#also ur creature knowledge my guy thats actually really cool
oopbackinmymcdphase · 11 months
Who do we think has the giant tarantula x tiny frog dynamic
(For context: some species of giant tarantula will keep a small frog as a companion because the frog will eat parasites/bugs that’d otherwise harm the tarantula’s eggs, and in return the tarantula will protect the frog from predators)
I know they're not MCs but Brendan and Emmalyn are who come to mind. I've got this whole group dynamic for them + garroth (nerd squad) where they all help each other with the growth of the village. Brendan deals with manual labour, Emmalyn helps with the intellectual stuff. So they have a pretty symbiotic relationship kinda like this. Very cute <3
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gridelincarver · 4 years
For the Witcher asks, 1, 5, 7, 9, 30, 32, 33, 38, 39
omg posi thats a lot but ill do it !! thank u!
(questions are from this ask meme)
1.  What’s your favourite monster? ah fuck this is a hard one, leshens probably have the coolest aesthetic i won’t lie but i also really like the cool winged but still scaly and terrifying siren/ekhidna design in the witcher games!!!!  i always had trouble reconciling the bird creature sirens from greek mythology with the fucking awesome marine sirens that drag u to your death and i think the ones in witcher 3 look fucking awesome and i love their movement patterns
5.  Did you free the Tree Spirit? YES i always free the tree spirit, like to me all those books praising the crones (and the whole village of downwarren) are definitely a culty thing & freeing the orphans and seeing them later in novigrad is what i always do, because to me any dent to the power of the crones is a good move.  i do wish that if you free the children and downwarren dies then there would actually be an effect later in the game where the crones are weaker bc they dont have their worshippers, food, and ears.
7.  What did you do “in the Heart of Woods” and “the Nithing”? uhh for these i did a different ending on each playthrough! for the leshen im still a little conflicted bc the ethics of that quest are sooo interesting and i dont quite know what i’ll do in the next one, but for the nithing i feel like its not really a witcher’s job to kill a person for being so petty like when ppl are the monsters they just need to work their shit out jfc
9.  What is your favourite main quest and why? ...a am i allowed to say blood and wine ?  if not, i actually really like all the character moments in Ugly Baby (specifically the forktail and trial of the medallion subquests) where ur like bonding with eskel and lambert, it really endeared me to the characters and i love those wolf bois now.  i also really like through time and space!! i think avallac’h is an interesting character so
30.  What happened to Syanna? ok so technically i did do one playthrough of b&w where i saved at some critical forks and went through every ending.  HOWEVER i mean posi. u know me. she’s dead and i let our boy dettlaff go (literally like.... i think 3-4 times now...)
32.  How do you feel about Gaunter O’Dimm? he’s a lil bitch. a manipulative and intelligent one but still a bitch.  like seriously you have THAT much power and all u do is fuck w people’s lives to take their souls? get a HOBBY bro
33.  How do you feel about the Wild Hunt? i think it’s really interesting in the sense of Eredin being consumed by his knowledge of the apocalypse (like the white frost) and letting it turn him into a desperate person who doesn’t care about the losses as long as there’s a chance he can relocate his people, but the other thing is in the game you don’t really ever get an opportunity to talk or anything so even though the backstory and thought process is cool as a villain its just like “ooo creepy armor guys gotta kill em” you know??? also i think its SOO fucking funny that theyre not actually wraiths they’re literally just dramatic-ass elves in fucking massive skeleton plate mail with voice changers like wow... drama queens
38.  On what difficulty level do you play? I’ve actually played on all difficulties!  my first two playthroughs were on story & sword (normal), and i recently started two deathmarch playthroughs (one from scratch, one NG+).  when i start a game to just do HoS or B&W i generally do blood and broken bones, and when i stream blood & wine with my friends so they know the plot and can fall in love w regis and dettlaff i play on just the story (easy) bc the fight scenes rly arent that engaging when ur just watching ur friend do it (and also it’s laggy and difficult to fight bc streaming)
39.  What did/would you do differently in your second playthrough? well my first playthrough i romanced triss just so geralt wouldnt be alone and then in my second one i was like FUCK that nobody here is good for geralt emotionally. regis is his husband. thanks and goodnight i do not take constructive criticism. (also in my first game i played b&w before finishing the main plot bc i was so excited to unlock the last area of the map and ended up like riding up to the wild hunt battle at level 50 with tesham mutna armor it was wack, so now i do the main plot and HoS before doing b&w) otherwise i mostly dont change much bc i kinda am That Person who looks stuff up on the wiki so even in my first playthrough i generally picked all the major decisions that i knew i would stand by hahaha
this was actually super fun to do thank u posi !!!!!
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