#also used this as an excuse to draw Freshly Brushed Lemon
drpeppertummy · 1 year
do u remember the affection stuffing thing u drew a long time ago.. that was hands down one of my favorite things of yours ever it was just so cute. no worries if you're not up for it but if you ever drew anything with that again id be over the moon
had 2 use tim & lemon for this bc theyre soooo in love i was too lazy to color them but Maybe Someday .
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[ID: a sequence of four drawings featuring a tall skinny guy in a striped suit and a short chubby guy in western attire. the sequence shows the short guy's tummy gradually expanding larger and larger as the tall guy shows him affection throughout the day in the form of hugs, kisses, and caresses, causing his belly to fill with hearts until it's cartoonishly big and round.]
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[ID: a sequence of three images featuring the same two guys. this time, the short one is using affection to fill the tall one's tummy, finishing with a love song that pushes his partner over the edge of a stomachache, indicated by him thinking "ouch" but still looking happy. his stomach doesn't get as big as the short guy's did, instead expanding to a more realistic but still noticeably bloated size.]
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thorsstorms · 5 years
Abroad Pt 15
(Chris Hemsworth x Reader)
Summary: Being the Hemsworth Kids’ Nanny, you were vowed to keep it strictly professional for their sake, but do the stolen glances go unnoticed between you both?
Word count: 6k
Warnings: none
A/N: if you want to be tagged, PLEASE SEND AS AN ASK.
How was it possible that days could feel as if they move so impossibly slow, but way too fast? Maybe it’s when you know you have an obligation, but dread doing it. Ty was coming, should be landing in a few hours with Chaz and his girlfriend Emily. Bri wasn’t coming until tomorrow, school always keeping her company instead. And tomorrow morning, he would be here. The early landing time was less than convenient, but it’s what you get for living in the no man’s land. The nature and ocean views, the weather, the kind locals were all well worth the long proximity from the land of the free.
The silent prayer you breathed for a night completely free of children was in the midst, thank the lord for adults. So much was happening. The calendar on the fridge was scribbled with the weight of the next few days so the stressing idea of keeping up with all the information was off your shoulders and on to the paper. It had become a life saving device in the past year and it was used more than you had ever used a calendar before.
You had taken to cleaning the house this week. Each day a new focus. The warming weather was perfect for open doors as the kids spent time on the porch and in the yard while you glanced through the windows. It was hard to get much done, the week not being nearly long enough to try to clean with three children and other plans and basic needs to fit in as well.
With only a few hours till they arrived, you took to the last but not least of the rooms, the living room and kitchen. You banned the children from entering the house. No footprints until it was dried.
India was the best helper with cleaning surfaces while the boys were put on duty to make sure their toys were up in the playroom were they belonged. Cleaning could be made fun, you always enjoyed it a bit too much. It was slightly because it was something that always calms your nerves. Having a clean room, a clean house was something that you were always able to have control over. It makes you feel accomplished at the end of the day, knowing you did something productive when it feels like you are wasting your days away.
You wouldn’t trade the three kids in for the world, but when they are the most interaction you get for so long, it becomes hard to see past the parenting. Viewing the big picture was difficult. The loneliness that was there with open arms was constantly on standby. Though the three kept you more than busy, and there was always more chore like things to do, you felt… bored, suffocated maybe a better term.
It was hard to have them three by yourself. The energy that has to be mustered up to go on a simple grocery trip with the three of them by yourself was more than anyone probably would think about. The paranoia you feel while they start to jump in the pool with the warming weather, or explore the ever changing sea floor as the waves crash just barely to their waist was almost suffocating without being awarded another set of eyes and ears.
It was hard.
That is why the days to follow were to be savored, every minute. You made Ty cancel the VRBO. Maybe it was because you got it from your mother, but you were not going to allow them to not stay at the house with you. Chris agreed, you can always make enough room.
