#also while i was drawing this it was decided gray was an orphan raised by his grandpa with chronic illness and scoliosis thats important
electrosweaters-arts · 8 months
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Baby body snatcher guys from last night because there is no force on this earth that could stop me from woobifying even the most niche of gothic literature characters.
Ignore Gray and Fettes also being labled as middle school age, THOSE are 6-8 year olds I'll draw seperate actually preteen versions of them later. Wolfe's right tho thats an evil middle schooler.
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ibrithir-was-here · 3 years
Canon Descendants: Raya and the Last Dragon
Tiny Descendants thing while I'm working on some other bigger stuff. I don't really have much of a story, but here's my take on a Descendant for Raya.
So here's Rani, and her dragon friend Anala. Rani is an incredibly energetic child eager to live up to her parents epic abilities and past/current adventures, often to the detrement of her parents blood pressure.
Anala is one of the first new dragons to be born after their return, and is just as eager to explore the world as Rani is, and eagerly joins into her escapades. (Her design is taken from concept art of Sisu, and Rani's from early concepts for young Raya).
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The basic set up takes place ten years after the movie. Raya and Namaari are together by now, and helping the continual efforts to bring the clans together into Kumandra again (cuz let's be real that's gonna be a work of decades).
Raya is reluctant at first to have kids but Namaari had always wanted one, and after a few years they decide to adopted a young girl who was orphaned during the Druun years (her birth parents died either of starvation or a raid from another clan). Rani is adopted from an orphange in Spine at the age of 10 and has been raised by Raya and Namaari since that time. She loves them and is loved in return but still feels inside that she needs to somehow earn the place she's been given by proving herself as capable as the famed heroes she's surrounded with.
(I had to add in Namaari 's awesome prosthetic arm from her concept art, her graying hair may be genetic and may be due to Rani antics).
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Also I like to imagine that Raya's companions grow up to be ambassadors from their regions to the new Council of Kumandra. Or at least in Noi's case she will later when she's older, but Buon definitely does, aside from his restaurant business. I didn't draw older Tong sorry but I like to imagine he grows an impressive beard.
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thdorkmagnet · 5 years
Chapter 10: A Sea of Strangers
Summary: His whole life Marco Diaz has been raised by monsters, living under the cruel rule of their leader, Toffee. But one day Marco escapes into Mewni where he meets a magical princess and Mewman like himself, who begins teaching him all about her world. Together they will learn about life, love, and the lights within each of them, as they change their world forever.
Chapter Synopsis: Marco finds himself in an awkward situation, trying to make friends with a group of unknown strangers there for some ball he’s never heard of. But that may be the least of his worries as a keytar wielding boy that Star seems quite fond of enters the picture. 
Check out my other stuff on Fanfiction! 
Disclaimer: Star vs and all its characters are owned by Daron Nefcy and Disney. All rights go to them.
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Marco blinked, taking in the faces of what seemed like hundreds of strangers gathered around him, talking and laughing, reminiscing about times they had shared. The hooded boy was confused to say the least, unsure how the normally empty castle grounds had become such a crowded mess, the gates wide open and the guards standing at attention, allowing the guests to pass inside. He had no idea why all these people were here or for what reason, but it seemed like he was the only one. The boy looked around him nervously, feeling surprisingly left out from the group as he realized he was the stranger in the crowd.
He lowered his head, turning to head back inside, but felt a finger run up his spine and he released an unmanly scream, drawing a few skeptic stares from the crowd. He turned on his heels only to look into the smug face of his half-monster friend. “Janna!” Marco squeaked in anger.
Janna laughed at the boy's gullibility, the few watchers turning back to their own conversations. The girl had returned to her normal, Mewman state, the pills from the night before having already taken effect. “Someone's on edge today,” Janna finally said, having ceased her laughter. “Did last night scare you more than you let on?”
Marco's face went pale at the mention of the event and Janna chuckled again. “Relax, Marco. No one's paying any attention to us. Too busy with their own thing.” She gestured to the other Mewmans around them.
“Right,” Marco sheepishly responded, still feeling uncomfortable. Though he felt much better after a good nights sleep, concern for his and Janna's secret to become exposed and the unknown truth about the monster's true intentions were making him feel slightly ill at ease. He looked around at all the unfamiliar faces that scattered the courtyard. “Umm, who are all these people?”
“Remember how we told you there were other orphans that Star took in?” Janna explained and Marco turned back to her at once.
“Yeah,” he said, nodding his head. “Are these them?”
“Yep,” Janna replied, putting an arm around his shoulder. “Though I suspect some of them are phonies.”
“Phonies?” Now Marco was really confused.
“A bunch of stuck-up know-it-all's who are just trying to get on the princess' good side. There's always a few of them every year.”
“Yeah okay but,” Marco began, before lowering his voice, cupping a hand over his mouth to prevent anyone else from hearing. “What are they doing here?”
“They're here for the ball,” Janna shrugged.
“You know dresses, dancing, that kind of thing. Star's been throwing one every year for a while now. She said it's her way of staying in touch with everyone since most of them are busy with their own lives.”
“Wow,” Marco breathed, taken aback by Star's kind ways once again. “That is so nice of her.”
“Well yeah,” Janna huffed. “She considers all of us practically family.”
“Family,” Marco quietly repeated the last word, his heart warming at the mere thought of such a thing, even Janna smiling from behind the boy's back. Then, without warning, the beanie-wearing girl gave Marco a push, propelling him into the crowd and making him stumble.
“So don't just stand here like some loser, get out there and mingle!” she shouted after him.
He turned to ask her how he was supposed to do that, only to see she had already disappeared into the crowd. He huffed. “How does she do that?” he muttered to himself, shaking his head, before nervously turning back to the sea of strangers in front of him. He looked around for any signs of Star or Jackie, but saw no familiarity in the Mewmans that surrounded him, a bizarre feeling of loneliness somehow seizing him there in the crowd. But he took a deep breath, pushing the uncomfortable feeling aside, steeling his nerve as he pushed off into the crowd.  
Marco wandered aimlessly for a while, lingering often by small groups of people, but found himself frozen, unable to think of anything to say until the group would become put-off by his awkward gawking and walk away leaving him along again. He sighed, his embarrassment growing with every knew encounter, keeping his head down as he tried to get though the crowd without drawing anymore unwanted attention on himself. He finally slowed as he made it to what seemed to be the refreshments table, a delicious selection of snacks laid out and in easy grasp of the chatty Mewmans. Marco felt his stomach growl and decided it wouldn't hurt to grab a quick bite to eat.
He reached for a plate only to bump into a second hand, which had also been reaching for the plate. He looked up to see a Mewman boy in front of him. He was quite chubby, this was the first thing Marco noticed, the black t-shirt and gray shorts he was wearing looking almost a size too small. He had short orange hair and green eyes, his face littered with freckles like Jackie, but unlike his skater friend this boy had cheek marks. They were duel smiley faces looking messy and smudged, Marco almost mistaking them for being drawn on if weren't for the fact they were glowing slightly.
“Oh, sorry,” Marco finally said, pulling his hand away and giving him a sheepish grin. “I-I didn't see you there.”
“No problem, man,” the chubby boy responded, picking up the plate and beginning to make his stockpile of food. “It's cool.”
Marco felt an awkward tension build as he tried to think of something more to say. “Soooo are you an orphan, too?” her nervously tried and the other boy raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah,” he simply responded and Marco felt his cheeks flush.
“O-Oh, cool,” he finally muttered, sweat running down his brow. He quickly realized what he had just said, quickly adding, “I-I mean, not cool. 'Cause y'know being an orphan and all. Not that there's anything wrong with being an orphan, I mean I am too, but still I-”
Marco's panicked rant was halted as the new boy stuffed a piece of bread into his mouth. “Dude, relax,” he simply said, before returning to his food.
Marco said nothing, removing the bread from his mouth and staring at the boy in front of him. “So you got a name?” the chubby boy finally asked, ignoring the boy's awkward staring.
“Uhhhh,” Marco stammered thrown off guard by the question. “M-Marco,” he finally squeaked, inwardly groaning with embarrassment. He coughed, trying to clear his tight throat, tenderly holding out a hand to shake. “My name's Marco.” The other boy set down his plate and shook the hand of the nerve-wracked Mewman in front of him. “What's yours?” Marco finally asked, making the other smile mischievously.
“Well Marco I go by many names but you can call me King Fergore of Pixtopia!” he shouted loudly, striking a dramatic pose, his index finger coming inches from Marco's face, the startled boy blinking awkwardly unsure what to say next.
“You can just call him Ferg for short,” a nasally voice called behind them, Marco turning to see another boy. This one was much taller then Ferguson was, taller than Marco in fact. He wore thick, wire-frame glasses, a blue and white striped t-shirt and brown shorts. On top was a mop of messy brown hair. Marco also took note that this boy lacked any cheek marks, meaning he must have been human like Jackie. “His real name is Ferguson anyways,” the human boy added.
“Alfonso,” the chubby boy whined, lowering his arms. “Why'd you tell him that! I'm trying to change my name, remember?”
“Sorry, but that's never gonna catch on, Ferg,” Alfonso countered. “I mean it even sounds fake.”
“It does not!” Ferg exclaimed.
“Fergore sounds like a real name,” Al pressed, raising an eyebrow.
Ferguson crossed his arms looking depressed. “Well it could work if anyone ever listened to me,” he mumbled under his breath, flicking a tiny crumb off the table, his eyes downcast.
“I kinda like it,” Marco offered and Ferguson's face immediately brightened, giving his nerdy friend a smug smile.
“See, Oh-ye-of-little-faith, my friend Mango here likes my name,” he taunted his friend.
“It's Marco,” Marco pointed out and Ferguson quickly brushed it off.
“Whatever,” he said, stuffing another piece of bread into Marco's face. “The point is I'm right and my so-called royal advisor is wrong.”
“Wait so you're really a king?” Marco questioned in shock, inbetween bites of his food.
“Yep, he's king of all of Pixtopia,” Al explained, Ferguson looking quite pleased by the praise.
“But he's not a Pixie,” Marco pointed out, looking over the seemingly ordinary boy quizzically.
“Uh, king by marriage,” Ferg explained, rolling his eyes. “The queen couldn't get enough of this,” he smugly added, gesturing to himself and Marco gave him an awkward smile.
“I'mmmm sure,” he hesitantly answered, not sounding sure at all.
“Star introduced us a couple of years back,” Ferguson continued, ignoring the boy completely. “And it was love at first site.”
“Actually, Ferg, didn't she try to eat you when you first met?” Al pointed out.
“Okay well there was a rough patch there at the beginning, but she came around. Y'know eventually.”
Marco went silent, unknowingly tuning the boy out, his thoughts jumping to that of Star. He looked into the crowd, trying to spot a flash of that beautiful golden hair but saw nothing. “So what about you, Marco?”
Marco turned back to the boy in shock. “Huh?”
“What's your story?” Ferg asked again. “How'd you end up here?”
“Yeah, we've never seen you before so you must be pretty new,” Al added.
“Oh I uh...” Marco's eyes darted around nervously, trying to think of a good lie, fear clenching his chest. What was he supposed to say? He couldn't tell them the truth, that could be dangerous. But he couldn't say nothing. He couldn't come across as being suspicious, though from the quizzical looks the two Mewmans were giving him he had already failed at that task. He bit his lip, really wishing that now hadn't been the time when his brain had stopped functioning altogether.
