#also they're butch as hell bc i love butches so much
bobtheacorn 3 months
I don鈥檛 think you were asked this but for 03 what is your opinion on Raph in that iteration?
IDK how long this has been sitting in my ask...! 馃槄 I'm so sorry, babe, I have been trying to close on my house from a whole State away for like TWO WEEKS and haven't had time to get on my desktop and Do Anything (and I don't get notifications on my phone)!
03 Raph is actually my Favorite Raph!
I love his terrible 4kids Brooklyn accent (an acquired taste, i know). I love that he will enable Donnie At All Costs, and give Mikey absolute hell over everything, and "okay Splinter Junior" Leo, but he loves them SO MUCH, he's just sick of their bullshit while constantly on his own bullshit lmao They're all a little Fucking Stupid sometimes but whatever is going on with Raph is the funniest, I know I equated him to Ruby (SU) at one point bc tell me i'm wrong, tell me 03 Raph is not a small, angry, red-coded butch lesbian with Good Intentions and zero Thoughts incarnate. He let a nine year old punch him in the face (twice!) and absolutely would have punched him back if he'd tried it again, but also scruffed the kid like a stray cat and tried to take him to the police station bc he was alone.
IDK I'm Marge Simpson and 03 Raph is a tater - I just think he's neat!
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thegeminisage 1 month
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME! tuesday we watched voy's YEAR OF HELL parts i & ii:
firstly, love janeway's new hair. i did come around to the old hair eventually and i liked how long it was but it was always so weirdly shaped around her head. good for her chopping it all off
also, it's wonderful that she can be transfem and still a teensy bit butch, you know? in my mind palace this is bc she is finally settling into the new gender identity and it's also a little bit because seven is really bringing out her inner dyke <3
tuvok shielding seven with his entire body...tuvok losing his eyesight and seven helping to escort him around the ship...his mirror, broken where he punched it...his shaving with a real razor and also him nicking himself with it.........AUGH
blind just like spock in that one episode. holy god i love tuvok and i love seven and i love that apparently they're gonna be buds now
janeway was so fucking fantastic in this ep...i love womens wrongs. she was so withdrawn and unhappy that the doc LITERALLY TRIED to pull a leonard mccoy and couldnt. and THE WAAAAAATCHH
i looooved chakotay's stubble. he looked like shit (honorific) and it was a crime to clean him up like that
chakotay and tom paris getting captured together was fun and of the two of them you do kind of expect chakotay to be the one to drink the koolaid...tom paris IS the guy who is gonna say "oh no fuck that it's stupid." like, that guy was all "you're eating the last of my genocide food" and before he had even finished the sentence tom paris had had enough because say what you will about him but the man is not an intellectual. genocide bad end of story. you can't trap him in your ethical arguments because he doesn't <3 have a brain
like, at first i was like this is racist you can't make the indigenous guy drink the koolaid which is still true but i also think chakotay is the optimistic one and the one who values life more, so if given a way to potentially recover all those lives, he would try, particular when it means he could save janeway/voyager at the same time. tom is just not gonna think this through because thinking is not his forte god bless
i just wish everyone COULD remember this year, because it was such a cool episode, and so much character development happened, but it just has to go away :(
that said, i did like the ending, even though i didn't sympathize with the villain at all - if time has moods, and you pissed her off by erasing those people, the only way she'll forgive you is if you yourself get erased. also, janeway doing the suicide run with the watch on her belt WAAAAAAHHHH
TONIGHT: voy's "random thoughts" and ds9's "resurrection" both of these summaries look real bad, so i am Bracing myself
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irena-dubrovnaa 1 year
damijon, timsteph, dickroy and rosecassie (as in wondergirl lol <3) for the ship bingo xoxo
OUSGISSHJ i could write literal essays abt each one of these
okay so i have very mixed emotions about this one, bc on one hand i feel like in main continuity it wouldn't work out, but maybe in like an elseworlds thing it could??? but im also very much a fan of them not being romantic but not also being traditionally platonic so i just settle for calling them "a secret, more sinister third thing". also they're both trans. so like. t4t best friendship that only they (and me) really #Get. i just have so many complicated feelings about their lore and friendship and how damian's friendships are so inherently complex because of how he operates on a personal level and jon simply understanding and not needing damian to change a thing, they're just so content existing w each other and within each others spaces. i very much appreciate how even after all the change they've gone thru they're still close and care about each other, and i am also a massive fan of them both getting along with each others People
