#also. is ghondor going to have a different name in the reformed world?
flershnork · 7 months
So I just beat Xenoblade 3 again and I started thinking, you know how all of the heroes are standing around the main party with of course the Kevesi heroes on the Kevesi side, Agnian heroes on the Agnian side, and the City folks in the middle. But like, the way the worlds split with everyone getting dragged to either the world of the Bionis & Mechonis or Alrest. Of course with the ending of Future Redeemed we know that the worlds interlink and essentially reform Earth and since everyone's souls, including the city folk's, were stored inside Origin, they will be reborn in the new World. But like, what happened to them in that exact moment where Origin was starting up again and was separating Aionios? I feel like with the effect we see of the overlapping land separating in this kind of translucent overlap, this must have happened to the people of the City, or at least those of both Kevesi and Agnian descent. What did that feel like? Was it kind of like a homecoming where they just kinda stop and disintegrate or did they feel their physical body get dragged apart into the air of the two worlds as their soul just went into the stasis of eventual rebirth.
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