#also while the (now) old memory is fuzzy to her . Júhua remembers how visceral and heightened the emotions were during that fight
fluffypotatey · 2 months
Sorry for making my first question about Júhua about shadowpeach, but I'm obsessed. She knows about macaques entire codependent mess towards wukong cause of shadowplay (enjoyed the fic where she read him filth). But does she know about wukong's side? She known him a long time, but wukong doesn't really talk about himself or his failed relationships
no yeah, i know i mention it very briefly in the series but swk is pretty tight lipped when it came to discussing past relationships with her. mostly because a lot of their time together was during his 500 year punishment and he was coping horribly :) like all she would get is vague stories that swk could never finish and always had this bittersweet expression
also, literally the day they met was right after swk and Macky’s fight (such a fun introduction to the monkey king her mother was previously hyping up before lmao) so he was even more reticent in sharing that can of worms. especially when Júhua and her mother overheard the tail end of the fight
so Júhua knows that Macky meant something to swk but the specifics are still vague to her. is she able to read between the lines? yes, but she would still like to hear it from swk whenever he’s comfortable
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