#also tumblr I ASSURE you thats not my longest tag
spnshameblog · 2 years
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Ich habe 8.718 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
384 Einträge erstellt (4%)
8.334 Einträge gerebloggt (96%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 2.890 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#castiel – 705 Einträge
#m – 522 Einträge
#ask – 40 Einträge
#spn – 35 Einträge
#anon – 33 Einträge
#supernatural – 30 Einträge
#jary prequel – 26 Einträge
#jary prequel hate – 25 Einträge
#minors dni – 19 Einträge
#dean winchester – 18 Einträge
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#beloved mutual. unfollowed. blocked. has me blocked. beloved mutual. who tf is that. blocked. wow your opinion on that sure has changed.
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
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Hes tiny
411 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. Januar 2022
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Literally me looking at castiel
423 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. April 2022
I like imagining dean going "43 huh? I really am an old man now :)" and he means it in a positive way, bc he never expected to live past 30, but cas gets so OFFENDED on his behalf like "dean you are NOT old, the average life expectancy is around 80, you are barely half that age!"
And dean finds it hilariously funny so he decides to egg cas on like "no but cas, cant you see these crows feet? Also i swear i found a grey hair yesterday and my stamina isnt what it used to be..."
"Dean if this is about your sexual prowess, i can assure you-"
708 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. Januar 2022
Personally, im fond of "dean thinks he already confessed and cas doesnt return his feelings" truthing, bc it makes both of them look like dumbasses.
Dean thinks his feelings were obvious since almost saying "i love you" in the crypt, but he thinks cas DEFINITELY knows after his prayer in the trap, so cas not saying anything back must mean hes trying to let him down easy, right? He doesnt need to explicitly state his feelings and intentions, because they must be embarrassingly obvious. Cas has to know he is loved, forgiven and wanted, the fact that he doesnt reciprocate and keeps leaving is a clear enough answer in itself.
Except, cas is kind of a tunnel visioned autism boy and he NEEDS stuff spelled out for him at least once.
So while dean is over there being an emotionally repressed bag of "if i never talk about my humiliatingly soft feelings out loud, i cant ever be rejected out loud. people just have to KNOW", we have cas going "too bad my embarrassingly soft feelings obviously arent returned, i better keep them to myself so i dont ruin the friendship i have by being greedy" and theyre both wrong and most other people can easily see that.
Cas NEEDS it said out loud, thats why his verbal confession made him so happy, the words had been choking him for ages. Meanwhile dean is visibly confused bc why now and why is cas acting like his feelings arent returned when he KNOWS that dean.... and by the time dean has processed all of it, its too late.
Them overcoming their trust issues, low self esteem and bad communication skills together is essential to me in any post-canon fix it. Dean needs to know that its ok to talk about feelings and that cas deserves the security of an actual confession and cas needs to learn that not everything has to be explicitly spelled out for it to be true and he can just trust deans love for him.
818 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 17. Juli 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
I think cas is so cute like teethclenching, stomachache, squeeze, cry cute, like i cant fucking handle it cute and idk why???
1.020 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. Januar 2022
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poobit · 2 years
My tumblr Year in Review (the graphic was ugly lol
I posted 6,355 times in 2022
757 posts created (12%)
5,598 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@kindestegg (<3)
I tagged 3,045 of my posts in 2022
#the owl house - 288 posts
#art - 238 posts
#animals - 148 posts
#video - 146 posts
#samsa´s art stuff - 140 posts
#gif - 112 posts
#insp - 101 posts
#maru - 90 posts
#death note - 82 posts
#fashion - 79 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#when deviantart tells you “take this tutorial draw a picture n well give u whats essentially a tiger shaped sticker for ur page” well then
My Top Posts in 2022:
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it doesnt matter what game you want to play, ive just gotta live long enough to see the end of all of this.
