#also this year I wanna start a collection of pretty postcards/cards
haechtual · 6 months
I need to decorate my room
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sunkissedpages · 3 years
instead of you [part sixteen]
pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, smut (18+) additional warnings under the cut
word count: 3.1k
series masterlist
smut warnings: female masturbation, porn, mentions of choking
“‘We’? Like, you and me?” you clarified, hoping you had misunderstood.
“Yeah, it’ll only take a second,” Tom assured you.
You looked to Sam for help, but he looked just as lost as you were. “I’ll go try and find a microwave to heat up your leftovers,” he offered and took the container back from you. “I’ll be right back, babe.”
You watched him shrug past both you and Tom and then disappear into the hallway with a sinking feeling in your chest, knowing he trusted you completely. He had no reason not to, and that’s what consumed you. 
“What do you want?” you muttered, reluctantly stepping to the side to let Tom in. 
He didn’t answer right away, giving you a moment to collect yourself. His eyes followed you around the room as you found your pants and tugged them on. He averted his gaze when he realized you were getting dressed mumbling a “sorry” as he trained his eyes on the carpet. 
You sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to explain why he was there. 
“You weren’t there today,” was all he said. 
You blinked. “Yeah?”
“Was it because of me?”
“I wasn’t feeling well.”
Tom’s tongue poked at the inside of his cheek. “Is that all?”
“I had a lot to drink last night,” you reminded him. 
“So you don’t remember anything?”
“I never said that.”
“So it was because of me?”
“I never said that either.” You sighed. “If you’re here to ask me if I told him you kissed me, I didn’t. And you could’ve just texted me to ask.”
“No that’s not why- I don’t have your number anyway.”
“I’m in the trip group chat with your family.”
“Oh, right. I’ll save it to my contacts.”
The tension in the room was palpable. It felt like all of the air had been sucked out and replaced with thick, suffocating silence. Arbitrarily, you wondered who the most famous person in his phone was. He was a Marvel actor, he probably had Simu Liu’s number, right? Who would your contact information be sitting in between? Maybe if you ever forgave him for what he did you could ask him. 
“Is something funny?” The firmness of Tom’s voice cut through your train of thought and brought you back to the present. “Why are you smiling?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you said despondently. “Sam’s gonna be back soon. What did you want?”
“I just wanted to check up on you. Sam said you were sick.”
“Oh, so you wanted to see if I was lying?”
“No! God, why is it so hard to believe that I’m genuinely concerned about you?”
“Because last night you only seemed concerned about yourself.”
Tom pursed his lips and shoved his hands in his pockets, expelling a breath harshly. “Okay, I deserved that.”
You hummed in agreement, and let your eyes trail down the veins of his arms to where they disappeared into his pockets. It looked like he was fiddling with a coin or something small, but you couldn’t tell. 
“Are you feeling better?” he said the last part through gritted teeth.
“Yes, thank you. This chat has helped considerably.”
Tom rolled his eyes. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
“Well, lucky for you I’m not your problem to deal with. I'm Sam’s.”
He flexed his hand in his pocket and sighed. “Okay, well, I also wanted to apologize again for...” the word kiss seemed to die on his lips, poetic irony at its finest. “Being a dick.” Less poetic. 
He finally fished his hand out of his pocket, holding a delicate piece of paper between his pointer and index fingers. He shifted uncomfortably where he was leaning against the dresser. “We went to the Academic Gallery today. I saw this in the gift shop and thought of you.” He presented you with what turned out to be a postcard, creased down the middle unevenly and smudged with pen ink.
You turned it over to look at the front first, admiring the artwork printed on it. It was a picture of Michelangelo’s David drawn in swoopy black lines and filled in with watercolor paint. Instead of a museum, the statue was in the middle of a garden, the centerpiece among dozens upon dozens of flowers. 
 “Sorry it’s folded,” he mumbled. “It wouldn’t fit in my pocket.”
You flipped it over to read the back only to see iou scribbled in his handwriting and nothing else. You turned it over again to see if you had missed something on the front, but there was nothing.
You looked up at him in confusion. “Iou?” 
“Yeah, you know... I feel really bad about last night, and I don’t really know how to make it up to you so I’m letting you decide.”
“That’s not really how it works.”
“I think that this counts as an exception, since we’re kind of in uncharted territory.”
“Maybe for you. My boyfriend’s brothers make out with me all the time.”
“Fuck you, I didn’t make out with you- it was barely a peck.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “It was more than a peck.”
His cheeks were beginning to grow pink with what you couldn’t tell was either embarrassment or frustration. He cleared his throat awkwardly and changed the subject. “Anyway, if you ever need a favor or anything, just let me know. Think of it as me owing you one.”
“And do I have to give back the postcard when I cash in this ‘favor’?” you asked.
“No, you can keep it.”
“Good, because I was going to keep it anyway.”
He chuckled in spite of himself and shook his head. “Knew you’d like it.”
You flattened the card on your lap, smiling as you tried to iron out the little crease with your fingers. 
“It’s pretty, thank you.”
Tom nodded in acknowledgement and straightened his posture. “I should get going. I just wanted to give you that, and see how you were doing since tomorrow’s a travel day and I know you get a little motion sick sometimes. I didn’t want... whatever you’d come down with to make it worse.”
How did he know that? Had Sam told him? You didn’t have time to ask because he was already walking towards the door. He paused when he reached it and turned his head towards you, hand already on the knob. 
“Good night, y/n.”
“Good night, Tom.”
  He opened the door and let himself out into the hallway, catching it suddenly on his foot as he saw Sam coming off the elevator. Tom held the door for Sam, since his hands were full, and then said goodnight to his brother as he finally left.
“Sorry, I couldn’t find the microwave,” he explained. “I had to ask the night manager and they heated it up in the break room for me.”
“Oh, Sam, you didn’t have to do that! I would’ve eaten it cold.”
“I know you would have, and that’s why I’m not letting you.” You gave him a look, which he ignored and handed you the container of food. “It’s carbonara, it’s one of the things Rome is known for. I couldn’t have you eating it lukewarm.” 
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
He ran a hand through his hair and took a seat next to you on the edge of the bed, pulling the ottoman closer to use it as a makeshift table. He watched as you tried the first bite, gauging your reaction. It was something he did whenever he cooked for you, especially if he was trying out a new recipe. He always needed your approval, and valued it above anybody else’s. But he hadn’t even made this, and as his eyes searched your face you found yourself wondering if they were looking for something else. 
“Do you like it?” 
You breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Your paranoia was starting to get the better of you. “It’s delicious,” you assured him. “I’m sad I missed dinner.”
