#also yayyy! my first edit after more than a month
pralinesims · 4 months
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The saga of a guy and his photogenic cat 🐾
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05. The Rich Kids
AU Grace and Simon story. Takes place in the instance that they never got on the train, but crossed paths and became friends.  Generally, these could be standalone, but this one will be sequential for the next chapter whenever I get around to posting it. 3359 Words and I will be making a masterlist when I get a chance.  Previous
Simon handled the essay for his scholarship exactly how he thought he might. He was NOT okay, but he got the job done. He started with an introduction about why he wasn’t even sure of why he would be accepted into an institution like this school when his life was so ripe with problems, and honestly admitted that he was telling them all of this “for a girl.” He described the way that he met Grace and how important her friendship and being close to her was to him. He used that as a segway of WHY he needed a close friend, being brutally honest about the things that were happening in his life when they met and the things that he had gone through since. He put heavy emphasis on his relationship with his mother and how HE was now caring for her, even though he could see in her eyes that she didn’t care for him, at all. 
He wanted to learn from somewhere that could help him to be great. He felt like a jack of all trades, but in a kingdom of shit. He wondered if he could get away with saying shit. He went back and edited it to censor it, but to make it known that she still meant shit. He ended it out with how he didn’t seriously expect them to pick him, even with his GPA being what it was and him having skills in these areas. “But, I have to be able to let my only friend in a lonely world know that I did what I could to stay beside her. This is my best.”
Whenever he submitted it, he spent the next couple of days holed up in his room. He needed recovery time and worked on setting up a scene for his portfolio. His portfolio was turning into something he really loved. He had written pieces - generally inspired by Grace, some artwork of her in various forms, photos of his best figures and the scenes that he would put them in, and other photos from him trying his hand in photography.
He made money by doing people’s homework assignments, and charged more for special projects. But, everybody in school knew that if you wanted a quality A+ project in a hurry, Sci Fi Si was the guy to go to. He wasn’t even teased as much as he used to be. Emphasis on “as much.” And his former bullies? They were terrified to cross him again… or rather, to cross Grace. Simon kept photos of her and the two of them together as a little reminder for that group and as his daily dosage of serotonin while he was stuck at school all day without access to her.
He still was considered a nerd, had a crappy home life that made intrapersonal relationships difficult and unhealthy, meaning he wasn’t great with people and only knew the right things to say for short periods of time, and he was pretty broody and sarcastic. A lot of people didn’t like that. He definitely talked to most people like they were stupid. (Most people were) and he was pretty unapologetic in his convictions. He was like the poster boy of “If you think you’re better than everyone was a person.” He credited Grace for that, to be honest. Whenever you have somebody like that in your world and they’re not only interested in who you are but they like who you are, the rest of these peasants could suck a toe. 
Plus, he was smarter than all of them. He had written several books, though unpublished were absolutely splendid, in his opinion, and not just for his age, but period. 
Oh yeah - he was cocky. 
That was another thing people hated about him. 
But, people didn’t matter to him. He did have a secret soft spot for kids, but the ones in his neighborhood avoided him and he’d even heard the rumors that whenever he was younger he killed his kid sister. It hurt at first. It sent him into a crying rage in which he destroyed everything in his path up until the moment his mother emerged from the bathroom to “smack some sense into him.” He avoided children after that. They made him uncomfortable. He wanted the world to be a safe place for them and wanted to protect them, but he didn’t think he was cut out for stuff like that, so steering clear of them was probably best. Besides, they were just… so weak. They were frail. You had to start toughening them up way too young in order for them to be great and he just couldn’t imagine having to be that for anybody. He couldn’t do it for his sister. If she were stronger, maybe she… He programmed himself not to think about her.
Now Grace, she was great with kids, but she wasn’t super fond of them. Like, yeah, she liked to see their smiling faces and generally was able to make them smile, but she wasn’t in a rush to meet any or have any, despite the fact that her dad made her take a course to learn about sexual reproduction and teen pregnancies before letting her go to school. She was horrified to learn about that entire process, especially considering that it had not once even CROSSED her mind!
She saw two married people who had a child every day and their life was nothing she wanted to work towards and certainly nothing she wanted to accidentally catch herself up in. 
If she ever did anything like that… She’d have to go through so much getting to know and getting used to someone and that sounded like way too much work, considering she already knew somebody. She knew Simon and that by itself was a lot. Having a best friend was both everything amazing and very exhausting. Her mother told her that whenever she got ready to get married, to make sure she married her best friend, and her father had quickly interjected and corrected the woman by saying to make sure that she married somebody “equal” to her… She had a feeling from both of their moods that neither of them were that for the other. But, no worries there, because she was NEVER getting married. 
