#also. he just sort of looks like a guy who teaches a dry ass college class. not hot just a man.
loveoaths · 1 year
okay. two more ultimate Star Wars sins i must confess to committing: i do not find obi wan hot at all, and i thought anakin was hot when i was a 9 year old boy but not anymore.
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Age Gap... AU
One Piece~
♡The characters are all between 27-29 unless said otherwise
♡The s/o is between 16-18
Warning: ...Kissing and Cuddles? PDA, nakedness and language.
Part 2
Exstra 😱😵🖊 {At some point I couldn't stop writing.}
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Portgas D. Ace 🔥
🔥You met Ace at school during one of your art classes.
🔥He came in to do a favor for one of your teachers, to give tips on art and give you guys professional guidance and at some point he posed as a model.
🔥Yes a model !!!
🔥Soooo you kinda got to see him naked the first time you met, he was opened with all his god like built.
🔥When the class was done sketching. He caught a glimpse of your work seeing as it wasn't nearly done, so he offered to stay longer for you to finish.
🔥God damn you wish he didn't, him being there is the very reason your sketch wasn't done. It was too embarrassing to look at a naked man infront of you and sketch.
🔥Not knowing which to concentrate on?
🔥Ace saw that, and offer to help you like exstra lessons at his home maybe improve the areas you lack at.
🔥And you gladly took that offer.
🔥At some point after teaching you for half a year. You started just acting like a couple without knowing when it actually happened.
🔥Ace loves his s/o with every bit of his heart.
🔥You spend most of you free time with each other, either sketching each other or chilling playing video games or talking.
🔥Ace is a professional artist, with both a degree and diploma in practical arts, so ofcourse his art is going to so much more advanced than yours.
🔥You love staring at him while he paints.
🔥Ace loves not wearing a shirt proves he is comfortable in his own skin, he also got his s/o into wearing less clothes.
🔥With the less clothes you got use to drawing him only in boxers.
🔥And somehow you guys turned into that couple that's completely fine with walking around each other naked in his apartment alone.
🔥Ace's job is something he loves doing while having fun. Yes he does teach arts at a university.
🔥Remember your still in high school not in a college/university.. yet.
🔥Ace is a very clingy man he will hug you a lot even when his naked. He gives you a lot of pet names he's favorite is, teachers pet.
🔥He doesn't do small half ass kisses. Its either long and passionate or heavily horny make out.
🔥Ace's s/o loves the tattoos on his skin, trenching her/his fingers over his arm or back.
🔥Ace reminds you of a cowboy though to his country style and mostly the hat in his bedroom.
🔥Yes you have met his friends especially Marco, you didn't mind hanging out with them their nice people and fun.
🔥You met Ace's family the first week he started teaching you. You met his two brothers and his Father that goes by White Beard.
🔥The second White Beard met you, he told Ace to never let you go or he will beat the crab out of him
🔥Ace took it to heart and loved you even more.
🔥You never really told your parents that your dating Ace. One day you just brought him home and hanged out in your room, at some point they just assume you guys are dating and they we're all right with it.
🔥When it comes to drawing Ace, you love to draw his face the most, make it look like his freckles are stars.
🔥His black hair and freckles are the most notable features on him.
🔥Your first date, wasn't that bad except at a random part he fell asleep
🔥In the beginning when he started teaching you, you though he was just tired but it happens frequently so it made you worried.
🔥He calmed your nerves telling you he has narcolepsy and his fine, might fall asleep at random times but his okay.
🔥It made you relax, and questioned him if there's a way to stop it but he only shook his head and dropping down on you snoring as he sleep hug you.
🔥You can only ask him help with art work/homework anything related to art otherwise not he can't help, he'd be just as dumbfounded as you.
🔥He inspired you to get a tattoo of your own name in your (Body part), but he was against the idea of a random person touching so he did it himself.
🔥Accidentally spelled one letter wrong so he had to cross it out, you strated yapping at him that he did it purposely.
🔥He made it up to you by giving you another tattoo on your (Body part) that was your favorite (animal of your choice/any tattoo of your choice.)
🔥You guys never gets mistaken for relatives or family members even friends, cause Ace's is all over you, making out even sucking on your neck.
🔥But they do know you guys have an age difference but they don't know how much
🔥His already in his late twenties, and doesn't care as long as you are with him and love him for who he is rather than his age he'll love you back.
🔥You were happy afterwards.
🔥PDA *Public display of affection*
🔥He would hold your hand even kiss you.
🔥But he loves wrapping an arm around your waist having you lean against his body.
🔥Signaling others that you are taken and your his property.
🔥PDA kissing😏😳 just like I said, Ace only allows long and passionate or heavily horny make out kissing.
🔥He makes sure sexual tension rise when your with him, his happy knowing you desire him, so does he.
🔥The fire in your relationship might take a very long time to whither away.
🔥He loves you dearly.
Exstra exstra!!!
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Portgas D. Shanks 🍺
🍺Unlike the others Shanks is way older. Reaching 37.
🍺But very childish and energetic.
🍺You decided to take on a part time job just to own a little side cash for yourself, you start working as a waitress/waiter at an old diner in town.
🍺One day Shanks and his friends came in after work to hang out and drink the place dry having some sort of celebration.
🍺And his glad he came along, (His friends might've made him go unwilling) but his glad one glimpse of you and he already knows what's for dinner on the menu.
🍺At first glance he didn't seem very approachable, maybe it was his appearance the three scars over his eye or maybe his big god like built
🍺But once spoken to him he passed off a kind caring and loving atmosphere his actions where so nice he even apologized for accidentally touching your hand
🍺Through out the night he shot complements and cheesey pick up lines, that made you either giggle or blush.
🍺You where kinda sad when he left. (or rather his friends dragged his black out ass out of the diner)
🍺You really wanted his number or at least his name.
🍺The next day he came in for breakfast, you were lucky to catch him, some how you talked the day over with him.
🍺So on he came in everyday, either for breakfast lunch or dinner, which pleased you very much.
🍺on some occassions you joined him, being able to enjoy the food you cooked and seeing him enjoy your cooking as well as the beer you pour for him.
🍺One evening your co worker pointed out that you must have been enjoying your dates.
🍺You were a little confused but decided to ask Shanks himself
🍺"Yeah, we've been going on dates for awhile now, why?"
🍺"u-umm?" That was your only response.
🍺You just let go, and decided to start calling yourself Shanks's girlfriend/boyfriend.
🍺He made sure you never regret it
🍺Later on you guys hanged out more outside of your part time job, and more at his house
🍺He began loving you more and more each day he's kinda a clingy guy
🍺He loves holding you in his arm and kissing you all over your face and neck.
🍺Only way he can show you how much he respects and care even loves you.
🍺He was happy that you didn't back away when you saw his missing arm.
🍺But you love how he still cable of a lot of things and doesn't need anyone's pity
🍺It makes you few him in a new light
🍺But sometimes he takes advantage of his disability and asks for your help, like putting on his shirt or drying his hair, a lot of other more minor stuff that might give you naughty thoughts.
🍺You know exactly what he's doing, but you get to enjoy it too.
🍺He can't help but laugh at you blushing at his bare skin, he loves you trying to be innocent
🍺Shanks has great friends their all lively like him and loves to drink as much as him. Whenever you come over to his place you might meet 3 or 7 of his friends enjoying a beer and BBQ.
🍺They respect Shanks very much, and is happy for him that he found someone that can deal with his childlike nature and take care of him at the same time
🍺When you are hanging out with them, they always tease Shanks and you making Shanks fall in a fit of laughter and you blush madly in his lap.
🍺School work/homework is something you can easily ask Shanks about he might not have all the answers but he knows more than he lets on.
🍺So at times you get better grades than you did before, the way he explained some things made it easier hand that you played more attention to your hot older boyfriend.
🍺But Shanks doesn't have much family left and never saw why you need to meet those his not close too.
🍺You just simply forgot to introduce him to your parents.
🍺Until it back fired, you forgetting to introduce him made the situation even more difficult.
🍺You just mindlessly invited him to a one of your family BBQ's and he cheerfully agreed.
🍺Once he came by the weekend that's when you remember that you forgot to introduce him to your parents before your family and distance relatives and family friends.
🍺You sucked it up and acted normal, which displeased Shanks since you didn't sit on his lap or kiss him much not even hugs.
🍺At first he thought you were embarrassed of him but saw you running around handing drinks and snacks to those who just use you as an little servant girl/boy, too lazy to get off their own asses and do it themselves.
🍺He also knows you have a hard time saying no, since you are a good person and very nice
🍺He decided to deal with the matter himself.
