thetimecrystal · 1 year
@lilneps did an OC tag and i really wanted to do it as well!
this is for my DnD character who i am playing with atm, Armythe Spiritfall (they/them) and if you want to do this, this is a nudge!
— rules: always, never, sometimes
effervescent smiles, dandelion puffs, bare feet, beach waves, flowers pressed into books, champagne glasses, rose-gold eye shadow, boho skirts, wire-rimmed glasses, hair in loose waves, kaleidoscope eyes, sunshine in your hair, fire in your soul.
crop tops, floral print, dancing in the rain, quiet defiance, hand-knit beanies, rosé, painted bookmarks, marble floors, cirrus clouds against a blue sky, polaroid pictures, hands held, fingers intertwined, flower crowns, baby bluebirds.
lace bralettes, brisk breezes, jasmine-scented perfume, books with yellowed pages, tracking constellations, sterling silver, violin music, chess games, iced coffee, glittery dresses, high heels, secret grins, midnight meetings, wishing upon a star.
denim jackets, gladiator sandals, braided hair, messenger bags, movies at the cinema, stolen kisses, wax-sealed envelopes, haiku poetry, cherry wood, succulents, fountain pens, jigsaw puzzles, soft tired eyes, hidden smiles, cuddling with someone you trust (someBIRD).
newspapers, over-sized sweaters, dancing shadows, fleece throws, cutoff shorts, piano chords, red wine, messy buns, embossed journals, a hint of blush dusted across your cheeks, freshly fallen snow, tranquil solitude, burning incense, light hair and dark skin.
combat boots, burgundy lips, infectious laughter, spiral-bound notebooks, pencils used down to the stub, ripped jeans, painted nails, cloud-watching, summer thunderstorms, hiking trails, vinyl records, film cameras, skating on a frozen lake, hot chocolate by the fire.
dancing until the break of dawn, Heelys, being wheeled around in a shopping cart by your best friend, the euphoria of soaring through the air, being excited for what the future holds, group hugs, colorful tattoos, bronzer-highlighted cheeks, hugging a stuffed animal, lifting a child onto your shoulders, space buns, bright streaks in your hair.
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blackbeargear · 1 year
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Fighting light made easy. ⁠ Www.blackbeargear.ca -⁠ warriorassaultsystems helmet carrier , I was sceptical about such a small pack at first but it helps drum home how much kit you carry that you actually NEED rather than the stuff you carry because you CAN. ⁠ ⁠ #cannoncameras #cannonphotography #cannon90d #goprohero7black #gopro #hero7black #britisharmy #sapper #military #militaryphotography #forces #armedforces #tactical #soldier #royalengineers #armythings #taxticool #armyphotography #warriors #fighters #firepower⁠ #warriorassaultsystems #uktactical #militarykit #britishtactical #multicam #cryemulticam #cryegear #hcp( #📷 @britains_finest_fighters ) Reposted from @warriorassaultsystems https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp3Fn-huLVn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gonenowaretheoldtimes · 6 months
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modern AU for the dnd characters i and my older sibling are playing with
Armythe (They/Them) is a guitarist in a band and Célio (He/Him) is a hobby photographer who works on an animal shelter.
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god-is-a-dyke · 2 years
Epidemiology Is The Best Episode Of Community And Here Is Why
I should have posted this around Halloween, but let’s be honest Epidemiology transcends time of year. It is and always will be the most episode of all time.
Yes, I recognize this is a bold statement considering some other pretty amazing episodes (Remedial Chaos Theory being the most obvious contender here). I will say I’m biased in a few different ways. However, i have 9 pages of notes about this episode and goddamnit if I’m not going to share them.
(i’ll put this under a cut because it will get long and i’m not sorry but i do respect people’s scrolling pleasure)
As someone growing up in the early 2000s/2010s, I was not immune to the craze of zombie entertainment. I watched The Walking Dead, Zombieland, and 28 Days Later. I played Left4Dead and the Telltale Walking Dead games. I read zombie apocalypse survival guides for fun.
However, let’s take a second to understand the risk Community undertook here. This is a sitcom that follows the day to day life of these characters we know and love. To drop them into an apocalyptic world requires finesse. There have to be real stakes, but we don’t want to lose too much. The writers have crafted this story that doesn’t rely on “it was a dream” or other tacky fake outs. So, let’s see how they do this.
pt 1 Infection
- “A rabies related pathogen causing hyperaggression”
A logical explanation for an illogical occurrence. With this one phrase, Rich grounds us in a reality where a disease like this could actually occur. All it would take is the right mutation of a certain virus strain.