“That's okay.”
Marco blinked once, almost unable to believe what he had heard. “W-What?” he squeaked, his voice tight.
“Look we get it,” Ferg gave him a comforting smile, his eyes looking surprisingly pain-filled, his companion's face in the same troubled state. “We've all been there. Don't force it, okay. If you don't want to talk about it, you shouldn't have to.”
Marco didn't know what they meant by that, but he nodded, deciding it best to let the subject drop. “Thanks,” he said, shooting them both tight smiles, which they returned.
Al coughed, breaking the tension in the room as he turned to the heavy crowd of people. “So, did you find Star yet, Ferg? Or have you just been snacking on orderves this whole time. ”
“Of course not,” Ferg retorted. “Besides, like I told you before, if she were here we would know it.”
“Why do you say that?” Marco asked.
“Because our eardrums would be bombarded by a screaming crowd of people, all desperate for the princess's attention.”
As if on cue, a person screamed from the crowd, “Look everyone, it's Princess Star!” The whole crowd erupted in a roar, as everyone rushed to the gates of the castle, desperate to speak to their precious royal heir. Marco's eyes jumped to the gates of the castle, where an almost mob-like state had broken out, his eyes searching the crowd for his friend.
“See I told you,” Ferg smugly said to his nerdy friend, but Marco barely heard him, too entranced on the girl who slowly walked through the crowd, which parted to let her pass, smiling and waving to everyone she crossed, happily chatting to her long-time friends, Jackie walking quietly behind her. She looked so regal and magical and Marco felt his heart skip a beat as somehow her wandering eyes found him in the crowd, brown meeting blue, a light smile gracing her lips. She softly waved over to him and Marco returned the gesture, accidentally knocking the punch out of Ferg's hands and right into Al's face. Marco's eyes went wide, as he rushed over to help the two, shouting his apologizes as he did.
Star chuckled lightly at the boy's klutziness, tucking a stray stand of hair behind her ears. Some things never changed. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Jackie, chuckling and shaking her head. Clearly she had spotted the boy, too. The two shared a quick laugh, before Star turned back to her waiting public, walking confidently forward, as he mingled with the people she practically considered family.
“Hey, Star I missed you!” someone from the crowd yelled.
“I missed you, too!” she shouted, shooting them a wink.
“Star, I baked you a pie!”
“Star, I ate the pie!”
“I knew you would!” Star exclaimed, giving the two a high five.
“Star, I want you to sign my cast!”
“Sure Sabrina let me just...” Star reached into her cloud purse looking for a pen.
“Star, show us your wand! I bet it's really cool!” Someone from the crowd interrupted.
“I bet Star could destroy the entire monster army all by herself!”
“Yeah, I bet she could kill Toffee!”
“No way, Star's too sweet to do anything like that!”
“Yeah, she's too precious to risk her life!”
“Star Butterfly RULES!!”
Star put a hand to her blushing cheeks, not used to all this attention, well... not from them anyways. “Aww, thanks! You are all too sweet!” she thanked, a bright smile on her face.
Jackie watched the princess a short distance away, having gotten separated from her in the surrounding chaos. It was good to see Star so happy, her giddiness almost contagious, even a short distance away. She looked over to Marco, who also seemed pretty happy, talking with Ferguson and Alfonso, the three boys snacking away on the tasty treats. Though Jackie quickly noticed Marco's shifting gaze, his eyes shimmering as he continually glanced over to the blond royal.
“Well look at that,” a familiar voice stated, as Janna appeared behind the girl holding a glass of punch. “Looks like I'm close to winning the bet.”
“What?” Jackie questioned, raising an eyebrow at her friend and crossing her arms. “No you're not.”
“Oh come on, Jacks,” Janna said, with a smirk, taking a long sip of her punch before continuing. “Those two can't keep their eyes off of each other and the dance is tonight and I think we both know who Star's gonna pick to dance with her.”
Jackie rolled her eyes, but the smile never left her lips. “That doesn't mean they're gonna start dating. Remember, that was a part of the deal?”
“Details, details,” Janna said, waving a dismissive hand in the air. “I've already got it all figured out. All I have to do is-”
“Jan,” Jackie started, her voice a scolding tone.
“I'm kidding, geez, can't you take a joke,” Janna said with a smirk, putting an arm around her friend. “Truth is, I don't have to do a thing. It's smooth sailing from here on out.”
“Careful you don't want to jinx yourself,” Jackie teased.
“Aw come on,” the dark-haired girl scoffed to her friend. “What could possibly ruin things now?”
Just then the courtyard was filled with an ear-bleeding loud screech that made everyone but Star cover their ears in pain. Marco, hands pressed as tightly against his ears as he could get them, shouted in panic, “What is that?! Is something dying?!”
Jackie and Janna, on the other hand, both shared a fearful look, both simultaneously muttering, “Uh oh,” before turning to the source of the unbearable sound.
Another boy. He was an orphan just like them and he marched confidently forward holding and 'playing' his most prized possession, a keytar. He had long black hair, that covered both his eyes, cheek marks, which were dark green treble clefs, and fangs, Janna having almost forgotten that he had been so impressed by her style a few years back and decided to wear fake fangs like her, not aware that they were actually real. He wore a dark brown shirt, with a red bandana tied loosely around his neck and light brown pants that were ripped at the bottom, as well as purple boots. “Oh right, I forgot about Oskar,” Janna said, face-palming at her mistake, Jackie just watching the scene unfolding with a grimace.
Star felt her heart pound as she watched her first crush walk toward her, still playing that beautiful music that she adored. She tried to hold in a sigh as he came face to face with her, his confident smile sending shivers down her spine. “H-Hi Oskar,” she managed to squeak out, giving him a nervous wave. The boy stopped playing his beloved instrument (much to the relief of the crowd), brushing his long bangs out of the way, his bright eyes staring deep into Star's, reflecting her own image back at her.
“Hey Star,” he confidently responded. “It's been a while.”
“Yeah it has,” Star nervously responded, her throat still unbearably tight. “I-I'm glad you could make it.”
“You know I'd never miss out on one of your dances,” he replied, shooting her a flirty grin and Star felt like she might melt.
“Wow, thanks,” was all she could say, as a blush lit up her cheeks.
Marco watched the whole scene in silence, taking in the look on Star's face as her and the new boy chatted. They were too far away to be heard, but Marco's eyes were on Star and her blushing cheeks. Marco felt his stomach twist at the sight, but Marco had no idea why. Was it because she was blushing? Yes he figured it had to be, but he didn't know why that would upset him so much. Maybe because all the times he had seen Star blushing it was around him, no one else.
Marco swallowed down the lump in his throat as Star turned into a giggling mess over something the boy had said, surprised to find his hands were clenching into tight fists. Was he angry? No, not exactly. He was mad for sure, but there seemed to be more to it, a mixture of different emotions all rolled into one. He didn't know what this new feeling was, but he didn't like it and all he wanted was for it to go away.
“Don't get too upset,” Marco heard Ferguson say behind him and he turned to the two he had almost forgotten were there. “She always gets like that around him,” Ferguson continued, Alfonso nodding his head in agreement.
“Yeah, Star has a super big crush on him,” the nerdy boy added.
“Crush?” Marco muttered to himself, unsure what the new word meant. “But who is he?” he asked louder to the two, his eyes unwantingly returning to his bestie and her 'crush'.
“That would be Oskar Greason,” Ferg explained. “He's kinda a wannabe musician-”
“Well he was until Star set him up to become the apprentice of Ruberiot, the Royal Songstrul,” Al corrected.
“Right,” Ferg continued, sounding slightly upset at the interruption. “Well anyways, he's been gone a while now, the two went on a tour through every known dimension, spreading the wonders of music or something like that across the galaxy.” Ferg rolled his eyes, his voice as skeptical as could be. “Personally I think they were looking for someone who could listen to Oskar's 'music' without screaming in pain.”
“That's not true, Ferguson,” Al pointed out, adjusting his glasses. “Star actually likes his music.”
Ferg scoffed. “Well she's the only one,” he muttered, taking a long sip of his punch.
“Don't mind him,” Al said to Marco, rolling his eyes at his fuming friend. “He's just upset because he's convinced Oskar's gonna steal his dance with Star away.”
“Oh come on, you know it's coming!” Ferg suddenly shouted. “Star only dances with one person every year and it's always been Oskar! Since, like, the very beginning.”
“What?!” Marco squeaked in concern, his heart pounding away in his chest. “What do you mean?!”
“Don't worry too much about it, Marco,” Al comforted. “Star hasn't seen Oskar in a while now, I honestly don't think she's that into him anymore, despite how it looks.” The three all turned to the two, Oskar finally separating from Star, going deeper into the crowd, mingling with the others, Star just standing there shell-shocked.  “She could pick anyone tonight. Who knows, maybe even you.”
Marco said nothing as his gaze lingered on his bestie, that uncomfortable feeling finally releasing its hold on him as that old, familiar feeling returned, the feeling he always got from Star. She once again turned to him, looking like she was in a daze, but she smiled at him, giving him another short wave. Marco returned the wave, feeling his heart hammer away in his chest, his need to be near her stronger than it had ever been. He kept his eyes on Star as she jumped into another conversation with a couple of girls, whispering softly, “Yeah, maybe.”
“But I don't even know how to dance,” Marco stated as he sat uncomfortably in the chair in Jackie and Janna's room, watching the two girl's as they prepared everything they needed to get ready, fidgeting in his seat, his face a grimace. It was later that night, the ball now only a short time away and the two girls had unwillingly dragged the hooded boy to their room to get changed and ready, as they pulled out the supplies they had purchased a few days prior.
“You'll be fine Marco,” Jackie praised, pulling down bag after bag from the top of her closet, Janna doing the same to her's.
“Yeah, and with your Trait you'll pick it up almost instantly, so you got nothing to worry about,” Janna added.
“I guess,” Marco muttered, still feeling nervous about the whole thing, his eyes slowly drifting to the floor. “But how do we know Star will even pick me?” he stated, his voice quivering slightly with nerves. “Ferguson and Alfonso said she only dances with one person every year and it's always Oscar.” Marco's voice became uncharacteristically hard on the last word and Jackie and Janna shared a concerned look. If they didn't know any better they'd swear Marco sounded... jealous.
“Forget about Oskar,” Jackie said, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder, drawing his attention to her, her eyes shining with cool radiance. “Tonight is just gonna be about you and Star,” she stated and Marco felt his heart leap.
“Really?” Marco asked, his face hopeful and Jackie smiled at his cute, pleading eyes.
“Once we're done, Star won't be able to take her eyes off of you,” she confidently replied and Marco's face widened into one of his signature smiles.
Janna suddenly appeared behind her friend holding up a finely made suit, flinging it at the boy. “Yep, so you better hurry up and get changed.”
Marco nodded, rising out of his seat, holding his outfit as delicately as he could. “Okay.” He started heading for the door, but Janna grabbed onto his arm, stopping him in his tracks. “Uh, where do you think you're going?” she asked.
“Uh, to my room to change,” Marco hesitantly said, pointing to the door.
“Nope,” Janna said, shaking her head, already starting to drag the boy deeper into her room, much to the boy's confusion.