🍺Place down his beer, he grabbed your little ass that was about to hurry pass him, pulling you down onto his lap hugging you to his chest.
🍺Your tired body automatically rest on him laying your face in his neck
🍺Not a few seconds later you two started having a nice loving conversation he made you giggle at his words. Rubbing his hand in circles on your back.
🍺Making you love him more.
🍺That's when your mother/mom came by angry calling you lazy for not helping the others around.
🍺Before you could get up and back to "helping" the family, Shanks grip around your waist tighten.
🍺"Listen here, miss. I'm not a rude guy but the table is right over there, now I haven't seen (y/n) for entire week cause of my business trip. Now they can serve themselves, or can they all not walk."
🍺Your mother/mom got furious now turning to you.
🍺"Whose this?" She simply pointed at the red head
🍺"(Y/n)'s man... lover... Boyfriend. Which do you prefer miss?"
🍺"I forbid you to see him ever again."
🍺"You can't. (Y/n) is 18 an gown adult so she/he can make her/his own decisions. You have no say in the matter."
🍺Your mother/mom huffed crossing her arms stomping away. Not liking him one bit
🍺Your Dad/father couldn't help but laugh liking Shanks even more.
🍺This is the kind of guy he'd let his daughter/son marry one that can stand up to your mother/mom stupid shit.
🍺You thought that was the end but the tables quickly turned on your mother/mom.
🍺Shanks is truly the one for you.
🍺So having him meet your parents didn't go all that well especially with your mother/mom.
🍺The things you love about Shanks ofcourse his personality and body.
🍺But his red hair is what you love the most, running your fingers through the red locks makes you happy all the time. Is truly a beautiful color.
🍺Red has a range of symbolic meanings, including life, health, vigor, war, courage, anger, love and religious.
🍺You even asked if its his natural hair color and you got a yes, he even proofed with some baby pictures of himself.
🍺Which you adore the ones that his near your age.
🍺But you will always love the him who is in front of you the him you met and fell in love with.
🍺Shanks has a pretty good job, he is the owner of one of the biggest four business company in the world.
🍺Yes! That means his quite rich. Your set for life marrying him.
🍺That's where some of his friends teases him, calling him your Sugar Daddy.
🍺You have never really asked him for anything not even a penny. If you want money you make your own.
🍺A gift, you refuse any gift unless it is his love and affection that you'd gladly take.
🍺Shanks drinks alot sometime you question his liver. When his drunk his someone that anyone would like around a happy drunk, his not sad or angry, just ×10 more cheerful and clingy.
🍺PDA *Public display of affection*
🍺He wants bear hugs daily. Once your in his lap he doesn't let you out for a long time same goes for your butterfly kisses he wants them daily.
🍺He'd die without your attention.
🍺Your eyes must always meet his.
🍺PDA kissing 🍻😚~ Shanks doesn't mind cheek kisses or a make out session, he thinks it's brave of you that he won't take you then and there.
🍺At home DA *Display of affection*
🍺He loves when you leave a trail of kisses on his neck down to his lower abdomen, it happens rarely but he just loves being under your touch
🍺The little things you do for him makes him wanna keep you for himself.
The End.
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justjessame · 4 years
A Little Ass and A Lotta Sass Chapter 16:  More Than A Pretty Face...Didn't I TRY to Tell Him That?!
Negan hadn’t lied about being able and more than willing to press his mouth tight against me and spend hours enjoying me, giving me pleasure, and most certainly short circuiting my damn brain again. Can oral sex be an art form? Because I fucking swear to his unholy father, Negan was the Michelangelo of fucking cunnilingus. Maybe that’s a trait he got from Satan? Perhaps his daddy gifts his children with all the tempting sexual arts, which, to tell you the truth had me reconsidering my negativity about Negan’s parentage. And would explain why I imagined Hell to be populated with only the very best people. Or at least now I did.
And he took every attempt made by me, swearing I’d had enough, that I couldn’t possibly survive another swipe of his tongue, suck of his mouth, or dear fucking God the nibbling of his teeth, as a fucking challenge to prove me wrong. Our sheets were soaked, not by my own fluids, not those kinds of fluids anyway, but by the sweat that poured off of me. That man, with just his fucking mouth, made me sweat like I’d run miles without rest.
When he FINALLY decided that I’d had enough, he rested his chin on my lower stomach. His eyes locked on mine when I regained the ability to open them and focus. That fucking smile. Those fucking dimples. Satan must be so fucking proud.
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“I think if you’re going to make this a regular fucking deal,” I managed to choke out, my throat so dry that I’d happy try drinking vinegar or half the fucking ocean on the off chance it would give me relief. “Then I’m going to need more than fucking salads to survive.”
He laughed, hopping up from our bed as though he hadn’t done enough oral exercise to develop a bad case of fucking lock jaw, and jogged to a small fridge I hadn’t noticed to grab a bottle of water for me. He opened it and then handed it to me, watching to see if I could hold it in my still shaking hand. I managed to NOT spill the entire thing on me, but a few drops met the bare part of my chest peeking out from the loose shirt I’d worn to the doctor.
I looked up to see him mesmerized by those drops and their path down my chest. I handed him the bottle back, watching him take his own long drink. Ha, I thought, thirst work wasn’t it? And then, capping it and placing it down on the nightstand, I watched as he almost fought against himself.
“Negan?” I managed to bring his gaze back to my face. “It seems like, well, your mouth is fucking AMAZING,” I couldn’t hold back a small moan at the mere thought of what he’d done to me. “But I think I want something a tad bigger than your tongue.” I reached for him, and he sighed, finally getting to follow those fucking water drops to where he’d seen them roll off to.
 By the time the next knock was heard, we were laying facing one another, just resting. I wondered if we’d ever get tired of it, the pull that our bodies seemed to have for one another. I didn’t think I spoke out loud, but he answered me anyway.
“Never.” He kissed me gently, and smiled with a certainty that made me wonder if Satan also gave him a gift for seeing the future. “I will never get enough of you, Callie Grimes. Ever.”
I chuckled. Touching his skin with my fingertips, feeling a rush that I knew he felt too. “Never? Ever?” He shook his head, taking my hand in his and linking our fingers.
“Nope. You’re stuck with me, sweetheart, fucking FOREVER.” He was leaning in for another kiss when the knock came. Sated, he wasn’t as irritable as when our lunch showed up. He groaned and tossed on his jeans after rolling off the bed. I started to follow, but he waved me off. “Don’t you dare move.” I looked up and he was grinning. “Think we’ve both fucking earned dinner in bed, princess, don’t you?” With a wink he went to retrieve whatever meal the doctor thought best for me and our little nightmare.
 It was more filling. More meat, more starch, more tasty. And I once again noticed that he’d had the exact same meal made for him. I wondered if the entire fucking Sanctuary was on my prenatal diet. I almost asked, but honestly, I’d had enough fucking weirdness with the whole kneeling thing, that hearing that what was good enough for Satan’s grand-baby was good enough for everyone would have sent me barking mad.
Sitting in our bed, my back against the headboard, which he also cushioned with the pillows that I fucking loved and him across from me, still wearing his jeans, but shirtless we ate and chatted. Well, I thought we were just chatting before I noticed that he was asking me questions to finally get to know me, well more about me.
“You went to college?” It wasn’t in the tone of ‘you know how to spell your name’ condescending, but actual interest.
I nodded, chewing the bite I’d just taken and swallowing before giving more information. “Yeah, full ride to Agnes Scott.” His eyebrows rose, so he knew of it. “I told you I have thoughts running around my belfry.”
“No shit.” He took his own bite and I wondered, if he was asking questions to learn more about me, then why not go along and get more to go on with him.
“What did you do before?” I gestured all around, so he’d get the idea.
Taking time to chew and swallow, he grinned. “Guess.”
I let my head fall back to study him. What would Negan have done prior to the world going asshole over teacups? Biker club president would be an easy guess, but I’d learned early that Negan wasn’t easy or simple, at least anywhere I wasn’t concerned. Another guess would be police or corrections, but Dad had been a sheriff’s deputy and somehow I didn’t see Negan following orders or the code of anything without chafing. Negan liked to be in charge. He liked to be the one who made the rules, and he was more than ready to enforce them.
“Were you a teacher of some sort?” His grin urged me on. What class would Negan teach, my eyes fell on Lucille propped up against the night stand, within reach. “Physical education, right?”
He nodded, his grin growing with his chuckle. “How the hell did you guess?” He had stopped eating, and so had I, clearly enjoying our new game.
“It’s what I had started studying, human behavior, psychology.” I shrugged. “It was something my guidance counselor suggested, because of, well I have a natural aptitude, I guess.” I looked down at my plate, but felt too full to eat more.
