#also what can i say i love writing red k kara lol
catargott · 4 years
so i hit like 100 followers a month ago but i couldn’t finish any of my fics so i was dying but i finally finished something so here it is:
Lena slowly swirls the scotch in the bottom of her tumbler, watching as the dark liquid lightens where the liquid thins and darkens where it builds.
She hears the sound of boots tapping against her balcony and her wrist stops its rhythmic twirling motion as she sighs.
She turns around to be met with the sight of Kara in her suit and frowns, irritated.
"What do you want, Supergirl? I thought I told you I didn't want to see you ever again."
She immediately begins to regret her decision when she notices Kara's stiff posture and the way her lips curl into a sneer, but the alcohol hampers her logical thinking and she pushes forward again impatiently.
"Supergirl. Earth to Supergirl."
Lena, in all her drunken glory, steps forward and waves her hands in front of Kara's face.
Kara finally seems to react, the sneer dying down and a sinister grin replacing it.
"Miss Luthor. It's nice to see you, too. Apologies. I didn't realize you were royalty. Then again, with how you act, I wouldn't be very surprised; high and mighty sitting on your throne of glass."
She bows mockingly before straightening up again, her posture stiff and unwelcoming.
Lena sighs unhappily but there's confusion, too. This Kara is nothing like the one she knows.
"What do you want, Supergirl?"
Kara's grin widens and her eyes glint... red?
"What? Can't visit my favorite villain?"
Kara smiles teasingly, her expression dark, foreign, dangerous.
Lena flinches back, closing her eyes for a moment to settle herself before opening them again, forcing her expression to remain blank.
Kara doesn't seem to notice (or care) and keeps talking.
"It doesn't matter. I'm here because I want you to join me."
Her smile is less teasing now and she looks more serious.
"Join you? To do what, kill my brother again?"
The smile is back, pearly whites glinting even in the darkness of her office. Lena regrets not turning the lights on, but there's nowhere to go now, not when this Kara is so... unstable.
"No, of course not. Although, that is on my to-do list..." Kara muses, staring off into space.
"No, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about joining together. Let's take over, conquer the world. None of them are half as powerful as us. We'll be unstoppable together."
Kara spread her arms, basking in the imagined success of world domination.
"We can take over together. Think of what we could do. We could make the world a better place. Together. That's what you wanted to do with Myriad. I was too blind to see that you were right. We can do that now! You can make the world good and they will bow at our feet. We'll be gods, Lena."
Kara sounds like an excited child talking about a new friend. The eager tone is starkly different from the plans she's speaking about. Kara wants to take over the world. Kara wants Lena to take over the world with her. Kara wants to conquer the world.
Lena can't stop her face from twisting into horror.
Kara looks back towards Lena, the corners of her mouth turned up into a genuine smile, her eyes squinting with laughter as she asks Lena to join her in taking over the world.
"What do you say? We'll run together. Nothing will stand in our way. Just you and me. A Super and a Luthor... Kara and Lena. It'll just be us."
Kara's eyes are softer, warmer now, and she stretches her hand out to Lena as her eyes glow with laughter.
Lena takes a step back, bumping her hip on the edge of her desk as she whispers in horrified fascination.
"What happened to you, Kara?"
Kara smiles even wider, her eyes crinkling.
"I'm powerful. I'm unstoppable. I'm a god."
The godlet follows Lena, taking a step forward, leaning in and offering her hand even closer.
"I don't what that," Lena whispers, staring dumbstruck down at Kara's palm.
"What did you say?" There's a hint of a warning in Kara's voice, but Lena disregards it.
"I don't that that. I just want Kara. My Kara."
Kara's brows furrow slightly and her hand drops. Lena forces herself to remain in her place as Kara begins to pout.
It's not her. It's not her. It's not her.
"But it is me. It's Kara. It's just me, Lena. It's you and me. Together forever. Isn't that what we promised? It's just you and me. Kara and Lena."
Lena closes her eyes and forces away the flashes of promises on rainy nights and couches as they shared burgers and donuts.
"Are we going to have to kill people?"
Lena is caving. She knows it. Kara knows it. But she can't bring herself to open her eyes and see the victory painted across Kara's face.