See the full post
178 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
im gonna be honest as someone with over 50 original characters across decades of my life...and as someone whos really into concept and production art...
most "how to build your original character!" advice is utterly useless because you cage the character into a superficial box of traits and trying to build some sort of proper reference for it when you have no idea what the story youre trying to tell actually needs the character for, proffesional productions literally dont work with a chart of what the character likes or dont if its not relevant to the design or the narrative shown,
thats post production shit you talk abt with your coworkers for fun or put it in a fucking booklet , stop trying to build huge reference sheets when you havent even built a basic story to follow, you are GONNA forget about it, even if the character has like a huge family tree , unless its explicitedly exposed or paced correctly, you gotta be FLEXIBLE with your characters instead of caging them to irrelevant details, or else you gonna find yourself rebuilding the same characters OVER AND OVER every 2 years because turns out the ref sheet is outdated or you got feedback and now you wasted a lot of time and energy on something that wasnt even usable !
start SIMPLE guys let a character develop through the story NOT a phamplet , i assure you , it is way more organic that way.
194 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
this one should have more
My condolences to the families of the victims in Uvalde, Texas. This is another senseless tragedy , especially a direct attack on children.
230 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
some of you have no idea of the ripple effect that “su critical” had in the terminology and way ppl interact with “being critical of media” in tumblr and anywhere else rlly,  critical fandom blogs where not started by random white kids overthinking things and taking kids media too seriously, they were spearheaded by , first and foremost as i remember? black bloggers who were really sick of the amount of casual racism and antiblackness that was plaguing (and honestly still does) kid´s media. 
overall you can thank black bloggers in almost every niche group of topics and discussions for BUILDING the present day tumblr , the amount of racism and shadowbanning and censorship these people have gone through (and continue to go through) is fucking ridiculous to the point theres still ppl here thinking that russian tumblr psyops where an actual Real Thing and not just some scheme to delete black people´s accounts whenever they said anything against politicians or even anything political. 
654 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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4,942 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
so glad my first post of january was also my most popular lol
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ladyofthelake · 3 years
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I posted 4,342 times in 2021
417 posts created (10%)
3925 posts reblogged (90%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 9.4 posts.
I added 1,771 tags in 2021
#merlin - 522 posts
#merthur - 404 posts
#samdean - 193 posts
#spn - 171 posts
#jared padalecki - 98 posts
#<3 - 93 posts
#anti destiel - 87 posts
#fanart - 78 posts
#j2 - 66 posts
#colin morgan - 59 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#she knows i love spn and has seen some eps and also knows jared and jensen and knows they’re my heroes. she’s only vaguely aware of some of
My Top Posts in 2021
We don’t brag that ‘we won’ we uh just watched and loved the actual show and main characters and if you wanna rewrite the entire show (how’s that going) then maybe you should find another show/thing to obsess over because you clearly hate spn
There is no ship war because the only ship that is canon (platonically) is Sam and Dean and there’d be peace if you’d just stay in your lane and just enjoy Destiel as fanon and not take over every tag like Sam’s with posts that have nothing to do with Sam
Us ‘evil bronlies and wincesties’ actually care about and love the characters and show and you despise them
I have never seen the venom and delusion that you all spew from any brothers or J2 fans, never seen them tag actors with utter hate and poison or send horrible cowardly anonymous asks. We are just here trying to love and support our show and characters/actors we love and you all make it SO HARD. Why should we have to defend canon?!
Also the ace erasure and offensive bisexual sterotypes you talk about to convince yourselves Dean is bi is horrible and you have zero respect for Dean or Jensen.
The utter hate and poison directed at Jared makes me feel sick. If you don’t like someone fine but bullying and spending your time hating on them is a horrible thing to do and you need to take a long hard look at yourself and just focus on things you love because otherwise eventually all that hate will turn inward and the only one you’re damaging is yourself.
Jared and Jensen deserve so much better than all this drama and I just hope they see enough love and support sent their way to drown out those hateful voices.
95 notes • Posted 2021-10-07 00:14:21 GMT
Makes me so happy being in the Merlin fandom because hearing how welcoming it is for new and old fans, people who may have just started the show or those who watched years ago and are still blogging or inspired to blog now.
I’m proud of us not only for enduring and being the immortal fandom but for everyone’s kindness and warmth and generosity and talent and sheer magical spirit and energy <3 Drama free for 1500 years.