She was going to dance FOR FUN, maybe open a dance school, or some kind of school, and read books in her free time and go on adventures with Simon that they currently were too stifled to go on. She was gonna be with her best friend for the rest of her life, but not in the unfortunate situation that she saw in her parents. And she knew that Simon would agree to that, because he said that they were a team.
Simon set up the camera that he wasn’t actually supposed to touch, because it was his fathers and while he was away, Simon wasn’t supposed to go into the garage, but he was away and it would be months before they would see him again.  That was what he was doing when he heard the notification on his computer. He presumed it was something that Grace sent him, so he rushed to check, and it wasn’t. It was the Dean… setting up an appointment… because he was accepted… He hurried to get that squared away and then called Grace to let her know.
“Yayyy! Another adventure together! I KNEW you could do it, Simon!” She cheered.
“I couldn’t have done it without your idea,” he said. 
He didn’t add, “Even if it ripped my heart out to do it that way,” and she didn’t hear it in his silence; because she replied, “I think you’ve known me long enough to know that I’ve never been wrong, ever in my life, and if I have - It. Didn’t. Happen.” He laughed a little bit. “Look forward to more outstanding quotes on a daily basis, when we’re seeing each other AT SCHOOL!” She was SO excited. She had put together as many acceptable options that fell within the dress code of the uniform but also with a little of her own flair, and she worked on getting her schedule filled. Simon had to do all of that whenever he went in. because he admitted that he didn’t really know what to do and so the administration helped him out with it. 
Simon would make the trek to Grace’s every morning and ride to the school with her in the car. Four years after meeting her, he still knew her drivers better than her parents, because they either were never around or he wasn’t over when they were. She still hadn’t seen his mother at all outside of photos and every time she saw his father (a whopping 3 times in the past 4 years), he looked different. A few more tattoos, a little more or less hair on his head or face. It was still just Grace and Simon by the time they got to the academy.
The first week of school was extremely different for both of them for different reasons...
Grace found that people were apparently “naturally drawn” to her, and in an effort to not let them down, she became very popular, very quickly. She made sure that whenever she saw Simon, she made room for him though. She’d call his name and wave him over. He hated groups of people, but she had been surrounded by them since Day 1, so he had to tolerate them. 
Sometimes, if he looked like he wasn’t okay, or if they talked about a current issue he was having on the ride over, she’d tell the others, “I’ll have to get with you all later. Today is a Simon day.” It always made him feel good. Warm inside and cozy and a little fluttery… Stuff that he became severely aware of. She caused reactions in him that he hadn’t previously experienced. He always thought that she was pretty and out together nicely and smelled really pleasant, but like, now… 
Not just his brain but other parts were starting to respond to those characteristics. And, he became dangerously aware that a lot of the other boys noticed her like that too. Know who didn’t seem aware? About any of it?? Grace.
Whenever the Fall Festival rolled around, she was the girl that everybody wanted to take to the dance, even upperclassmen. She was the girl that the girls wondered about what kind of dress she’d wear. She was the girl that the dance teacher asked if she wanted to open up the dance with a waltz. “I don’t know how to waltz,” she had said. After all of her years of dance, the teacher was stunned. She wanted to teach her before the dance. She said that she had the perfect partner to pair her with. “Oh, no no no no… I only have one person that I would be dance partners with,” she’d said. 
Simon wasn’t keen on being dragged into this, BUT it did mean that some other guy wasn’t going to be dancing with her… for now. Who knew WHO would ask her to dance at the actual dance, which he tried to convince her would be boring and that they should skip it. 
She would have loved to just go to the pumpkin patch after school, pick a few pumpkins to carve and make treats and cozy up with him for a movie night… but, she had to go to this dance! There was a lot of pressure on her to go and she was fueled by pressure and the stress of letting people down. So, the compromise here was that Simon could skip it if he wanted to, and they’d do the pumpkin patch thing the next day. “Even though I’d much rather you come to the dance with me,” she said, with a pouting face. 