“I’m sad you missed the whole day. Spending time with my family without you was hell.”
“Oh come on, it’s probably good that you got some real family time.”
“It’s real family time when you’re there. It felt like something was missing.” 
You let a small smile slip past your lips despite the guilt that bubbled under the surface. You pushed it down and took another bite of the carbonara. 
“You’re not just saying that to make me feel better, are you? It can’t have all been bad. Tell me about the good stuff. I wanna hear that.”
Sam nodded and pushed his curls back again, grinning like he’d been caught. “Fine, maybe there were some okay moments.”
“And what were they?”
“We went to the Accademia Gallery today. I think you would have really liked it. They had a whole wing of instruments from some of the most famous inventors and musicians from history. They even had pianos from Bartolomeo Cristorfori, the inventor of the piano.”
“Wow,” you said, impressed. “I bet it was beautiful.”
“Of course if it was played, it wouldn’t sound anything like the piano we’re used to hearing today, but I’m sure it would still sound incredible.”
“Even if it hasn’t been tuned in a few hundred years?”
It was his turn to give you a look. “Yes, of course.”
“And they had a Strativerius, I don’t even want to know how valuable that thing is. It must cost millions. I took some pictures for you, but I know they won’t compare to the real thing. The lighting in museums never does the art justice.”
He handed his phone to you to scroll through. You swiped the photos, smiling whenever you came across a selfie he’d taken with a statue or painting. You reached the pictures of David and couldn’t help but zoom in on-
“Hey!” Sam yelped and grabbed his phone back from your hands.
“Michelangelo would be so ashamed of you! I bet he’s rolling in his grave right now.”
“No way! If anyone appreciated good dick, it was Michelangelo.” 
“If you don’t want me to judge these statue’s penises, don’t take pictures of them.”
“I didn’t take pictures of their penises! I took pictures of the whole statue- you’re zooming in on- you know what, nevermind. Arguing with you about this is pointless.”
“Smart boy.”
Sam rolled his eyes at you and put his phone in his back pocket. “Oh yeah, did Tom give you that postcard?”
“He told you about that?” you asked, suddenly panicking. Sam hadn’t said anything about last night so far, but maybe Tom had-
“Yeah, said he wanted to give you an iou for the limoncello last night.”
“He said you paid the tab for it since he left his wallet in the room and that he wanted to pay you back for it.”
“Oh. Right.”
Another lie. You had very much not paid for the drinks last night. Tom had. And you knew he had to make an excuse for why he was buying his brother’s girlfriend something from the gift shop, but to add another lie to the ever-growing list made your throat burn with regret. You wouldn’t be able to keep the secret forever, and it was only a matter of time before everything came crashing down around you. 
In the morning you took the train from Rome to Naples, and then took a taxi to Sorrento to spend the last bit of your week in Italy by the sea. The atmosphere was much more relaxed than it had been in the busy cities of Rome and Florence. Even though there were still hordes of tourists, they were far more dispersed and less overbearing than you expected. The whole town seemed slowed down, like it had escaped the chokehold of time. 
Sam’s parents took everyone out to lunch by the water and went over the schedule for the next day and a half. 
“So, you’re on your own after dinner tonight, and then tomorrow morning we’re going to take the ferry to Capri for the day before our flight that night,” Nikki explained as she read through the spreadsheet on her phone. 
“There’s an Irish pub down the street from our hotel,” Harry said. “Do you guys want to go after we eat tonight?”
“I’m down,” Sam agreed. 
“Sounds good,” Tom chimed in.
The boys all looked at you for your answer, but you hesitated. Thinking about what happened the last time you drank didn’t make you eager to do it again, and you were already exhausted from travelling.
“I’ll pass.”
“What? Why?” Sam asked, sticking out his bottom lip in a pout.
You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder with a sigh. “I’m tired, and I’d rather go somewhere Italian... since we’re in Italy.”
Harry shrugged. “Your loss.”
“We’ll have a shot in your honor, babe,” Sam said and pressed a kiss to your temple. 
“Please don’t. Something tells me you’ll have plenty to drink without an extra shot for me.”
“You know us so well.”
After dinner, you walked back to the hotel with the Hollands and said good night to Sam’s parents before parting ways to your separate rooms. Sam went with you to change into clothes for going out while you changed into pajamas. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to go?”
You nodded from where you were on the bed and yawned. Sam didn’t push any further, instead resolving to finish getting ready in silence. He paired his black jeans with a pair of converse and a dark green button up over a black t-shirt. 
He turned to you for approval.
“Fake girlfriend approved?”
“Fake girlfriend approved,” you repeated and gave him a thumbs up. 
“Okay, well I’m headed out,” he announced. 
“Have fun! Don’t kiss any cute girls without me!” 
It was something you always said to each other, but it sounded strange since it was supposed to be coming from his girlfriend. Sam just chuckled and blew you a kiss as he let himself out. 
You heard him greet his brothers outside and then listened to their footsteps fade into the distance before pulling up an incognito window on your phone. It had been weeks since you’d been able to get off and it was killing you. The amount of stress this trip had given you only made it worse. You were wound so tight that you were sure you’d snap soon if you didn’t get some relief. 
And you thought that maybe if you rubbed one out it might help you forget about... the confusing feelings you had for your best friend’s brother. 
Seeing as you had the night to yourself, you figured you might as well take advantage of it. You copied a link from your notes app and pasted the url into the address bar. You didn’t feel like digging through your luggage to find your earbuds so you set the volume low enough for only you to hear. 
The video started playing and you let your hand wander from your side up to your neck, brushing your hand lightly across your collarbone. You traced the curve of your breasts with a finger before squeezing one of them gently, feeling your nipple harden under your palm. You only had one hand to use since the other was holding your phone, but you made do. 
The video was one of your favorites, one you found yourself watching at least once a week. It was one of the few videos of hetero couples you had favorited, and it started with the guy going down on the girl before fucking her...
You admired the muscles on the man’s back, watching intently as they flexed whenever he moved his head. The woman moaned, struggling to keep her legs open while he brought her closer and closer to orgasm. 
You let your hand travel down further until it was sitting at the waistband of your pajama shorts. You knew you had a while before Sam would be back, but you were too impatient to wait. You propped your phone up on a pillow next to you to free your other hand as you started to play with your clit. 
You pictured someone’s head in between your thighs, imagining them moaning against your pussy as they tasted you for the first time. 