When Kara speaks again, Lena almost cries at how soft she sounds, at how caring and Kara she sounds.
"You don't have to if you don't want to. I'll do everything. I just want you to stay with me. I need you to be at my side. Please?"
Kara leans in until Lena's can feel her, trembling and nervous and so Kara that she almost gives in.
It takes her every last bit of energy she has, but she manages to draw the word up and out, expelling it in one go.
Kara's brows furrow and her smile falters.
"I said no. I don’t want that. I don’t want you. I don’t... not this you. I want Kara. I want the Kara I know, the Kara I love."
Kara tries one last time, holding her hand out desperately.
"It is me, Lena. Please."
Lena shakes her head, a final refusal, and crosses her arms.
"No. This isn't you, Kara. Come back to me."
Kara pulls her hand back so quickly Lena doesn't even see it happen. When she looks back up at Kara, she's a completely different person, her shoulders stiff as she regains an air of indifference and danger.
"Fine, then. Have it your way."
Kara spins around, her cape snapping in the empty space where she was standing a moment ago before she stops.
She turns halfway back, looking Lena directly in the eye as she delivers the final blow.
"You know, I really thought you cared about me. I thought you of all people would understand. But that’s all it was. Just thoughts. False hopes that would never be true. That aren’t true."
Kara's voice wobbles when she breathes in, shaky and uncertain.
She turns back around fully, stepping forward again.
"Just like I hoped you would love me back."
Lena is pressed up against her desk and she's completely frozen in place, unsure of what to do.
Kara's hands crush the plastic of her desk and Lena flinches instinctively. The office is silent for a moment more and then the tears come.
"I thought I knew you. I thought..."
Kara chokes on her own sob and she shakes her head.
"I should've known better."
Kara moves away, retreating back into her own space as she turns away from Lena again, facing the open balcony door.
"I just thought you would understand. Clearly you don’t. I shouldn’t have ever come here. Stay out of the way. I don’t want to hurt you, but I’ll fight you if I have to..."
Kara turns her head slightly, eyes still glistening with tears, but now her face is set with determination as her eyes glint in the light of the streetlights below.
"I don't think you can say the same, can you?"
Lena doesn't get a chance to respond before Kara steps out onto the balcony and shoots off into the night, the resulting wind buffeting all of Lena's documents onto the ground.
She slides to the ground like the stacks of paper and stares unseeing at the balcony door.
Then, slowly, she pushes herself back up, strides over to the glass door, and shuts it.
She walks back over to her desk and picks up her phone, dialing the first name that comes to mind.
"Alex? Yeah, it's me, Lena."
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magerightsyeah · 6 years
45, 208, and 233 for any of your DA characters (if that’s ok!!) for the writing prompts!
No it’s no problem at all! Btw sorry this took so long I’m a shit writer lol, also i hope you dont mind i only did the first two
45. “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
Elysa was angry. Angrier than she’d been in a long time. Blackwall- Thom, had lied to her. She thought she knew him, he understood her more than anyone else ever did. After everything she’d told him, everything they’d been through, this is how he decides to tell her? By interrupting a fucking execution? Elysa shook her head and tightened her grip on her dagger. She slashed at the dummy sloppily. She wasn’t even training at this point, she was just trying to get him out of her fucking mind. Thom’s trial was later today, and Elysa didn’t know if she was gonna be able to make it through the whole thing.
After about a half an hour of taking out her anger on the dummy, she had regained her composure and felt she was ready for the trial. She took a deep breath and made her way across the Skyhold courtyard to the main hall. By the time she got there, the two guards (whom after countless trials she had found out to be called Joshua and Antony) were already standing next to the throne. Elysa took a deep breath and sat down. Joshua smiled sympathetically at her, but didn’t say anything for the fear of coming off as unprofessional. Before she knew it, Thom was lead in by two guards in chains. Elysa hated to see him like this. She felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as the guards shoved him forward for her judgement. Elysa looked at the man, standing completely at her mercy, waiting for her to decide his fate. He looked up at her, confusion and sadness in his eyes.
“Why?” he said with a pleading tone. Elysa looked back at him, trying to remain stone faced but letting her eyes soften,
“You really think I’d let you kill yourself?” she raised her voice angrily.