“But how am I supposed to change if- AHH!” Suddenly, Marco was flung into the nearest closet, the door slamming shut behind him, trapping him in the small enclosed space. “J-Janna!” Why am I in your closet?”
“Your not, your in Jackie's,” Janna called through the rough, wood frame. “Now hurry up and get changed. The ball's gonna start soon.”
Marco, now frantic not to be late, obeyed, stripping off his prized hoodie and jeans in favor of the fancy suit. He emerged from the closet in a hurry, already heading for the door. “Okay, I'm changed now let's hurry and-”
The boy was halted once more, as Jackie blocked his path, holding up a comb in one hand and a bottle of hairspray in the other, a mischievous smile on her face. “Not so fast. First we have to get you ready.”
“But I'm in the suit,” Marco squeaked, gesturing to the finely-pressed tux.
“Yes,” Jackie agreed, giving the boy a gentle push into the chair Janna had pulled out for him to land in. “But you're not quite there yet,” she gave him a soothing smile, seeing the look of fear on his face, bending down so she was level with the boy. “Don't worry about a thing, Marco. Just stay still and let us take care of it.” But her soothing tone switched to a much louder one as she sat up and called to her companion. “Ready Jan?!” Janna smirked in response, holding up several other supplies for the boy's transformation.
“Ready,” she said, her voice as dramatic as her skater friend's. Marco gulped. The girl's flew into action, preparing the boy for his big night, straitening, fixing, combing, spraying, and making any other necessary adjustments to the boy's appearance, Marco just sitting frozen in a haze of hairspray. Finally the two seemed to have finished their work, the two stepping away and lowering their weapons of fashion, smiling in admiration at their work.
Jackie nodded confidently, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “Nice,” she said. “You look great, Marco.”
“I do?” Marco asked and Jackie giggled.
“Yeah see for yourself,” she said, pulling him to his feet and over to their large mirror. Marco was in shock by the image he saw, though it was his own face and body he now looked cleaner and more fancy then he had ever been, his hair spikes straightened to a fine point beneath the sombrero he hadn't even noticed the two had put on him, his twin suns glowing brighter then ever, and the finely made tux making him look dignified, the gold lining around its edges giving it a nice flair. The girls had even somehow gotten a red tie on him without noticing.
“Wow, is-is that me?” Marco breathed, putting a hand on his mirror image self.
“Yeah it is,” Jackie said confidently.
“We do good work,” Janna said, her and Jackie sharing a high five.
He turned back to the two with a gracious smile. “Thanks you two.”
“Your welcome, Marco,” Jackie said. “It was our pleasure.”
“But,” Janna said matter-of-factly, walking toward the boy. “Now it's our turn to get ready.”
“So?” Marco asked, confused why the girl was getting so close to him, Janna grabbing him firmly by the shoulders, making him squeak.
The door to the room was flung open as Marco stumbled out, just barely stopping himself from running head-first into the wall. He turned back to the two girls in confusion asking, “Why do I have to go out?”
“Because you do,” was all Jackie said, putting hands to her hips and shooting the boy a playful smirk. “Don't worry we won't be long,” she continued before her roommate took over.
“And in the meantime-” Janna started.
“Don't mess up your hair-” Jackie warned, wagging a finger at the boy.
“Don't get your clothes dirty-” Janna added, her tone equally scolding.
“And above all, don't let Star or the others see you until we're ready,” Jackie finished.
The two immediately relaxed, their scolding glares vanishing as they smiled at the boy. “Okay so just wait here we'll be out in a minute,” Jackie said, shooting the startled boy a grin.
Then, just like that, the door closed leaving a frazzled Marco alone with his thoughts. “Are all girls like that or just the ones I know?” Marco asked the empty hallway, before shrugging and moving to sit on the floor.
“Don't even think about it!” Jackie's scolding voice called from the other side of the door, making Marco jump to his feet. He guiltily stared at the closed door, wondering how she had seen him do anything from another room, but he didn't dare question it as he went and found a nearby chair to sit in. He made sure to keep his hands in his lap, sitting up as straight as he could, being as careful as possible so as to not to disturb his new outfit. The seconds ticked away in the dark hallway, Marco growing more and more impatient with every passing second, the ticking of a nearby clock doing nothing to settle his nervous energy. And as the seconds dragged into minutes, Marco grew more and more concerned that they would be late for the ball, his finger tapping his knee impatiently. What time was it anyways? Marco felt a pang of fear as he realized he didn't know what time the ball actually started.
Finally, the little patience he had wore thin, as he rose out of his chair and over to the closed door. “Jackie. Janna?” Marco whispered softly, moving to put his ear against the door. “Are you two almost-”
Marco was interrupted, though, as the door opened, Jackie and Janna emerging from their room, now wearing their fancy ballgowns, making the boy stumble back in surprise. But Marco recovered quickly, his mouth dropping open at the sight of the two well-dressed young ladies.  Jackie was wearing a sea-foam green dress that flowed all the way to the floor looking almost like waves, her counterpart wearing a sleeveless black dress that went down to just above her knees and a bright blue jacket, switching her brown boots out for a blue pair that matched her jacket. Though the two looked breathtaking in the new outfits, Marco saw signs of familiarity on them, Jackie still wearing the seashell necklace and Janna refusing to take off her brown beanie, though her hair had been fixed up for the ball.
“Wowww,” he breathed. “You two look amazing!”
“Aww, thanks Marco,” Jackie said with a smile.
“You clean up pretty nice yourself,” Janna said, shooting the boy a wink.
Marco gave his friend a confused look. “But you two were the ones who-”
“Just... take the compliment,” Janna sighed. “I don't give those out freely, y'know.”
Marco looked over to Jackie for help and she just shrugged. “I'd just enjoy 'Nice Janna' while she lasts,” Jackie suggested and Marco nodded in agreement. Janna didn't seem troubled by the statement as the trio started for the ball, walking side by side down the dark hallway.
“I prefer the term 'Normal Janna',” Janna said matter-of-factly.
“Normal?” Jackie teased, shooting her friend a look.
“Okay, okay, less creepy,” she reasoned and Marco laughed at the two. “Oh and that reminds me,” Janna exclaimed, snapping her fingers in remembrance, reaching into her purse and handing the boy a mask.
“What's this?” Marco questioned, turning the colorful object in his hands, examining it closer. It was white and just like his suit was embroidered with designs, making it resemble a skull.
“Uhh, it's a mask, duh,” Janna lightly smirked, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips.
“What do I need this for?” Marco asked the beanie-wearing girl.
“It'll give you an air of mystery,” Janna said, doing a wide, jazz hand flourish to emphasize her point.
“How do you figure that one, Jan?” Jackie asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Think about it, Jacks, most of the people who are gonna be at the ball don't even know who Marco is, meaning that'll leave them guessing who could be swooping their princess off her feet.”
“And that's a good thing?” Marco innocently asked, still examining the object.
“Yeah it is,” Janna exclaimed. “Trust me, girls like a little mystery.”
“But won't it be harder for her to recognize him?” Jackie pointed out.
“Are you kidding? Star could spot our dear Marco halfway across Mewni.”
The two turned to Marco, who was having trouble putting the mask on, somehow tying his hands together with the string, shaking his arms in panic and the two smiled. “Good point,” Jackie said, before reaching over to untie the boy.
“Where did you find this, Janna?” Marco asked, as the skater undid the troublesome knot.
Janna waved a nonchalant hand in the air. “Don't ask questions you don't want the answer too.”
Marco's eyes widened and Jackie turned to her friend with a suspicious glare. “Jan-”
“What?” she shrugged, shooting her friend an innocent grin, well what was supposed to be one anyways. “I just found it lying around-”
“Uh huh,” Jackie started, raising an eyebrow.
“On someone's face,” she finished, giving the two a smirking grin.
“You stole it off of someone's face!” Jackie screamed.
“Yeah, I know I was impressed, too,” Janna confidently responded, looking quite pleased with her charade. “He never even noticed it was gone.”
Jackie, finished untying the object from around Marco's wrist, moved closer to her roommate. “That's not what I meant!”
“Relax, he didn't want it anyways. It didn't have enough eye holes.”
“Eye holes? Wait did you steal it from Tom?!”
Marco smiled at his two arguing friends, looking down at the mask again. He took a deep breath in, still feeling slightly jittery at the idea of dancing with Star, but he couldn't back down now. He wanted this. He knew he did, the familiar, warm feeling filled his every being as his grip tightened on the small mask. He could do this. He just had to go with the flow. Whatever happened tonight, he had to be ready. With that, Marco slipped the mask over his face, completing his disguise.  
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lady-une · 7 years
Chapter 4
A/N: Hey people of Tumblr so thanks for taking the time to read this little thing. I hope you all like it and if you feel like it please  to let me know what you think. Big thanks to my beta @tears-of-orphans for taking the time to reach what i come up with and letting me know what she thinks. There is no way for me to be a better writer if i dont get back any feedback from people. So as always share away! A little fun is had at the end just an FYI. :-p
Ever wake up and completely forget where you are? That’s how I was feeling. My alarm had just gone off and I opened my eyes and they were still blurry from sleeping that I started to panic because I didn’t recognize the room I was in. It took my brain about a minute to catch up to that what happened yesterday was in fact not a dream and that I was currently in the spare bedroom at Jay Park’s apartment located in Seoul South Korea. With my brain now functioning properly I shot up in my bed and turned that stupid annoying alarm off. I stretched my arms out above my head and twisted my torso trying to wake my body up. Jay wanted to leave by 6 and I realized I should have set my alarm to go off earlier then what I had it at. I quickly went to my suitcase and opened it up grabbing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before I grabbed my toiletry bag and went off to the bathroom to wash up. The guest bathroom was super nice, it had a cool looking rain shower head that I was really excited to use and the sink looked like a big glass bowl. Over all it was very artistic and went well with the rest of the vibe the apartment was giving off. It didn’t take me long to do my morning routine before I threw on some light makeup and brushed my hair. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen today so I figured I mind as well toss my hair into a ponytail. As I was leaving the bathroom Jay was just coming out of his own room looking like he was ready to just go and relax with his sweatpants and hoodie.
 “You all set Sarah?”
“Yeah, let me just drop this off in my room and grab my bag.”
 He gave me a nod and went towards the front door. I tossed the dirty clothes on my bed and grabbed my backpack that still held my laptop and headphones and made sure to toss my phone charger in there as well. I snatched a clean hoodie out of my suitcase and went to meet Jay. The drive to the studio wasn’t that long and I sat there really hoping that there would be some kind of coffee shop nearby or that they had some at the studio because I was still extremely tired from the flight. We pulled up to studio and Jay parked his car just as another car was pulling up. As we were walking to the door I heard the other car door open and close and turned around to see Cha Cha walking up.
 “Morning Jay, Sarah.”
“Morning Cha Cha.”
“Sarah you can call me Chase when it’s just us.”
“Duly noted.”
 The three of us walked into the studio and Chase went one way while me and Jay went up to his office. It was still pretty early and the place looked dead. I wonder if it’s always this dead? I thought to myself as I sat down in one of the chairs in front of Jay’s desk.