And everything inside of him turned into mush. Before he could think, he’d said, “Okay,” and couldn’t take it back, because her entire face lit up and she threw her tender arms around his neck, her soft hair was against his cheek and her body was pressed too close to his. He could inhale the flowers and cupcake scents of her beauty supplies and lip gloss, and everything was warm. Too warm. Hot even. He squirmed out of her arms and said, “Yeah, yeah,” ignoring her confused face about him pulling away. It didn’t last long anyway. She credited his mood to hating stuff like school dances and moved on with life. He overheard her telling people, “Sorry, I’m going with Simon to the dance, but if I get a chance and your date doesn’t mind, I’ll save one dance, just for you.” He actually heard her say that three times before she was too far away for him to hear her anymore. 
She was always doing that. Just telling the other kids whatever she thought that they wanted to hear. He figured it was because she couldn’t tell her parents “no” and so she was just used to reflexively saying whatever kept the peace. He was like that once. But now, the last thing he did was care about what either of his parents had to say. He was never home anyway. He was always with Grace, either stashed in her room, or somewhere in town enjoying life and causing mischief. Since school started, she hadn’t been able to get out as much. She would complain about homework, which she hardly had the attention span for and Simon would simply do hers to get it done, but now that she was in school, her parents would set up social arrangements for her and other well to do kids (mostly to rub elbows or have pissing contests with their parents).
But… he had a date with Grace, and his dad was at home on leave, so he didn’t have to worry too much about having to be at home. He did have to worry about formal wear, though. He groaned as he headed for class, taking out his phone to try to see where he might find an affordable formal and how much hustling he’d have to do to obtain it.
One thing that Simon hated about the academy that was different about his last school was that the bullies here were far more sinister and also more protected. If he got into a fight at public school, there might be a suspension and maybe some penalty for disrupting class or something. 
If he got into a fight here, the zero tolerance violence policy would get him kicked out… and yet, and yet, and yet… that did not happen with those rich boys whose parents paid for wings of the building, and had statues, or replaced team equipment… the kinds of boys that resented him for being so close to Grace, and let him know that he didn’t belong there, every single day. The kinds of boys with the most powerful commodity in the world - money.
The first week of school, someone had asked him what his father did. He answered honestly, “He’s in the military.”
“Is he high ranking?”
“No. He served for a while, got out, but reenlisted a few years ago.”
“What about your mother?”
He answered less honestly, but close enough, “She’s a housewife.”
“How did they afford to send you here?” Just… right out of the gate, huh?
“I have a scholarship.”
“For which organization?” 
“It’s an art scholarship. The Kissington one.”
“Oh.” the ‘Oh’ was enough for him to realize that it wasn’t a good one. But, they added, for good measure, “You’re poor.” And technically… his family wasn’t really POOR. They never were short for the bills, like some of the kids he knew. There was usually food, if he made a trip to the grocer. His mom was able to stay at home, not working, receive medication, and they had a cat. So, he wasn’t rich, at all, but he wouldn’t have considered himself poor, either. 
But here, anybody who wasn’t wealthy was poor. Sure, the Laurents could afford their bills, but he was never able to do anything extra if he didn’t find odd jobs. Meanwhile, Grace sometimes couldn’t see him for a few days because her parents were hosting a politician or a royal, or she had to go overseas for a few weeks, or she just really wanted to do a spa day weekend and he simply couldn’t come along because it cost too much.
There was a group of kids that had let him know that they were “on his level.” But, he didn’t spend a lot of time around them, because he was here for Grace and he had Grace, but he was aware that everybody wanted her too. The difference was he was certain that she was just a status symbol to these people, but she was his friend. 
The teachers didn’t like him very much either. They seemed to always be suspicious of him and he couldn’t tell if it was his imagination that they weren’t as lineate about objective answers as they were with some of the other kids. He knew that he was smarter than a lot of the kids who did better than him. He KNEW he was. School was less of a hell hole whenever he would worry that he might have to fight for his life. There was something so much more unnerving about fighting something that wasn’t physical, and having the disadvantage, because he simply couldn’t add up to his peers in a lot of these people’s eyes. He knew that he was more evolved than them, but all they could see was money, and he just wasn’t made up of it like these kids.
Whenever they left school, Grace would brag about all of the compliments that she got and go on about how awesome school is and wonder how it was for him. “Are you happy?” he’d ask. 
“Yeah!” She’d said.
“School is great. I mean… you’re there. That makes it the best place” She’d look at him for a moment, like she didn’t know if she believed him, her eyes sad and suspicious, but she’d smile and change to subject to something that they both loved. It was true in a way. Whenever she was there, he forgot about his problems and just soaked her in and her followers were even nice to him in those moments. A few of the girls even admitted (or maybe lied) that he was cute. But, they weren’t together the entire time and most of the time, he was miserable. But… if she was happy… I mean, that’s why you came here, Simon, he’d remind himself. Maybe it would simply take a moment for things to become normal. 
