#also they make this big deal about how to get rid of the incoming bomb and Jack is even ready to sacrifice his life about it
chaoticvictorianspirit · 11 months
watching the 9th and 10th episode of Doctor Who season 1 post GO2 is wild because while the saddest story of a scared and wounded little child looking for his single teenage mum amidst the London blitz is unfolding on your screen you also know that somewhere out there in Soho Aziraphale is living his best gayest theatre kid dream in a little feather boa
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Golden eyes chapter 23
“We want to talk.” Mickey asked and then it was Oswald's. “And we want answers this time.”
This is the big show down. Two ex-members of the Red Dragons, Now leaders of the Blue Dragon, against the two top leaders and a 'friend' of the Alfonso Mafia...
Used to be good allies for more than six years back, now it's a intense rivalry... with a ninety percent of chance this will turn into a bloodbath in a matter of minutes.
“You monkey freaks have done your job. There's nothing else to discuss anymore.” Bendy told them.
“We came here to get some answers since we're still in town.” Mickey said to him.
“Starting with what are you 'really' after? Why are you attacking the district after we agreed not to shed some blood on the streets?” Oswald then sounded pissed.
“Yeah, and I didn't. I even told the boys not do do it ON the streets... It doesn't included the sidewalks and alleys.” Bendy grinned as he thinks it's a loop hole.
The Disney's didn't like his response. “Why did you killed Mr. Vermelho? He was supposed to be your newest 'partner,' right? What did he do to set you off?” Mickey interrogated.
“He had some 'unfinished' work. He had those South American police on his trail for the necklace and he was getting a bit too close to me. Also, he 'slipped' on the murder too. They found out about how the old fart got murdered despite those doppelgangers' had rid of the evidence. Not to mention, I always wanted a nice, private vacation home over there. His place isn't so bad, just needed a little... 'redecorating' his mansion and 'garden.'”
He ordered his assassination because the police was hot on his tail, didn't 'properly' handled the murder of Mr. Blancheur and not just that, he wanted his home and his weed fields for your business and vacation home... for no cost! I gritted my teeth.
He's just sank one level lower... I need to get to the cylinder machine... and find a way to destroy it permanently!
I quietly crawled on my stomach toward the machine as they continued. “Why are you after our second home? Is it really about our territory and incomes that comes with it you're after?” Oswald questioned. Huh? But it IS what he's after... Right?
“... Why are you asking ME that? I thought you knew better. Or better yet... Why are you two so attached on that little piece of land? You have your grand home and future back in California. Why are you wasting your time here? Are you 'that' worried about me? I didn't know you 'liked' your 'visit' about oh, let's say, more than a year ago? I feel like it's been AGES!” Bendy fired back at them, specifically at Oswald.
I halted for a minute there.
That day... is it about when Bendy did something that makes them regret it? And why does Oswald have anything that makes him the center of attention? Is it... what Bendy did to him?
A lot of thoughts ran through my mind on what they could mean... Knowing how well is Bendy's methods on treating his 'guests', depending on who they are... and their 'relations.'
“Don't jump on a different subject, Bèndàn, What are you really after?” Oswald asked again with a glare.
But Bendy had a different idea... He steps back. “Since we used to be 'friends' and because I kinda 'like' you guys, I'll let these bad boys test you two to see if I REALLY should tell ya what I'm after.” Boris and Boston steps forwads.
“Getting the 'warm' welcoming treatment? That's SO like you. You always take the easy way and letting other do your dirty 'work.'” Mickey stated. I agree with you, mouse. I heard he's lazy enough to have vacations after his days off.
Boris cracked his knuckles. “You kids don't even know who you're dealing with. If you can't pass us, you can't get anywhere close to him.”
“Beat it, you over-thirty year old mattress!” Oswald pointed at him. “Your 'loyalty' and services to that Yúchǔn de èmó makes me want to puke. My brother can take care of himself far better when I'm not at home and he treats his 'co-workers' much better.”
“OH, please! As far as every go lucky animators would say that kind of slop, you southern-born bumpkins have forgotten this ain't like the old days anymore. You're playing with the big boys now.” Boston stretched his arms.
Ouch! I can't think of a comeback against this cowboy....
“I really wish there's another way to settle this... but I guess it's too late for that and I doubt you'll listen either.” Mickey looked at the cowboy with a determined expression. “We'll take your 'bet' and we'll get our answers soon enough.” He then stepped on a pipe that was conveniently next to his left foot as it got tossed in the air just high enough for him to grab it. He then got in a fencing pose.
“Oh, You challenging me to a sword play, eh?” Boston sneered as he picks up his pipe, but it was a bit longer than Mickey's.
“Don't underestimate us just because we're smaller than you two.” Mickey warned them.
“Bendy is more challenging than you two put together, you got nothing.” Boris took off his coat and fedora as he prepares for a brawl against them. He tosses them on a near by crates.
“This will be a payback for what your 'boss' did a year ago...” Oswald glared at him.
He repeated that phrase on what Bendy did to him... Why do I feel like want to know this more than I want to know about my 'sight' secrets and my... lineage?
It only took a few seconds in stare down before they ran toward each other. Excluding Bendy cause he's just sitting on the railway like he's waiting for his turn if they're still standing...
Oswald and Boris clashes first with a headbutt greet and I feel like there was an titan aura coming from them. It's like a kung fu master against a heavy weight champion boxer. Oswald didn't seemed fazed at all... Any other little guy and it's lights out.
Mickey and Boston were greeted with a clanging sound. However, what I didn't know, is that Mickey was like a speeding mice. Ok, that doesn't make sense- WHOAH!
Mickey was REALLY not slacking off on his footwork. His fencing techniques is giving the cowboy a hard time. He did a couple of times of slide circling a half moon and attacking from all different sides to confuse him. He's lucky that Mickey was handling a pipe, if it was an actual sword well... it ain't gonna be pretty.
I though Mickey's specialty was guns and bombs... Unless he learn this new technique later in his life I didn't know about it yet.
I looked back at the other two brawlers. Boris keeps trowing decent punches, but Oswald keeps deflecting them until that one  punch nearly scraped pass Oswald's face. But the rabbit quickly did a left uppercut to the wolf's jaw and then he right punches square on his nose. Boris growled and attempted to punch him at full force, but the rabbit was a bit quicker than he thought. Oswald then jabbed him with another fist, this time right at his right side abs. The wolf stumbles a bit until the rabbit smacked the back side of his head and then he punches his face again, sending him falling flat on his back.
Whoa... I feel like I'm amazed yet I'm terrified at the same time... No wonder Bendy had a hard time with them on numerous things. Yet... why are they on number two in the 'underworld'?
Ah! Wait! I can't just sit here and watch. I need to get to that machine. I looked for someway to get down without being noticed. I saw a stair case leading down right next to that machine, but there's no wall for me to hide from them. Unless I can use my whip as a rope and descended it quietly and quickly, but that would need precision timing judging how they all fight and they can see me.  
See me... My 'Heat eye' ability! With that I can use it to give me just enough seconds to get down and hide without anyone noticing. I hope...
But it's better than doing nothing here. I quietly walked while I'm keeping my head down until I'm on top of the cylinder machine. I carefully readied and secure my belt for a drop. I then readied myself to get down and I looked at the fight for an opportunity... I closed my eyes and concentrated.
'Just let me get down from here without being noticed.' My head didn't throb as much, but I did feel like time passes slowly as I opened them.
I quickly got over the rail and descended fast as I reached my destination. I landed and then I tugged and unhook my belt. I quickly grab it as I feel like my headache is getting stronger. I ducked where they cant see me on one side of the controller of the cylinder machine. I closed and told it I'm alright and then feel some relief. I think that was pretty good for someone who has awoken his secret 'ability' only for more about a week ago.
Man, I'm gonna have to make a scheduled on how I spend my 'spare' time... if I come out alive.
Alright, now what? I looked back to see if I was spotted by the broken pitch fork. It doesn't appeared he noticed me... I think. I glanced on the side just enough to see the fight.
I first glanced at Mickey and Boston. The mouse still had a good advantage until the cowboy grabbed his pipe. He swung it to the wall next to them, hits Mickey full force, then he swung it at the other two.
They noticed the now flying squirrel launched at them and Oswald took a chance to catch him. He did so and he puts his brother down. The other two took their chance at their vulnerable pose by trying to attack them from behind by hitting them at the back of their heads.
But they were no match for their quick reactions as they synchronized a dodgy barrel roll. As soon as they turn to them and at a quick draw, Boston has taken out a pistol.
And shot them dead straight to their hearts. The brothers had their eyes wide opened when it hit them, until they dropped on the floor after a few seconds later.
There was silence in the factory. I was horrified, shaken, my mouth was opened yet I couldn't scream...
“No. Way... You lucky bastard!” Bendy complimented. He got off his seating and he got up and close in between his two friends to see his ex-friends. As I would expected from him, he maniacally laugh it off, added a 'personal' cheer leading verse and a dance.
“Ah hahahaha! Whoo! RAT SH!T! RABBIT SHIT! DYING ON THE FLOOR! AIN'T GONNA LIVE PASS TWENTY FOUR! HOORAY! DISNEY SUCKS! F#K!” He ended the last word with a double middle finger up in the air.
I didn't cared what he reacted... Mickey... Oswald... No... I tried to held back my tears, but they streamed away anyway.
They're dead... they died in a reckless attempt for trying to stop Bendy... This can't be happening for real...
“Um, Bendy... they're not bleeding.” Boris said. Huh? Not... bleeding?
“What?” Bendy 'calmly' replied. He picks up the pipe Mickey had earlier and went to the bodies. He raises his weapon. “You're supposed to bleed, you stupid motherf-”
To everyone's surprise, Mickey has perfectly caught the other end of the pipe before the demon made his first blow. We all gasped, but Bendy was the most expressive at the reaction.“WHAT?! YOU'RE STILL ALIVE?!”
Mickey took this opportunity to quick draw his gun, which I might add seems a bit familiar... He shot at Boston's pistol and it flew off his hands. It might be a fast reaction, but I did got a good look at the 'used to be' pistol that is now a blob once it hit the floor. It's that one of the weapons Oswald has crafted? WAIT! OSWALD! He's still on the floor! I looked back at them... Only to see Boris being double kicked in the face and fall flat on the floor. Mickey has successfully retrieved the pipe from Bendy with a good hand man-oeuvre. They both regain some space and from what I see, they're all alright.
I then feel a rush of relief... Thank you, God. I smiled and exhaled. Wait... Something... doesn't seem right. The bullets that Boston shot has hit RIGHT at the hearts. How are they still standing like that? It should have been a fatality.
The cowboy rushed at the door leading to somewhere. Then my 'sight' was acting up again. Huh? 'What is it this time?' I close my eyes and mentally asked it. I see a flash and opened my eyes. I 'saw' a big machine gun that's on the other side of the wall. At it's about in the range of the Disney's positions.
I don't know how they are still alive from that shot, but I'm not going to take another chance with that machine gun.
“What the h#ll, how dare you're both still alive? Boston has never missed a shot!” Boris got up and asked, backing up a bit.
They still didn't responded. “What are you guys now? Zombies? Undead? WHAT?! I want answers, or I'll cut them out!” Bendy took out again his switch blade he had earlier. I then 'saw' Boston setting up and aimed away from his two 'friends' and at the Disney brothers.
Is that what... oh no... no, not again! I'm not going to let that second chance go to waste!
I didn't cared if my cover was blown when I jumped out of my hiding spot and passed by the two gangsters as they got surprised at my appearance. I immediately leaped towards them, grab them both as we landed flat one the floor and in just at the nick of time. There was a flashing rain of bullets that shot through that wall. I heard Bendy shouted something but the rounds of bullets were too loud for me to hear what he was saying.
Once it was silenced again, we immediately looked back at them. “You GOTTA BE SH!TTING ME?! THE ACE DEFECTIVE? HERE? AND HE'S WORKING WITH YOU TWO DIP SH!TS?!” Bendy pointed out at me.
I didn't think this through, but... at least he doesn't know about 'us' yet. I got up. “No, I came here on my own free will, and I'm putting you under arrest for three account of accessory of murders under your command AND executed yourself, illegal possession of potentially deadly drugs, illegal owner of a stolen necklace and an attempted murder of two well known people. I have some hard evidence, so there's no way you'll escape THESE charges this time, Bendy Drew!” And I pointed at him. The other got up too.
His eyes twitched and glowed red. “How DARE you called me that? My last name is De Mon! Either remember that or I'll scar it deep enough on your skin so you can remember it!” He pointed again, this time with his switch blade.
