#also this is me romanticizing the mafia and making them have a calm life ok
volfoss · 3 years
Gimme your headcanons for Abba Giorno and Mista 🤲
hi em "prosciutto lover" sandworms this is gonna be long so im putting a lil read more
did not go through a goth phase in high school but did in like cop school idk
literally only listens to classical or slower music but he will not admit that (evanescance included)
transmasc and gay
wears a wig to hide his awkward hair length but its an anime cosplay wig for sephiroth from FF7
loves getting his head rubbed but if u touch his head w/o permission he will murder u
has to wear smudge proof lipstick for reasons
did not get top surgery and doesnt have chest dysphoria
he painted the back of his phone black w nail polish
would paint his nails but it chips off too quickly
his shirt has shoulderpads in it bc he likes them
his hat/headband is to hide his roots that arent dyed
his natural hair color is a dark brown/black
does not care that he is 6 ft 2 he is the little spoon
loves action and mystery/suspense movies
this kid does not understand his gender one bit but uses he, they, and fae pronouns; demiromantic ace
this kid would have a zoo in his room if allowed to
custom made his outfit
would love to work in a library or something if his goal wasnt being a gang⭐star
really likes anytime where the gang is just kinda quiet and relaxing
has a lot of weird hobbies that he doesnt really disclose w anyone
takes a really long time to open up to anyone but after the events of VA, he opens up to people, starting with Bruno, then Trish, and ending w Abbacchio
has a gameboy color and will occasionally play it w narancia at lunch
has a really warm quilt in their room
doesnt like to be alone and will sometimes just will come hang out w someone or make a living creature out of something to have company
wears jeans sometimes
did dye his hair blonde and he and Abba have little hair dyeing days
doesnt really care about what was going on w dio because he has his new little family now
will get a fresh vase of flowers for the kitchen table when he goes for walks really early
prefers old books over new ones bc the smell is comforting to him
lights candles in his room (prob likes the faint floral scents)
reads a mix of biographies and whodunnits
treasures this little yellow rabbit plush that Trish won for him at a group outing to the carnival
after a lot of time, really finds that fae can get along w any ppl in the group although shit w abba is still strained
i think mista helps him kinda relax a bit and they become really good friends after the events of VA finally calm down a bit
he definitely sees bruno as his dad
transmasc and bi
kinda went over this before but i think he has a big dog w three legs and he cares about her sm
his room is like kinda clean messy? like i dont think hed make his bed but its not covered in filth
has a whole closet of weird shoes that are all plenty roomy for either guns or bullets to go into at any time
diyed his pants (manga only) w a stapler and plenty of prayers bc his jeans had become too short (we do not ask where he got the red material)
watches only romcoms
wears his hat bc his hair is at the awkward stage between shaved and semi normal length but also bc carrying around his bullets is most convenient like this
leaves a lot of blankets around the house bc he gets warm under them quickly
likes playing board games but is a sore loser
can and will injure himself in the stupidest ways (canon)
gets a bit too distracted to drive or get his license
has a lot of stuff on his walls, like posters or even photos w the group
refuses to wear full length shirts literally ever
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
Tumblr media
17 - like normal.
previous chapter changes (m).
warnings: this series contains themes of yandere\mafia, blood, mental health.
author note: this is pure fiction and it is not intended to romanticize any of the situations mentioned bellow.
 After that incident thing have started to change, they sat you down and  they promised changes, you have asked for your own room but since there wasn’t any spare rooms they have agreed to let you use the living room since nobody’s visits them anyway, they have also agreed not to be forceful with you in sexual terms an return you have to cooperate, other than that the same rule still applies, no leaving without permission, no contacting anyone outside this apartment.
One day jeno come back with a gift, a pair of shoes for you, it was a red converse, you were so happy that you leaped in his arms thanking him, jaemin have bought you a mattress and you’ve picked a spot for it in the living room, and after your wound healed and you regained your strength they took you to the store and they let you pick whatever you wanted, pillows, a cute bedside light, shampoo and conditioner, towels, coffee cup, nail polish, makeup, and all the snacks you wanted.. unfortunately the store didn’t sell any clothes but it’s ok, you didn’t mind waiting, you walked out of the store skipping with excitement, you finally started to feel alive, like you actually exist.