The man was taking his pants off now and lining himself up with his partner’s pussy. You tried to follow along, putting yourself in the moment with the couple. You gathered your own wetness on two of your fingers to lubricate them and slid them inside yourself, sighing in relief. Your entire body tensed as it accommodated to the stretch and you gave yourself a few beats before moving your fingers. 
When you finally did, you felt yourself relax and sped up your pace so that it matched the actors on screen.
The angle the video was shot at hid the man’s face and you found yourself wondering what he looked like. If you squinted you could almost picture Tom- no. You tried to shake the thought from your mind, but it was already there. 
Closing your eyes didn’t help either. You just imagined Tom’s fingers sliding in and out of you instead of your own, imagined the veins on his arms becoming more pronounced as he tightened his grip on your thigh. 
“Fuck,” you cursed, knowing you should stop. 
You were too close to stop now, and the pleasure was clouding your judgement. Suddenly the man brought his hand up to the girl’s throat and began to choke her, sending her hurtling into her own orgasm. You moaned accidentally, thinking about Tom’s hand around your throat. You curled your fingers up so that you were hitting your g-spot and whimpered pathetically.
This was wrong. This was bad. Not only were you fantasizing about your best friend’s brother, but you were confusing yourself even further. 
You tried to fight it, at least that’s what you told yourself, but all you could hear were Tom’s moans echoing through the speaker. You pictured the way he’d look on top of you. His eyes would be so dark and he’d be smirking like the cocky asshole he was, chain hanging down in your face- just inviting you to take it into your mouth. It didn’t take long before you felt your orgasm begin to build. The video was still playing in the background, the man still chasing his own high and bringing his partner to her second orgasm, but you’d tuned it out by now. You came around your fingers thinking about Tom’s hips snapping into yours. 
You were fucked.
lmk what you think!! i always appreciate feedback
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the unseen one - 11
Pairing: Hades!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: fluff
A/N: eros and psyche is one of my favourite myths so i had to include it somewhere bc they’re so cute, they’re adorable, give them a trophy. enjoy xx
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(gif not mine, credit to the creator)
Days passed, hours fly whenever you’re confined to your own existence. James had been filled to the brim with work after Hecate decided to sulk and ignore his requests to do her actual job. He knew he could and should reprimand her, he was the King of the Underworld after all but he also knew Hecate to personally enjoy revenge and he could see her going straight to Zeus to tell him about Y/N. He knew what happened when Zeus set his eyes on a mortal, specially a pretty woman mortal and he was not about to see Y/N being harassed by Zeus and then attacked by Hera. He decided it was best if he just let her do her thing, at least until things died down. 
He was sleepless, tired of walking souls into their trials, their final resting place yet all he could think was about Valentines’ Day’s night with Y/N. He could still see her sunny, beautiful smile that sparked joy even in the angriest of Gods once he said he’d spend it with her. 
      - You have a visitor. - Hecate slammed his door open to warn him of someone coming in, not even caring about knocking or asking if it was alright for her to slam the door open. James rolled his eyes, sighting as he got up from his chair to see another god come into his office, none other than the god of love. Had Aphrodite sent Psyche on another beauty chase? He didn’t know, what he knew was that Eros only came down when something was needed. 
Eros was older than James, he had probably been around for longer than his own existence but he always looked like a perpetual young adult with his curled blonde locks and white clothing. In all honesty, Eros normally was one of the only gods who could get under his skin, having previously tried to steer him into the direction of a young woman back when his soul belonged to the mortal lands. 
     - You can go now, Hecate. - he gestured for the goddess to close the door, leaving him alone with Eros. - I thought death and love did not go hand in hand. 
     - Psyche said I owe you a favour because you defended her from Aphrodite. Trust me, I would not be here if it wasn’t for my wife. - Aphrodite hated Psyche with a passion. Not only had she been more worshipped than Aphrodite back when she was mortal but she had dared to marry her favourite son. Ever since, Aphrodite would constantly send Psyche into Persephone’s Groves to try and collect some flowers which would anger both Hecate and Demeter. James had taken upon himself to take Psyche under his wing and protect her from the goddess of beauty, not only because she was just a scared mortal who had turned into a goddess because of her lover but also because he thought that if he became friends with the woman Aphrodite hated, maybe she would leave him alone. - So you have a favour from me. 
     - What could I possibly want from you? You can tell Psyche that she doesn’t owe me any favours. - James wasn’t one to sell his services, much less punish someone for being helped. He definitely did not want to be in debt to one of Aphrodite’s sons, specially when Aphrodite was one to cash in all debts and was one of the smartest woman he’d ever met. 
      - Are you sure? It’s Valentines’ Day in a few weeks, you surely could deal with going up to the mortal realm like every other deity in the pantheon. - by every other deity he meant Zeus and Apollo as James had never heard of any other gods being particularly found of getting a mortal the easy way. 
      - Can’t leave the underworld during daylight. 
      - I can distract Apollo long enough for a day outside without anyone even noticing. - he suggested. - C’mon, it’s for my wife and she will not have you protect her from my mother for free. 
      - Can you really do that? - James raised an eyebrow at his proposal. He sure would love to spend a day away from the underworld, a day with her, specially Valentines. 
     - Considering how badly Apollo’s relationships go and how he is attracted to every single pretty mortal, it shouldn’t be too hard. Deal?
     - Zeus cannot know. - James was sure that if Zeus even dreamed that he was seeing a mortal and wildly ignoring his request of finding a goddess to become Queen of the Underworld, he would either try and do what he did with every single mortal woman or forcefully marry him to the first goddess who was willing. James did not know Persephone, but he’d be damned if someone sat on her precious throne without deserving it. 
     - Hiding stuff from Zeus is a hobby. - Eros replied, turning on his back, happy that his wife would be pleased. James on the other hand looked at the sunflower still sat on his desk, the faint memory of Y/N’s touch rushing through his mind. It didn’t matter that Hecate was mad at him and ready to riot, he could now spend a full day with her. 
Suddenly time flew by slower and slower each day but as promised, Eros had distracted Apollo from his duties around midday which allowed James to ascend into the mortal realm, the pale winter sun hitting his skin for the first time since forever. He relished in the small things that he hadn’t seen in ages, from the sound of people talking and laughing in the sun, the faint screaming of the children having fun mixed with the wind. The sounds of Brooklyn were still the same after all these years.
He knew Y/N worked close by in a kindergarten so it didn’t take him long enough to find it and find her. She was outside with most of the children, sat on a table far too small for her as she helped the toddlers make cards using various types of flowers and glittery materials. He knew it was probably weird to stare at her for so long but he couldn’t help but do so, watching her show her laugh what sounded like the music of muses, the light of the sun itself. It took about an hour for her to start to organise everything again as the kids went inside for lunch, an opportunity he took to approach her. 