I kept continuing. “Starting with that cylinder machine and those 'special' herbs. I know where those are-!” He did an attempt to stab me, but we were a bit quick on our feet and we separated a bit. Now it's just me and him. I continued.
“-AND where you'll get them. I also found out about how you 'conducted' the murder of Mr. Blancheur and Mr.Vermelho. I'll even include my witness account of one of your 'employee' under the railway too.” He then attempted to slash horizontally at my face, but I bend over in a nice close shave. I then saw something on the tip of that 'unusual' switch blade...
Then Boston reappeared. “Why in tarnation do I hear like that cat was- Oh... Dang...” He didn't expect to see me here.
“Help me with the other pipsqueaks, Bendy can handle him.” Boris shouted and they went after them again.
I hope they don't have a second gun on them, but right now I need to focus on this evil master mind first.
“You keep forgetting who's in charge here, cat boy. I OWN THIS CITY AND THE LAWS!” He tried to stab me with a jab, but with my past training on 'deflecting' the weapons,  I hand palm my left hand to his switch blade holding right hand just before he thinks he got me. The weapon flung high in the air between us as we were back to back. We both saw it, turned around and we both jumped up to reach it and grab it before the other one gets it. Bendy may have that speed demon skills when his eyes turned, but I also have my 'other' skills that I can now compete...
When we landed, we were back to back again. Bendy looked at his hand to see he didn't got it. But I do. I smirked. He then got angry, turned around with a swinging kick, said 'f#k off' and he flung his blade in the air again out of MY hands. He then right punched me right in the face, then I countered back with the same move and place, then I quickly hook punched my left fist at his stomach, he patted some drops, he then hit my face with another right punch and then we both tried to kick each other off with one blow with our right legs. We both landed  a good solid hit on the chests and we BOTH took the hit, hard. We stumbled a bit until we both looked up again to see the switch blade coming back. We both unintentionally used our right legs again to kick it out of our fighting range.
Judging from our position, the switch blade and our 'space', it's going straight to our legs. Once again I used my 'heat eye' ability and I carefully judge the timing...  He's no slouch at 'this' speed... I suddenly have that sharp pain rushed in my head and I winced.
I felt something from my leg, but it was dull. I opened my eyes again just to see Bendy's switch blade piercing his leg and he yelped in pain before we both stumbled away from each other. I still felt that throbbing pain in my head and my vision stared to blur a bit and it hurts just by looking... What is this pain? And why do I feel like I've been drained too?
It took a lot of strength to get myself up... I staggered a bit but I was still in better shape than Bendy right now. He's bleeding from his leg as he held it and in agony.
“F#K! SONUVABEACH! F#KN CAT! I'M SOOOO GONNA SKIN YOU ALIVE AND TURN YOU INTO A- GAH!” He took out the switch blade from his injury. BAD idea. It will bleed even more, but, it didn't... instead, the blood became black and it almost stopped the bleeding. His eyes were red again.
“On second thought, you might have improved on the last time we've brawled... But you're still no match to me, let alone those two circus freaks.” He maniacally but quietly told me with his signature grind. I glanced at their fights to see what we've missed, but so far it's the same struggling situation on the second floor. I quickly checked on him again so I don't get caught off guard if he attacks. He still haven't made his next move.
In my current state, I need to end this now and try to bust that cylinder machine before I faint on the spot. Lend me some strength until the end, please. I asked him. “Since we're both on edge here, is it a bad time to tell me the REAL reason why you are after your old ex-comrades? You've done enough damage as it is.”
He raised an eye brow.“Aw, Have you forgot? They're-”
“Used to be friends, but 'someone' had stabbed them in the back. Just out of my curiosity 'nature,' who was it, really?” I want to know. “Huh?” He asked displeased. “You're-” “AH!!!” I heard Mickey's shout as he was nearly fell off the second floor safety rails by hanging from his left arm. I immediately shouted his name along with Oswald. Boston was going to hit him with a average sized wooden crate until he loses his grip on the rail and was falling.
I immediately rushed towards him despite my exhaustion state. I reached out my arms to grab him and... I caught him but we both stumbled to the ground in the process. It might have been worse if I didn't break his fall... Oswald rushes down the stairs towards us. “Mickey! Felix!” He shouted. “I'm fine... Felix?” Mickey asked. “I... I'm just a bit exhausted...” I responded out of breath. What's wrong with me? I never felt THIS exhausted whenever I'm on these missions.
Wait! We're in a middle of a group fight! I glanced at Bendy and my 'sight' was acting up. I blinked to see what is it again and this time... He was hiding a very familiar gun... the same ones the police uses! Worse still, he pulls it out and he aimed at Oswald! I immediately jumped at the rabbit before he pulls that trigger.
The sound of another gun shot had echoed through the factory. We both ducked sideways and smacked landed on one of the mats that was left unpacked on the floor. “Ozzy! Felix!” Mickey rushed in. Oswald just chuckled. “Ha! Now THAT'S what I called a triple A service and-Ah! Crap!” His mood switched quickly when he saw some blood stains on his stomach.
Mickey gasped with his right hand covering his mouth and his left pointing at something with his eyes wide opened. It wasn't his brother's blood that stained his vest...
It was mine.
The bullet had struck at my right back side and it must have came in contact when we fell. I was taking deep breath and I was holding on to my life. He got me instead.
“Ah SH!T! Felix!” Oswald eyes were widen at my injury from that shot that was meant for him. He quickly detached my whip belt and Mickey had taken off his black jacket and passes it to him. Boris and Boston then joined up with Bendy.
“Oh? Did the cat took a bullet for the rabbit?” Bendy asked playfully. Mickey angrily looked back at him. “Bendy! That wasn't fair!” “Life is NEVER fair, Micks. You need to learn when you have to do whatever it takes to get what you want. Not everyone has their life all set like yours...” He twirled his gun a bit.
“That gun...” Mickey whispered. Oswald had just finished wrapping my waist with Mickey's jacket, to prevent further blood loss.
“Oh, that? You remembered this old thing? It used to belong to Chayton, you know? Alfonso's son? I kinda 'borrowed' it back then... He used to collect these 'hard to get' weapons back when he was alive... Meh!” He then handed over to Boris and he break it like a twig with his right hand. “It was only good for one bullet anyways. The carriage was all f#ked up for somewhat reason.”
“Then... was it you? You're the one who made that shot on that 'last job?'” Mickey questioned softly, but feared.
“I'm only guilty of taking without asking to show ya one time and then holding as a 'possession' until I'm bored with it. It was almost useless and empty anyways.” Bendy vaguely answered. I then started to see some 'yellow' toning in my vision.
Mickey gasped softly. “Then... it was him? But... why are you still after our district? The REAL reason?” He looks like he was about to cry.
Bendy then made a disgust expression and finally gave up his answer...
“Oh my F#king @$$! My 'REAL' reason this and that?!” He was about to to loose it, but then he smiled and calmly answered. “I guess I'll say it if it will shove a sock in it.” He took two steps forward like he's the boss before we got our answer. “If there is one thing I love better than money... Aside from the love of my life...” He smooth talked before he made an angry expression on his next statement. “...Revenge.”
Their expression was shocked. “What?” Mickey said and then Oswald asked. “For what? We didn't-” Bendy cuts him off. “Shut it, Half-a-nesse! Before I'll make sure I'll break you again and this time I'll f#k you up even harder.” He pointed at him. Oswald held back his words and his left eye slightly twitched... I feel somewhat strange... but I'm still trying to hold on to my conscious to make any sense on what he's talking about and trying to listen through my heartbeat pounding in my head.
“The REAL reason why I wanted that territory, aside the incomes, is so that I can take it away from the ones who DOESN'T DESERVES it and turn it into dust. You BOTH deserted me and the others when those sh!t whippers came and took out almost all of 'US'” He made those quote marks gesture. “If you didn't willy nilly rejoined with that helicopter father, I would have behaved slightly differently. But I guess that inheritance and all that sh!t has made you like a f#king cheap cupcake. Too soft for your own good and it makes me ANGRY!” He stomped his left foot and some of his black blood had squirted out. “Whatever happened to sticking together schtick? That promised we all made along with it?” He then sounded sad. “We're gonna take back and make our future the way we wanted... Change this rotten luck we had... We... had a sh!tty parent who makes us runaways...We then both had found a new family... We had it all when we were at the prime time of our teenage lives...” He then started shaking and crying... I never seen him like that before... Unless it was an act. “But then when those Eastern Bastards came and took out half of us and your mentors, you both weren't there!” He lashes out his anger.
“And who's REAL fault was that?” Oswald countered. “We've been expelled from the gang after your 'last' visit that day you've turn us over to the police and our father! It was NEVER our 'fault.' It's your bosses' and yours! YOU and the other two have shipped us out!” He told them off... I remembered that other half of Mickey's story way back then... I winced in pain when my sides started to burn harder. Oswald noticed my struggling...
“You could have still stick around on your own free will... But then again... I guess things didn't go as well as it planned to be... After that massacre, I found out that the disbanded Red Dragon's territory had a pretty well advantages and a good income for a mafia guys like myself... plus, 'they' were long gone before 'ours'... and it was in 'chaos' just the way I like it.” Bendy regained his masterminded speech. “With my past experiences, all I needed to have that piece of territory, is for that 'land permit.' It was almost in my grasp... Until SOMEBODY decided to show up again and 'reclaimed' it as if they THINK they had RIGHTS!” He tone it up a bit as he looked back at Mickey.
“You BOTH had to interfered my 'night job' just so you can still think you idiots can 'change' this society... What good will it do if you had to take care of almost EVERYBODY you both came in contact with? You think you both are BETTER than I am? ME! the 'undertaker' of the underworld, a GRAND animator that's better than 'you', a bigger celebrity than all of your puny animated company with the old fart himself included! You two are just a pair of Robin Hoods rip offs who hides their f#king faces under a clown masks in public and internationals alike. SO HOW CAN A PIECE OF THRASH LIKE YOURSELVES IS MORE SPECIAL THAN I AM?!” He's now getting off the subject.
“Is this the real reason you wanted our territory for? To get even with us because of our father's company and the inheritance?” Mickey trembled but softly said. “Haven't I told you before that I wanted to earn that position the right way?! And all of that talk of yours on what we 'should have' done our lives, and what it had given us instead... IT WAS NEVER PLANNED IN THE FIRST PLACE!” He shouted back. “Bendy, we've been in the same place like you were before, but there's a difference between being what you are and who you want to be.”
They then started to laugh. “Mickey, you think being a gangster, a top member next to the 'boss' at that, is f#king easy? And who do you think you're talking to?” Boris responded. Oswald was getting tried of this stalling conversation. “It's always easy to be an @$$hole like yourselves, but it ain't gonna be worth it once your title of 'king of mafia' crown is knocked off. You'll get what you REALLY deserves, and you better pray it ain't gonna be 'US' to do the job when that day comes.” He threateningly said to them.
They then draw their guns aside Boston, which he was frowning since they only had two on them, at us. “We can fix that.” Bendy answered. “After we dispose of you three, I'll finally be able to take over ALL of the police and the Chinatown district. In just a few days, I'll be OFFICIALLY the real KING of Chicago crime mob syndicates. Then, I'll start planning to extend my empire... but for now...” He took aim at Mickey. “As my last act of 'kindness' since we're old 'friends,' all you three musketeers, rest easy and DIE!” He smile very widely as he was about to pull the trigger.
I then feared the worst again and this time, I can't move. NO!
Suddenly, Bendy's expression was then changed into a surprised look with a 'Urk!'
Then what really surprises me is that he dropped the gun and then he fell down... and he started to sleep! What the-?!
“Bendy!” Boris shouted as he went to get him but Boston had held him back just in time before another 'thing' had flung passed him. One false step would have made him the same state as Bendy.
Is that...!!! It was confirmed who it was when I heard my friends voice.
“Take one shot at them and I'll send you to dream land!” They all looked up to see who the heck it was... Sammuel Toutsaint!
“..Sam...” I wheezed then coughed up a bit of blood. Boston then tries to take the gun from Boris for an attempt to shoot him, but then there was a gust of wind passes them and they were surprised. “What in tarnation is that?!” Boston asked and then there was another familiar Irish voice. “Gun ho!” Woody shouted. “Hey hot buns! Special delivery!” He tosses it to Oswald and then he crushes Boris' gun. They both then teamed up with them and Boris retrieved Bendy and placed him like a bride style in his arms. “Ah Sh!t, Felix! You're shot!” Woody looked at me, worried about my condition. Sam was the same, but he was pissed but he kept his guards up. “How many times I told you NOT to go alone with THESE types, Ostie criss de tabarnak!”
