#also whispers i did the zodiac colours like that on purpose because i knew it would irritate a Certain Type Of People
baalzebufo · 9 months
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i actually finished this right after the first one because I was consumed with the desire to keep drawing but I figured i'd space out the posting a little :p
anyway! I think this is another pretty obvious pick. your horoscope for today might be one of the musically catchiest al songs for me.. i love those horns. thats my ska bias talking, though.
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umblebumble · 3 years
Dragon Age: Inquisition Daemons
So here’s another group daemon selection. I make my choices based off of a mix of analysis (The Daemon Forum is my favourite spot, link) and general vibe as well as plot/thematic things. For this, a lot of inspiration has come from fanfiction I’ve read where the daemon choice just makes sense. There will be minor spoilers for these characters personal plot arcs. Please let me know what you think, and share your own headcannons!
*As a note I tend to pick more mammals than anything else and I am working on widening my selections, but I still run very mammal-centric.
Solas - Common Raven. Raven’s are very clever birds and are great problem solvers and strategists. They go after what they want, and while they can roam in groups, they can work on their own as well. They are also mischievous and cocky; they will pull the tail feathers of larger birds to distract them from food or just for fun. This clever, cocky, proud bird is a very good match for our not-so-humble apostate. Thematically, ravens can be seen as death omens since they often eat carrion. However, they are also called ‘wolf birds’ because they have been known to have working relationships with wolves for hunting. Therefore a raven on the shoulder of a wolf would just make sense thematically to me.
Dorian - Scarlet Macaw. Parrots are far too clever for their own good and boredom is their worst enemy. Along with being bright and flashy to match the sparkly mage, their also very loud and opinionated and dramatic about everything just for the hell of it. I think a Macaw would be bold and striking on Dorian’s shoulder, and would have a razor tongue like the mage. However macaws can also be easily stressed and fall into self-destructive behaviour in bad environments. Thematically I think this parrot would have little bald patches hidden under its wings from where it would stress pluck. An interesting healing arc would be the bald patches growing back in as Dorian is accepted for who he is and doesn’t have to hide himself anymore.
Vivienne - Mute Swan. It can be said of water fowl that they appear graceful and serene on the surface but that’s because you can’t see the intricate paddling going on underneath. I feel that summarizes Vivienne well; she is serene and powerful and graceful at first glance, but behind the scenes there’s a lot of work and whispers and gathering of information. Swans are also very strong and assured. They could break bone with the strength of their wings, and they are confident and assured in their place and their power and status. Furthermore, they’re dedicated to their goals and will put in the work to reach them. However, I also like a swan for Vivienne because they mate for life. They are devoted to a single partner, and when that partner dies they mourn heavily. Vivienne appears unruffled and absolutely pristine to everyone around her and that’s because very few are allowed past her mask to see the softer heart inside that loves and then mourns her loved ones.
Iron Bull - Wild hog/Boar. Pigs are very underestimated animals - they appear big and slow, but they are vicious and incredibly intelligent. Pigs are seriously violent and I think this matches Bulls blood-thirsty battle-lust. But like Bull, his daemon would be underestimated; a war machine on the outside but the mind of a great spy on the inside. They’re social animals, and highly adaptable to a range of environments, and they can be very defensive and protective of themselves and those they care about. Overall I think a boar just suits every aspect of Bull visually and thematically.
Cassandra - Ram. *I initially said Mountain Goat but I had meant a Ram/Big Horned Sheep. Usually I headcanon Cassandra with a dog, a hound of some sort, but this was just very interesting and I quite liked it. When looking at a description of a Ram*, I just felt like it spoke for itself: “ Thick-skinned, competitive, and proud... Assertive and quick to put others in their place when they're crossed, definitely the confrontational sort. Highly defensive of their personal projects and themselves. Highly confident, not ones to doubt their abilities... Likely stubborn and highly straightforward, possibly blunt. Possibly planners, probably quite determined and persistent.” Cassandra is a hard-worker, determined and stubborn. She’s definitely the kind to attack a problem head-first, but she does have the capability to be quick, light on her feet and strategic about her approach. Rams are of the sheep family, and thus are very loyal and close to the people that belong in their circle.