      - Made any postcards for me, sweetness? - he asked softly, not to scare her. Y/N raised from the table, eyes darting from the mess she was cleaning the figure standing behind her. A smile formed on her laps as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her scent immediately invading his senses.
      - I thought we were meeting up tonight. - she loosened her hug so she could look at him. - What are you doing here? Did you get fired? Oh please tell you didn’t get fired.
     - Day off. I thought I could surprise you and maybe take you for lunch. - he pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. 
     - I would love some lunch, I just need to finish cleaning this up. - she pointed at the, what he believed to had been a pure white table, now completely covered with dried up glue, pen marks and glitter. 
     - I’ll help you out. - James grabbed one of the rags she was using to help her bring the table back to its white colour. It didn’t take too long and he quickly found himself helping her fold the table and bring it inside. - Where do you wanna go?
     - You know what? I want an egg sandwich, bodega style. 
     - That’s a breakfast food. 
     - Breakfast food is the best food. 
tag list: @philogrobizedvee​  @keithseabrook27 @inlovewith319
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ahmeddocuments · 4 years
Day 6, (Paris: Downtown; Place de la République, Place de la Bastille, Palais-Royal, Pont Alexandre III, Eiffel Tower, Gare de Lyon), 30-9-2019
Written by Ahmed Hassan, edited and corrected by Aya Ashraf.
I just woke up and it’s my last day in Paris. That feeling is always aching my soul yet I always plan to have all of the new places right after Paris just to feel less pain leaving this city behind. Today I’m doing nothing except visit some new places I haven’t visited before, meet a friend from Brazil and then start preparing for my departure to Italy.
I started moving from home at around 7:30 AM, It was that early because I wanted to say a fine goodbye to the city. For a change, I wanted to try taking the bus to the City, discover how it feels going through the suburbs of Paris to reach the city. Took a bus near the Aulnay-sous-Bois train station and switched for another bus till I reached my first destination; Place de la République.
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At the center of the square is a bronze statue of Marianne, the personification of the French Republic. The square is well known for being a protesting spot as it can contain large numbers without severely affecting traffic.
I proceeded to Place de la Bastille, another spot I wanted to visit, the place is another square centered by July column, topped by a gold Génie de la Liberté.
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The Bastille square in Paris is where the Bastille prison stood until the storming of the Bastille and its destruction during the French Revolution, and with no remains in sight at the moment.
I started moving by bus to Gare du Nord. A very interesting benefit of having a free day without itinerary is how free it feels to switch to buses or walking instead of quicker transportation methods like trains and metros. It gives you that feeling of being a resident for a while, even if it was only for a couple of minutes. One of the priceless benefits of travelling is remaining silent, observing and actually listening to nothing but street noises. I can’t remember that I’ve put headphones and listened to a song during the 33 days I’ve been outside Egypt. You don’t need to escape anything anymore, you’re just there to feel and enjoy the moment, and be proud of the present that’s happening and achieving everything you’ve ever planned and dreamed of.
Trying to waste time before meeting a Brazilian friend of mine, I had another walk from Gare du Nord. I passed by Église Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, the scene looked cinematic; people were sitting on the stairs leading to the building entrance in the middle of a Parisian street, and behind them a very symmetrical building of the church itself.
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I continued my long walk and passed by the Opera again, nothing looks the same when you’re saying goodbye. I mean, I still remember how it felt leaving Paris the year before. The feeling is indescribable when you’re looking at anything knowing it’s the last time to do so. The image below might seem like a regular picture of a street in Paris, but it was me observing that golden statues, street noises and beautiful buildings for the last time for a long time.
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In realization that I’m closer to visiting Palais-Royal, I started moving to the Palace to check another place I’ve never visited. Palais-Royal is a former French royal palace, and now it’s the headquarter of Ministry of Culture, the Conseil d'État and the Constitutional Council.
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The Palace is famous for tourists for Les Deux Plateaux, which are rows of columns with different heights put in an old parking lot. The columns were put in this place between 1986 and 1985, and it’s been a touristic spot since then.
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I mean come on, this looks like fun!
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The palace also features very fine gardens, which I like to describe as gardens inside a building inside a city.
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And like Versailles, the gardens had this set of trees aligned in a very symmetrical scene.
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I was about to leave the palace, but couldn’t do it before stealing another symmetrical shot. (Okay it’s not very symmetrical and i’m personally hurt the lanterns aren’t perfectly aligned lol)
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Moving on, the Palace’s exit was right in front of the Louvre’s side entrance. And no matter how stunning and breathtaking the main entrance with the pyramid looks, the side entrance fits the authenticity and classic side of the Louvre.
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I started walking along the Seine, Moving towards Châtelet. I passed by Pont Neuf, Notre Dame, Fountain Saint-Michel, Hôtel de Ville, Centre Pompidou and ending my long walk at Les halls, the famous mall in Châtelet. I had a fast meal at a Burger King nearby, then started moving again to the Louvre.
The sky was very colorful and a bit clear that day, I had an amazing time sitting near the fountain of Jardin des tuileries. A fountain, ducks, fine architecture, good sky view, all in an indescribable harmony creating a scene I’ll never forget.
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I finally received a notification of the arrival of Samuel, that Brazilian friend i’m meeting. We’ve met on Couchsurfing and agreed to tour the city together. He had just arrived from Madrid to Paris so he depended on me to show him around. In one trip, I showed the city to two people who briefly described me as a “local” because of the way I fully memorized city information like the landmarks and the streets.
We met and started to introduce each others, he started complementing my Instagram posts and telling me he’s been dying to see Paris the way I show it in my pictures. I was extremely happy because I’m someone who’s very proud of his Instagram account, I count it as one of my strongest assets of memory preservation. When I introduce or share this account with people, I always tend to mention that it’s like a museum for Ahmed Hassan, as my photographs capture my timeline for the past few years, showing the development of tastes and interests, also what i’ve lived, witnessed and documented during this time.
Continuing our conversation about pictures, Samuel asked me to photograph him near the Louvre. He was amazed of how he pays no effort in explaining what exactly he needs to see in the captured photos. We started discussing various topics like cultural difference, travelling and photography. Samuel wanted to visit the Eiffel tower so bad and start posing for photos next to it. He asked me for good shots for it, I suggested we take a walk along the Seine, crossing Pont Alexandre lll, passing by Les Invalides till hitting Champs de Mars right behind Eiffel Tower.