You guys... I'm so sorry... I then felt a tear falling down on my cheeks.
“Seems like we ended our battle with a draw. Thanks to those two bird brains.” Boris spatted. “But next time, you won't be so lucky, and your 'lucky' title won't last much longer.” He glared at us.
Mickey pulled out something, but it looks like a pen... no wait, it looks a bit familiar... “Once Bendy wakes up, tell him this: The Blue Dragons will remain a neutral territory. But he's not going to get his new 'products' on our streets or anywhere else.” He then pushed the button on the top. There was then a big explosion and they all looked at the cylinder machine. I can barely looked at it, but it seems like there was a bomb hidden in that thing... Did they planned ahead? What... who are they really?
“Aw DANG! He's gonna get pissed!” Boston raised an eyebrow, as if he didn't cared in this situation.
I then felt someone had picked me up in bridal style too.. and it was Oswald... OSWALD?! My face then got very red. NO, PLEASE! I'D RATTHER HAVE THE PIGGY BACK RIDE! I'm mentally draining faster than before.
“Also, tell him this message from his 'dealer': Your 'membership account' is terminated. We'll settle this in another day.” Mickey ended their conversation before they had to leave. He then says. “Let's get out of here. Felix need to go to a hospital. Fast.''
We all scattered out of the factory as we approach to the car... I suddenly feel like I'm floating... and the last thing I saw was the rabbit's face before I lost conscious... again....
I was then 'awaken' in a very darken area. I feel like I was still floating, but I feel like I'm in some sort of underwater.
Where am I? Am I... dead? No! I can't be dead! Not yet! I need to be there for my family and friends!
As soon as I opened my mouth, I can't breathe. Something had prevented me to do so. I covered my mouth, but then I felt something sharp at my side where I was shot. I winced and let out whatever air I had in me. I needed oxygen, fast. I then saw someone with a white robe with a golden chain attached to her neck, she looks familiar... and she looks almost like me-!!!
“Mom...” I softly whispered. She then reached out for my left hand and the ring has started to glow brighter. I then feel like I can breathe again, but I was blinded by a white light.
I suddenly feel like I was in a different room when I came to. Am I awake? No. I don't remembered being standing when I lost my conscious. Normally, I would be lying down first. I looked around to see where am I. It's not anywhere I remembered before... It seems more... like a clinic, judging from the settings and the curtains.
I then saw a senior doctor with a mustache coming in. I was going to greet him until he passes right through me. I was surprised. I patted myself and I didn't pass through like a ghost... what kind of a dream is this?
“How's the little one? Is he sleeping well?” The doctor asked. Huh? I turned around and I saw him talking to someone behind the curtains. I went to see who it was and when I did saw who it was, I was shocked.
It was my mother... and she's holding a baby... is this me?... a flashback from when I was born? I don't remember this. Is this one of those crazy 'ability' from Bastet? Or something else that she wanted me to see?
“He's doing fine. Thank you so much for helping us on such a short notice, Dr. Kettle.” She said as he stroke 'my' little head.
“It was nothing, Féline. I owe you one for returning the stolen medicine from those troublesome Irish Gang members.” The doctor replied. “Have you decided a name for the new rascal?”
She looked at the baby and smiled. “I think Felix would suit him. His hair looks is like that black cat from an early cartoon I've seen a long time ago.” I was surprised. She was the one who named me? Mom... I tried to reach for her until my head started to throb, the room is blurring and it changed into a different area.
Once all's been settled, I was in some sort of an alley way. I saw a street light at my right with someone I recognized very well... BEFORE that 'accident' and he seems like he was in his early thirties... maybe.
“Dad?” I was astounded. I can still remembered his 'human' features when I was very little and I knew that it IS him! Why is he doing here? I heard some high heels clacking closer at my left. I turned at who it was and it looked like a lady in a red overcoat, with a matching red hat with yellow ribbon, a yellow sweater and she also had red high heels to match the outfit. She is also carrying a basket too... I was shocked when she came into the light to see who she was. “Mom?!” I spoke louder.
What's going on? What is this? I don't... remember any of this. I saw my father approaching to her with a serious expression on his face. She had a sad face, like she might have done something that upset him. “Did you bring him?” He asked and she nodded. She gently placed down the basket, lifted the lid, and I was shocked. It was me... I was asleep, but it was me. She gently scooped 'me' up and she embraced 'me.' “I'm sorry for keeping this a secret for so long... They are after me, and God know what they'll do to him if he's found out. You're the only person I can trust with him...I know it's hard to-” My father cuts her off, by glaring. That look frighten her, as well as myself.  He took a deep breath and said.“I didn't agreed to take him just for you... I know he's mine too. If you had told me about this sooner, things would have been different and you wouldn't be giving him up right now.” She shed a tear down her left cheek and quietly sobbed. I felt pain in my chest... is this what they've meant? That part where I was... given up for my safety?
She held 'me' close for one last time and gave 'me' a kiss before she handed me over to him. She also took off her right glove to reveal a golden lioness ring. It must be that Golden ring of Sekmeth that I was 'supposed' to have! She took it off and handed that over too. “I don't think I need to explained what this is and what it does. You know it from the times we spent together...” He took it and placed it one of his pockets. “I know. I'll tell him when the times comes, speaking of him, did you gave him a name by any chance?” He asked her. “Felix. Please let him keep that name for me as my last favor.” She begged him. He was silenced for a minute while he looked at 'me.' His answer then shocked me. “I will. Just promised me also that you must NEVER show your face to him again... not while 'they' are on you.”
He turns around and leaves. My mother then started to cry quietly. “Gerald... my Felix... I'm sorry...” She sobbed a bit and I was crying too. “Mom...” I was reaching out to her, I wanted to hug her and tell her 'It's alright, I'm here!' But as soon as I lay a hand on her, she 'disintegrated' into dust. My eyes widen at the reaction. She was gone... and then I looked back to see my father standing in the street light. I was still feeling pain in my heart again, but there was also some anger that started to show.
“Dad... Why?...” I cried and I yelled. I then got up and walked to him. “She needed both of us! Why would you do that? And why did you keep this from me all this time?” I stopped behind his back. “You may be my father, but I had the right to know who was my mother too! Just... TELL ME WHY DIDN'T YOU-!” I pointed shouted at him until suddenly, I was then roughly got grabbed from my wrist by him, he turned around to look at me, but his 'image' was changed. He was much older looking with the cyborg clash from that day he was in a horrible accident. And what I remembered form the last time I saw him... He looked me straight in the eyes, glaring.
That look gave me chills down my spine, I feel a migraine rushed in my head and I was getting a bit nauseous. The scenery started to spin faster and it changes again. My father still held on to my grip as I tried to held myself together without throwing up. I screamed in pain when my eyes were burning and I saw a painful, flashing, white light again...
TO BE CONTINUED... Chapter 24.
Read chapter 22 here or the beginning here.
What what?! Did I just finish my whole story yesterday? YES I DID!!!!
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Tune in tomorrow for the next chapter, cause it’s going on a daily release!
BBTIM Characters Belong to Marini4. Some OCs belong to me.
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scurvgirl · 8 years
Uranium Fever
More Fallout AU because it’s fun! Part 1, Part 2
Backstory: it’s explained, but the Church of Atom essentially worships the nuclear bombs and radiation. They wield gamma ray guns that spew high levels of radiation. Geiger counters are used to measure radiation levels. Rad-X helps prevent radiation while Radaway gets rid of it and helps cure radiation sickness. Radroaches are exactly what they sound like, irradiated roaches, they’re about the size of a cat. 
Felasel and Darevas belong to @selenelavellan
Cirimeni belongs to @justanartsysideblog
Here are the songs used! The Wanderer, Jingle Jangle Jingle, Uranium Fever, Heartaches by the Number
Miriel has only ever seen the aftermath of the work of the Church of Atom. Usually they work in irradiated places, like junkyards where the fusion cores of cars are breaking down and leaking radiation. She’s never really seen them actively seek out something that was radiation but not attached to fusion before, but then again, worshiping atom bombs of all things doesn’t really suggest they’re really logical to begin with.
There are seven people standing before them now, all in tattered clothes and holding weapons that she’s only seen in broken heaps before. They’re an odd conglomeration of rusted metal and a round disks splayed out towards them.
“Uh, no Atom here! Just us...fleshy folk,” Miriel tries but Darevas steps in front of her quick, plastering a saccharine smile on his face.
“Fellas! Nothing to get alarmed about, we’re just here with some salvage from the hospital, no big deal, scrappers gotta scrap, amiright?” His hip is cocked and Miriel wonders if it is possible he can bullshit them all out of this.
“We can sense it, you are carrying a part of Atom with you,” the leader says and raises his gun.
“It’s not Atom!” Miriel protests, stepping out from behind Darevas, “It’s a drug, not a bomb. So that doesn’t count.”
“But it stems from Atom, without Atom there would be no drug.”
Well. She tried.
Darevas is quick on the draw and shoots at the two to his right, Felasel comes up behind Miriel and shoots at the leader while Cirimeni targets those on the left. Sandwiched between Felasel and Darevas means that Miriel can’t throw any grenades or shoot, however. So she ducks and rolls forward, coming up with a stink bomb. She tosses it at them and covers them in a sticky gas, causing coughing and sputtering.
They fire their guns randomly out, scattering Miriel, Felasel, Darevas, and Cirimeni. They run, trying to flank the group. The rays that emanate from the guns are pure radiation, making all four of their geiger counters tick wildly. Miriel pulls her bandana up over her face and her goggles down before rolling away and trying to gage where everyone is. The stink bomb created fabulous cover, but she can’t throw any more grenades without risking hitting one of her own. She takes out her rifle and runs back to flank the combatants.
The air sizzles with radiation and the electrical buzz from Felasel’s rifle. Darevas is firing rapidly at something and it’s only then that Miriel realizes that there are quite few more than just seven of the Children of Atom.
Damn fanatics. Normally the Children of Atom can be content to just be out in their little irradiated corners, but there’s always those few who are just bat-shit. Miriel fires at the ones nearest to her, two guys focused on Cirimeni who is trying to get some range on them all.
Miriel’s rifle jams. Fuck. She tackles the next fanatic that stumbles back out of the stink fog. She wrestles him to the ground and bashes his head with the butt of her gun. It’s much more unpleasant than simply shooting the man, but it gets the job done.
Cirimeni fires her gun, a resounding BANG echoes through them all and all the fire suddenly stops.
No quick shots from Darevas’s pistols or the “zzztt zzztt” from Felasel’s rifle.
“We all okay?” She calls tentatively. There’s coughing and her radio crackles in her ear. Two beeps.
“I’m good! Felasel, where you at, bro?” Darevas calls. Miriel walks to where she hears Darevas and then adjusts course to where she saw Felasel last.
“I’m fine…” he calls, but he sounds winded and a bit wheezy. Fine, right. Miriel skips to his voice, pulling out her own little first aid kit, filled with stimpacks, bandages, and there are even a couple of blood bags. Just in case.
But there are no catastrophic wounds on him, when she reaches him. He’s leaning against a building, head leaned back so he can breathe and catch up. He seems fine but...not quite.
“There you are, that was wild. Those guys really were gunning for us.” Darevas continues to ramble on. Cirimeni arrives and her eyes inspect Felasel quickly before widening. She hurries over to him and begins to examine his fingernails, and even pokes at his mouth to look at his gums. Felasel, not exactly happy to being poked and prodded, pushes her away and gives her an incredulous look.
“She’s inspecting you for signs of radiation sickness, Felasel, just...let her, she’s not going to hurt you,” Miriel says calmly. Felasel stops and deliberates for a moment before letting Cirimeni continue to gently poke at him. She lifts his top lip up to look at his gums, pulls the skin under his eye down slightly. She leans back and turns to Miriel, quickly signing.
Miriel whistles low and reaches in the bag of salvage, pulling out a Rad-X bottle.
“You’re showing classic symptoms, not really surprising considering they were firing pur radiation at you. Take two of these, it should tide you over until we get to a safe spot to hook you up to a bag of Radaway.” She hands him the pills and he grumbles but takes them anyways. He covers his stomach with his hand and grimaces.
“Let’s make that sooner rather than later.” Felasel grimaces as he pushes himself off the building. Darevas is suddenly very serious and quiet, watching his brother closely. He shifts closer to Felasel and Miriel thinks he may be offering to either carry Felasel or let him lean against Darevas as they find shelter.
Felasel refuses of course.
The sky overhead cackles and thunder rolls through. Miriel glances up and groans at the telltale orange and green tinted clouds. A fucking rad storm, just what they needed.
