#also they way some of you are fetishizing him is ☹️
andi-yellow · 2 years
Chanfle, I can no longer gatekeep Tenoch Huerta.
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oneiric-somnolence · 1 year
Good Omens self insert-ish OCs!
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Really they just look like me.
LAILAH: Angel. You know how Crowley says he didn’t make the original concepts for the universe, he just put it all up together? Yeah, Lailah did the sketches. He designed a good portion of the universe. The “Real” mythological Lailah is thought of as angel of the Night and sometimes of Conception and Fertility. I like to think that while it wasn’t his domain, he passed a suggestion to the angel working on humans to make conception fun so that people would want to do it, just as a little silly nod to my Lailah falling and becoming Asmodeus.
Lailah fell in the war when the lot of them did. While he can’t exist in order for Asmo to exist, I like to think the modern version of him would have become the angel equivalent of a customer service drone and is Definitely Not Upset About That In Any Way, hence the Smugness With Nothing Really Behind It demeanor. He’s coping with the fact that he fell from artist to desk jockey. I think this change started happening a bit before the rebellion, and he joined Lucifer to fight it.
ASMODEUS: Demon. Lailah fell and became Asmodeus, demon of Lust and King of Demons. I figure the Good Omens version of that is Demon Babysitter Who Deals With HR Shit So Beelzebub Doesn’t Have To Worry About It. I imagine he earned the title from some great battle achievement during the war. Asmo has his silly little chicken leg as… divine punishment? Likely for the same thing that gave him the Demon King title? Who cares.
By the time the Earth came around, Asmo found it a good place to spend time. I imagine he had something to do with the whole Sodom thing. The more time he spent on the planet, the more bored he got with his Hellish duties. Fell from prominence. He negotiated his way to the same Earthly Relations/Tempations job that Crowley and Aziraphale were doing, just on the other side of the planet (America ☹️). He only mostly stayed on the side of the planet he was meant to and fucked around often. King of Demons is pretty good at getting his few bosses off his ass about things.
Asmo has an odd fixation with angels that he isn’t sure if is “nostalgia or some kind of fetish…” because Demons that are Good at Being Demons aren’t really fun to write about, are they? I haven’t made an Angelic inverse to him because that feels a bit like writing myself a partner no matter their relationship or how far removed the character is from me. Maybe someone would like to take that upon themselves…?
Eventually, his apathy for his job and his fraternizing with said Angelic Inverse got him, essentially, grounded for a few years. This was when Armageddon was supposed to happen and he was reasonably pissed that no one had told him when he found out. He returned to Earth—this time, no one cared to stop him or keep track of him because Heaven and Hell had better things to worry about after the failure of Armageddon. This time, he made no attempt to even pretend to do his job and is pretty much just vibing.
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I’M SORRY I couldn’t think of any little bitty scenarios to draw him with Aziraphale. Also, I drew angel Crowley without reference, I know his hair is weird.
SO!! What do you guys think of this guy?!?!?!?
Little note— I know we all love gender-fucking GOmens angels and demons! I do too! That said, I would prefer He or They pronouns for Asmo. He is relatively removed from me but I have a connection in that way to him, and I like him having that difference from Lailah. Lailah I am okay with any pronouns! Lailah is usually thought of as a female-presenting angel anyways, and Lailah being connected to femininity while Asmo is connected to masculinity is indeed very transgender of them, which I appreciate. I was even thinking about giving Lailah a skirt in the first place. Still I personally use He or They!
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A Simple Kindness
YOI Snz Fic #1:
I finally sat down and decided to post some of my kink fics from over the years. Starting off with a bang:
Phichit my beloved, be still my beating heart I had to write for my boy. I love him so much, this was one of the first fics I wrote for this fandom. I hope you like it.
Fetish!Yuuri and a sneezy!Phichit because I’m horny and can’t help myself. Also Yuuri being a fuckin disaster is vibe okay!?!
Phichit 🥰⛸️
Just a little fyi I caught a pretty nasty cold ☹️🤧🤒
😬 IDK if you want to kick me out of the dorm.
I get it if you do.
I’ll try to keep my germs to myself! Promise.
Yuuri reads the string of texts no less than thirteen times after receiving them. Because first of all, who gave emojis the right to be so lewd? And second… how the fuck is he supposed to keep it together if Phichit has a cold?
Their dorm is basically the size of a glorified closet there’s no way Yuuri can ahem… keep things to himself… Perhaps he should be more worried about Phichit potentially spreading some kind of virus to him but really that’s not so much a concern, per say… Also, is it wrong to be completely turned on by your friend’s cold and maybe lowkey hoping you catch it yourself?
Moral quandary aside, Yuuri does manage to text back.
I’m sorry to hear that! Of course I’m not kicking you out, you must be exhausted. When does your flight get in?
