#also. rip to all anyone who sent me a prompt/ask game in the last 12 months i just found them all in my drafts with like. no more then a
tangledstarlight · 11 months
i was looking for something in my drafts and my god. there are so many bobby hate posts in there that i never posted fkdghfdg
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seasonsofeverlark · 4 years
Operation Push Katniss Over the Cliff of Love
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Author: @mega-aulover​
Prompt: The crunch of frost when the mornings first start to become crisp ❄️❄️❄️  [submitted by anonymous]
Rating: T
A/N: There are no games. The districts won the war and the seat of power rested wherever the District Tribute won the candidacy for President.  The current president is from District Eight. Katniss takes Peeta out to see nature on a dare or is it a dare? - special thanks to my beta and best friend @norbertsmom who is more than just a beta, she’s amazing.
The light from the Everdeen front porch spilled outside, lighting the three figures that huddled together near some trees. It was safe enough for them to gather outside and talk about their important subject: getting Katniss Everdeen married. Each one had their own reason for being present. One other member, Delly Cartwright, had sent word she would be late. She was roped into planning a fall festival with Effie Trinket, the district liaison. 
Delly wanted Peeta and Katniss to get together. She was the one who inadvertently brought the group together. Gale wanted to prove that Katniss was human, Rigel Everdeen, Katniss’ father, wanted Katniss to be happy, and Prim, her sister, had her own selfish reasons. She’d recently turned sixteen and she wanted her own room. Katniss was always in her business. Prim loved her sister and wanted her to be happy, so when Delly mentioned Peeta had the hots for Katniss, and that they should do something about it, it didn’t take Prim long to realize there was a way to satisfy everyone’s needs.  
“It’s cold outside,” Prim whispered.
The chilly air indicated winter was finally on its way. They had had an unusually warm fall. It kept the trees from uniformly turning right away. Some trees in the district were now displaying the bright beautiful colors, while some of the trees toward the edge of the district were bare. It was as if nature was warring with itself.
“You sound like your sister,” Gale snickered. 
Prim’s pale blue eyes gleamed in the darkness.  “Mama always said never trifle with an Everdeen.” 
“Careful Gale, Prim is sweet and lightness until provoked,” Rigel said, winking at his youngest. He leaned on his cane.  “Now how are we, as Prim said, pushing Katniss off the cliff.”
All three of them had been trying to figure out how to get Katniss and her secret crush, Peeta Mellark together. Peeta worked everyday at the bakery from sunup to sundown since his sixteenth birthday. His father was slowing down. He had had a massive heart attack last year, and Peeta took on more responsibilities at the bakery. 
Katniss not only traded the game she caught, but she also made it into jerky and sold it down at the Hob. Both she and Peeta were very busy people. 
“If Prim hadn’t clued me toward the Merchants I wouldn’t have figured it out,” Gale said stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“I knew she liked someone in the Merchant quarter,” Prim rubbed her arms. “Whenever you guys go to Merchant quarter to sell, she always stops here to wash her hands and change. Katniss isn’t one for dressing up unless she has too.”
“I can’t believe I never picked up on that,” Gale rubbed the back of his neck.
“That’s because you, too, were getting gussied up for all of the ladies,” Prim said. “You take longer than Katniss to get ready. Also, let’s talk about your abuse of the orange extract in your aftershave.”
Gale turned bright red.
“That’s enough Prim,” Rigel admonished. “We’re getting off topic. How are we getting them together?”
A loud ruckus could be heard as Delly speedily walked toward the group. “Sorry I’m late!”
“Shhh…Katniss is a light sleeper. She’ll hear you and want to come downstairs and find out why you are here,” Prim admonished.
“Sorry,” Delly whispered, but in reality Delly didn’t know how to whisper. Her version of whispering was using her inside voice. 
“Okay where were we, how to get those two together?”
Delly shot her hand up in the air. Her blue eyes sparkled and she hopped with barely contained excitement. 
“What?” Prim rolled her eyes. She couldn’t understand why Gale was so smitten with Delly. She was like that annoying little lap dog Effie had. Delly was sweet, but sometimes her exuberance could be annoying. Though Delly was loyal and kind. And if anyone said anything about her, Prim would be the first to defend Delly. 
“Well you know how Katniss hates the cold,” Delly said smiling. 
“Yeah,” Rigel said.
“And you know last week Gale and Katniss were bickering about Katniss being late.”
“She claims she wasn’t late,” Gale said, taking his gloves out of his jacket pocket and putting them on Delly’s hands. 
Delly smiled at Gale.
“I remember. She was spitting mad and she’s made it a point of going to bed early,” Rigel said.
“Well,” Delly said, looking at all three of them as if they understood where she was coming from. “You can use Katniss getting up late to get them together.” 
Prim’s mind worked quickly. “Delly’s right, we can use this to our advantage. Delly, you said Peeta uses nature as one of his inspirations right?”
“Yeah,” Delly responded.
“Well, what if we make Katniss take Peeta into the woods.”
“She can take him by the lake. When it’s cold enough, the water condensation freezes and it latches onto the trees and leaves.” Rigel grinned. “I took your mom up there once when we were courting. She called it a winter wonderland.”
“Peeta would love that.” Delly sighed. “A romantic trip into the woods with the girl he’s had a crush on forever.”
“I can goad her in front of Peeta,” Gale said. “Make her angry enough to fall for a bet. She takes Mellark out to the forest if I win, and I have to do something dumb if I lose.”
“Yeah, you know how to push all of her buttons at once,” Prim snickered. She turned her focus onto Delly. “When is the best day for Katniss to take Peeta?”
“Sunday. Sometimes he closes down early or doesn’t open at all.” 
“Okay, Gale do you think you can switch out one of your days off on Thursday?”
Gale gave Delly a look. 
“Gale!” Delly exclaimed, and the others shushed her. “Sorry,” she whispered, then continued, “You can switch, it’s not like we’re going to do anything romantic other than hanging out with your mom. You can switch your Monday for a Thursday.” 
Haymitch Abernathy from District 12 had won the Presidency after the explosion that Gale’s father caused. One of the things Haymitch did when he was President was make the working conditions in the mines better. He also ensured all miners got two days off, as well as yearly pay increases and a paid time off. They also had paid holidays off and they also promoted within. Gale was poised to move up in the mining company. He was pretty smart and had a lot of ideas. 
“Fine,” Gale muttered.
“Thanks Gale, I am proud of you, son,” Rigel said, patting Gale on the shoulder.
Gale looked up to Mr. Everdeen. They had developed a bond, especially since Gale helped his mom raise his three younger siblings. 
“Gale, you can use that you don’t get up early argument,” Prim said.
“Katniss will fall for that. When she gets angry she forgets about being shy,” Rigel chuckled. 
“Right, but how are we going to make sure Katniss is late?” Gale asked, frowning.
“Easy,” Prim grinned like her cat Buttercup when he’d trapped his prey. “I put sleep syrup in her favorite drink.”
“I will distract her enough to make sure she’s really late,” Rigel said. 
“Great, then next Thursday operation push Katniss over the cliff of love, begins.”
Thursday Morning Katniss was surprised when Gale showed up to hunt with her. He said he switched days with his buddy George, who needed the day off. His eldest was Toasting. 
They were approaching one of their last trading stops. Katniss nervously tugged on her shirt sleeve.
“You like him,” Gale said out of nowhere.
Katniss nearly tripped on the stairs she was climbing up. “Woah…”
Gale easily reached out and caught her.
Katniss straightened up and firmly gripped her game bag. “What are you talking about?”
“You like him,” he pointed to the bakery back door right before he knocked.
Katniss was left speechless, her mouth hung open. Her face felt hot from all of the blood rushing to it. She wanted to refute it, but she didn’t have a chance. The ‘him’ Gale spoke of opened the door. Gah, Katniss thought as her heart thumped against her chest at the sight of his flour covered forearms, and sparkling blue eyes that rivaled the color of the lake in the woods.
There were no words to describe why Katniss found Peeta Mellark so appealing. 
He was freakishly strong, with gorgeous blue eyes, broad shoulders, large hands. She shivered when she thought of those hands. Supple hands that were strong enough to rip apart timber and yet delicate enough to create the most intricate of frosting flowers for the cakes he decorated. Katniss recalled the day she caught him ripping wood in half by hand to take out his frustrations at something his mother did. She had stood by the fence staring at him, her mouth ajar and drooling.
“Hi, Gale and Katniss, here to trade?”
Even his voice did funny things to her. His voice was not soft or hard, it was smooth and she died a little when he said her name. Her palms became sweaty and her ability to think rationally went out of her head. Katniss couldn’t even formulate a ‘hello.’ 
Next to her, Gale cleared his throat. Glancing up at him, she saw his shoulders shake, and his lips formed a mocking grin. She realized what Gale said was a trick to get her to show her true emotions. 
Katniss wanted to punch him in the arm. 
“Yeah, Katniss caught some fat squirrels for you,” Gale’s voice taunted. 
Katniss wished the ground would open up and swallow her. How in the hell did Gale know that she had a thing for the baker’s youngest son?
“Oh, great. You guys want to come inside? It’s getting chilly out.”
“Sure,” Gale said.
No sooner did Peeta turn his back than Katniss punched Gale in the arm, hard.
“Ow!” he grunted.
Katniss scowled at him.
“You didn’t have to hurt me,” Gale said with a grin while rubbing his arm. 
“You deserved it, you big oaf!” 
Ever since Katniss turned down Gale’s invitation to run away into the woods a few years back, he’d been trying to get her to admit that there was someone else she liked. Gale had been methodically trying to eliminate the possibilities. He tried several guys from the Seam, then he turned to their own group, the Covey. 
The Covey lived on the outskirts of the district. When the war began the Covey, a group of traveling minstrels, settled in District Twelve. Katniss and Gale’s families were descendants. One of their own became the tenth President. During her brief stint as President she fell in love with a man from the Capitol and ran off. It caused a huge uproar, thankfully her vice president, Undersee stepped in and took the spot. 