The below photo was the last photo I took for the Louvre, It was me saying goodbye to on of my favorite places on earth.
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Moving from the Louvre, we walked and talked along the Seine, capturing some fine scenery for the landmarks, showing it all like a postcards you wanna receive so bad.
Below is Musée d'Orsay
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Pont de la Concorde
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And finally one of the best -and saddest- pictures ever, a sunset in Paris. Why saddest? It’s my last sunset there. It looks like an oil painting that has a presence that never fades, or even fails to remind you of what you’ve felt taking such picture.
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We passed by Pont Alexandre lll, and the bridge never fails to be impressive at any time of the day. The timing was perfect because we got to capture a golden bridge under golden weather.
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It’s my favorite bridge in Paris, and It never fails to remind me of the first time I recognized it in Adele’s “Someone like you” music video. I’m no drama queen, or maybe sometimes I am haha, but I slightly felt the same that day walking there, and yeah, nothing is the same when you’re saying goodbye. I’m intending to describe more on that matter, you feel like you’re aching in a way that doesn’t show a physical pain, everything you’re hearing sounds the same, yet you feel it’s distorted. It’s complicated, Anyway, here’s another picture of the bridge capturing Les Invalides.
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Moving forward, He asked for amazing places to capture the Eiffel tower inside the city itself, so I suggested the below location I initially used for my Trip in 2018.
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We continued walking towards Champs de Mars and when we arrived, Samuel was astonished of how the tower looks marvelous the closer you get closer, we arrived there a few minutes before it got all lit so we captured both moments.
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And same way with the lights starting to glow
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We got closer for a better shot, and captured one of my finest Eiffel tower photos ever!
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We again moved to the Seine to pass to Trocadéro to capture my last photo of the tower, which started to light in purple in solidarity with Breast Cancer Awareness Month that occurs annually in October.
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So, That was it. I said goodbye to Samuel as I had to move to prepare my luggage and head towards Gare de Lyon for my 6 AM train, which was pretty early to be there almost 7 hours before the train, but me and Mohamed thought it should be better for him not to pay another night for a few hours, and it was risky to depend on getting there on time less than one hour after the public transportation starts the next day.
On my way to Islem’s home though, I was stopped in the metro station and got fined 35 Euros for violating the Metro’s rules of having an image and a name on my transportation Card, the whole situation didn’t make my Paris ending any prettier, It was scary and worrying being stopped by metro officials, yet I gotta admit it was my fault as I was notified I should update both the photo and the name 5 days earlier.
Arriving at Islem’s, My luggage was Pre-Packed, I just showered and collected my belongings and started moving, I thanked Islem for his GREAT hospitality for the second year in a row! It was almost 11 PM when I started moving, I stopped and took a last look at the house before for my last RER ride to Gare de Lyon.
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I arrived at Gare de Lyon, Mohamed arrived a couple of minutes after. We were ready for our more than 6 hours time of waiting. We tried to discover the station, discovering that, obviously, every single shop or store is closed. The only available items to purchase are the snacks of the vending machines. The only thing that broke the silence that night is a man playing piano closer to midnight.
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We stayed and talked about what we’ve progressed so far in the trip, which is completely nothing to what’s coming up a head, before we were ordered by station security to exit the station as the station is “Closing” till the morning. That was another bullet to my head that night. We roamed the scary streets surrounding the station at night searching for any café or restaurant that might be working after midnight with no luck, we even tried our luck with fancy hotels like Holiday Inn to try and stay for a drink or something in the lobby which was refused as well. It was a scary couple of minutes before we decided to head up to the Station’s door and try our luck again, The security asked us to come back in and wait for the train as he’s been searching for us for a while to tell us to get back inside. We were a bit relieved knowing that we’ll be in a safer situation, we faced another hazard of creepy Algerians who were roaming the station searching for a cigarette or a lighter to smoke weed. We ran into a Brazilian guy  and his dad. They only spoke Portuguese so I used google translate to communicate. They were both heading to another French city and they were terrified by the creepy Algerians roaming the station. We stayed together for an hour or two, talked for a while. I gave him a souvenir of an Egyptian coin which he was crazy about given the fact that he was a coin collector.
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It was finally around 5 AM when we noticed that our train was already in the station since before midnight, not ready to be entered though but we were finally that close. The doors are finally opened near 6 AM and we got on, in separate cars unfortunately but still, safer than ever.
Before the train moves, I wanted to take a moment to appreciate the Paris effect it has on me for the second year in a row now. The city attracts my senses and brings out the best of me, I’m thankful for it as it captured my first experience as a tourist the year before, and it’s the only city I visited twice, and intending to include in every Europe trip I’m intending to pursue. The city also confirmed and enriched my passion for architecture and art. Unlike most Egyptians, I don’t find it an ordinary “overrated” city, I find the streets talking with history and beauty, the bakeries are running and keeping history of recipes, preserving a significant European cuisine. The fact that I remember leaving the city in the two years I visited leaves me speechless. In both trips, Paris was the start of my tour, and even though it was followed by GREAT cities and countries after, It still doesn’t feel the same.
The train started moving and I finally felt safe and calm enough to sleep, The ride takes around 7 hours to Milan. I tried to ditch the previous night away and think about the amazing Italy adventure coming up ahead, the first country I’ve ever wanted to visit. I napped for an hour or two before the Police officers started passing and checking our passports, it’s a normal procedure for intercountry trains or transportation in general. Everything is going well and smooth now, Let’s hit Italy!
Self reflection:
I’m finalizing this blog post on October 9th from Egypt’s North Coast, nearly after three months of not blogging because of the heavy work load I have. And even though it’s all still packed with no time to take a proper break, I found a way to return and preserve moments like this because it’s all still there. Once I started writing, it took me less than a day to finalize the whole post.
So, hmm, a self reflection. I’m currently unaware of my feelings towards anything, I feel better than the last time I blogged, but I currently have a general understanding that everything isn’t worth the effort of thinking anymore. That doesn’t mean I’m not thinking anymore, Haha -I wish though-. by going through 2020, I’m developing weird facts about how everything should be understood and acted upon. Starting from relationships, work, personal spaces, caring, and everything. I feel like I’m still discovering these things for the first time, like a kid learning to walk in his first year. Nobody told me getting ready to turn into a 30 year old has a reset button of your whole belief system. You go through the same things you go through on daily basis, but with growing mind and easier letting go abilities. You go and evaluate friendships, actions, hobbies and whole life style, you check how responding differently can leave your mind in peace, how going an extra mile doesn’t always bring what you’ve been missing or expecting, how being a selfish person is not as bad as it’s been showed to us growing up.