Blackwall - Milksnake. Snakes are generally non-confrontational. They don’t pick fights but they will finish them, which is something I can see reflected in Blackwall’s more laid back attitude towards battle than the other warrior companions. Milksnakes are also very adaptable and will do well wherever they are. They’re a mix of solitary and social, they like being around others but also need their own space. They’re also rather internal and have a lot going on inside they don’t let show, not the kind to wear their heart on their sleeve. Mainly I enjoy the thematic meaning of a milksnake. Milksnakes are adapted to mimic a poisonous snake. Their colour pattern is close to that of a much more dangerous snake, and as such they often trick predators into thinking they are something they’re not. I like this thematically for the not-Warden who is pretending to be something much more fearsome than he is.
Sera - Rat. The common rat is an incredibly adaptable, resourceful, hardy creature. They will find a way in whatever circumstances and use whatever they have to their advantage. They are highly social beings and are made to work in groups, in teams and with others - a network much like the Red Jennies or little people. They’re bold, assertive, and even a little aggressive at times.  A rat is seen as vermin and unwanted, but they’re everywhere and are clever and have their little hands in everything. Also, rats are thought of to be tricksters in mythos - the Chinese zodiac being an example of a rat tricking its way to the top. Sera uses her tricky playfulness mainly to pull pranks and cause mayhem, but she also uses it to stick up for others and assert her place in the world.
Varric - Vampire bat. Now I like the headcanon that dwarves don’t have daemons due to Fade-connection stuff and instead have weapons/armour like Armored Bears, but for the sake of argument I wanted to find what his daemon could be. A vampire bat is an unusual animal, and I think it, like Varric, would be the kind of person you don’t easily forget encountering. They are very sensitive, aware animals and are very in-tune with their surroundings and whats going on. They’re very social animals and thrive in groups. They have great communication skills and form close bonds with those they’re close to. Varric would do anything for the people he is closest to, and his natural environment is surrounded by people spinning tales and connecting with others. I think it’s an unusual daemon choice but I also like the idea that its a fun parallel to a surface dwarf - an underground animal, i.e. a rat, but in the sky with wings.
Cole - Unsettled. I think that if Cole did have a daemon, it would be unsettled. He is a spirit and he is in constant state of flux, despite having a central purpose of compassion. And even if he becomes more human, he is very reminiscent of a child learning the world and as such I do not think he would be settled until he becomes more settled in himself. (I do have further headcanon ideas about this spirit-daemon stuff but that may be another post, or a later addition to this one. Let me know if you’re interested)
Leliana - Mongoose. Leliana was harder for me because I don’t know her as well. I didn’t play Origins, but from what I know she was a much younger, more playful, less burdened and jaded person back then. I think this suits a mongoose very well. They can be very inquisitive and open and playful in their youth, unfearful of the wide world and ready to investigate anything to learn more. But as an adult they are more cautious and guarded. Mongoose are incredible predators and are very adaptive, able to take on even snakes that others don’t dare attack. They are more solitary and secretive, and I think an elusive, mysterious mongoose would be a wonderful hint at the fierce power hidden behind the cooler facade of her everyday persona. Brutal, subtle, and unexpected, a mongoose fits the spymaster well as far as I know her.
Cullen - Border Collie. I always knew Cullen would have a dog daemon, it was just a matter of which. He’s loyal and extremely hardworking, and so I decided on herding dogs. I chose Border Collie specifically because of their intelligence, independence and ability to think strategically. This is the kind of dog that will happily take orders and follow command, but will also work on its own to get a job done. Of herding dogs, Border Collies also have the ability to be a bit more ruthless, I feel. They aren’t timid dogs and if left to their own devices could become destructive and rough due to boredom and lack of stimulation. Also, they are predisposed to listen and obey and thus could fall prey to poor leadership (as seen in Kirkwall). Any dog I think could fit for our loyal, hardworking Commander, but I think Border Collie is a good fit. A bit of a farm-boy turned soldier, follower turned commander aesthetic fits thematically with his overall arc.