The Covey had a tradition of singing and dancing. They mostly lived on their own. Katniss had family that were touring throughout the other districts singing. Katniss had been invited because of her voice, but she turned it down. Firstly, her family needed her, and secondly, she didn’t want to leave because of him. She couldn’t leave Peeta behind. There was a bond between them, an electrical force that drew her to him. 
It began with the bread.
When her father got hurt in the mine explosion, Peeta came over with a basket of bread for her family. The mining company’s compensation toward the injured miners ran out quick. The only source of income was from her mother’s healing business. But with her father’s medical bills, they were drowning and necessities became expensive. They were living off of meager rationings when Peeta brought them a basket of bread and canned goods. 
Peeta must have done it behind his mother’s back because she hit him so hard he missed two days of school. It was this act that caused Mr. Mellark to petition to divorce his wife. Peeta had risked it all to help her family. Katniss could never forget what he did, nor could she repay him for the kindness he bestowed upon her family. 
Through the years she looked for ways to repay him, but one day it dawned on her, she was keeping track of him for more than just the repayment of the food. The more she saw him interact with other people, the more she liked him. She nearly swooned when she saw him in those darned wrestling tights. 
Katniss thought her secret was safe. Until her sister, the little traitor blabbed one New Year’s Eve that Katniss wasn’t into the Seam look. Gale was surprised, but then began trying to look at all of the men in the Merchant side, including the Peacekeepers. He often said Katniss had a hankering; someone she would give her eye-teeth for, like a miner lusting for a cool breeze in the mines.  
Katniss wasn’t sure what he meant by eye-teeth, but using his analogy made her think it meant hungry for Peeta, which in a way she was. 
“Look, just admit you like him,” Gale whispered, elbowing her.
“Grr,” Katniss growled with all of the fake venom she could muster. 
“Why don’t you get all of those juicy squirrels you hunted for him.”
“Gale,” Katniss whispered. “Stop.”
She wanted to pummel him with her fist but he walked into the bakery. 
“GALE,” she squeaked. “Come back here!”
Katniss wondered why the hell they were friends. He was annoying, angry, petty, and infuriating. His one redeeming quality was that he was a good hunting partner, and those were hard to come by. Before partnering with Gale, she had tried to hunt with another hunter named Jed, but it was disastrous. A lynx attacked her and Jed did nothing. He didn’t warn her nor did he try to stop the lynx from attacking her. Katniss was lucky she was such a good shot. She got it in the eye as it leapt in the air. 
Gale saw her shoot the lynx and approached her about joining up with him. Leery, she wasn’t sure she should. His dad was the reason the mine collapsed. He drunkenly set some TNT on fire, blew himself up and caused many miners to be injured, including her dad.
Her dad told her that Gale’s family was hurting. Katniss didn’t want to give in, but then she saw one of his intricate traps and slowly they became friends. Now she wished she’d never accepted his request for friendship.
“Aren’t you coming? Your bread boy is waiting.” Gale winked at her.
Katniss stomped inside, furious at being found out. Gale was going to pay, she hadn’t decided how, but she was going to make him pay for his betrayal. 
“So I know how much you like our nut and raisin bread,” Peeta said good naturedly. 
“Yeah, she just loves your bread,” Gale said.
“Do you?” Peeta settled his eyes on her and Katniss didn’t know where to look. By the heat that was radiating off of her cheeks, she was sure she was redder than a ripened tomato. 
“Yeah, she loves your buns,” Gale kept on talking and Katniss wondered if a court would convict her for killing him. “Your cheesy ones.” 
“You mean my cheese buns?” Peeta’s eyes brightened. “I didn’t know. I’ll add some into the pack.”
“Delly told me you decorate all of the cakes.” Gale changed the subject and Katniss was grateful.
“I do.” Peeta was busily packing things. Katniss took the opportunity to take out the squirrels she shot for him, and then she added a rabbit. 
His brothers moved away to other districts, leaving Peeta as the sole owner of the bakery. Since his parents were divorced, Peeta lived in the bakery with his dad. His father favored rabbit meat. 
“Some of those cakes are complicated,” Gale said.
“Yeah, a cake can take me up to a week to decorate.”
“When are you and Delly going to toast?”
Gale hesitated, turning pale while looking at a dozen leaves in different shades of red, green, gold, and orange before changing the subject. “Do you get the inspiration for the cakes from nature?”
Katniss noticed Gale never answered the question. This was a bone of contention between Peeta’s best friend and her hunting partner. Gale wanted to marry, Delly wasn’t ready. She wanted to date a little bit more before settling down. 
Gale and Delly were such an odd pair. She was this round faced plush girl. She wasn’t beautiful like Madge, who Katniss thought he would have gone for. Before Delly, Madge and Gale used to flirt. It was a little gross to witness. It’s so funny how life worked. When Gale and Delly were introduced Gale couldn’t stand Delly’s bubbly nature. He said she grated on him like a tone deaf canary. Though slowly her generosity won Gale over. Gale told Katniss Delly crept up on him.
“Yeah. I always walk around with my sketchpad and pencil. Though, as you can tell, ever since my brothers left I don’t have time to walk around and observe as much as I used to.”
“Man, you should go to the woods,” Gale said. “The woods get frosty. It’s unlike anything you’ll ever see.”
“Frosty?” Peeta said with wonder.
“Yeah, the frost in the woods is amazing, like a winter wonderland. Katniss here doesn’t appreciate it.” Gale shook his head. “It’s a struggle to get her up on cool mornings.”
“Gale, the animals are still sleeping when you want to go out there,” Katniss grumbled.
“You know that’s not true. The early bird gets the worm. Nature’s teeming with life. They get busy living while you’re all wrapped up warm in your blanket.” 
“You know I get up plenty early to hunt and make ends meet for my family.” Katniss forgot for a moment she was in the bakery. She was still upset with Gale over his trick. 
“Sure you do,” Gale said. 
“I’m there before you are,” Katniss growled. Gale was a foot or more taller than her, but Katniss stood up to him.
“You want to make a bet?” 
Katniss poked Gale’s chest, “I can handle anything you can dish.” 
“Fine,” Gale said. 
“If tomorrow I don’t get up on time,” Katniss wasn’t going to let Gale get the best of her. “I’ll…”
“Take Mellark out into the woods.”
“What!” Katniss sputtered, disbelieving what Gale was proposing in front of Peeta.
“What, you didn’t hear me?” Gale smirked.
“You guys don’t have to-” Peeta said. 
“Mellark, wouldn’t you like to go out there in the woods, and see nature in its purest form?”
“Well,” Peeta said, sneaking a furtive glance at her.
“See, he doesn’t want to,” Katniss harrumphed. The prospect of having to take Peeta into the woods and talk to him was frightening as hell. Anyone who knew her knew she was awkward with people. District Twelve’s old President, Haymitch Abernathy, claimed she had the personality of a dead slug. 
“I didn’t say no,” Peeta said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“He didn’t say no, so what’s it going to be, Everdeen. If you wake up early and are in the woods before me, I lose.”
“And you have to tell everyone we trade with I’m the better shot,” Katniss said, narrowing her eyes. She knew Gale hated to admit it. He liked to boast how handy he was with a bow.  
She saw the nerve in his jaw tick right before he answered, “Fine! But if I’m right and you get to the woods late, you have to take Mellark here to the woods to observe the frost.”
Confident she wasn’t going to lose the bet, she came home from trading with Gale, convinced she was going to be fine. Yet out of an abundance of caution, she went to bed early after sharing a cup of tea with Prim. Katniss made sure she was dressed so all she had to do was slip on her boots and get out the door. But when she woke up the following morning, the sun was already in the sky. 
“Crap,” Katniss said. She jumped out of her bed, grabbed her boots, quickly combed her hair with her fingers and put her cap over her head.
“Good morning, Katniss,” her father said from the table.
“Hi dad.” Katniss sat down briefly to put on her boots.
“You’re late today,” her father said as he wrote something in his plant book.
“Ugh, I don’t know how. I know I went to bed early.”
Her father coughed. “Maybe you were tired.”
“Ugh,” Katniss groaned. She didn’t catch her father’s smile. 
“Don’t you want some toast, Katniss?” Her father asked. 
“Sure,” Katniss said, taking a slice of bread from his plate. “Thanks daddy. I’ll see you in a little while.” 
“Sure, Kitten,” her father laughed, shaking his head.
Katniss left and headed to the woods, not noticing her sister Primrose hiding in the corner laughing. Katniss was more concerned about beating Gale. She climbed over the gate to the fence. It had a sticky latch and she didn’t want to waste time fidgeting with it to open the gate. She ran to their spot in the woods, pausing only once to grab her hunting gear. She saw Gale sitting on the rock with a piece of grass in his mouth.
“Darn it!”
“You’re late, Everdeen,” Gale said in a singsong voice.
Katniss wished very much she hadn’t let her anger get the best of her yesterday. Now she had a date with the boy she’d fancied since the tender age of eleven.
Sunday morning Peeta nervously slipped on his jacket. His hands shook. He was nervous about meeting Katniss this morning. He thought her to be the most beautiful girl in the district. Katniss was also the most courageous and strongest person in the district. When her father was injured, Katniss went out into the wilderness to hunt. There were a lot of qualities that he admired in her. It made him fall deeper for her. 
This opportunity to actually have the time to speak to her was unforeseen. Peeta wanted to make an impression on her. He wasn’t sure what was out there in the woods and he didn’t want to act like a fool in front of her. Peeta didn’t consider himself a tough guy like Gale; he was more of a pacifist. He could fight if he had to, but he preferred to talk things out before resorting to hurting people. His mother had often called him soft.
