#also: tbh i dont really give too much of a fuck about f1. i think its boringgggg sorry to my mutuals. its not boring when you post
moonshynecybin · 4 months
Wish I could convey to you how bone-deep crazy brocedes is wish I could telepathically zoot it into your mind. As insane as rosquez, but different in that it wasn't an immediate, getting along like a house on fire, carnal, ultra human, bewitching sort of chemistry that set the tone for rosquez. More like fates intertwined since childhood, seeking shelter in the other when the rest of the world doesn't make sense, knowing each other like the back of your own hand, being each other others yardstick of success, each half being made of steely determination that eventually became the very teeth with jagged edges that the other half got painfully caught in. I'm crazy about both rosquez and brocedes, but only a normal amount lol, I promise.
love you so much i DO respect the braincrazy divorce grind i believe it is our website's noblest pursuit. however and most unfortunately i do not have space in my heart to process another rosquez level rpf divorce. please respect my privacy in this time
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effervescentdragon · 7 months
It took me ages to find the notif but I know I got tagged by my beloved @antimonyandthyme who is darling dearest dbest and I'm still in the ignoring life phase so here we go <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
80! I have 80 works and 500 msgs in my inbox and I am a bit insane about it.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
535,111. Fuck i didn't know. This is insane.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, F1. I wrote Silm exclusively for a while, but who knows at this point I'll honestly take whatever gets the creativity going.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
piarles montreal date fic, piarles omegaverse porn, piarles doggystyle porn, sebchal where charles wins monaco 22, charlos engineer au. i'm seeing a bit of a pattern here.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, or I try to. I go in and I respond in bulk, or sometimes I respond as I see them because I get so many at once I get overwhelmed. If I don't respond it's because I'm overwhelmed but I love and cherish every single one and I go and reread them when I'm feeling down and sad. Just know that all the comments I get are absolutely the best part of writing. <3333
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
in f1, for me it was that one sebchal tumblr ficlet where they didnt have a happy ending and seb was a bastard, which i can't find bcs i write too much and i hate that one. i think if you go into the tag "another pacific rim au you will find a LOT of angsty endings. oh also, my mean prompts. and any makkinen, i think. they are particularly angsty for me.
in silm... damn. me and azh my beloved literally have an angst-off fic. every silm fic i've written is angsty as fuck. maybe the one where maedhros throws himself into the fiery chasm? or any one with lalwen, including the grief ficlets on tumblr? glorfindel/curufin? oooh. i know. silvergifting. my silvergifting.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
For me? piarles star trek au , piarles pirate au, and sebchal old guard au.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not particularly, not traditional "I hate this". I get entitled comments that are like "will you write more" or "write more" or "i wish you'd do this and this" and i either ignore or block them bcs I do this shit for free and nobody is entitled to it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. I am very good at tender-porn with feelings, or so I've been told.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
AU's. So many AU's. That's my bread and butter. I did do a silm/f1 crossover as I was grappling with my feelings about rpf, but once I crossed the line I never looked back.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! My Simi+ Welcome to Japan got translated wonderfully into Chinese HERE and I'm still soft thinking about it <33333
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I don't think I can do that in the fic. I am playing in @wolfiemcwolferson and @duquesademiel's playground right now, and I do have that silm angst-off fic with my beloved @admirablemonster <3 but I can't write with-with someone.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Steve/Bucky or Kirk/Spock.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Pfffft a million in my drafts? there is so many of them that i started as a way of coping and i dont know really. I still live in hope i'll finish them all.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Emotions? I think I write good emotions. Also, building universes and adapting them in my AU's. Oh, and symbolism. I pack so much symbolism in everything my GODS.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Gahhh. Keeping it to the point. Finishing things. Show-don't-tell.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like doing it tbh, because it gives me the opportunity to remind myself of the languages and I get distracted ith, for example, Russian grammar. However, these days I only do it for like, tearms of endearment and stuff like that, because I'm also very bad at incorporating translations (i forger), so I'm trying not to torture my readers. I love doing it in Silm for that reason exactly, pondering Quenya and Sindarin grammar aaaaa. Can you tell I'm a linguist at heart? xD
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, and it was a self-insert OC my beloved.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Sebchal Old Guard AU and Galadriel character exploration fic.
gonna tag, well, those already tagged above and then @deathicus-sling @fingons-rad-harp @absynthe--minded @blorbocedes @ayceeofspades @saecookie @jean----ralphio @nikosheba @brazilgp @milflewis @jaz-the-bard @ruiniel @goddammitjim @colors-of-feeling
and tbh whoever wants to do it? love you all!
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gweyson · 6 years
Min Jung A2, A15, B8, B16, C1, E4, E8, F7, G1 and G4, and Caleb A4, A19, B2, B10, E1, E2, F1, F11, G5 and G6?
A2: alignment are they? Chaotic neutral, lawful evil, et cetera…
either neutral or lawful good !