And a few months later, after he agreed to go to a school dance with her, he knew that whatever their normal was, they weren’t in it… or it had changed. He didn’t know for sure which one, but he knew that at the moment, he wasn’t enjoying it. The snide kids. The sneaky boys. The snobby girls. The suspicious staff. He was becoming increasingly angry, and wasn’t sure if Grace was still enough to quell that. She had so much more going on than him, these days. Maybe, she didn’t need him here at all, and she just didn’t know until now. Maybe the fact that SHE had a lot of money and HE didn’t, made him anxious. He couldn’t catch up, and even though they still had their inside jokes about being “the apex” like when they were kids… he felt like she was the apex, and he would have to work extremely hard to ever truly be powerful. He would have to do more to get and have money. Being intellectually and physically superior didn’t matter if there were enemies in place who could affect your personal trajectory!
This became clearest whenever the Fall Festival came around and he finally was able to actually meet the infamous Mrs. Monroe.
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rqs902 · 5 years
qcyn ep 10 aka an episode that really made me happy!! but also really made me miss season 1..........
phew thank goodness lin mo made it tho, now i feel like there’s not much left for me to do cept wait for this show to end bc im pretty sure thats as far as he’ll get, and im so so relieved he made it to the top 20 thats all i was asking for, i just wanted him to be able to participate in every stage. so now im just excited for when he gets out what mr tyger will do!
man iqiyi really skipping even 14-19 man..... 
wowowowow long lost xixi spirit of the knght footage that we never got to see T__T
awwwww huaiwei’s feeble “are yall not gonna clap” was so sad... but also i was kinda expecting his fall with the 2 vote restriction bc huaiwei is hilariously fun and everyone likes him, but hes not as much bias material.... lol shi zhan awkwardly stuck between two crying people lol
HAHAHAHHA CHEN SIJIAN ‘why cant we just talk to each other’s face to face’ HAHHAHAHA I LOVE HIM 一點都不說唱 HAHAHHAAH
lol zhenning exposing shi mingze is the content im here for! mingming is the cutest bub omg 
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wow a rare zhan yu teardrop mole sighting!!
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lol how much u wanna bet it was rigged that the first one was for wenhan from yangyang
aw huaiwei and yueyue....... ok but is he really telling them that they shouldnt go to the hospital if they get third degree burns?? bc as a future healthcare professional im gonna to strongly disagree on that one........ please take care of yourselves and your health first.........
HAHAHHAA I LOVE XIXI AND JUNJIE’S FRIENDSHIP HAHAHAH the fact that sijian was like “lol its junjie” as soon as xixi got called out ....oh my goodness this is the sweetest thing oh my goodness 
aw zhenning being so caring towards wang zhe.... but luckily wang zhe did really well in maze :) 
i hope we get to see more of these letters in the extra clips.... im waiting for jia yi’s letter to lin mo ;_; i see that mr tyger group hug ahhh also was that lin mo that wenxuan was hugging at the end bc their friendship is really aw too
aw junjie looking for happy for his friends even tho he likely wont make it this round.....
aw shi mingze and zhenning aww look at zhenning rising to the top, he really became people’s one pick after retreat huh hahaha 
man this might sound kinda mean (im really not trying to be) but what are the chances jia yi will keep falling and fall out of top 9 so mr tyger can continue as 5.... LOL im sorry i love the child but tbh i dont think being in top 9 will be worth his time as much as being reunited with his favorite geges......
aw poor mingming so nervous.... reminds me of quanzhe from last season that one time iqiyi kept panning to him during elims....
i wonder why there’s a bunch of them missing from the special class / the charity activity this time..... are they all in the hospital again???? like lin mo, jia yi, wenhan.... would zhan yu be with them to watch over lin mo and jia yi? 
lol why does bo yuan know the maze choreo, did he learn it in like 30 seconds?? gu landi with his saxophone!!!!!!!!!!!
ok can we pls talk about how ymm is in such disbelief that he went up so much?? i really hope this helps him gain more confidence....... AND OMG HIS SMILEEE 
omg chen youwei bringing up yi xiao.... aw this just makes me think of when youwei kept chanting jin fan’s name during the first elims.... and now wang yi and li yuzhi are left watching from below..... omgosh wu chengze is crying so hard.... do you think its bc his bff sun zelin ranked beside him last time but this time..... he’s not gonna be able to continue with him? (omg im just thinking about how sun zelin talked about chengze high-fiving him and going out of his way to wish him good night every night before bed... their friendship is...... so important......) honestly im gonna miss sun zelin and his silly humor and his adorable personality... he recognized he wasnt as skilled but he still tried really hard and dreamed big and im proud of how far he made it! 