There was a point in time he was bullied for being pudgy as a boy. Peeta learned how to talk his way out of situations, and in doing so he learned that a physical altercation wasn’t always the right course of action. He was worried he wasn’t good enough for someone as dynamic as Katniss Everdeen. 
“Stop quakin’, chicken legs,” Delly said.
“Dell’s this is Katniss. What if I act like a total doofus and say something wrong and make her not like me>” Peeta said in one breath.
“Nonsense,” Delly said, packing up a thermos. “Believe me, you can’t screw this up.”
“It’s Katniss,” Peeta insisted.
“I know, I know. it’s the girl you’ve had a crush on since the Valley song way back in grade school.” Delly grinned, “Believe me Peet, Katniss has noticed you.”
“I don’t know,” Peeta doubted it. “She’s never talked to me.”
“What if she’s shy?” Delly asked.
Peeta blinked.
“Do you know how hard it is to walk up to a guy you like and say ‘I think you’re cute, do you want to go on a date’?”
“When was the last time you saw a girl do that?”
“Exactly.” Delly said triumphantly. “Now let’s look at the evidence. She went to all of your wrestling events.”
“Yeah, but those were mandatory.”
“You and I both know your brother’s matches were mandatory, and she skipped all of them. She also went with the Mayor’s daughter to see you practice. I’ve caught her hanging around the train station on delivery days.”
“She could be trading,” Peeta said.
“Nonsense,” Delly said. “You and I both know she shows up magically every time you have to unload the stuff from the train station. The girl doesn’t ogle every guy in the district.”
“Speaking of ogling.” Peeta turned to Delly. “What’s going on with you and Gale? I asked him when you and he were going to have a toasting. He looked wounded. He actually turned pale.”
Delly made a face. “He wants to get married.”
“So, isn’t that what you want?” Peeta was confused.
“It is, it’s just…” She sighed. “Gale is such a womanizer. I am the only girl who has refused to sleep with him. I want to make sure he loves me and is willing to settle into a committed relationship. It took me forever to make him understand that intimacy meant more than just sex.” 
Peeta understood. 
“Okay, so I packed a few blankets and the food you made. You are all set,” Delly said.
“Thanks Delly.” 
“Go out there have a great time, and just be yourself.”
Delly watched him leave. She quickly ran over to the Hob where Gale was waiting. 
“He just left,” Delly said, giddy. 
“Great, then it’s all up to Prim and Rigel now.” Gale nodded.
In her home Katniss slipped on her warmest jacket. She wasn’t sure if she looked alright. This meeting was more than just a scenic walk through the woods. She frowned and then it melted into a scowl. No thanks to Gale’s big mouth, she had to take Peeta into the woods. 
What could she, Katniss Everdeen, talk to the most popular boy in school about? When they were in high school Peeta was always surrounded by his friends. 
“It’s kind of late for you to be going out into the woods with Gale,” her baby sister said from the bed.
Katniss had hoped to avoid speaking to her sister. She knew Prim would have all sorts of questions Katniss wasn’t sure she had answers for. “I’m…”
Prim sat up, her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders. “You’re not wearing your normal smelly hunting shirt and pants to go out into the woods.”
“Prim, go back to bed,” Katniss said, turning around. She hoped that her sister would listen. At sixteen her sister was strong willed.
“What’s going on here?” Prim walked over to her, her eyebrow shot up. 
“Ah,” Katniss said nervously.
Prim sniffed the air and gasped, ‘You’re wearing perfume!”
Katniss felt her cheeks burn. There was nowhere to hide.
Prim cornered her. “Katniss Everdeen, you tell me what’s going on this instant!”
Katniss sighed, “I’m meeting someone in the woods, okay.”
“You are?” Prim clapped her hands.
“Shhh,” Katniss said, grabbing her sisters hands. “You’ll wake mom and dad up.” 
“Okay, okay,” Prim whispered. Then her face looked horrified. “Katniss you can’t go out into the woods looking like the bride of a sasquatch!” Prim turned to their dresser. “Let me see, what do you wear for a clandestine meeting in the woods. How does one look pretty in the woods?” She muttered to herself. Then began the questions, “What are they like? Are they tall, handsome? Where do they work? Are they young or is it someone older?” Her sister waggled her eyebrows.
Katniss groaned this was one of the things she was trying to avoid. “Prim. He won’t care what I look like. Look I’m showing him the wooda so that he can use it for the bakery.”
“Eeewww,” Prim exclaimed. “You’re going out on a date with Mr. Mellark?”
“What?” Katniss grabbed her sister before she flew off the handle. “No, that’s just ew, no. It’s Peeta. I’m going to show Peeta the forest. I’m ah…going to show him what the frost looks like.” Katniss let her sister go. She looked down. “He’s not, well, he’s a nice person and…”
“And…he’s cute.”
“Cute?” Prim’s eyes danced. Her grin was wider than the lake in the woods.
“Okay, okay,” Katniss said, lifting her hands in the air. She might as well let Prim make her look pretty. Her sister did have a way with clothing. “What do you think I should wear?” 
“Ohhh, this is going to be great. First off those pants are way too baggy. Lets get you into dark jeans, oh and one of mom’s grey sweaters…” 
Katniss allowed her sister to dress her up. When she finished she was wearing one of their father’s old orange checkered shirts underneath their mother’s knit grey sweaters, dark jeans, and her boots. Prim gave Katniss her navy coat instead of her own. Prim was taller than Katniss and it hung loosely around her frame. She had to admit she looked nicer than before.
They both snuck to the door. Once outside Katniss looked to the path that led to the meadow.
“Okay remember, just let the conversation flow. Don’t try to force small talk. You’re not great at that. One more thing, he’s probably more nervous of you than you are of him.”
“Why would you say that?” 
“Katniss, you do know you’re known as the huntress around here right?”
Prim words caused Katniss to take a moment and think about what she was saying. “What does that mean?”
“Besides the fact that you have the ability to shoot someone through the eyes?” Prim joked.
Katniss blanched at the idea of killing someone. 
“It means you’re a legend in our district. Dad’s super proud of you. When he got hurt and couldn’t work, you stepped up and helped out our family. Believe me, he knows you’re not someone who can be easily swayed or impressed with dumb pick up lines. Peeta knows he’s got to work hard to get into your good graces. He probably has a crush on you but is too shy to tell you. Not to mention, you’re always with Gale and he’s pretty intimidating.” 
Katniss hadn’t thought of that. “You think he likes me?”
“Oh Katniss, I know he does.” Prim smiled warmly. “You’re great.”
“Thanks Prim,” Katniss breathed. 
“Now get out there and show him the forest.” 
Katniss smiled and walked away.
“So did you plant the seed?” Rigel said quietly when Prim re-entered the house.
“Yup,” Prim sat down. “She’s going to meet him with the knowledge that he likes her. That should help Katniss warm up to him.”
Katniss reached the meadow in good time. She waited for Peeta to meet her by the gate. It was a cold morning outside. Her breath came out in puffy little clouds. Katniss gazed up at the heavens, the clouds were gathering, a storm was brewing. 
Prim’s words circulated in her head. What if he did have a crush on her, but didn’t know how to articulate it? She could imagine how it looked to Peeta with Gale hanging around her all of the time. 
She heard his heavy steps approaching before she saw him. The crunch of his boots set several sparrows into the air. 
“Hi,” Peeta said. 
She waved shyly. 
He wore a dark orange knit hat. His wavy blond hair peeked out from the sides and he looked adorable. He also had a knapsack with him.
“There’s frost on the ground,” Peeta said, coming up to her.
“A sure sign winter’s on its way.” Katniss looked at the meadow. There was frost on the ground. It was pretty, but it was nothing compared to what lay in the woods. It was colder today than in the past days.
“Sure,” Peeta said.
Opening up the gate they made their way inside. They stopped only once to get her bow and arrows from their hiding place. 
As they walked deeper into the woods, she couldn’t help but smile. The woods was her home, she felt alive here. In the woods, Katniss did not have to worry about society’s demands. Often people found it strange that at the age of 20 she hadn’t married or had a boyfriend.
Her close-knit family and friends accepted her decision to stay alone. Those outside her circle often talked behind her back. Everyone was expected to have a companion. Everyone would be shocked to know Katniss did have someone in mind and he only walked a few feet away from her. 
She snuck a quick look at him and her heart fluttered and her stomach flipped. There could very well be someone that Peeta Mellark was seeing and kept quiet about it. Yet even as she thought this, her sister’s words played in her head. People also gossiped about him. Katniss couldn’t understand why he wasn’t taken. Peeta was compassionate, smart, funny, and selfless. He was perfect, but none of the women in 12 wanted him, and that was okay by Katniss. Peeta never had a girlfriend and by the looks of it, he wasn’t going to get married anytime soon. Maybe he did like her in secret. She wished there was a way for her to know for sure.
“It is very cold out here. I can understand why you want to stay in bed a little bit longer.”
Katniss shrugged. she didn’t intend to talk to him, but then it dawned on her this was the perfect situation for her to get some answers about questions she had. “Gale is so over dramatic. I’m usually awake before he is and waiting for him. What about you, how early do you get up?”
“Well to be honest, I’m downstairs in the bakery before four in the morning. Ever since my dad had his heart attack, I’ve had to do the morning prep work.”
Katniss whistled. “Why don’t you take on someone, an apprentice?”
“Because it’s expensive. We were finally making a profit when my dad had his health scare. His medical bills cleaned us out.”
Katniss understood where he was coming from. “When my dad got injured we had the same thing. Thankfully my mom was his caretaker. I can’t imagine what you must have gone through.”
“I had to hire a nurse to help my dad recuperate. Thank goodness your mom helped out, with all of those free resources and the menu for a lower salt diet.” 
“I’m glad my mom could help.”
“She did it for next to nothing, for that I’m eternally grateful.” Peeta stopped walking, he took a look around the forest.
“I’m glad to hear your dad is feeling better.” Katniss stopped moving. “It must get really hot in the bakery. How do you deal with the heat in the summertime?”