“Does your brother miss you? Is that why he wants to come see you?” India’s curious voice turned the direction of your thoughts that had a tendency to flow freely while cleaning. They were all excited to meet them, at least you figured. They constantly talked about them getting here, but it could definitely have been born out of curiosity.
“I think he does miss me. I miss him. But you know Papa is also coming tomorrow?” You sprayed the counter tops while she wiped them down for you.
“Yes I remember,” you could almost hear the eyeroll, good thing she wasn’t looking at you. Between being antsy and the excitement for him to come home, you were sure you were more excited than she was.
It wasn’t more than two hours later before you hear the security system chime that the front gate had been opened. Sasha and Tristan jumped from the countertops and abandoned their stations where you had them squeezing lemons into a pitcher for fresh lemonade.
“Hey Indy will you grab the curly noodles from the pantry and dump them in that pot? I’m gonna open the garage for them.” She silently listened to you while you practically skipped to the garage door and pressed the buttons. The boys jetted past your legs in the doorway and met the car service in the driveway. Zero shyness from both of them as they jumped on their heels and pulled open the back door to the car. You were not too far behind them, bear hugging your brother as soon as he opened the passenger door. The boys little voices were questioning the other two as they tried to prove their strength, amid the driver pulling bags from the trunk.
“You didn’t have to get us a car service,” Ty’s complaining was open while you followed him to the butt of the car. “We could have Uber-ed or something.”
“The drive is merely two hours, you are not gonna find an uber for that. Plus Chris did this, not me. Well, I’m sure Gen did but whatever. I am just so glad you are here!” You threw you arms over his shoulders again. You were going to smother him while he was here, no getting away now.
The little boys did their best to help the big boys, toting a backpack each up the stairs to the loft instead of the suitcases.
“What time is Bri coming tomorrow?” He was almost fidgeting in place at the thought of being on the same island as her. She had not been back at all, only a cell phone screen to visit through. Though it still was weird to think about it, you felt for him, knowing what it was like to be so far away.
“She’ll be here tomorrow afternoon sometime. So just make yourself at home, really! I’m sure the kids will give a little tour of the place.” They followed you into the main room, finding India manning the kitchen, carefully stirring the noodles on the stove.
Hearing Emily ask her what she was doing, and starting a little conversation with her was sweet. She was excited to have another girl in the house, even if for one night. Indy already planned to get her nails painted and do a face mask, as if you didn’t do these things for her if she asked. The excitement of having new bodies in the house to warm up the atmosphere had affected all the four of you, especially with the awaited arrival of the man himself.
When dinner was finished, the party took to the patio while the small three jumped in the pool. Each with a drink of choice, freshly made lemonade was not to go to waste, or so your excuse explained. It was a sorry one, definitely, but the wit disappeared merely four weeks ago.
This was the first time in a while that joy really made an appearance in your mood. Joy that sprouted from more than precious moments with one of the kids or a long sought after phone call every night. Some would last for 2 or 3 hours, others a mere 15 minutes. But sitting among the few that really tread up on your homesickness, filling the nooks and crannies of your life here was what made it so great. You listened as they told you of things back home. They listened as you talked about what has been going on here, which wasn’t much, but they seemed fascinated by the life you seemed to lead anyway.
It’s true what they say about taking things for granted, such as living by the ocean and claiming that if you did, you’d be at the beach every day. Once or twice a week maybe if the time allows, but regardless, they entertained you with comments of jealousy.
Laughter filled the patio air for almost an hour past the kids bedtime, riding up on your own fatigue. You dismiss yourself from them to put the kids in bed, fairly sure the company could stand their own, enjoying the salty evening air as you once did.
Sweet comments of the sooner they sleep, the sooner they would wake were exchanged, and bedtime went smoother than you could have imagined. By the time you padded down the steps to the living area, all three were coming inside, ready to sleep themselves.
It was a full feeling to see them in the house, to see them in such a close proximity to you. It felt complete be around them, having other adults around.
They retired to bed only a few minutes later, all trudging up the stairs while arguing who gets the bed and who gets the couch, Chaz won that ordeal, only for tonight at least.
