it.
“Luz…, I am so sorry,” she finally says. “I didn’t mean to say that… or to yell at you… I was just frustrated and I know that’s no excuse for it, I just…” she chokes back her own tears. “I’m sorry, I’m just so sorry.” It’s all she can say as she stares at her girlfriend’s quaking back, tears dripping down her cheeks. Her head drops and she clenches her eyes shut as more tears fall, dripping off her chin to the floor, leaving little wet circles in the dry wood.
She stays right there for several long minutes before the bed shifts and she looks up.
Luz has rolled over to face her, staring back at her with wet, red-rimmed eyes.
She’s still crying as she holds up an arm and Amity stares back at her with wide eyes.
“C'mere,” she croaks and Amity scrambles into the bed, wedging one of her arms between Luz and the mattress to squeeze her close, burying her face into her chest.
Luz’s grip on her is just as tight as she nuzzles her face into bright green hair.
They just lay there for a while as their tears slow, eyes closed
They don’t hear the Clawthorne sisters outside the door.
“Edalyn!” Lilith hisses as she follows her sister down the hall to Luz’s room. “Do you honestly think they’re in there making out again?!” She asks with quiet outrage.
“After last week I’m just checking!” she hisses back. “They know the rules, door open!” she says quietly.
Lilith rolls her eyes, scowling. “Luz was in tears!”
“I know. Do you know how many crying people I’ve 'comforted’?” The younger finger quotes and Lilith’s scowl only intensifies; for multiple reasons.
“Do you really think so lowly of Amity?” she growls.
“No, of course not, but I need to check on my kid!” Eda growls, looking at Lilith over her shoulder. The elder only frowns but says nothing else.
She’s silent when she turns the door handle and opens it just a couple of inches to peek inside. the first thing she sees of course is the two teenagers curled up together on the bed, and she’s just about to throw the door open when she hears it.
Both of them are huddled together on the bed crying.
She closes the door as silently as she opened it and backs away.
“Well?” Lilith asks lowly and Eda just shakes her head.
“Leave 'em be,” she says as they walk back down the hall.
When the crying has stopped the two are just laying there quietly, absorbing each other’s warmth, still sniffling on occasion as Luz runs her fingers through Amity’s hair while the other clenches and unclenches her hands in the fabric of Luz’s shirt.
Finally, Amity finds the will to speak.
“I lost track of the days…,” she starts quietly. “I completely forgot when you were supposed to go back…”
Luz hums.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Amity finally finds the courage to ask.
Luz just shrugs, frowning into Amity’s hair.
“I didn’t want anyone to worry about me. I especially didn’t want you to worry about me. Worrying about it isn’t going to fix it…,” she trails off.
Amity makes a frustrated sound in her throat and pulls back just enough so they can look at each other. Both their eyes are red and puffy.
“That’s not how this works, Luz! I’m going to worry about you whether you want me to or not, that’s how love works!” She’s more than aware of the hypocrisy of her words as they come out of her mouth, but more so as those deep brown eyes lock with hers, but she goes on. “I want to be there for you, even if I can’t do anything, I want you to be able to lean on me.”
“Then why won’t you let me be there for you?” she shoots back and Amity flinches. The words hold no anger, just sad confusion.
“I…,” Amity sighs. She’s been thinking about this too and has finally come to the answer. “I don’t know how…” her voice is so soft Luz barely hears it. “I’m a Blight… I’m not supposed to need anyone. I should be strong enough on my own.” She closes her eyes, unable to stare into Luz’s any longer, she can’t bear whatever she might find there.
“That’s stupid.”
Her eyes shoot open to look at Luz, who is frowning. She looks angry but Amity realizes it’s not directed at her as she presses her forehead against hers.
“Everyone needs help sometimes, no matter what their name is, and… we’re supposed to be there to help each other, no matter what, that’s what this is.” Her grip on Amity tightens. “Like you said, that’s what love is. Us against the world, but you have to let me, Amity.” Her voice is thick with raw emotion.
Luz is getting blurry as tears fill Amity’s eyes again and her fingers dig into Luz’s shirt in a death grip. Luz is smiling at her sadly as they begin to drip down her cheeks to the bed. She nods shakily.