“That explains,” he stopped clearly thinking about something that he knew that I didn’t. He took a few more bites from his own plate, then his eyes focused on mine. “You need to finish that.” Ah, an order, how lovely.
“I’m full.” I answered, not willing to go to the ‘obey’ part of whatever this relationship was, no matter what hitchhiker I was sharing my body with. I pushed the plate to the side and let my legs stretch out.
Negan eyed me, considering I’m sure whether it was worth the argument. He finished his food and I asked the obvious question. “What does my God-given talent explain?”
His eyes met mine as he swallowed his final bite. “My first visit to Alexandria. We didn’t just take guns and beds. We didn’t just bring back medications. One of my guys found a camcorder.”
I closed my eyes. Fucking shit. Damn Deanna. “Ah.” Was all I could manage.
“Your answers, they played right into what whoever was recording expected.” I opened my eyes to see him studying me with new interest, interest that had nothing to do with my lack of clothing for once. “You knew precisely what to say to make that person trust you, trust Rick, trust your group.” There was a shrewd look in his eyes and I smirked. “How?”
And so I explained to him what my little weird trick or intuition told me. How to work through a person’s ideals, their expectations, based solely on behavioral cues. On the way a person carried themselves, and in the people or community surrounding them.
“It’s hard as hell to teach, apparently, for anyone who doesn’t have the knee gut reaction, I guess it’s called.” I brushed the wording off. “But if you do, then it’s as easy as opening a book and finding out some of the secrets. I can’t mindread, or whatever, but I can usually tell if someone is trustworthy, or if they’re lying.”
He bit his lip, but I could see the wheels turning in his mind. “Huh, well aren’t you just full of surprises?” He smiled at me and I felt my heart thump an extra beat. His pushed his plate away to join mine, then he was hovering over me again, hungry for more dessert I could see.
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Can’t go wrong with a college student AU 👍
-Kakashi is the 4.0 GPA average student who consistently make’s the dean’s list even though everyone knows he doesn’t study and doesn’t even try. Some people honestly think he has to be cheating to keep the grades he does, but his professors have looked at his past transcripts and even talked to his old teachers and just know that he’s just somehow naturally that smart. 
-He annoyed the shit out of the entire Science  division of the school because he’s really good at the sciences and could easily be an A plus student there as well, but his interests are mainly history and he will not budge on that.
-Gai is the student who got into their university on a sports scholarship, but he also has really good grades. Not Kakashi tear, but still pretty high up. people like to judge him as a ‘dumb jock’ but he is quiet the opposite and he has proven that time and time again in class.
-He prefers to focus on his Soccer career because that’s what he really loves, but he also has a deep love for history and finds himself in a lot of the same classes as Kakashi because of it. 
-They end up in the classics class together and for once Gai is struggling a bit. it’s easy enough stuff to understand he’s just having a lot of trouble with wording his essays to get high enough grades to pass and because of that he’s finding his scholarship threatened and his place on the soccer team uncertain.
-In desperation, he turns to his next best option. The classes best student, Kakashi. he’s fully aware that Kakashi doesn’t actually put any effort into any of his work, but he sort of hopes he at least has some tips on how to better structure his essays and up his marks.
-He approaches Kakashi about getting some help in the class during one of their breaks, and is quiet shocked to find that Kakashi gets immediately quiet and shy as soon as he’s nearby. Kakashi’s not a big talker, but he’s also not known to be shy. if someone says something he deems stupid in class (like legit a waste of time. not a stupid question but a comment or question that serves zero purpose other than attempting to make the professor waste class time) he will speak up and reprimand them for it before the professor even realizes what’s going on. this is NOT a shy man.
-it takes a bit of convincing, but Kakashi does ultimately agree to help him out. Of course, when Gai tells his couch who is giving him a hand he gets a very disapproving “really. that one?” because every single professor knows Kakashi and they know he’s ‘lazy’. that he doesn’t put in the effort. 
-Gai, however, continues to hold out hope and shows up to his first tutoring session with Kakashi in the library. he finds Kakashi tucked away in a small corner with a book in hand, but not a textbook or anything he should be reading. instead, it’s a porno that Gai has heard talk about all around the school. He’s a little disappointed and about to bugger off when Kakashi notices him and calls him over.
-And boy was Gai’s coach and everyone else wrong about Kakashi. sure he doesn’t put in the effort for himself, but as soon as he’s there to help Gai he is all in. He’s helping Gai correct his wording on an essay, making him rethink how best to phrase something he wants to say. he’s making Gai really think and focus and Gai’s amazed because Essay’s are usually boring as shit but somehow Kakashi has turned this into a fun challenge. sort of like a soccer game but for his mind. he actually loves it.
-When he gets his next grade back Gai is ecstatic. with Kakashi’s help he went from a 60 average to 80 easily all because Kakashi helped him think a little better about how to word things for others to read. of course he turns around to thank Kakashi (who sits directly behind him) but for once Kakashi isn’t in class. it’s a little odd, but Gai figures he’ll find him after class in the library or the dorms and he can thank him there.
-Gai spends the next three hours looking for Kakashi. He doesn’t find him in the library or the dorms and is on the verge of giving up as he explores the university grounds when he finally spots Kakashi sitting in the gardens. he goes over to thank the man for his help, but is unfortunately beaten to reaching him by three other people. Three very unfriendly looking people. 
-Gai thinks it’s nothing at first, Kakashi doesn’t look concerned after all, but he does stick around just in case. and boy is he glad he does because after a bit of talking (that he can’t actually hear) one of the guys reaches out and grabs Kakashi by the shirt collar and lands and solid punch across his face. Gai doesn’t even think at this point. he just bursts forward and sends the ass hole flying as he takes up a spot directly in front of Kakashi.
-Gai is a known jock of course, so the other two sort of look at him and then each other before fucking right off. they are not dealing with this. With the issue (for now) dealt with, Gai turns around to Kakashi and kneels down to check up on him. Kakashi’s nose is bleeding and he can easily tell that there is a black eye in the mix for him, and he’s mad.
-He asks Kakashi what that was all about, But Kakashi is reluctant to talk about it. he even goes so far as to say it’s a normal thing, which just pisses Gai off even more.
-Gai, at this point, is over protective and refuses to leave Kakashi’s side until they arrive at his dorm room. he’s about to say goodnight and tell Kakashi to be more careful when Kakashi whispers out a very soft and sort of scared sounding “you want to come in?”” and he can’t really say no because it’s obvious that Kakashi is uncomfortable about something.
-Once their inside Kakashi starts to clean himself up while Gai just kind of stands back and waits. he knows Kakashi well enough to know he’ll speak when he’s ready, and he’s right. as soon as the dry blood is gone and Kakashi has made sure nothing is broken, he turns around and apologizes that Gai saw that. not exactly what Gai’s looking for, but it’s a start. this time when Gai asks what that was about Kakashi very carelessly explains that a lot of people are always tryng to ask him for help with school work like Gai did, but a lot of them he turns down because he just can’t be bothered to try to teach them for one reason or anouther. this guy, for instance, wanted help with his history essay but he’s also known for being rude to the professors and trying to get off topic in class so Kakashi wasn’t really interested in wasting his time. of course, that ended pretty badly for him
-Gai suggests that Kakashi learn how to defend himself if this is really going to be a continuing issue, but Kakashi just kind of shrugs it off and says it’s not something he’s interested in learning. at which Point Gai declares “well if you won’t defend yourself i guess i’ll have to.”
-Kakashi is a little taken back by the declaration, but he’s also blushing really hard and stuttering and he can’t even string two letters together to say ‘no’ so it’s decided and Gai is quiet proud of that.
-And boy does Gai learn fast just how much shit Kakashi deals with. not just people wanting his help with work, but unwanted advances from both Guys and Girls, and even just people picking on him for being top of his classes. all around Kakashi seems to deal with a lot of shit silently that Gai never realized before. it suddenly makes a lot more sense as to why he’s really quiet.
-And as the weeks go by and Gai keeps staying by Kakashi’s side, he finds Kakashi relaxing a lot around him. Kakashi will hide behind him if he see’s an unwanted advance headed his way, or he’ll just relax against Gai’s shoulder while he’s reading his dirty books and Gai is studying. and of course whenever Gai has a history question for him Kakashi always has the answer in 5 seconds flat.
-Soon, Gai really can’t imagine not having Kakashi around him. Kakashi seems a lot more relaxed, and a lot friendlier. even his professors are starting to notice a difference and Gai knows it’s good for Kakashi.