Now we’re less than three months away from the end of 2020, I gotta say it’s still hurting me revealing all my scars at once to myself in one single year, and at the same time I’ve never been more thankful for such an evolution of thoughts in the same year. If I’m allowed to say a piece of non-cliché advice, I’d say go selfish to liberate yourself from the restrictions that keep you from discovering who you really am. Instead of unrolling yourself as a carpet for others to grow with whoever they wanna be, be your own red carpet.
Be your own superstar.
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northwest-writing · 4 years
This Week’s Numbers: A Short Play
Four coworkers sit in the breakroom at their minimum wage retail job. TIM, twenty-two, is sitting up in his seat at the breakroom table, shaking his left leg and holding a cup of coffee with both hands. EMILY, nineteen, is leaning slightly back in her chair, looking at her phone. MATT, thirty, leans over the table, writing something down on a piece of paper. KEVIN, thirty-eight, is leaning way back in a chair with his feet up on the table and his hat over his eyes. TIM stares up at the clock.
D’you guys know if anyone’s ever thought of fixing that clock on the wall?
Still looking at her phone 
What clock?
I didn’t even realize it was broken.
Yeah it’s like always four fifteen? (Beat) Could you imagine if it was always four fifteen?
I tried asking the old store manager about it once. He just said “why do you care about the clock in the break room?” and he had a point so I stopped worrying about it.
There is a silence as TIM stares at KEVIN
I sort of feel like that story’s not true and you just want me to stop talking before the team meeting.
It’s seven AM, Tim.
Yeah, Tim, it’s like seven AM.
I know what time it is I just--
Enter KATE, twenty five years old, in a good mood one would find inappropriate for a retail employee
Okay, it’s Monday! You guys ready?
For the meeting?
She gets very close to TIM’s face, forcing him to lean back 
Tim, look me in my eyes. I’m the store manager. I hate this store just as much as you do, I just get paid ten extra cents an hour to do it. (Straightens back up) NO! I want to know (digging into her jacket pocket) if you guys are ready...for this she holds up a lottery ticket. 
Everyone perks up except for MATT, who is still focused on what he is writing down. Even KEVIN moves his hat back to reveal his eyes.
Oh shit that’s right it’s Monday!
That’s right, 
as she speaks, she removes her jacket, tosses it onto the table, and begins arranging a chair backwards at the head of the room 
which can only mean two things: I am required to hold a team member meeting or I will lose my job, and I bought a new lottery ticket.
Three things.
And a pack of cigarettes for Kevin 
she pulls a pack of cigarettes from her pocket and tosses them to KEVIN who catches them effortlessly. 
Matthew, whatcha workin’ on?
I’m writing to my penpal who’s stationed overseas.
Well put him on hold. This is important.
EMILY laughs quietly
Hey, would it be cool if I went first this week? I had a really good one last week and--
Maybe you should’ve shown up…
To EMILY Dude--
It took us like an hour to close on Tuesday night.
It was in the schedule--
He has gotten up and fixed himself a second cup of coffee since he last spoke
(timidly to EMILY) Well maybe if you had actually--
The airing! Of grievances will take place after the ceremony...or preferably after you’ve stopped giving a shit about them all together. Beat Aaaaaanyway 
she climbs up onto the chair she previously set up 
I would like everyone’s attention. *ahem* Oh yeah, everyone clocked in right?
TIM                                                                  EMILY
Oh shit                                                            Oh yeah
Begins to leave the room                               she reaches into her                                                                                                 pocket and pulls out her ID card
Hang on one sec                                           Wait, Tim--
TIM looks back, takes EMILY’s ID card, and exits.
All sit silently as they wait for TIM to come back from swiping their cards.
TIM enters and sits down as he hands EMILY her ID card.
*ahem* Thank you all for joining me today. According to physics, (a collective sigh) there are two major forms of energy: kinetic energy and potential energy. I hold here in my hand one of the greatest sources of potential energy that money can buy from a Seven Eleven. Now, the rules are very simple: everyone will have their chance to tell us what they would do if this were somehow, miraculously, a winning ticket. We will then vote on who has the best version of what one might call The American Dream and then the winner gets riches beyond their wildest dreams and also they get to pick the numbers for next weeks ticket. We will begin this week by hearing from our dear Matthew. Matthew, you have the floor. 
She steps down from her makeshift podium and applauds softly, prompting the rest of the room to follow suit as MATT steps up.
Alright, so pretty much there’s these like buildings in Germany that were built during World War Two that were designed to be these totally indestructible bunkers that couldn’t be blown up, and so now they’re just still there, because you can’t tear them down no matter what you do. Then the other day I went to clean the men’s room (a noticeable shudder from everyone in the room) and some guy had literally shit like all over the wall. Like he had just fuckin’ exploded. So while I’m in there cleaning it up and just wishing I was dead, I thought that’s what I’d do. I’d fill this room floor to ceiling with that indestructible German concrete and turn the whole thing into a big fossil. So that hundreds of years from now when we’re all dead and gone and this whole store has rotted away to nothing, that guy’s fuckin shit stain would be frozen in carbonite forever, like the Han Fuckin’ Solo of shit.
This speech is met with rousing applause as MATT takes a few small bows and steps down. 
I love it! Very colorful, Matt.
EMILY steps up next.
(To MATT) That’s kickass by the way. Alright um, ok so Friday, or I think it was Saturday. Yeah so Sat-- no I didn’t work Saturday. It was Friday anyway FRIDAY I was driving into work and I was stopped at that light that’s like right by Taco Bell, and when I went to go, my car started making that noise again. I’ve shown you guys all the noise right?
I thought you said it stopped making the noise?
Yeah because I kicked my hood really hard that one time and it stopped for like two weeks but it’s back now!
Wait what’s the noise? I haven’t heard it.
It’s like a...(she thinks for a second then begins making the most ridiculous sound. Get creative.) or kind of like a (she makes a variation on the first sound. Kevin is laughing hysterically.) It happens every time I like rev the engine or drive with the windows down or like go about forty miles an hour. I think it’s just like a thing. But anyway I was like oh if I won I would totally pay to fix my car right? But then I was like well why would I pay to fix a 2003 Honda Accord that used to be owned by like a heroin dealer and sounds like it was dragged out of a river when I could just buy a whole ‘nother car? Duh. But anyway now I have this like shitty car I don’t know what to do with. What am I gonna do with it? So then I thought I’d hire a bunch of guys to like take the whole thing apart piece by piece...and then put it back together in Todd’s office.
