#also woman villain likers
aquatic-batt · 1 year
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explainslowly · 5 months
do season six
i liked watching it: no, i liked watching parts but there were serious nearly unwatchable sections I had a miserable time with season six. It's a bad season to experience although the more time elapses from having watched it the rosier it becomes in my memories. I think it's partially bc the bad parts are completely unmemorable so it's as if they ever existed.
i like thinking about it: yes I mean let's be real. It's a fun one to contemplate. Hey remember when Sera gaybashed Dean for living with a woman in suburbs???? Demented. Soulless Sam was hilarious. Sometimes I think about Samuel's insane vibe and I have to go lie down.
i like what it could have been: yes Again. Possibly *the* season of wasted potential in many ways? I guess it's questionable if Sera could have ever brought it home but sometimes it's fun to think about the season that was happening in Bed Edlunds brain when he was writing TMWWBK I feel like Purgatory could have been something as a concept metaphysically? Are these souls outside of Chuck's power or just Heaven's? Could have had implications but in the end didn't of course...
i like its broader impact on the narrative: mixed. Some fun parts like everything falling apart in Cas' hands and him being sooo sad and guilty later and heaven slowly spiraling into it's own destruction. I am a leviathan liker so that was fun for me too even tho it's fucking stupid that it happened. On the other hand this is the season that started Crowley as a villain brainworm and it feels like we never shake that all the way to the end... Also, soullesness is a bad and stupid concept. Etc. Arguably undoes the Salmondean character growth from end of season 5, etc.
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sunkern-plus · 2 years
@rokurodokuro THANK YOU :sob:
i tend to be rambly so my points are hard to understand and also. a lot of the characters i like are understandably characters most people would probably not like (examples: poison, who is very much the sexed up, objectified, possibly a sex worker trans woman stereotype that a lot of trans women, especially irl, don’t like, dan hibiki, who...does not have a lot of likeable traits though arguably a lot of his unlikeable traits are arguably due to neurodivergent traits including autistic traits, adhd traits, borderline traits, psychotic traits, and arguably ocd traits, and rufus, who is frequently hated for fitting the fat ditz and fat “opinionated loudmouth” (? if that makes sense) stereotype though i like him because...i literally act like rufus irl. my weird personality combination of dan hibiki, jacob from abbott elementary, and rufus with notes of seth and kolin when i’m having one of my severe dysphoric episodes from bpd) so like. trust me i understand
although the characters i like that most people don’t like are joke characters so villain likers and joke characters share some solidarity but somehow i’ve noticed joke character likers suffer less character woobification of their characters
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heybeyby · 2 years
Character opinion bingo: Johannes, Sophie/Wales, Chi Yun
Hope that's not too many lol but I'm curious
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Catboy Thingy Supreme™. Literally the best villain in Fury he did most of the work lmao. I love his character concept so much: his pope hat that covers one of his eyes, his fangs, the way he slouches so much, HIS CAT NOISES.... What even is that thing /pos.
Alexis i blame you for getting me into Johannes and Pluto too, like. they have to have something going on :eyes: I sometimes wonder what happens where he went after Fury after nemesis got shafted. Like either he starts working at a cat café or ends up torturing someone lol (iykyk).
also nice i got a bingo haha
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SOPHIE BEYBLADE MY BELOVED YEEAH. she’s so fucking pretty it’s illegal. i have a lot of origin hcs pertaining to excalibur including sophie’s childhood that ill probably post someday. Love her transgender color palette you go girl <3.
i sincerely wished we could have seen more of excalbir’s dynamic outside battling. like she’s obviously close with her team and i want to know HOW they became like that. how her and wales’s partnership started. how she feels abt julian and the misconceptions they had abt their relationship. And frankly i just want more characterization for her come on beyblade writers :(
Also as a certified woman-liker i’m obligated to say she is very pretty and i would like to give her a lil kiss <3
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i fucking hate this English Prick he’s the love of my life. Again I have so many excalibur hcs out of my desperate need for characterization. he’s so funny <3. he’s very much silly rabbit-coded if you get what I mean yk. really wish we got more individual moments with the cetus pair they deserve it. i also like to make fun of him a lot. picking him up and shaking him like a rag doll 🥰.
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chiyun my boy. little guy ❤️. he’s definitely the least talked abt in wang hi zhong but he has a lot of potential trust me. he’s a little bitch baby (affectionate). his relationship with daxiang is so underrated despite having a whole episode dedicated to it. like he takes himself so seriously it’s funny yk. genuinely i feel like he has so much potential as a character, and something i see not talked abt is how frustrated inferior he felt to the legendary bladers in fury. like chiyun is a really well-rounded character compared to a lot of others (even his own team) and yet he’s talked abt so little :/
oh and the uh. projecting part. glances awkwardly to the side. we’ll talk abt that later <3
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fallingtowers · 3 years
btvs season 7 episodes ranked
we did it gang!!! we’re crossin the finish line!!! it’s finally time to dig into season 7, about which i have uhhhh mixed feelings. it is Not The Best season of btvs; frankly, it is probably the second worst, even if i personally like it more than s4. still, s7 does have a few standout moments, and i think it deserves props for its appropriately apocalyptic feel. it’s really bleak, even after the reception season 6 got, and i gotta respect that the showrunners stuck with their guns. well anyway check below the cut for the list! love you! take care!
