#also today one of my friends whos a cis guy was like damn ur voice is deeper than mine now
gaysexforlosers · 4 months
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auratism · 7 years
pride month ask thing since i'm Queer™
what is your sexuality? • i am very much bisexual, with a preference for females but i happen to be dating a guy. and yes, that still makes me bi☺️ what do you identify as? • i am a cis female how long have you been aware of your sexuality/identity? • i didn't really figure it out til like 9th grade because i had harbored a lot of homophobia towards myself in middle school because my mom grew up telling me gays are against god. but now i'm pagan so everything is fine. do you have any preferences? • i like girls and woman aligned people because femininity is something i find VERY attractive, but the last time i talked about my sexuality i was physically hurt. so boys are a safer route for me. share a positive memory about coming out! • my dad just doing is best trying to understand, even though he mistook me for a lesbian a lot and tried to get me into an all girls college. how do you feel about pride month? • i love the idea but i have some discontent for people who try to involve themselves in this month that shouldn't be celebrating, because our community has suffered so much and it's just like,, it's a time for us to mourn who we've lost and celebrate accomplishments but there are those who think they belong in our community who will never face the same amount of hardships that come with truly being queer. cishets of any sort do not belong in our community. period. do you participate in pride related events? any other events? • no, bc my mom lol how do you feel about lgbtqa roles in media? • i feel like there needs to be more female queerness that isn't fetishized or dumbed down to a pretty woman with big tits and a butch, masculine woman. also can they both live and NOT DIE. because in our community, most of our representation comes from gay white men and yay they're gay but what about the rest of us awaiting representation?? include more poc!! more women!!! also bisexual erasure is a real thing so can we NOT do that thanks. do you feel pride in who you are? • hell yeah i do. who has been your supportive idols in your self discovery? • i don't really have any idols. my friends have just been super cool and accepting of me, so it's nice to have them to back me up. tell us about your first crush? • my first real crush was on this girl named peyton that i played softball with in the third grade. i didn't know it at the time, but i was just constantly going out of my way to talk to her and i called her pretty all the time. what sort of advice to have you lgbtqa teens? • do not give a flying fuck about what your parents say if it isn't supportive. don't give a flying fuck about anything anybody says if it's not supportive. have you come out to friends and family? • yeah but they pretend it didn't happen how do you feel about the term “coming out” ? • idk. it's whatever. i think a lot of people keep it bottled up because our society is so bigoted and hateful, and coming out is a huge step for a lot of us. so i think it's a pretty good way to phrase it. do you believe there is a “closet” to come out of? • yeah definitely any tips on coming out? • don't do it unless it's safe please. what’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to lgbtqa characterization in media? • it's just shit like "that was SO GAY" being said by straights and slurs and shit and things like "transgender bathrooms" being such a big deal. why do people need basic human rights denied in order for a majority to make the minority feel inferior?? why.:. what’s your favorite parts of lgbtqa characterization in media? • there are numerous amounts of celebrities that have openly shown support for us and i think every little bit from them helps bc their opinions are the ones that matter in society today. what did your teachers say about the lgbtqa community in school? • idk my state's mostly conservative so you can probably guess. do you practice safe sex with the same sex? • i've never had sex with a girl :( what’s an absolute turn off for you in the opposite/same sex? • for boys - too many muscles • for girls - bein a total bitch what’s an absolute turn on for you in the opposite/same sex? • boys - deep moans ohh my GOD. • girls - full lips, raspy voices, soft skin..... how do you feel about lgbtqa clubs/apps/websites? • i've never really involved myself with them how do you feel about the term “queer” ? • can only be used by ppl in the lgbtq+ community how does you country view the lgbtqa community? • i mean it was illegal two years ago but it's getting better for us slowly. favorite lgbtqa actor/actress? • i don't really have one ?¿ any tips for heterosexual people on how to handle lgbtqa events/news? • if it's not directly about you, it ain't ur damn business, and you have no right to talk about anything you don't know shit about unless you respectfully wanna get educated. what’s the most annoying question you have ever gotten? • "if you're bi, aren't you more likely to cheat?" and my favorite "so since you're bi, do you do threesomes??" how do you feel about receiving questions about your sexuality/idenity? • if i can tell someone actually wants to learn, i don't care, but if i can sense sarcasm or a mocking tone, i'm much less susceptible to being patient. what is your romantic affiliation? • i'm biromantic as well lol.
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