Josephine - Zebra Longwing. This kind of butterfly is beautiful and poisonous, a perfect combination for our ambassador. Butterfly’s are social creatures and do well around others. Furthermore this kind of butterfly works in groups to achieve its goal, suggesting a calm, diplomatic mind that is good at working with others towards a goal. Furthermore, butterflies are very sensitive and aware creatures; they pay attention to their surroundings and are very intuitive about the environment and others. Lastly, with a slightly toxic nature, these insects warn off predators with their flashy pattern that advertise them as dangerous. I like this because I think Josephine’s daemon would be a great hint at how not-helpless she is, a bit of a giveaway to her power and abilities. Plus I think a pretty butterfly perched like a beautiful broach suits her aesthetic.
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pocket-luv101 · 3 years
Summary: Mahiru is a wishing star who grants wishes. He is guarded by the twelve zodiacs and he has never left the starry sky before. One day, Kuro asks Mahiru if he has a wish. He only wants to be a simple star for a day. (KuroMahi, Fantasy AU)
Water pooled around Mahiru’s waist as he knelt in the center of the Wishing Fountain. He had his hands folded together as he gathered his magic in front of him. The world was reflected in the pool and Mahiru could hear the wishes of thousands of humans. He filtered through the different requests and used his magic to grant the wishes with pure intentions.
A cool breeze passed over him and the water made it feel colder. Mahiru shivered and he created a ray of sunlight above him to warm himself. While he was cold, he couldn’t leave. The Wishing Fountain was his main tool to peer into the human realm and grant people’s wishes. He touched the image of people laughing around a bonfire and he felt a little envious. As the North Star, Mahiru could never visit Earth like other deities. He needed to stay in the starry sky to grant wishes and guide ships through the night.
Mahiru was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt something warm fall over his shoulders. He touched the jacket and he recognized it quickly. The thought of the person it belonged warmed him better than wearing the jacket could. He slipped his hands through the sleeves and said: “Thank you, Kuro. Did I lose track of time again? You and Hyde switch guard duties at midnight.”
“You’re immortal but you should take better care of yourself, Mahiru.” Kuro warned him. The cold couldn’t kill him but he still felt the need to protect him. He brushed his wet bangs from his forehead and he caught a few droplets that clung to his skin. He was glad that he was the only one permitted to enter Mahiru’s garden while he was granting wishes. His other guards would stand outside the gate.
“Humans have interesting wishes. I get distracted while listening to them. I didn’t realize it was so late.” They lived among the stars and it was easy to lose track of time. The Milky Way didn’t have a sunrise or sunset and it was a constant twilight instead. Mahiru glanced to the clock tower in the distance and he was confused to see that there were a few hours until midnight. “It’s not your shift to guard me yet. Are you here with a message from my uncle? I hope nothing happened.”
Mahiru couldn’t hide his worry as he rushed to his feet. Many people would target his family of wishing stars for their powerful magic. His mother had died when he was young and his uncle raised him. Their duty to grant simply wishes was also important to maintain humans’ faith in the gods. Kuro and the other zodiacs were assigned to protect his family.
“Nothing happened.” He quickly assured him and he placed his hands on his shoulders before he could out of the private garden. Mahiru let out a breath of relief and he placed his hand over his facing heart. He noticed Kuro’s face suddenly redden and he didn’t know why. Then, Kuro pulled his jacket tighter around Mahiru and he blushed as well. His white shirt was soaked through. “I’ll grab a towel for you.”
“I can use my magic to dry myself.” He told him but Kuro still turned around for the sake of his modesty. He had always been respectful and considerate to him. Mahiru had other guards but there no one he trusted more than him.
They had been together for centuries and Mahiru considered them close friends. A part of him would like to be more but he didn’t know if he should act on his feelings. Kuro was his guard and he didn’t know whether he was only with him out of a sense of duty. He feared that he would make Kuro feel awkward if he confessed to him and he didn’t return his feelings.
“You never told me why you’re here so early, Kuro.” Mahiru said as he dried his clothes. “I’m happy to spend more time with you but I know you find guarding people exhausting. You’re Leo, the strongest of the twelve zodiacs, and many deities requests that you guard them. You don’t have time to yourself or rest. It must be troublesome for you.”