“Yes! I deserve everything that’s coming to me!” Thom exclaimed talking a step closer to her. Joshua and Antony placed their hands on their swords, but a wave of Elysa’s hand signaled them to stand down. The two men relaxed their posture but continued to keep a close eye on Thom.
Elysa closed her eyes tightly to stop the tears from coming, she didn’t know what to say.
Antony placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, and Elysa took a deep breath. Elysa thought back to all the times Thom had lied to her, and how much of an idiot she was for believing him. She opened her eyes, taking another deep breath.
Elysa sighed “Thom,” she hesitated, carefully thinking how she was going to phrase her next words “everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy”.
Thom looked at her, his frustration showing on his face. “Please my lady, I am the bad guy”
“No you’re fucking not!” Elysa exclaimed loudly, standing up and causing Thom to take a couple steps back. Elysa swallowed, choking back tears, and sat back down. How could she bring herself to sentence the man she loved to death. Thom looked into her eyes, and Elysa couldn’t help but feel empathy for him.
“My lady, I may have lied about what I was, but I never lied about what I felt,” Thom sighed, taking another step towards the throne, “no matter what happens, I want you to know that”.
Elysa was admitently touched by his words, but she didn’t know if she could still be with him.
“Thom I-” she took a deep breath and adjusted her position on the throne, trying to seem as regal as she could, “I just don’t know if I can still be with you after, everything”.
Thom took a step back, a look of slight disappointment and defeat on his face, “I understand my lady”
“But” Elysa interjected “I won’t let my personal feelings get in the way of your sentence.”. Elysa crossed her legs and placed her hands on the armrests of the inquisition’s throne. “Thom Rainier, I sentence you to atone for your crimes by serving the inquisition, not as the man you were or the warden you pretended to be, but as the man you are”.
Thom bowed and stepped back, “I will try to make good use of your pardon Inquisitor.”
208. “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” 
It was Kara’s third time at the bar in a week, it was Wednesday. She had been going to Jimmy’s for the last month at least once a week and after she got laid off her job she was looking for an especially strong drink. At this point she had heard every pickup line in the book, even a few not from the book, so when a guy started to make his way towards her she braced herself for the worst, but instead of hitting on her, he sat down next to her, ordered a drink, and started to flirt with the bartender. Although the lighting was fairly dim, even for a shitty bar like Jimmy’s, she could just barely make out his features. He had dark skin and his hair was pulled up into a bun, but it looked pretty good on him. He also had a very prominent mustache.Kara gasped, “Dorian?”, Dorian looked around for the voice until he finally noticed Kara“Kara?” he exclaimed, his eyes widened in disbelief as he started to make out her features, “Kara dear! How’ve you been?” he smiled and took a sip of whatever he ordered,“Oh not much,” Kara shrugged “got laid off at work.”, Dorian frowned sympathetically “Well that’s an absolute travesty!”, Kara rolled her eyes, “I’ll be fine, when you got laid off you got a job at one of the most prominent fashion magazines in Los Angeles”,Dorian laughed, “Well that’s because of my impeccable taste! Which if you don’t mind me saying,” he looked Kara up and down “you don’t exactly have”. “I am well aware of that” Kara snorted doing another shot of Everclear.Dorian looked at her concert “I’ve never understood how you can handle those drinks!”Kara shrugged, “You know us elves”“No I don’t” Dorian chuckled,“Me neither!” Kara giggled. Dorian rolled his eyes, then something behind Kara caught his eye,“Don’t look now but that girl over there is checking you out!” he whispered,Kara’s face flushed red, “What where?”. Dorian grinned and subtly nodded to a table in the far corner of the room. Kara turned her head slightly and looked at the girl out of the corner of her eye. The girl was fairly far away so normally she wouldn’t be able to make out her features, but she was sitting fairly close to a light which illuminated her face. She had large brown eyes and a small nose with freckles making a bridge across her face. Her sandy blonde hair was styled in a ridiculously messy bob. She was laughing uncontrollably with two men, a extremely strong looking qunari man with an eyepatch, and a lumberjack looking guy with black hair accompanied by a large black beard. After about 7 seconds of watching them, the girl looked back over, and noticing Kara staring, winked. Kara nearly choked on her drink and her face flushed red, obviously causing Dorian to burst into a fit of laughter. Kara punched him in the arm, her face still the color of razzberries. The girl smiled, making her way towards Dorian and Kara.She grinned, “What’s a girl like you doin’ in a place like this?”