A15: Is your character observant?
yes but not as much as she thinks she is.... she honestly gives herself too much credit
B8: Is your OC considered funny? Do they believe they’re funny?
shes got the kind of humour that youre either gonna think is hysterical or youll hate it with every fiber of your being. shes in the former camp
B16: Does your OC like to be the center of attention or more in the mix?
she likes to be in the mix....its easier to keep an eye on everything there.....like as amazing as she is unfortunately the attention has to be shared around :/ shes big enough to admit that :/
C1: Does your OC have a moral code? If not, how do they base their actions? If so, where does it come from, and how seriously do they take it?
“ok i have to set a good example for my siblings theyre young and need a good role model” *does anything* “fuck not like that”
E4: Did they enjoy school if they went to it?
she didnt hate it per se but shed never wanna go back lmao
E8: What’s one of your OC’s biggest regrets?
she regrets not doing anything when avery was being bullied when he was younger. realistucally theres not much she couldve done yknow but she still blames herself quite a bit
F7: What’s their “dream career” or job situation?
shed love to be a host on a shitty reality game show but that career doesnt have much longetivity and she doesnt have the patience for a hair& makeup team so shes doing a carpentry apprenticeship instead. she does wanna move on tp interior design at some point tho !!
G1: Is your OC close to their family?
shes closest with avery and caleb (she and avery used to be not super close but Plot(TM) brings them together) shes not close to the other sister they have (who doesnt have a name or design or personality but shes about 13). shes closer to her dad than her mum but shes still p close to both even though the mum is...not. the best. min jung is usually the peacekeeper of the house oops
G4: What kind of childhood did your OC have?
pretty average tbh, nothing much ever really happened to her (at this poijt in time anyway)
A4: Are they a pessimist or an optimist?
optimist! hes almost stupidly upbeat oof
A19: What instantly irritates them or puts them in a bad mood?
people cramping his style.............
B2: Do they get frustrated when lines at places like pharmacies, check-outs, delis, banks, et cetera, are moving slowly?
yeah jfkhvdfgkhj he doesnt like waiting around when he doesnt have to
B10: Does your OC find any “bad” or “mean” humor funny? Do they wish they didn’t?
hes laughed at avery behind his back a few times which he feels kinda bad about but, like, what avery doesnt know wont kill him right? he also laughs at edgy memes a lot which he cares less about
E1: Would you say that your OC is intelligent? In what ways? Would your OC agree?
hes slightly above average intelligence, which accoridng to him means hes the smartest most genius man to ever genius
E2: Which of the nine types of intelligence is your OC strongest in? Weakest? (Linguistic, existential, naturalist, et cetera)
im gonna say... logical-mathematical
F1: What sort of home do they live in now, if at all? How did they end up there?
he lives with all his family !! so avery, min jung, other unnamed sister, and their mum and dad
F11: What are some of their favorite things to do for recreation? How did they get into it? What part of it do they like the most?
ill be honest. hes nowhere near developed enough for me to know his hobbies djkfhgkjdd
G5: Did they go through any typical phases growing up?
he went through a phase where hed jsut cry over anything and everything that happened to him. i dont think thats a typical one but yknow
G6: Do they have any favorite childhood memories?
he avery and min jung would have water fights in the summer when they were younger ! ^__^ theyd get told off by their parents but that never stopped them
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effervescentdragon · 2 months
Re your interviewers not even sure what to ask anymore ask, that’s me but with the fandom lol. I’m literally this close to just starting to translate all of Toto’s German interviews just to feel like there is Any reason for me to still be here doing Stuff in this fandom, like what am I doing, exactly? Make predictable guesses as to who’s gonna win, only get surprised by DNFs and engine failures and battling in the mid-field, have my grandpa tell me ‘the races have really been going downhill’ and log off??
i posted sth about jude bellinghams dick game on insta on main yday and og bff asked me what im compensating for w footie posting and should he be worried abt my mental state and i said f1, because im just not incentivised to watch it anymore at the moment? im hoping it changes when races stop being so early - i am sad i missed nico's commentary the most tbh. i guess fandoms come and go and things get more and less interesting but the thing for me is - if im not enjoying it, i won't make myself watch/read/do it just because i've made it my Thing. i can have many Things. we all can. i think, when something doesn't bring joy, its good to step back. give yourself time. f1 will be there. 🫂
i also think there is this insidious thing that you have to be "productive" in a fandom, that you have to do, be doing something to justify your presence in it. i know i've felt off because im not churning out 10 ficlets a day anymore, but the fact is - you don't have to DO anything to BE in the fandom (this feels like some metaphor for life but i only took one sip of coffee today so far). fandom is about enjoyment, yohr enjoyment and sharing that enjoyment with people who also love a certain piece of media or whatever. this capitalist bullshit of treating a fandom space like it's a job (what am i contributing? have i met my quota of posting about my blorbo today? how many followers do i have?) like... who the fuck cares. i still count myself into the silm fandom and i havent posted about it in ages. doctor who, star trek, hell, fucking x men and cap america and hannibal and so many things. i am still a fan of so many things that bring me enjoyment. thats why im a fan in a fandom.
