#also this was my first time coloring my sonic redesign so some stuff may change
the-sky-queen · 7 months
At long last, it's finally done. XD Anyway, here are the things from my usual art style that I'm not allowed to use:
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@theyaremanycolours @totaleclipse573 @boom-fanfic-a-latta
Final product:
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My Sonic redesign! But evil. Honestly, it wasn't that painful! Once I got into the rhythm, this boy got a lot easier to draw. He actually turned out really cute! (And eerily similar to Total's art style XD) Although not being allowed to make the ears tall really hurt. That's my THING! You can't take away my THING!! But yeah, he turned out good. :)
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squeiky · 1 year
screw it, enough of this professional shit! ITS TIME TO TALK ABOUT MY SONIC AU
What originally what a shit-post au called "Size-swap"( which is.. exactly what the name entails) became something I really like and am having a super fun time with it. (Still a shit-post au though.)
I literally JUST made this about a day ago at 12:00 midnight so this is fresh as beans type stuff here folks.
So I'm calling is FusionSize Au, though SizeMixFusion or FusionSwap is also kind of cool (but its too long? I'd if you have any suggestions tell me!)
What type of au is this?
-It's a swap au! It takes two main components of a character which is their size and personality, and "fuses" it together!
Now, from there it gets complicated (I had to make a chart to do this) but size and personality are two different categories! So they can be swapped independently of each other.
Size swaps.. well it swaps a characters size. If a character's size is correlated to a specific power (think Metal Sonic's multiple forms) then the character that received that swap gets that power too! (And the former character looses that ability.)
For Personality FUSIONS (reason I say fusion is because I'm not "swapping out" their personalities. I actually fuse them together- creating a whole need persona. (the closest example would be a paint mixer. your not swapping paints. your putting them together and creating a new color.)
(P.S. If a character's ability is tied to their personality (i.e. techy character does tech, or fighter character is strong because they fight a lot- then that's when I give them that extra "power". I mostly use this for eggman or tails, since their personas involve that smart-kid-mechanic. Since the ability is tied to their persona, It can be fused with the new character! (stuff like this can't apply o other characters who don't really have a logical tie to their powers.)
if you're wondering, fusions (or what I call "mixes" for short) take character a's personality as a "core" and then mixes character b personality ontop of that. (like sprinkes.) I'm saying this so we all understand that character a's personality isn't "lost" rather there's just MORE to it. Though, I like to play with this as some personalities as depending on how much you mix in, you'll get some interesting results.
When swapping, I like to add rules such as:
-Antagonist swap first (So I don't go overboard, I have antag onists (note; antagonists NOT villains. ) swap/mix with their respective protagonist first.
-First come first serve (If character x's game came first, then chracter b must swap with them firs before going to character c. (mostly applies to characters with multiple antagonists.)
-Can only swap/mix once ( ex: sonic already mixed and swaped with 2 characters? but there's another antagonist that can swap with him? well too bad! Sonic can't swap/mix with that one. Go find another character to do that with.)
-had to meet or interact or be related (story wise) to some degree. (I'm not swapping Metal Sonic with the Biolizard.)
-Whatever works (sometimes a character has no antagonist or correlating character to start from. Those times call for the "throw it at the wall and hope it sticks" saying.)
-swap-swapping can happen only once. (In order to avoid having both a mix (personality fusion) and a swap (size-swap) be of a single character I just... took the og swap, and then.. swapped it again a second time. That's how you get a size-tails mix-eggman Sonic.)
is it overly complicated to a point that I may be the only one who understands how this works? yeah, probably. Though, I'm having fun so it don't matter to much.
Also, once I finish the swaps, I create new changed lore and backstory specific to this world. SO not only is he characters swapped (and re-designed!) but so is the world surrounding them!
also when it comes to redesigns, I factor both mixes and swaps. So things get hectic, but this feels like a videogame/puzzle just trying to solve and figure out everything (I really did have to make that little chart).
PS: my shit-post swap au "Size-swap" was just there so I could make a giant Shadow the hedgehog. It was such a funny concept, yet for some reason the extreme size of a character can seriously change how they interact and view the world???)
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