#also why have we seen more wedding planning from owen than we have from carlos and tk
stevenrogered · 2 years
i love that they’re such good people but im getting pretty tired of judd and grace’s only scenes this season being supporting everyone else and not having a real story of their own. 
its been an ongoing problem but between that, carlos only being in every other episode, and the other members of the 126 only getting one episode each (if that) to shine and then fading back into background characters the rest of the episodes, its really frustrating
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kiloskywalker · 2 years
HOLY CRAP YALL WHAT AN EPISODE!  SO GOOD ON ALL FRONTS NO NOTES ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL thanks to @chaotictarlos again for screaming crying and throwing up with me. I have a super early call time and three flights tomorrow so my thoughts are going to be kinda brief but holy shit. -Already 5 minutes in and i was getting high heart rate notifications from my Apple Watch -APD comes off so fucking useless in this episode like did they do ANY investigating at all?  Seriously its ridiculous.  They missed the false wall, they missed the ash in the fireplace?  Like who is this detective and where is Detective Washington?  But you know who was one of the best detectives?  FUCKIN’ TK STRAND!!!!!!!  HE’s come a long way from misidentifying statues as people!  NO ONE is gonna stop him from finding his man. -Carlos you smart SOB, making that connection with Trudy.  Also him talking about Gwyn and her love for TK being flowed through him...fucking wrecked me.  I miss my mom and I hope I find someone like that.  Carlos balancing his need to scream for TK standing right there but also trying to protect him from the crazy lady with a knife, can you imagine. -Ugh both Ronen and Rafael were SO GOOD in this episode.  Probably the most intense we’ve seen from either of them, especially with Detective!TK.  Sidenote, Ronen’s instagram stories were so funny.
-Okay also, some of these one liners were so good.  Even if they were in stressful situations.  The serial killer adjacent old lady being more of a LGBT ally than my own father lol: “I love the gays!”  Also new favorite Owen line: “I’m a fireman.  Our codes are like: Fire!” -I swear to god the last five minutes of this episode aged me like 20 years.  SHE WAS SO CLOSE TO HELPING CARLOS!  THEN TK AND GABRIEL WERE SO CLOSE TO HIM!  UGH!!!  Who else had TK having to do CPR on Carlos.  I can’t wait for the residual trauma for the two of them!  I know there’s limited time for that but that’s why we have fic writers. -ALSO, the B plot was crazy: I’m getting real pissed off with the FBI.  They clearly have no idea how to run this investigation, they are treating their asset (Owen) with more contempt than the people they are trying to catch.  Clearly Owen is scared/uncomfortable with their plan and they are doing nothing to assuage that.  Like my god. -I also can see how they are going to set up an inevitable conflict between TK and Owen which I know Ronen has teased in previous interviews, why the two of them have kind of drifted a bit.  I’m excited for that conversation to come, I can’t imagine how TK is feeling at this moment.
ALSO: “Are you kidding, you died!”, “Yeah, look who’s talking” I MEAN,  exCUSE ME.....Fiancés that have-their-heart-stop-and-literally-die together, stay together. AND REMEMBER: ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE WEDDING All in all, an absolutely fantastic episode.  I can’t wait to read some fics about it.  I have a really early call time tomorrow (0500) and three flights (Orlando-Houston-Chicago-DC) so idk how available I’ll be, but I’d love to talk more about it with yall!
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maxbegone · 2 years
okay but i have seen speculation that Owen's going through some midlife crisis, which is based on nothing other than a motorcycle in the engine bay LOL, and I'm wondering if that's a possibility- which could explain why TK's looking kind of down in the couch picture, but also, he's looking Carlos' chest in another so I wonder if we are getting a wildly polite groomzilla in Carlos at the same time.
Or wedding planning makes him miss Gwyn!
Sorry for spouting in your inbox but i have no one to speculate with lol.
I completely missed the motorcycle in the engine bay, but that’s too funny. If Owen Stand goes through (another) crisis and winds up betting a motorcycle or a sports car, I’m just going to start laughing and ask someone to bring in the big guns — meaning Tommy and Judd, because let’s be honest here, they’re Owen’s moral compass and he’d do a lot more dumb shit without them.
That being said, we know Paul can ride a motorcycle from the MRI scene in2.07, so if this wild speculation is true, I want Paul to ask Owen all about it and also why.
Polite groomzilla Carlos is kind of adorable, but TK is definitely worrying about something and/or missing Gwyn. There’s just no denying it.
God, I cannot wait for this season!
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woodchoc-magnum · 3 years
Lone Star 2x11 Hate Watch
I nearly forgot about it this week, whoops
Disclaimer: Don’t read this if you like the show, simply go about your business and have a great day
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oh no owen is being arrested oh nooo
is it for being a crime to this show
is he going to hit on Dr Jacobs now?
"is there a complication?" tk asks in a monotone
Oh no he's off work for a month? What will the other firefighters do at an emergency if rob lowe is not there to do it all for them?