Kara snorted, “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
The girl broke out into a fit of laughter, “You’re right grand! I think you and I are gonna get along nicely”. Kara blushed, making the girl’s smile widen, “So do ya wanna get outta here? I know a great place on the other side of town, it’s buy the train tracks and has the best burgers in the city”. Kara nodded, grinning, slightly lost in the girl’s brown eyes. The girl chuckled, “I’m Sera by the way”, Kara’s mouth was slightly dry, “K-Kara”
“Alright Kakara, let’s go”, Sera grabbed her bye the hand and lead her out to a motorcycle on the side of the road, barley giving her time to wave goodbye to Dorian. “Now here’s where the real fun begins” Sera grinned.
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karaslluthor · 7 years
supercorp fanfic masterpost
due to the shitfest that was comic con (except u katie mcgraff, u my main hoe) I've decided to post all my fav fics to boost the morale in this fandom bc even tho melhoohaa hurt my feelings i would die for supercorp also, im VERY sorry to the people who keep asking for me to post this and its taken about 7 years, I'm just a busy lady ok p.s. im a smut whore so ur welcome for a section dedicated for pure sin at the end
MULTI FICS Giant by @coeurdastronaute​ 90k+, ongoing, this is my fucking FAV, lena and kara meet in high school but not a high school AU, and its super angsty and L O V E honestly. 
my youth is yours by @lynnearlington 182k+, ongoing, my other fucking favvvvv! literally marked my soul and id read this everyday if i could bc never in my life have i read a fic that made my heart hurt this much ily writer
you are the fire (and i'm gasoline) by @lenacorporations 80k+, completed, literally read this is a day and holy fuck THE BEST! pls go and read this if you haven't. childhood au its so damn cute
It's in the Stars (It's been Written in the Scars/On our Hearts) by @homodramatica​ 201k+, ongoing, another fav!!!! seriously fucking read this now. its like angst and fluff and smut all wrapped up in a supercorp love fest and i fucking ride hard for this fic Learning Control by FrostedLimits 24k+, completed, kara can't control her powers in the bedroom and lena is more than happy to help, also periwinkle kryptonite is cool Mercy by Rykeral 329k+, ongoing, literally the longest and also the SLOWEST burn of all time, like I'm talking slow but its got everything like angst, fluff, action and lenas just a fucking badass.
Paranoia Incarnated by @justmickeyfornow​​ 86k+, ongoing, kara gets infected by this stuff and gets uber paranoid and needs to hear lenas heartbeat to calm down and lena doesn't know karas supergirl and its super cute and angsty FUCKING READ THIS NOW EVERYONE I'm telling ya
Jealous of the way (you're happy without me) by @blood-inthefields​ 17k+, ongoing, karas a jealous hoe but its super sad tbh
Supergirl In Training by @wtfoctagon​ 70k+, completed, if u haven't read this are u even a supercorp fan?
the heiress, the girl of steel, and the man who fell to earth by @littlekbrother​ 66k+, completed, LISTEN HERE this is one of my favs and mon-el is actually a good character basically everything supergirl should actually be and you need to fucking read this.
They only lack the light to show the way by @jennysparksandtheauthority​ 45k+, ongoing, SUPER BABIES
Lipstick On Your Collar by Remyroo17 52k+, completed, lena and kara have a baby together and ITS SO GOOD
The Day Lena's Earth Stood Still by SuperTweety 60k+, ongoing, kara is lenas assistant, she's weirded out about aliens but then they make sweet love and its gAY
You're Never Alone, Lena by HEDA_OWNS_MY_SOUL 79k+, ongoing, lenas a fucking badass and kara and lena love each other
You Wanna Be Friends Forever? I Can Think of Something Better by @myheartisbro-ken​ 93k+, ongoing, kara and lena just support each other so much i fucking love this fic
Breathe by @silent-rain91​ 114k+, completed, kara and lena broke up 6 yrs ago and kara finds out they have twins, kara also has a penis but its cool don't worry guys, one big happy family and oh so much angst
Worlds Between Us by @lycanhood​ 38k+, completed, lena and supergirl are friends with benefits and angst ensues, also red k kara hello
At Least I Got You in My Head by @queenghostling​ 25k+, ongoing, this is the saddest thing ever tbh, lena self harms and lillian's a fuckhead. lena and lucy for a little bit supercorp endgame apparently. TW for self harm and sexual abuse.