-One night while they’re hanging out in Kakashi’s room Gai decides to rest his arm on the back of the couch behind Kakashi, and is suddenly surprised when Kakashi notices the gesture and returns it by leaning further into Gai. 
-Gai’s not exactly sure what this means, but he likes the feeling. Kakashi’s so open and relaxed with him and it makes him feel special. Like someone Kakashi genuinely wants around him when he’s shoving everyone else out and away from him.
-After their finals, Gai meets up with Kakashi out on the school grounds and decides that they should celebrate by going out to dinner. Kakashi agree’s really quick, but Gai doesn’t really think much of it until he goes to pick Kakashi up from his dorm room and finds himself very much under dressed for the occasion.
-Kakashi gets really flustered fast and says “i think i miss understood”, but before he can go back to change Gai is grabbing his arm and telling him “no, no i think you understood a lot better than me”
-Gai and Kakashi end up having the best night out and Gai finally learns that the reason Kakashi was so quiet and embarrassed the first time Gai actually talked to him was because he never thought the ‘hot jock’ would even notice his existence. suddenly everything makes sense to Gai. Kakashi’s timidness towards him at first, the fact that he so quickly became comfortable around him, and the ease at which he opened up to him. and honestly, Gai loves it all. he hasn’t actually thought about dating Kakashi (or anyone) at that point, but now that he is thinking about it he loves it. he’s so happy to have Kakashi nearby and he loves being there for him. protecting him and seeing him relax and open up. it gives him butterfly's in his stomach that he didn’t realize meant he really liked this guy. 
-Gai and Kakashi have the best night out. Kakashi’s super open and finally tells Gai things about his life and why he loves history so much and choice that field even though he could be in any field he wanted, and Gai gets to gush about soccer and watch as Kakashi not only listens to him, but looks so love stricken as he does. like this boy is head over heels in love and there is no denying it anymore. 
-Gai take’s Kakashi out on at least 3 more dates before they finally sleep together, and it is the best wait ever. he has been with other people, but Kakashi is a whole different experience. he absolutely worship’s gai’s body and loves taking his time with him as long as Gai will let him (sometime’s gai gets impatient and just really wants to Fuck Kakashi right now god damn it XD)
-Kakashi also quickly makes a habit of showing up at every game Gai has and cheering him on. he’s a whole different person than the dude Gai first met. so open and excitable and he gets so happy whenever Gai scores a goal. it’s amazing, having such a supportive happy boyfriend
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hypnoobiwan · 7 years
Necro-smut:  Final Exam
While searching for something else, I discovered this old story that I wrote for an MC Forum event back in 2009 and never published anywhere else.
This is fantasy and contains examples of egregiously poor consent practices.  Doing this sort of thing in real life, without advance consent, would be at best sleazy, at worst criminal.  It’s also very hetero-centric, which is a function of the characters and the original intended audience.  (And 8 years ago, that was what I knew best.)
Final Exam
© Copyright 2009 by Wiseguy
Tracy kept looking at the slip of paper, the final assignment from her Advanced Hypnotic Writing class:
This exam has only one requirement: write a paper that influences the reader to give you the best possible grade for this class.  Demonstrate creativity as well as mastery of the concepts.
It couldn't really be this easy, could it?  No, Tracy smelled a rat. Surely Professor Hartman wouldn't subject himself to twenty attempts at manipulating his mind, even knowing what they were and what their goal was.  The whole purpose of the class, after all, was to teach people to bend minds through writing.  
Then she grinned.  No, of course he wouldn't put his own mind at risk. He'd do what every college professor with tenure does:  leave the grunt work to his aide.  And that gave Tracy her big idea.
“Creativity,” Tracy wrote, “is vital to all forms of persuasion.  Professor Hartman himself promotes creativity through his use of metaphor in his lectures and in his writings, which helps to explain why his class attendance attendance rate, like his salary, is the highest in the University.  
“Professor Hartman might well liken crafting a persuasive essay to spinning a clear, sparkling, crystal top.  It's easy to imagine that top, rotating smoothly on its point as its facets catch the light and throw it back in every direction.  How much prettier would it be, even, if one were to shine a light into it, producing an inner glow that shifts and jitters as the top slows and wobbles a bit?  And so the writer must invoke the reader's imagination, so that as you read these words you also think about that top and imagine it glowing, sparkling, and gradually slowing, weakening, wobbling.  And the vividness of that image might even cause the reader's mind to slow, to wander, as the top slows and wobbles, and that is perfectly okay because the mind is made to wander – it's in each person's nature to allow the mind to drift even as the eyes continue to read, to absorb the thoughts and ideas from the text directly into the mind, unfiltered, so easily and naturally.
Tracy felt her grin widen as she continued writing, embedding more and more suggestions designed to relax and disarm the reader's mind.  In her own mind she imagined Scott, that cute grad student who seemed to be Hartman's favorite flunky, reading her worlds and becoming glassy-eyed and still.  He will be mine, she promised herself.
“And even as you continue to relax your mind, to absorb and retain all of the thoughts and ideas I'm sharing with you now, you may not even consciously realize how the more you relax your mind the more easily you can understand and accept the nature of persuasion and the ability of mere written words to program the reader's thoughts and behaviors.
“Truly persuasive writing such as this taps into the strongest drives inherent in all readers, as noted by Hogan in The Art of Persuasion.  There is the drive for survival, for food and shelter, for security, and the reader can easily associate the fulfillment of these drives with taking the actions suggested in this text, but of course the strongest, the most easily invoked and the most powerfully persuasive of the basic drives is the sex drive.
“Even now, you can perhaps imagine a time when you were extremely satisfied sexually; when you felt secure and virile and desired, fulfilled completely.  And as you recall that feeling now, allowing it to grow and intensify, you may wonder exactly how or when you can have that feeling again.  And you may even imagine taking proactive steps to make that happen ...”
Tracy wrote and edited and polished her piece until nearly 4am.  Her pussy ached from the desire it induced in her just reading it; it had to work.  But just to be sure, she opened her email client.
I need a second opinion on this and you're the best writer I know.  Would you give this a quick read-through?  I'm not worried about details yet; just give me your gut reaction to the piece as a whole.
I owe you one!
She'd fibbed a bit:  Roger wasn't really that great a writer.  But he was one of those guys who was always willing to help, and he didn't have a girlfriend to object if the test worked.  Close enough.
Tracy flopped onto the bed and slept.
A few hours later, Roger White read Tracy's email and sighed.  He had his own last-minute work to do without also being Tracy's proofreader; this was his morning to spend studying.  Still, he figured a couple of minutes wouldn't put him too far off schedule.
He began reading, but his heart wasn't in it.  All this oblique persuasion stuff was hard to get a grip on and before long his mind was wandering all over the place, like a top winding down.  Down ... down ...
Tracy woke to a loud knocking.  “Trace?  Wake up, Trace!”
It took a moment for the cobwebs to clear.  Recognizing the voice helped.  “Just a minute, Roger.  I'm not decent.”
She grabbed an oversize V-neck shirt from the bottom drawer and pulled it on, making sure the hem came down far enough to cover the essentials, and opened the door.  “Hi, Rog.  C'mon in.”
He's here, she told herself, and he looks a little fidgety.  So far, so good.  She waved him toward the study chair and climbed back onto the bed, deliberately moving slowly enough for him to get an eyeful of her legs and backside before settling into a cross-legged position.  
Roger's eyes took in every crease and fold in the white shirt and delivered the message to his brain that Tracy was naked underneath it.  Was it his imagination, or had he caught a micro-glimpse of pussy before she had a chance to smooth out the shirt to cover herself?  No matter; in his mind he was picturing her naked, legs open as they were now but with his face buried between them.  Weird, a little piece of his mind thought, since I don't really like her that much.  Still the image persisted.
“You want me?”
“Yeah,” he answered automatically.  Then he realized what he'd just said and how it sounded.  “I mean, to see you.  About your paper.”
Tracy glanced at her alarm clock and saw it was only a little after 8am. “You read it already?”
“Uh huh.  A quick read, like you asked.  Actually, I might have read it more than once.  It was a little hard to follow in places.”
“A little hard, eh?  Did it get harder as you read?”
Something got hard, all right, he thought, and felt the stirrings again as he noticed her leaning forward, which improved the already hot view of her cleavage.  “Hard in parts, easier in others.”  He had to work not to stare.
She slid forward and let her legs unfold so that her feet touched the floor.  The shirt rode up underneath her, of course, and Roger found himself imagining her bare ass and getting hard again in spite of himself.  Then Tracy leaned forward and put a hand on his knee.  “Was there a part that affected you more than the rest, that made you want to take action?”