“Yeah, incoming rad storm. I think there is a brewery up the road where we can bunk for the night.” Miriel takes point and Cirimeni falls behind, covering them while they quickly make their way up the street to the brewery.
The city ruins are always full of sounds, ranging from the skittering of rad-roaches to building shakes from fights from the various factions that hole up in the buildings. There is a slight chance that there are raiders or super mutants in the brewery but it was quiet last time when they walked past it when she and Cirimeni were heading for the hospital.
They make it to the brewery, the thunder beginning to roll in more steadily. Miriel picks the lock on the door and ushers them all inside before sealing the door back up in the most efficient way possible - she moves a desk in front of it and puts a disguised mine under the desk.
There are a few radroaches that Darevas seems to be quite good at disposing of. He’s quick on the trigger even with his staunch refusal to leave Felasel’s side. They set up their main camp area in one of the side offices that she guesses the big boss person used to work or take naps or something. Life before the war seems so...dull and non-threatening that she doesn’t really know what to make of it.
Nonetheless, someone’s gone and put in a beat-up matress that Felasel eyes suspiciously before succumbing to his exhaustion and lies down. That and Cirimeni has a surprisingly intense glare.
He leans back against the wall, sitting on the questionable mattress while Cirimeni tinkers with setting the IV for the Radaway up. Miriel helps open up their first aid packs, pulling out some alcohol for sterilization and tape for the needle. Cirimeni finds a vein and pops the needle in, attaching the radaway bag quickly.
Felasel is quiet through the whole thing, watching them closely, his eyes red from fever. Miriel hands him some water.
“Make sure you eat, radaway can make your stomach a little queasy and it helps if you have a full stomach.”
Cirimeni offers him some of their dried meat, cooked and not irradiated like the old packaged food scattering the wastes. Felasel takes the offering and begins to gnaw on the jerky.
Darevas hovers over Felasel a bit like a nervous bird. Staring at the strange tint to Felasel’s finger nails and flushed gums whenever he opens his mouth to take a bit. It’s good he cares, Miriel thinks, but it’s also just the tiniest bit odd.
“Darevas, come help me secure the building? You’d be more helpful doing that than hovering,” Miriel suggests and he glances up then back to Felasel, who nods and tells him to go. He reloads and holsters his pistols before following Miriel out into the brewery proper.
The quiet is...awkward. They’re just shuffling around, scanning the floor and the upper rafters to see if there’s anything they need to take care of. There’s none of the banter from before and she feels her shoulders twitch.
They make it to the first large metal barrel thing that she’s pretty sure the world’s forgotten the word for before she cracks.
“He’s going to be fine. Cirimeni knows how to treat it. From the looks of it, he’s far, far off from anything resembling ghoulification. He’ll be fine, just a bag of radaway, then a night’s sleep, food, and he’ll be back to normal,” she reassures and some of the tension in his shoulders ease. His blue eyes soften and he runs a hand through his hair, exhaling in relief.
“We’ve always been really careful with radiation. We had no idea that those people actually...shot radiation.”
Miriel shrugs, “The Church of Atom is weird and those fanatics were messed. And anyways, no matter how careful you are, it’s going to happen. There is just too much radiation out there for it not to happen.” She takes a chance and touches in his arm in reassurance. He glances back at her and smiles.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s a good thing we with you two when it happened.”
She blushes slightly and nods, “Yes you were.”
His smile turns into a mischievous grin, “You’re blushing.”
“I am not. This...this is an effect of radiation,” she argues, avoiding his eyes as the blush on her face intensifies. And it is not from him, not from talking or anything. She is calm and cool and collected.
“Ah, yes, radiation blush, and there is so more radiation in here, that explains why it’s getting brighter,” he teases, bumping her shoulder.
“Yes, don’t you hear the geiger counter ticking?” She spreads her arms out and backs up towards one of the large barrels. The geiger counter ticks a bit, but not enough to truly cause alarm. She steps away all the same, heading towards a different corner of the place. They’ve probably blown whatever cover they’d previously had, but she truly thinks they’re alone in here.
Except for the radroach up there.
Darevas shoots up at it and it dies quickly enough.
“Do you think the beer they made here was any good?” Darevas wonders, eyeing the great metal barrels.
Miriel grins and gestures for him to follow her, “There’s probably still some left, if you don’t mind two hundred year old beer.”
“Because that’s not full of radiation.”
“You just wash it down with some rad-x and you’re fine!” She waves him off and begins to poke around, looking for bottles of the beer of whatever brewery they’re in. It’s a large space, with wide open areas that make Miriel worry about ghouls or even possible raiders holed up in a different part of the plant, but the place is remarkably empty. There are some human and not-so human remains, but other than the stray radroach, there aren’t any threats.
It’s a surprisingly fortunate event. Particularly for a day that has contained a behemoth, a sentry bot, and the Church of Atom fanatics. It doesn’t take long for them to find a locked door though, and she quickly picks it to reveal the motherload of beer.
Ooooh yeah.
She tosses a bottle of rad-x to Darevas after popping a few herself. She pulls a case out and settles in, taking the caps off of two and handing one to Darevas. They take two long swigs each before Darevas pulls his pack down and pulls out a radio. He switches it on and shifts the dial to the local radio station that actually plays decent music.
Dion’s “The Wanderer” begins to play and Darevas fist pumps the air before singing along. Miriel rolls her eyes but can’t keep herself from laughing as he begins to sing along.
“Oh well I'm the type of guy who will never settle down
Where pretty girls are well, you know that I'm around.”
She rolls her eyes, confident that he’s not really that type, but he’s having so much fun that when he gets to the chorus, she chimes in.
“They call me the wanderer! Yeah the wanderer!”
“Yeah they do!”
“'Cause I'm the wanderer yeah the wanderer
I roam around around around…!”
She swivels closer to him, moving her hips and feet as she sings and dances with him. She sings over him in the next verse and he hoots as she takes it away.
“Oh well I roam from town to town
I go through life without a care
'Til I'm as happy as a clown
With my two fists of iron and I'm going nowhere
I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around
I'm never in one place I roam from town to town
And when I find myself a-fallin' for some girl
I hop right into that car of mine and ride around the world
Yeah I'm the wanderer yeah the wanderer
I roam around around around…”
Her knees bow out and she dances around as she sings along. Darevas joins in at the chorus and they laugh and drink their way through it. He shimmies closer to her, bending down so he’s closer to her height as they sing and croon together. He’s admittedly much better at the whole singing bit but she has the dancing thing down and is literally dancing circles around him.
She has her beer in one hand and her other is in her hair, pushing it back as she swings her hips side to side. Darevas’s eyes dart down to them and she winks, turning around just a bit, feeling just a bit mischievous and flirty.
The song ends to a long cheer from Darevs and Miriel who finish off their respective beers and open two more while they wait for the next to cue up.
“There’ll be no wedding bells today!” Kay Kyser croons.
“HA!” Darevas says, taking a quick swig of his before singing alone. Miriel keeps up her little dance, singing the woman’s parts in the song.
“I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
As I go ridin' merrily along
And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single"
And that song ain't so very far from wrong
Oh, Lillie Belle
Oh, Lillie Belle
Though I may have done some foolin'
This is why I never fell.”
The beauty in “Jingle Jangle Jingle” is the great big overture in the middle that allows Darevas and Miriel to suddenly come together and swing around in a tipsy rendition of a waltz. She kicks her feet out to the beet and he hums along with the music, making her laugh and take generous sips of her beer. His hand comes around her waist and they spin together, laughing all the while.
The next song keeps them on their feet, hopping and skipping and laughing even more at the rather appropriate though perhaps insensitive title.
“Uranium fever has gone and got me down!
Uranium fever is spreading all around!” Elton Britt cries, and they cry with him. Getting more and drunk with each passing verse.
With the volume from the radio and Darevas and Miriel’s own voices echoing through the space, they don’t hear the cellar door suddenly creek open. And it is only by chance that Darevas spins around at the precise time when a raider pops his head out of the cellar.
“What the -
Darevas, still with his beer in hand and smile on his face, whips out his pistol and fire a shot right into the raider’s head.
Ha! She was right! This place was too good to be true!
But fuck now she’s too drunk to properly deal with it! Ah well. She glances around and finds a large, heavy looking barrel.
“Let’s push it over the entrance and deal with it in the morning when we’re not sloshed.”
“Speak for yourself, small stuff,” Darevas teases, but the way he wavers on his feet is betraying and she puts her hands on her hips.
“Ooooh? Can you still do this?” She asks, dancing around with surprisingly precise movements.
“I can’t do that sober!” Darevas laughs, finishing his second bottle. He gestures to the barrel.
“Alright, let’s move it,” he says and they work together to cover the cellar door. Miriel places a few mines around the entrance.
Miriel pops up and finishes off her beer, setting it close to the mines. Nothing like shattered glass to discourage some raiders!
The radio crackles and continues to play, switching to a new song.
“Now I've got heartaches by the number, troubles by the score
Every day you love me less
Each day I love you more.” It gets Miriel swinging again and she pulls Darevas back to their little dance floor. They dance and drink for hours more, forgetting from the behemoth and the sentry bot and the fanatics that irradiated his brother.
Though at some point, Darevas must feel supremely because he heads back inside to where Cirimeni and Felasel are set up, only to find Felasel asleep, his head resting in Cirimeni’s lap - who’s also asleep!
Miriel giggles and somehow manages to keep herself from full on guffawing at the hilarity of it all.
“This is just so ridiculous!” She laughs, her belly hurting as she topples to the ground.
“I know! You weren’t meant to be at the hospital!” Darevas laughs, falling beside her.
“Us? Noooo, we’re doing this for our outpost, you and Felasel! Though, you two weren’t supposed to show up with your silly laser guns and long jackets.” She takes one of the flaps and shakes it.
“What is this?! It’s a...liability!”
“You’re a liability!”
“Psht! I saved your ass...three times today!” She pokes his side, making him giggle and snort.
“I knooow! You blew that sentry bot up and it was so cool! That was one of the bravest things I’ve ever seen,” he says, suddenly just a bit more serious.
“What? Really?”
“Yeah, you could’ve let us die -
“Noooo, then how we’d get paid?” She tries to play it off and she consciously slurs her speech a bit more to sound drunker than she actually is. Darevas rolls to his side, head propped up on his hand.
“Could’ve just ransacked our corpses.”
“Tha’s no fun, though. And Cirimeni would be very unhappy, I hate that.” But she’s flushed and flattered and not quite sure what to do next. He’s looking at her very strangely but it’s not unwanted, she thinks, just...a look.
He inches closer and her eyes widening, “Are you about to do something stupid?” She asks, and he reaches forward to play with a tendril of her hair.
“No, because we’re drunk,” he says and she narrows her eyes at him.
“And you think doing a stupid thing while not drunk will work?”
“I hope so! You’re amazing and I’m a catch,” he smiles very annoyingly handsomely and she rubs her nose.
“You’re a...bad dancer!” She accuses but he just laughs and plays with her hair. Her gross, greasy hair that is in desperate need of a wash. She pulls it away from him and pats his head.
This is confusing and she’s drunk she should not be here. The music is still playing and there’s more beer but she...should go back to Cirimeni, she thinks. Because it is confusing and it’s been a very long day.
Miriel pulls herself up off the ground, grabs her things, and makes her way back to Cirimeni, confused, drunk, and suddenly extremely tired. The music in the other room shuts off and she hears Darevas shuffle around before he comes into the room as well. He smiles at her and she can’t help but blush and return the smile.
She chooses a corner and shucks off her jacket, making a pillow for her head so she can rest peacefully for the rest of the night.
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politicalfilth-blog · 7 years
A Ted Cruz Twitter Explanation, Rand Paul Summons His Father In Senate
We Are Change
Welcome back amazing, beautiful human beings.
I’m seeing more YouTube channels being demonetized, terminated, and blacklisted so if you can please sign up on our email list. That way we have another way to contact you as I patiently wait for the inevitable next attack on our YouTube channel by the Google Alphabet CIA monopoly corporatocracy.
We’re going to give you the news that’s important and the news that matters. You probably won’t hear anywhere else because we’re living in a day and age of mass misinformation and propaganda. In today’s video we’re going to talk about war mongers bankrupting this country, more saber-rattling by Israel and Saudi Arabia, plus some important psychological lessons to learn from the latest U.S. Senator Ted Cruz.
Video is also available on DTUBE
There is a bigger battle for the future of all wars right now at the US Senate plus a lot more.
