#transgender moment
dioptasesystem · 3 months
Why do I also have to transition into being a functioning adult isn't the estrogen enough
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viktheviking1 · 5 months
I've been having dreams lately where I fall in love, and feel so upset when I wake up.
In one, he made fun of me at first for being trans, not understanding how much it hurt me. But after I explained, he apologized and we slowly fell in love.
In another, they were deaf and in a wheelchair, and me and 3 other guys were competing for their love. (I don't know; it was dream logic.) And in the end I won, and he happily asked me to be his girlfriend. I had to explain that I was trans, and that my body wouldn't stay looking the way it was currently. They were surprised, but explained that they were pansexual for one thing, so it wouldn't matter. And also their body wasn't how they preferred it either, but they were so happy their was a solution for me. And even though things would never perfect for either of us, we could be happy with what we had, and with each other. It was really beautiful.
Shit, dude. I wanna romance so someone, is that too much to ask?!
(I also met the second dream partners' dad. He was confused and I had to explained a couple times, but in the end, he couldn't have cared less.)
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gaysexforlosers · 4 months
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lycantropy14 · 7 months
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cyberwh0repuppy · 5 months
Gender is weird I like being perceived as girl but also not, I'm not a girl,but I'm a boy princess and a girlfag, I'll wear pretty frilly panties and skirts but I also want to go on t and get all fuzzy and musky. I want to dress masc I want to dress fem, I want to be genderless but have all the gender all at the same time. I have a cock I have a pussy, idk what I am, I want to be customizable.
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canablist-clown · 22 days
everyday i wake up and ask myself if i wanna bastardize femininity or masculinity that day.
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specters · 1 month
just one guy. just one ☝ spider Man. or woman! we dont know .. fer sure
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thegreatgaygay · 10 months
Behold. Angsty Transgender Javert Poetry.
I have a beard like a man and claws like a woman, or so the sage once wrote
trapped between the hard and the soft, the wolf nipping at my throat
stuck in the moment of becoming, stuck within what’s long since passed
stuck within the yellowed pages, stuck within the empty and the vast
with the river below and the stars above, and all the Earth in middle
and beneath the dark uncaring moon, I feel lost and scared and little
trapped between the beard and claws, trapped and sinking, slowly falling
trapped between what could have been, trapped beneath the heaven’s sprawling
for who could ever learn to love? “Not I,” says the frowning moon
for who could ever learn to change? “Change now,” says a night in June
But lo, it is too late for me to even think about beginning
And lo, it is too late for me, the whirlpool is spinning
I really hate to say good-bye, it’s time for me to go
And in the end was it beard or claws that seemed to matter the most?
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raúl’s art hits so different when you look at it from the perspective of a trans kid with a supportive family (specifically mother). i will not elaborate because i am objectively correct
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t3l3k1n3t1c · 8 months
dude i think i have genuinely confused this administrator at my school. so basically the bathrooms are locked like 90% of the time in the caf so i went to him to ask him to open them. he asks me which one (which is better to me than him just instantly going to open the women's one [im ftm]) i say idc and he opens the women's one. which, whatever - ill take the win of having confused him initially.
fastforward to a couple days ago i ask this same man to unlock the bathroom for me. and. he unlocks the men's one.
idk if he didn't remember me or what but 😭 this shit is hilarious to me. confusing this random middle aged administrator is the highlight of my week
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viktheviking1 · 4 months
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Cis allies are welcome to reblog!
(I know a lot of countries are worse than America on this and many other issues. But needless to say, America is not all that it's cracked up to be.
I'm not here to start a fight, this is my opinion. This is how the laws against me make me feel. Are any laws targeted against you and your community? It's possible that even if there was, you'd still be dedicated to the
defense/offense of the United States, both online and in war zones. And that's okay We're allowed to have a difference of opinion and still be friends. Or at least polite.)
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funkylilblob · 4 months
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lukewarmhomie · 4 months
worst change on T is sneezing loudly and violently like every dad ever
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princewelcomematt · 1 year
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Jesse Pinkman fanart dump 🤸‍♂️ he's my little meow meow of 2023
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r0ttingsystem · 5 months
Drawing while trying to ignore that I REALLY wish I could have been born a boy
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eimugivieuxjeu · 1 year
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