wait i have a question, if ymm has this many solo stans then who else were they voting for with their second vote if not wen yechen??? MINGMING’S SMILE IS THE MOST PRECIOUS OH MY GOODNESS omg cutting to a crying shi mingze their friendship is so important MINGMING YOU DESERVE THIS 
wow waiting for them to announce who ranked #1 is just as suspenseful as it was on “all for one” -- aka not suspenseful at all........... ITS WENHAN OK WE GET IT NO ONE THINKS ITS GUAN YUE IM SORRY
lol i just looked up bo yuan’s birthday and hes like 9 months older than lin mo but now that hes eliminated does this make lin mo the oldest trainee on the show..... 
omgosh im gonna miss the sound of feng junjie’s voice screaming
omgosh zhan yu helping lin mo lift his box out aw!! aw zhan yu and jia yi working together.... aww them all working together
aw zhenning and shi zhan friendship!!!! LOL THIS IS SO CRINGE HAHAHHAHAHA wow i just realized the S symbol reminds me of a sadder looking yoyo class symbol from “all for one” lolololl 
ooo at least we’ll get another junjie ep of YAA!!!! and sun zelin too!!! SHI MINGZE YOYO POWERS/??!!? omg reminds me of bi wenjun ;_; i miss our yoyo prince ;_; omg they reused the puffy suits from last season LOOOLLLL wait but im sorry xixi i cant look at that colorful one without thinking of lou zibo ahhhhhhhhh I MISS ZIBO TOO and qian zhenghao in the tiny alien one omg that was such a iconic moment!!!!! and qin fen in the overblown monster one ahhhh I MISS SEASON ONE IM SORRY I FEEL LIKE ITS LATE ENOUGH IN THIS SEASON THAT I CAN SAY THIS WITHOUT FEELING LIKE IM BEING BIASED BUT SEASON ONE WAS BETTER ---- but i still love many of the kids from this season, its not their fault this season has just been generally more frustrating and less focused on all of their friendships. but season one just seemed generally more enjoyable, fun and lighthearted, yet emotional in a positive manner
LOL theyre all so obviously reading off a script this is pretty funny WHY IS HANYU SO CREEPY HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA 
FENG JUNJIE 28 NOOOOO ahhh i thought shi mingze would make it too........ man wang yi 38?? i thought he’d be higher.... man chen sijian’s literally the only rap line trainee left wtf............ wow wang jiayi really dropped so much throughout this show.... 
wait i wanna hear the full version of shi mingze’s speech, i feel like he mightve said more about his friendship with mingming... i guess now that i think about it, mingze having ranked rather high last time was rather impressive considering iqiyi hasnt given him much time to shine......
ooof ok im kinda hoping 20 will be gu landi or shao haofan bc their vocals really would’ve earned it. omgosh gu landi asking chen tao if he can sit next to him ahhhh so cute
im yao chi praying for gu landi... but i feel like its gonna be chen tao bc freaking wenhan’s “gwi ze” LOL
not surprised
man the audience be sleeping on gu landi’s talent..... 
omg this is my new favorite friendship omg gu landi is so supportive towards yao chi im crying.... 
lol they keep saying the top 9 is 換血 but literally i feel like the only new person is zhenning...???? 
hahhahahahhaha fjj: i didnt imagine i would be picked by the old men... yixing: i can tell :)  LOOOOL JUNJIE YOUR FACEE HHAHHAHAHAHA
wow today is a such good day wow feng junjie made it wow im so grateful wow this is a great day wow life is great isnt it 
ahhh im wu chengze chanting wu zelin sun zelin wu zelin sun zelin 
aw lin mo and wenxuan are really so close....
just dont say wenhan LOL
lol the old men really like zhou shiyuan so im not surprised... he does deserve it tho!
oo good for haofan! 