Yuuri tries to turn his attention back to business ethics but his mind is well and truly in the gutter now. Besides, the professor could not be more dull as he drones on about nothing and Yuuri’s a little busy hyper fixating on the emojis Phichit used.
As he sits there nervously bobbing his leg, Yuuri’s mind wanders to Phichit’s performance at the Cup of China just a day or so ago. He had looked a bit shaky with his jumps in the free skate and Yuuri knows Phichit’s triples are solid. Perhaps he wasn’t feeling well then too? Maybe that’s why he hadn’t placed well and that thought breaks Yuuri’s heart a bit.
Our flight leaves in about half an hour, I should be back around 5.
I’m so tired. Send help 😩
Grimacing at his phone again Yuuri tosses his notebook into his bag.
Do you need anything from the store? I’m going after class.
Yuuri taps his pen nervously on the edge of his desk as the professor’s conclusion slide pops up on the screen. Their midterm essay is due instead of class on Wednesday, which of course, Yuuri has already completed and sent in.
Just as he’s walking out the door, he gets a text that sends a rush of warmth between his legs.
Get lots of tissues and probably some of those disposable face masks. I’m really sneezy. 🤧 🤧 🤧
Like I haven’t really stopped sneezing since we landed in LA. 😩
People are staring at me lol.
Shit… Shit.
How is he even supposed to respond to that?! What does one say when their best friend says something that should be simple conversation but instead is giving Yuuri a new fantasy?
Is there anything else I can grab you?
It’s lame and stupid but holy shit he’s a little busy being jealous of all the people in LAX staring at Phichit…
Just some juice? You’re the best Yuuri! 💖💕💖
While Yuuri definitely disagrees with that sentiment he manages to smother his feelings (salacious and otherwise) long enough to get to the store. He gets four boxes of tissues, a pack of disposable masks, and a few small bottles of juice to put in their mini fridge. There’s a moment where he considers not grabbing disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer, but he decides that he shouldn’t actively try to catch whatever Phichit is bringing with him.
He does his best not to think about his roommate’s condition until he’s back in the dorm. It takes a minute to put away his groceries and another five to feed the hamsters before he throws himself onto his bed. Only then does he let his mind (and okay, yes, his hand too. Sue him) wander. It’s not like he hasn’t seen Phichit sick before, they’ve been rooming together for two years now and they travel internationally. Illness is common, normal for them, even.
Turns out his dick didn’t get that memo, however, and still gets all tingly at the idea of a runny nose. Such is life, he supposes.
Once he’s handled himself, he turns to his schoolwork, the monotony of his assignments. The mundane task does the trick and he feels more in control of himself now. And yeah, okay, jerking off can do that too, crazy world.
He checks his syllabuses to placate his nerves; his history professor is notoriously strict and for a second he’s convinced himself he did his whole mid-term in the wrong citation style. However, his nerves only settle for a minute or two before they bundle up again. This time because his ears catch the sound of a very congested sneeze from down the hall.
Yuuri’s mouth dries a bit as he fidgets on his bed, lord have mercy here we go.
The door opens and Yuuri’s heart instantly beats a bit faster.
Phichit looks terrible even with half his face covered. His eyes are red and watery, his complexion is nearly grey, and there’s a wet spot sitting right in the middle of his face mask.
“Hey. How’s it going?” Phichit asks, his voice is drenched in congestion and the question is punctuated with a harsh sniff.
“I’m alright. I thought you weren’t supposed to land until five.” Yuuri closes his laptop and sets it aside.
“We got- hhin early.” Phichit’s eyes squint up towards the industrial light above. His chest rises sporadically but ultimately leaves him without the satisfaction of a sneeze. “Ciao Ciao took me to the Student Health Center. On the bright side, it’s not the flu.”
“That’s good.” Yuuri manages to nod as Phichit drops his bag at the foot of his bed.
“So how… how wa-was… ahh…” An unnecessary hand raises up to cover his face, though Yuuri wonders if maybe it is necessary considering the sodden material. “He-tchuh! Tishuh!.. heh… heh eh-Psheh!”
“Bless you.” Yuuri forces himself to look away as his roommate wipes his eyes.
“Thank you… snif!” Phichit sighs as he squeezes his eyes shut. “How was your week?”
“Oh, it was fine. Business as usual. It was nice to have practices by myself.” Yuuri watches Phichit deflate into his bed. “Did the health center give you anything?”
“Yeah… but I don’t think I can take it… you know how the ISU is about medication. Don’t wanna risk it.”
“I’m sure your cold medicine isn’t banned.” Yuuri tries to reason.
“Ciao Ciao offered to call the hotline to find something I could take. I told him not to bother… it’s just a cold.” Phichit shrugs out of his coat. Yuuri swears he can see the goosebumps rise on Phichit’s skin when the coat falls to the floor.
