#also yeah yindao peak is the twelfth peak
malewifingonside · 9 months
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It started as a gag character and now hes an actual peak lord oc 🧍🧍🧍
Info about him below:
Gao Xun 高寻/ Gao Qingxi 高清系, Peak Lord of the Yindao Peak 隐刀峰 (Intelligence Peak).
Has two siblings, Gao Yunhua and Gao Yunlan.
Fun tidbits:
A massive gossip and very dramatic (once a woman tried to set him up to be her child's absent father but unfortunately she choose so gao xun played the role so well it went from 'scumbag lover leaving his wife and son to poverty' to 'star crossed lover together at last sob story'. dw they found the father and have a happy ending) .
If he was born in modern times he would have been a theatre kids and into kpop dances.
Loves wine so much. You could exchange informations for a good baijiu. Would not exchange vital informations about the sect with it tho. He has integrity. Even tho he's crying for that wine on the inside.
He love wine but for the taste? He doesn't like getting drunk bc its annoying but he does love the taste. Often volunteered to Zui Xian peak lord to be the taste tester for her newest wine. The numbers of him going to Qian Cao due to being poisoned by it is uncountable.
Despite the fact that he's hospitalied often due to missions, he's a model patient. As long as he's inside the medical wing that is.
Has mediocre skills in various areas due to his high curiosity but short interest retention span. Unless it involves intelligence gathering, assassination and poison making, his skills are passable.
Is faceblind, but he will never admit it. (The reason why he even know that is bc he tried to paint his shifu's face and it turned out very different. Also the reason why he didn't know shen yuan and shen jiu are twins, even though he has met shen yuan multiple times)
Hate scallions pancakes so much bc he once made so many and ate so many he made himself sick and couldn't look at it the same way anymore
Loves ambushing Liu Qingge under the reason "to make sure our vanguard can survive suprise attacks". So far its working and it did help lqg became more vigilant.
Also loves disguising and crossdressing and has multiple identities to use outside of Cang Qiong. Example: Courtesan Ming, Merchant Jiao, Scholar Bai etc
Has two cats, white one named Qiuqiu and the other black one named Yuanyuan. Found them near the inn his sister owns.
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