As we are shooting this video, US Senator Ted Cruz is trending worldwide on Twitter. Moments after he liked a pornographic video. He seemingly did not realize that likes are public. Everyone is now going crazy.
The official Pornhub Twitter account has even offered Ted Cruz a premium membership to their services. Personally, this issue does not affect my life or anyone else in the general public. I see it as a distraction, but there are some important lessons we could learn here. Number one, no one is perfect, we all make mistakes, including a US Senator representative of the United States. He is a conservative and preaches traditional values who boasts on his public Twitter account that he’s a father of two and who his wife is.
However, he publicly liked a pornographic video on his Twitter account on 9/11. The second lesson is what you resist persists, and for me, it shouldn’t be a big deal that he liked the pornographic video. However, people do see it as a big deal because this is the same Ted Cruz that defended a ban on dildos and other sex toys in Texas with his legal team arguing that there was “no right to stimulate one’s genitals.”
If you study psychology, you understand that what people hate the most in others is usually the shadow within themselves. As demonstrated wonderfully in a hypocritical political system with incidents like this one.
Also with former Republican Senator Larry Craig who helped enact the military “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy. He was also known as an anti-gay marriage campaigner. He was caught soliciting sex from what an undercover male police officer in a public bathroom.
Often if someone hates you because of the way you choose to live your life, or your sex, or your race, or for your personal preferences or choices, there is a reason. I think it’s important for a lot of people to understand that the person is throwing hate against you usually is doing it because of deep psychological rooted problems.
That’s why an example for most people who are homophobic usually have homosexual feelings.  People repress things and hold them in, build on it and make it bigger than it is. That’s why I think the world would be a better place if we all would just stop judging people on what they do when it does not affect us. Understand where it’s coming from so we don’t react negatively to put an end to the cycle of hate and fear.
That’s why I am, linking to an article by a licensed therapist. I recommend you check it out. It would be nice if people could stop projecting your fear and anger onto others. That, of course, begins with not giving such a hard time to Ted Cruz who just for the official record right now is blaming his staff member for this incident
In U.S. Senate news we have Senator Rand Paul introducing a bill to give money to hurricane victims in the United States instead of foreign dictators via foreign aid. This bill has been completely blocked by the Senate. He has brought up a very important point including examples of what we spend on foreign aid.
We spent a hundred billion dollars building roads in Afghanistan. Then more money blowing up roads in Afghanistan. We build schools then we blow them up again.  Then we spend more money rebuilding all of them.  Sometimes we blow them up, sometimes someone else blows them up. Then we always go back and rebuild them. What about rebuilding our country. Sounds like a practical idea but of course, the bill is blocked.
Rand Paul is also waging another war against endless wars.
He’s trying to repeal the 16-year-old Authorization for the use of Military Force (AUMF) which passed shortly after 9/11. It has allowed U.S. Presidents to declare war without Congressional approval. It has permitted the bombing of several countries including Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.
It also allowed the legal justification for the U.S. President to assassinate a U.S. citizen. It has been used to launch 37 military interventions in 14 different countries. Rand Paul is forcing a debate on this crucial issue almost standing alone. It would have passed if it wasn’t for his protest. He is bringing up vital points like the fact that there’s hypocrisy on both sides here. The anti-war left is no longer demanding the end of wars.
If you still believe in the political system, he has vowed to continue this protest. Most interestingly the only significant press he’s getting from this protest is from the online community. The mainstream media, of course, remains silent.
This is an important issue to me because if it weren’t for the AUMF, the president wouldn’t be able to bomb and kill anyone he wants at any time without congressional approval.
This law that Rand Paul wants to repeal has changed the landscape of not only Presidential powers but shaped international world events. This has been going on since 9/11 when Ron Paul former Congressman and Presidential candidate pointed out that 9/11 was used as a justification for passing the Patriot Act. He noted that the extensive bill was written many years before the attacks occurred. 9/11 just provided an opportunity to implement the police state.
That one event 9/11 introduced the AUMF and the Patriot Act. This started the current horrible foreign policy that still persists.
Many scholars, whistleblowers, professors, and experts say the government story about 9/11 does not add up. They say that it is bankrupting this country. Today almost every penny of our income tax goes to supposed defense spending. Over eighty percent of the money you give to the U.S. federal government goes directly towards the war industry and the security industry. They are setting up a surveillance state that is being turned and used against you the American citizen. As Edward Snowden even said don’t fear Trump, be afraid of the surveillance state.
With all of that happening the United States federal debt has just surpassed 20 trillion dollars. In just one day the debt jumped over 317 billion dollars after President Trump signed a new spending and debt limit deal.  This will keep the government afloat until December.
We are being bankrupted and are robbing our children’s future. We will be in servitude because of this debt all because of these meaningless wars that have been raging on for over 16 years now. Which is what the majority of our taxes are spent on. Yet still put us into bigger deficit while the United States cozies up to despotic nations. Nations like Saudi Arabia and Israel where we all commit horrible foreign policy decisions together.
The same Saudi Arabia that appears complicit and implicated with 9/11 along with American intelligence and Israeli intelligence. We’ve been telling you about this unholy alliance between Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United States for a very long time.
It’s been pretty much-made official with this latest breaking news of the Saudi Crown Prince having a secret visit to Israel. This in spite fo the fact that Saudi Arabia officially does not recognize the Jewish state.
The two countries supposedly do not have any diplomatic relations. This is not a surprise for me because for years now we’ve been documenting and telling you how Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the U.S. have not only had a common enemy with Iran but actively finance rebel groups.  With the purpose of getting rid of the Iranian linked Syrian government and Bashar al-Assad.
These nations supported the rebel groups inside of Syria knowingly. They knew they were creating radical Islamic terrorists and helped the rise of al-Nusra and ISIS. All for their greater geopolitical goal of isolating Iran. These three countries see as Iran and Syria as their common enemy. We’ve been telling you this for some years now. We’ve been accused of being fake news and conspiracy theorists, but now we’re being vindicated. Recently a top Israeli general just came out and admitted the greater truth behind Israel wanting a war with Iran. A general tasked with writing his country’s defense policy has admitted that Israel cannot take on Iran’s military alone if that day ever comes. He admitted for Israel that terror groups like ISIS continue to be a minimal threat and instead Israel’s main focus tends to remain enveloped in an obsession with Iran.
Currently, Iranian backed militants are taking strategic areas of Syrian territory and may ultimately set up shop permanently on Israel’s border.
This led up to the events that we were talking about on this YouTube channel with Israeli Prime Minister meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
When those talks failed, Donald Trump’s sent Jared Kushner to Israel. We told you to look out for a very strong Israeli move. Israel went out and attacked Syrian government forces, and now they’re colluding with Saudi Arabia even on a bigger level over the future of Syria. A Syria which is strongly influenced by Iran, China and Russia. That’s why this Israeli general said: “we can achieve a decisive victory over Hezbollah, and we don’t need help from a single American soldier. However, we cannot fight Iran alone.” He also said, “I consider future cooperation with the U.S. much more important than anything we’ve had in the past.”
That is why we’re about to see the United States and Russia come face-to-face in Syria. That is why US President Donald Trump has stated that the US will declare Iran non-compliant with its nuclear deal. Even though the nuclear watchdog chief even stated that Iran is playing by the rules. We are going to be keeping a very close eye on this situation on this independent news channel.
In other potentially disastrous war news, more sanctions were passed on North Korea. This has caused them to down on threats against the United States.
There are also massive demonstrations happening in Spain right now. Hundreds of thousands of people marching in the streets for a Catalan national day. The people of Catalonia are calling for a break from the Spanish government.
The Catalonians are declaring their desire to vote for independence on October 1st, 2017. This is an event which I’m personally thinking attending myself and covering from the ground.
If you’re interested in that, let me know. That is the news for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this broadcast if you found it informative please share it with your friends and family members.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
How the world sees Trump, 100 days in
(CNN)The world was dumbfounded by the election of Donald Trump, and his first 100 days in office have done little to alleviate a deep sense of uncertainty and unpredictability. Indeed, as one observer put it, the last few weeks alone have caused a severe case of global geostrategic whiplash.
The number of campaign promises that have morphed into presidential U-turns is staggering. Allies and adversaries alike are trying to figure out whether a Trump Doctrine is emerging, or whether, as former CIA Director Michael Hayden recently told me, a discernible doctrine does not exist in what resembles a family-run business of policy from the White House.
National security adviser H.R. McMaster “has hired a very bright woman to write the US National Security Strategy,” he said. “It’s a tough job. I did it twice for George H.W. Bush. But I was building on precedent and historic consensus. It’s really going to be interesting to see what an America First national security strategy looks like when you’ve got to write it down.”
Long-time American allies are comforted, though, knowing McMaster and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis make up an experienced national security team. NATO partners also welcomed Trump’s declaration that he no longer considers the transatlantic military alliance obsolete.
They, along with regional allies, supported Trump enforcing the previously declared US red line in Syria against the regime’s use of chemical weapons on its own people. After such an attack that the West attributed to the Syrian government earlier in the month, Trump launched retaliatory strikes.
But Asian allies, such as South Korea and Japan, are worried about US policy on North Korea. They welcome the tougher stance against Kim Jong Un’s ramped up nuclear missile program, but they were rattled by the USS Carl Vinson debacle, when for a time it was unclear if the aircraft carrier was steaming towards North Korea or not. It raised the question of whether the administration really has its deterrence policy in order, and South Korea was said to feel utter confusion, even betrayal, when the carrier was actually found to be steaming away from, not towards, the Korean Peninsula.
On Iran, signals are slightly harder to read. On the one hand, the State Department again certified Iran’s compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal. Yet a day later, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson strongly hinted the US could walk away from it, or try to link it to other issues it has with Iran. So far the deal remains in place and neither the EU nor the UN would agree to reimpose international sanctions on Tehran, which helped bring the country to the negotiating table.
On the Paris Climate Accord, Trump’s closest advisers seem to be having an almighty tussle about whether he should stay or stray from the historic deal. Big US companies like ExxonMobil are urging the US to abide by the deal and thereby have more say at the table.
Trump has also hosted Chinese President Xi Jinping at his Mar-a-Lago estate, and seems to have reversed many of his pledges to play hardball with Beijing. But on trade, just recently a Financial Times newspaper headline blared: “Trump Fires First Protectionist Warning over steel Industry,” saying this paves the way for a global showdown on steel and possible sweeping tariffs on steel imports.
In his first 100 days, President Barack Obama visited nine countries. President George W. Bush visited two. Trump has visited none. But next month he visits Brussels for a NATO summit, and Sicily, for a meeting of the G7. Whether he can convince America’s allies that they have a trust-worthy friend with a strategic worldview as their most powerful ally remains to be seen, abroad and at home.
“I think I know what the policy is,” Hayden told me. “I have more difficulty, Christiane, putting this policy into a broader global view. And I think that’s causing unease with you, with me, and with a whole bunch of other folks who are trying to see, ‘Where are the Americans going globally?'”
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Nick Paton Walsh
It was the mother of all statements, but he may have had nothing to do with it.
The MOAB (officially know as the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast) wiped out an ISIS tunnel complex in the volatile eastern part of the country last week, killing around 90 militants.
Why did the US use the MOAB?
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It was the largest non-nuclear bomb used by the US in combat, but whether the new commander in chief personally approved its use is unclear.
The airstrike was immediately followed up by National Security Adviser Gen. H.R. McMaster visiting Kabul and assuring President Ashraf Ghani his country had a friend in the US and a strategic review was under way.
Yet outside of the huge bomb and its message of might, little has changed — as the new White House is inheriting the exhaustion of both resolve and policy options of the last.
A massive troop surge? Talks with the Taliban? A lighter footprint training Afghan security forces to secure the country? All have been tried, and all have failed to stop the insurgency controlling or contesting over half Afghanistan, and the heavy-handed rise of ISIS. Add to that the intense and escalating in-fighting in the Kabul political elite, and there is a very messy summer ahead, with few decent options.
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David McKenzie
It’s arguably the world’s most important bilateral relationship.
But when President Donald Trump was inaugurated back in January, several Chinese policy experts told me there was a lot of nervousness about the incoming leader.
China’s delicate balance with North Korea
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After all, during the campaign Trump said he would name China a currency manipulator on Day One of his term and threatened a trade war.
As President-elect, he spoke to Taiwan’s president on the phone and openly questioned the ‘One China’ policy, a cornerstone of Washington-Beijing relations in which the US recognizes Taiwan as part of China. And Trump accused China of not doing enough to put pressure on North Korea.
100 days on? Well, it’s a 180-degree shift.
