#also yes i'm using sloane for quotes
lab-trash · 2 years
Rudy, trying to recruit: We teach anyone who identifies as female to embrace their queenly strength, and tear down the neo-masculine hierarchy to confront internalized sexism.
Sloane: Sounds inclusive. But what about non-binary and gender fluid?
Rudy: Yes, fluids are crucial. If you don't hydrate, it affects performance.
Sloane: *Laughs*
Kim: *Laughs* And he’s funny!
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umbrellatte · 2 years
Distant | F. Hargreeves
synopsis: after years since that day of resetting the timeline, five, klaus, ben and you begrudgingly agree to a reunion with the rest if the hargreeves, expectedly ending in an outburst from five.
pairings and duos: five hargreeves x reader, five and klaus brotp, ben and klaus brotp, five and ben slowly getting along
notes: unlike my other fics, everything from the show happened here, except you were with five instead of him time traveling, returning right after he left so he was same of age. i'm also not sure of claire's age but for the sake of this, let's say she was 4 at 2019.
disclaimer: five is above 18 in all my fics unless stated otherwise!
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After everyone had left, well almost everyone, luther had left to find Sloane, Allison went to return home, Diego and Lila on their way to a new life with one another, Viktor to god knows where, [Name], Five, Ben and Klaus were left standing there.
“C'mon Five! Let's gooo!” Klaus said, gently but seemingly hardly pushing him to a different direction along with Ben.
“Hey. What the hell are we supposed to do now?” the remaining sparrow asked. “Live without our powers, i suppose.” Five answered. “Yea, but where are we going to live? And the food or the money. I'm pretty sure that's what Ben meant.” you replied, grabbing Five's hand, walking along the path Klaus was bringing the three of you to.
From then on, you and Five's lives in a teenage body with Klaus and Ben has begun. Ben took care of the job and money, because, quote on quote, Klaus is still not sober for that shit. Slowly, Five became accustomed to the company he was given that he's learned to be able to express his emotions better.
Six years later... You, Five and Ben helped Klaus reach sobriety so now he has a job, during the weekdays.
“Five? Klaus says he wanted to go to a carnival later since he and Ben have no work. He's inviting Ben and was asking if you wanted to come too?” he hums, indicating a yes, as he puts his coffee cup down. “May i sit?”, you asked, pertaining to the empty spot on his bed. “Yes you may. No need to ask, it's a small matter.”
You held him, something you've always known he liked. “We should go honey. Klaus and Ben will probably be here in a minute, assuming Ben said yes.” you smiled, took his hand and stood up.
“No, i wanna stay first.” he said pulling you back down on his bed. Giggling like a child, you laid on the bed with him, combing you fingers through his locks. You two enjoyed the silence, the presence of one another.
“I love you, you know?” you mumbled but loud enough for him to hear. “Yes, i do in fact know. You succeed in reminding me ever so much every day.”
Silence once again filled the room. “I love you too.” he mumbles quietly for only you to hear. He is trying to use words, but usually touch and actions speak for him instead. So with that, he gave you a small kiss on the crown of your head, hopefully relaying his message louder. “C'mon lovebirds. Klaus is waiting for you two.” Ben said, interrupting the moment.
A week later, they received a letter from Allison, someone they have not heard from for a long time.
Dear [Name],
I hope this letter reaches you. We haven't seen each other in a while now, huh? How about a reunion? Since Claire is turning 10, I think she deserves to meet you guys. My place (Allison's address), at [Month, Date, Time]? I really do hope you, Five and the others come.
Allison Hargreeves-Chestnut
As soon as you read this, you got everyone at the living room to discuss with them, because you knew they deserved to know and that they should decide for themselves whether or not they are going. Little murmurs here and there of shock on why she decided to contact now are filling the room.
“Sure, why not? We haven't seen everyone in so longgg” Klaus said, dragging the 'ng' of the last word. “I'll go if Five does.” you said, sooner with Five replying, “Fine, but only because I get to meet Claire. ”
“I have no choice but to go with you guys, don't I?” Ben deadpanned, expecting a yes. “Indeed, Ben-erino!”
“Oh wow. This place is huge.” Viktor said as he walked in with Diego and Lila. Viktor happened to run into them when he was on his way to Allison's abode.
“Could be bigger.” Five said, but as expected, no one recognized him, seeing as it's been six years. Force of habit, Diego pulled out a knife and placed it pointing directly at Five. “Who the hell are you.”
“Hey, hey! Put it down! That's Five, Diego! Geez.” Klaus said, slowly pushing Diego's hand down. “Oh.”