honestly they prob made sure the old men didnt pick yechen, zhan yu or bo yuan again... sadly..... but also sad they didnt notice gu landi....... omgosh look at zhan yu pumping his fists in the air even tho he knows its over... this is his “pretending to be mature gege” side, trying to appear positive for his bros... i wanna see lin mo and jia yi’s full thank you speeches and see if they mention his again T_T
oh gosh seeing the top 20 choosing their final songs makes me think back to last season and im getting freaking mack daddy flashbacks and im shuddering in fear LOL “ITS OKAY” WAS AND STILL IS THE SUPERIOR SONG IM SORRY ITS JUST A FACT
LOL THEY TEXT THEM!??! on the bright side, this just reminded me that top 35 will still get to be in ep 11 so yayyy we get another zhan yu stage!!!!!!
lol this earth ad is even more cringey.................. the ending credits.... i see lin yuzhi! and xixi got a cool shot :D im surprised lin mo didnt get any shots haha and that they didnt show mr tyger at all during the hugging portion at the end but oh well i guess..... 
tbh this was a minimal lin mo exposure ep but its ok, im still grateful that he got a few random closeups (which is more than i can say for some of the others) and now that hes safely in top 20 i honestly think my work here is done LOL. there’s not much more lin mo fans can do for him. theyve gotten him onto all the stages and i dont think any amount of work will get him into top 9... and ive said before i dont even really want him in top 9 bc id rather he stay with mr tyger and help them stay relevant bc theyll need his help to do so, especially since jia yi will probably make top 9. 
(from here is where i go into a rant about season 1 vs season 2.... LOL)
lets be honest, ranking 16 is too low for lin mo to make it lol....... last season the only kid who made top 9 who wasnt already in top 9 by ep 10 was yanjun... and yanjun had been on a steep upward trend leading up to the last ep (lin mo went from 17 to 16... theres minimal momentum there lol) and then bi wenjun going from 12 to 10 was the other surprise. xikan going from 18 to 13 was impressive, but he still wasnt one of the contenders for the 9th spot. i think at the end it was bu fan, qian zhenghao, bi wenjun and you zhangjing right? out of those 4, the lowest ranked in ep 10 was bi wenjun at 12..... so going from 16 up to 9 would be really really unlikely, unless lin mo somehow makes an even greater impression on the audience during the mentor collab stage than yanjun did last year.... which i think will be impossible bc literally the entire audience fell in love with yanjun during the “zero” performance in last season’s ep 11 lol it was crazyyyy.... but anyway i think ive reminisced about last season enough this rant.... can you tell i really miss it? honestly ive tried to stay as positive as i could throughout watching qcyn and i gave iqiyi the benefit of the doubt from the beginning that “oh maybe it just doesnt seem as great as the first season bc we havent gotten to know the kids yet, the show’s just started, we’ll learn to love it later” ---- but we’re on ep 10 now and i just.......... i still dont think i got to know the kids as well as i did last season and its not their fault, theyre not any less lovable kids (some of them i really like!!! more than some of the kids from last season!) but this season’s editing is really just disappointing. i really miss last season and it was honestly so much more enjoyable to watch..... i thought about this the other day, if lin mo had been eliminated during the last round, would i still be watching this show? and i thought about it and i honestly think i would... because i really like some of the other kids like mingming, junjie, xixi, jia yi, guan yue, chen sijian, etc. but i really dont think id be as eager to stay up to date with it. ive fallen behind on yaa and dont even look forward to watching fanafan anymore bc lin mo hasnt been on any of those (no, i dont count the yaa ep he literally only got 1 second of screentime in) these side shows are fun, but not as fun as fanafan from last season. they feature the same kids over and over again (literally yuehua trio was the ONLY kids on fanafan 2 weeks ago and then they were 1/3 of the ep last week too??? and hmm how come there are kids who have been on yaa multiple times yet there are also kids who have never been on it at all???? that’s just so unfair.....) without fanafan from last season, would you zhangjing have made it into top 9?? fanafan was the medium thru which he really showed us how hilarious and fun and lovable and sweet and sassy he was (whereas on the actual show he showed us his true, undeniable talent) and im just here wondering, if qcyn’s fanafan had featured ye ziming half as much as they had featured you zhangjing or his partner in crime yanjun (who both ended up making top 9), would he have at least made top 35? or how about chen sijian and wu zelin? or feng junjie?? or su yuhang?? where would they be now? why hasnt lin mo been on fanafan at all??? if given the chance, would people actually be appreciating zhan yu’s hilariously weird and crazy personality that we NEVER got to see?? sigh.......... 
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gayoongles · 7 years
I wrote the first chapter to a fic I'm working on!