"it's like two fortnights?" yeah… that's exactly what it is dude
A fortnight is two weeks
So two of them is… a month.
Captain Judd!
Yessss captain judd
No masks
Not a single mask on anyone
"the Serena Williams of firefighters?" fucking seriously
What if she was on camera like that and then they lose this car? She's gonna look like an asshole
Yo 100% the husband dies I'm calling it now
He's definitely dying
Yo that's HUBRIS
That's why you don't brag to the cameras y'all
Damn that poor bastard what a way to go
This reminds me of when Bobby was under investigation in season 2 of the OG and they all kept coming around to his house and annoying the shit out of him while he was trying to plan his wedding
Yo he was in this show called Revolution that I watched because a) Billy Burke and b) Elizabeth Mitchell and I fuck I shipped him with Liz Mitch SO HARD
It's weird to me that everyone thinks of him as the dad from Twilight because I have legit seen him in everything but that
What happened to his lightning strike scars? That was my favourite part of Season 1
So I'm calling it early and saying that Billy Burke is the arsonist because why else would they bring him back, and he doesn't like Rob Lowe
Oh the gays are hosting a dinner party
You know what shits me? Lone Star has these scenes of the team playing board games and in the OG we waste a whole episode about Josh and Sue – yes I'm still dirty but they can make it up to me with this week’s episode
I suppose in Lone Star they're all single? And young? I really shouldn't complain, I don't want the OG to be more like Lone Star let's face it
Yeah she's going viral for acting like a moron in front of the cameras at the scene, that's why you don't do that fucking shit
Look I like Marjan but come on
Interesting choice of Rolling Stones song
Wow this Rob Lowe montage is so great
Am I the only one who thinks Airpods look dumb
God this Rob Lowe montage has been going for hours
Wow he's potting a plant, and painting, and putting a puzzle together, this is so fucking interesting, thank god they've dedicated this portion of the episode to it. How else would I know what Rob Lowe was doing while he was stuck at home by himself?
The chick who works at the juice bar is a better actor than Ronen
Oh no this looks like the work of the arsonist (Billy Burke)
Thank god Rob Lowe was there right
God what a fuckhead
"126! Give 'em hell!" ugh what a douchebag
How am I only 23 minutes in
I feel like I've been watching for ten hours
Yeah how did you arrive five minutes before everyone huh? I feel like that app he's been listening to is probably illegal
Owen is doing nothing to help his case here
This guy 100% thinks Owen did it and you know what I think he's onto something and I think they should arrest Owen and put him in jail
Also I'm going to say that rob lowe dyes his hair and has had some cosmetic surgery just saying
Honestly I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for Marjan here
It’s just kind of in bad taste for a firefighter to be bragging about how awesome they are. I know social media is her whole deal but… it's pretty uncool
Is it just me or is Judd looking extra handsome in this episode?
Oh great and now we're at a nice dinner and they're talking about Rob fucking Lowe again? WHO CARES
He even looks like a creep in that grey hoodie
Oh my god he's been off work for a fucking week? Like I don't get this?
I would love to have a week off work to just stay in my house and be chill
He's talking to Billy Burke about the arson and Billy Burke is in fact the arsonist
Yo doesn't Carlos' house burn down at some point? DOES BILLY BURKE BURN DOWN CARLOS' HOUSE?
I really love Billy Burke and I'm glad they brought him back to play the bad guy; he was the bad guy in The Closer and it was great
He's explaining all this to Billy Burke, who in fact already knows this, because in fact he is IN FACT the arsonist
Also the fact that Rob Lowe has gone out and bought all this stuff just makes him look guiltier
I ship it though, Billy & Owen? Ship name Billwen or Owlly – no we're definitely going with Owlly
Stage 3 cancer, lost his job, got struck by lightning, didn't get the captaincy at the 126 – the man has nothing left to lose. He's the arsonist
Marjan IS a showboat and most of the time it's fine but before a rescue it does exhibit a lot of hubris and that's not a good thing
And that video didn't make her look great
And she needs to go to McKenna and apologise for being a dick
Oh good she listened to me
Paul's a babe just saying
She posted a suicide note and no friends or family went to help her? That's pretty fucking depressing
Jesus this is a bit graphic
Wow this is very graphic
"This was clutch" COME ON FUCKING REALLY?
Oh yeah it's so fucking cool being a badass
Ugh this show is so stupid
How does this still have three minutes to go?
Why is he in his goddamn fucking arson hoodie again?
He is without a doubt the dumbest mother fucker who has ever dumbed in the history of BEING DUMB
I mean say what you want about Bobby jumping into a dumpster but I have to think that Bobby Nash would know better than to act like a suspicious fucking SUSPECT IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ARSON INVESTIGATION WHEN THEY ALREADY SUSPECT YOU OF BEING THE ARSONIST, OWEN!
You dumbfuck
0/10 shittiest episode ever, everyone except Judd, Grace and Tommy are stupid
three miserable fucking episodes to go
Diaz to cleanse:
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