Then it hit him. That teenage boy was his brother. “OH. Five!? Look at you, you're.. Well.. grown up? Kind of?” Diego said, surprised. “Well obviously. It's been six years, idiot.” you said, comung in the house with Ben.
“Hey guys! Great to see you guys again! Luther got her an hour ago but you're just in time!” Allison greeted, Ray beside her and Claire in front. Everyone, well like before, almost everyone gathered together and had their hugs. Five and I on the other hand were together by a corner.
“You don't have to stay with me here, you know. I know you miss Diego and Lila.” you hummed. “It's okay, go. I'll be fine here.”
“We both know you won't. C'mon, I know you sort of miss Lila too. Let's go, okay?” pulling his arm, you walked to the direction of wherever Lila and Diego were.
“Hey stranger. Long time no see.” you greeted. “Holy!- Look at you little turds. Long time no see, huh?” you and Lila laughed. “Nice to see you again, Lila. And you as well, Diego.”
Diego smiled, “How have you two been? I'm just gonna assume you guys are not so sane anymore after being with Klaus and Ben for six years.” Five smiled. In a long time, he hasn't heard anyone from his siblings besudes Klaus and Ben ask how he was, so for Diego to do that, he actually did smile.
“We've been doing fine, thank you. And to my surprise, no we have not lost are sanity.”
It was time for dinner and everyone was talking. You ate pasta, fork in your right hand, and your left was occupied with Five's hand. Chatter overlapping chatter, soon, it had died down and everything was quiet. Until Allison decided to speak up. “I really missed you guys. And Five, look at you! You've grown so much, your eighteen now, right!” he hummed a yes.
Allison went on about how he's grown and anything else of the like, which you could see was pissing Five. Atleast he was pissed, until he was angry. “Would you be quiet!? Look, I get it! I've grown! I'm eighteen now and shit! Maybe you would have known if you decided to reach out six years ago, not six years later! I personally don't care anymore, but you rambling on about it infuriating because i don't even know why you're trying when you could have years ago.”
He finally snapped. You were proud of him for letting all that resentment but Claire was here to watch so you gave Klaus a look and he stood up, and guided Claire to her room with Ray. “I..- Are you okay, Five..?”
He scoffed. Oh now he was really angry. He usually bottles his emotions when with other people. Guess the bottle finally cracked. “Oh, now you're asking?! Really?”
Luther coughed. “Okay, let's all take a minute to settle down and talk properly, okay?”
“No let him be. He deserves to let it out.” you told Luther. “Do you have any idea how long it took me to accept you guys didn't care? That maybe Lila actually cared more than my siblings ever could? I moved heaven and earth to get back to you and not once has any of you asked if i was okay, or thought that maybe! Just maybe, i wasn't the bad guy and that it wasn't my doing!”
Lila's look softened. She was shocked to say the very least, that Five actually acknowledged that she did care in her snobby british way. “I personally don't care about this crap anymore, atleast i thought i didn't. Not until you kept rambling about this.” he said, leaving the room.
“He's right, you know. Technically it is your fault if you missed parts of his life. He would have welcomed you if you decided to reach out even if he didn't give a fuck anymore because atleast you made the effort. That was Three years ago, eventually he stopped caring overall. Clearly, you've shown no regards to him whatsoever until now, so yes. He is angry about it.” you defended Five, following him.
Everyone looks at Five, then each other. “Five, I'm sorry!” Viktor called out, following him. Klaus, blocking him, knowing exactly that Five didn't want to see any of them. Not anymore. “Sorry Vik, but i know Five doesn't want to see you. Or any of you, really, and—”
“They aren't wrong, we did fuck up.” Luther said, cutting Klaus off. “I guess we did. We should follow him.”
“You do realize he's probably not gonna wanna talk to you, right?” Lila said, as Diego nudged her with his elbow. “What? I'm just calling it as it is.” she whispers.
“Low blow, Allison. Low blow! He clearly just wanted his siblings! Sorry, we gotta go, Allison. I'm sure Five probably wants to leave now.” Klaus said, walking out with Ben. “That was shit ass behavior, even for me. And i know I'm a douche so that says something.”
You returned home, sitting on the couch with Ben, Klaus and Five. Five snuggling beside you, Klaus behind him and Ben behind you. Like an imperfect but perfect little family. Five's grip on you tightened, a few tears in his eyes. “I guess i still did care, huh?” he mutters.
“Just ignore those assholes. That'll teach them.” Ben says, trying his absolute best to not be as rude and snarky as he usually is. “Yea! Plus you have us anyways and you, Five. Are never getting rid of our chaotic asses!” Klaus said.