Cleaning up the kitchen seemed a breeze. There was the dishwasher loaded and an eye catching to the calendar until you remember you didn’t get a call tonight. Though you knew it wasn’t because he forgot, but he was on his way to you.
Practically skipping to his bedroom, washing your face and brushing teeth before realizing your clothes were in your closet. Across the house. Upstairs. Hemm, shame.
Good thing you had a plethora of tees to choose from in the closet. You pulled a random Emery Surfboards t-shirt from the hanger and slipped it on.
The clock on your phone was almost taunting. 5 hours till he lands, but then of course the travel time to get to the house from the city. You set an alarm for 6 AM, sure that would give you thirty minutes to make yourself feel alive enough to put on pants and meet him when he comes in.
It was so past your normal bed time you knew as soon as your head landed on the plush pillows your brain would be out like a light. And you were right, the cleaning, the excitement of having new guests in the house wiped you out.
The dead of sleep was roused away when you felt the mattress dip a bit. Your eyes remained closed knowing the alarm hadn’t gone off yet. The haze of the blankets shuffling was drawing more consciousness to the surface.
“Sash you promised,” you grumbled into your pillow. They all agreed no more climbing into bed with you, he wanted to be a big boy, show Papa he was a big boy for when Chris comes home.
Sasha was the sweet one, he had grown to like to play with your hair to lull himself to sleep on the rare occasions that you allowed it and stayed with them for a nap, so it didn't seem out of the ordinary for fingers to find your hair. You ignored it until it was deliberately brushed away from your face and a deep voice chuckling brought your senses to a 100 on the dial.
“Promised what?” You pushed up on your elbows so fast, darting your head toward his voice and finding him staring down at you with an amused look. The bright light coming from the windows as well as Chris sitting with one leg on the bed was a clear notice that you didn’t wake to the alarm. Checking the time was on the backburner, not waiting for a second longer to embrace him.
You stood tall on your knees and crushed his shoulders under your arms, feeling as if clean air had entered your lungs for the first time in so long. His hands folding behind you sought for a rush of waterworks to your eyes. Four weeks was too long.
You pulled away from him so he could sit fully on the bed, his back leaning against the headboard before you took it upon yourself to invade his space again and smothered him. You kissed him to your hearts consent. His facial hair was the longest you had seen it. Un trimmed, shaving gone out the window as if he hadn’t touched it in four weeks.
“Does this mean Thor gets rid of that nasty beard?” You pulled your lips from him just barely, enough to gaze over his face. Your fingers smoothed over it while his eyes scanned you, so close to him and admiring it.
His hands ran up your back, picking at his tshirt you had stolen. “I cannot confirm or deny that.” He joked. His lips pressed to yours again, his arms savoring the feeling of you in them. Your response was enough of an answer for him to know you liked it, hands planted on his face. It felt so forgein to touch. Rough, scratchy, arousing.
The time relished together could have gone on for hours, but you both ended laying and scrunching the covers on the bed. You finally pulled them up over you and fixed them.
“Are you tired? Did you sleep on the plane?” You evened out the pillows behind you both and settled for checking the time on your phone. 8AM.
“A little.” How could he sleep now that he is home and lying next to you.
“I’m sure everyone in the house will be sleeping in. The kids went to bed late, and Ty, Emily, and Chaz were up even later after their flight. And I already told Indy’s teacher that she wasn’t coming in today.” You were about to tell him that he can sleep for a few hours and that you will keep the kids out but he was watching you, and by the look you knew he wasn’t listening to a word you were saying. He was watching you talk. Your voice catching a chipper ring when you mentioned Ty. You were the head of the household 100% in his eyes. You knew what was going on 24/7 and never strayed from it. But how could you.
“Are listening to me?” Your eyebrows furrowed.