 “So before we get you all set up here and have you start working on the music I need to go over some legal stuff with you. I know it’s rather all boring but its required to not only protect the company but you as well. I had my legal team draw up these documents which basically says that for a year you will only be allowed to work on music with and for AOMG. You will not be able to work on any other music for other companies during that year. Before any kind of media coverage is done you need to get the approval from our PR and legal team. You will be working under an alias name aka your stage name while you are here with AOMG. Anything said within the company building must stay between company employees. Since you will also be staying at my apartment until we find you your own place you will also have to make sure anything you post does not show that you are in fact at my apartment. Any social media accounts you have must now be made private, if you want we can set you up with a public profile under your stage name so you can post stuff that deals with AOMG on there. If you don’t have any questions then please sign and date this.”
 He slid the documents over to me and I glanced over everything and signed my name. I was now officially part of his company even if it was for a trial period. With that out of the way he took me on a small tour of the studio and showed me the rooms that everyone uses and where everyone would usually hang out. It wasn’t a big building compared to the other label’s buildings but it fit his company well. Right before we went to where everyone was waiting we stopped by the cafeteria to grab some coffee. Just the smell of the dark liquid was waking me up and making me feel more alive. When we finally got back to the room that we were currently recording Loco was in the small recording room doing some vocal work with Gray and Chase at the control board. I sat on the couch that was against the wall and listened to the song that Loco was singing. Hearing music being made was interesting, it was raw and so untouched. I bobbed my head to the beat and it just made even more excited to be here and doing this. It wasn’t long before Loco was done and was coming out of the small room to hear what they had. Gray played it back for him and they talked about some things that needed to be changed but overall they felt like it was good.
 “Hey Sarah how about you get in there and just go for it. Let’s see where you are at and we can go from there.”
 I looked at Gray over the lid of my cup with a surprised look on my face. I figured they would have gotten to me eventually but didn’t think it was this quick. I set my cup of coffee down and stood up. I rubbed my now sweating hands on my legs as I walked over to Gray. He handed me some paper with the lyrics on it and told me not to be worried and just to take it slow. I took a deep breath and went into the room and shut the door. The room was sound proof and it made me feel as if it was closing in on me, like there was a pressure in the room and it was trying to push me down. Maybe it was just my nerves and the anxiety of sounding bad in front of everyone. I tried to push that all aside as I picked up the headphones and placed them over my ears. I heard Gray through them and again he reminded me to just relax. The music started up and I could hear the raw voice and beat that Loco had just recorded. I followed along with the sheet of paper and went with it. I did my best to not let my nerves come through my voice and the more I sang the calmer I got. The music clicked off and I looked up to see Gray with a thumb up along with Loco. I smiled and walked out of the room.
 “How was it? Was it just awful?”
“No Sarah it was pretty good for your first time. You have some spots we will need to work on but overall it was pretty good.”
 I smiled at Gray happy that he thought that. I turned my head towards Jay who was sitting down on the couch looking into his phone.
 “What do you think Jay? She did good no?”
“Yeah, she wasn’t that bad at all Gray. Make sure you work with her on this. I have some meetings I have to get to so I will be back later.”
 With that Jay put his phone back into his pocket and waived at us as he left the room.
 I knew she would be nervous her first time in the box, we all were. Her voice as she started off was weak but the more she sang you could hear her confidence build up. Even nervous she still looked stunning in there singing and I wanted to be there to help her but I had some meetings with some other artists that I could not miss.
 With Jay out of the room we all turned back to our work. Chase offered to help work on Loco’s parts while Gray helped me with mine. With Loco back in the box doing his thing Gray took me over to the couch to talk to me about my portions. It was all pretty easy fixes, have more emotion on this part but pull back on this. Raise your tempo here and be softer in this section. The rest of the day was spent taking turns in the box recording our sections. At around 1pm Gray called lunch and we decided to order out. As we all sat around the table eating we talked about just the normal everyday things. The guys joked about stuff that happened on the tour while me and Chase talked about Game of Thrones of all things. I didn’t peg him as one to watch a fantasy show but this man loved his GoT. We easily tossed around theories about what would happen with the night king and who would finally sit on the iron throne. It was nice to have someone around that had similar interests.
 After lunch we all went back into the room and went over our sections for a last time. It was rough and by the time I was done my voice was tired along with my body.
 “You holding up ok Sarah?”
“Yeah, this is more work than I ever thought.”
 Gray let out a chuckle.
 “Yeah, I don’t think anyone actually really understands the amount of work that is put in until they are here doing it. How’s your voice?”
“It’s a bit rough.”
“Wait here.”
 Gray got up and left the room returning a few minutes later with a coffee cup.
 “Here sip on this it’s just some honey lemon tea. It will help sooth your throat.”
 I took the cup from him with a smile. I took a sip of the tea and felt the warm liquid go down my throat giving me some instant comfort from the strain I had put it through.
 “Wow that’s really good, thank you.”
 Gray gave me a smile and a pat on my shoulder before going over to Chase and messing with what me and Loco had recorded. The rest of the night was spent going over the song multiple times with Gray tweaking little bits of it. I really wasn’t much help with this since I was still so new to it all so I basically sat there on the couch listening and watching them work. I would offer my opinion every now and then when they asked for it. I could feel myself getting tired and decided that it wouldn’t hurt to just rest my eyes while they worked, my body still wasn’t use to the time change.
 I awoke to someone gently rocking my shoulder and I opened my eyes slowly to see Gray crouched down with a smile on his face.
 “Hey sleepy head, wanna wake up and listen to this?”
“My bad, yeah sure.”
 I sat up not realizing that at some point I had laid completely down on the couch. Gray took a spot on the couch next to me and told Chase to go ahead and play it. The song filled the room with its quick and deep base. Locos voice quickly filled the room talking about having fun with the guys and about a girl he saw across a room. Next it was my voice that filled the room, the lyrics mirrored his about me being out with the girls having fun and catching him in my eye sight. The song went back and forth talking about how we wanted to dance with each other and how he couldn’t keep his hands off me. The song ended with him humming out the final verse.
 “So what do you think?”
 I sat there just dumb founded. I didn’t know how to form a sentence. I kept opening my mouth and closing it again and just looked at Gray and smiled.
 “You like it I take it?”
 I said nodding my head like an idiot with a big smile on my face. I didn’t care how dumb I looked at this point. I was hearing my voice in a song being sang along with Loco. This was just insane that it actually happened! The door opened and walked in a very tired looking Jay.
 “So how’s it going in here?”
“We are all done here. If you want we can play what we have. I’m pretty sure you won’t want to change anything.”
“Yeah lets hear what you have Gray.”
 Chase played the song again for Jay who was standing next to him at the control board. He was bobbing his head and concentrating on the music coming through the speakers. When the song completed he nodded his head.
 “Sounds good to me. It’s pretty late and it doesn’t look like any of you have eaten so how about we all head out to dinner?”
 We all stood up and walked out to the cars. Loco and Gray drove together while me, Jay, and Chase drove in his car. I sat in the back seat while Jay and Chase talked about the meetings he had that day and about other artists and the music they were working on. It didn’t take long before we were pulling up to the burger place that they frequented. We all walked in ordered our food and sat while we waited for it to be made. The conversation was pretty light between everyone, I was sure that once they got some food in them their energy would pick back up. I turned towards Jay who was on his phone yet again.
“Hey Jay, does it usually go this fast?”
“Fast? What?”
“Making the songs?”
“Not really, I mean it takes some time to get the beat out and then to find some lyrics that go along with it. This one only went quickly because we had already been working on it and just needed a female voice for those verses. It also helps that you already have a good voice so not much work needed to be done. But no, it never really goes this fast.”
 I nodded and our pager went off to signal our food was ready. Ever the social butterflies these big boys were once the food was out they all took out their phones to record videos or take pictures. I just laughed and took a bite of my food, it was crazy that people would make fun of girls for always getting that perfect picture of things meanwhile these guys were just as bad. After everyone was done eating Gray and Loco wanted to out for drinks but Jay turned down the offer and I had to agree, even with the food in me I was exhausted. Chase drove back to the studio with Gray and Loco while me and Jay headed back to his apartment.
The drive back was spent in a comfortable silence both of us exhausted from the days activities. When we finally reached the apartment we both said our goodnights and went to our rooms to get ready for bed. Once I was finally there I crashed the second my head hit the pillow.
 The next couple of days were spent the same way as the first. We would arrive early at the studio and would spend the whole day there working on music. Loco worked on the rest of his songs while Gray introduced me to the next song I would be working on with him. This one would be a little more difficult as it had rapping portions for me to sing. I spent the days going over the lyrics trying to get them down and to pronounce them right. This song was more work than Loco’s but I enjoyed the time I got to spend with Gray who was taking his time to help me. He had his own stuff he had to work on for the song so it was really nice of him and I appreciated it so much.
 On the third day Jay took over helping me as Gray had to get to work on his stuff. Jay took me into a smaller room that looked like it was really meant for only two or three people. We both sat at the control panel and he played the beat for me and had me practice my parts.
 “Sarah make sure you are breathing properly because you’re sounding winded once you have to speed up.”
 We went over that spot again and I tried to keep my breath even and to get in as much air before the beat sped up. I was doing good but then started to stumble over the last couple of words.
 I said out in frustration and Jay laughed back at me. My hands were in my hair pulling on it and he grabbed them and pulled them away.
 “Relax Sarah, this stuff isn’t easy. You know this part now so try to do it with your eyes closed. Just picture a calm setting and make sure you wet your lips, it helps you not stumble so much.”
 He started that portion over and I did as he said. I imagined I was back home in my bed listening to the song. I imagined I was alone and just singing along with a random song like the many other times I have done in the past. This time I didn’t stumble over my words nor did I sound out of breath. I opened my eyes and looked at Jay who was smiling back. I didn’t think because had I thought of my actions I wouldn’t have done it. On a happy impulse I threw my arms around Jay’s neck and hugged him.
 “I did it!”
“You sure did and it sounded great!”
 His cologne filled my senses and as much as I wanted to stay there breathing him in and feeling him against me I pulled away.
“Don’t worry about it. So how about we try and record a bit of it?”
 I agreed and stood up to go into the booth. This one was smaller and felt more cramped but I felt a little more confident then I had the first day. I had the part we were going to go over memorized so I did as had before and imagined myself back at home. When the part was over I heard Jay come through my headphones.
 “That’s good, now let’s go onto the next part.”
 The next part was pretty easy and fun and I couldn’t help but move my body along with the beat. Gray and Chase were very talented at creating these beats and I was pretty excited to hear what this would sound like when it was completed. Around lunch time we decided to go meet back up with Gray and see what he had completed. With both of our parts of the song now together we ran through the raw song and it sounded pretty good. I could tell right away on the parts that I knew Jay would want me to go over again. Instead of splitting up again we stayed as a group and took turns in the booth going back over our parts. Now that we had the song together it was easier to go back over the song and fix parts.
 Gray was currently in the booth and I was standing next to Chase who was at the control panel making sure things were going right and Loco came in. He gave a fist bump to Jay who was sitting on the couch listening to Gray sing. I felt him come up behind me and pull me into a hug before rocking side to side making me laugh.
 “How is our little Princess doing?”
 Now he really had me laughing.
“Yeah our little princess, I mean you are the youngest here and you look like a little princess with your hair and clothes.”
“I don’t know if I should take that as a complement or not.”
“It’s a complement, there are so many other female artists out there dressed in sexy clothes with their face all done up. It’s nice to see something different.”
