#also you hated Lucy? come on choom tsk tsk
What’d you think of edgerunners?
It’s really late, I’m in bed, and I can’t word right now so I'll keep it short
Cyberpunk is my favorite show that Studio Trigger has worked on. 
Promare and Edgerunners have revitalized my faith in Trigger. Promare, to me, was a return to form and a return to hype for Trigger; the kind of stuff that I’ve been waiting for Imaishi to direct for years. I’m aware Promare was extremely hit or miss with many people (as trigger works are) but if you sat through that movie in theaters and came out of it hating it and not being able to enjoy the silly. Then we probably wouldn’t be able to watch and enjoy movies together tbh. Shame there are blogs that I respect the opinion of on here that trashed the movie through and through when they watched it but miss me with that negativity and Ebert & Roeper shit. Trigger has known tropes that they love to do and Promare felt to me like a celebration of those tropes rather than a fallback. Sometimes it’s okay if hype makes right you know? Movie was almost like a love letter to those who grew up during the years of ttgl. 
Cyberpunk on the otherhand was something so grounded and densely fucking packed with narrative. My honeymoon period with the show has ended and I still think about how well executed it all was. A show that I would otherwise never expect to be pulled off by Trigger and also the kind of storytelling that I now crave more from Trigger. I’d love to see some more mature, serious, and structured storylines from Imaishi and co. in the future that’s very aware of what it’s trying to be but also not trying to do too much. Imo, and it sucks to say this but Trigger has put out and been involved with a lot of fucking garbage shows. Edgerunners being good for ME as a viewer felt fucking cathartic. I’m not fucking delusional for continuing to get excited for when Trigger announces projects their working on. It’s not just a company that has been on a slow decline after Gurren Lagann with some peaks within the valleys. They can very much still make amazing shows. Dungeon Meshi is going to be so fucking goated from what I’ve seen them do with Cyberpunk. Trigger when they’re given actual direction and great characters to work with is an absolute pleasure  to watch.
I’m aware that not everybody vibed with Edgerunners tho and that’s okay. Its a short series. Its not exactly a feel good story. Its not perfect, I can find flaws if someone asks me to. Its Imaishi but not allowed to go all out and under close collaboration with a completely different company with a different style of storytelling. It’s in collab with a game and company that is incredibly popular to hate. Its also unfortunately plagued with negative public stigma from those that can’t separate the controversies of CDPR from the show itself. Idk where I’m going with this. I’m not nearly as defensive with Edgerunners as I was with Promare but it doesn’t mean I like it any less. I guess I just wanted to say it’s okay if you don’t like it or get the appeal of the show as long as I’m not attacked for liking the show.
I got super off track but yeah I liked it. And I didn’t even get into the story or characters in this ask.
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