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OH LORD OK TIMSTEPH OK i don't think ive ever actually talked abt them before, but i should. they're t4t bi4bi most definitely. i actually did enjoy their relationship to an extent while they were dating but it wasn't entirely my cup of tea bc i tend to ship them w other people but the appeal was definitely there, like it was clear how much they cared for each other, its cute and its there and i can get behind it. i do actually prefer their dynamic as exes because of how rare it is to see m/f friendships without ulterior motives on either part, ESPECIALLY if the characters in question are exes, so it's actually refreshing to see them still have a caring dynamic without secretly being hung up on each other. i also think tim's regret over ending it the way he did was nice to see, because while it wasn't out of character to ghost her it also wasn't out of character for him to look back and realize "i could/should have handled that better" so i feel like it does well to convey how he does actually still love her even if not romantically anymore
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i feel like their dynamic in preboot comics is a hell of a lot better than anything the new 52 or rebirth had to offer. i miss when roy and donna were dick's best friends honestly. i feel like their relationship was sidelined a lot in favor of jason and roy and dick and wally which sucks because??? they were fine as they were?? they've got a lot of love and care for each other, especially in the 80s and 90s comics, they're always complimenting each other and telling each other how well they're doing but they're also not afraid to call each other out if one of them does some stupid shit, i think thats good for both of them. i also think roy's relationship w the bats would be funny, as well as dick's relationship with the arrows. they've both got similar family dynamics but also very different in a loooot of ways
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i literally can't get over their rivalry, like they hated each other so much but also there was just something so unexplainable about them to me??? like idk i just always loved how they interacted even when they were arguing and fighting. i just KNOW if dc let cassie be butch in the 00s during the peak of their rivalry they would have kissed. i feel it in my bones. it's also nice to see since they've both got more complex relationships w the people around them it would be nice to see them sorta bounce off of each other in the respect that they've got a lot going on and they know how the other feels so they bond over the struggles of navigating relationships and friendships and just life in general. i also think it'd be funny to watch diana smack slade for saying smthn out of pocket at like an in laws family dinner or some other gathering but thats mostly just bc i think slade should be smacked in general
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veilchenjaeger 2 years
I want to whine a little about the available wlw material. Why ist all so sickenlingly cute, sweet and hyperfeminine? I don't mind that it exists, but I want more options please. It's like going clothes shopping and once again being depressed that the only available colours are all pastels. Why do I have to wait for seasons until jewel tones are in again while thirty different shades of pink are always in stock. On that note, if anyone has recs more in the vein of the locked tomb etc, please giv
Cont. from the pastels ask, because the wordlimit in asks is my personal enemy. I just want my women deranged, dangerous and depraved. Honestly one of the reasons that I love genderswaps so much is that I want the same stories I love so much in fantasy/ scifi but with women. (Also probably because I want characterisation for women that is less in the hyperfeminine/tomboy divide). Recs please? I already read Priory of the Orange Tree. Messing with gender is a plus. Also warcrimes, swords an magic
GODS MOOD. I feel you so much on the genderswap thing, I don't think I'd be this into them if there were just more stories with character dynamics I love where the characters are already women. I want complex female characters who live through awesome space operas, who are allowed to be weak and nasty and fuck up, who are fully fledged people with everything that implies, who might fit into boxes coincidentally but aren't created to fit into them. Sadly, the easiest way to find that is by making some already beloved Blorbos into women sometimes.