 Loco had yet to let me go from his back hug and I leaned back into his embrace. I didn’t want to be thought of as a princess and besides I was only a few months younger then him so I wasn’t that much of a baby. Loco eventually let me go and started to dance around to Gray’s rap part and I decided to go sit next to Jay on the couch.
 “What’s on your mind Sarah?”
 Jay didn’t even look up from me and it kind of annoyed me.
 “I don’t know.”
“I don’t play that game. Say what’s on your mind.”
 He put his phone down and turned towards me giving me his full attention.
 “Do I really look like a princess?”
“Don’t most girls like that? Don’t they like being called a princess and don’t they like to go out and find their prince charming?”
“Not this one. Yeah being called princess is nice when it’s just a nickname but not when people actually see you as a child. People back home never called me that or saw me that way because I was a bouncer. Maybe I need to change my look.”
“What concept are you going for? Dirty girl? Playful tease? Party girl? I mean there are plenty of artists out there with that concept already.”
“I don’t know, can’t woman just be a concept?”
 He laughed and shook his head.
 “If you want to change then I will support it. If you want I can get you in touch with a stylist. Tomorrow you can take the day off and figure out what concept you want.”
 I thanked him just as Loco grabbed my hand hauling me off the couch to come dance with him. We were all laughing and enjoying the music just dancing together. I turned around and Loco had his hand on my hip pulling me into him with one of his legs in between mine. We were rolling our bodies to the beat and my part came on and I started to sing along with it.
 “Can you handle these curves baby. Hold on tight as these curves rock on your body ooo.”
 I was just losing myself in the song and not even caring and Loco lost it and couldn’t hold his composure and pulled away laughing.
 “Yaa yaa don’t do that. I take it back ok, I get it you’re a grown girl. I think we need to change some of these lyrics Jay.”
 He walked over to Jay and sat next to him while waiving his hand in the air towards me saying he didn’t like the tone of the song.
 “What you didn’t mind her lyrics on your song.”
“Yeah but that was different. Watching her dance like that and singing. Man we are going to have a problem on our hands once she gets out there and starts to perform.”
 I waived them off and went to stand by Chase.
 “Oh my god those two.”
“That’s good Gray come on out. He isn’t wrong Sarah. You do have some amazing moves and a good figure. Add on your voice and you will for sure have a good size male fan base following you around.”
 Gray walked out of the room and asked what was going on and I explained that apparently my part was to provocative for Loco’s vision of a pure and innocent me.
 “Loco man, she isn’t that innocent. She was a bouncer at a club and do you not remember the night we met her? Do you not remember her outfit? Our little Princess Sarah here has a dark and sexy side to her.”
“Here is an idea how about we all go out tonight for some drinks?”
“Loco didn’t you guys go out last night?”
“Yes we did Sarah but you two ditched us for bed.”
“Well sorry to break it to you but I’m ditching you guys again because I still need to unpack.”
 Jay offered me a ride back to the apartment but said he couldn’t stay as he wanted to go out with the guys. Once I was back at the apartment I unpacked my clothes hanging up what need to be hung up and putting other items in the dresser. I made sure to put the black synch bag at the back of my drawer and put more underwear over it to cover it up as best I could. Once I had everything put away I decided to facetime Hua to check in with her. I gave her a quick tour of the apartment I was staying at but she couldn’t talk long as the time difference was horrible. After my call with her I decided to shower and then watch some movies on my laptop.
  I had fallen asleep during one dramas and was awoken to a loud bang and cursing. I moved my laptop out of the way and got up to see what was going on. I walked down the hall to the entrance and saw Jay bracing himself on the kitchen counter as he was taking long drinks from a bottle of water.
 “You ok Jay?”
“Sarah our little Princess…oh wait you don’t like that. How about sex kitten? Hmm? Is that better then Princess?”
 I walked over to Jay and he reeked of booze. Clearly he enjoyed himself out with the guys.
 “Call me whatever you want Jay. How about we get you in bed.”
 I walked over to him and put his arm over my shoulder so he could use me to stabilize himself as we slowly walked to his room. He tripped over his feet and would bump into the wall and laugh. We finally made it to his room and I let him fall back into his bed and I fought against it but he ended up dragging me down with him and I landed with a huff on top of him. I put both my hands on the side of him and pushed myself up and was caught by his eyes. I always thought his eyes were magical but being this close to him just inches away from his face and I was like a deer caught in the headlights. He had me in a trance and it was only broken when I saw him stick that tongue out and lick his lips. My heart rate sped up and I was sure I was blushing but I pushed myself off him before I did something stupid. I helped Jay take his socks off and helped him with his shirt but left him to handle his pants as I went back to the kitchen for some water. When I made it back to his room he was under the blankets sleeping with his clothes scattered around the floor. I set the water down on his night stand and went around picking up his clothes and made sure to empty his pockets before I tossed the clothes into his dirty hamper. I walked back to the door and turned the lights off before walking back to my room to go to sleep.
 That night my normal happy dreams were replaced with visions of Jay between my legs using that tongue to bring me close to my climax while one of his hands was stroking himself and the other was playing with my ass using one of the fingers to slowly put pressure on my little puckered entrance. Just as he slipped the finger inside I felt my walls clamp down and was jolted awake still feeling myself clamp down on nothing.
 Jay and his fucking tongue is going to be the death of me.
 I thought as I tried to calm my body down. I looked over to my phone and noticed it was still pretty early and I didn’t have to be up as early since I was taking the day off to work with the stylist. I closed my eyes and rolled onto my stomach trying to get some more sleep. Every time I closed my eyes I saw Jay again in between my legs or saw him inches away from my face while he drove his cock inside me. That dream was doing nothing but making me worked up. I rolled back to lay on my back and threw my arms over my eyes. All I wanted to do was sleep but this built up sexual frustration from my dry spell was becoming too much.
 I really need to get laid.
 I knew it wasn’t going to happen any time soon and figured I mind as well take care of this issue so I can actually get to sleep. I threw my covers off and went to my drawer grabbing out a vibrator and some lube. I put some fresh batteries in before pulling the covers back over me. I pulled my panties down and took my shirt off allowing myself tobe fully naked only covered by my blanket. The door had no lock on it but I figured I would be safe with how early it was. I closed my eyes and imagined Jay back between my legs imaging what it would feel like to actually have his tongue on me. Having him lick me slowly before inserting a finger into me and pumping it in and out. As I imagined that I turned on my vibrator and inserted it inside me. My pace was slow just thinking of Jay using his fingers inside me. I felt myself getting wetter and tried to hold back the moans that were trying to escape my mouth. The vision changed to Jay above me with his cock deep inside me, as imaginary Jay picked up his pace so did I using the vibrator to mimic him. My free hand went to my breast kneading it and pulling on my nipples. I couldn’t stop the moan from escaping my mouth. I could feel my climax approaching and quickened my pace with one more pinch of my nipple pleasure rolled over me like a title wave. I moaned out a little too loudly Jay’s name and thought I heard a noise. I turned off my vibrator and just laid there. I had just masturbated to the thought of my boss and roommate fucking me and while I should feel ashamed I didn’t. I was fully sated for now and exhausted. I left my vibrator on my bed under the covers and fell asleep, I could clean it tomorrow.
 I woke up to my head pounding and rolled over to see a water bottle and some aspirin. I took two aspirins and gulped down the bottle of water. I got up to relieve myself and to stumble into the kitchen for some more water. As I was making my way to the kitchen I thought I heard a low buzzing sound but figured it was this hangover that was trying to take over my body. I grabbed another bottle of water and made my way back to my room. Just as I was passing Sarah’s room I heard a low faint moan come from behind her door. I stopped and listened closely. That buzzing sound was definitely there and I could hear her breathing heavily behind the door. I felt my dick in my boxers start to stir from the sounds. Another moan came and my hand shot down to adjust my dick in my boxers. I knew what she was doing in there and it turned me on, I knew I shouldn’t be listening here but I couldn’t help myself. My hand found its way inside my boxer and turned around to lean against the wall just next to her door. With her breathing and soft moans I imagined what it would be like to be inside her. The way she was dancing earlier that day had me frustrated because I wanted nothing more than to take her in my arms and show her how to really dance seductively. My hand picked up its pace pumping faster.
 I heard her moan out my name and I lost it. Like a little school boy I shot my load into my boxers. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. Sarah was in there thinking about me as she pleasured herself. With that knowledge, I walked back to my room and stripped off my boxers and washed my dick and hand off with a wet rag. I didn’t bother putting clean boxers on and just climbed back into bed. Still shocked at what had just happened I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep. I laid there for I don’t know how long trying not to think about her. She was amazingly talented and she was gorgeous. I know I had given her the go ahead to change her looks but part of me wanted her to stay the way she was. She was pure and innocent, I didn’t want her to be like the rest of the female artists out there. I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone off the nightstand shooting a quick text to the stylist.
 Jay: When you see Sarah tomorrow let her do what she wants but please don’t let her change too much. If she starts to toss out crazy idea try and pull her back. Anything she wants done outside of anything drastic she can do. Stop by the studio on your way to my place and grab my card. I won’t be having Sarah pay for anything.
 With the text sent off I felt a little better and rolled onto my stomach closing my eyes. With excitement mixed in with apprehension I was finally able to fall asleep.
Next Chapter
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anavoliselenu · 7 years
In flight chapter 8
I closed my eyes, ready to pass out.
He lay down beside me, pulling my back to his chest and throwing his arm over me.
“Mine,” he whispered in my ear. I floated into a pleasurably deep sleep.
Mr. Relentless
It was fully light out when I awoke. I stretched, feeling sore but good. I was alone in bed, but I could smell coffee.
I threw on the first thing I saw in my closet. It was the thin cotton shift of a nightgown I’d worn in the hotel the first night I’d spent with Justin.
I made my way slowly into the kitchen. It was empty, so I passed through into the small adjoining dining room. I leaned in the doorway to soak in the sight that greeted me there.
Justin wore only a pair of snug dark gray boxer-briefs.
Even his underwear looks expensive, I thought.
He held a coffee mug in one hand, his other arm running restlessly through his sandy hair. He was studying the paintings I’d arranged on the walls. I studied his flawless back. It was tan, of course. And it bulged with well-defined muscles. But it was also elegant, somehow, like the rest of him. His ass looked carved from stone. Unaccountably, I wanted to bite it, but I stifled the strange urge.
I licked a finger as I approached him, then rubbed it hard on the skin of his shoulder.
I knew a lot of girls that did spray tans. If his coloring was sprayed on, a little vigorous rubbing would reveal his secret. The lovely golden shade didn’t rub off.
Justin shot me a baffled look over his shoulder. “You having fun back there?” he asked.
I lowered my hand, smiling sheepishly at him. “Sorry. Don’t mind me.”
He took my strange actions in stride, turning back to study the wall again.
He turned to look at me. His eyes were intense.
“Do you sell these?” He waved a hand at the wall of art.
I shook my head. “No. It’s just a hobby.”
He just raised a brow at me, raising his cup of coffee. “I made coffee.”
I nodded. “Thank you.”
I moved into the kitchen to make myself a cup.
He crowded behind me, kissing the side of my neck.
“How are you feeling?” he murmured against my skin.
“Good,” I answered, taking a long draw of the dark liquid.
