#also when posing the little gen 3 peeps laughing
madebysimblr · 5 months
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[laughter from the kitchen]
Chance: No no! That's not how it happened at all!
Callie: I think I remember better than you!!
Xavier: Yeah! Remember you're the youngest of us all!
[more laughter]
Arturo: But anyway, there's not much I want to hold onto. So the move should be easy enough. I'm just excited to wake up to you every morning. I don't want to waste another minute.
Kim: I'm so happy for you both! It's nothing less than what you deserve, Art.
Maren: You'll have us over for dinner, right?
Joy: Of course! You're all welcome over any time!
Rory: Looking forward to it!
Grace: To what?
Arturo: Having everyone over for dinner once I move in with Joy.
Grace: You're moving in together?! Oh that's wonderful! That sounds like a reason to throw another party!
Arturo: [laughs] You're gonna wear us all out.
Grace: Oh please, you're making us sound old.
Kim: Grace, we are old. We all have grandkids!
Grace: Ha! Having grandkids doesn't make you old! I refuse to ever grow old, actually.
Kim: [laughs] Let me know how that goes.
Rory: [quietly] She never changes does she?
Susanna: [quietly back] That's not true. We wouldn't speak to her if she hadn't changed a little.
Angel: Gracie? Whitney's on the phone. She said she only has a second.
Grace: Oh! I'll take it upstairs. Thank you!
Kim: How sweet! I'm surprised she wasn't here though!
Grace: Ah, the twins can't quite handle a plane yet. Plus the met ball is going on! [laughs] I'd also pick that!
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