The blood was rapidly abandoning his brain, but Roger forced himself to focus.  “There was a place near the end where you talked about assertiveness,” he said.  “Knowing what you want and daring to take it.”
“Oh, yes.”  Her voice became almost a purr.  “It feels so good to be powerful, to take control, doesn't it?  Seeing what you want, Roger, knowing it's right there, exposed, available, and wanting so much. And then letting your mind relax, and give your body permission to feel good, to take what you want.  You know how much you want it right now, Roger, don't you?  How long will it be before you act on your desire?  Will you do it now, or will you let the desire keep building inside you until it overcomes every last bit of hesitation? How much do you want it?”
Roger's cock throbbed and his mouth went dry.  He lurched out of the chair toward Tracy, grabbed her face in his hands, and kissed her hard on the lips.  His tongue pushed into her mouth and found hers and he knew that his desire would be satisfied.  Barely aware of his own actions he yanked the shirt up and over her head and pushed Tracy down onto the bed.  He held her down and kissed his way down her body from the neck to the crotch, pausing only briefly to suck on each nipple.
In moments Roger was where he'd imagined himself just a few minutes before, with his face planted firmly between Tracy's legs licking her with enthusiasm.  He felt his way around, vaguely in his mind trying to identify the different parts, and slowly worked out which ones would make Tracy squeal and squeeze her legs around him when he licked them just so.  His tongue found the button and Tracy came hard, groaning and clamping his head between her thighs.  He held his spot and kept working it until her legs went floppy and loose.
While Tracy lay panting Roger drank in the sight of her naked body.  I should fuck her now, he thought, but for some reason the idea of putting his cock inside her didn't seem anywhere near as compelling as the urge to go down on her had been.  In fact, the longer he looked at her the more remembered that he wasn't really into her and the more awkward he felt about what he'd just done.
Finally Tracy recovered enough to look up at him and sigh happily.  “You do know a thing or two about taking what you want,” she said, sitting up slowly.  “Why don't you let me take care of you now?”  
Her hands moved forward toward his zipper but Roger retreated.  “That's okay, thanks,” he stammered.  “I, uh, really need to get to the library.  I'm supposed to be meeting Wendy Cho there at 8:45.”
She glanced at the clock.  “You're already late, then.  So I guess I owe you two.”
“Yeah, okay,” he fumbled.  “Glad I could help.  Ummm ... later, Trace.”
She let him get to the door and pulled the sheet over just enough to cover herself.  “Oh, Roger?”
“Before you meet up with Wendy, you might want to wash your face.”
He touched his chin and felt the residue of her juices.  “Oh ... yeah. Thanks.”
She waited until the door closed before laughing to herself.  Oh, yes, this was going to be good.
Changing the test paper she'd sent Roger to reflect her ultimate goal was easy.  Attaching it to an innocent cover email, addressed to Hartman but copied to Scott per usual practice, was also easy.  
It was the waiting that drove Tracy up the wall.
She'd submitted a full day ahead of deadline in hopes of landing on top of the pile.  Still, she waited four agonizing days for the call she'd been hoping for.
Pausing only long enough for a quick gleeful squeal, she flipped open her phone.  “This is Tracy.”
“Hi, Tracy,” came the voice on the other end.  “This is Scott, Professor Hartman's TA.  I've been reading your final exam paper, and ... well, I have some feedback for you.  Can you meet with me?”
“You want me right now?” she asked, grinning.  
His voice was hesitant.  “If that's okay.  I ... umm ... think it would be best while it's fresh in my mind.  Do you know where Mesirow Hall is?”
“Mesirow ... isn't that one of the older dorms?”
“That's right.  Behind the Sciences building.  My roommate's away, so it's easier to focus here.  Is that okay?”
“Give me twenty minutes?”
The relief in his voice was so cute.  “Yes, of course.  Great.  I'll, uh, see you then.  Room A10.”
Mesirow Hall was, as Tracy suspected, one of the older dorm buildings.  It had a stately look to it, with ivy growing up the brick sides and black ironwork around the stairs and front door.  A10 turned out to be in a far corner of the ground floor.  Tracy noted the cinder block interior walls and approved.  Yes, she thought, it would be nice and quiet here.  Which was fine for her purposes.
She knocked on the door and it opened almost immediately.  “Hi,” Scott said, unconsciously running a hand over his unruly hair. “Please, come in.”
The room was bigger than hers, she noted.  The furniture was older, too, but in good shape.  And most importantly, the bed looked solid.  'You want me?”
Just like Roger, Scott fell into the trap.  “Yeah.  I mean, to talk to you.  About your paper.”  He stopped and made a visible effort to compose himself.  “Please, make yourself comfortable.”
Tracy sat down on his bed and allowed her right hand to come to rest in a way that invited him to join her.  Sure enough, he moved quickly from the wooden chair he'd been heading for to sit at her side.  Like taking candy from a baby, she thought, and for just a moment allowed herself to imagine what it would feel like when he went down on her.  She turned her body toward his, letting a hand come to rest on his thigh.  “What do you think?”
Scott went into a mental vapor-lock that showed in his face.  Tracy smiled and added, “About my paper.  You want to give me feedback, you said?”
He cleared his head.  “Oh, right.  I'm sorry.  A little scatterbrained today.  You know how it is sometimes, when your mind just starts to wander off on its own.  Sometimes you just find yourself getting distant and dreamy.  You can remember a time when you felt that, can't you?”
“Oh, yes,” she agreed, feeling a touch of that dreamy feeling herself. “It can be a pleasure to let go to that sometimes, can't it?  So tempting and so easy.”
“But not very productive,” he pointed out.  “So please do excuse me. I'll do my best to stay focused because I know how easy it is, when someone just starts droning on, to sort of tune out and let your thoughts take their own path.  And sometimes it's a very pleasurable path, that you can let your mind take, even as you do your best to look as though you're consciously listening to me and agreeing with what I say.”
Tracy nodded quietly, waiting for the chance to make her move.
“I love your imagery in this piece,” he continued.  “That description of the crystal top, spinning and reflecting the light, capturing the mind as it slows and wanders, winds down ... that's a powerful bit of writing, Tracy, and you must be very pleased that it's so wonderfully effective.  It feels good to imagine the reader, Tracy, imagining that top and feeling that open, compliant state quietly creeping over the mind.  You can do that, of course, I know you can, and that's perfectly okay.”
Tracy smiled again, watching Scott's eyes as he described her imaginary top.  She could see them growing fuzzy and soft so she focused on his voice, listening to the signs of his increasing arousal and desire. Her pussy quivered lightly in anticipation and she allowed herself to idly stroke his thigh.
“... and I know that Professor Hartman will be impressed with the creative way that you invoke the sex drive,” Scott was saying.  “We both know that deep down, Tracy, everyone craves sex.  A woman like you wants to have her pussy filled with a hot, hard cock, thrusting into her.  You know how good that feels, don't you, Tracy? Having a cock inside you, riding it, enveloping it, feeling it grinding and thrusting and stroking you from the inside?  How hot and wet does it make you to think about that right now, to think about riding a cock, pinning a man down and taking him inside you until you feel him come?”
Tracy's mind went straight to her groin, recalling the exquisite pleasure of being filled with a stiff, thick, skillful cock.  A cock like ... Scott's.  Yeah, Scott's.  But wait a minute, that's not what I --
Scott saw the disorientation and pressed his advantage.  “Some women can find that just thinking it, Tracy, just imagining what it would feel like to be riding a hard cock can make you want it, don't you agree? When do you suppose that urge first took hold, that quiet desire and arousal that made you want to seduce me?  How many nights did you lay in your bed, touching yourself, maybe stroking your breasts the way you are now, imagining what it will feel like when you ride my cock? Did you fantasize about persuading me to go down on you, making you come and come and come, and then sliding my cock inside you and fucking your brains out?  How hot does that make you right now, Tracy?  How wet is your pussy right now?”
Tracy squirmed.  Damned wet, she answered.  Aw, fuck, I can't concentrate!  Her mind filled with images of herself seizing what she wanted, reaching out and taking it.  And what she wanted was right there, just a foot away at most.  
Scott was still talking but Tracy had heard enough.  She bowled him over onto his back and yanked at the closure on his jeans.  He lifted his hips and helped her slide them down along with his boxers, and Tracy moaned in anticipation as she saw that he was already mostly erect. She bent down and took him into her mouth, sucking steadily as she worked his hard cock in and out of her mouth, deeper and longer, getting him so nice and hard, so ready.  
Her pussy begged her to hurry up, so she reached down with one hand to undo her own jeans and reached inside to frig herself.  She was already soaking wet, and that was good because Scott's cock felt completely ready.