“It was torture, pulling myself out of bed with you lying there. I wanted you to wake up with me inside of you. But that will have to wait. You’re still too raw.”
I rubbed my back against his chest.
“How do you know?” I asked him.
He stilled. “I suppose I don’t.”
He sighed, a heavy sound, then stepped away. “Are you going to give me the tour? I want to see your house.”
I shrugged, the thought making me self-conscious. I loved my house, and it was relatively new, and in good shape, but compared to what he was used to, it had to seem pretty shabby. Still, I showed him around.
The dinning room and kitchen connected, and the living room doubled as an entryway, so it was a very quick tour. I had my paintings hanging everywhere, and he stopped for long pauses to study all of them.
“I’m not sure I like how many pictures you have of another man hanging all over your house,” he told me with a raised brow.
I blushed, but only because I had remembered the picture I had begun of Justin on an easel in my backyard. I had forgotten to bring it inside, and I worried briefly that the weather had ruined it in the day I’d been away. I didn’t want him to see it even more than I didn’t want it to be ruined, though.
I’d check on it later, I decided quickly.
As for his comment about the handful of pictures I had of Stephan hanging around, I just ignored it. I wouldn’t deign to respond to comments about Stephan and I. Either he was teasing, or he was jealous. Neither would matter. If he had an issue with Stephan, I would be showing him the door.
“Are you two somehow related?” Justin prompted, fishing in a way that made me tense up.
“Not by blood. He’s my family, though. My only family.” I was strung tight as I watched his face for a reaction. This was a deal or no-deal moment for us.
He just nodded, looking thoughtful, but making me relax instantly.
“I like him. It seems like he protects you,” he finally said.
I felt so relieved that it scared me. I hadn’t wanted to show him the door in the worst way. That thought made me panicky.
“You have no idea,” I told him.
His eyes sharpened, and he tensed up. “What do you mean? I would like to have an idea, please.”
I just shook my head, mentally kicking myself for saying something so untactful. The idea of having no idea would drive a man like him crazy, so I came up with a palatable answer.
“Just that we’ve been together since we were fourteen, and he’s always been protective of me, since the day we met.”
“Together? What does that mean, exactly?”
I shrugged. “You know, inseparable. Best friends.”
He reached up and gripped the back of my neck lightly. His touch was light, but his eyes were hard and searching.
“What would I have to do to get you to open up to me?” he asked softly.
I didn’t like this line of conversation. My mind worked furiously to try to get out of it.
“I would imagine you’re as closed off as I am, Mr. Cavendish. So, you tell me. What would make you open up to someone?” I asked, thinking the tactic should work well.
I imagined that Justin’s answer would be the same as mine. Nothing.
“For you, I’d take an exchange of information. You share something, I’ll do the same. Sound fair?”
I eyed him uneasily. Unwillingly, I was tempted. Within reason.
“Do I get to choose the information I give?” I asked him cautiously.
He shrugged. “I’ll take it if that’s all I can get. I’ll do the same. I’ll start. My parents died when I was thirteen. I was left with an older cousin as a guardian. I detested him. He died a year and a half later, and it was one of the best days of my life. I disliked my next guardian, my Aunt Mildred, but she was a saint compared to the first one.”
My eyes opened wide in shock. It was a random and strangely personal revelation, giving me some insight into Justin. I sincerely hoped that he didn’t expect the same thing from me. I thought hard of something to tell him that I could bear to reveal. I sighed heavily when I realized the best way to distract him.
“I started painting a picture of you. It’s in the backyard. It’s embarrassing, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself,” I told him. It was a lesser evil by far, of all of the things that had popped into my head.
He grinned, and it was a heart-stopping grin. “So you do think about me, at least a little, when I’m not pursuing you relentlessly.” He headed to my bedroom, where there was a sliding glass door into the backyard.
“One second. I need to punch in the code,” I called, quickly doing so.
“Have I mentioned that I like your security?” Justin told me as I joined him in my bedroom.
He was opening the barred door that went over my sliding glass. It was an eyesore, but one that made me feel secure, and the bars had become popular in Vegas due to excessive break-ins, so it was fairly commonplace to see them. It didn’t even make my house stand out. I had the thick bars mounted on my bedroom’s sliding glass door, and covering all of my windows.
“Happy to please you,” I told him, and he sent me a hot look.
“You have no idea, Selena,” he repeated my earlier words back at me. I stifled the urge to respond that I would like to have an idea.
He moved directly to the easel without asking. I just followed him. It was really a small price to pay for the knowledge he had given me. He was an orphan like me, and he’d had a rough time of it. Not homeless, but perhaps more alone. He hadn’t been blessed to find a Stephan, like I had.
He studied the painting like he did most everything. Intently. It was only a rough outline of him so far, just his face and part of his torso, wearing a V-neck as he sometimes did. He hummed low in his throat.
“It’s very good. Were you going to give it to me when you finished?”
I shook my head. “I was going to hang it in my bedroom to masturbate to,” I told him, only half-joking.
His reaction was gratifying. He sent me a look that was pure heat and appreciation.
“You ever want me to pose for you, you let me know.”
I brightened at the offer. “Yes, I do. I get much better results when I paint with my subject at hand.”
I gestured at the view of the mountains behind my house. “It’s why I have so many paintings of those.” I tried to get the courage to ask him to pose nude, but couldn’t quite do it.
“You have an extra bedroom you haven’t shown me. Show it to me.”
I wrinkled my nose at him. He was relentless, it seemed to me, about exploring every detail of my life.
He touched my nose with a finger. “It’s so cute when you do that.”
My nose wrinkled more, but then I tried to smooth it out. Being called cute by him just didn’t do it for me. In fact, it kind of annoyed me.
How many cute girls does he go through in a week? As many as he wants, I supposed.
“My guest bedroom is tiny, and just storage at the moment. It basically holds all the paintings that I don’t have room to hang.”
He started moving instantly at that. “I’d love to see them.”
I let out a frustrated noise, but the man always did what he wanted.
I leaned in the doorway while he rudely rifled through my guest room. There was a small guest bed, but even that was covered by some boxes and paintings. The room embarrassed me. I really needed to get it organized.
Justin made a sound of pleasure and pulled a canvas out from one of the many stacks of paintings leaning against the wall.
That was yet another reason I usually did watercolors. They took up very little space when finished. Just a piece of paper unless I framed them, whereas my numerous acrylics and few oils were on canvases that had taken over this room, my far more numerous watercolors occupied one small chest in the corner.
It was a self-portrait, I saw, as he admired it. I cringed slightly. Self-portraits weren’t my favorite. I usually only did them when I lacked for inspiration. I had painted this one a few years ago.
I’d used a picture Stephan had taken when I wasn’t looking. I was wearing my cool, composed face, and it had interested me to paint myself that way, so enigmatic. I tried to behave that way, knew people viewed me as inscrutable, but I rarely felt it. It had pleased me that other people perceived me that way, and so I had painted it.
In the painting I was leaning against a counter, the one from our old apartment. My arms rested on the counter, my head tilted up and slightly away. But my eyes were a clear, pale blue.
We’d been having a party in our small apartment, I recalled. The picture had been Stephan’s way of trying to draw me into the fun. I hadn’t even noticed him until he’d taken several shots of me. I’d used the first picture to make the painting.
“I want this,” Justin said softly. “Can I buy it from you?”
I gave him a very level stare. “Thats ludicrous. You can have it, if you want it. I never hang self-portraits. I can’t imagine why you would want that, though. Where would you hang a thing like that?”
He just grinned. “Plural. As in, you have more?”
I rolled my eyes. “I do. They’re in here, somewhere. As you can see, I don’t have it organized. I have no idea where any specific painting is.”
Justin just started rifling through my things with more focus.
I sighed, resigned to indulging his strange mood to dig into every part of my house.
“I’m going to make breakfast. You can have any pictures you want, but please don’t take them if you’re just trying to flatter me.” I left before he could comment.
Mr. Accommodating
I made ham and eggs. I needed to go to the grocery store, so it was the only thing in my fridge. I had to keep a very clean kitchen, buying only things that I could use immediately or things that lasted for weeks before they went bad. It was one of the necessities of my job.
I made a huge portion for Justin, and a more reasonable plate for myself. I knew from my long experience with Stephan that a man Justin’s size, no matter how fit, would put away a lot of food. I was pleased to find a small block of extra sharp cheddar to top it with. Simple fare, but good.
I brought the plates and some bottles of cold water into the spare room.
Justin was digging through the mess with as much concentration as ever.
I saw that he had found four more pictures to add to his collection. The one on top was an oil picture of a lilly. I thought it an odd choice for him, but I just set his plate on the bed above where he crouched, digging.
I tried not to stare at him as I sat down on another cleared spot on the bed to eat, my plate balanced on my lap. He still only wore his boxer-briefs. It was beyond distracting.
“I made ham and eggs,” I finally said, when he just kept digging. “It’s nothing fancy, but it’s getting cold.”
He turned, sitting cross-legged on the floor and grabbing his plate. He grinned at me almost boyishly.
“It’s like Christmas for me in here. It’s not often that I find something I want that I don’t have.”
I can well believe that, I thought. Though what I couldn’t imagine was why he would want my paintings. I still just wanted to think that he was trying to flatter me to get into my pants. Which was obviously unnecessary at this point. That, I supposed, was why it confused me so much.
He cleared his plate in short order. I still wasn’t half done with my own when he took his last bite.
“That was fantastic. Thank you,” he said, then got back to work.
I finished eating, then looked at the pictures he’d selected so far. Three of my self-portraits, and the lilly. As I was studying them, he found my chest of watercolors. He flung it open as though he had every right in the world. For some reason, I didn’t even attempt stop him.
He added two more pictures to his selection almost immediately. More self-portraits, I saw.
I started to get antsy as he searched the chest. I was recalling a rather embarrassing self-portrait that I’d buried at the bottom. To hide it.
“I need to go run errands soon. I have absolutely no food for lunch, sooo…”
“Mmmk,” he mumbled, but just kept digging. He singled out two more of my larger watercolor paintings, setting them on his pile. They were landscapes of the Vegas mountains, much like the ones I had in my living room. I actually liked them better than the ones that had ended up above my mantle, but they’d been too big for the mosaic.
I knew when he found the painting I was worrying about. He pulled out a smaller painting, and stilled, sucking in a sharp breath. He looked at it for so long that I walked to him, checking to see if my suspicions were correct. They were, of course.
It was on a not quite printer-sized piece of watercolor paper. My only fully nude self-portrait. Looking at it, I wasn’t quite as embarrassed as I’d thought I would be. At least it was a better picture than I had remembered.
I had sat on a chair in my bedroom, in front of my full length mirror. I was sitting up very straight, and had even painted the paintbrush in my hand and the easel and board I was working on. My br**sts were fully revealed, though my legs were closed modestly. Modestly for a nude. Just the barest hint of what lay between was revealed. My gaze was steady, though wide. My free hand lay on my thigh, clenched. My bare feet were arched, my toes pink. My hair had hung loose, though it didn’t cover a thing.
“Exquisite,” Justin said, tracing a fingertip along the page. “I don’t know where to hang it. I should burn it, so no one else can ever see it, but I just couldn’t do that. It’s too perfect.”
His hand shot to my leg where I stood to his back and side. I jumped, startled.