Re.: the kind of wlw content available, I both have the same and the opposite problem. I also want deranged women who commit war crimes, which is so fucking rare, but I'm also femme4femme and... I feel like I often have the choice between fluffy pastel Soft Lesbians without depth or interesting stories on the one hand, and awesome stories with deranged women but without any characters I can truly relate to or am attracted to on the other hand. Like, part of that is probably me being unable to read or watch a lot of new things bc I'm burnt out to hell and back, but both wlw-focused fandom and the (few!) good wlw genre stories I've heard of or read seem to emphasise masculinity. (Either bc the main character is super attracted to "traditionally masculine" attributes of another female character or bc the main character herself is masc.) That's great bc butches and masc wlw get so little representation, but... I personally would like to see some fucked up femmes. Please. (Just like I'm bored of mainstream fashion a lot bc it's not pink and frilly enough!)
I think it boils down to there just not being enough wlw stuff of any kind, period, especially wlw stuff with interesting and dark stories.
Anyways, due to aforementioned burn-out, I don't have a lot of recs and you probably already know most of them, but!
PLEASE watch Couple of Mirrors. The whole thing is on YouTube. It's about a famous writer in Republican Era Shanghai, who gets dragged into a bunch of murder cases and involved with a retired assassin who's mostly failing to adjust to normal life. I'm very slowly making my way through this show and I love every second I manage to watch.
You've also probably heard of Please Don't Laugh's novels, but if you haven't, they have deranged women and gender fuckery. I have yet to read them, but I have it on good authority that they're awesome. Carrds for them are here and here.
Also, it's neither SciFi nor fantasy, but A League of Their Own (the show about a women's baseball team currently on Am*z*n Pr*me) is supposed to be really good and has several butch characters.
If anyone has more, I'd also love to put stuff on my endless To Consume list!
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bi-lesbian 4 years
For me, I ID as fem-aligned, but I don't ID as a woman and being addressed as so (by anyone else besides me, and I say it jokingly) causes major dyphoria. I hate that there are people who only see me as woman-lite. I'm not. If a woman is interested in me, they either have to face the fact that they're into nonbinary people OR face the fact that they see me as women-lite and not as our actual genders. Also not long ago many Tumblr lesbians who said that liking nonbinary folx meant you were bi.
yeahh i getcha :Oo honestly nonbinary attraction is kinda tricky bc its hard to tell if someone is nonbinary or not (and same goes for the binary genders too sometimes) and where they may fall on the enby spectrum (aligned, unaligned, etc), so i feel like people need to generally accept that theyre probably going to find attraction to nonbinary people at some point. and also be respectful about it and not see them as something besides nonbinary (after learning they are such) unless they themselves identify as something in addition to it :O
this is kinda why i like using "bi lesbian" so much, gender is broad and people have different kinds of presentations or just General Look- i cant really identify properly what peoples genders are just by looking at them. so while most of my attraction is focused on loving women, i know not everyone im attracted to is a girl, and i dont see all of them as such. i use lesbian to say majority people i like are women (meaning also enbies who are woman-aligned), but im also bi in that some people i like are enbies (of any gender) or even men, theyre just all generally feminine* or androgynous (and also with me being bigender/fluid im gay no matter the gender so jgkdjf)
(*"feminine" for lack of a better word, because im also attracted to people like butch women, but idk what word to use for "feminine people or people with general girlish-like features" ?? bc i kinda see "feminine" meaning generally that but ik others dont use it that way and dont wanna be called feminine :Oo so idk if i should use just feminine or,)
also yeah a lot of people say that if you like women and enbies then youre bi, then a lot of others say that if you like women and enbies then youre just a lesbian, and others say bi means liking all genders.. and i just wish people could just accept and allow people to define themselves however they want?? labels like these vary person by person, theres general definitions for them, but like Many many words, They Mean Slightly Different Things To Different People. when it comes to nonbinary genders, people are allowed to label their attraction whatever the hell they want, because nonbinary genders are vast and some can fall into any sort of labels. and its exactly why some people use both lesbian and bi because For Their Views Of The Labels, both of them apply to their attraction!!!! im just tired of people acting like they can define The One Specific Definition of labels for every single other queer person in the world. thats not how these labels work !!!!!!