“I love you, but no I wasn’t listening. I don’t want to sleep, how could I when you are sharing my bed with me,” he knocked your arm from underneath you, pushing you to the mattress, “for the first time in four weeks?” He loomed over you, catching a spark in his eye, a devious one at that. “Especially since you blew me off on my last night home.”
Oh right.
He lowered, pressing kisses to your jaw, your cheeks, your ears until you pushed back on his shoulders. Now or never.
“Wait,” you breathed out to him. His hand settling to cradle your head, wondering what on Earth was worth stopping him right now. “Wait.”
“What, Princess.”
“I have to tell you something.” His eyes looked back and forth between yours, watching your features harden, eyes go wide with worry.
He threw his thoughts to the back of his mind weeks ago. But hearing your tone was enough to draw them back to the surface, feeling his face grow hot. He sat up watching you follow after him, but he never strayed his looks away from you. He couldn’t even if he wanted to.
Though he sat patiently and painfully still, waiting while you eventually directed your eyes away from him, he couldn’t blame you for whatever you were thinking. He wanted to grab your shoulders and lean you back against him but he didn’t know if he should just leave you be for the moment. He almost started to speak before you but left the moment for you to take. As the air shifted between the two of you, it nearly confirmed it for him, but to be wrong was something he did not want to feel the aftermath of.
“Come here,” his hand pat against the sheets. Before you could think you turned and laid into his arm. He shuffled back down and placed your arm around his torso. Comfort for the win.
The silence floated by, the clock ticking in his mind. Screw it.
“Hmmm.” His hand pressed your chin to look at him, doing so reluctantly.
His thumb ran over your check before he spoke, “Tell me.” It was just enough level of authority you needed to quit mewling.
“Im pregnant.”
And his eyes didn’t skip a beat, “I know.”
“You what?”
“Well I thought, and then I didn’t. And then I was convinced otherwise. But, I knew. I did.” You tried to sit up but he didn’t allow it, you huffed and stilled.
“What? How?” You shook your head to yourself. There was no way Bri told him. For a second, maybe you thought he saw the tests upstairs, but they were in the bathroom trash can. He didn’t go in there that morning, did he?
“Well check one was when you started getting sick. Two, was when you came back from the grocery store acting weird. Three, was when the boys told me on our call two nights in a row that you were crying that day. I didn’t know why. They said your feelings were hurt, but they never said anything else, and you never mentioned it. So I didn’t. I didn’t want to be wrong and risk throwing it out there.” He stopped and gave you a moment to speak but you couldn’t. It was easier to process things silently, which he respected and knew that’s how your head works at this point, but he really needed you to say something.
Your look was lowering from his face, while your eyes were cast to the wall, you were not looking at it. Thoughts were jumbling and you were trying to file them out, which gets spoken first? You spent weeks dwelling on saying the two words to him when he already knew? It was all those jumbled questions and prompts that were banging around, colliding and fighting for their shot for an answer.
“What are you thinking about princess?” His hand brushed over your hair, pulling it back off your shoulders.
You, me, work, money, traveling, the kids, bedrooms, my life, your life, our life.
“Why me?” He took the acknowledgement that you were not going to ask the questions and say the things you wanted to say. He tried to answer everything for you all in one. “I love you. So much that it scares me. What happens to you, happens to me. Okay I see you upset and my entire body feels the need to lurch itself in your direction till you smile. Does that even make sense? I don’t want you to ever feel like you need to be scared to tell me something.”
“Now this? It’s not a mistake, my love for you is not a mistake. But whatever you need me to do, I want you to tell me. If you want me to- to- to stay here with you. I will do that. You want me to move to the states, or new house, or just- just tell me what you are thinking, please.”
“Chris,” he was speaking fast, trying to get it all out. You should take notes. Your soft voice was such a stark change from his own that was growing in volume. “I want you to lay back down and try to sleep before everyone wakes up. I want you to,” deep breathe, ignore the nagging in your brain, “to tell me that you are not upset with me, and then I want you to be excited. Not for me, but for the little 12 week old bean that decided now was their time.” He kissed your head and mumbled ‘of course’ to you, and maybe himself while shuffling lower so he could actually lay in the bed.