“I sleep with the windows open.”
“Oh,” she said. Katniss didn’t imagine it would be such a simple solution.
Peeta stopped walking. “Wow! Look at all of these colors.”
Katniss saw a tree with red, gold, and yellow leaves. It was warmer closer to town, and the woods that surrounded the perimeter still had some of their leaves. The heat from the mines and the factories warmed the area. The further they got away from the district the colder it got. 
“I can see why you love it out here.” 
They were having an unusually warm autumn. 
“What’s your favorite color?” Peeta asked her.
“Green. Why, what’s yours?”
 "Orange, not like an in-your-face-orange, but muted, like that leaf over there, or your orange checkered shirt.“
Katniss couldn’t help but smile. It occurred to her that talking with him was easy. She thought whoever Peeta dated was a lucky girl. Her curiosity about whether or not he was with someone grew. They walked some more. He asked various questions about how she knew the direction they were heading, and other things that to her came naturally, but that someone who had never been to the woods would be curious about.
“So,” Katniss was working up the courage to ask if he had a girlfriend. 
“Yes?” Peeta asked. 
“Ah…” Katniss closed her eyes momentarily before blurting out, “Do you have a girlfriend?”
She watched him turn red before answering, “I don’t.”
“Really?” The word slipped from her mouth before she could stop herself. 
“You sound shocked.”
“It’s just that,” Katniss stopped to face him. “In high school you were so popular, I was sure there was a girl that you fancied.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, then shyly said, “There is this one girl I like.” He looked her in the eyes. “She’s amazing and I draw her constantly. But I’ve never had the courage to tell her anything. There was a time I thought she liked someone else, but it turned out they weren’t a thing. I guess I chickened out after that.” He shyly said, “I don’t think I’m good enough for her.” 
Katniss felt like she was suddenly a fire that was doused with torrential rain. Of course there was a girl he liked, an amazing girl he held a torch for. “Oh. Okay.” 
“What about you, is there anyone you like?”
Katniss couldn’t smile, she couldn’t even formulate words. Mutely, she nodded.
“Are you thirsty? I packed some hot chocolate for us.”
She looked toward the path. “We really should get going.” Moving was the only thing she could do. Katniss kicked herself the entire route. Of course there was someone special. Why did she have to listen to her sister? Prim was sixteen. Prim knew nothing about affairs of the heart. Katniss wanted to cry for the loss of hope. She held it together the rest of the trek. 
When they came to the lake Katniss stopped walking and Peeta gasped.
Everything was coated in little ice particles. The cold breeze here was noticeable. The condensation from the lake had frozen and latched on to the areas surrounding the lake making it look like freshly fallen snow. Ice crystals hung from the branches, crawled up the tree bark, coated the tall grass. A mist floated up from the center of the lake making it look mystical. 
“It’s beautiful, amazing.”
Katniss smiled watching Peeta get up close to a tall blade of grass. “It’s like they’ve been brushed with ice. It has little ice particles.”
“My dad calls it silver thaw.”
Peeta examined the fallen leaves on the forest floor. His face was flushed and his eyes glowed with excitement. “I never get to see this. I mean, I am sure this happens on the inside of the fence, but I’m inside the bakery most of the time.“
“My dad says no two snowflakes are alike.” 
“Wow,” he said. Peeta whipped out his sketchpad and pencil, and quickly drew what he saw. Loose papers were sticking out between the pages of his sketchpad.
Katniss was amazed by how quickly and accurately he could draw. He was unrivaled; there was no one in the district like him, and she quietly mourned for the loss of what could be. His curiosity and childlike glee at the majestic picture nature presented him would be one of her favorite memories. 
“Do you think we’ll get snow soon?”
“Possible,” Katniss shrugged looking up at the sky. “It’s getting colder out. When it gets really cold out here the lake makes snow. It gets pretty dangerous out here. The snow can accumulate quickly.” 
As he stood up, pages fell from his book. Peeta tried to contain his sketchbook, but various pictures fell down. One of them floated over to her. 
Peeta dived to get it, but was too late. The drawing fell at Katniss’ feet.
Picking it up, she was curious as to whom he had drawn. What she found drawn stole her breath away. The girl in the picture was gorgeous. Then Katniss saw the long braid, the cap she wore on her head. She looked to the other pictures and they were all of her. Peeta had drawn a picture of her, as if she was beautiful.
“You drew this?”
Peeta tucked his sketchbook under his arm and stuck his hands in his pockets and couldn’t look up at her. He shyly gave her a nod.
Her heart thundered in her chest. “Is this me?”
Peeta’s eyes widened and his mouth hung slightly open. He cleared his throat. “I ah…”
She picked up another one. There were pictures of her laughing, others of her eating, one of her sitting by Madge in school. Another showed her with Prim, another with her dad. It dawned on her he said he drew the girl he liked constantly. But she needed to be sure. She didn’t want to make assumptions. Maybe this girl looked a lot like her. 
“Katniss,” Peeta said. 
 “Can I keep it?” she asked.
Her questions seem to baffle him because he gave her a look of wonderment and at the same time puzzlement. “You want to keep it?”
“I mean, if this isn’t me?”
Peeta walked up to Katniss and stared longingly into her silver eyes. As if he was looking for something. Finding it, his face broke out into one of his legendary smiles. “Of course this picture is you. You’re the only girl that I’ve…well…liked.”
“You like me?”
“Ever since we were in kindergarten, when you sang the Valley song. I was a goner then and I’m a goner now. You’re the girl I was describing. I just didn’t know if you felt the same way about me. I was afraid I was projecting what I feel on you. You don’t have to feel any which way about me. I’m okay with that, I just can’t help the way I feel.”
Katniss didn’t know whether she wanted to jump or laugh or run. Instead she took his hand, leaned up on tiptoe, and kissed him on the cheek.
His smile was crooked and his cheeks were flushed. “I think we better get you out of the cold.”
Katniss nodded. It wouldn’t have mattered to her if it was 30 degrees below zero outside. All she knew was she was on cloud nine.
Together, hand in hand, they made their way back to the bakery. They sat down in front of the fire to snack on the cheese buns and hot chocolate he packed for them. They talked and laughed, and for Katniss it was like finding a kindred spirit. It was the start of a beautiful relationship. 
As she left the bakery Peeta held her hand, “When can I see you again?”
“Silly I’ll be back in the morning to trade with you.”
“No I mean,” he shyly gave her a smile, his fingers brushed over her knuckles and Katniss thought she would melt. “When can we spend more time together.”
“How about we have lunch tomorrow? We can meet here at the bakery.”
“Great, we can stroll in the meadow afterwards. It’ll be nice to see the daylight. I’m always stuck inside of the bakery.” He smiled and kissed the back of her hand, and Katniss knees wobbled at the contact of his warm lips brushing up against her skin. Katniss couldn’t wait to see him tomorrow.
When Katniss finally came home she was grinning from ear to ear. Her mother was out attending a birth with Prim.
“Hello,” her father said. “Where have you been?” He was carving a cane for one of her mother’s patients. 
Katniss froze. She wasn’t sure what to say to her father.
“You look like Buttercup when he gets a bowl of cream.”
The heat rose to her face. There was no way she could keep this away from her father. “I was meeting with someone.”
“Oh,” her father said, putting his knife down. 
She sat down. Katniss and her father were close and if she wanted to see Peeta, she needed to sit down and talk to her dad about the boy, no, scratch that, man, she’d had an unbreakable bond with since forever. Squaring her shoulders, she said, “Dad, I was with Peeta Mellark. I took him to the woods and we had a fine time.” Katniss sighed. “We spent the rest of the afternoon at the bakery talking. His dad was an earshot away.” Her eyes pleaded with her father’s matching silver eyes.
“You were with Buck Mellark’s youngest son?”
“And do you like him?”
Katniss didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”
Her father smiled. “I have only one piece of advice Katniss. Just follow your heart as you take the metaphorical leap off the cliff of love. If your heart tells you to stop or you have doubts, just walk away. All I want is for you to be happy.”
“Thank you, dad,” Katniss smiled and walked away. She didn’t know her father gave her baby sister a detailed report on their conversation. Nor did she know Prim was determined to make sure her sister took that final leap and toasted with Peeta Mellark.
Prim and Gale were on chaperon duty, to make sure the lovebirds stayed in love. Katniss for her part went to lunch with Peeta. Each time she and him were together, she did just as her father said. She and Peeta took it slowly. As she and Peeta grew closer Katniss fell deeper in love with Peeta, while the relationship of others cooled.
Katniss stood with Peeta watching Delly slap Gale in the face.
“Delly, I swear I didn’t kiss her!” Gale ran after Delly.
“I saw you!”  Delly cried and ran inside. Her brother stood by the door arms crossed not letting Gale enter the house.
“What can we do?” Katniss whispered.
“I don’t know Katniss,” Peeta answered back. Gale rushed past them in the direction of the meadow. Peeta held her closer. “What we can do is promise each other to be honest and talk to one another.”
Katniss nodded, what Peeta said was true. Delly and Gale weren’t communicating with one another. Her parents talked all of the time, even about trivial things. Communication, as Prim pointed out one time to her, was the key to a successful relationship. She vowed she would talk to Peeta. And so she did, when she got angry at him, she let him know why. When they didn’t agree, they still talked.
It helped them get to know the other. Adversity could do one of two things, draw couples apart or bring them together. The intimacy between their words caused her hunger for Peeta to grow. They abstained and strained from physical intimacy but it was getting harder for Katniss to walk away. Peeta always seemed to be able to hold himself in check, it was Katniss who craved more.
It was hard for her to keep her hands off of Peeta. It was during this time Katniss decided to take the leap. Though she waited for the right moment, it never came. So she contented herself with simple things like taking long walks. There were many trips to the lake. Many trips to behold the wonder of the woods and it’s majesty. When it got cold and the snow coated the earth they walked hand in hand together facing each new adventure together. Slowly, the cold air became warmer and spring kissed the earth. The snow melted and Katniss and Peeta’s relationship heated up.