In his first phone call with President Xi Jinping, Trump reaffirmed the One China policy. He has praised Beijing for taking some positive steps on the North Korea issue and he recently said that China is not manipulating its currency.
Trump denies these positions represent a flip-flop; the businessman-turned-president is saying it’s all part of a deal.
“I actually told him (Xi Jinping), I said, ‘You’ll make a much better deal on trade if you get rid of this menace or do something about the menace of North Korea.’ Because that’s what it is, it’s a menace right now,” Trump said last week.
Trump said he has developed a strong relationship with Xi Jinping and that their scheduled 15-minute meetings at the Mar-a-Lago summit stretched into “hours.”
But Yan Xuetong, a foreign policy expert at Tsinghua University, told me that the Chinese are skeptical. He said that if North Korea goes ahead with its nuclear program, then China will take the blame.
“Trump will use China as scapegoat to tell (the) American public that it is not his problem,” said Yan.
In Yan’s eyes, at least, the Chinese suspect more Trump policy turns.
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Ian Lee
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was the first foreign leader to congratulate President Donald Trump after he won the November 2016 presidential election. The two leaders had instantly hit it off when they met a few months earlier in New York.
Their views are more aligned than were those of President Barack Obama, which reacted coolly to the 2013 coup by Egypt’s military — led at the time by Sisi. When he became president soon afterward, he ushered in a new low between Washington and Cairo.
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It was an open secret that Cairo wished for a Trump victory over Obama’s former secretary of state, Hilary Clinton. Trump was perceived by Cairo as a pragmatist who had little interest in human rights.
In his first days in office, Trump invited Sisi to visit him in Washington. The Egyptian president arrived with three main objectives: deepen military cooperation, strengthen the war against terror and revive Egypt’s economy. The invitation to the White House also gave the Egyptian president a legitimacy that the Obama administration had previously denied him.
Recently, in a gesture of good will and eagerness to cooperate, American Aya Hijazi was released from an Egyptian prison after Trump directly intervened to secure her release.
Expect relations to remain warm as long as Trump’s administration keeps the lid on any criticism of Sisi.
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Nic Robertson
German Chancellor Angela Merkel took heat from Donald Trump even before he was sworn in as president.
He accused her of making a “catastrophic mistake” on migrants, only being as trustworthy as Vladimir Putin, and intentionally trying to take business from the US.
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For Europeans, Trump’s attitude to Merkel is symptomatic of wider issues: his like of Brexit and his dislike of the EU’s single market and liberal trade values.
At the EU leaders summit in Malta this February, both French and German leaders said openly that Trump’s attitude was uniting Europe to stand on its own feet.
Since then, Trump has said the EU is “wonderful” and he is “totally in favor of it.” Yet he still supports Brexit and seems unaware of the instability and frustrations Europe feels because of it.
It’s not the only cross-Atlantic reversal he has had. Coming into office, he said NATO was “obsolete.” He told the alliance nations they need to pay their way, and has given them a deadline to promise they will.
In recent weeks Trump has changed his tune. NATO, he said, is “not obsolete” — but he still wants members’ money.
Merkel’s March visit to see Trump at the White House did little to quell European concerns over his attitude to Europe, and trade in particular.
That Merkel was ignored by Trump when asking for a handshake in the Oval Office, and embarrassed by him again at the news conference that followed with an awkward comment about being spied on, reveals this relationship has some way to go before it gets on an even keel.
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Frederik Pleitgen
Iran’s leadership realized that Donald Trump was an unknown commodity, but many in the country’s senior leadership hoped they would be able to deal with the new man in the White House.
“We hope that he will have a pragmatic approach,” Iran’s Deputy Oil Minister, Amir Hossein Azamaninia, told me in an interview during the transition period shortly before Trump took office. He suggested that perhaps President Donald Trump would similar to the businessman Donald Trump — a shrewd dealmaker, whom the Islamic Republic with its oil wealth could possibly even strike deals with.
Iranians worried about US-Iran relationship
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But Iran soon learned that the new administration was going to take a harder line towards Tehran than President Barack Obama had. When Iran tested ballistic missiles in late January — which the US believes could strike targets in Israel — then-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn came down hard and fast on Tehran, announcing there would be new sanctions. He also said the US was “putting Iran on notice,” without specifying what that meant.
This harsh reaction and subsequent statements by Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and America’s UN Ambassador Nikki Haley have sowed further uncertainty in Tehran about America’s strategy on Iran. The tough talk and action have put a severe damper on any notion the Rouhani administration had that its fairly constructive relations with Washington during the Obama years would continue.
At the same time, the Trump team’s hard line seems to be having an effect on Iran’s behavior.
There have so far been fewer reports of incidents and close encounters between US and Iranian ships in the Persian Gulf’s narrow Strait of Hormuz than during the end of the Obama administration. And during Iran’s National Revolution Day in February, the leadership did not display ballistic missiles as it usually has.
This has led some experts to believe that Tehran — for all its harsh rhetoric — is making an effort to not further antagonize an American president and Cabinet whom the Iranians view as erratic and very hostile towards the Islamic Republic.
If this was the Trump administrations intent, it could be working.
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Ben Wedeman
“I would bomb the s**t out of them,” declared candidate Donald Trump, summarizing his strategy to defeat ISIS. “I would bomb those suckers … and I’d take the oil.” The crowds loved it.
A decisive victory over ISIS, plus a grand prize of a lot of cheap oil, sounds great, but the real world just doesn’t work that way and slowly, perhaps, the new administration has learned this in its first 100 days.
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For one thing, the battle to liberate the ISIS stronghold of Mosul, Iraq — now into its seventh month — has underscored just how hard it is to defeat the extremists. Since the push in the western part of the city began in February, both the US-led coalition and Iraqi forces have been bombarding ISIS as promised, using much heavier firepower than during the battle for west Mosul in the waning months of the Obama administration.
But the tactic has come at a high cost in terms of civilian casualties, brought home by what US officials concede was probably a US-led airstrike on March 17 that mistakenly killed almost 150 civilians. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are still in western Mosul, often exploited by ISIS as human shields.
But even with the heavy assault, the Trump administration is largely settling down and following the same slow, deliberate approach of the Obama administration.
The battle for Mosul has taken more than half a year and may take many more months. In neighboring Syria, there are nearly a thousand US boots on the ground, backing a mixed Kurdish-Arab force that aims at overrunning the city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of ISIS. When this will happen is anyone’s guess.
And then there’s that other topic Trump has toyed with: taking Iraq’s oil. That was decisively shot down by Defense Secretary James Mattis, who flew to Baghdad in February and told reporters, “We’re not in Iraq to seize anyone’s oil.”
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Oren Liebermann
Donald Trump’s fiery pro-Israel rhetoric during the campaign had the right and far right in Israel salivating at the prospects of a Trump administration, while Palestinians worried about an American government adopting a more hostile stance.
Trump pledged to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, “dismantle” the Iran deal, reduce funding to the United Nations and cut aid to the Palestinians. At the same time, Trump said he wanted to close “the ultimate deal” — a peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians.
Trump ties to Israeli settlements
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Save for the last, Trump has moderated his stance and backed off his positions in his first 100 days in office. The Trump administration has said its still considering an embassy move, but has also called Israeli settlements in the West Bank unhelpful for peace and acknowledged that Iran is sticking by the terms of the nuclear deal. Some analysts in Israel have pointed out that Trump’s positions on the region are beginning to resemble Obama’s positions.
The Israeli right wing’s fervor over Trump has cooled somewhat, but it still expects him to be a friend in the White House. From Israel’s perspective, the big star of the Trump administration so far is US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, who has repeatedly criticized the United Nations for focusing disproportionately on Israel. And Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly praised Trump, refusing to suggest even the slightest hint of criticism, since he entered office.
Meanwhile, a recent visit by Trump’s special representative for international negotiations, Jason Greenblatt, left Palestinians cautiously optimistic that prospects weren’t as grim as initially feared and that Trump was serious about attempting to restart negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is scheduled to meet Trump in Washington shortly after Trump hits the 100-day mark. The meeting could be a litmus test of how the dynamic between Trump, Netanyahu and Abbas develops.
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Leyla Santiago
President Trump still has yet to meet face-to-face with Mexico’s president, Enrique Pena Nieto, after an awkward encounter during the 2016 campaign. According to Mexican government officials, no plans are in the works, signaling tensions remain between the two leaders.
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Twitter exchanges, however, have cooled down since a public war of words in January between @EPN and @realDonaldTrump over payment for a wall along the US-Mexico border. Mexico still maintains it will not pay for Trump’s muro (wall).
Many Mexicans still fear Trump could cut off a portion of their income, if he imposes taxes on remittances as a form of payment for the wall.
The Mexican government says, though, that its No. 1 concern is human rights violations. It has invested $50 million to expand legal services at its consulates and embassies in the US in an effort to help Mexicans fearing deportation.
Major questions also loom over the fate of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Trump has called the 23-year-old deal that allows free trade between Mexico, Canada and the US a one-sided agreement.
If a good deal is not renegotiated, Mexico plans to walk away from the pact. The uncertainty in trade relations has led Mexico to strengthen ties with other countries and explore opportunities in Asian, European and South American markets instead of the US.
After Mexico featured repeatedly in the US elections, Trump himself is now playing a role in who will become Mexico’s next leader. Anti-Trump rhetoric has become a central part of Mexican campaigns heading toward the 2018 election. Leading candidates are hoping a stance against Trump will protect Mexico’s interests and win over voters.
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North Korea
Will Ripley
When I ask ordinary North Koreans about the impact of President Donald Trump on their lives, they give strikingly similar answers. The response is usually something like this: “It doesn’t matter who the US president is. All that matters is that they discontinue America’s hostile policy against my country.”
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Of course, they are only repeating the same message given to them by their state-controlled media, the only media North Koreans have access to. Because US politics are not a primary focus of North Korean propaganda, the vast majority of citizens are blissfully unaware of Trump’s twitter account or the cloud of controversy that has swirled around the first 100 days of his administration.
But they are aware of a few key facts. They know that Trump ordered a missile strike on a Syrian regime air base, viewed by many as an indirect threat to Pyongyang. They also know that Trump dispatched the USS Carl Vinson carrier strike group to the waters off the Korean Peninsula, albeit by an indirect route.
The reason North Koreans know these things is simple: The actions of the Trump administration play right into their government’s long-standing narrative that they are under the imminent threat of attack by the ‘imperialist’ United States.
People have been told for their entire lives that America could drop a nuclear bomb at anytime. Citizens always voice their unanimous support of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un. Of course, in an authoritarian country where political dissent is not tolerated, there are no opposing voices.
The North Korean government uses this ‘imminent threat’ to justify its substantial investment in weapons of mass destruction, even if this means citizens must sacrifice. And government officials in Pyongyang told me the policies of the Trump administration in its first 100 days only add to their sense of urgency to accelerate development of a viable intercontinental ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to the mainland US.
They say such a weapon is key to their survival as a nation, even as critics fear North Korea continuing down the nuclear road will only lead to further diplomatic isolation, economic hardship or worse.
There are signs that North Korea is monitoring and responding to the unpredictable rhetoric and actions of the Trump administration. After news broke that the USS Carl Vinson strike group was headed to the Korean Peninsula, I was hand-delivered a statement in Pyongyang saying, “The DPRK is ready to react to any mode of war desired by the US.”
We’ve never seen dynamics like this before. An untested US President who tweets in real time and isn’t afraid to launch missiles to prove a point. And a North Korean leader who has consolidated his power by purging opponents (including his own uncle) and has launched more missiles than his father and grandfather combined.
This could be a recipe for disaster. Or a recipe for lasting peace. Or perhaps a recipe for the continuation of a decades-long stalemate. If Trump’s first 100 days provide any clues, it’s going to be a wild ride regardless.
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Matthew Chance
President Donald Trump entered the White House on a promise of improving the strained relationship between Washington and Moscow.
He was full of praise for his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, suggesting he might recognize annexed Crimea as Russian, cooperate over international terrorism and join forces in Syria.
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It was all music to the Kremlin’s ears and talk was of a pivotal moment, of the Trump administration transforming the way in which the United States and Russia saw each other.
But 100 days on, none of that has come to pass.
“One could say the level of trust on a working level, especially on the military level, has not improved,” said Putin on April 12, “but rather has deteriorated.”
US officials have criticized Russia for fueling conflict in Ukraine, castigated the Kremlin for its treatment of sexual minorities, even bombed Russia’s Syrian ally while implying Moscow might have been complicit in dozens of agonizing deaths there caused by chemical weapons.