22. episode 6, “him”: good grief. where do i even start with this one. in this episode, magic makes a gay woman fall in love with a man, and that’s only one of the many dumb and uncomfortable things that happen in it.
21. episode 13, “the killer in me”: this episode has got some good stuff, and alyson hannigan’s acting is incredible as always, but the good pales in comparison to the bad. not only is the gimmick dumb, it hinges on the whole willow/kennedy plotline, which even i, a known liker of girls kissing girls, cannot bring myself to care about. also, amy outright admits to kennedy that she was behind the whole thing, and yet this is never addressed or followed up on???
20. episode 14, “first date”: who cares about any of this.
19. episode 15, “get it done”: kind of boring, with just a dash of btvs’s trademark weird uncomf race stuff to spice things up.
18. episode 19, “empty places”: so, like, i get that the narrative demands that this be buffy’s darkest hour, and that the way to do that is to make her friends turn their backs on her, but it just isn’t written in a way that makes sense. like, it’s understandable that everyone has grievances with buffy at this point, but i don’t see how no one at any point stands up and is like, “maybe we shouldn’t literally exile our strongest fighter when we’re up against a world-ending threat. maybe that isn’t the most strategic course of action to be taking”
17. episode 2, “beneath you”: something something dune joke. this is an ok episode; it’s ranked this low mainly because the spike stuff doesn’t really work for me. he plays his role so well that it rings a little false when we find out that he was just acting the entire time. it’s frustrating, too, because it feels like such an easy fix! but whatever. i can’t get into what i would’ve done differently this season or this list will be a million words long.
16. episode 20, “touched”: i watched this one and then immediately forgot what happens in it. aside from the fact that everyone fucks. oh, and spike stands up for buffy. that part is good.
15. episode 10, “bring on the night”: on the one hand, this episode manages to make the first feel like a genuinely threatening villain, and buffy’s speech at the end is a banger. on the other hand, why the hell does the turok-han not kill buffy after it knocks her out? what is the rationale there? it just feels like sloppy writing. at least invent some lame deus ex machina to frighten it off or whatever. sheesh
14. episode 1, “lessons”: this is a solid opener! opening on the new high school lends it a nice sense of narrative balance and effectively sets the season’s “full-circle” tone. and you know i love a haunting.
13. episode 21, “end of days”: ok, like, obviously everything about buffy’s Mythic Scythe is deeply stupid, but it’s never more stupid than here. not only is there an ANCIENT EGYPTIAN TOMB in the middle of a sunnydale cemetery, BUFFY DESECRATES IT. she doesn’t even fucking hesitate! she just kicks the door in! god i love this stupid show. anyway, if you disregard all that stuff, this is a strong penultimate episode that’s got a bunch of good moments. even if it does lose points for angel showing up. get out of here, angel!!! begone from me, vile man!!!
12. episode 22, “chosen”: this one feels kind of like a microcosm of the season as a whole—it’s a little rushed, a little haphazard. it feels like they didn’t build up to it enough and it suffers as a result. like, why does angel of all fucking people show up without preamble in the last episode and just hand over the mcguffin that ends up winning them the climactic battle?? stupid. still, even despite all that, the good parts of this episode are really good.
11. episode 9, “never leave me”: this is a fun one! the scene where xander and anya interrogate andrew is top notch.
10. episode 18, “dirty girls”: it’s kind of weird that they introduce caleb so late in the game—it feels like another symptom of s7’s kind of haphazard writing—but overall this episode is solid. nathan fillion is a lot of fun hamming it up as caleb, and faith’s conversation with spike is great.
9. episode 8, “sleeper”: god lmao I never realized that aimee mann was in this episode. wild.
8. episode 11, “showtime”: the gladiator fight between buffy and the turok-han is such a banger. i don’t understand how killing the turok-han allows her to rescue spike though. like where was the first even keeping him? and why was it even keeping him alive??? well, whatever. btw it’s fun how willow is apparently so powerful that people can now just telepathically contact her instead of the other way round. always tuned to the frequency. on call 24/7. if she was snoring in the other room you could just scream in your mind until it jolted her awake
7. episode 3, “same time, same place”: willow i love you. i kiss you. this episode is fun! it’s got a good gimmick that’s executed well. the demon is a little goofy, and alyson hannigan’s acting kind of suffers from the whole “lying on her back paralyzed” thing, but still.
6. episode 16, “storyteller”: this one is packed full of good gags, and the ending is nice and affecting. it’s cool to see andrew get some character development.
5. episode 4, “help”: poor cassie :( this one is lovely. the actual demon stuff is eminently forgettable but the mood of it has always stuck with me. buffy’s grim determination in the face of bleak odds really encapsulates the feel of season 7 to me.
4. episode 12, “potential”: this one is great. finally dawn is the focal character in a good episode. the conversation between xander and her at the end is lovely.