What if it was in his living room?
Oh my god yeah! Yeah and the best part is, it still makes the sound. 
The room breaks into applause. As she steps down 
Thank you. Thank you.
Taking it straight to the district manager. Very cool. Very senior prank. I like it. A tough act to follow. Tim, uh, last week…
(Getting up from his chair) No no, this one’s not as long.
(As TIM steps onto the chair) Ok cool.
(Looking at a note in his phone) Ok. I’m not exactly sure if this is like illegal or not but... (shrugs)
uh so I would fake my own death.
Oh shit.
I didn’t really think through like where I would disappear to but I would disappear like super mysteriously. Don’t worry I wouldn’t make any of you guys look guilty and I’d make sure to disappear on like a night when everyone’s busy so you’d all have an alibi. THEN like a year later, after most of the “oh where’s Tim?” has sorta worn off, I’d start sending postcards to the store.
Oooooh shiiiit.
They’d all be from different places. Yellowstone, Dubai, the Eiffel Tower, fuckin’...Des Moines. And they’d each have like one letter on them. And over the course of like five years this collection of postcards would build up and detectives would be like trying to unscramble the letters to figure out where I went. But here’s the best part: they wouldn’t spell out anything. They’re just letters. It’s a goose chase.
Yeaaaah oh shit. 
Everyone passionately applauds as TIM steps off the chair and sits back down 
Catch me in Barbados or something sipping on a coconut, just writing ‘E’ on the back of a picture of a palm tree.
Alright. Kevin?
(From his chair) Just like every week. I’d keep all the money and stay working here so all of you’d have to think about the fact that I’m the one sittin’ on it.
Bummer, Kev.
I’m confident one week that’ll be the winner. Don’t ever change, Kevin. Beat. She starts to rise Well. If that’s everyone--
What if we actually won?
Well we just talked about that. (She points at MATT) Han Solo of shit (points at EMILY) Casa Del Car (points at TIM) Unsolved Mysteries--
Yeah but I mean what if we really won.
Well then whoever we voted--
Well but that’s stupid.
I just keep thinking lately like, it’s stupid that whoever has the time to come up with the cleverest way to quit their job gets to have the money if we won.
Matt, that’s not the point of--
I think we should give it to whoever deserves it the most...and I think I should get it.
It’s not--
No, I’m the best employee here. Like I really come in and do good at my job every day, and I don’t think I’ve ever been recognized for it!
Matt, it’s not a bonus. It’s just a game.
Yeah, besides, you wouldn’t deserve it the most anyway.
What? Matt’s thirty years old and he’s never acted like he’s wanted to do anything besides work here. I actually have a future. If I had the money, I could actually go to nursing school.
(Making a feeble attempt to reign things in) Ok, this is--
You wanna go to nursing school?
I’ve told you that like twenty times!
TIM inhales to respond
Tim, please.
TIM decides not to speak
Oh come on! Why don’t you ever stick up for yourself!
Ok fine! I will stick up for myself! I think you’re a bitch! (EMILY gasps) I think you’re bad at your job and you’re a bad friend. (She gasps again) And I think you’d be a bad nurse.
I think I should get the money.
Oh my god (She crosses her arms and puts one hand over her face)
I smoke like four packs a day. What if I got lung cancer?
I bet that’s the first time you’ve ever asked yourself that question.
The room erupts into overlapping arguments. Actors should ad lib their own grievances. KATE is irritated but knows yelling will only add to the ruckus. She thinks for a moment, then walks over to the light switch and starts rapidly flipping the lights off and on. The employees become confused and slowly cease their arguing. They all look at KATE.
God, I knew that would work. You’re all like a bunch of birds! Listen, there’s a woman that comes into this store every day. Her name is Donna. You’ve all rung her up. Her brother had a stroke and he’s in the hospital and they’re not sure if he’s gonna be alright and she doesn’t know how she’s gonna pay the medical bills. And you know what? If this ticket won the lottery, we still wouldn’t give the money to her. Because she doesn’t deserve it.
What the fuck, Kate?
So you think you deserve it?
NO! Of course I don’t deserve it. And neither do you!
So who does?
Nobody! It’s the lottery! Nobody deserves to win the lottery. It shouldn’t exist at all, just like none of us should have to be here every day. The whole system is rigged against us. This is just a dumb game I made up so that we could all survive. Once a week. Once a week we all remind ourselves that if we really wanted to change our lives we could. And then for the rest of the week we can all earn a paycheck not doing it.
There is a long pause as everyone considers KATE’s statement.
(Hesitantly) So it’s...like an office holiday party?
Yeah it's. Yeah.
You guys know the guy who comes in every Tuesday and buys a lampshade? And then the next week he brings it back in so he can exchange it for a different lampshade? And he just does that like over and over again every week? Roger? Beat. (He starts to smile. Starting to laugh on the next line) I think he deserves it.
Everyone begins to laugh slightly
(Laughing still) Why him?
(Laughing more) I don’t know he just needs something. That guy’s not ok.
The laughter builds with each line
(Laughing) What about that guy that always comes in asking if we have any copies of that one Adam Sandler movie?
(Laughing) Oh Click!
(Near tears at this point) He gets so mad when we say no!
(Struggling to breathe) I think we should give it to him.
You mean the guy or Adam Sandler?
Everyone is beside themselves with laughter by this point, completely unable to continue for several moments. Banging fists on the table, clapping, etc. KEVIN laughs like an old prospector. Finally everyone settles down enough to continue the meeting.
Ok…we still need to...we still need to vote.
(Giggling slightly) Roger.
Everyone lets out one last small laugh.
Alright. Looks like Tim has it. 
She applauds gently and everyone else follows suit. 
Emily can you look up the numbers for last week.
She has already taken out her phone to look up the numbers 
I’m on it.
She gestures like she is conducting an orchestra to begin, then digs into her pocket and pulls out a different lottery ticket.
Everyone drums on the table, stopping when EMILY begins reading off the numbers. KATE looks at the ticket from last week.
Fourteen! Forty-Seven! Fifty-Four! 
Everyone looks at KATE who is maintaining a flawless poker face 
Fifty-Five! Sixty-Eight! Twenty-Five!
They continue to look expectantly at KATE. Beat. KATE’s face turns to amazement.
Wow...(Beat) Not a single one.
