#also uh my family DOESNT know I used to smoke hehehe
transboysokka · 8 months
Okay wooo let’s come on out about it, confession time babes!
I… think it’s so lame and embarrassing but I HAVE dealt with a fucking. Gambling addiction in the past lmfao there’s not much to it but yeah it was bad
So um. There’s a lot of substance abuse in the family and since I’ve already dealt with the lame gambling thing I do a lot to prevent other stuff from happening to me personally like I never keep alcohol in the house and as much as I like to have a good time I never buy ~party favors~ directly or like allow myself to have those connections/contacts
and yet I STILL found a way to abuse cigarettes about uhhh 10 years ago because it was the only thing I let myself have access to. It started with cigars in Cuba and by the time I moved to China YOH I was smoking a pack a night. Found out it was an issue when a friend took them from me once out of concern and I started crying and begging for them back, it was NOT pretty. I decided to quit cold turkey by myself 5 years ago and I got SO SICK when my body adjusted to like. Not poisoning itself. Anyway. Even nowadays I still crave them and I know if I even have one again I’m fucked but I never want to get that sick again so I JUST DONT
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