They were at her father’s cabin, lying in each other’s arms. 
“Are you okay?” Peeta asked.
Katniss was warm and blissful. Her body still coming down from the flight of pleasure she had within Peeta’s care. “Yes.” 
Peeta pushed tendrils of hair away from her face. “I love you,” he whispered.
Words of love and adoration were no longer hard for her to express. “I love you, too.”
He sat up and reached into his pack. He took out a small necklace that had a silvery gem on it. “It’s a pearl.”
“It’s beautiful.” Katniss had never seen such a beautiful thing before in her life. 
“It reminded me of your eyes.” Katniss sat up and he slipped it around her neck.  As he fastened it he said, “Marry me, be my partner in life. I pledge my love and loyalty to you. I promise to honor, obey, and love you with my heart and soul. I know there will be hard times, but I’ve found that when faced with things together, the burden becomes easier.”
Tears streamed from her face. “Of course I’ll marry you!” She rushed at him and they fell back into bed, a tangle of arms and legs.” 
On the day they married, Peeta made a cake that looked like the wintry wonderland of the forest.
It was as they toasted that Prim and Gale and her father were looking all too much like the cat that got the cream.
“What are you three grinning about?” Katniss asked.
Her father coughed, but said nothing. Gale avoided looking at her. It was Prim who spilled the beans.
“Katniss, don’t get mad at us, but we were tired of seeing you make moon eyes at Peeta. So we came up with a plan. Gale was supposed to get you to make a bet to take Peeta out into the woods. I was in charge of slipping you sleep syrup that night, and in case you woke up on time, dad was in charge of making sure you were late getting to the woods.”
Katniss couldn’t believe what Prim said. She wasn’t sure if she should be angry, but then a strong pair of arms wrapped around her middle and she didn’t care. This, after all, was the happiest day of her life.
When Gale walked away Katniss turned to Peeta and together they asked, “Okay Prim, how do we get Gale and Delly hitched?”
Prim grinned, “Well I have a plan…” 
The End….well maybe? 
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aescapisms · 5 years
baby’s breath [two]
warnings: angst and swearing pairing: Bucky x Reader Word count:1225 Prompt: “Time to pay up, Barnes.” “What do you want?” “Pretend to be my boyfriend for five days.”
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Bucky woke up to his ringtone. “Good morning boyfriend.”
The person on the other end of the line was waiting for a response but Bucky didn’t provide them one. “It’s me. In case you forgot, your girlfriend?”
Ah, so that was your voice over the phone. He didn’t quite expect that but it still sounded so sweet just like your voice does when you talk.
“Good morning...girlfriend.”
Dear lord, how long has it been since he was in a relationship. This awkwardness is going to eat him alive.
“Get up and go to work. Let’s have lunch together at the cafeteria later?”
“Alright, I’ll go to your office then?”
“No need. Let’s just meet at the cafeteria!”
Needless to say, Bucky rushed out of the room once the clock struck 12, like Cinderella except he’s eager to meet his princess.
You were chatting with someone when he arrived, not knowing what to do he took out his phone and sent you a message “I’m here.”
He saw how you quickly turned around to scan the cafeteria for him once you received the message and Bucky’s heart filled with joy.
He never even thought about how you weren’t wearing your company ID or the fact that you have his number even though the two of you weren’t in the same department.
That afternoon Bucky waited for you to go out of the building but you never did.
After thirty minutes he decided to head home, maybe he was thinking too much about this deal. This was just pretend right?
You don’t like him.
It was just pretend.
But before he could stop himself he had already sent you a message.
“Why did you choose me to be your fake boyfriend?”
You laughed as you read Bucky’s message to you. “Hye, are you listening to me?”
The person in front of you interrupted your typing so you quickly turned out of your and place it back in your pocket.  “Of course I am.” you lied.
You’ve been better at lying these days. “Are you really?”
You shrugged, you didn’t really care about the things that he was going to say. You’ve heard it all before. But your mother was there, so you pretended to listen to the person with the white coat while constructing the perfect response to Bucky Barnes in your mind while he babbles.
It was already the third day and he still hasn’t gotten a reply from you as to why you chose him.
Or why you’re doing this and Bucky is growing impatient.
He didn’t get to ask you yesterday because he didn’t see you in the office which was weird, as far as everyone knows you never miss an office day.
When he called you, you just told him that you weren’t feeling that well and decided to take a trip to the hospital. He volunteered to go to you in order to deliver some food but you stopped him and said taht your whole family was there and you really don’t want him to be entangled with your family affairs.
Bucky thought that it was something serious, but you showed up at the office the next day and told him to follow you for lunch.
“Well, are you ever going to explain to me just as to what you’re planning?” Bucky asked.
“I’ll explain it to you on the fifth day.”
“Alright, why me then? You could’ve picked anyone else from the company.”
“Yeah but they don’t owe me a wish.”
Right. The wish. That’s the only thing that made him special. Nothing more. Feeling dejected, he stood up and excused himself.
How could he stand to eat when you’ve just ripped his heart out from his chest.
That night as he lay in bed he had to remind himself that this was just a game for you.
It’s best if he always kept that in mind. Besides there’s only two more days how hard could it be right?
But the moment he saw the message that you had sent him, he realized that it won’t be that easy.
“It’s not just the wish. I didn’t choose other simply because they’re not you.”
Oh dear you. You are not good for his heart.
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“Get up.”
Those were the first words that Bucky heard in the morning.
Which was weird considering that he lived alone.
“Holy fuck. What the fuck are you fucking doing here?” He shouted as he pulled the covers towards him.
“Barnes, there’s no point in covering up. I’ve already seen everything. Also, you’re the idiot who keeps the key on top of the door frame. Hurry up, we’re going to the beach.”
It was true that he still kept the keys on top of the door frame, but that didn’t give you any right to just barge in unannounced. You weren’t his girlfriend.
Oh wait, technically you are his girlfriend. And you were just doing the same thing that you’ve been doing years ago when the two of you got together.
It was weird seeing you in the apartment after the two of you broke up. It felt like the old times. It felt as if you never left.
“Why are we going to the beach?” Bucky asked as he stepped into the living room after showering and putting on appropriate clothes. “It’s freezing out there.”
You placed your phone back in your bag and smiled at him, “Not just that! You hate going to the beach.” You were right. Bucky hated the beach, and the cold. If this was your plan to make him miserable, it’s really working.
“Are you fucking serious right now?”
“Barnes, you kept cursing me out. That’s so many fucks given in a span of one hour.” You stood up and grabbed the keys to his car which was placed on the dish near the door “Also, I’m very bored so, hurry up.”
  ‘You want to break up without giving me any reason why?’
  ‘You won’t be able to handle it even if I tell you.’
  ‘Something is better than nothing.’
  ‘I want to break up because I’m bored. I got bored of you. That’s just it. Nothing else. Will you let me go now?’
Bucky let out a humorless laugh as he remembered the past. “Bored huh, after all these years you still haven’t changed.”
“Oh,” you turned around to look at him “Someone’s still sore about a certain break up I see. Don’t tell me you’re still in love with me? You can love me but remember I will never love you back. I’m just here to make your life miserable one last time.”
“Fuck you.” Barnes replied as he snatched the car keys from your hand.
“You already did. It wasn’t that good, though.”
This must’ve set off something in him because suddenly your back was against the door and his arms were caging you in. “Wasn’t good, huh? So, you mean to tell me that you’ve been faking all those times that you’ve begged for me at night?”
“O-Of course. Duh.” You managed to say as you tried to push him away.
Bucky smirked at your reaction, “You’ve always been a bad liar.”
That was both true and false, because while you can’t lie about certain things, you’ve certainly been lying about one particular thing.
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
 So this is the THIRD installment of my “x reader” prompt list. HOORAY! In light of leaving for so long it’s made me realize that I feel dead inside without writing so, I’m gonna do it again and hopefully this time stay. Also since I don’t eat, breathe, sleep, and shit kpop and actually like some other things too, I feel it’s a good opportunity to share how I’d like various anime characters to fuck me up in more ways what one (wink wonk). I will also say I might only do “character x reader” because I am absolute shit at doing ships. It’s just not my thing and plus I love making peoples personal fantasies come true, it is a big hobby of mine. 
Also if you request a character (assuming you’re asking for an anime request)  that is portrayed as a young teenager, then most likely (scratch that, the word I’m thinking of is “absolutely”) he/she will be written in a universe as a young adult/older than 18 because I’m all about legal consent to doing the fun shit either that...or not at all. (I have to make this big because I cannot stress enough how important this rule is and if you can’t comply, then I have every right to reject your request) Don’t argue with me please.
Rules- You may choose up to 5 prompt numbers if you can’t choose, talk to me and we’ll go through it together because I’m here to capture your horny ass vision. (Example- You wanted to request 3, 4, 12, 45, and 23). Please start with telling me which character you’d like me to write for and give me some insight. (Example- You want a J-hope office AU, then explain the preface like hate to love, secret affair, cute office shit. Or let’s say for example you want something Levi Ackerman related and you talked back to him and he don’t like dat so he “punishes you” ;) ). Get it? Also I take kinder asks more often so keep that in mind, I won’t take your request if you seem rude or whatever.  
Before you ask, yes I do AUs. A lot of my entries are in fact AUs and they are actually my preferred method because who doesn’t love a good AU!!?!! But yeah do not be afraid to ask about AUs
So I usually write for k-pop groups, mostly BTS but I’m broadening my horizon sooo ayye so you can request for Got7, Winner, The Rose, Day6, EXO, if you aren’t sure what other groups I write for you can always ask! 