Title: I Just Want You To Love Me Pairing: Brallon (Dallon Weekes/Brendon Urie) Rating: NC-17 POV: Brendon, 3rd  Eras: IDK Dallon and Pretty. Odd. Brendon Summary: Brendon has been in love with his lifelong best friend since High School, but when he confesses his feelings, will it tear their friendship apart, or will Dallon feel the same way? College AU where Brendon and Dallon are both professors. Brendon is 23 and Dallon is 25
Chapter 1
It’s the last week of winter break. The second semester of the school year will be starting soon, but Brendon can’t even think about that right now, because he’s busy thinking about how it feels to be engulfed by the body heat emitting from his best friend, who’s sitting shoulder to shoulder next to him on the couch. They’re sitting in silence together, watching some random drama that was on TV. Brendon doesn’t like drama movies, they’re more of Dallon’s cup of tea, but he’s not really paying attention to the movie anyway.
Dallon shifts. Brendon assumes it’s to get in a more comfortable position, but now Dallon’s thigh is pressed against Brendon’s, and he’s sure that they only way they could possibly get closer is if they were literally on top of each other. Brendon holds his breath, trying to get his thoughts under control, before letting out a small, audible breath.
Dallon turns his head to face Brendon, speaking for the first time since the movie started, “You okay, B?”
Brendon opens and closes his mouth once, unsure of what to say. “Yeah, I’m good. Just bored is all.” He says in a joking tone after a moment of hesitation, sending a small smile Dallon’s way to let the other man know he’s not being serious.
Dallon smiles back, “D’you wanna do something else, then? I’m starting to get stiff from sitting for so long, anyway.”
“Um, yeah sure. What else could we do?” Brendon asks, standing up to stretch, letting out a yawn.
The older man all but jumps to his feet, sending Brendon the lopsided grin that he fell in love with in High School.
Brendon’s heart skips a beat.
“We should build a fort!”
“A fort? Are we 10 again Dal?” Brendon lets out a laugh and shakes his head.
Dallon pouts, “Please, Bren?” he says, drawing out the “please” for longer than necessary.
Brendon smiles in disbelief and amusement at his 25-year-old friend’s whining, “Sure, D, we can build a fort. 
“Yayyy!” Dallon runs forward and pulls Brendon into a quick hug and then runs off to get the pillows and blankets that they’ll need.
Brendon grins after him in adoration.
Dallon comes back moments later with everything they need and dumps it all onto the floor in front of Brendon.
“So where should we start?” Brendon asks while picking up one of the sheets.
Dallon starts giving Brendon instructions, and within 10 minutes, the two boys had finished setting up their fort.
They sat cross-legged in front of each other in awkward silence until Brendon speaks up, “Soooo, what now?”
“I’m not sure.” Dallon says after a moment of hesitation. “We could play truth or dare, like we’re in High School all over again.”
Brendon huffs, “Why would I wanna pretend I’m in High School again? It sucked for me.”
“Come onnnn Bren, it can’t have been that bad.”
“You were there with me, Dallon. You know how bad it was for me.”
Dallon sighs, “Finee, we don’t have to pretend like we’re in High School again, but I do wanna play. I’ll even invite Spence over.” He gives Brendon the puppy dog eyes, knowing the younger man can’t resist them.
“Okay, but only because I haven’t seen Spencer in months.”
Dallon sends Brendon the same damn grin as before, butterflies erupting in his stomach again at the sight, and Dallon takes out his phone to call Spencer.
A few minutes of hearing the one-sided conversation later, and Dallon hangs up, “He’s on his way!”
Brendon smiles. 
They sit in silence until they hear a knock on the door, and Brendon immediately runs to the door, opening it and pulling Spencer into a hug before he even has time to say ‘Hello.’
Spencer laughs and hugs Brendon back, “Good to see you too buddy. I’d love to talk and catch up but can we go inside and do it, it’s cold as hell out here.”
Brendon pulls away and rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, “Sorry, yes, let’s go inside.”
They walk in and Spencer closes the door behind him, hugging Dallon too and saying hello before taking his jacket off, “So what’s up with the fort?”
“Oh, that was Dallon’s idea. We’re gonna play T or D too, that’s why we invited you over; and also, because we missed you.” Brendon laughs.
Spencer gives a sound of approval and the three men squeeze in the fort. It’s a lot more cramped than it was when it was just Brendon and Dallon, but thankfully Spencer is wedged in between them.
“Who wants to start?” Dallon asks.
“I will.” Brendon says. “Dallon, truth or dare?”
“Lamee.” Spencer interjects
Brendon shushes Spencer and turns to Dallon, “What’s the first thing you’d do if you woke up as a girl?”
