#also why is Leon saying ‘nene klaaaar natürlich’ the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard ever?!
leonsliga · 8 months
Some translations for you 💌
This could be dangerous 😂
Nicest stadium?
Ruhrstadion (VfL Bochum’s stadium).
Best atmosphere?
Allianz Arena.
Most technical player in the Bundesliga?
Difficult…very difficult…I would have said Jonas Hector, but he retired, so we’ll go with Jonas Hector.
Most underrated player?
Jonas Hector.
FC Bayern?
Borussia Dortmund?
The best meal after a win?
Lasagna at home.
Your biggest weakness on the pitch?
I can’t think of anything at the moment, but I would be stupid if I gave my biggest weakness away.
Your greatest strength on the pitch?
People describe me as a box-to-box player, so I would say win the ball at the back and then appear in the box at the front.
And then clean it up (score)?
In the best-case scenario, yes.
The goat is…?
Manuel Neuer.
In conclusion, Leon knows ball
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