“I know…,” she hiccups.
“You said I don’t understand. So explain it to me,” she breathes, and Amity sniffles. “Please, mi amor. Tell me.” Luz whispers.
So she does.
They lay there a long time, so long, the sunlight in the room disappears, casting the room in darkness as Amity explains exactly what it’s like growing up in Blight Manor, with parents that are too busy most of the time to even remember they have children unless it’s convenient to them. With a distant father who is usually too busy to spend time with his family or know what is going on and a mother who when she has the time, uses it to try and sculpt all her children into perfectly painted figurines for her to display to their friends and acquaintances at parties.
Nevermind that the paint just hides the many chips and cracks beneath.
Luz only holds her all the tighter the longer they lay there and her heart aches the more Amity speaks as she realizes that Willow and green hair dye are only the tip of an iceberg lodged in her girlfriend’s heart.
“Oh, Amity,” Luz breathes, holding her as tight as she can without crushing her. “I’m sorry,” she finally says when Amity is finished. “I should have left it alone…”
Amity shakes her head
“No…, I should have talked to you about this instead of just trying to ignore it,” she sighs “I know you, Luz. I know how much you care and want to help… I love that about you… I guess part of me just didn’t want you to know what a mess I am,” she mumbles, gold eyes sliding to look anywhere but Luz. She squeaks as Luz’s grip on her becomes crushing.
“You’re not!” she growls, anger burns in her belly like she’s swallowed fire. She’s never felt such intense hatred before as she feels at Amity’s mom right now. “You’re amazing and I love you so much.” She squeezes harder still. “And what your parents do isn’t your fault,” she asserts.
“Luz, too tight…,” Amity squeaks.
“Sorry, sorry!” Luz smiles sheepishly and relaxes her death grip on Amity, who can finally take a full breath. “Really, though. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pushed. When you tell me to leave something alone I need to listen…,” she says with a frown, which makes Amity frown.
She draws her hands back from around Luz’s back and wedges them between them to wrap her fingers around her neck, thumbs brushing her cheeks.
“And I need to learn that I can rely on you, no matter what,” she says and Luz smiles, making her own lips pull up.
“Always, mi amor.” she affirms, leaning into Amity’s touch.
Amity closes the incrementally small distance between the two to press a soft kiss to her girlfriend’s smiling mouth.
When she releases her she sighs happily but exhausted.
“We’ve been here a long time… you probably need to get home.” Luz frowns, not at all happy about having to send Amity home now that she knows exactly what that home is like.
The twins can only help so much, they too are just teenagers in the same boat as their sister, even though it seems to Luz that shielding Amity from as much as they can is their priority; for which she could never be more grateful.
Thankfully Amity just shakes her head.
“They left for the weekend this morning… it’s just Ed and Em at home,” she says.
“Then stay,” Luz says without even having to think about it.
Amity jerks up to look at her, eyes blown wide and cheeks pinking.
“I… don’t think Eda will be okay with that after what happened last week” the pink turns red.
“She will if I explain It to her…,” she says. Amity looks unsure of that. “We need adults in our corner, even if they’re both wanted criminals.” She grins and Amity can’t help but giggle at her. Even when it’s dark, Luz has a way of lighting up her world.
“Okay” she moves to sit up but Luz pushes her back down with a hand on her shoulder.
“You stay here, I can do it, amor,” Luz assures her. Amity wants to argue, but she feels drained after explaining it all to Luz, so she just nods.
Luz pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth and crawls off the bed, moving to the door.
Amity bites her lip before calling out.
“Hurry back, querida.”
Luz freezes and Amity grins, knowing even without being able to see her face as it’s turned away and dark that Luz is blushing.
After a second she just looks over her shoulder and smiles.
“Siempre volveré a ti, mi amor.” She says before opening the door and disappearing down the hall, leaving Amity confused but flustered.
She pulls out her scroll and calls her sister who picks up on the second ring.
“Mittens, are you okay, where are you?” She sounds worried and Amity feels a little guilty about that.
“I’m fine, Em. I’m at Luz's…”
“Oooh, and what are you two up to I wonder…?” she says with a knowing lilt, but she does not have the energy to be angry at her older sisters teasing.
