#also when I say bronze age I mean whatever the corvid equivalent would be
a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
In the scenario where the meteor didn't happen and non avian dinosaurs continued to live and evolve could it be possible for something human or ape like to evolve directly from the dinosaurs themselves?
Course then it wouldn't be mammalian and I know the intelligence of the raptors were likely exaggerated in the movies but I've kind of fantasized of sapien like raptors/dinosaurs that evolved either in place or along side humans if they hadn't gone extinct.
given crows are currently the second most "intelligent" (ie, similar to human intelligence) animals after humans, I dare say it could have happened. They just probably would have come from birds, which were the smartest dinosaurs then, too. Provided we can know their intelligence, which is a big if. Basically, we usually determine "intelligence" (cannot stress this enough: from an anthropocentric point of view; and intelligence might not even be a real thing anyway) from brain to body size ratios, BUT that's assuming the brain inside remains consistent. A paper in the mid-2010s showcased that bird brains are literally more densely compacted than mammalian ones - something like 60% more neurons per brain area than mammals. This is why birds are able to pack so much into their heads, and can have high "intelligence" even when they have somewhat smaller heads. This may have applied to nonavian dinosaurs, and may even explain why many of them had such small heads. But, since we don't have a nonavian brain, we can't know.
So, yeah. a sapient dinosaur is on the way, and it's called corvids. But even if not, it's possible.
side note, why isn't there a video game where you're a crow in a crow society after the collapse of humanity, trying to build it up (it could be a stardew clone, Idc)? Like, where is this?
*singsong voice* eeeevery day, crows are getting smarter! their stone age is during our down-fall! Wish we could be alive to see their bronze age!
Caw caw! Caw caw! Caw caw!
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