When you got back, jaemin helped you arrange your new belongings, he cleared a shelf for you in his bathroom, he arranged them for you, you couldn’t stop smiling all day to the point where your cheeks were sore, jaemin was in an awe with how he could make you this happy with simple things, he couldn’t resist the urge to squeeze you in his arms eliciting a delighted squeal out of you.
Jeno enrolled you in an online collage, after he let you chose what you wanted to major in and paid the full tuition, he got you your textbooks, pens and note pads. in your previous life, you wouldn’t have dreamed of completing your education in due to your family low income. And they didn’t stop here, they got you a gaming console for you when you feel bored, while jeno focused more on the practical side of your needs, jaemin focussed on what would make you happy, he got you pretty pajama sets, fluffy slippers, plushies. 
You filled the bathtub and threw in a vanilla scented bath bomb and you lite your new scented candle, you sat in the warm water enjoying your pampering session, you laid back and sigh in content feeling your muscles relax in warm waters, it took a while before jaemin barged through the door without knocking, your hand came to cover your upper half. “it’s nothing I didn’t see before” he laughed at his insensitive comment but dropped the smile when he noticed your stiff face.you remains silent as he cleared his throat and opened the cabinet, awkwardly looking for something before walking out but he didn’t close the door all the way leaving it slightly open, something about his behavior made you wary so you decided to end your bath and get dressed.
 When you walked out he was laying on his bed mindlessly scrolling through his phone, you went to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea, you open the cabinet looking for your brand new cup, you spot it on the highest shelf, you sighed and you stood on you tiptoes stretching your arm as far as you can, you struggle to reach it before you feel a presence behind you, his body pressed against your back side, his hand grabs the cup putting it down on the counter in front of you, he doesn’t move and keeps hovering close to you. “here you go” Jamin whispers in a low voice, involuntary shiver runs down your spine and you move away from him, his actions freaking you out, something about him seems off. 
You avert your gaze back to your cup and continue making your tea, he leans closer to you and sniffs your damp hair, “no thank you?” He asks you but you ignore him taking your hot drink and scramble away from him, your heart’s beating fast, the sweet but creepy gesture confusing you, you’ve never had a boyfriend or any close guys friends so you don’t know what qualify as normal, and what qualify as creepy, you can blame your traumatized perception for the confusion. 
The weekend was spent in peace, other than jaemin’s strange behavior, there’s nothing for you to complain about. 
Jeno suggested to try the new gaming console and challenged you to a game, the loser would have to do the dishes for the day, you agreed with much confidence that you will win, the game begins and your fiery competitiveness flare up, you both shamelessly cheat but you’er still winning before he snatches the controller out of your hands and beats you to the finish line making him the winner of the first round.. you shout at him and wrestle him for the controller while demanding a rematch, but something on his inner forearm catches your attentions, something you never seen before, a tattoo.
 you halt your attack and grab his arm to get a closer look before asking, “you have a tattoo? since when?” You pointed them out, “since always dummy” his eyes disappear behind his cheeks forming small crescents.
the tattoos looked odd, they were three vertical lines with one horizontal line crossing them on his left arm, and on his right arm there was two lines one of them looks recent, you frowned “what do they mean?” He shrugged, your fingers tracing the small lines, they must mean something, they look too plain for it to be decoration ,and they looked purposeful, and unlike jaemin’s interact back tattoos, these look unprofessionally done, adding to jeno’s mystery.
“did you do it yourself?” You realize you were being noisy but he doesn’t seems to mind, he hums. You still curios so you ask “did it hurt?” He pretends to thinks about it before he answer “mm not really, now let me beat your ass again”, you returned to your game this time you managed to win the next round.