i guess what i'm teying to say is that its really hard sometimes, when you lose interest or get disheartened by someting thats brought you joy before. when you feel like you're "failing" at liking something. but i try to remember - im a person, i have interests, interests change. a thing i loved isnt that anymore. okay. not okay, but it's fine. you may find joy again, you may surorise yourself, or you may just drift to something else. you're no less you, and no less a fan, if your intensity isn't the same now as it was yesterday or a decade ago. and with f1... its changing so much that its honestly pretty understandable to feel that way. bff stopped watching during the seb era, came back when it looked like seb might win w ferrari, then skipped the whole lewis era. og bff skipped merc domination era completely. my cousins husband stopped watching the moment alonso won. ive had friends stop watching the moment max won. it happens.
what im saying, too fucking long and winded bcs apparently im in a mood today - dont force yourself into something that doesnt bring you joy. theres so much joy to be found in this world deapite everything, and you're no less you for losing an interest in a fandom.
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effervescentdragon · 7 months
Hi! I just wanted to say that this week I chose to read some of the fics you have up in AO3 ( and by some of them I mean a lot) and I'm obsessed with your Sebchal Old Guard AU.
I haven't watched the movie yet, but I've been tempted in the past and your writing was the last reason I needed to do it.
That scene when Sebastian has apparently died and Charles holds him while praying in Latin, and he is so devastated about losing Sebastian because immortality is only a gift if Charles gets to share it with him.
That was..WOW..Yeah. No words. Tens across the board.
Those dreams of Lewis and Nico. The ending in Suzuka when Charles is wearing red again. People choosing to spend immortality together just really gets to me, I guess.
That fic really did something for me, and I have to thank you for it.
PS: your Nico/Jenson Soulmate fic made me see why people ship those two.
PS 2:"Red Gods of Old" is so phenomenal. I had to keep pausing to look at the wall and think about every paragraph.
PS 3: I was blown away when I saw you posted again, and blown away again because I had already read the Piarles piece, but didn't realize it was part of a series. I loved your first chapter. So angsty, and I hated the fact that you made me relate to Lando, but also thank for that.
Thank your for sharing your writing, and I know sending this right now seems so convenient because of your post earlier, but I really enjoyed the reading sprint I had on your stuff and I wanted to say so. Sorry for writing so much this got a little bit longer than the single paragraph I had intended it to be. :)
anon this made me so happy. like so so so happy, insanely happy. the answer is gonna get long because i cant not ramble about all this, so, cut.
my sebchal old guard au is my favourite thing ive ever written and i love it so much and people dont often go for it, though i do have some wonderful asks in my inbox that im saving for a rainy day and i just. thank you for coming here to tell me this and i hope you watched the movie because its MASTERFUL. i put so much into that fic, for example i tried to figure out how to make two white boys be joe and nicky without being insensitive or appropriative about race, and how not to apply the fundamentality of joe's loveliness of being an arab man (gentle and kind and a poet in his soul) to this german dude. that one kept me up for a while, so i decided not to mirror it perfectly but to apply seb and charles' personalities into the context, except adapting the other way around. it was a challenge to write, because i wove so much little ideas and nods to other people in there, not the least lewis and nico as andy and quynh, and then in the end i just really wanted them to come a full circle and somehow tie it in with f1. i always do this in my au's, give a little nod to f1 somehow, just to show my love for it. anyways, thank you so much for reading it and just. i love that you liked it.
oh god the princess cake soulmate fic - i saw the prompt and i couldnt resist! it turned out to be a prompt by a tumblr friend so that worked out even better. i love nico and i love him with jenson and i need to get back to writing him some more soon tbh. he is such a complicated and interesting character and he has twists and turns and i just love him insanely much. (if you liked the soulmate fic, i refer to this fic as my princess cake master thesis, so you may like that one too, maybe.)
oh my fucking god. this part. this part had me stopping in the middle of my corridor when i saw it because like. nobody reads that fic? nobody knows it and its my first proper rpf that i wrote and i love it so much and i just. im just heart-eyeing you now, because that was me trying to figure out some things about seb and about ferrari and to make it work in my head so i know how to proceed, so, thank you for reading it, and especially mentioning it!
thank you also so much for reading my carlando, im very excited about it because i never wrote them and im a bit nervous about the characterisation but so far it seems like it has a positive reception. i made it angsty on purpose because lando is just a ball of anxiety and i rly tried to show it. im super hyped about the next chapter two, but please keep all your limbs crossed for my uni work, which i have to do tomrrow on penalty of death.
please, never think its inconvenient to read something as lovely as this ask, no matter if its because of a post i made or just because, it literally doesnt matter, because you took the time to come and tell me these lovely things anyway. it made me happy and it made me hyped up and thank you. and there's never ever too much rambling, i dont see this as rambling i see this as something lovely. thank you <333
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