“You’re too perfect. I need to travel with this one personally. Do you have a folder I could carry it in?”
I reached into the chest. His hand remained on my thigh, gripping it firmly even when I took a step forward. I pulled out a navy folder. I had them everywhere. They were handy for storing watercolors.
“Here. But if you take that painting, it’s only fair that I get to paint a nude of you.”
“As you wish, Buttercup,” he told me, turning to plant a hard kiss on my stomach before hiding the nude in the folder.
“Go shower. I’m going to arrange for these paintings to be transported and framed.” He held up the folder. “Except for this one. This one I carry.” He strode out of the room.
Unaccountably, I was a little bit shaky, but I headed to the shower without another word.
I was in the shower for a good ten minutes before Justin slipped in behind me. I had already washed, but he soaped me up again without asking, touching me everywhere. His rock-hard erection pressed against my back. I rubbed against it, and he pushed my h*ps away gently.
“Not until I check to see how raw you are,” he said roughly. But he continued to touch me, rubbing my br**sts gently for long minutes. My head fell back, and my mind went feverish.
“These must be sore, too, but I can’t seem to keep my hands off. My self-control is apparently shot where you’re concerned. I’ve never had this problem before.” His voice was a rasp in my ear, as though he were telling me a dirty secret. It got me unbelievably hot. He shut the water off.
He toweled me off, quickly drying himself and wrapping the towel around his hips.
“Get on your back on the bed,” he ordered me.
I moved to the bed, and felt his large presence behind me with every step. I sprawled on my back on the bed, my wet hair fanned out above my head.
He pulled my legs apart as he dragged my h*ps to the very edge of the bed. He was more masterful than rough as he handled me. He knelt between my legs, using a light touch to study me. I should have been embarrassed, but I was beyond it.
“I don’t care if it hurts,” I told him. And I didn’t, not right then, though I had been extremely sore at work the day before.
“Quiet,” he told me, his voice harsh. “My control is hanging on by a thread, but you’re just too chafed. I rode you too hard that first night, and that morning. Fuck, I can’t believe I did all of that to a virgin. I feel like a bastard, looking at all of that injured pink flesh.” His fingers were still gently touching my petals as he examined my sex. “But I still want to f**k you so badly I can’t see straight.”
I wriggled against his fingers. “Just f**k me, then. Please.”
He slapped the side of my butt, hard.
“Don’t.” He looked at me with troubled, beautiful eyes. “I’m going to need to be more careful with you. I didn’t realize you could take so much without protesting, so I just kept going. Fuck. I shouldn’t have taken you after that first time, but I’ll remember that night for as long as I live. It was so perfect.”
His words were bringing me to a fevered pitch. I stroked my br**sts as he ranted. He gave me a hard look. Hard, but hot.
“Well, we’ll have to do something about this.” A wandering finger found my backside. I stiffened instinctively. He chuckled, withdrawing. “Not that.”
Without another word, he buried his face between my legs with a purpose. He had me gasping out his name with an orgasm in less than a minute. He crawled up my body to kiss me wetly. I ran my hands everywhere I could touch.
“I love your body. I never get to touch you enough. I want to,” I murmured into his mouth as he pulled back.
He fell back into a sprawl almost instantly, accommodating my whim. He folded his tan muscular arms behind his head, smiling. He was definitely all tender lover this morning, only glimpses of the dominant in him showing.
“Have at it, Love.”
I didn’t hesitate, using both of my hands to stroke his chiseled abs. Those starkly ridged abs made Brad Pitt in his prime look sub-par.
I kissed his abs as my hands moved higher, licking. He sucked in a breath. I moved up to his chest. His small n**ples drove me wild, a shade of brown darker than his perfect skin. I stroked and licked up to his neck. Everything about him was just so long. His arms, his legs, his torso.
My gaze traveled south, to his quivering arousal. It was long too, and so hard and thick. I wanted to taste it the most, but knew my exploration would be over if I so much as touched it.
I went back to his neck, moving down to the defined line between his pecks. I nuzzled there, lingering.
I loved this spot, felt almost comforted when I buried my face there. I let myself linger there for long minutes. Reluctantly, I moved away.
I sucked at a nipple, biting down lightly. When he didn’t protest, I bit harder, then sucked hard.
He moaned. My hands kneaded at his arms as I went back and forth between his n**ples. He was so hard, but his skin was unbelievably smooth. I was getting so turned on that I kissed a path directly to his cock. I’d lost the control to stay away.
I cupped his scrotum, putting wet lips on his tip as I shifted for a better angle. He grabbed my thighs, moving me until I straddled his face. I was shocked when his tongue started licking me from that angle. His hand moved to the back of my head, pushing my surprised mouth back to his erection.
He spoke against me, his voice a low, vibrating rumble. I shuddered at the feel of it, and at his words. “Don’t orgasm until I say. I want us to come at the same time like this.”
I didn’t answer, couldn’t, as I sucked him into my mouth hungrily. The more he licked and nuzzled at me, the more furiously I sucked at him. I stroked his shaft hard with both hands, as he’d shown me, taking as much of him into my mouth as I could.
I came up for air once, breathing on his deep red tip when he sucked on my clitoris. His c*ck surged up at me furiously, and I took him back into my mouth.
“Come, Selena.” He breathed the words into my core.
I did come then, sucking him hard, my lips pulled over my teeth. He poured into my mouth at the same moment, and I swallowed as shudders wracked through me.
Mr. Bossy
He turned me onto my stomach. His fingers brushed lightly over my thighs and ass as he studied me.
“This healed well. Your skin loves a good spanking.” A hand wandered between my legs, stroking, whisper soft. “You’d be in good shape if I hadn’t been so rough. The ways I f**ked you, on your first time…I can’t stop thinking about it, but I still can’t believe I didn’t have more self-control.”
I closed my eyes, just enjoying his touch. “I loved it. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.”
He stroked my hair at that.
“That’s because you were made for me. But I still need to give you a few days to recover now, and that’s regrettable.” He suddenly slapped my ass.
“Get dressed, Buttercup,” he told me, moving to the overnight bag he’d left by my bedroom door.
He dug into it, pulling out boxer briefs, then moved into my closet. I hadn’t realized he had clothing hanging in there. And much more than a night’s worth, which I found curious. Maybe he just liked to have his pick of clothes, I mused.
He moved from his clothing to my own, grabbing a white sundress with sunflowers on it. He handed it to me. “Wear that,” he told me. I didn’t protest. It was comfortable enough. I grabbed a bra and some panties out of my dresser. He followed me there, digging through the drawer without asking. “Nice,” he said. “I ordered you a few dozen more pairs. The last line of defense between me and your p**sy is bound to take some casualties.”
I laughed at the visual. Strange, controlling, funny man, I thought.
I went into my bathroom to get dressed. Justin was too distracting.
After I’d changed, I texted Stephan that we were almost ready, and that I’d come knock on his door when it was time.
Stephan always looked like a model, but he never needed more than ten minutes to get ready. I found it both convenient and infuriating, depending on the time of the month.
I sat down at my vanity and used the blow-dryer for about a minute on my hair. I would let it air dry the rest of the way. It would be pin straight when it dried, so I wouldn’t worry about it. I put on just a touch of makeup.
Justin had dressed quickly, and sat on my bed, watching me, his hair damp. He wore a pair of navy cargo shorts that let me admire his long, muscular calves. He paired it with a light gray V-neck shirt that was tight enough to be distracting. It was the most casually dressed I’d ever seen him.
He combed his fingers through his hair and seemed to be ready to go.
I glared at him. “It’s not right, someone looking that good with so little effort,” I told him.
He just smiled at me.
I put my watch on, though I usually didn’t wear a watch anywhere but work, where it was required. I thought it would please Justin. I was right. He rubbed my shoulders, his eyes warm as he studied me in the mirror. I leaned into the caress, closing my eyes. His hands were positively magical. He stopped, pulling me to my feet by my hands.
“Let’s go.”
An SUV stretch limo was parked outside, and I shot him an arch look. “Isn’t that a bit much for errands?” I asked him.
He shrugged. “I need to do some work while you guys run inside. I thought it would be more comfortable.”
He pulled on my hand, tugging me to Stephan’s house. He knocked, and Stephan pulled the door open almost immediately.
He grinned at us, stepping out and locking up. He wore some plaid cargo shorts and a light blue polo. He was in his full Abercrombie glory today.
Stephan kissed my cheek in greeting. “Good morning, beautiful. You are positively glowing today,” he told me, and I blushed.
Justin squeezed my hand.
We headed to my favorite art supply store first. It was across town, so I stocked up on supplies when I went there, since I didn’t make it often. Justin was practically plastered to my side in the limo, an arm thrown around my shoulders. Stephan sat on a seat that faced the side of the car, lounging comfortably.
“I could get used to this. Thanks for driving us, Justin,” Stephan said with a happy smile.
Justin just nodded pleasantly, a hand absently stroking my hair. It was a little awkward at first, but I made myself relax into his hold. It wasn’t that I didn’t like his touch. In fact, my reluctance had more to do with liking it too much.
Stephan’s phone dinged a text at him, and he took it out, muttering, “Excuse me.”
He gave a little whoop when he read the message. “Nice. Damien and Murphy have a line that mirrors all of our New York trips this month. I knew they were trying for it for the last few months, but they kept getting bumped. Their new bid starts this week, so they’ll be on our layover this weekend.”
I smiled. “Nice,” I said.
I saw Justin looking a question at me. I tried to interpret the flight attendant speak into English for him. “Damien and Murphy are pilot friends of ours that always fly together. They just got a new schedule, and we’ll be doing all of our New York layovers with them.”
“Melissa will love Damien,” Stephan muttered, texting furiously.
“And we won’t have to watch her hooking up with that married captain anymore,” I said, studying Justin. I didn’t want him to feel left out of the conversation.
“Why will she love Damien?” Justin asked Stephan, his voice bland.
“Well, he’s a captain, so he makes a decent paycheck. Also, he’s hot. He has an australian accent and looks like Colin Farrell.” As Stephan spoke, he never once looked up from his phone. Was he tweeting about it? Who knew?
I laughed. “He actually does. I never thought of it.”
“Melissa will be chasing him like a bitch in heat.”
I blanched a little at Stephan’s harsh choice of words. It wasn’t like him, but I knew why he disliked her so strongly. She’d brought out his protective side with the way she’d treated me.
I looked at Justin. His eyes were cold. Something had upset him. Was he upset that Melissa would hook up with Damien? Was he interested in her? Had she given him her number, like she’d said? I didn’t want to ask him, so I looked away.
We were turning down Ramrod Street when I explained to Justin. “We might take awhile in there. They have a station where you can build your own frames, and Stephan needs to frame a picture.”
Justin just nodded, getting his laptop out of it’s case. “Do you have a grocery list?” he asked.
He held out a hand. “I’ll give it to Clark. He can grocery shop next door. Stephan, if you have a list as well, I’ll take it. I’ll cover the groceries.”
I started to protest. Justin just held up that hand. “You’ll be cooking for me for the next few days. It seems a fair trade to me. Stephan, will you come have dinner with us tonight?”
Stephan accepted the invitation happily. I sent Justin a warm look. He knew how to butter me up, that was for sure.
“Do you both like sushi?” Justin asked.
We both nodded.