3. episode 17, “lies my parents told me”: this one is a standout mainly for the spike flashback stuff, but the rest of it is also good. wood’s murder room with all the crosses on the walls is a great image. it’s a shame that the wedge this one drives between giles and buffy is never quite resolved, though.
2. episode 5, “selfless”: poor anya :( poor xander and buffy too. buffy’s speech about standing alone as the slayer is really good. anya’s death wish hits hard. that’s really my only problem with it—they shoulda called it “death wish” instead.
1. episode 7, “conversations with dead people”: god i still have a hard time watching this one because it scared me so bad when i was a kid. btvs has never nailed the haunting stuff more than it does here. i like that they definitely knew how good this episode was too lmao it gets an artsy little title card and everything
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rakkikuroba · 4 years
I keep seeing MHA Tiktok but I don’t even watch MHA.
I did but I stopped 2 years ago because I was harassed by 14 yo girls because I didn’t ship Shoto and Deku. They told me I was homophobic. Little do they know I am ace, and a better ally of the gays than those 14 yo girls fan of yaoi will ever be.
Not a great fandom. Also is Hawks a villain ? I thought he was a hero but I saw him in a video with Dabi ?
I don’t really care but im curious.
No but seriously, AOT and MHA were great anime I really loved but I just can’t with the toxic fandoms. I get harrassed for not liking a ship !
I know that the TodoDeku ship appeared during the battles between classes with Deku’s inspiring speech to Todo, but they were nothing romantic in it. Deku could have done it for everyone in the freaking class ! Also Zuko does it better than Shoto and it’s FACT !
Ereri started way more weirdly than TodoDeku, you tell me, that Livai, an adult, abuses physically Eren, a children and this is the start of their relationship ? Don’t you see the problem ? Idk the abuse, the p*dophilia ??
With BC fandom I can like the ship I want and nobody will come harass me because I don’t like their ! Yeah I like Nozel x Fuego, you prefer Nozel x Dorothy ?, that’s fine too me, have a great day mate !
+ shipping Eren with Livai was gross in the two first season. And shipping 2 males characters because they talked to each others one time doesn’t make you an ally. Romantize abusive relationship doesn’t make you an ally. Shipping two kids into a gay couple and making NSFW of them doesn’t make you an ally.
Most of those yaoi likers needs to understand that 2 men can be friends and not imperatively be in a relationship like a woman and a men can.
Because if you can be friends with the gender you’re attracted to, I fear for the platonic relationships of the bisexuals and pansexuals.
They need to understand that them, fetishizing manXman romance is the exact same things that men watching lesbian porn. You aren’t an ally. You’re an asshole.
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kwamikikkitale · 7 years
Who could be Le Paon?
So, far we don't have any clues who is Le Paon? The fandom has many candidates of who can be and why or why not it could not work. Nathalie Sancoeur: After the episode "The Collector" we learn that Nathalie is aware that Gabriel is Hawk Moth. Thus making her a suspect (and so far the #1). Its has been stated that Le Paon will be a villain far worse than Hawk Moth. Nathalie is a person who barely shows any emotion. Not to mention that "Sancoeur" mean "without a heart" and the Peacock Miraculous is guarded on the Agreste mansion. The only problem with this is that Le Paon is suppose to be Hawk Moth "boss". It would be weird that Le Paon orders Hawk Moth around when he already gives her orders as Gabriel. Mrs. Agreste: Because of some facial characteristics many think that Mrs. Agreste is going to be Le Paon. So far, it has been stated Mrs. Agreste was the only person who could change Gabriel mind. Also is was said that Le Paon identity was hinted on the new intro of Season 2. We all know that in the new intro Chat Noir, Hawk Moth, and Le Paon are next to each other. But, the thing here is that Gabriel wants the miraculous (or at least its implied) because something happened to his wife. How can Mrs. Agreste be Le Paon is she is missing? Why would Gabriel want the miraculous if she already is with him? Unless Mrs. Agreste wants something also and Gabriel is just helping her. Kagami Tsurugi: Fans are already jumping into theories that Kagami is Le Paon because of her face. But this is the person who has the more cons of being Le Paon. First of, Kagami is just a teenage and Le Paon clearly looks like an adult. Le Paon is suppose to be Hawk Moth boss. Don't you think it would be weird that Gabriel is getting boss by a girl (knowing what kind of attitude Gabriel has). Kagami doesn't know anything about the miraculous or the whole Agreste drama. Plus, it would make morse sense that Le Paon is someone who knows the Agreste family really well and Kagami is not that person. How can Kagami have the Peacock miraculous when the miraculous is inside his father safe. There is no way that Adrien will open that safe after what happen. Kagami's Mother: Kagami clearly should look liker her mother. Few fans think that Kagami's mother could be Le Paon. But we don't know anything about that woman. Or if she will be relevant to the series. She hasn't even show up. Mrs. Bourgeois: Same thing as Kagami's mother. Sabine Cheng: Yeah this exist guys. But Sabine is a nice person and as I say it makes more sense if Le Paon is someone who has connections with the Agreste family. In conclusion, Nathalie is the #1 suspect who can be Le Paon. Lets just wait how Season 2 goes on.
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