“Really?” He asked you when he settled. Your blank look was one of waiting for him to specify what he was talking about. “12 weeks already?” You nodded, a long sought after real smirk made its way onto your face.
12 Weeks, already.
“If you are going to make me stay here, you have to stay as well.” To say you weren’t planning on getting breakfast ready for the house would be a lie. You laid back down and savored the morning until chaos would ensure with an awake and lively house. “So you and a baby huh?”
“Yea, me, you, and a baby. And three other children.”
“Who knows?” 12 weeks did seem like a long time. Four weeks of knowing and not telling him. He didn’t show any signs of resentment for not knowing for so long, so you brushed it off.
“Just Bri. But I want to tell Ty while he’s here. And I think I want him to be here with me when I tell my mom, my dad too.” His hands ran up and down your back. The buzzing of the fan and the warm light from the windows created such a serene first morning back home. Maybe his gentle hands and shallow breathing was enough to lull you back to sleep for a while.
“I guess that means I need to savor my time with you and the new one before I’m killed.” Touch left your back and snaked to your front. The forgein feeling of his hand resting there was odd, but not unwelcome. “Wow.” There wasn’t much there yet obviously. Just enough to make it look like you were pretty bloated on a normal day.
You rested one of yours over his. “What do you mean killed? You are bigger than Ty.”
“Not by much, but he’s younger. Most likely faster. And he knows how to weaponize a baseball bat.” Your laugh cut him off. It was a real one, one that needed to come long ago and you couldn’t help it. “You are laughing but I’m serious.”
“Sure, sure. I’ll protect you.” You both laid talking. Staring at the ceiling for another hour before you both quieted your voices, hearing the bedroom door opening.
Little fingers around the door handle pushed it open slowly as if trying to stay quiet. Sasha’s head peeked forward through the doorway and as soon as their eyes met, his little feet were running to jump on the bed. You smiled watching Sasha cling to him like a koala. It was so precious.
It wasn’t maybe 20 minutes until the other two came in at the same time. You slithered out of the room to make your way to the kitchen, pulling on shorts from yesterday. You tried to listen for any rustling upstairs but there was not a single noise yet.
You scanned the fridge and pantry for the groceries you went for yesterday, should have thought of what to make before hand. You pulled out eggs, sausage, and fruit - good enough.
Soon as pans started making noise and the smell of breakfast starting wafting through, the house started to liven up. The three kids ran back up stairs to put real clothes on and Chaz came down offering to help. He says the other two often value their sleep over food anyway. You waved him towards the cabinets where he pulled out plates and set the table with silverware.
Chris came out not too long after with wet hair, smelling fresh. You heard them greeting each other behind you while pulling down a coffee mug. “Oh no princess I can’t-”
“This aint for you,” you look over your shoulder at him. You nudged your head towards the pantry, “Your shakes are in there.” He winked, walking past you. You figured he was going to be back strict while filming anyway.
“And that is why I love you.” His hand lifted under his grey shirt that you were wearing, brushing over your abdomen, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek as he passed. The growing hair on his face tickled and had you blushing, shying away from him. Chaz sputtered out something about going to wake them up, quickly flying up the stairs away from you both.
It wasn’t long after breakfast that Chris had convinced both boys to try to surf. At first they were reluctant, afraid of failing, but he led them both to the garage where he had all his boards placed on the wall. Telling them to each pick one and go get a suit on.
You and Emily walked out the back door, ready to spend the day at the water, the kids pushing past you both racing to run in.
“This is going to be so entertaining.” Stepping down from the porch, the guys round the side of the house, each carrying a board. Emily laughed loudly next to you while watching Chaz try to hold the board in a way that was hopefully more comfortable.
“It’s not my fault I’m short!” He yelled at her, shuffling the board above his head while walking through the grass, trying to keep up with their strides.