Anime- Attack on Titan, Black Butler, Fairy Tail, Naruto, BNHA, Kageguri, Tokyo Ghoul, Assassination Classroom, Diabolik Lovers, (ESPECIALLY THIS ONE, I freaking love Diabolik Lovers) once again if you aren’t sure, then please ask. These are just examples but I try to reach every aspect.
ANYTHING BY VOLTAGE- Kissed By The Baddest Bidder, Our Two Bedroom Story, Enchanted In The Moonlight, Butler Until Midnight, Scandal In The Spotlight,   PLEASE REQUEST IT BECAUSE AAAAHHHH I LOVE IT. I do not care which game, just tell me which guy from which game and I will make it happen because Voltage Games are a huge part of me. Just tell me which guy from which game.
Now onto the good stuff! (Also please note that some prompts won’t make sense with some characters and the only reason that is is so everyone can find something to attach to who they want) 
So this first part, is going to be what was on the previous prompt, after number 55 will be the new added on stuff just in case any one of my followers recognizes these. 
1- “How miserable must I be before you’re satisfied?”
2- “Guess I’m not cut out for this dating thing, huh?”
3-“Damnit! Do you have any idea how amazing you are?! Stop being so damn insecure”
4- “Don’t argue with me on this!!”
5- “I can’t just be friends with you…I can’t.”
6- “Do you have to be so annoying all the time?”
7- “No, you can not stay here…I don’t care that it’s raining!”
8- “Why can’t you see that I-….that I-”
9- “Stop pretending to be asleep..”
10- “ Could we go four seconds without you being annoying?”
11-“do you not know what the word ‘mine’ means?”
12- “Shhh, wouldn’t want anyone to hear us now would we?”
13- “I dare you to finish that sentence…”
14- “Someone’s a little irritable today…”
15- “We can’t all be a perfect prettyboy popstar!”
16- “You just…you just kissed me!! *Insert freaked out face here*”
17- “We’re only sharing a bed, it isn’t the end of the world.”
18- “Only make that face in front of me.”
19- “If you wanted my attention…all you had to do was ask.”
20- “I’m bored, wanna fuck?”
21- “Can’t you see that I…I…forget it”
22- “…I can’t kiss you the way I want…”
23- “It was foolish of me to think you could ever want a relationship with me…forget it.”
24- “I aim to please…”
25- “When did this topic even come up!”
26- “You’re so boring, haven’t you ever been wild?”
27- “Hm…I like when you do that.”
28- “I’m more than capable of being rough with you babe. You just watch.”
29- “Where the hell did you learn that?!?!”
30-“Well, the boys accidentally…saw that picture you sent…Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
31-“You need to be taught a lesson…”
32- “Shh, wouldn’t want the boys to hear us, now would you?”
33-I don’t understand you sometimes…but I like it.“
34- ” Don’t pretend that wasn’t on purpose…come here.“
35- ” I’m not so happy about doing a duet with you of all people…but could you at least try and not be a..” ( obviously used for kpop requests but this can be modified so don’t worry :) )
36- “Don’t pretend to care when you obviously don’t.”
37- “Am I making you nervous, Y/N?“
38-“I never thought I would see the day you actually take my advice ”
39- "Just admit you want fuck me…if you behave, I might just let you.”
40- “I…I think you’re wonderful…those horrible people you’ve dated…they didn’t deserve you.”
41- “It’s you and me, not us and them. Fuck what they think.”
42- “Oh my gosh, we didn’t…HOLY SHIT WE DID. You tell anyone and there will be one less idol in the world!” 
43- “You’re so quiet…is something wrong?”
44- “Maybe, if you beg, I might….”
45- “Go to sleep, I promise I’ll wake you up.”
46- “This could be more than just another one night stand…”
47- “It’s amazing what the internet will teach you” *casually holding handcuffs*
48- “…you deserve better, someone who cares about you.”
49- “Can’t I do something nice without being suspicious??”
50- “Finally alone…”
51- “Maybe, we could…be boyfriend and girlfriend.?”
52- “You can’t call me cute!”
53- “Have a nice sleep?”
54- “How stupid do you think I am?”
55- “ Are you shy? Around little ol me?”
 56- “Is this how it’s gonna be between us, just fighting all the time?”
57- “You know after all that, you can still look at me and see something worth loving?”
58- “Avoiding me won’t fix your undying love for me, many have tried but all have failed Y/N.”
59- “Me? Self-centered? No no never!”
60- “You are the complete opposite of subtle and it’s amusing.”
61- “No! What are you afraid of?!? Why is is so hard to believe than someone like me could have feelings for you!”
62- “What did they do to you, I won’t ask again....”
63- “I want...to stay with you for as long as possible. Please...let me?”
64- “Even if I have to rip (your enemy’s name) heart out with me bear hands, I will always protect you.”
65- “What? (innocent face) I’m just massaging your shoulders.”
66- “You’re pretty cute for such a clumsy buffoon. Hmm Maybe I’ll keep you!”
67- “Hm, When you put it that way, it makes me sound like a monster.”
68- “ Oh honey, I treat you like a maid because that’s basically all you are.”
69- “Hmmm...turn your body around. Just like that, I wanna try something.” (You all saw this coming and shame on you if you didn’t)
70- “You want me to name all the reasons I love you?....We’d be here forever.”
71- “Oh baby, you’re terrible at hide and seek....but I’ll play along.”
72- “ Oh look, she finally stands up for herself...hmm. I like this side of you.”
73- “The guy you saw....isn’t me...give me a chance to change your mind.”
74-” What? Why are you crying??!! Oh for fu-”
75- “I bully you because it’s fun....no other reason really.”
76- “Why are you so breathtaking god-damnit!”
77- “I know you’ve never....done anything with anyone before...so I’m gonna make damn sure your first time is special!”
78- “ Call me cliche, but you really do look great in the moonlight.”
79- “ What’s this? A sketchbook? You won’t mind if I take a peek, right?”
80- “Shut up! I’m not blushing!”
81- “You look so...inviting all tied up.”
82- “You’re so good at taking orders. I wonder what else you’re good at.”
83- “Okay since when did getting into a fight for your honor become a bad thing?!!?”
84- “What’s the word I’m looking for?....Pet!”
85- “I’ll be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had, I promise!”
86- “ Me? Y-you like me? Y/N, If you’re joking you aren’t really funny y’know.”
87- “That’s pretty bold for something whose only wearing a towel.”
88- “So you didn’t think I’d catch you looking at some other guy right in front of me?!?!’
89- “ Me? A jerk? Hm...I didn’t know you felt that way....I’m-”
90- “Okay stop it already! People are gonna think I’m bullying you if you keep sobbing like that.”
91- “Hm, do you even have friends or is hanging out alone in an empty classroom/room all you do all day?”
92- “How do you expect me to focus when you’re practically begging for me to come over there and show you who you belong to??”
93- “Let’s say...for example...I was the one who left the love letter by your door...what would you say?”
94- “Do you enjoy being bullied by me? Are you a masochist or something?”
95- “ It’s not everyday I let you be in control...enjoy it babe.”
96- “Someone’s been messing with you? Are you gonna tell me who or not?”
97- “Is my heart just some sort of game to you!?!!?”
98- “You’ve got a lot of nerve showing your face around here after our last....interaction.”
99- “Oh don’t stop because of me, you looked so cute dancing around.”
100- “ I didn’t know...you were so talented. You’re amazing.”
101- “ Please never give up, for me, for us...”
102- “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m hugging you.”
103- “If I can eat your cooking every day, I’ll be happy.”
104- “ What can we say....sharing is caring.” (...best paired with threesome requests but haaaayy can be used for anything else.)
105- “ You need to learn some respect...bend over.”
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thorne93 · 6 years
Curious Conundrum (Part 19)
Prompt: You’re John Watson’s sister. One day you decide to visit your brother for lunch, only to meet the infamous Mr. Holmes…
Word Count: 2469
Warnings: language, flirtation, sexual innuendos (maybe? idfk), murder/crime/case related stuff, angst, jealousy…
Notes: Beta’d by @carryonmyswansong Not only did she beta, but I literally couldn’t have written half these scenes without her help. She contributed majorly, even wrote some parts of scenes. I am forever in her debt.
Also, this starts AFTER Season 2, episode 1. I don’t follow all the episodes, but it does follow the timeline and hit some major events : )
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 |  Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 |
You followed the men outside, where Sherlock and him managed to get away. Within a few minutes, you got a text telling you an address. It wasn’t Sherlock’s number, but you had a feeling it was a message from one of his homeless network.
You ducked out of the back of the apartment and made your way through town to the address. When you got there, Sherlock and John were waiting for you outside an apartment.
“I’ve nearly unlocked it...There we are,” Sherlock noted as he stood up and you two went inside a small apartment.
Sherlock asked that you find something to cut the cuffs with. You found some bolt cutters and set them free.
“Where are we?” you asked.
“This is a writer's apartment. Kitty. Remember the frisky fan I told you about?”
“That’s her. Not a fan at all. She wanted an exclusive interview and I wouldn’t give it to her.”
“Okay so why are we here?”
“She wrote a story called Kiss and Tell, claiming that a man named Richard Brook has shed light on my fraud.”
“And we’re here to…?”
“To see who Richard Brook is.”
The three of you sat in the dark to wait for her. She got to the door, opened it, clicked on the light and Sherlock asked, “Too late to go on the record?”
Once Kitty got settled in, Sherlock set in on her. “Congratulations, on the truth about Sherlock Holmes. Scoop that everybody wanted and you got it. Bravo.”
“I gave you your opportunity. I wanted to be on your side, remember? You turned me down so…”
“And then someone turns up and spills all the beans, how utterly convient? Who is Brook?”
She shook her head.
“Oh come on, Kitty, no one trusts the voice at the end of a telephone. There are all those flirty little meetings in cafes, those meetings in hotel rooms. How do you know that you could trust him?” Sherlock pressed. “Man turns up with a holy grail in his pocket. What were his credentials?”