“Hmm, I’d probably have sex with one of my straight guy friends and then tell them it’s me afterwards to watch them freak out.” Dallon and Spencer laugh.
Brendon’s jaw drops and he shakes his head in silent laughter, “You’re unbelievable Dallon Weekes.”
Dallon shrugs and grins smugly, “Spence, truth or dare?”
“Go to the neighbor’s house in your underwear and ask if they have a spare condom.”
Spencer blushes, “Dallon, come on.”
“Ya gotta do it buddy.” Brendon adds.
Spencer and sighs and takes off his pants and shirt, “Can one of you at least do it with me?”
Brendon looks to Dallon and when the older man shakes his head, he sighs, “I’ll go with you Spence, but you have to do all the talking. Brendon takes of his shirt and pants as well. He avoids Dallon’s eyes because he doesn’t wanna see that he’s avoiding looking at Brendon.
Brendon messes up both his and Spencer’s hair and bites his (own) bottom lip to make it red and swollen looking, explaining that it would look more genuine that way.
They walk outside and as they get closer to the door, Brendon attaches himself to Spencer’s side.
Spencer knocks on the door.
The woman that lives there opens the door and gives a surprised look at the two nearly naked men in front of her, “U-um, sorry to bother you ma’am...” Spencer starts.
Brendon leans closer to Spencer and bites his earlobe softly, “Come on baby, stop taking so long.”
Spencer chokes and his cheeks turn bright red, “D-Do you have any spare condoms?” He blurts out quickly.
The woman nods, her eyes wide, and rushes inside, coming back to the doorway and thrusting a condom into Spencer’s hand.
Brendon pulls Spencer back towards their house and Spencer stutters out a “Thank You” as the neighbor closes her door.
Brendon lets go of Spencer’s hand when he hears the door slam shut and begins laughing. He looks at the door he’s walking towards and his laughter dies though, his expression confused as he notices the scowl on Dallon’s face.
Brendon frowns and walks up to Dallon, “You okay buddy?”
Dallon seems to snap out of his trance-like state when he hears Brendon speak, his expression becoming unreadable, “Nothing, I’m fine. Put clothes on and let’s continue.” He walks back inside.
Brendon wonders why Dallon is so snappy all of a sudden, but he sighs and lets it go, walking inside with Spencer trailing behind and the two men put their clothes back on.
Dallon is already sitting in the fort again, so Brendon and Spencer sit down in their previous spots too.
“Dallon, truth or dare?” Spencer asks.
“What’s the most embarrassing kink that you have?”
Dallon groans and hesitates to think about his answer, “Um, it’s a tie between my public sex kink and being tied up and/or blindfolded.” He blushes.
Brendon gulps and closes his eyes, immediately thinking about Dallon’s hands tied to his bedpost, naked and writhing around underneath Brendon.
He lets out an inaudible, but shaky breath and adjusts his position subtly in order to hide his growing erection.
“Brendon, truth or dare?” Dallon asks, shocking Brendon out of his fantasy.
“Umm, truth please.” Brendon manages to get out.
“Biggest turn-on?”
Brendon nearly groans at just the mention of being turned on, and shifts once again, “moaning.” He finally gets out.
“Hey, you good man?” Spencer looks at Brendon concerned, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Dallon glances his way too.
Brendon swallows, “Yeah, yeah I’m good.” He takes a deep breath, “I’m out of ideas though, someone else can ask.”
Spencer shrugs, “Brendon, truth or dare?”
Brendon knows he might regret it, but the word spills out of his mouth before he can even think, “Dare.”
Spencer gives Brendon a knowing smirk, “Kiss the most attractive person in this room.”
Brendon pales as soon as he hears the word kiss, “I-I have to go.” He can’t hear anything over the beating of his heart as he runs out of the fort and out of Dallon’s house.
He assumes Dallon is calling after him but he doesn’t turn back to check.
He gets into his car and pulls out of the driveway, racing back to his house.
When he gets back home, he strips down and gets into the shower, turning the faucet to cold and shivering under the stream of water until his erection has gone down.
He cries himself to sleep that night.
A/N: This isn't my best work, but I edited this at 11:00pm and I'm tired as hell. I just wanted to get it up before I forgot. Leave me suggestions of what y’all want to happen (I have a slight idea in my head but could use some other suggestions to help!) or give me some pointers or tips or something. Hope y’all enjoyed Chapter 1 of ‘I Just Want You To Love Me.’ 
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