She stood up long enough to shove her jeans and panties down to her ankles and then pounced on Scott before he could begin to sit up. His mouth opened and she clamped a hand over it.  “Enough talk,” she told him as she rose up into position.  “I'm taking what I want now!”  
Scott felt her envelope his cock and groaned at the pleasure of it.  His hips moved with hers, finding a rhythm and then increasing the tempo. “That's it,” Tracy said.  “Just let your body take over, doing what it knows it craves.”  His eyes focused beyond her on something on the ceiling, so she stripped off her shirt and then her bra for good measure.  “If you want to stare at something,” she told him, “stare at me.  See how horny you made me and know that you're going to get the fucking of your life right now.”
Their eyes met and locked together.  Scott reached up with his hands and squeezed her breasts and she knew she had him at last.  Tracy rode him harder, faster, deeper, until his eyes rolled back and she felt the hot gush of his seed inside her.  “That's it!  Yes!  Yes!”
She felt him slow and twisted his nipple.  Scott yelped and looked at her again.  “You're not done yet,” she said.  “Not by a longshot. I'm gonna ride you until you beg me to stop.  I'll keep you hard for an hour if I have to and there's nothing you can do to stop it.” She reached back with a hand and found his balls, then stroked her finger along the sensitive area just beyond.  Scott groaned and his cock, which had started to soften, swelled back to full attention. “That's it, Scott.  Your body wants me and your mind wants me. Your only hope is to make me come so hard that I forget what I'm here for.”
He renewed his thrusts, this time putting a little side swivel into his hips to change the sensation.  Tracy's eyes widened and then closed and her head rolled back.  Her words slurred into unintelligible, almost animal sounds and for a few moments Scott was in complete control.
Then his body betrayed him.  His cock tingled and his balls filled and that sensation of pressure, building pressure that had to be released, took over again.  He groaned and sped up, and Tracy felt the change.  She bore down on him with her pelvic muscles, making every thrust a sweet agony.  “You want to come,” she said.  “You need to come.  But first you have to please me, Scott.  Please me and come for me NOW!”
He grabbed for her nipples and tweaked them hard.  Tracy shrieked, threw her head back, and couldn't hold back any longer.  Her body clenched and her chest heaved and her gasping cries tested the cinder blocks. Scott watched her in the throes and let go, letting his body come again and straining to hold her in position until the end.
Tracy flopped on top of Scott, both of them panting and sweating and too exhausted to speak.  After several long minutes her mind cleared and she realized she was naked, sweating, and had just willingly fucked a teacher's aide.  She quickly slid off the still-blissed Scott and slapped him across the face.
“Hey!” he complained.  “What was that for?”
“You duped me!  You used embedded suggestions to get me all hot and horny and then made me jump your fucking bones, you creep!”
His eyebrows rose halfway up his forehead.  “So?  Isn't that more or less what your paper was supposed to do to me?”
“No, of course not!  I was just going to make you ... want me ... “  She realized how feeble it sounded but just didn't have anything better. “So you'd give me an A after you went down on me.”
“So I'm a creep?”
Tracy heaved a heavy sigh.  “Okay, so you're not the only creep in the room.  How did you turn that around on me, anyway?”
His answer came with a chuckle.  “How do you think I met Hartman?  By taking his class, of course!  And I got an A on the final, thank you very much.”
Well, duh! Tracy chided herself.  She flopped back onto the bed and took his hand.  “And what grade will you give me?”
His eyes met hers and there was a tiny glint in them.  “You did make a compelling case.”
They spent the rest of the afternoon in intense negotiations.
-wg 6/10/09
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jornami · 7 years
Hamilton High School AU!
A/N: I'm so excited for this! With every person’s headcanon there's a little something about me too!
Request: no one asked for this, but did that stop me from writing it? No
Let's start with Aaron because he is me
He freaks out about his grades. He checks them three times a day. Minimum.
He once tried to go the whole winter break without checking his grades.
Spoiler alert: he lasted for three hours
One time he got a 69 on a math test
He freaked
He started looking up McDonald's applications and told all his friends that he could kiss his dreams of college goodbye
I actually did this. He actually did this.
He's also in debate club
Him and Alexander argue the whole time every single meeting
Student Body President
The other members have renamed it “The HamiltonBurr Discourse Club”
Let's do Eliza next, shall we?
She's in chorus and she outshines everyone
She auditioned for District Chorus and got in of course
She has the hugest crush on Alexander and none of friends know why
She has straight A’s
She packs her lunch strategically
Her sandwiches are always perfectly cut
she has her carrots and hummus in a container that looks like this
she always puts a napkin on the table and on her lap
All the teachers love her
Got all her community service hours done her freshman year
She's that girl that's so perfect you just wanna punch her but you can't because she's so kind
Let’s give it up for the baddest female in town, Angelica Schuyler 
No one messes with Angelica Schuyler
She eats fuckboys for breakfast
She's in Social Justice Club
She got kicked out of history class for saying, “America is a hierarchical structure that was built by sexist white men.”
And let's just say they definitely had something to say to talk about in the next Social Justice meeting
Also got kicked out of English class the next week for saying, “Well, excuse me for thinking that we should read books by a variety of authors not just old, dead white men!”
I love her. She's my hero
I'm not even going in any specific order at this point, so I'm going to talk about Gwash!!!
He's the sexy math teacher that everybody wants
He wears button ups and rolls up his sleeves,,, and,,,, his hands,,, they’re so big and,,,,I,,,, lost all ability to for,m sentences,,,,
He's clueless to the fact that everybody wants him
“Wow class! I've never had such a big turnout for after school SAT prep!1!1!”
Poor baby, he's clueless, protect him, okay?
Calls Alexander son
Next up, my sweet sunshine, my cinnamon roll, my curly haired freckled faced cutie, JOHN LAURENS!!
He's in Social Justice Club too
He loves to doodle !!!
He's gotten so many points taken off for classwork for doodling on the side of them
His binders are filled Polaroids of his friends and pictures of sloths
Common misconception: his favorite animal isn’t turtles; it's sloths!!!
He's notorious for taking naps in class???
“John what's the answer to number 6?”
“Uh, y=7x-8”
“John, this is Spanish class.”
Yeah,,,he never lived that down
Thomas motherfucking Jefferson
He's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
He packs Mac and cheese with ketchup 3 out of 5 days of the school week
Shows up to class late
Goes on random tangents in Debate Club and ends them with
“And if you don't know, now you know.”
Never goes anywhere without his sidekick/echo/lap dog James Madison
Theatre nerd
“Today I'll be performing a monologue for A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare.”
Then continues to recite the monologue until the teach interrupts and says,
“Young man, I asked for your name.”
Starts speaking in French for no reason at random times,,,,,????
“Mr. Jefferson, answer the question in English or go see Mr. Seabury in the office.”
“Peu importe.”
Complains about school but is getting all A’s
Yay! Time for Maria!
She's super introverted
She writes poetry and music and sits in the chorus room during lunch to focus
She writes like she's running out of time
She can sing her ass off
Always afraid that she's going to get the answer wrong but always ends up getting it right
She is quiet, but she's definitely judging you
She very shy and gets intimidated very easily
Angelica always stands up for her
Lafayette! Ladies! Lafayette!
Uses his French accent to get what he wants
Also uses French to confuse people
He's sort of a rebel??
“Laf, we can't make out in the dressing rooms!”
“Shhhh, you worry too much.”
Is also a theatre nerd
Is the only person getting an A+ in AP French
throws raging parties when his parents aren't home
Despite his rebel ways, he's getting straight A's
And Peggy, of course!
Went through a phase in middle school where she wore headgear
They called her metal mouth even when she got it off
She hit her glow up freshman year and every guy was throwing
themselves at her
She's the person who finds the quizlet for the whole test online
Then people are asking how she got an A on the hardest test of the year
She'll never tell
She's in theatre and she always end up in the ensemble even though she deserves a starring role
Also in district chorus
Eats in the middle of class????
They’ll be taking a test and all you hear is a bag crumpling
She once brought peanut butter crackers and started coughing up a lung because they were so dry and got caught in her throat
help her
B rahhh B rahhh it’s Hercules Mulligan
Is the king of Home Ec
Knitted all his teachers scarves for Christmas
Looks like a jock but is really a big softie
A model student™
Hates math class with every fiber of his being
 Tutors people for fun
And last, and definitely least: Alexander Hammy Ham
If Mr. Washington calls him son one more time he's going to wild out
His spam account on Instagram is mostly rants about Mr. Washington
Don't let this fool you...he loves Mr. Washington
Turns Debate Club meetings into rap battles
Incapable of answering a question without going on a tangent
“Mr. Hamilton we get it. Please, sit down.”