After dinner you helped him with dishes, and they went to their rooms after wishing you a good night, you turned off the lights and made yourself comfortable in your mock bed, ready for slumber to take you away to dreamland, your eyes slowly close as the room around you dims until it disappear.
A warm sensation flows though you, your mind focuses on it as it gets warmer and warmer, it localize in one spot, in between your legs, a faint strokes of warmth generating a pool of wetness, the pleasure intensifies and you relaxes your legs to allow the warm strokes to reach deeper, your hands reach down to land on soft hair, you grip on it as a moan erupts from you, you grind your hips to aid the aching need, you look down and you’er er met with jaemin’s face in between your thighs, his jet black eyes watching you.
you jolt awake in horror, your mouth is dry as you pant, you tell yourself that it was just a dream, you close your eyes for a minute to calm your breathing, once you’ve calmed down your mind wonders to when he pressed himself to you earlier, his muscular body, his deep voice, his board chest and strong arms.. the pulse between your legs becomes too loud for you to fall back to sleep, your hands roam your body imaging if they were his, reality mixes with dreams, and in your disoriented state you reach down under your panties to be met with a mess of sticky wetness, your fingers slide with ease as your rub your folds, your breathing heaves as you dip your fingers inside your needy cunt, your eyes roll back as you moan his name, you desperately chase your release, pumping faster until you tip over the edge, your walls convulse uncontrollably as you cum hard, euphoric waves fill you, you bask in it while it lasts, your clouded mind clears up and you realize what you just did, your cheeks flaming in embarrassment, this is wrong, you shouldn’t think of him like this.
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standarrow · 4 years
abbacchio essay under the cut because he’s so important to me (god this is so long im sorry i have adhd i hope this is readable<3)
tl;dr being on how i think he healed and handled up until part 5 :”) + thoughts on his relationship to the team
tw!!! for all of the usual things that pertain to his backstory including: [death, alcohol abuse, police, ptsd/depression, etc]
i may be projecting<3 its fine
to start:
im not a fan of the way a lot of people handle handle abbas trauma and illness. the "entering a relationship fixes your problems<3" shit. or the romanticization of depression...i see both a lot, along with utilizing his substance issues as like a catalyst. i dont have to say why that shit isnt ok or healthy.
getting into it (because i want it to be this deep):
there is ... a lot of guilt that he shoulders around the death of his partner. someone he was friends with (and relied on him as a literal partner) died because He fucked up. that person wanted to protect him and died selflessly while he'd broken his own morals and he feels like it should have been him to pay for it. 
but he wasnt. and now he suddenly has two mistakes and blood on his hands. getting fired doesnt even Begin to fix that, so he withdraws because he cant trust himself, cant trust the institution he was already disillusioned from, and imo hes angry that he didnt get punished worse for his own crimes (but cops always get off easy)
bruno finds him in the worst place of his life and gives him a chance to put schedule in his life, to protect even if its not in the way he originally thought he would. he still doesnt trust himself, i do not think he takes to working with a partner easily (what if he fucks up again. he'll get bruno/narancia/fugo killed.) and i think that reflects in why moody blues isnt meant for combat. combat = danger. 
obligatory moody blues being an allegory for his trauma and ptsd surrounding the death of his partner.. constantly haunted by his own mistake and reliving that moment. heavily referencing his wish to redo, to know every detail of that prick he let bribe him that killed his partner, to have Control. because abbacchio isnt really about The Moment -- he's making sure the Moment doesnt have a chance to come to fruition. its nipping it in the bud before the weed can kill. he wants to make sure he can figure out whats going on First and protect. to figure out past events and prevent future danger.
starting to heal:
i’ve done a timeline previously: he graduates high school in 1998, six months for the police academy, 6 months before hes out again.. joins passione in december (rainy season) of 1999, and by december of 2000 (~4 months before part 5) hes like.... well. doing better in terms of his alcoholism. we see abbacchio by part 5 occasionally and seemingly comfortably enjoying a glass or two, which speaks that after some time working hes sort gained some..... confidence in his ability to keep his intake low. 