“I don’t think you’re troublesome.” His words caused Mahiru to smile and the simple curve of his smile was surprisingly welcoming. The other gods and deities he guarded were haughty but Mahiru was different from them. He enjoyed spending time with him and he looked forward to their moonlit meetings. Kuro found himself asking to take over his siblings’ shift to protect Mahiru.
Kuro glanced at the Wishing Fountain and he thought of the reason he came. They were the only ones in the garden but he softened his voice into a whisper so no one could hear him. “You once told me that you would like to see a sunset in person. Do you want me to take you to Earth to see it? It’s your birthday tomorrow so this can be my early birthday gift to you.”
“Leave the heavens and go down to Earth?” Mahiru whispered the possibility to himself. He had dreamed of doing so but there were a thousand reasons he couldn’t. “I wish we could go. It’s impossible though. If I stop granting wishes for a night, the gods will know that I left my post and they’ll punish both of us. I don’t want to get you in trouble. Someone might attack us on Earth too.”
“I talked with the other zodiacs and they want to help you see that sunset. Hyde will stand outside to stop anything from entering. You can also grant wishes on Earth so the gods won’t suspect that you’re gone.” Kuro said and gently took Mahiru’s hands into his. Mahiru looked into his red eyes and his heart fluttered. “The sunset will start in a few hours so we won’t be on Earth long. You don’t have to worry about someone attacking you. No matter what, I’ll protect you.”
“I trust you, Kuro.” He squeezed his hands back.
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Mahiru sat behind Kuro on a winged horse and he looked over his broad shoulder to the Earth below. His stomach held a mixture of excitement and nervousness. No matter how the day ended, he knew the sunset would be a happy memory for him. He could finally see the sunset as more than a mere reflection in his Wishing Fountain. Furthermore, he would share the moment with Kuro. They sat close on the horse and his body was pressed against his back. Mahiru wondered if he was able to hear his heart racing.
They landed on a beach that was a fair distance from a rural town. They agreed that it would be best to land on the beach because there would be fewer people. Kuro dismounted the Pegasus first and then he helped Mahiru off the horse. The sand shifted beneath their feet but Kuro’s hand on his waist kept him balanced. Once he was on the ground, Mahiru grinned up at him.
“Thank you, Kuro. The sunset will start soon but there’s a lot of things I want to do while we wait to see it.” Mahiru wore his jacket with the hood pulled over his head so the other deities wouldn’t recognize him. The hood shadowed his eyes and Mahiru adjusted the fur lining to see Kuro better. “My birthday falls on a human festival. I would like to try the games and food they have.”
He hugged Kuro’s arm and dragged him towards the town in the distance. His excitement was contagious and he ran alongside Mahiru. He could hear people’s wishes in the distance and the voices were clearer on Earth. They reached the end of the road and Mahiru saw people preparing stalls for the upcoming festival. Rows of colourful paper hanged over the streets and he instinctively knew they were wishes.
Mahiru noticed a little girl struggling to hang a slip of paper on a bamboo tree. He slipped his hand from Kuro’s and then went to help the child. He knelt next to her and spoke in a kind voice. “Would you like me to help you? I’ll hang that for you.”
“Can you put this on the highest branch? I want the gods to see it!” She asked and pointed to the tip of the tree. Mahiru couldn’t help but smile at the irony of her request. He wondered how she would react if she knew that he was a wishing star. He stood and then stretched onto his toes to place the wish onto the tallest branch. His fingers only barely brushed the branch and he considered using his magic.
Mahiru felt heat blanket his back as Kuro moved to stand behind him. He slipped the wish from his hand and placed it on the branch from his. They were so close that he could feel his breath brush over his ear. “You shouldn’t use your powers for small things like this. Someone might notice and suspect that we’re not human.”
He had to question if Kuro was able to read his mind to know that he intended to use his magic. On the other hand, they had been together long enough that they could predict the other’s actions. He leaned back into his chest and whispered back to him. “Granting wishes is the purpose of my magic. Don’t worry, I’ll be careful so no one knows.”