“Yeah but… you look pretty-”
“Bless you… miserable.” Yuuri bites back the undignified sound he wants to make.
“I’ll be fine.” Phichit sniffs a few times, “Ugh, sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Yuuri bites his lip as he shuffles off the bed. “I got your tissues and juice.”
“Tha-hank chuh!... thank you.”
Yuuri opens one of the boxes, then he decides to just bring the trash can with him as he returns to the beds.
He places the bin near the head of Phichit’s bed, when he turns back to his friend he has to bite down hard to keep his jaw from dropping.
Phichit has removed his soiled face mask revealing the mess beneath. His nose is a bright warning label shade of red and its glistens with thin strands of mucous. He sits just on the precipice of a testy sneeze, his eyes half closed, his nostrils flaring dramatically, and of course, the jittery gasps that all culminate in what has to be a hugely reliving release.
“Hep-Tshu! He-Tcha! God.” He groans.
“Bless you.”
Phichit snuffles into no less than six tissues to clean up what must be hours of mess. Between the flight and the drive back to the university… god why does Yuuri sort of wish he were a face mask? What the fuck even…
“You don’t have to keep blessing me… I’m gonna be sneezy all night.” Phichit tosses the wad of tissues into the bin. “Do you want me to wear a mask?”
“Uh, no, you don’t have to. You’re the sick one and you’ve flown halfway across the world today. Just try to get comfortable, okay?”
Phichit looks up at him gratefully, “Maybe you should wear one then? Trust me, you don’t want to catch this.”
Well, that’s just patently untrue… Regardless, Yuuri plucks one of the disposable masks out of the box and throws it on. At least now he can hide his blushing, right? Especially because Phichit sneezes twice more while Yuuri’s back is turned.
“The nurse says it’s just a head cold but Ciao Ciao isn’t letting me skate for at least a week.” Phichit slumps further into his bed, a thin cough escaping his lungs. “I mean, isn’t getting last place punishment enough?”
“I don’t think you’re being punished.” Yuuri says grabbing a bottle of juice from the mini fridge.
“No, it’s punishment… He’s upset because I went out there and did my free skate while I had a fever.”
Yuuri swallows thickly as he puts the drink on the nightstand. “Oh, well, in that case… I guess you’re being punished.”
“What was I supposed to do? I went all the way to China to skate so I-… huh… I skha-ate… skated… uhuh… ehh…” Phichit’s hand raises lethargically in front of his face. He takes four deep inhales clearly trying to entice the sneeze forward and failing to do so.
“Yeah but… You should remember that Celestino is in charge of us, especially when we’re abroad. He wants you to take care of yourself, that’s all.”
“You’re one to talk.” Phichit snorts, the grimace he gives afterwards indicates the action hurts at least a little bit.
“Well… it’s easy to say when I’m not the one in trouble.” Yuuri chuckles nervously.
Phichit squints again, a shaky sigh rattling his chest. “Ehhh… ahh-ha-… huh… come on… Heptshah! Hatchu! Etsha-ETCHOO!”
Yuuri has to really focus on not paying attention to his groin after that particular display. Holy shit, why does his roommate – his best friend no less – have to be the perfect picture of a head cold?
“Bless you.” Yuuri can’t help himself from commenting as Phichit mops up his nose.
“Thank you…”
“You don’t have any mid-terms coming up do you?” Yuuri asks settling back into his own bed.
“No, thank god.” Phichit looks up from blowing his nose, “Did them all before I left. If I can’t skate there’s no way I’m going to class.”
“That’s good then, you have time to rest.” Yuuri tries in vain to return to his assignment but it’s incredibly difficult considering the circumstances. Phichit really is sneezing every five to ten minutes which is starting to wear on Yuuri’s resolve. Between blowing, sniffling, and sneezing he’s basically living in the type of universe his wildest wet dreams could only imagine.
It’s a relief when Ciao Ciao calls him.
“How are you Yuuri?” He asks, perfectly unaware of how ridiculous that question sounds to him.
“I’m alright…”
“Great, can you do me a favor? I got Phichit some medication for his cold can you come get it from my office?”
“Sure thing coach, I’ll be there in a bit.” Yuuri nearly runs out of the room. Part of him is a bit embarrassed to do so. The last thing he wants is Phichit thinking he finds his cold disgusting, but damnit he has a great excuse now to get his shit together. He throws his mask away the second he sees a trash bin and instantly takes a deep breath. The world is certainly testing his resolve today.
The walk to Celestino’s office is blissfully calm and the cool evening air does the trick. By the time he arrives, Yuuri feels like himself again and he’s not being manhandled by his dick, thank god. Ciao Ciao corrals him into a conversation about the Grand Prix Final coming up in December before handing off the medication.
Yuuri strolls back to the dorms at a leisurely pace, his head swirling with an ocean of thoughts. Between the Final, schoolwork, and the intrusive thoughts about Phichit’s cold; his brain is overrun with activity.