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haeroniel-doliet · 6 years
i need more money to buy little art
honestly tho feeling like for that ideal goal existence i’ll try get to someday, i’ll needa be making proper money comfortable and good so i can spend all i like on society 6 and other to buy shirts and bags and just everything to a house all in different art prints (mostly florals) bc just those pictures are  like everything i want but just so expensive. i’m trying to sum down like 10 to stickers, bc i wanna do up my laptop, but dedicating to a single decal (thats like 25 ON SALE) is too much esp since i love so much. so ive kinda decided to get a hard cover for the laptop just in case i break it, and just in case i do break my laptop that i can keep the stickers on the hard case and dont lose them to replaced parts. idk seems smart. ill probs buy a kinda shady cover off of ebay for 5 or 6 pound and then spend 20 on stickers for it :] since theyre on sale till 8 am today and its 3 am im probs just gonna settle and order them. might order cover tomorrow w my dad bc i need trust assurance. hes not all on board on the stickers so im just gonna go for it. theyre gonna be like my post cards. i buy so many every place. and no. not trashy postcards. i want art. i have so many postcards of paintings in galleries and so many from comic con art valleys (guess who wants to get so much more and 100% will) i love original art the most when its pretty to me and like everyone who sees it. simples okay but i prefer soft and detailed. excited now i can go to con and also be looking for stickers bc maybe ill get a few cool ones that wont cost me as much as the society 6 ones do. and then my laptop can replicate my walls, displaying all the art ive loved that ive been able to take with me (bc theres so much i obviously dont have on my walls) anyway im looking at these and making some small bc i suddenly realise this laptops got realestate. and the saddest thing w stickers (literally why i had one of those waxy paged sticker books as a child) is that i cant dedicate stickers to a single spot. its so much dedication. what if i buy a bigger sticker and it wont fit? what if i get the perfect sticker for that spot and it wont fit? (over lap i guess) how can i be sure i put them in the right spots to start with? augh i dont really wanna cover just half of it and obviously leave space bc that puts pressure on finding stickers and i might get ones i dont love. i cant get sick of any one bc itll be there  (joy of having multiple mean theres less getting sick of anything). anyway i think im happy w the sizes of these 10 stickers and can work w them (also for now i think im just gonna be going around the edges and leaving the apple logo as it is, esp bc it glows and theres already this shitty old smiley face sticker from my old psych teacher and i kinda dont wanna get rid of it, i just wanna add things around it so it doesnt look so: clean (actually dirty) laptop that a child marked as their own) 
anyway society 6 has random discounts all the time which is p rad and maybe the day im ready to invest in my own living space and dont feel obliged to check w my parents about just about any purchase, i’ll then subscribe to something thatll tell me what discount is on. that in mind, i think i’ll only get the 9 now, that hopefully wont cost too much, and leave a bunch in my wishlist, bc there’ll be another discount (this is 20% off everything)  and maybe that’ll be like 50% off stickers and boy then when my collection is underway you bet ill go for it. and like maxx sticks on their sketch book, if i dedicate to a new book maybe ill get more for that and have a pretty thing to keep and reminisce over (tho knowing me, ill not use it much bc i have a need for pretty things to stay perfect and presentable, and i have a need for everything that i might show to others to be like near perfect otherwise its sucks and ill feel bad bc i dont wanna show it off to people. like my art book, sure i couldve made it all experimental and crap and then edited the real pages together on the computer. but no. i needed everypage to be presentable and pretty and handwritten and creative. and they must go page after page, its so awkward showing someone something and then going “oh wait now these few are empty sorry yeah heres the next page” so i baasically have  a book with mhmmm 20-26 pages of beautiful spreads that im quite proud of inside beautiful covers ( i knew id want to be presenting it for years to come) and the back pages are just...empty. and theyll probably stay that way bc i no longer have projects to be doing to fill them with. maybe one day ill grow into myself and grow out the fear of ruining what ive achieved and fill some with new projects to please myself and be an indepenednt artist not just a teacher pleaser. you know its like that with my work too, like it has to have a direction and a plan that will be achieved, and its terribly frustrating when that vision doesnt happen. but i think thats the same with everyone. 
anyway on a side note, dont you guys think its so fun and cool how ive not done my post labs that were due last friday? how every night ends up being 3-4 am until i go... mhmmmm yeah i guess nothing is happening. like i hope id bloom and do work at that 11pm-3am window and then i get here, suddenly having lost all track and sense of time and just sigh. its wasted, its basically tuesday already. have to keep telling myself dates bc it moves so weird. i planned on getting shit done two days ago. here we are regardless. and the most ill get done is get those stickers ordered bc that is i guess what ive been half focused on for mhmmm5 hrs. then ill save my 7 dollars or whatever, have stickers on the way, tomorrow order the case and thats one insignificant thing done. then the question will be have i looked at summer jobs? no of course not ive looked at ballet courses. shush. i havent showered for days bc theyve just slipped by too laying in bed, maybe tomorrow ill take a shower and pick up all the trash and tissues on the ground. maybe i will. i know i wont get real work done tonight, and already ill be sleepy till 1 pm and by then mom will be again on me abt sleeping to latesoo... yeah no point. and here i thought id make a quick totes relatable short post about how i need more money to buy stickers and maybe a brief my ideal life is to have enough money to spend on art being in every part of my life and all this  being unique so people love coming to my house and go wow its so original and cool. and that turned into a word vent thats so far taken me over half an hour. hi my batterys dying. 
lng story short, i’ll order the stickers currently in my basket after so much though, suck it up and do it and know that i have a bunch over in my wishlist for that next maybe even better sale when it happens. the only thing is im taking all the rest as transparent which for sure dulls them down (yeah white background looks sick but for some its just more classy w transparent, then theres this one bear i’m 100% naming wojtek thats in white bc i feel it’ll be best for him, and i guess having him in white will set that theres no clear rules to follow and worst case if it doesnt fit he can come chill on the keyboard side next to my mouse pad thing) honestly i cant tell if i should be getting them all in white and just hope that theyll look gorgeous no matter what. yikes 3 dollar shipping for stickers, ok itll actually be 19.62 pound and using euro card 22.50 in  euros.... am i dumb? maybe. and tho im supposed to be saving money up so i have some, i also did get birthday money sorta recently soo... birthday gift from them. first set of stickers. deep breaths ok. my parents told me when i bugged them that i just have to make a decision and not ask them all the time, and he said to get 3 stickers i told him id pick 12 so i think getting 9 is reasonable. also oh shit realising that the delivery time is 1-3 weeks and im staying here only 1 and a half more so i should really order it to scotland even tho it might get ther ebefore i do bc my parents might not rly want to send them up to me. idk ok order to scotland, thank f at least one of my flat mates is staying and tbh i should really bring her some chocolate... shes done me faavours. 
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