i'll love you till my breathing stops by @poiperoi​ 41k+, ongoing, boarding school au, and karas just a big fat alien and its so cute.
Impeccable timing by @thatsgaydanvers​ 22k+, ongoing, lena gets preggers before meeting kara and kara is overprotective and cute af The Liar Game by @ladyptarmigan 75k+, ongoing, slow burn uphill battle supercorp, still haven't finished but I'm already hooked!!!! 
Invictus by @annien​ 43k+, ongoing, lena takes kara to an arcade and kara stripteases for lena and its cute ok
it's easy (when i'm with you) by @falsealarm​ 17k+, ongoing, kara accidentally kisses lena and then they are horny little teenagers but also super fluffy idk its a good mixture ok
Protective Custody by @thatsalotofboobs​ 23k+, completed, lenas in protective custody with kara and its just a big gay sleepover and then they bang. Not Afraid to Fall by @prettyaveragewhiteshark​ 38k+, completed, lena and supergirl are sex buddies and angst ensues bc kara and lena love each other also sky sex??? You Wanna Be Friends Forever? I Can Think of Something Better by @myheartisbro-ken​ 93k, ongoing, this is just a big gay slow burn and lenas just in love with kara and they are cute okay read it
In Rao's Light by @letswreakhavoc​ 41k+, ongoing, lena makes a sex room and its just pure sin ur welcome Red Earth & Pouring Rain by @automaticheartache​​ 10k+, ongoing, karas on red k to admit her feelings for lena and its a mess but its a good mess Super Crush by @dophroll 44k+, ongoing, young pure love help this is cute af, time skips and sin Bite me... by @kassebaum 13k+, completed, kara makes kryptonite bracelets so she can bang lena If you don't love me, pretend (just for a few more hours)... by Khrat9 24k+, completed, kara and lena bang all the time and realise they love each other bc obviously Restraint by DaniJayNel 17k+, completed, lena basically becomes a kryptonian and gets to finally bang kara at the DEO Firsts by writerstealth 17k+, completed, supercorp love story told in a series of firsts!!!!! Duality by @mssirey​ 36k+, completed, start is pure sin but gets fluffy, supergirl and lena have LOTS of sex and kara and lena love each other idk man its good
Three Days by Silent_Specter 42k+, completed, ANGST AND ACTION AND LOVE ONE SHOTS we are what we pretend to be by C_AND_B kara and lena fake date but like who are they kidding i've just seen a face (i can't forget the time or place where we just met) by karalovesallthegirls kara gets drunk and licks lenas neck a lot In This World, And The Next by @stennnn06​ KATIE MCGRATH READ THIS ALOUD AT COMIC CON GUYS, marriage proposal cute af If the Suit Fits by @littlekbrother​ lena knows about kara before she comes out as supergirl and designs her suit!! I've Been Outed by SwanQueen4tw karas outed as supergirl bc of a puppy The more you know by @spaceman-earthgirl​ lena accidentally tells alex she had sex with kara It was her all along by @spaceman-earthgirl​ alex sees texts on karas phone and tries to find out who it is There for all to see by @spaceman-earthgirl​ just realised how many fav one shots i have from this author so just go read everything she has really lol I'm not kidding you won't be disappointed Jealous by 8ounce lenas jealous of mon-el and tries to make kara jealous with supergirl Oopsie! by Emiko_Scarlet lenas pregnant and get hurts and karas dramatic obvs wonderful electric (cover me in you) by @falsealarm fluff and smut, just read it its cute 
SIN SIN SIN here we are, two helping hands by @falsealarm​​ I Can See You In The Dark by GreyPallet & Sperryjayne you are everything (please touch me) by PerkyMetalhead A Dream Reality by ManyaZorEL Heatwave by yesverygoodallright Unraveling by gentlesin Not a Fantasy by wallofcrazy hands-on approach by exprsslyfrbidden not quite a damsel by blatant_sock_account Thunderbolt by chooseredemption Unavoidable Dreams by C_AND_B 40,000 feet by @kassebaum​ All I Want by breakerone Welcome home by Callmesnowy68 Snapping by freedombeats89 Not so secret by freedombeats89 need you by @icaruslena​ That's how you say thank you by @silent-rain91​ Kara Danver's Most Successful Press Conference by @pendragn​ the one where they're only friends by blatant_sock_account The Unsuccessful Capture of a Luthor by @nevertobeships​ Love & Nudes by loopt This Place is a Shelter by @trashbb Yellow and Green by yesverygoodallright
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wlwhc · 7 years
A to Z (Fluffy) - Alex Danvers
(A/N): So I found this , and I couldn’t help but do it because it’s fun. SO here you go, something for you to read while I keep writing the imagines and drabbles.