When he pushes into their room he finds the lights are still on but Phichit is dead to the world. Still, he tries to rouse his friend from his slumber.
“Phichit? Celestino got you some medicine.” Yuuri says softly putting a hand on his shoulder to shake him. There’s a moment where Yuuri can’t help himself. He finds his hand creeping up to Phichit’s forehead to check for temperature. He’s warm but not to such a degree that Yuuri is concerned.
Phichit’s eyes crack open just the slightest bit.
“Hey, Ciao Ciao got you-”
“Het-chu!” Phichit’s eyes shut as he jolts forward with the sneeze.
Yuuri pulls his hand back and closes his gaping mouth. Holy shit, holy shit, Phichit just sneezed on him. Any resolve he might have gained on his little walk around campus instantly leaves his body as he takes a step back.
Phichit, however, hasn’t seemed to notice at all as he rears back for another sneeze.
Yuuri pushes the tissue box a fraction closer to his friend. Phichit buries his face into the offered tissues and sneezes two more times before he seems to be aware of the world around him.
“Ugh… Hey, how… how long have you been gone?” Phichit asks pulling another tissue out of the box to blow his nose.
“About an hour. Ciao Ciao got you some ISU approved medicine.” Yuuri holds out the box to him, still reeling from what has just happened. His legs feel weak and he’s incredibly warm inside.
“And you… Aw, Yuuri that’s so nice of you to go get it for me. Thank you.”
“It was no trouble.” Yuuri tries to hide the furious blush overtaking his features.
“I’d hug you but I don’t think either of us want that.” Phichit sniffs to prove the point.
Yuuri turns back to his bed while Phichit downs a dose. When Yuuri turns around he sees the familiar sight of Phichit scrolling through his phone.
“You don’t want to get back to sleep?”
“I’m making sure Chris yelled at Viktor for me.” Phichit wipes his nose with the heel of his hand.
Yuuri sputters out a few incomprehensible sounds before eventually settling on a: “Huh!?”
“Oh, yeah. Viktor was patient zero.” Phichit rolls his eyes, “I’m pretty sure that he either doesn’t know how to cover his mouth or he was conspiring against us. The man was a walking biohazard during our practice days.”
It’s official, Yuuri no longer exists. Not on this Earth and maybe not even the next. Phichit has Viktor King-of-the-Ice Nikiforov’s cold. Phichit got to witness Viktor having the head cold from hell for days, and he apparently never covered his mouth. And now Yuuri has been infected. With Viktor’s cold. Viktor’s sneezy drippy cold. What a world.
The next few days are going to be quite the adventure. And Yuuri has some internet sleuthing to do to see if anyone recorded the Cup of China practice…
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sems-diarie · 3 years
something ab the way marsha likes cassie but hates maddy feels racially motivated 😑 also the way nate views maddy and cassie differently feels racially motivated as well. like he sees cas as this amazing dream girl but sees maddy who is a woc as the problem and that she’s crazy as if he hasn’t pushed her to that point. i feel like they made maddy the whole “spicy latina” stereotype whereas in nates dream cas is the all american, traditional housewife. now idk whether this was done purposely bc i honestly don’t think sam levinson is that smart to make the storyline out to be that way w how much he’s fucked up some of the characters this season💀 (*cough* kat *cough*) . and how he treats the black characters like mckay and rue at times feels tone deaf so i’m not really sure he understands how these dynamics can come into play as a white man. but this definitely does happen irl where white men see and use woc as like an adventure or escapade but will ultimately settle down w a white woman in the end. and their families, in this case marsha, encourage them to be w the white woman as well .
when i tell you i felt this bar for bar. it has to be intentional but i truly don’t know if sam levinson is… not experienced enough—but i don’t know if he has the expertise it would take to draw those parallels between maddy and cassie. especially considering what happened with mckay’s trauma, and how they made that all about cassie, as well (then just fucking removing him off the whole fucking show) but if it’s not intentional then that would be too fucking ironic because the narrative surrounding women of color—
actually, no. it might not be sam, but the writers of euphoria are definitely doing this intentionally. cassie isn’t just trying to take nathan away from maddy—look at cassie’s new look in the episode preview. she’s trying to become maddy. how many white girls do we know that imitate woc to seem more excitable or appealing to the white man 😭
like hello? ofc marsha doesn’t like maddy. marsha is a white woman from the suburbs who probably felt in competition with girls like maddy because woc are treated as fetishes rather than actual human beings 😭 either that or she was the kind of white girl who’s never been exposed to minorities (because she’s never had to be) and is uncomfortable with that.
someone also brought it to my attention that she could just be a closeted racist. which actually makes me sick 2 think ab 😭 she had me giggling in this last episode ☹️ now i gotta take my laughs back
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