Laughs at Burr for freaking out over his grades but also freaks out about his grades
Oblivious to the fact that Eliza likes him
Only eats nachos from the cafeteria
Has his name displayed on the “Perfect SOL Score Wall” multiple times
Hates Shakespeare with a burning passion
smarter than most of the teachers
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scribeswhocode-blog · 7 years
Latin League || Molly & Raj
Molly and Raj meet in their Latin class and become study buddies.
Molly couldn't believe that she was actually about to walk into her first college class. She wished that she could have started her first evening class off a little more positive, but considering the fight that she had with her parents the night before and now the impending worry of how she was going to afford living and going to college would be looming over her for the rest of the semester, she hadn't been having the greatest of mornings. She barely had any sleep the night before, had worked her ass off at work today to keep herself distracted, and was now about the spend the few hours of the day she had left in a Latin class. Needless to say the girl was completely terrified. She hadn't been sure what she was supposed to wear on her first day, and had settled on a floral dress with tights and boots. She threw a cardigan over that and tied her hair up into a ponytail to try to give her somewhat of a laid back look, she didn't want everyone to think that she was trying ​too​ hard. It was a good thing she had gotten to the campus so early, considering she spent about half an hour hunting down the right building and then finding the classroom, but she eventually stumbled inside and made her way to a desk situated in the middle of the room before tossing her back pack down on the floor next to her chair and taking a seat. Her heart was practically exploding in her chest. She just needed to take some deep breaths and remind herself that she could do this. She could do this. 
Raj hated winter, he especially hated the way that every year everyone acted totally caught off guard, as if they forgot winter happened every god damn year. Some careless fool lost control of his car on the icy street and was now blocking Raj's way and everyone else for that matter. He knew he wouldn't make it in time for the class, but he didn't want to miss out entirely. He decided his Latin needed some work. Again. He tried multiple times to learn Latin, but with no conversational partner a dead language was hard to keep in mind. A glance to the big hand of his watch and he sighed, and parked his car haphazardly somewhere. He would probably regret this later. He got out of the car and started running to the class. Red-faced and out of breath Raj opened the door to the room and looked for a free spot feeling almost every pair of eyes turn to the interruption, he had been late. Wanting to get out of the awkward situation he quickly next to a girl with a floral dress, doing his best to ignore everyone's stares. “Ugh.”,what a great way to start a class.
That entrance, the one where every head in the class turned to stare at the guy who entered the classroom late, was the one that ​Molly​ had tried so desperately to avoid. It was why she had left work early to show up to the campus almost an hour early to give herself plenty of time. Also why she had tried to find an outfit somewhat between Winter formal and sweatpants Sunday to wear. She was trying to do anything and everything possible to avoid grabbing any attention. Any of the wrong attention at least, in time she would be able to shine in her own right and get attention she deserved. "Hey" Molly whispered to the guy who just took a seat next to her. He was a very attractive guy, objectively at least. The professor, an older woman maybe in her late fifties was going own the syllabus to the class, something Molly had printed off and highlighted weeks ago. "My name's Molly. Nice to meet you."
Slowly coming down from the rush of his heartbeat, ​Raj​ didn't even really hear what the professor was saying, he took off his brown coat and hung it on his chair. His face still flushed he turned to his seat neighbor when spoken to. “Hey.”, he greeted the girl, faintly aware of Prof. Odell recounting the syllabus. The girl looked cute, laid back, and very likeable, like she couldn't or rather wouldn't hurt a fly. But Raj knew that looks could fool you easily. “Nice to meet you too Molly, I'm Raj. Well actually that's the first nice thing to happen today.”, he joked raising the corner of his lips to a smile. “So what did I miss? Nothing too important I hope?”, and he was quite certain of it. After all he was taking this exact class for the third time already, he just kept losing his drive for Latin and cancel the class before actually finishing it. “I mean if she didn't do anything differently than the last few times.”
Molly smiled at the guy sitting next to her. Him running late must have been just one of many things to go wrong today apparently, if he was claiming that only one nice thing had occurred. She didn't really want to make too much conversation, afraid that she make the professor upset. So the silent smile in his direction would have to work for the time being. She turned her attention back to the professor, speaking again only when the professor took a break from talking to go and dig through a stack of papers on her desk. "She's just going over the syllabus." Molly leaned over and whispered to him, pausing when he mentioned the last few times. Had he taken this class multiple times? Was it so difficult that people failed and tried to retake multiple times? A worried look spread across her face and she stuck the end of the pen in her mouth and bit at it nervously. She knew she shouldn't have taken that placement test to get out of the basic Latin class. She wasn't ready. "Uh.. you've taken it more than once?" Molly asked, trying to sound as level headed as possible.
Raj understood the smile the girl was throwing his direction, after all just because he was late didn't mean he was incompetent in everything. Normally he wouldn't even care if he was late or not, he just didn't like the attention and the thought of having to walk to his car later. When Prof. Odell took a little break from talking and she replied to him Raj just nodded, he thought as much. Oblivious to her inner anxiety Raj just nodded to the question, just as he wanted to explain why the proffessor resumed talking an Raj fell silent instead. A glance in the direction of his seat neighbor, who was now chewing on a pen, told him that he should have said something though. He seemed to have upset her with his little revelation. He quickly took out his notepad and scribbled on it, positioning it so Molly could see the neat handwriting. “I got bored and ditched the class halfway through, let's hope this time I'll stick with it to the end.” He added a little smiley to the line he'd written.
Oh, so the class was just boring? ​Molly​ was pretty sure that she could deal with boring. She had talked to many people who thought that the Scribes were a boring organization. Okay, admittedly a few of the Scribes in Ashkent Creek ​were​ kind of boring, but overall her life had a lot more excitement than even she had been expecting. So if she could make it through the Scribes, what was one little Latin class? She nodded her head at him and grabbed for the piece of paper, scribbling her own words across it. Then she slid it across the desk to him. "Oh. Well that's not bad. Boring means easy right??" She slid it back to him. Molly liked to shine, there was no question about that. But that didn't mean she necessarily needed to be challenged. She had enough going on.
Raj wasn't sure if the professor would mind their little exchange of sorts but he didn't really care much. At least it would keep him from getting bored with the class. Molly and him didn't disturb anyone with their writing and it was quite discreet. And this was college after all, not high school. Professors weren't teacher and usually they didn't care if the students were attentive or not, as long as they didn't disturb. He smiled at her reply, she misinterpreted the reason for his boredom. “Not so much easy as dry I'd say. Language should be alive, spoken, used. Latin is just dead. And with no one to practice with and talk to I keep losing the drive to work on it.”, he scribbled down in his unusually neat handwriting. He put slightly more effort into his writing than usual, after all he didn't want Molly to stumble over his writing because she couldn't decipher it. “If you want easy you should check out Esperanto. But sadly that language is also not really alive.”, he slid the notepad back to Molly only listening to the class with half an ear. He knew what the first few classes would teach after all.
Raj took a minute to write down his next reply onto the notepad, but slid it back to her after writing a bit. His handwriting was surprisingly neat, rivaling even Molly's, who was very used to having the neatest handwriting. Working on computers almost exclusively, her parents were always a bit surprised by how neat her penmanship was, but she was a perfectionist after all. Plus, she had hundreds of different fonts that she used constantly to learn from. Admittedly, Molly had no idea what Esperanto was, but she figured that it probably didn't have a class that counted as her college credit for language. "I'll stick with Latin. I can use it for my job. Plus I think it's fun finding out just how much Latin influenced the other languages. It's interesting." She slid the paper back to him, knowing that she should probably be focusing on the professor and lecture instead of writing back to this random classmate. But she wanted to be liked by her classmates. Plus, this guy seemed like he knew quite a bit about language, so he wouldn't be a bad friend to have.
Raj waited while Molly scribbled her reply in her equally aesthetic handwriting. It was quite rare to see college students have neat handwriting and two of them just happened to sit next to each other in a Latin class. There was something aristocratic to this situation, but Raj just enjoyed not having to decipher chicken scratch. He checked his watch, he really didn't want to listen to the professor rambling on and on about the syllabus. When Molly returned the notepad he quickly read what she wrote, pleased that the conversation took his mind off of the boring class. “Well the finding out the influence bit is actually quite interesting. I could go on for hours about it, it's the only reason I took Latin.”, also it helped with some older spells that were actually Latin, but no need to tell Molly that. “Your job?”