working for bruno means he cant drink as often or binge as much, hes needed and that structure keeps him in check, its not easy and yes he slips but its about and overall upwards climb because any progress is good progress... he builds a rapport with the team, comes to appreciate brunos role in giving him a chance and some peace of mind, sees himself in fugo, treats narancia like a little brother. relationships with others cant Fix your problems but friendship and structure can help, they can be there when you need it.
hes starting to trust himself more. and his relationship to fugo and nara were as crucial as his one with bruno is.
in purple haze feedback we see that he's been teamed up with fugo, and he knows fugos stand ability very well (see mirror man fight)... they Get each other and abbacchio sees a lot of his anger and distrust at himself in fugo, and easily calms fugo down when he gets upset (see mirror man episode in the car) 
fugo helped him trust himself and others more .. that other people arent Fragile and arent going to die on him every time they get into danger and its not His fault. he relies on fugo and vice versa. the kid is powerful but also a smart tactician and extremely capable. they Get each other and it helps abbacchio trust himself in combat situations and helps calm his paranoia about getting someone killed while working ... and nara is just sunshine. hes an annoying little brother but it helps him retain normalcy. some sense of like. not everything is doom and gloom
his depression and general self? depreciation perhaps doesnt leave him because those kinds of thoughts mould your brain a certain way.. they dont just go away without some work. but perhaps time with bruno helps him start to realise his worth, the way the team appreciates him and his ability. his self consciousness can start to fall away a little bit. i think by the time december of 2000 (a year after his recruitment by my timeline) hes like... a lot more comfortable with the schedule of his life, it helps him get out of bed, gives his brain a structure to latch onto. the responsibility of overseeing the younger ones and helping bruno gives him the sort of hope for this original goal of wanting to protect
@ bruno (in a more romantic sense perhaps + why i think he distrusts giorno so much)
his relationship to bruno isnt fucking “godlike savior<3″ because thats.... needless to say Very unhealthy. 
their relationship doesnt reach a point by where i think Either would even want to enter a relationship until about a year in (~4 months before part 5 begins)... theres a certain uncertainty i think bruno has with wanting to help abbacchio, he respects and cares about the other man and canonically sees him as his senior.. and i think theres a certain wall there that bruno isnt sure he wants to try to knock down, meanwhile abbacchio isnt sure when he built those walls but theyre safe (and what happens if you try to reach out?)
i think they sort of fall into it and its not... planned. its a little impulsive but it feels natural and they help each other because bruno is this comfort to abba, is the reason he has this structure and has made this progress himself and hes not....crediting it all to bruno obviously but bruno did play a Large Role. and bruno is all about little white lies, appearances. Yes hes fine. Dont worry, he has things under control. 
and i think to an extent abbacchio knows of brunos softer spots (as does fugo, bc of the reason he and fugo team up as described in phf is to protect him) but abba doesnt realise to the extent that bruno is .... hiding his real fears. brunos a lot about compartmentalization (hi zippers) and being let into brunos internal... thoughts beyond the occasional worries he mightve shared is a big step for them. bruno buries a lot of his internal problems and worries. he has to. hes got to keep moving, keep working; people rely on him... but abbacchio is the person he doesnt feel like he needs to protect because theyre equals and maybe he can let someone in to shoulder his worries and vice versa. theyre partners.
which is why i think abbacchio initially distrusts giorno so much... its not tht he doesnt trust bruno, but bruno doesnt Tell him about this. he realizes he might not know all brunos fears (specifically @ his distate and hate towards the mafia i made the point about in the bruno isnt evil post where its like.. he Couldntve shared that information, otherwise he would endanger abbacchio)
and it scares him. it freaks him the fuck out because he doesnt understand who this kid is or why bruno trusts him so much but he trusts bruno so he goes with it, even if he doesnt Understand.
anyways thts my TEDtalk ty i love you for reading this if you got here<3
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