“Good. There’s actually a very good place about five minutes from here. We’ll stop by there when you’ve finished.” With that, he gave his attention to his laptop, dismissing us.
We got out of the limo, grinning at each other.
“Your boyfriend is bossy,” Stephan told me teasingly.
I grimaced. “He’s not my boyfriend. We’ve only known each other for a few days. And I don’t think he does the girlfriend thing.”
He raised a brow. “So what does he do?”
I waved a hand at the limo. “He does this thing. I think he furiously pursues short, private, physical relationships.”
Stephan gave me a slightly troubled frown. “And how do you feel about that?”
I shrugged. “I’m not sure. I don’t want to think about it too much. The thought of something permanent terrifies me, so maybe this will be ideal for me.”
He reached for my hand, looking sad. “Don’t get hurt, Buttercup.”
I shrugged. “Life hurts. As long as it doesn’t kill us, we weather it.”
He swallowed, nodding. I knew he wanted to say more, but he held his tongue to keep the mood from getting dark, as it could.
I stopped on the sidewalk before entering the store, looking at him squarely.
“I think he’s good for me, in a way. I can’t seem to resist him, and I have to face my fears when I’m with him. I find it liberating, if a little terrifying.”
I paused, taking a few deep, even breaths.
“I think I’m going to do it. I’m going to the police. I need to tell them what I saw,” I told him quietly, referring to the decade old incident that still haunted me.
His gaze searched mine. He knew what I meant, but he wanted to know why.
“I just need the closure. It’s always somewhere at the back of my mind. And I’m tired of living with the fear. If I testify, maybe that monster will be behind bars where he can’t touch me. And some sort of justice might bring me some semblance of peace.”
He nodded. “Just tell me when. I’ll be there with you.”
“Soon. Maybe after this Justin thing blows over. A week or two.”
His hand tightened on mine. “I get why a relationship would terrify you, of all people. But that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve more than a fling with this guy, or that you shouldn’t try for something more.”
I just shook my head. “I can’t even entertain the notion right now, Stephan. Not with Justin. Trust me, I’m fine with what it is. I would feel better, though, if you approved.”
He put his arm around me, squeezing. “I approve of anything that makes you happy. But if you’re hurt at the end of this, that rich bastard is gonna have to sue my ass, because I will I beat the shit out of him.”
I was shocked by his words, though his tone was almost light. I studied him intently. He, like me, had a long and sordid history with violence.
Stephan had been raised with a strict mormon upbringing. He was an old-fashioned gentleman because of it, which I always found irresistibly charming. I was also convinced that this was what had made him a hopeless romantic, always thinking everyone should get a happy ending, with their one true love. This charmed me as well. He had so many deeply ingrained, good, wholesome qualities that I had always believed stemmed from his deeply religious beginnings. But he hadn’t quite fit into the mold his parents had designated for him.
Stephan had been nine when his uncle had begun to abuse him sexually. The sicko had been his father’s brother. He’d also been a pillar of their religious community, holding a position a few steps higher than Stephan’s own father.
Stephan’s father had looked up to his older brother, and when a ten-year-old Stephan had tried to talk to his father about it, he had been sharply reprimanded. Stephan had told me that there had been no violent abuse from his father before that time. But there was plenty after that.
His father had called Stephan a liar, while still blaming him for events he wouldn’t even admit ever happened. He’d begun to take offense at every little thing Stephan had done, calling the young boy ‘wrong’, and ‘queer’.
The beatings had increased and escalated until Stephan had begun to fight back. He was big from an early age, and he had told me he’d made a decent attempt at defending himself against his father, after a time.
Stephan put up with the near-constant abuse until he was fourteen, when he said he’d become so fed-up he didn’t even care if he lived anymore. He had confessed to his parents then that he was gay. His father had beaten him severely, taking nearly as much damage himself from a then strong Stephan, then ordered him to leave.
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medialiterates · 8 years
D. W. Griffith and Birth of a Nation: Racist Filmmaker or Filmmaking?
          Of all the films in the history of cinema, perhaps none is as important to the medium or as controversial as D.W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation (1915.) The film is broken into two halves. The first follows two families, the Campbell family from the South and the Stoneman family from the North, as they fight in the Civil War. The egregious second half is the story of reconstruction in the South. It tells the false history of how the congress allows the free slaves to take over the South and oppress the white people. The movie ends with Ben Campbell forming the Ku Klux Klan, who save the South and restore the white people to power. I first saw Birth of a Nation on the second day of class in my Art of Film course. I knew it was going to be racist, but I did not understand the full extent of its racism. One particularly horrible scene in the movie was when the sister of Ben Cameron is running away from a black man who intends on marrying or raping her. She ultimately decides to jump off a cliff and die to escape. This was horrifying to watch. I feel even more conflicted about Birth of a Nation as an admirer of film because without this despicably racist film, the modern film industry would not be what it is today. Without D.W. Griffith, the language of film would not be what it is today.
           When I saw the options for the blog posts this week, the Birth of a Nation documentary immediately caught my eye. I watched it over the weekend thinking it would be about the film. Rather, it was about the public outrage the film caused. In many American cities, African Americans protested the film. The documentary, Birth of a Moment, focused on Boston and the work of William Monroe Trotter. William Monroe Trotter was the publisher of the Boston Guardian, an African American newspaper. He worked hard, using tactics that would be used again 40 years later during the Civil Rights movement of the 1950’s and 1960’s, to protest and censor the film. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on one’s view of censorship, William Monroe Trotter was unable to censor the film, but his legacy was carried on by future African Americans to protest that which they deem wrong.  
           During the film, though, there were a few quotes that stood out to me. The first was from director Spike Lee, who, talking about D.W. Griffith, said, “Racism is racism no matter what form… ‘Father of racist cinema’ that’s even better,” which is referring to D.W. Griffith’s title as the “Father of Cinema.” Another quote that stood out was from Harvard University’s Vincent Brown who said, “some of our greatest cultural products have also been some of our worst. Spectacular and great things are done with evil intent and have evil effects, but that’s just part of history.” These quotes stood out to me because the underlining assumptions would be that D.W. Griffith was racist, which raises the question: Was he racist and did he make Birth of a Nation with an evil intent?  To answer this question, I will examine his upbringing, his approach to the art of the cinema, and his filmography.
           To attempt to answer the first question, I read “D. W. Griffith in Black and White” from Slate Magazine by Bryan Curtis and the D. W. Griffith’s biography on PBS.org. From those sources, I learned that D. W. Griffith was born in 1907 in Kentucky into a poor family. His father, a former confederate officer, died when D. W. Griffith was only ten-years-old. In the documentary, D. W. Griffith said that when he was a boy, he would listen to his father recount his tales from Civil War. From this upbringing and the culture of the South at the time, D. W. Griffith would have racist ideas so integrated into his mind that it would not seem like racism, rather just how the world worked. Curtis says in his article “racism was no more a dominant factor in conditioning his sensibility than the hard times he and his family endured” (Curtis). So, is that considered racism? In my opinion, it is a type of non-overt racism. He did not actively hate African Americans, rather he was ignorant because the facts he knew were not the true facts. Additionally, D. W. Griffith did not have strong political leanings. Although he made the racist Birth of a Nation, Curtis writes the D. W. Griffith “never publicly lobbied for segregation or black disenfranchisement; he defended the Klan only as a historical relic” (Curtis). He was in a bubble that made him view the world in the way he was brought up.
          Next, when looking at his approach to cinema, he was going for spectacle. As it said in the PBS documentary, D. W. Griffith knew how to harness the power of cinema to affect people. As a director, D.W. Griffith is one of the most important figures in early film history. He set the course for all filmmaking to come by redefining and utilizing “varied camera distances, close-up shots, multiple story lines, fast-paced editing, symbolic imagery” (Campbell). These all culminated in producing a greater effect on the audience’s emotions. Additionally, in Birth of a Nation, he knew he needed a good enemy to increase the spectacle. In Bryan Curtis’s Slate article, he writes “the director chose stories not for their political content but for their potential to thrill audiences” (Curtis). While this does not excuse his racist choice of making the Ku Klux Klan heroes against the evil black people of the South, it shows that it was not done in a with malice thought. In fact, it was said in the documentary that he was surprised by the reaction to his film because he thought he was telling the truth.
          Also, when looking at the rest of his filmography, people see a different side of D. W. Griffith. In one of the short films he directed called The Rose of Kentucky, the evil villain was a Klansman attacking a country girl (Curtis). The same person who had the Klan as heroes in one movie had the group as villains in another. In the article “Pioneer Film Director Dishonored by Those Who Follow in his Footsteps,” the author argues that D. W. Griffith, in response to Birth of a Nation, became the “Social conscience of Early Hollywood” (Jacobs). Following Birth of a Nation, he made Intolerance (1916), which had a very strong message of tolerance. His other films of this time were Broken Blossoms (1919), a tragic story about a white woman and Chinese man who fall in love, but run into trouble with her bigoted father. Another was Orphans of the Storm (1922), a story about two orphaned girls of an aristocrat in France leading up to the French Revolution. The film was very critical of over-bearing governments. A reason for this shift in story telling in his movies is “Griffith was more concerned with filming stories he believed were cinematic, entertaining, and portrayed inner human truths than with maintaining a consistent politically correct attitude” (Jacobs). The story was always the most important part to D. W. Griffith. The content of the story came second to him. If it was a good story that could produce an effect on his audience, D. W. Griffith was happy to make it.
          Overall, was D. W. Griffith a racist? I would have to say no based on the evidence presented. Was he ignorant of both history and potential consequences of making a film like Birth of a Nation? Absolutely, I would agree with that. However, I want to draw the distinction between committing a racist action and being a racist. Birth of a Nation for all its acclaim and innovation is a very intolerant and racist film, but to call D. W. Griffith a racist for this one film would be irresponsible when considering his other films and his approach to filmmaking. I would say that D. W. Griffith committed a racist action by making a racist film, but this one film should not reflect on him a as person. Yet, this raises far more questions than it answers. For example, can art still be art if it is racist? Is it acceptable for D. W. Griffith to exploit people with his knowledge of how films work? Do his other films excuse D. W. Griffith for Birth of a Nation? Can D. W. Griffith be blamed for the results of the movie, like the second revival of the Ku Klux Klan and hate crimes against African Americans after the movie premiered? These require timed and nuanced responses. The fact of the matter is that Birth of a Nation is here it stay. It is not only as a remembrance of a twisted way of thought in American history, but also as one of its greatest films. Will people be able to separate the artist from the art and the art from the content to see the art hidden beneath the racism?
  Works Citied
“About D. W. Griffith.” American Masters. PBS, 29 December 1998. Web. 9 March 2017.
“Birth of a Movement.” Independent Lens, written by Kwyn Bader and Dick Lehr, directed by Susan Gray and Bestor Cram, PBS, 2017.
Campbell, Richard, Fabos, Bettina, Martin, Christopher R. Media & Culture 10: Mass Communication in a Digital Age. Bedford/St. Martin’s, Boston/New York, 2015.
Curtis, Bryan. “D. W. Griffith in Black and White.” Slate, 3 January 2003. Web. 9 March 2017.
Jacobs, Christopher P. “Pioneer Film Director Dishonored by Those Who Follow in his Footsteps.” High Plan Readers, 6 January 2000. Web. 9 March 2017.
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