At that moment, the door opened to the apartment and a disheveled Moriarty walked in. “Darling they didn���t have any ground coffee so I just got normal.”
Sherlock spun, his eyes wide with shock, yours as well. Suddenly you felt your heart drop into your stomach, your veins filled with ice. John, you, and Sherlock all looked as if you’d seen a ghost. What the ever loving fuck was he doing here?
“You said that they wouldn’t find me here,” he stammered as he backed into a wall, dropping the grocery bag. Your eyes narrowed on him. “You said that I’d be safe here.”
“You are safe, Richard,” Kitty assured and your face whipped to her. “I’m a witness. They won’t harm you in front of witnesses.”
“Wanna bet?” you muttered, utterly put out with all of this nonsense.
“So that’s your source?” John demanded. “Moriarty is Richard Brook?”
“Of course he’s Richard Brook. There is no Moriarty. There never has been.”
A dizzy spell hit your head at that moment.
“What are you talking about?” John wondered.
“Look him up. Rich Brook, an actor Sherlock Holmes hired to be Moriarty.”
Your eyes flashed to your better half, his face unreadable. Then your eyes flashed to Moriarty.
“Dr. Watson, I know you’re a good man,” Moriarty started. “Don’t--Don’t--Don’t hurt me,” he pleaded holding his hands up.
Oh he was good. Playing the part of victim. Playing the part of a scared little man, but you knew better. This wasn’t real. He was as sick and twisted as they come.
John lost his nerve and started shouting. “No, you’re Moriarity! He’s moriarty!” he insisted glancing back to Kitty. “We've met, remember? You were going to blow me up!”
Moriarity continued his charade as he said, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. He paid me. I needed the work.” He gestured to Sherlock and you thought you’d rip his head off then and there. “I’m an actor. I was out of out work.”
“Sherlock, you’d better explain. Cause I am not getting this.”
“I’ll be doing the explaining,” Kitty interjected. She went on to hand John and you papers, explaining how Sherlock had invented Moriarity and all the crimes.
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous.”
“Ask him, he’s right here!” she insisted, pointing to Moriarty.  
John went back and forth with the two of them but all you could hear was a rushing in your ears, feel the pounding of your heart, your stomach lurching. You were getting more pissed by the second.
Suddenly, Moriarity had been begging Sherlock to tell John “the truth”.
“Tell him! Tell them! Tell him!” he repeated frantically and you’d had enough.
Shaking your head, you cried, “You sick son a bitch!” Then you lunged at him, his voice getting on your last nerve. This story. The lies. The games. All of it.
“No! No! Don’t you touch me!” he said, falling over himself, getting just out of your grasp. “Don’t you lay a finger on me!”
You continued to march towards him. “Oh I’ll lay more than a finger you sniveling, lying, little snake!”
“Stop it! Stop it now!” Sherlock shouted at Jim, demanding he put this charade to bed. But he didn’t. He started to get up and run away where you and John took off after him.
But he got away. The three of you stormed out of her apartment, your minds still reeling. John was asking if any of this was possible, and Sherlock seemed to surrender and say it was possible.
“There’s only one thing he needs to do to complete his game and that’s to…” Sherlock said, stopping suddenly.
“Sherlock?” you softly said.
“There’s something I need to do.”
“What? Can we help?” John asked.
“No, on my own.” With that he started to walk.
You shook your head, gritting your teeth. “He is such a --”
“Bastard? Annoying dick? Egotistical ass? Patronizing son of a bitch?”
“All of the above,” you muttered.
Just then you got a text message from Sherlock. “Find the computer program. -- SH.”
You showed John.
“Let’s go,” you sighed.
“Uh, you go ahead. I need to take care of something.”
“What? Not you too.”
“Y/N, someone sold Sherlock’s life. It wasn’t me, I highly doubt it was you, so who does that leave?”
It only took you a second before you answered, “Mycroft.”
“But why…?” you started to ask.
“I don’t know, but that’s what I intend to find out.”
“So I’m on my own?” you asked, exasperated as he started to walk away.
“For now, yes! I’ll meet up with you when I can,” he called over his shoulder.
You worked all night trying to find the code, not hearing a word from either one of them, except that they were at St. Barts working. Giving up a little after dawn, you decided to head to Barts to see what headway they’d made.
Just as you arrived, Sherlock called you. You stepped out of the cab and answered.
“Hey. You okay?” you greeted.
“Turn around and walk back the way you came,” he instructed sternly.
“What? Why would I do that? I’m coming in.”
“Just do as I ask! Please.” His tone made you nervous so you obliged.
“Yeah, alright. Where am I supposed to go?”
“Stop there.”
“Okay?” you said, looking around for him.
“Okay, look up, I’m on the rooftop.”
Dizziness hit your head like a freight train.
“The rooftop? What the hell are you--” you demanded, angry with him at first, until you actually saw him standing on the ledge. He wasn’t just standing on the rooftop, his tiptoes were over the edge. You gazed up in nauseous horror as you covered your mouth and gasped.
“Sherlock?! What the hell are you doing up there?! Get down this instant!” you nearly shouted into the phone.
“I... I can’t come down so we’ll just have to do it like this,” he said softly.
Your insides twisted.
“Do what?” you asked, a sob already forming in your throat. You didn’t want an answer to your question, but you half hoped it would be something benign, not the horrors that danced through your head at that instant. One horrible thing about your mind was that it quickly worked things out. Moriarity must be making him do this. “Sherlock… What… What’s going on?” you tried to speak through threatening tears.
“An apology,” he said simply.
“For what?” you tried again.
“It’s all true.”
“What’s all true?”
“Everything they said about me. I invented Moriarty.”
You shook your head, your heart beating a million miles per hour. Maybe you could get up there but… Sherlock had told you to stay put.
“Why are you saying this? Sherlock this is mad. Stop this right now.”
“I’m a fake, Y/N.”
“No, no you’re not. This is just…”
“The newspapers were right all along. I want you to tell John, Lestrade; I want you to tell Mrs. Hudson, and Molly... in fact, tell anyone who will listen to you that I created Moriarty for my own purposes.”
“I’m not going to do that,” you insisted, still biting back tears and your ever-swelling throat. “You know things about people, intimate things, that no one could possibly know in one glance. But you do.”
“Noone is that clever. I couldn’t even tell you anything other than you being an attorney, an obvious deduction. I’ve never been able to read you.”
“So? Sherlock, you can tell people their life story with one glance. I’m the exception.”
It sounded as if he gave a short, sorrow filled laugh before saying, “You always were, weren’t you? My one exception.”
His words. Those words. They sent tears over the edge.
“It’s all one big magic trick, a ruse. I research people. That’s all.”
“You’re lying and I don’t know why. I’m coming up,” you said, starting to move before Sherlock stopped you.
“No! Stay exactly where you are! Don’t move.”
Against your better judgement, you obeyed him and moved back into your spot.
“Alright. I won’t move.”
“Keep your eyes fixed on me,” he requested. “Please, will you do this for me?”
“Do... do what?” you stammered, trying to keep some composure and failing. Not being next to him, seeing him on that ledge, it made your bones, your very soul ache.
“This phone call – it’s, er ... it’s my note. It’s what people do, don’t they – leave a note?”
A strangled sob escaped your throat as you stared up at him.
“No, Sherlock. No. Just... tell me, I can help you. Please let me help you. We can solve this another way. I don’t know what he has on you but please,” you begged.
“There is no other way. Y/N, I’m so sorry for the pain I’ve caused you… For the pain I’m about to cause you. When we met… I never meant for this to happen. That’s why I told you no, the day you asked me to dinner. I warned you. I told you this would be dangerous.”
“I know, and I still said yes.”
“Do you still say yes now?” he asked ominously.
At first you weren’t sure what he meant, but as you stared up at him, it became painfully clear. He would be dead. You weren’t sure when, but he was going to end his life. Today. And he was asking if it was still worth saying yes.
“Yes,” you breathed.
“I’m so sorry you feel that way,” he apologized.
“Please. Sherlock. Don’t do this. Please, for the love of God don’t do this to me,” you pleaded. He was your first and only love. In your mind and heart, he would be your last love. He couldn’t do this. He just couldn’t. “I love you. Do you hear me? I love you!” you shouted, angry at him for doing this, for putting you in this position. Maybe the anger was just an early stage of grief yet to follow.
“I know,” he quietly says into the phone. “But you were just another part of the game.”
At his words, your heart fell out of your chest.
“I… what?” you gasped, trying to catch up.
“Just another step in the plan to make me seem more normal. John had been on me about being more human so... so I chose you, to play the part.”
“No,” you whispered, disbelief coloring your tone as you shook your head.
“Yes,” he insisted. “If I had it my way, I’d have picked Irene. She was, after all, the first woman to truly catch my eye. I could never love you, because you’d always be the other woman in my eyes. It was Irene that I loved… Not you.” Another moment passed, and you wanted to say something, anything, but your mind was spinning too fast for you to fathom a response. “I’m sorry.”
Before you could respond, he held his had out and dropped the phone beside him.
“Sherlock!” you screamed, louder than you’d ever screamed in your life. Your heart was beating so fast, you thought a heart attack was imminent.  
But he ignored you, he held his arms out to his sides and stepped off. He fell for what seemed like forever, and yet, it seemed like an instant. You wanted to move, to catch him, to break his fall, to… something! But you couldn’t move.
Not until you heard the sound of his body hitting the pavement. That sickeing sound. You’d never heard anything like that.
For a moment, you swayed, sure that you would throw up or that your buckling knees would give out. Then your mind started to work again and you began running towards him, but a bicyclist had hit you, knocking you to the ground. In your shocked state, you didn’t feel it, but your head had smacked against the pavement.
Finally, you stood up and stumbled your way over to him. There was blood... so much blood. A crowd of people tried to hold you back.
“No, he’s my boyfriend!” you shouted, pushing through them until you landed in front of him. Within a second, your brother was at your side.