Part of the reason is undoubtedly the toxic political atmosphere in Washington, where lingering allegations of Russian interference in the US presidential election are being investigated by Congress.
But there is also a growing sense that the Trump administration, at 100 days old, has finally encountered a stark reality: Russia and the United States simply have different geopolitical priorities — whether in Syria, Ukraine or elsewhere — that won’t be easily reconciled.
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Clarissa Ward
When President Donald Trump first assumed office, his strategy on Syria, like much of his foreign policy, was opaque. On the campaign trail he had said that his priority was to eliminate ISIS — indeed, he promised to put together a plan to do so in his first 30 days. He attempted to place a ban on any Syrian refugees entering the US, calling them a security threat. But on the subject of Syria’s leader, Bashar al-Assad, and the brutal civil war he has presided over that has claimed more than 400,000 lives, he was noticeably silent.
Syria, a war on children?
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Trump’s strong admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin and interesting in getting the relationship with Russia back on track led many to assume that he would do little to interfere in Syria, where Moscow is closely allied with Damascus. This was reinforced by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s comment in March that it would be “up to the Syrian people” whether or not Assad would go, a demand long made by the Obama administration. Regime change, it seemed, was no longer desirable for the US.
Yet, within a few weeks, everything changed.
After seeing the aftermath of a chemical weapons attack in Idlib that killed dozens of children, Trump suddenly took action against the Assad regime. Two days later, dozens of American tomahawk missiles rained down on the regime’s Shayrat air base.
The Syrian people were stunned. Those who oppose Assad had dreamed of this moment for many years, but after President Barack Obama had chosen not to enforce his red line against Assad’s use of chemical weapons in 2013, their dream had died. Suddenly, Trump was hailed as something of a hero. Some took to calling him by a new nom de guerre, Abu Ivanka al Amriki.
The strikes on Shayrat changed very little on the ground in Syria. The regime was continuing its daily bombardment within hours.
Still, after six years of standing on the sidelines, the shift in US policy (if it is a sustained shift) has given some cause for optimism. There is hope that perhaps Assad will think twice before using chemical weapons against his own people, that the US may now have more leverage at the negotiating table.
Yet the question still remains: What is the US’s policy on Syria? 100 days into the Trump presidency, we still don’t really know.
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Ian Lee
Relations with the Obama administration warmed under Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan when that suited him and then soured accordingly. They have yet to be really tested under President Donald Trump.
Since taking office, Trump has taken a softer tone in dealing with Turkey. Ankara responded positively to the United States’ missile strike on a Syrian air base. Trump congratulated the Turkish president for the success of his referendum, giving him significantly expanded powers, despite the process being deeply flawed according to international monitors, an opinion echoed by the State Department.
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By the time President Barack Obama left office, US-Turkish relations had cooled. The two leaders had differing opinions regarding Syria. Where Obama wanted to focus on defeating ISIS while Erdogan wanted to oust President Bashar al-Assad. The United States saw Syrian Kurdish militants, the YPG, as an ally against ISIS, while the Turks viewed them as terrorists. And Obama criticized Turkey’s crackdown on the political opposition, intellectuals, activists and journalists and wouldn’t extradite spiritual leader Fetullah Gulen, on whom the Turkish blames July’s coup attempt. Elements of Erdogan’s party even accused the United States of supporting the failed effort.
There is optimism in Turkey among the government and its supporters that a new page can be turned, especially when both leaders plan to meet in Washington in May.
But Trump is likely to face similar tensions as Obama did. One of the toughest will be the upcoming operation against ISIS in Raqqa, Syria. Turkey wants to take part but won’t fight along side the YPG. Trump will likely have to choose between a NATO ally and a proven fighting force.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
Can Trump really make America great again?
In a Pennsylvania county with a proud industrial past, why did voters who were loyal to Obama turn towards Trump and what do they expect now?
Donald Trumps face made it official. As his presidential victory was declared, the upper 32 stories of the Empire State Building, which for election night had been turned into a giant news screen, flickered, wept light, and revealed his portrait. The 45th president, it said.
The exterior of the building the part that reflected Trumps face is mainly limestone. The skeleton is steel. Half of the metal was delivered in the early 1930s by a subsidiary of Bethlehem Steel, a company that not only shaped the Manhattan skyline but built some of Americas greatest bridges and its most formidable warships.
Eighty miles west of Manhattan, on the night of Trumps election, the blast furnaces at Bethlehem Steel sat silent, as they have for 20 years. But on 8 November, the community whose generations tended Bethlehems fires helped to build something bigger than the mill ever had. They helped to put Donald Trump, and not Hillary Clinton, in the White House.
Northampton County, Pennsylvania, where the remains of the old Bethlehem Steel plant sits, had voted twice for Barack Obama for president, but local Democrats saw early on that 2016 might be tricky. The Clinton camp seemed confident though, and most forecasters believed that the long tradition of Democratic politics in the region, historically reinforced by labor unions in the mills, mines and manufacturing plants, would carry the day.
The intellectual Democrats who were running the show, which included Hillary, all thought they were smarter than people like me, Frank Behum, a Bethlehem steelworker for 32 years, told the Guardian last week. What do they know? But you know what, people like me, even though I voted for Hillary, were smart enough to know that the crap that we went through we didnt want any more of it.
northampton county
Trump won Northampton County by four points on his way to becoming the first Republican presidential candidate to win Pennsylvania since Ronald Reagan. And in two days, he will take the oath of office.
Former steelworkers alone did not account for Trumps victory in Northampton. Nor is the countys vote readable as a result, simply, of long-term economic decline. Unlike the Pennsylvania coal country to the north, which also flipped from Obama to Trump, Northampton has been adding residents in recent years instead of bleeding them, while incomes and home values have crept upward. Businesses have been moving in.
Northamptons vote for Trump was not only an act of frustration.As too many of Trumps opponents may have taken too long to realize, it was also an act of hope.
Buying the promise
Bruce Haines, the proprietor of the Historic Hotel Bethlehem. This year, when I went out on the street, people coming into the hotel, it was Merry Christmas. For the first time, and people were sort of proud of it. Saying Merry Christmas. And before it was Happy Holidays. Photograph: Mark Makela for the Guardian
Nearly 63 million Americans voted for Trump for president. Three million more than that voted for Clinton. The defeat, for many Democrats and others around the world, feels like something much worse, as if a trapdoor in history had clumsily sprung open and the country fallen through.
Trump supporters dont feel that way. For many of them, his election feels like a rebirth. A country that had grown unfamiliar suddenly resembles itself again. They see needless restraints on the basic functions of commerce and civic life loosening, and a needless sheepishness that had crept into public life dissipating.
The two realities Trump joy and Trump angst keep close company in many towns and cities across the country. Yet places like Northampton are rare. Out of more than 3,100 US counties, there are only 209 that, like Northampton, voted twice for Barack Obama and then fell for Trump in 2016. The basic electoral narrative in many of those places was similar: some Democrats stayed home, some new voters excited about Trump came out, and some Democrats crossed party lines to vote for a promise Trump made over and over, that he would make America great again.
What does that promise mean for those who voted for it? And will Trump deliver, in the eyes of his supporters? For a new series, the Guardian has been spending time in Northampton County, talking with voters who have embraced Trumps promise, and those who doubt it. Well continue to do so as the Trump presidency progresses, to find out how Trump has risen or fallen in the estimation of voters who confounded the pollsters and shocked the political classes by making him president.
Trump has divided America. Can he really make it great again?
Demographically, Northampton fits the description of favorable Trump territory. It has a larger white population than the national average (88% versus 77%), slightly more senior citizens (18% versus 15%) and a slightly lower rate of college graduations (27% versus 30%). But the countys unusually large footprint of heavy industry, a proliferation of colleges and universities, the influence of two extensive healthcare networks, a growing commuter class and other factors complicate the picture.
Initial conversations with area Trump supporters reveal great expectations that the new president will take decisive action in the arenas of trade and manufacturing jobs especially; that he will get rid of what business owners describe as the suffocating costs of Obamas healthcare law; and that he will police illegal immigration more thoroughly. Apart from the issues, voters expect Trump to keep up what they describe as his straight talk and to stick with the old way of doing things, which among other things does not involve an explicit embrace of religious and cultural pluralism.
This is going to sound really silly to you, but this is the Christmas City, said Bruce Haines, the managing owner of the Historic Hotel Bethlehem. Bethlehem is the Christmas City. And this year, when I went out on the street or wherever it was, people coming into the hotel, it was Merry Christmas. For the first time, and people were sort of proud of it. Saying Merry Christmas. And before it was Happy Holidays.
Weve always marketed ourselves as the Christmas City. But over the years, people got a little anxious about saying that. So now its like, its almost like I left the country for eight years, and now its back. Like the country that I grew up in is now returning.
Now, whether all that will happen or not, who knows.
The county that built 20th-century America
It is difficult to arrive overland to New York City without passing across one edge of Northampton County. Bounded at top and bottom by interstates 80 and 78, the county occupies an anvil-shaped stamp of land on the banks of the Delaware river. The river is the boundary protecting Pennsylvania from the attitude, taxes and traffic of New Jersey. Northamptons relative lack of any of those three, in addition to its singing highways, make it a transportation and distribution hub, and account for its dual nature as a bedroom community and an industrial center.
The area was settled 35 years before the American revolution by members of the Moravian church, a Protestant missionary sect with roots in the present-day Czech Republic. The Moravians communal lifestyle and knack for building with stone are largely responsible for the ample charm of present-day downtown Bethlehem, which boasts a 270-year-old bookstore the nations oldest, they claim, though the merchandise these days runs more to souvenirs and a national historic landmark district.
The historic downtown of Bethlehem. The area was settled 35 years before the American revolution by members of the Moravian church. Photograph: Mark Makela for the Guardian
The Moravians were also talented engineers, devising the countrys first municipal water pumping system the waterworks still stands on Monocacy creek, which feeds the Lehigh river at precisely the place where, a century later, an ironworks was established that would grow into the second-largest steel producer in the US.
Early in the 20th century, the Bethlehem mill devised a unique, wide-flange beam that enabled the modern skyscraper, and inscribed the regional destiny. The mill fabricated steel for the Golden Gate bridge, the Chrysler building, 30 Rock, the Waldorf-Astoria, and war munitions and ships. At its peak in 1945, it occupied a 4.5-mile-long campus and employed 33,000 local employees. Whatever American greatness means, that might have been it. But the rise of versatile mini-mills and cheap foreign imports, and the loss of big contracts such as the World Trade Center, fed the plants demise. It rolled its last beam in 1997.
The people took pride in their work. There were generations that worked in the mill, said Behum, the author of 30 Years Under the Beam, an oral history of Bethlehem Steel. We were fat, dumb and happy. Then the bomb came over the top of the hill and went off.
The old Bethlehem campus now hosts a mix of historic and cultural sites, condos, packed industrial parks, and one remaining heavy forge operation with 165 employees. The most visible and lucrative business at the old mill site, however, is a more recent arrival. In 2007, Sheldon Adelson, the Republican mega-donor, agreed to preserve four rusting blast furnaces as part of a development deal to establish the Sands Bethlehem casino, which opened for business in 2009 on the former grounds of an immense ore yard. It grossed $534m in the past fiscal year. Everyone in town says only out-of-towners go there.
Trump was pointing to the change
Larry Hallett in his Trolley Shops restaurant with his wife, Joan, in East Bangor. On Trumps appeal, Hallett said: I think it was his ordinary mans conversation. It wasnt rehearsed. He said it like he felt it was. They all identified with the guy. Photograph: Mark Makela for the Guardian
Larry Hallett is 81. He has 11 stents from 12 heart operations. He owns a construction and paving company, and a restaurant. He teaches prophecy classes out of an ice-cream stand attached to the restaurant. He also paints oil landscapes and builds classic cars from scratch. He no longer skin-dives. Every Saturday in summer, people come from across the region for car shows he hosts in the restaurant parking lot.
The restaurant business is year-round. Tables fill with regulars for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Every day at about 10am, Larry is there with his wife, Joan. For morning coffee, not for breakfast, which they eat around 6am. The couple has been married 61 years.
We have several tables. A lot of old guys. Theyve been Democrats all their life, Hallett said last week. A few years back, Id say 80% of them voted for Obama. And I dont think theyre going to change. But this time, voting-wise, they had to vote for Trump.
With the majority of them, I think it was his ordinary mans conversation. It wasnt rehearsed. He said it like he felt it was. They all identified with the guy.
A lot of them are retired. Some of them have businesses. Some of them work. They look forward to something better happening, all of them. Theyve got a better attitude.