"​Alright class, we are going to take a short break, take this time to pick your conversation partner. They will be your partner for the remainder of the semester unless you request a change​" The professor spoke before going over to take a seat in her desk and pull out her cell phone. ​Molly​ stared at the professor, a bit wide eyed as conversation erupted in the classroom. The movies apparently weren't kidding when they talked about how different college was from high school. Molly had always just assumed that they exaggerated the details, but if this was her first example as a college student then maybe she had misjudged. "Uh I work for a historical society. They're called the Scribes. We basically just do a bunch of record keeping, but I'm building an online database for them so they can actually access the information online instead of it all being paper copies." Molly had figured out that the term Scribes was basically a hit or miss opportunity. In most cases, people had never heard of the Scribes before. But those that did typically knew what the Scribes real purpose was. Record keeping wasn't a lie per say, just more of a broad generalization of the truth. "So... partners?" Molly asked curiously, afraid to really ask in fear that he would just move on to some other classmate.
Raj wasn't really paying attention but when the professor announced a break he listened up. “Well that sure is unexpected.”, before he always quit the class because the professor put the focus on grammar and writing. They barely spoke the language at all. And now she assigned conversation partners? Raj raised an eyebrow in surprise and suspicion alike. “Well maybe she finally took my feedback forms seriously. I won't complain about this.”, maybe this time he'd actually stick with the class. And he even got along with Molly as far as you could say that from the few sentences exchanged. “Scribes? Funny name, very fantasy. I have to google that later. So you're digitizing their old information? I guess it makes sense why you'd want to take Latin then.”, unlike him Molly apparently had a job on the side. Raj preferred just being a student right now, no need for a job to take up his free time. Except for the tutoring but that was more of a hobby that paid. When Molly asked Raj to be partners he was surprised for a second. “Oh yes of course. I just assumed we'd be. Shouldn't have done that, sorry.”, he apologized with a cheeky smile.
Molly wasn't proud to admit that her first was that this professor was actually her Ashford River self, the professor Odell that focused more on speaking the language and perfecting the rest later rather than the other way around. But Raj's idea feedback form sounded a lot more realistic. It had to be sad that her first thought for everything automatically turned into the most supernatural hypothesis possible right? Maybe she was losing her mind. "If I had to guess, they probably came up with the name based on the Egyptian Scribes that used to keep everything written and recorded for the Pharaoh. I mean it's actually like a real word and all too but thinking that I work for a company based off of Egyptian history sounds a lot cooler." Molly laughed nervously. She wasn't a history major, and was far from being some kind of history buff, but she still found history to be very interesting and liked to read up on it when she had some free time. "I know the basics, but a language is required for my degree anyways so I figured this was the best time to get more practice." She was happy to hear that Raj just assumed the two would be partners. Looking around the room most people had already paired up and Molly did not want to end up that awkward kid without a partner. "Good. I just wanted to make sure."
“I mean after three consecutive semesters of being pestered by my feedback notices, she finally caved. Huh. Funny how life could be.”, ​Raj​ actually believed that he was the cause for the change and he might be after all. As he didn't really know anything about the dimensional shift, he didn't even consider the possibility that this Odell was in fact someone from another universe. And there was no way to know for sure. “Ah yes, the Scribes of Ancient Egypt. Most of our knowledge from that time we actually have to thank them for. They were exceedingly meticulous in their craft.”, of course Raj had stumbled across the topic during his language studies. After all reconstructing a dead language was one of the hardest disciplines in linguistics; reconstructive linguistics. He smiled at the girl before he continued: “I still think the word has a fantasy sound to it. Especially now that you reinforced the idea of its ties to Ancient Egypt. I always thought Ancient Egypt had something fantastical to it. The golden sands, the black Nile and all the gods in their Pantheon. I think I would have like it there.”, especially as an earth elemental witch he'd have no trouble living among so much sand. He'd rather enjoy it. “Well don't worry now that we're actually using it to converse the two of us are gonna pick up the language in no time at all.”, Raj hat a talent for languages after all and Molly seemed sharp enough to him. “Well glad to hear that, partner.”
The professor gave the class just enough time to pick their partners before going back into her classroom rules. ​Molly​ glanced at the time on her phone and saw that class was ending in about twenty minutes, and it might get out even sooner since it looked like she was getting to the end of her syllabus. That was the other thing that Molly loved about college classes, the timing wasn't set in stone. Classes could get out earlier, and from what Ricky and Forest had filled her in on, they did a lot of the times. The professors disliked being in the classroom just as much as the students did most likely, the only difference was that they were getting paid. "I agree. I'm not a huge history buff but I know a decent amount" Mostly things she had learned from her job, "And it was a very interesting time period." She was happy to know that someone was just as interested in learning the language as Raj was because he was right, the two would learn the language fairly quickly that way. And now they had all semester to do that together.
"Yup it truly was. I mean I'm not too into history, but I know some things.", ​Raj​ agreed with her and checked his own phone not long after Molly. The rest of the class passed relatively quickly, and hey they even got off a few minutes earlier than the class officially ended. But this was college nothing out of the ordinary. Raj hadn't really unpacked all that many things but as he started packing away his notepad he resumed conversation with Molly. "So you wanna trade digits? Easier to coordinate you know.", he explained his reasoning and also who knows they might end up as friends. But it's not something he'd tell someone the day Raj met them. "So how do you get home from here. If you're even going home now.", he thought about having to walk through the cold to look for his card. He'd left it somewhere along the way and now dreaded the walk. 
Molly pulled her phone out of her dress pocket and handed it off to Raj so that he could put his number into his phone. "This will make homework and assignments and stuff easier." Molly smiled. Hopefully it would also mean that she could make some more friends on campus, because that would always be helpful. She was stuffing her notebook into her overweight book bag, rolling her eyes at the idea of lugging this around every day. The bookbag was almost permanently attached onto Molly's back. She kept her laptop, her tablet, and any cord she could possibly need in it so that she was always ready to connect to the internet if she needed to. But with her extra school supplies in it now, including the text books she had to buy, the thing was weighing her down. "I think I'm heading back to work actually. To get some more stuff done. Which is on Main Street so I have to head back through campus." 
Raj took the phone and entered his own number. He thought about writing language nerd as a name but then again he didn't know Molly that well he wouldn't want to get off on the wrong foot with her. He quickly typed his own name, but then reconsidered and went with his original plan. "It will definitely also if you or I have any questions we can get in touch real quick." He handed her back her phone after and then handed her his own. Sure he could ring himself from her phone to get her number, but this way it was more of an exchange than just a business transaction. "Oh you're heading back to work.", he was glad he didn't have to work. College student was his main profession and he was glad he had the time to focus on that. "It's really fucking cold out, and you still have to head through campus. I'm freezing just at the thought." He looked at her book bag which seemed to drag the girl down with all of its contents. "And that might slow you down a little.", he pointed at the bag. 
Molly laughed at Raj, forgetting that he had just met her today and had no idea how much she actually walked around this ridiculously cold and dangerous town. "This thing?" Molly asked and pointed at her backpack, "I have this with me all the time." She shrugged it off, as if it wasn't a big deal, but she had probably built some serious leg muscles in the last six months. "I don't have a car yet so I don't really have a choice I guess?" She had hoped to get a car at the beginning of the year with her parents help, but with the falling out she was not exactly sure how she was supposed to keep up with the payments. 
"I would offer you a drive but I parked my car a little too far from here for my tastes. I got caught up in a traffic jam and had to desert it.", ​Raj​ put on a face as apologetic as he could muster. He put on his jacket and his phone away. "So I guess we'll stay in touch?", he asked out of formality. He was sure he'd annoy her sooner than later, but for now he'd wait for ther next class to pass before he just randomly texted her. "Do you have a license or do you also need to get one?" 
"Oh no worries I'm used to walking." ​Molly​ shrugged. She knew the idea of walking anywhere in the winter in Maine probably sounded insane. Molly knew that it was insane. But such was the life of a girl who had no possible way to afford a car of her own. "I have a license. Well I had one. Back in Washington. I would have to get it renewed if I get a car. But yeah, we should totally keep in touch!" 
Raj shuddered once more at the thought, his heart really went out for Molly. He just hoped nothing bad would happen to her. "Well at least you know how to operate a car then, that's the most important thing.", he smiled at her as he walked beside her to the exit. "Well Molly, it was very nice to meet you.", he pulled out his car keys and placed them in the pocket of his jacket so he wouldn't have to fiddle around with it at a later date. "Well I guess, I'll see you around. Have a nice evening at work.", Raj sad as he readied himself to part ways with the girl. He grabbed the door handle and opened it before he turned around to wave at Molly.
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