“Emira…” the tired and almost sad way she says her sister’s name makes the sound on the other end go quiet for a moment.
“What’s wrong?” Emira sounds serious now, and with a weary sigh she explains the last few hours to the twins after Emira has put her scroll on speaker, which includes finally telling the twins why she’s been dying her hair green for years; they don’t like it. Not one bit.
After about twenty minutes Luz peeks her head in the bedroom door and seeing her on her scroll, gives her a thumbs-up as she walks quietly into the room to sit on the end of the bed.
“Titan, Amity…” she hears her brother say quietly.
“I’m going to stay with Luz tonight, I’ll be back in the morning and we can talk about it later,” she says before he or Emira can say anything else.
There’s a long moment of silence and Amity can just see the two of them, looking at each other having one of the silent conversations they’re famous for.
“Alright, we’ll see you tomorrow. We love you!” The two chorus at the end and Amity rolls here eyes, but smiles.
“I love you too.” The scroll beeps as the call ends and Luz reaches out to grab her hand and squeezes reassuringly.
“Eda said we’re good to go for tonight and that dinner is ready.”
It isn’t until she says this that Amity realizes how absolutely starving she is.
“That sounds nice.” She nods.
Luz grins and leads her downstairs, hand still threaded through hers.
Eda looks up as they walk into the kitchen.
“Have a seat, kids.” She motions to the table where Lilith and King are already sitting, waiting.
They do, and they all smile, and for once Amity is glad that Lilith is here.
Maybe she hasn’t forgiven her yet, but she’s trying, and after all this talk about her mother, she’s glad for anyone else.
She gives Lilith a small smile and the woman seems surprised, but it’s quickly replaced with a reassuring look.
When dinner finished and everything is cleaned up, Amity insists on helping, the two head for the stairs only to be stopped by Eda, poking her head out of the kitchen to look at the two as they start up the stairs.
“Luz” her mentor calls, and they both turn back to look at her.
“You two can sleep up there, but that door stays open, no funny business, or this is the last time anyone stays here; got it?” They both turn bright red but Luz nods.
“No funny business,” she squeaks. she’s not going to even attempt to argue that nothing is going to happen, she just agrees; not willing to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“Good. Night, kids.” Eda grins and the two hurry up the stairs, mumbling to each other and faces red.
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leolupus · 4 years
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Why wait? ☺️
Note: I did some thinking, and at first I was going to follow the canon timeline for Harry; but I like the idea of him being as old as the Blight twins. And because this is an au, I decided to make the Harry Potter series timeline fit with The Owl House. Meaning that everything in the Wizardry world that has happened takes place in an addition of 23 years. For example, Harry is born in 2003 instead of 1980, marauders’ era happened in 1983 instead of 1960, and the events of Fantastic Beasts happens in 1949 instead of 1926. I hope y’all don’t mind.
Here’s some Headcanons of Harry and Luz.
Considering that Harry is Eda’s first student, Luz look up to Harry. To Luz, Harry shows that humans in their realm can perform magic. (Harry truthfully doesn’t have the heart to tell her that his parents were a witch and wizard in their realm)
The two have a sibling dynamic, Harry is definitely the overprotective brother who would hurt anyone that dares harm Luz.
Luz met Harry once summer started for him. Eda told Luz she had to do something in the human realm and that she’ll be right back. When she came back, she was not alone. Following her through the door is Harry, who was excited to met the new member of The Owl Family.
Luz ask Harry all types of questions once she learned that he was a wizard in the human realm, and here’s some to name a few:
“Why did you chose to go to Hogwarts instead of Hexside?”
“What is Hogwarts like?”
“When did you made Owlstein?”
“When did you meet Eda?”
Just simple questions that curious Luz is about magic.
Harry does try to teach Luz magic from the human realm. It doesn’t go well since Luz can only perform magic with glyphs (for now of course, who knows what the future brings).
Harry’s not sure how Luz is able to do magic, but he does have some theories about it. Perhaps it’s because they’re in the demon realm; or that Luz has a family member down the line who is a squib.
Harry can definitely tell that Amity has a crush on Luz, and can’t help but laugh at how obviously Luz is to it.