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whumpbby 6 years
and Penguin doses them w heat inducers bc he's an asshole and everyone knows that Nightwing is an omega and he thinks it'll be hilarious to force a bond between Nightwing and RH but they're both used to this kind of crap and beat him up and run off to Dick's place to have just the hottest heat sex ever and then next day Dick pins Jay down and fucks him w a knotting strap on and refuses to let him go until they talk properly 3/3
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oooh man, I adore the idea of Jason growing up into a butch omega - and resenting that! Young Dick Grayson was perfect - Jay wanted him and to be him, and it all tangled together into some strange desire/resentment mixture and that鈥檚 one of the reasons they鈥檝e never had a true sibling bond - Dick was a mess of a young adult trying to make his fate and Jason was a mess of a teenager trying to find his place in the world.聽
And then Jason comes back and he鈥檚 huuuge for an omega - Dick is not a twig also, but he鈥檚 a gymnast, there鈥檚 that smooth, relaxed quality to him that makes him approachable and enticing, while Jason is as graceful as a rhino and abrasive like bleach - he鈥檚 damaged and it shows, and he hates it, so he hides his secondary gender behind armour and military-grade suppressants to the point where no one knows, not even the family, not even Bruce.聽
And then the bust in the Ice Lodge happens and Dick sees Jason without the armour for the first time in forever and oh man - Jay was going to dress up as a waiter, but the tux he鈥檇 arranged for is a size too small! :O The trousers are tight and he has to spend the evening with his stomach sucked in and keep his arms down so the shirt doesn鈥檛 rip. It鈥檚 not exactly making him as inconspicuous as he鈥檇 intended, but he did put a lot of work into the rest of the disguise - a ratty mousy blond wig, unremarkably blue contacts, freckles, etc.聽
And it works on everyone, Jay is close to invisible - except for one Dick Grayson whos there in disguise as a patron and it takes him 0.02minutes to zero in on the waiter serving his cocktail and holy shit what is this hotness?? The guy has amazing thighs and his waist is comparatively tiny, and there鈥檚 some good ass there too. It鈥檚 a bit hard to concentrate on his mission when all his eyes want to do is to trail after the pretty waiter, but that鈥檚 fine, Dick is a Detective, he can be a professional... but damn that skanky businessman dropped his napkin on purpose 100% so the boy has to bend over to pick it up and Dick is just there in the line of sight and looking away would be weird...聽
The shit goes down and the pretty waiter suddenly starts kicking ass and there鈥檚 a domino on his face, and fuck, Dick would recognise that roundhouse in his sleep. Shows how good of a Detective he is=_= (he will never mention perving up on his bro to anyone and all these discreet photos he鈥檚 sent Wally have to be retrieved and destroyed!)
That鈥檚 when The Penguin鈥檚 experimental drug shipment goes up in flames and the building is flooded with an equivalent of extasy. Awesome, the mooks are busy fucking, so Dick can just call it in, trust the cops to sort it out and retire to his closest safehouse where he keeps the good drugs and spends the next two days suffering from the symptoms of induced and halted heat. Boy of boy, the highlight of his week, really, he loves these missions=___= He takes Jason with him, because his little wing doesn鈥檛 look too good - he was standing the closest to the shipment, his rut will probably be hell even if Dick shoots him up with Plan C (the mid-heat/rut suppressant)... except when they get to the warehouse and Dick watches Jason sluggishly peeling himself out of the drug-soaked clothes and notices that... these shorts are... are they wet? Is that... slick? But that鈥檚 impossible, you鈥檙e silly Dickie, this is impossible, becuase Jason is an al...phas usually have knots, don鈥檛 they? They sure do, Dick remembers that much...聽聽
The truth comes out - Jay never had a proper heat in his life, so he鈥檚 utterly confused and defenceless and Dick just can鈥檛 stop asking questions... and oh, god, Jay was an omega this whole time - and a supremely hot one tooTT聽and it鈥檚 so sad that Jay never had a heat and didn鈥檛 know how to deal with it now and yeah, they were going to get some suppressants, but ugh, this is so sad, Dick can鈥檛 just leave it like thatTT Does Jay even have any toys? No?? No toys... oh poor Jay...TAT聽
Dick endeavours to show Jay all of is best toys and all the ways omegas can have fun together. In the morning Jason tries to get out of the flat like a man on fire and Dick has to tackle him in the doorway to stop him and get the necessary conversation to happen>>聽聽
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