“Y/N...Y/N,” he said, looking at you. “Oh, God,” he moaned, his face going to Sherlock’s body. “Sherlock… Sherlock…” he whispered in a daze.
You went to reach towards him but people kept pulling you off of him. John tried to take his pulse, but someone had gotten his hand away too.
A gurney rolled up with paramedics and they turned him over, his lifeless eyes staring up, his hair matted in blood. That was all you needed for the light to leave your own eyes as you passed out on the ground next to his body.
Forever Tag:
CC tag: @disneyoncerlover815 @ultrarebelheart @tngrayson @clairese1980 @ladyblablabla
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bromfieldhall · 8 years
“Redwood” - A Mentalist Fanfiction
TIMELINE: Set some time after season five episode, ‘Red Sails in the Sunset’. Goes AU from there.
SYNOPISIS: Jane and Lisbon are forced into a deadly game when they try and catch a new serial killer.
PAIRING: Patrick Jane/Teresa Lisbon - Jisbon
Previous Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Jane sat and stared blankly out of the attic window not even seeing the Sacramento skyline. A cup of tea, long since grown cold, remained untouched on the desk in front of him. Next to the bright blue china sat his notebook. It was turned to the back where an inked drawing of a tree took up most of the last page. It was a bittersweet image, conjuring up even more bittersweet memories.
Lisbon had drawn it. Just like she'd joked she had right before he'd gone and ruined everything. Maybe permanently. He certainly hoped not, but she was proving tougher talk around then he'd envisaged. Her demeanour was professional, rigidly so, even now after the seven weeks since their return to Sacramento.
A cold tolerance bordering upon indifference is what she subjected him to every single damn day. He hated it. Loathed it. Tried every trick he knew to try and snap her out of it, but nothing had worked. Not even come close. She was determined to remain firmly encamped on her side of the seemingly unassailable abyss of their broken relationship.
Sometimes he wished he could just take everything back. Rewind time and say to hell with Red John. It had been on the tip of his tongue on countless occasions…but he knew he couldn't, just as he also knew he wouldn't even if he could. It was for the best in the long run. What was done, was done and he had no choice but to live with it.
At least they'd caught the bad guys. Much good it'd do. Newland would probably be out in a few years as he hadn't actually killed anyone…so he said. It was easy to blame other people when they were dead and there was no actual physical evidence to refute his story. It was annoying to say the least but he really hadn't expected anything else. He knew it had frustrated the team, especially Lisbon, but for all their years working within the system, Jane still understood the law better than they did and he knew that, sometimes, it just wasn't good enough.
His gaze fell upon the doodle and a soft smile touched his lips. Lifting a hand, he ran a finger down the page, feeling the indentation of the lines left by the nib of the pen. It was basic at best, but to him it was much better than any of those paintings by famous artists. They still had a price attached to them whereas this…this was priceless, simply because she'd drawn it. For him.
Impulsively, he ripped the page out of the book and carefully folded it up. Taking out his wallet, he flipped it open then deftly placed the paper inside one of the card slots, making sure he wouldn't lose it. Closing it up, he put it back into his pocket, shut the notebook and stood up.
Turning around, he stared at the intricate suspect board he'd made after Lorelei had told him he'd met Red John almost as if he'd forgotten about its very existence. He hadn't of course, but the burning desire for revenge that had once driven him on, day after day and night after night had dimmed somewhat ever since Lisbon's declaration.
Now, in its place a new longing was forming, was shaping his actions. One that was so unexpected that it had left him reeling a little. For the first time since his wife and child's deaths, he saw a real possibility for a future. With Lisbon.
Naturally these feelings had been a shock. He'd been so certain that nothing or no-one could ever lead him away from his chosen path of self-destruction, but these past few weeks had proved him wrong.
Not that he'd given up without a fight. No; he'd tried to find that craving within himself again, but although the guilt was still there, the horror, the devastation of that night long ago, he found to his consternation that he now also had a very real, almost compulsive yearning to hear Lisbon utter those three little words again.
Hell, he'd take a smile, mild amusement even…anything but the unremitting freeze to which she was currently subjecting him. He really hadn't been prepared for how much the situation would affect him.
He'd thought was so in control of his feelings that nothing could penetrate his carefully protected façade, but ever since she'd walked out of his hospital room, he'd felt such remorse that it was almost a physical ache. It was unlike him to have regrets, but that day, that hour, was definitely one of them.
He let out an abrupt sigh then took a couple of steps closer to the board, his gaze running over the familiar timelines and photos. Maybe his real problem was that he still hadn't heard from Lorelei. He'd expected to have had some contact by now and the silence was making him antsy. Making him doubt himself and his decisions. Once she just called or sent word to him, everything would go back to normal; his normal at least.
Still, it bothered him that he'd allowed himself to be sidetracked like that. When Lisbon's feelings had remained her own, it had been far easier to ignore them. Now, he recognised that he was fast becoming as fixated with them as he was catching Red John…more so even.
It was disconcerting to say the least.
There was a sudden knocking at the door and he looked over at it in surprise. He hadn't heard anyone approach. He frowned. Yet more proof that he wasn't as on his game as he should be.
"Who is it?" he called out.
"It's me," came Lisbon's sober voice.
His frown deepened at her tone. It wasn't as curt as it had been the past few weeks. She also hadn't been up to the attic since their return, so what could have happened that it had prompted her unexpected visit now?
Naturally, his first thought was Red John. He strode over to the door and slid it back enough that he could poke his head through the gap. He felt a cold dread begin to trickle through his veins as he took in her sombre expression.
"What's up?" he asked quietly.
She eyed him with some trepidation and seemed to be reluctant to reply but then she suddenly took a deep breath and revealed, "Sac PD just called. It's Lorelei. She's killed someone. A woman called Julia Howard. I'm going down to the station to view some footage they recovered from the nanny cam in her house."
Jane felt as though all the air had gone out of his body. There had to be some mistake, hadn't there? Surely it couldn't be Lorelei? Someone who looked like her, possibly, but not really her. She was supposed to contact him; that was the plan, not murder someone.
"You coming?" Lisbon asked, cutting in on his internal rambling.
He stared at her blankly for a moment trying to gather in his thoughts then nodded.
"Let me just get my notebook," he said absently as he turned and went back into the attic.
He went over to his desk and picked up the book then put it into his jacket pocket. Hearing a small gasp from behind, he belatedly realised that he'd left the door open and turned to see Lisbon standing in front of the suspect board he'd made up. Due to their estrangement, she'd hadn't seen it yet.
"Oh my God," she breathed as she stared at all the collated information in shock. "You've really put a lot of thought into this."
"That's because I really want to catch him, Lisbon," he replied pointedly as he took a step towards her. He studied her averted features for a moment and felt a rush of longing crash through his body. Before he even knew what he was saying he added in a softer tone, "Even more so now that I know how you feel."
She stiffened as his words hung in the air between them, then she slowly turned and looked at him with a faint frown. "Don't do that," she told him after a pause.
"Do what?" he challenged.
"Don't make this out to be anything other than your need for revenge," she replied with a trace of bitterness.
"But what if it isn't anymore?" he countered, taking another step towards her. "Maybe I've realised that there's a future for me…for us."
Her eyes narrowed and she shook her head. "Stop it," she ordered tightly. "Stop trying to play me because Lorelei is back on the scene. A few empty words aren't going to make me agree to whatever it is you have planned."
That smarted.
"Oh please, if I wanted to play you, do you honestly think that I'd pretend that I'd changed?" he retorted in frustration. "What's the point when I know you'd never believe me? That's not how the con works and you know it."
She looked a little taken aback at his words but it wasn't until a light blush coated her cheeks that he allowed himself to relax a little.
"So…what are you saying?" she asked somewhat hesitantly.
A slight smile touched his lips and took another step closer. Near but not quite touching…yet.
"I'm saying that when this is all over, once we've caught Red John, I'd like to be with you," he told her gently before suddenly shrugging and adding in a lighter tone, "Or if you can't agree to that considering what an ass I've been, then could you at least tell me that there's a possibility of being with you?"
He hoped she understood what else he was telling her. That he didn't have a death wish anymore. That he had her to live for.
She held his gaze for a few moments, a mixture of uncertainty, hurt and hope shining bright in her eyes then she looked down with a sigh before saying, "I'm not waiting another ten years, Jane. Not even for you."
His stomach lurched a little but his kept his tone light as he asked, "Is that a yes…or a no?"
She held his gaze for a moment then her mouth quirked up into a ghost of a smile. "That's a definite maybe," she replied.
Jane felt his stomach settle back into place and he instinctively reached out to touch her on the arm. His fingers slowly slid downwards, little shocks of awareness shooting through his system at every brush of contact until he encircled her hand and squeezed it gently. After weeks of not being allowed to engage in even the barest of physical contact, it felt like coming home.
"I can live with that," he whispered, staring deep into her eyes.
As she gazed back at him, Jane knew that it would have been so easy to take that final step, to move into each other's arms and seal their agreement in a more satisfying way…but not now. It wasn't their time; soon though.
As if coming to the same realisation, Lisbon suddenly cleared her throat then looked away as she pulled her hand from his and took a step backwards. Jane resisted the urge to grasp her tighter and relinquished his hold as soon he felt her move.
Blushing furiously, she glanced up at him then nodded towards the door. "We'd better get going."
Jane nodded and his expression turned serious as his brain suddenly came into sharper focus than it had in weeks.
Finding some resolution, some hope, with Lisbon felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders and he could function properly once more. Which was good, because there was more at stake than ever before. Both his past and his future depended heavily on Lorelei and what information he could garner from her. She certainly hadn't come back in the way he'd expected but he be damned if he was going to let this opportunity slide. He would stop at nothing now.
He followed Lisbon out of the attic with a new sense of purpose. This was the beginning of the final chapter, he just knew it, and for the first time since his family had been murdered he could finally see beyond the last page.
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