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123 notes • Posted 2021-01-30 00:01:26 GMT
I've (probably) said it before but I'll say it again, If you dislike the relationship between Sam and Dean in Supernatural and put 'dni bibros' in your blog and if you skip the early seasons, the seasons which are the best and most important, you are not a fan of the show in anyway shape of form because the show IS about Sam and Dean, always was, the heart and soul of the show it was always their story.
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134 notes • Posted 2021-03-05 15:30:31 GMT
I feel like the Elrond of the Merlin fandom.  My blog is ancient.  I lived through Bradley’s video diaries, illegally recorded comic con trailers that I stayed up all night waiting for them to drop, screaming over the first BBC trailers, EMBRACE ROCK, biting our fingernails whether Dragoon would be in the finale, the agony of Christmas Eve, when landofmerlin was still here, the NTA’s ‘beaming with pride’ and Colin like a champ winning it all and bonus Merlin casts faces when Downton won  (the list goes on) ALL IN REAL TIME.  I miss those halycon days.
I was there Gandalf.  Three Thousand years ago.
215 notes • Posted 2021-06-08 02:38:01 GMT
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See the full post
280 notes • Posted 2021-01-02 03:20:57 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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sp-ud · 3 years
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I posted 54,074 times in 2021
12139 posts created (22%)
41935 posts reblogged (78%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.5 posts.
I added 17,941 tags in 2021
#spud liveblogs - 4533 posts
#asks - 4285 posts
#spud rambles - 3975 posts
#q - 1974 posts
#queue tag ig - 1010 posts
#spud originals - 572 posts
#critical - 466 posts
#dream smp - 449 posts
#spud school rambles - 371 posts
#ranboo - 306 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this fandoms ableism 🤝 this fandoms weirdass obsession with making everything a family dynamic: c!slime i am so sorry u deserve so much be
My Top Posts in 2021
Yo what’s penis smp?? I’m confused
the best tldr i can give is:
mcyt-neg person makes a post mocking how mcyt posts sound, making a joke about penisunavaliable and shittyfartbaby69 and an electric chair execution scene.
mcytblr (or more accurately, dsmpblr but the op just said mcytblr) finds the post and start going along with it. ironically. making posts self/twt mocking how we sound talking about the dsmp.
slowly more and more people start talking about this. and next thing you know there's way more that c!penis and c!shitty. and there's actual designs. and there's some semblance of a plot. its still very self/twt mocking, talking about c!-apolgists, c!-antis, shipping, talk of theortical ccs and their boundaries.
and then it starts slipping into a less ironic thing. all within a few hours. basically think of it as a nonsensical improv rp dsmpblr is doing where we rp as extreme fans of a rp smp that isnt real either.
2415 notes • Posted 2021-05-20 07:24:15 GMT
all "kristen is death on the dsmp" aus/theories become so much funnier where you imagine her in her mc skin instead of any of the really cool designs fanartists give her.
like. oh my god, its her, the god of death.
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3415 notes • Posted 2021-05-14 19:19:06 GMT
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shiny hunting but in minecraft (i think you can also ‘shiny hunt’ the brown panda, maybe)
3854 notes • Posted 2021-01-01 20:15:38 GMT
/rp /dsmp
i just fucking realized. at least part of the reason tubbo doesnt hold the execution against techno is likely because techno was the only one who was actively trying to do something to avoid execution.
despite the fact techno was the one pulled the trigger, we also saw him do more to try and stop the execution than literally anyone else.
quackity made some comments about it being a bad idea to schlatt but nothing more.
wilbur actively wasnt helping other than false assurances and telling tommy not to intervene.
tommy wanted to step in but was stopped by wilbur.
but techno? techno spent a solid minute or two trying to stall. to get tubbo out of there. techno was clearly just as confused as tubbo when schlatt called him up to the stand. techno literally apologized to tubbo and did his best to make it quick, especially with a weapon he wasnt sure the effectiveness of.
4257 notes • Posted 2021-08-03 22:34:00 GMT
the new snapshot (21w07a) changed how ores look.
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im kinda glad they’re no longer the same thing recolored but like... damn... thats gonna take a bit to get used to.
36787 notes • Posted 2021-02-17 17:47:18 GMT
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