kayeeann · 4 years
You think nothing is changing. Same sunrises and same sunsets. But one day you turn around, only to find that everything has changed. So maybe it’s the same skies but a complete different person who’s looking up.
shiwangee (via neoncitylightz)
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kayeeann · 5 years
Lo malo de ésto de escribir, incluso de leer, es que de pronto te tropiezas con palabras que te recuerdan sentimientos, sentimientos que habías perdido a propósito.
(via murallamuerta)
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kayeeann · 5 years
Go to a coffee shop. Sit by the bar with the glass windows and look out. Look at all the people running to catch a train. All the girls with one too many shopping bags. All the couples too in love to care. Then you’ll see it — a bit of yourself in everyone. And somehow, sitting alone in a coffee shop had never felt so good.
(via l-ittlelagerfeld)
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kayeeann · 5 years
Even if you have built your walls higher than the sky, someone will have the tools to destroy them.
and maybe it’ll be you (a.a.) poems-of-the-soul (via wnq-writers)
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kayeeann · 5 years
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kayeeann · 5 years
concept: me travelling the world alone, figuring myself out, taking tons of cute aesthetic pictures, befriending kind strangers, drinking a cup of tea on a cute cafeteria, and trying out things for the first time.
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kayeeann · 5 years
sunsets are for the romantics, for the idealists and the believers. for those fond of the calm, those who’ve been sheltered, who’ve never had to weather a storm. but sunrises, sunrises are for the survivors, for the ones who’ve weathered storms, the ones left standing after the hell of a night in the er, the ones holding your hand through darkness, because they’ve learned to only need the light inside them. sunsets are for first dates, for exchanging names and hobbies and talking about dreams. sunrises are for the few who will survive nightmares with you, who will help you fight monsters and slay dragons. sunsets are for promises, but sunrises are for reality, for the grittiness of it, for the bags under your eyes, messy hair and spotty skin. sunrises are where life begins. so, i guess what i’m saying is - fall asleep only next to the ones you want to see the first thing in the morning.
marina v., you asked me why i used to sneak out in the middle of the night. (via findingwordsforthoughts)
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kayeeann · 5 years
Mantente fuerte, sabes que has nacido para volar. Todo lo que has llorado, la tristeza que has sentido,han sido para prepararte para el día en el que volarás aún más alto.
I (via mitchy-1998)
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kayeeann · 6 years
Y si algún día decido irme, no preguntes a donde voy. Solo búscame, estaré esperándote.
(via libre-en-soledad)
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kayeeann · 6 years
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kayeeann · 6 years
To heal a wound you need to stop touching it.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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kayeeann · 6 years
Sometimes I just want the earth to swallow me whole. Every proof of my existence to vanish into thin air. Nobody should remember who I was, what I did and how I lived.
naivepenning (via thoughtkick)
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kayeeann · 6 years
Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were heading for shore.
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451  (via blue--ruin)
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kayeeann · 6 years
If God says “go” … go. Period. Just get up and go. Wherever He sends you. Trust Him. 
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kayeeann · 6 years
i believe in growth. the kind that hurts and the kind that heals.
Alexandra Elle (via wordsnquotes)
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kayeeann · 6 years
“You stop believing in wishes when the only one you want to make can never come true.”
— Sarah Dessen, Once and For All
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kayeeann · 6 years
“The culture doesn’t encourage you to think about such things until you’re about to die. We’re so wrapped up with egotistical things, career, family, having enough money, meeting with the mortgage, getting a new car, fixing the radiator when it breaks–we’re involved in trillions of little acts just to keep going. So we don’t get into the habit of standing back and looking at our lives and saying: Is this all? Is this all I want? Is something missing?”
— Tuesdays With Morrie (Mitch Albom)
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