He straightened and then he discretely snapped his fingers. Following his command, a puppy bounded down the street and crashed into the child’s leg. Mahiru patted the dog’s head and said, “It looks like this poor boy is alone. Do you think you can let it be a part of your family? I’m sure your mother will allow you to keep him if you tell her it’s a smart guard dog.”
“I wanted a puppy! The gods must have seen my wish and sent him to me.” She cheered and hugged the puppy close to his chest. She thanked Mahiru before she left. Mahiru liked to make others happy by granting wishes yet he was rarely able to interact with humans. He tilted his head back to stare at the wishes above him and he hoped he could make them happy as well.
Kuro watched him work and his warm magic filled the space around them. He swayed slightly after he used his power to grant many wishes at once. He gently placed his hand on the small of Mahiru’s back so he wouldn’t collapse on the ground. Mahiru leaned against his arm and Kuro touched his cheek lightly. He appeared a little pale so he led him to a stall selling food.
“What do you want to try? I’ll pay.” Kuro offered. Mahiru looked over the different treats on display and Kuro loved watching his expression change. He wore his feelings openly on his face. “The sunset will start soon. I know a good place where we can watch it.”
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Kuro and Mahiru sat on the ledge of a tall cliff and ate the crepe that he bought for them. He had suggested he try the simply vanilla flavour and he couldn’t have chosen better for him. Mahiru smiled to himself as he took another bite. From their seat on the mountain, he could see the town and the beach beyond it. “This is the perfect spot to see the sunset. How did you find this view?”
“I was guarding Dionysus. He got drunk and almost fell off the cliff.” Kuro remembered the first time he saw the sunset. He wanted to share the sight with Mahiru. “To see a sunset is a simple wish. Is there anything else you would like for your birthday? You’re always granting wishes for others. You should have your own granted for once.”
“I know this sounds like a simple wish but it means a lot to me. It’s beautiful how the sunset can change the world. Thank you for bringing me here. I would never have the courage to travel to the Human Realm on my own.” Mahiru finished his crepe and wiped his hands. His gaze fell onto Kuro’s hand between them and he thought of another wish he couldn’t have.
Then, he looked forward to the sunset in front of them. Mahiru held his breath as he shifted closer to Kuro. Then, he slowly placed his head on his shoulder and he waited to see his reaction. He didn’t pull away and Mahiru sighed softly in relief. Without a word, their hands naturally came together and their fingers became entangled.
“There is something else I wish for.” He told him. “I hope you have the same wish as I do.”
He felt Kuro’s hand on his cheek and it drew his gaze to him. Even before he spoke, his red eyes told Mahiru that he also felt the same. He tilted his head back to meet his soft kiss, washed in sunset.
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hannahindie · 6 years
85 Statements!
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
I was tagged by the absolutely amazing @ultrafandomcat Thank you so much for tagging me love!
1. Drink - Cherry Coke
2. Phone call - The dude from Ink in a Blink.
3. Text message - not a text technically, but @pinknerdpanda! <3
4. Song you listened to - As The Jurassic World Turns (Jurassic World Soundtrack)
5. Time you cried - Umm...sometime earlier this week. I found pictures my grandmother who just passed away took at my wedding last year.
6. Dated someone twice? - Not dated, but talked to. Dumb.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - Oh, yes. Oh my, yes. And Facebook memories just keep popping up the fallout from it. -eye roll-
8. Been cheated on - ...This is weird to answer. No but yes? It’s a weird story. lol
9. Lost someone special - Yes.
10. Been depressed - Yeah
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - Yeeaaaaa. I used to be able to say no to this, and then I got old and my body decided to remind me.
Favourite colours
12. dark purple
13. bright blue
14. dark gray
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends - Yes.
16. Fallen out of love - Nope! Still very much head over heels, thank youuuuu.
17. Laughed until you cried - Yep
18. Found out someone was talking about you - I’m sure people talk about me at work a lot. -shrug- I guess that happens when you get shit done. -flex-
19. Met someone who changed you - Sure have
20. Found out who your friends are - Uhh...I don’t think so?
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - Sure have! -whispers- My husband is my facebook friend.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - I’d like to say most of them, but I had a pretty significant time frame where I made alllllllllll the online friends.