Chaz got up easily, finding his balance as if he had done it before. Though he didn’t move much, he rode the wave all the way in. Chris stayed shallower with them for a while trying to get Ty to steady himself. He was never one for skate boarding or paddle boarding, this was the reason. Ty stayed in the shallower waters refusing to give up while Chaz followed Chris out deeper. You both watched them from the shore, the swell approaching them faster than Chaz was ready for and he missed it while Chris was on his feet in half a second.
They were out there for so long. The boys had buried your feet in the sand and then started drawing pictures on top of them. “India can you go get me the beach bag from the porch? We need more sunscreen, you know Papa, he probably didn’t put any on.” She darted back through the sand towards the house. Oh, to have that kind of energy as an adult.
Ty came in, dropping the board in the sand and taking a seat upon it. “I did good there for a second! Did you see it? Did you get it?” He reached his hand out for the phone to examine the videos you got of him repeatedly slipping off the board. You snickered at him as he flipped through them. “Shut up, I doubt you could do better. Let me see you get out there.”
“Oh no. I’m good right here.” Emily took up to the challenge, dragging the board to the water. Chaz and Chris started to wade in when they saw her walking towards the water with it. Before they could get to her she was already up on a shallow wave, jumping off the board afterwards.
It wasn’t long after until Chris was trying to drag you into the water to try it yourself. The peer pressure was there but before stepping into the water, but away from the others you turned to him. “I’m scared, don’t tell Ty but c’mon. I’ve seen you come in with scrapes from coral on the floor. Bruises.” He pushed your hands down from pointing all over the place.
“Dont worry about it, there isn’t coral this far up, just rocks. You don’t need to go out there on a board anyway.” You loved the ocean, yea. But you still hid the fear of stepping on something or something getting you. He ought to remember that at least.
“Stay there with me,” you muttered to him, reluctantly dragging the board forward while he picked his back up from the sand.
You let him lead, following him in. Your steps were almost calculated, careful. You loved the ocean, all its contents fascinated you to no end. You loved seeing something new every time you sought out for it. Almost never the same thing twice. But you had no desire to deliberately hurt yourself, or come out bearing scratches and scary encounter stories as he has done many times.
The water flushed against your shoulders when you told him you didn’t want to go farther. He balanced the board under his arm while you pulled on to it, carefully planting yourself on your knees. You smiled at him, feeling the water move under you while you kept the balance with the palm of your hands. “Woah,” you muttered under your breath to yourself. Ok, now was the time to quit being a scaredy cat.  
You sat, bending your knees into the water while he propped up on his. You held on to his hand, pulling him so he didn’t float away from you. “No reason to be afraid, if you fall off you are just falling into the water.” He looked out behind, watching the movement while you flicked towards the beach. Ty was posed with a phone in his hand, waiting expectantly for you to bust your ass.
“Is this okay? Y’know- for me?” You couldn’t help but ask. You didn’t know the answer.
“I promise. Now listen,” he felt his hands across the water. “When it comes in you need to keep up with it, paddling. If you fall behind you’ll miss it. You know it’s time to settle your feet when the board can keep up with the wave by itself.” You nodded, watching the water too, though you didn’t exactly know what you were looking at. “You’ll have to be quick on your feet. We are shallow enough that you can just ride it in if you can keep your balance.”
“Ok, ok.” You took a deep breath, rolling your shoulders.
“When I say we need to go, we have got to go. Okay? No hesitating or you will miss it.”
“Ok!” There was going to be no hesitating coming from you, you were now on a mission to do better than you brother, which should not be to hard from the looks of it.
“I’m going to paddle a few yards away.” You let go of his hand while he laid forward on the board and pushed away. He tossed a thumbs up from a good distance, screaming at you to make sure you can hear him. You nodded, laughing at him. What a child.
You watched the expanse behind you, starting to recognize the swell of the water. You heard him yelling at you, “You see it?”
You gave him your thumbs up, turning back to look at it. Taking a deep breath, pep talk time. You could do this. All you had to do was get your feet under you at the right time and the rest should be easy.