Halletts establishment, the Trolley Shops restaurant, is in the town of East Bangor, in the far north-eastern corner of Northampton County. The drive from Bethlehem, 25 miles to the south, takes about 45 minutes. As you head north, stoplights disperse and grain silos appear. The drive goes through Nazareth, another historic Moravian settlement, whose collection of businesses indicates a diverse economy with significant green shoots: an old cement plant, a new Amazon warehouse, a BMW parts distribution center and the Martin Guitar factory, local since 1854.
Farther north, around Bangor, the green shoots are less apparent. While the Bethlehem area in the south once thrived on steel, the north of the county once thrived on slate, which was sold worldwide for roofing tiles, chalkboards and gravestones. The north also boasted a robust apparel industry. The slate trade fell apart in the 1920s. The apparel industry breathed what seemed a final gasp in 2007, when Majestic Athletic Ltd, which had an exclusive license to supply uniforms for Major League Baseball, relocated hundreds of union jobs to the south of the county. Now even those jobs are in doubt: last month, Majestic lost its baseball contract to Under Armour.
For 70 years, visitors to the so-called slate belt have been stopping by Jewells, a combination bar and ammunition sales shop where Jon Jewell, 42, is now the third-generation owner. The two enterprises have separate entrances, but share a wall with a door through which Jewell can move from tending bar to selling bullets and back. One day last week at sunset, there was a lively pool game and friendly talk among Jewell and five patrons. The locals call the place Gas, Guns and Beer. There used to be gas pumps out front, too, Jewell explained.
Jon Jewell, the third-generation owner of Jewells Bar in East Bangor. On the local economy, Jewell said: Maybe people are holding on to jobs they had, as opposed to finding jobs. Photograph: Mark Makela for the Guardian
Jewell said the area economy had struggled for decades, and people now were commuting much further than they ever thought they would for work. Things had improved ever so slightly in the past year, he said maybe.
Maybe people are holding on to jobs they had, as opposed to finding jobs, he said.
Jewell said he had voted in November for candidates from both parties in down-ballot races but sat out the presidential race, unable to get inspired by either contender. He declined to speculate whom his neighbors had supported for president. But one thing was certain: turnout was huge.
More people came out for that election around here than any other election ever, Jewell said. People who were 60 years old and never voted in their life. When I went at noon to get my number, they gave me 198. Usually they would get to 130 at the end of the day.
None needed wonder whom Hallett was for. He passed out stickers by the hundreds and put up Trump signs outside the restaurant, right in the blacktop.
We had one man who was here every day, Hallett said. Two, three meals a day. It made him mad because so many people were taking bumper stickers. Hes just enough of a Democrat not to think about who it is, it just had to be a Democrat. And hes never come back.
Two people is all [that left], that I know of. But I had so many more people coming in, shaking hands.
Hallett echoed Jewells judgment of the local turnout.
pa county by county
In Washington township, at the municipal building at 8 oclock at night and it had been all day was a line all the way around the building and clean out across the parking lot. I dont think they got done taking votes till 11 oclock, he said. Records every place you went here. Theres not even any comparison. It was fascinating. An absolute fabulous turnout, it really was.
Glenn Geissinger, a Republican county council member, said he witnessed that kind of pro-Trump enthusiasm during his unsuccessful run for the Republican primary nomination for the local US congressional seat.
Months before the election, he said, everywhere he went, voters skipped over his campaign pitch to ask the only question that mattered: whom did he support for president?
There were people who, from the time he started getting traction, who said: I havent voted for 20 years. Im going to vote for Donald Trump, said Geissinger.
County executive John Brown, a Republican, said he saw the same thing in his run last year for state auditor.
I spent a good portion of the year canvassing the entire state of Pennsylvania, Brown said. For those that we met who were disenchanted employees, I think they just gravitated directly to Trump. There was nothing that they could articulate or share that Hillary Clinton was talking about that was new or different. What was her campaign even about?
After eight years, I think people were just going to go: Hey, no more of that. I think Trump was pointing to the change.
He hit a homerun with these folks
Father, mother, and son Brian Grimshaw Sr, Anie, and Brian Jr drink in Jewells Bar. Photograph: Mark Makela for the Guardian
A vote for Trump in Northampton County was in many cases more than a catchall vote for change. Trump supporters interviewed by the Guardian also talked about specific issues including taxes, Obamas healthcare law, trade policy, manufacturing jobs, immigration, and social issues such as same-sex marriage. For those voters, on issue after issue, Trump was the plain answer.
The Historic Hotel Bethlehem is the centerpiece of a resurgent downtown business district in the town that steel built. Bethlehem titans established the hotel in 1922 to accommodate visiting dignitaries, who have included Sir Winston Churchill, John F Kennedy and Muhammad Ali. But as the regional economy slid off, the hotel went under, and when Bruce Haines and his partners bought it in 1999, there were boards on the windows and talk of turning it into a nursing home.
The boards are gone and, judging by two visits in two weeks, business is back. Guests eat dinner on the original hotel terrace, overlooking the Moravian settlement. A bar and grill gridded with pictures of famous visitors this year saw the addition of both vice-presidential contenders hosts a bustling lunch crowd. A large Nativity scene overhangs the front entrance, in a nod to Bethlehems designation, for marketing purposes at least, as the Christmas City. The hotel staff includes 80 full-time employees, Haines said.
Haines, a lifelong Republican, said the feeling in town was good since Trump had been elected. Obviously a large portion of people are distraught about what happened, he said. But theres a large portion of us who are very happy about what happened.
Atop Hainess to-do list for Trump are a renegotiation of trade deals, tax reform and an overhaul of Barack Obamas healthcare law, which Haines said had threatened his hotel with hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties.
We provide healthcare for our full-time employees, always have, Haines said. And we pay a good portion of that, 80% of the cost. But they redefined full-time as somebody who works 30 hours, not 40 hours. We always defined full-time as 40 hours.
Penalties built into the healthcare law were supposed to encourage businesses to expand coverage. But with part-time employees essential to the hotels seasonal flux and banquet-and-weddings business, Haines said, the only realistic solution was to cap part-time employees at 30 hours.
swing counties
Im sure they expected us to pay some kind of penalty, Haines said. But were not going to be paying that penalty. Because we cut back our employees to less than 30 hours. They assumed, probably, that the 40 employees that I had that were working less than 40 hours, that we would just pay their healthcare. Well, that isnt the way business works. It might be the way government works. But it isnt the way business works.
The unintended consequence for employees was, they lost hours.
Haines, himself a former steel executive, said that Trumps messaging on trade in short, that bad trade deals were hurting American manufacturers was also right on target, in a region whose economy had decades earlier been sunk, in part, by foreign goods dumped for less than what they cost to make.
Hopefully were going to bring some manufacturing jobs back, Haines said. That hit home.
In the former capital of steel, Trumps trade talk found a receptive audience not only with Republican executives such as Haines, but with a lot of erstwhile residents of the opposite end of the political spectrum: union members.
Gregg Potter is president of the Lehigh Valley Labor Council, a subsidiary of the AFL-CIO, the countrys largest federation of trade unions. Potters group counts 47,000 members, plus a significant number of retirees, in Northampton County and neighboring Lehigh County. A third of those are registered Republicans. Potter himself was a Clinton supporter. But more than half of his members, he said, voted for Trump.
He hit a homerun with these folks, Potter said. He hit their issues head-on.
Potter described talking with members who admitted that, against the recommendation of union leadership and their own Democratic identities, they backed Trump.
He would give you that look like hes going to tell an off-color joke, Potter said. Look around, make sure no ones there. He looks both ways and says: Yeah, Im going to vote for Trump. Its called the lean-in vote. He wont say it out loud, but hell lean up close to you and say: Im going for Trump.
We focus so much on the free trade, and our members learn about this. So when Trump came out there first and says Bullshit on these trade agreements, they were right with him. And Hillary Clinton did not have even a lukewarm message, let alone a strong one.
Ken Kraft is the business agent for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, which counts about 100 members in Bethlehem and thousands regionally. There are obviously tons of Democrats who voted for Trump, he said.
Kraft did not feel good about it. He said some union members he spoke with seemed caught up in the momentum of the Trump candidacy, which he said was fueled by the bullshit press, and he described his frustration at trying to explain to members why Trump did not have their best interests at heart.
I was in union meetings saying: You know, these are the facts, guys. Listen to what he said. Youre a union member. He wants to make everybody right-to-work. They just look at me. Just nod.
Trump just built up momentum because hes a clown show. And he got billions of dollars of free advertising because every news show had to follow him. Everything he said, everything he did was reported on every news channel around the country.
So they made him. They built him into what he is with their nonsense.
Former steelworkers voted for Trump, too. Larry Neff, who worked at the Bethlehem plant for 25 years, did not, but he said family members had, and that Trumps promise to bring back jobs had found purchase.
I think what swayed a lot of people to vote for him in this area was his pushing, pushing, pushing that hes going to bring jobs back to this country, said Neff, whose essential memoir of life in the mill is called Rigger. Im hoping that America isnt that stupid. If you looked at it logically, what he talked about was bringing jobs back, but he never did that before. He always had foreign workers. It was almost like PT Barnum running for president.
Behum, the oral historian, did not vote for Trump but he could see how someone might.
Seeing companies making landslide profits because they moved overseas, and then they get tax breaks on top of it? Give me a break, Behum said. Thats some of the stuff Trump said that I agree with. He may be a jerk, but he said a lot of stuff in the business sense, related to working people, that made a lot of sense. But whether he follows through with it is another thing.
A portrait of Vice President-elect Mike Pence is displayed at the Hotel Bethlehem, after his visit late last year. Photograph: Mark Makela for the Guardian
Kraft has low expectations.
I dont think this president would defend the worker if his life depended on it, Kraft said. Thats all bullshit. Hes not going to defend us at all. Hes a millionaire, billionaire. Hes made his fortune by not paying people like us who work for a living.
Trump supporters in all three groups union Democrats, former steelworkers and Republican business owners had one more thing in common, according to interviews: they didnt want to talk about backing Trump.
On the night of the election, there wasnt a businessman that I know of that wasnt rooting for Trump, said Haines. But they didnt necessarily want to talk about it. Because they were considered deplorables, or some of their employees maybe were Clinton supporters. But when I talked to the business people one-on-one, everybody was cheering him on, everybody was saying: Im voting for Trump, but I better not say it. That was why the pollsters were all screwed up.
Behum recalled Reagans upset victory in the region in the 1980s, against decades of union-driven, Democratic party dominance.
That was the most amazing thing that ever happened, in my lifetime, Behum said. And I always used to say to people in the plant which is more or less like a holding company for the Democratic party I said to everybody: How the hell did this guy get elected if nobody voted for him? Well, people would actually turn away and walk away. You knew automatically they voted for Reagan.
Trump inspires a similar reticence, Behum said.
Go ask people how they voted, they want to run away from you, he said. Very few of them will come up [and say]: Well, I voted for Donald Trump. You wont find anybody in this town like that.
What happens next?
How did Trump win Northampton County? Clinton actually won slightly more votes in the county than Obama did in 2012 66,272 for her, 65,014 for him indicating that loyal Democratic turnout was fine. But Trump appears to have won some crossovers, activated some dormant Democrats and inspired Republicans to vote near the top of their party potential.
Its not a gigantic shift, in terms of numbers, said Christopher Borick, director of the Institute of Public Opinion at Muhlenberg College in neighboring Allentown. Obama won narrowly, Trump won fairly narrowly. And so, where did the change come? Not only in the rural areas of the county, but especially a lot of the older towns that had gone for Obama in the past, like Nazareth or Hellertown, those places that really are the bastions of working-class whites in Northampton County. I look at those places.
The Guardian will be following up with those voters in the weeks and months ahead, to gauge whether Trump has delivered on his promise to supporters. Nobody (at least no one weve spoken to or heard of) expects the great blast furnaces to fire again. Many Trump supporters anticipate a renaissance of some kind, however while skeptics foresee the opposite.
For Brown, the Republican county executive, the perception that Trump is a man of action was the single strongest driver of his support.
The other thing Ive heard that people have echoed is that he will actually do it, said Brown. That he will actually create change and not just talk about it. If people are hanging their hat on anything, its that he will actually do it.
But Kraft, of the painters union, and the former steelworker Behum are much less optimistic.
People are going to have buyers remorse awfully quick, said Kraft. I really think theyre going to have buyers remorse.
There are still Trump signs up all over the place, said Behum. Theyre people that are proud that he won. I wonder how proud theyre going to be when the shit hits the fan.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2iA7iN1
from Can Trump really make America great again?
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