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A = Attractive.
What do they find attractive about the other?
She’s absolutely in love with your smile. She will do the impossible to make you smile,  it makes her chest flutter.
B = Baby
Do they want a family?  Why? / Why not?
She does want to have a family,  maybe two. Coming back from work finding you asleep with the two monkeys on your arms. She really loves the idea of having a family with you,  at this point she doesn’t care much how many,  the bigger the better.
C = Cuddle
How do they cuddle?
She’s such a cuddly person. She adores to cuddle with you all the damn time, she will jump into your arms,  sometimes even at work,  she can’t help it. She likes to be the little spoon but also the big one. She will be happy just by being near you and feeling your warmth soothing her worries away. You can expect her to leave a kiss here and there. On angsty nights she will hide in the crook of your neck and won’t come out even if J'onn come to get her.
D = Date
what are dates with them like?
She is a sucker for home dates. Just staying at home,  no one that may bother you two,  a glass of wine, maybe some movies and a lot of cuddles and kisses. She also likes bar dates and even picnics if the city is calm. It doesn’t matter if she’s busy,  she will always find time for you.
E = Everything
You are my ____ (e.g my life,  my world)
“You are my anchor, you keep me steady,  not letting me fly away,  you keep me sane,  you keep me grounded, only God knows where would I be without your hands holding mine”
F = Feeling
When did they know they were falling in love?
It was in a game night. You and Kara were rambling about a movie,  while the rest of the Superfriends were gathered around. Her head started thinking how nice you are with Kara,  and that her mother would love to know you,  god her dad would be freaking hype if she would be dating you….oh crap.
She thought it was a normal and stupid idea. But then when her head hit the pillow,  her mind was still focused on you, you and those beautiful eyes, your smooth hair that she would wish she could play with,  how much she wishes to live in your arms and oh god….
“I’m screwed”
G = Gentle
Are they gentle with you?  if so,  how?
You are made of porcelain okay? And she will make sure that everyone knows this. She’s not only gentle in a physical way,  she’s very soft with her words too,  always trying to not raise her voice or use her agent mode with you. Even if she does it only takes a pout of her to melt.
H = Hand/Hold
How do they like to hold hands?
SHE LOVES TO HOLD HANDS. All the time,  everywhere (unless she’s in badass agent mode). Sometimes she will sneakily hold your hand when she’s nervous,  will play with your fingers and will often kiss your hand. If you two are walking hand in hand she will swing her arm smiling softly at you. Even if you two are just simply talking she will hold your hand,  she won’t let go, it’s a sweet gesture that she loves with all her heart. That and little pecks on the check.
I = Impression
First Impression/s
She couldn’t help but think how cute you are but also unbelievable hot?? Like how can you do that??. She saw you joking around with her sister,  laughing and being cute,  until a guy tried to hit on Kara and he didn’t back off, right when Alex was going to scare him off,  you step in, your eyes cold and fists ready to fight. That’s when Alex’s heart starts racing like crazy.Get you a girl that can do both,  she thought, while she watches you beat up the guy with heart eyes.
J = Joker
Are they into pulling pranks?