“GO!” his voice ticked off your ears and your body sprung into action. Your arms pushed through the water, ignoring the sting of saltwater in your eyes. You eventually felt the pull of the water do the job for you. Lurching you forward with it. You planted your hands firmly on the sides and pushed off the board. Your feet were on it, they were placed awkwardly, but they were flat. You slowly tried to straighten up against the tug and pull of the water underneath you, your abdominal muscles pulling overtime to keep the balance.
“I’m doing it,” you whispered to yourself. Your eyes were cast downward watching the water, you started to lift them, catching up to the shore. “Im doin’ it!” You screamed at them, your brother had both hands in the air watching you.
Turning your head to find Chris was a mistake, as soon as you did so the board flew from under you and you splashed backwards into the water, your ass hitting the sea floor from how shallow it had become. You stood straight up, the water was patting against your skin just below your waist while you screamed at Ty. “I did it you sucker!” He shook his head and tossed the phone back it the bag. Ha sucker.
“I wanna go again!” You yelled at Chris. He waved you out, walking deeper as well.
You had about three good runs with Chris until it went downhill. You over compensated for trying to get your feet in a better position and tipped right off the board, the wave ended up flying over the top of you but you were able to catch your groundings before it sent you spinning under the surface. You came up gasping for air, coughing from the burning salt in your throat and clinging to the board. The wrap around your ankle was sore from just that one fall, you couldn’t imagine how Ty beared it for so long.
You hopped on the board again waving at them that you were okay before paddling yourself back out to do it again. You turned your back to them and pushed yourself back out there. You were going to master this, had to at this point. You got yourself situated deep enough, a minute passing till you could see it coming. You glanced forward at Chris but he wasn’t far out enough to catch this one. You decided to go for it without him. At this point in the game you were sure you could tell when to start pushing through the water to gain speed.
All was well when you could feel the board catching on the water and you were ready to prop yourself up. It wasn’t until you had your feet underneath you that you felt the board lagging, being drawn back instead of thrust forward. You pressed your hands up off the board, trying to measure the balance when it pulled back from under you.
Panic surged through you, your shoulder breaking the surface first. The rush of the current sent your legs over you, spinning under the water. You broke the surface after the wave passed you, shuffling to get your feet on the ground while catching your breath. Your luck was being tested, placing you at the perfect depth for the waves to white top. You urged your legs forward to get to shallower water but was dragging backwards already from another swell. The wrap around your ankle adding to the weight of the pull. You were so focused on getting to the board to hold on to it, hoping it would keep your head above the water so you could catch your breath that you didn’t hear the others yelling to check on you over the sound of the water. Just before your hands could reach it the wave crashed again, thrusting under the surface. The board was pushed forward before you could sink below it and it clipped you in the head before the wave crashed over you again.
You could feel your lungs begging for air, begging to be drawn to the surface again but your arms felt so heavy. Your feet pushed off the ground just as the water calmed again for a moment causing you to break the surface. You gasped, pulling at the strap around your ankle to rip it off. Your feet were starting to lose their footing again while you ripped it apart. You had no time to examine your surroundings before the wave pushed you forward.
Your chest felt heavy, too heavy to take a deep breath before ducking your head under. The board came flipping through the water with nothing to hold it, to keep it contained and it swept across you again, effectively knocking you hard enough for your eyes to black out.
Taglist: @keithseabrook27 @odinson-barnes  @jonsnowisthesexiestbastard @weekendswithnewtmas @innerpaperexpertcloud @toomanyflowerboys @thefashioncomplex  @basmaraafat  @imaginationintowords @taketimeandappreciate @superheroesaremytea @vampiregirl1797 @ynm1505 @danathewitchywoman @avengerswhonow @thorfanficwriter @disaster-rose @cap-just-said-language @xmarveled @kemkem101 @chonisberonica @hildehuffles @hannah-olivia @woodworthti666 @imamassivenerd64 
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