Luz teaches Harry Spanish and once he gets the hang of it, the two just having private conversations with each other that confuses everyone around them. It’s literally a secret language between the two.
Since Harry is the oldest and being the ‘responsible’ one, he volunteers to watch over Luz’s sleepover with Willow and Gus. All he did was make sure nothing happens to them, and was surprised at the three’s ability to conjure The Owl House.
Harry, even though he despite Snape, still enjoys potions and is Luz’s teacher for it. He teaches her both realm’s style, meaning field trip to Diagon Alley for ingredients together!
Luz, under the disguises of being a squib, also gets to meet Fred and George when The Owl Family went to visit the Weasley’s Wizardry Wheezes. Which Eda definitely gave the Twins some suggests for new products and the two were gladly to accept advice from another Troublemaker like them.
Harry thought about seeing if Luz would be able to get a wand, but decided against it because he wants her to feel the joy of making her own Palisman like he did when the time comes.
The Covention was interesting because Harry finally get to met his Aunt Lilith; and because he was wearing a bandanna that covers his ears, she was under the expression that he was a witch and not a human like Luz.
Lilith was also shocked that not only did Eda has two apprentices, but one of them is her adopted nephew.
Lilith: “When were you going to tell me that I had a nephew?”
Eda: “You never asked.”
Speaking of covention, here’s Harry’s reaction when he was told that Luz challenges Amity to a witches duel:
Harry, overprotective brother mode: “You don’t challenge someone to a witches duel with only knowing one spell! What were you thinking?!”
Very disappointed; but this does remind him to the time his ‘rival’ challenged him to a duel despite being in his first year.
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nodesiretogrowup · 5 years
Haven’t actually talked/posted my feelings about The Owl House so here goes (then spoilers for today’s episode)
I REALLY love this show. I can’t explain, but it makes me feel nostalgic. It might be because Luz reminds me a lot of myself, especially when I was younger. I’ve always been odd and have had a hard time fitting in. I’ve also always been into fairy tales and witches. I’m just not as...artistic as Luz, though I did act out stories some I’d read and some my own. Eda is who I’d like to grow up to be-strong, smart, confident, and sexy af.
Now time for episode spoilers:
Luz is Belle. I’ll do a more in depth post with my reasoning but she’s a bookworm with a favorite book (series) that she wishes her life was like.
The crew knew we’d come up with Mama!Eda aus, so they gave us a taste of what it’d be like canonly.
I’m gonna pretend the Bat Queen, or was it Vampire Queen I can’t remember, is a nod to Marceline.
That baby/babies shall haunt my nightmares :’)
That library is DOPE.
I loved Amity with the kids. It’s nice to see the soft side of cold/grumpy characters (like Eda in her subplot).
Amity’s parents make BEAUTIFUL babies.
Luz is bi or pan and plans to seduce her way through the Blight family and I fully support Luz on this quest.
I think Amity dyes the brown part of her hair to make her stand out from her siblings and as a subtle nod to Azura.
I kind of want to know the story behind Amity’s nickname Mittens.
I knew the twins (I’m assuming Amity’s siblings are twins) were bad news but god were they cool.
Poor Gary.
I liked how innocent using the books started. It was nice to see a fiction library have multiple copies of a book.
That poor duckie. It is now SCARED FOR LIFE.
Luz is a bit of a perv. I like it.
Amity’s hideout is super cute and cozy.
Poor Amity needs a hug. It seems like she doesn’t really consider anyone truly her friend and has a hard time reading people. I also think something is going on behind the scenes in her family with them possibly being the reason behind Amity broke off her friendship with Willow. 
The bunny demon thing was TERRIFYING. As was the girls being FORCED into the book.
I love how King got into the story as much as the babies.
I’m hoping Luz is able to prove to Amity she means no harm and truly wants to be her friend and maybe patch up Amity and Willow’s friendship so Amity is less alone.
Eda cuddling with the babies was too cute. And she named them and taught them crime skills.
The babies cuddling back into their mama’s hair was cute though slightly unsettling.
10 bucks says that whistle is gonna be important.
I think this is my favorite episode so far. I like exploring different sides of characters and the different dynamics characters can have with each other. Plus, books and reading are fun!
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