23. Do you have any pets - My kitty!
24. Do you want to change your name - I changed my last name!
25. What did you do for your last birthday - I honestly can’t remember. I’m sure I went with my parents, we had a dinner with friends, I think my husband might have taken just the two of us out.
26. What time did you wake up today - 8 a.m.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - Watching Grey’s Anatomy because I hate myself.
28. What is something you cant wait for - APRIL. I get to see my water bear and my twin and the boys and and and everyooooooooone!
30. What are you listening to right now - People talking about....something. I don’t know. Not paying much attention.
31. Have you ever talked to a person named tom - One of my first close college friends is named Tom.
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - Wanting to go home and being trapped here. lol
33. Most visited website - Tumblr, Facebook, BeFunky.
34. Hair colour - dark strawberry blonde I guess. Someone said brown once, but I don’t think that’s accurate.
35. Long or short hair - I miss my long hair.
36. Do you have a crush on someone - Yes. -whispers- It’s my husband. Don’t tell him.
37. What do you like about yourself - I’m pretty hilarious.
38. Want any piercings? - I toyed with the idea of getting my nose pierced.
39. Blood type - I have no idea. I live life on the edge.
40. Nicknames - Han, Hanners
41. Relationship status - Marrrrrrriiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeed
42. Zodiac - Pisces
43. Pronouns - She/her.
44. Favourite TV shows - Supernatural, Walking Dead, Criminal Minds, Psych, The Office, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, Grey’s Anatomy (just recently. it’s my guilty pleasure)
45. Tattoos - One, on my foot. It says Amor motis est.
46. Right or left handed - Right.
47. Ever had surgery - Yup
48. Piercings - Yep: I had three on the bottom, but now I have two on the bottom, and the first hole is gauged, I have a regular cartilage piercing in one ear, and an industrial in the other.
49. Sports - I did roller derby for awhile. I am not an athletic person.
50. Vacation - New Zealand, Ireland, pretty much most places, okay, ,thanks.
51. Trainers - My favorite pair are black converse that are super glittery.
More general
52. Eating - I haven’t had lunch...but I had a McGriddle for breakfast.
53. Drinking - Still sipping on cherry coke.
54. I’m about to watch - Nothing. Because I’m trapped.
55. Waiting for - the contractors to be done with my house so I can move in!
56. Want - to go home, and see my parents, and also mooooooove.
57. Get married - I am! It’s pretty great. I thoroughly enjoy it.
58. Career - If I could make money from writing and cross stitching, and be able to survive...that. OR Moving into the ID department. Or an occupational therapist.
Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses - I like both very much.
60. Lips or eyes - Eyes.
61. Shorter or taller - Taller, because I’m already pretty short.
62. Older or younger - Doesn’t really matter...my husband is only like a month older than me. lol
63. Nice arms or stomach - Mmm...arms.
64. Hookup or relationship - Relationship, yo.
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - I can be both.
Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger - Uhhh...I don’t think so? hahah
67. Drank hard liquor - Oh, yes.
68. Lost glasses - Yes
69. Turned someone down - Yes
70. Sex on first date - Nope
71. Broken someones heart - Yeaaaa....but not on purpose.
72. Had your heart broken - Yep. Facebook thought it would be cool to remind me.
73. Been arrested - Nope
74. Cried when someone died - Yes.
75. Fallen for a friend - Yeaaaaaa.
Do you believe in
76. Yourself - Sometimes.
77. Miracles - Sure do.
78. Love at first sight - I knew when I saw my husband walk across the street to meet me for our first date. Hadn’t even spoken to him in person yet.
79. Santa clause - Why wouldn’t I?
80. Kiss on a first date - That depends.
81. Angels - Yup
82. Best friend’s name - This makes me feel like I am going to make someone sad. They know. lol
83. Eye colour - Blue/Grey with a yellow ring around the pupil.
84. Favourite movie - Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, alllll the Marvel Movies. There’s too many.
85. Favourite actor - Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Simon Pegg, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Chris Pratt, Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Zac Efron, Matthew Gray Gubler...there’s so many.
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