Five laughs a bit, clearly happy. “Yea i know that, dipshit. Apparently i also seem to enjoy the company of said chaotic asses.” you smiled, leaning your head towards Five's shoulder.
What a wonderful family Five had.
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keywestlou · 5 years
Hopefully, I am back! Long Sloan hours, more dollars to platform people, and everything should be A-OK. This blog will tell the story.
The problem boiled down to the blog having become too big. My blogs longer and comments increased.
I missed doing the blog. I know from comments received over the internet elsewhere that some of you missed reading it.
My frustration knew no end.
I have decided to add to that which I do. Recall for a while a couple of years ago, I did a short daily podcast about 1 or 2 items.  Then for whatever reason, I stopped.
The podcast is returning today. Short. Thirty to sixty seconds. Generally, one topic.
Titled: “What Bugs Me Today.” It will be found on my Facebook Key West Lou site.
Iowa a disgrace for the Democrats. Couldn’t have come at a better time for Trump. What a week he is having!
Trump’s State of the Union Address a disgrace. Lies upon lies upon lies. What bothers me is that 50 percent of the U.S. believe Trump’s lies.
The man truly a Pied Piper.
Yesterday’s religious breakfast and Trump’s acquittal address at noon also disgraceful. Disgraceful seems to be the word for the week.
Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. No one told Trump. His words at both events clearly reflect his thinking that he is the Almighty.
His reference to political adversaries as evil, corrupt, dirty cops, leakers, and liars show he believes himself to sit in judgment.
I loved his statement that the impeachment experience “never, ever happened to another President, ever.” All in his head!
Clinton was beat up for oral copulation  and a lie concerning the same. What Trump was charged with was far worse. He deserved the same pain and suffering that Nixon and Clinton went through during the investigations against them.
Trump apparently believes that which he says. Like those pursuing his actions were acting “almost like they want to destroy our country.”
Trump had it wrong. He is destroying our country.
As to his family: “We’ve been treated very unfairly.”
He apologized to his family “for having to go through a very phony rotten deal by some very sick people.” The pot calling the kettle black?
Trump is evil. Donald Jr. compared Nancy Pelosi to the devil: The “likelihood of Nancy Pelosi praying for Trump is about the same as the likelihood of Satan running around quoting the scriptures.”
Romney was the only Senator on the Republican side of the aisle to vote his conscience, to recognize his oath as a juror. Whatever you may think of Romney, he is a man of character. He has always been. His Mormon faith is deeply rooted in him.
Trump besmirched Romney. Referred to him as a “failed Presidential candidate” who “used religion as a crutch.”
Trump was acquitted out of fear. The Republican Senators to a person, except for Romney, “feared” him. A journalist wrote, “How in the world can these Senators walk around upright when they have no backbone? ”
The best laid plans of mice and men…..
I thought I had the “new” blog down to a science. Apparently not.
At this point, I wanted to add a picture of Tino sitting next to a Chicago Mayor. Tino portraying a political hack. I could not, cannot!
Means Sloan will be back over the weekend to “teach” me again.
A comment re the Super Bowl halftime performance. I thought the show was excellent! The music, beat, dancing, singing, etc. Did not consider it profane or dirty in any fashion. Jennifer Lopez and Shakira were wearing more clothes than the cheerleaders.
Did you notice?
The religious got involved.
Franklin Graham said the show lacked moral decency. It was a sexual exploitation.
Another referred to the halftime show as “Satan’s danced troupe.”
Then there was the Catholic nun in California. She considered the show “outrageous.” “Immoral.”
Catholic religious should not adversely comment till they clean their own house. From pedophilia, rampant homosexuality in the Vatican, nun involvement in sexual shenanigans, etc.
I could not help but think with all the bad things going on in the world that some people were complaining about a halftime show.
Time to remember His words…..Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
I live and learn. Were you aware those starring in a Super Bowl half time show are not paid. Yes, Jennifer Lopez and Shakira were not paid for their performances. Props, etc. are covered.
Forbes says the reason therefore is that the show “is the biggest promotional vehicle for a music star on the planet.” A one hundred million audience.
The economic benefit to a star’s Super Bowl performance in the days following the show dramatically surge upward. So much so  that the NFL has under serious consideration charging acts that appear.
So the world turns.
Issur Danielovich is dead. Kirk Douglas. At age 103.
A great actor!
May he rest in peace.
Glad to be back! Can’t wait to figure the pic problem out. Don’t forget to look for my Key West Lou podcast later today re What Bugs Me!
Enjoy your day!
    I’M BACK!!! was originally published on Key West Lou
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