From time to time Kara will star a prank war and you will somehow get involved too. But Alex always makes her way to be a team with you and kick everyone’s asses.
K = Kisses
How do they kiss?
Sweet and soft sometimes, passionate and desperate other times. With her hands cupping your cheeks, sometimes playing with your hair, other times sneaking her hands on your shirt. One thing is for sure, once that you started, she won’t want to stop.
L = little things
what little things do they love/notice?
Every day you will try to remind her the importance of eating and sleeping well, even if you don’t follow that advice. She liked that, but when you started cooking for her, preparing little lunch for her to eat while she saved the world, that’s when she almost die of happiness.
Now you have to make another lunch for J’onn because the green alien is often stealing Alex food.
A thing that she noticed is how often you call her while she’s away, or how attent you are when her mouth starts running. No matter what she said, you will hear her, and you will know exactly when to talk or just simply nod. You listen to her, more important, you cared about what she haves to say.
M = Memory
they favorite moment together
New Year’s Eve.
Kara had picked you up from your apartment so you could give Alex her new years kiss. Kara said it was her idea but it was actually Alex’s.
Neither of you thought that in that same day a new alien threat almost blows up your apartment. And after almost dying, and watching your building burned, Alex had approached you with the idea of finally living together. You weren’t sure, that’s why Alex had sealed the deal with the famous New Year’s Kiss. Fireworks in the sky and the light of the fire that Supergirl was still trying to turn off. A lot of people will say that this is far from being romantic, and they’re probably right, but the face of your girlfriend when you said “okay, maybe It’s time to sleep in the same bed in the same house”  it’s priceless.
N = Nickel
Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?
I would not say everything, but she does buy you a plenty amount of things. But they’re cheesy and small things, and it’s not all the time, every day. Quality over quantity. Rings, Collars, shoes. But mostly and more important…FOOD.
And if you want something, it may happen to appear the next week on your doorstep. And I say a week because she will be overthinking the whole thing.
O = Orange
what color reminds them of their other half?
Red, just because you always compliment her bEAUTIFUL HAIR
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P = Petnames
What pet-names do they use?
Babe (all the damn time)
Baby (as much as the first)
Sweetheart (when she’s feeling all soft)
Honey (not often)
Q = Questions
what are the questions they’re always asking?
She’s always asking how are you, or what are you doing if she’s not there. She’s always wanting to know your state, are you fine? okay? are sad? do you need anything? she just wants to take care of you.
R = Remember
Their favorite memory of each other
She tried to cook breakfast once, and somehow end up almost burning the apartment, how? neither of you knew. But you woke up with the smell of something burning and Alex swearing while she ran all over the house trying to find the extinguisher, flour all over her clothes and the kitchen a mess. After that incident, you two end up dearing each other to eat the burning food, joking that it was impossible to do because it was carbon.
After that, you helped her clean the kitchen and helped her cook something without burning nothing, after eating you two took a shower together (Alex idea) and decided to stay cuddling in bed the whole day since you two almost die (Again, Alex’s words)
S = Sad
How they cheer themselves / each other up
Cuddling or giving each to her a lot of hugs. Alex needs her normal doses of physical affections okay? even more when she’s feeling upset, this girl needs her cuddles and kisses!
Also a few words of encouragement, no matter how bad they are also work. Because she knows that you care, crap, anything that you do to try to cheer her up will work because she will be like “omg she really cares”
And she will cheer you up staying as much as she cans with you and giving you anything you want. You want something to eat? you got it! wanna sleep all day because life is awful? she will hold you tight and make sure you don't’ starve to death. Do you want to go to Disneyland? SHE WILL TAKE YOU I SWEAR SHE LOVES YOU SO MUCH SHE WILL SACRIFICE HERSELF IF THAT MEANS THAT YOU WILL BE HAPPY
T = Talking
what do they love talking about?
Movies and shows. She’s a big nerd not matter how much she says she’s not. She loves to ramble about her favorite shows with you
U = Universe
Use a metaphor,  what are they to each other? (e.g he was the universe, ever-changing and mysterious)
“She was the beautiful dream
 I had been searching for-
 the one to wake me up”  
- Atticus
V = Very___
they thoughts about each other (e.g she’s very smart,  he’s very stubborn, they’re very annoying)
She’s very protective, you’re very naive sometimes, that combination can lead to a few arguments, but you two always manage to create a balance.
