#alsoooo i will probably post some aesthetics and the li
thetimecrystal · 2 years
-introduction to my dnd characters-
photos from pexels and unsplash, minis made in heroforge
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spici zemplezomple, she/her rock gnome wizard, school of evocation
she grew up in a secluded gnome city, before a wizard came in and caught her attention. her family saw this as an oppurtunity to get the runt out of the house and sent her to a wizarding school. she has a slingshot, but prefer just using magic.
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armythe spiritfall, they/them half-elf rogue, assassin
they were birthed to an elven sex worker, their father a rich guild master in a couple cities over, who took a sudden interest when traveling back to the city and hearing through rumours. he took them in, but put them through severe training and dicipline to make them a good upper society person. though their ancestery always was a block and a reminder of their actual home. they left, snuck out from home, and wants both to find their actual mother and get revenge on their father. they wield a bow and arrow plus a rapier.
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glory medved, they/it tiefling barbarian, path of the totem warrior
born into a nomadic human tribe, it was the only person of infernal heritage. their parents did love them but they never felt as a part of the tribe. this led them to leave when getting old enough and take on adventure and the hunt for glory instead of being picked on by the tribe. it wields a morningstar.
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nicholas “nic” sabilline, he/him human warlock, archfey patron/pact of the amulet
once a regular sailor with a love for the ocean, after finding a magical staff hidden away at a port and an archfey begun talking to him, he could not go back to life as regular and sought out a group to figure out what had happened to him. he wields the staff mentioned earlier, a light crossbow or/and a boomerang.
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yazryn kehteerielan, they/them dark elf wizard, school of necromancy
they grew up in rosohna, their parents saving up money to get them into the marble tomes conservatory to study magic, which they got interested in and worked and fought for through their youth. through studies, they ended up specialising in the school of necromancy but with a special intrigue in the kryn magic of dunamancy. through good work and grades in school, they landed a job as a researched, with special focus on trying to mix dunamancy and necromancy to a heightened, more deadly degree. this is also where they got deemed too close to the sun in their research and exiled from the kryn dynasty. (they also collect teeth).
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pastryseungs · 4 years
Til Death Do Us Part (2019)
Creator: MirrorFiction Inc.
* all pictures are from imdb.com
⚠️ Spoilers !! ⚠️
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Episode 1 : Hit and Run
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first episode of the season and i felt like they started the show off by playing it safe. i was quite sad for the girl, because she sacrificed herself in order to save the guy from the time loop. this episode reminded me a lot of the movie Happy Death Day (2017), but darker imo. i can’t help but not blame the guy though, even though some would probably think he’s selfish, he probably thought of ways to save the girl, but in the heat of the moment, our instincts would just step in and disregard our conscience and selflessness to save ourselves, unless.. 
Episode 2 : Perfectly Spotless
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its probably obvious for everyone else lmao but i’d like to think that the black spot that Ting was desperately trying to get rid of on this episode- which ends up getting bigger and bigger every time she finds a way to “get rid” of it is a metaphor for our problems? like, the problems that’s already in front of us that we choose to ignore instead of confront and try to solve, its not really that easy though lmao. this episode really hits close to home because like Ting, i tend to do the same thing often too. alsoooo !! this one’s my favorite episode because of the aesthetically pleasing cinematography and the monochromatic rooms, which turned out to be her being put in an asylum. anyways, other than the whole show, this episode really gives me black mirror vibes and this one hits very close to home too.
Episode 3 : Big Cat
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one word, SIMP !! the first few minutes of this episode has my ‘simp alert’ senses tingling. Yunhui’s husband gives her everything she desires and she ends up humiliating him by having multiple affairs. kinda serves her right when she ends up in a tiger enclosure. i also noticed how Yunhui’s character has some similarities with a tiger or a cat, personality-wise. she’s very moody but playful at times but mostly toxic as a person. overall, i wasn’t really satisfied with this episode, it was a roller-coaster ride of emotions and they were really toxic soooo :/
Episode 4 : No Pets Allowed
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my initial thoughts from this episode were, “omg, i want to keep the kitten :<” dude, i was so sad for Jiaching, that plot twist was so unexpected. i was like, “so that’s why she did that..” as if i was putting two and two together. she literally used the cat as a cover-up for what really happened to her mother, through using the cat litter to cover-up the smell and eventually failing because of the smell from the decomposing body. this one’s one of my favorite episodes, even though it has a really sad plot twist, that wasn’t really the kind of plot twist i expected. it really shows how much Jiaching loves her mother even though they’re in that kind of situation, the girl was somehow a bit innocent to fully understand and grasp the concept of death or she’s just in denial that her mother has passed away. 
Episode 5 : Last Stop: Paradise
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the black and white theme of this episode reminds me of a black mirror episode lol. also, this episode was really trippy, especially the colorful flashing lights in the hallway scene. this taught me to carefully read contracts first before signing. i felt so bad when they told them that they were going to become brain-dead in exchange for becoming young with a really strong immune system to possibly fix their marriage. ngl though, the hotel staff was so adorable yet the story was so sad for me. the last few moments of the episode where the couple was enjoying their last few moments of their life felt so bittersweet :<
Episode 6 : Login Trouble 
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this episode was a bit predictable, but the plot twist where Lily was already dead was definitely unexpected. i felt so sad for Wang Meixin’s situation because she just wanted to feel loved and validated but found it through the wrong circumstances and using another person’s identity. this episode shows how much someone’s words can affect a person and can possibly mark on us and convince us that we’re that kind of person even though some are just misunderstood. we can always redeem and improve ourselves and our past mistakes though, since there’s always room for change/improvement. i was rooting for Wang Meixin to delete the fake account after meeting Zhengxuan and possibly have a happy ending though. unfortunately, it looks like the guy was a crazy fan that’s planning to teach her a lesson fo pretending to be someone and wanting to be loved. this episode portrays the bad side of social media so well imo, the way some eventually get addicted because of the love and validation they get from people they don’t know or share an emotional connection to. dang, this episode hits a bit close to home too. 
Episode 7 : Tunnel
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dude, the amount of sadness and longing the characters have in this episode has my chest feeling so heavy after this episode :< i can’t explain it well because it kinda hurts but this one’s my favorite episode of the show. it makes you feel things, like longing for a loved one that’s passed away. i felt like it was easier for Zheng-She to take care/look after Li Jingru because he knows how it feels to have someone you love taken away from you, which made them form this unexpected bond. 
to conclude this post, i’m actually very fond of this show. it gives me black mirror vibes, but a bit darker and much more sad. this show also needs more recognition !! 😤 i’ll probably get even more sad after this show though, because my chest feels extra heavy lmao. 
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