W = Why
Reason why they love each other
You two compliment each other, you’re the one that keeps her grounded, and she’s the one that brings you out of your shell. If she falls you’re right there to catch her, you have become an important factor for her to breath. Life is different with you, easier, sweetter…better.
X = Xylophone
What’s their song?
He is We - I wouldn’t mind
Y = You the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookie to my milk,  the macaroni to my cheese)
You’re the stitches to my wounds
Z = Zebra
if they wanted a pet,  what pet would they get?
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I hope you like this guys, I really enjoyed making them, I’ll probably make some others, but the ones I want to (lol) because I already have 57 requests to do. This also helps me to get rid of writer’s block yay!
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satellites · 8 years
Supergirl tag game
tagged by @chaotik lol this was like a month ago but whatever
1.  When did you first hear about Supergirl?
like a year and a half ago sittin on the bus with my pal ella she mentioned this show supergirl was premiering soon and i was like “eh whatever” 
2.  Why did you start watching Supergirl?
unicyclehippo writes some pretty fan-fuckin-tastic fics and i was runnin out of good stuff to read in my other fandoms so i hopped on over and read the top two at the time (asking too much and carter grant super sleuth) and they were GREAT so i was like “well i guess i gotta watch the show” and finally got past the awkward five minute intro or whatever AND fell in love with alexandra danvers and catherine jane grant
3.  What’s your favourite season and why?
season 1 bc.......that’s when i got into it and i really like the characters and relationships and dynamics in season 1 a lot more...season two feels sorta poorly written and the new characters dont really do it for me the way cat or astra or lucy (or even vasquez! that smol) did
4.  What’s the thing you like most about the show?
supposed to be happy n full of hope 
5.  Which aspect of the show should they improve?
better writing in season 2?? more laura benans and calista flockhart
6.  Who’s your favourite character and why?
in season 1 it’s definitely alex i dont really like her in season two but i definitely see why she is the way she is there? but in season 1 she was def my FAVE of all faves
7.  Which character do you dislike the most and why?
... we can move on to the next question 
8.  Which character deserves more screen time?
m’gann...astra...(?)...cat...lucy...vasquez...all my faves that arent here any more...kara???
9.  Favourite episode?
1x16 i think it’s called falling red k kara is my FAVE but i also love eps 8-9 when cat is like “you’re sg!!!” and kara’s like “wHAT N-NO” ALSO i forget which ep it’s in but the scene when kara is yelling at holo-alura bc everything she thought she knew abt her parents and her world is being shattered i love pain anyway
10. Favourite platonic relationship?
alex + kara? also winn + kara? also j’onn + alex? also winn + alex? 
11. Favourite romantic ship?
Supercat is forever in my heart but i went through a real general danvers thing before season 2 started that was pretty chill i loved astra and season 1 alex so it was good
12. Did the show have any special impact on you?
ummmm not really met some peeps did some writing season 1 just makes me happy??? a lot 
13. Favourite quote?
when kara is talking abt how awesome lucy is or that time before she knew who adam was when she was talking up cat grant oh man
14. What would you change about the show if you had the direct ability to do so?
have i made it clear that i dont like season 2? 
EDIT: ALSO ????? J’onn’s storyline fucking sucks???? using the CLEAR mirror of the holocaust and then not even mentioning the 11 million victims of it??? like superman is supposed to be jewish and j’onn’s storyline is so obviously like just the holocaust but on a different planet and they could have at least mentioned j’onn being like “i found victims of genocides here on this planet too” like maybe j’onn made some friends in romani or jewish holocaust survivors and visits them in their senior homes or whatev at least MENTION the ppl whose imprisonment, torture, deaths, and genocide ur mirroring jfc. also the line “that woman makes me miss my alien prison” is SO problematic oh my fucking god can you imagine??? someone putting a holocaust survivor into a story saying “That woman makes me miss auschwitz” like NO??? you cant bc no one would ever fucking say that???? jfc 
not taggin any1 lol bye
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