A systemic infection must be transferred to a host and then spread throughout the body. A zombie bite does this by infecting the tissue and bloodstream. But, viruses can also spread through things such as our gastrointestinal tract. The bite is going to spread to the bloodstream much faster, hence the shorter incubation time; the early cases are due to the consumption of the tainted “army rations”.
Now what makes this infection so special? The other key to making this work in universe is maintaining a sliver of humanity in our zombies. They are who they were -- Annie studying, Jeff texting no body, Chang trying to kiss Shirley, and even Leonard turning away from Shirley after she intimidates him. The important thing is there’s still something to come back to. These aren’t rotting bodies of the undead, they’re still our favorite characters who hold their personalities, but now they’re just uninhibited (and crave human flesh).
pt 2 The Army
The events at Greendale on Halloween night are kept contained, by no accident. But it’s the extent to which it’s contained is unsettling to say the least.
- The Army Knew About The Taco Meat
This whole thing was supposed to be contained from the beginning, hence the warning label. But it begs the question, why was it available at the Army Surplus Store? How was the Dean able to to buy it in the first place?
- “The army’s gonna be here in 6 hours”
So here’s where it get’s fucked up. Rich says because of the fevers caused by the virus within 3 hours the infected will suffer brain damage and in another 3 they’ll be dead. Add it up and what do you get?
The army intends for everyone to infect each other and die off, and to simply come in clean up the remains of Greendale Community College. The Dean locks everyone in the school. They restrict the phone lines so nobody can call local emergency responders. At 6 hours on the dot, the army arrives and -- if you watch very carefully before they discover uninfected -- the man behind the leader of the response starts to pull a gun on the Dean: “The Only Witness”.
Once the uninfected are discovered they move to “Plan B” which is staging a mass roofie and wiping everyone’s memories of that night. Their initial plan is to just let everyone die. And I think most of us who have lived the past couple years in America will agree that this is..... quite on brand for the American Government.
All of this grounds the episode in our established world. A world of chaos, yet grounded in reality. This makes the episode possible. It changes the game of the zombie apocalypse media, perfect for a one off episode in a sitcom.
But I’m only getting started.
2. Character Progression/Dynamics
Despite the Special Episode vibes, this episode still moves the story along and stays true to the characters. 
- Pierce and Starburns
Yeah uh... duh. There’s no other way a zombie apocalypse would start.
- Jeff and Britta
It’s later revealed that they’re secretly hooking up at this point, so their banter at the beginning of the episode establishes a flashback point. It’s also a point of stasis. We’re used to seeing Jeff and Britta poke around at each other, so we have this sense of familiarity to begin before the world literally falls apart.
- Rich and Britta
If there’s anyone in the group deluded enough to think they’d be the exception to getting the virus, it’s these two.
Rich is the most knowledgeable on the virus, without him they would all fail. Therefore, he thinks this knowledge makes him immune. He’s already served his purpose, however, so he no longer gets this immunity.
Britta... This doesn’t need much explaining. She puts up a façade. She thinks she can do more than she can. She thinks she is doing more than she is. But deep down, she’s lost and scared. She’s going to lose herself if she continues this hubris. This is just another example of this.
- Shirley and Chang
This could only happen during the end of days.
They find their common ground in the face of death. This sets up the arc for the rest of the season. Another roadblock for Shirley and Andre, conflict between Troy and Pierce, and more of Chang’s story.
- Annie
Listen man, Annie does the best she can to help, and is taken out through no fault of her own. But hey at least she gets the best shot in the episode. That window shot gets me every time.
Her nursing furthers her whole crush on Rich thing, and also is a smaller version of the healthcare role she plays again during the Pillows and Blankets war.
- Jeff
He tries to take up the leadership position in the basement, but ultimately that falls to Troy. Jeff claims to be so successful in life because he suppresses himself and focuses on outwards appearance. His obsession with his appearance leads to his demise. He opens the door because he doesn’t want to dirty his suit. He complains about Banana Rich stretching out his suit jacket as he’s dying. He refuses to engage in the “nerdy” end of the world antics. He’s still living in reality, but the apocalypse requires some degree of accepting the insanity and leaning into it.
Again, we have to remember these are the characters we know and love. We have to know they’ll be safe, but still worry about them. The show has to continue from here; even though their memories get wiped, this had to mean something.
But, wait. Someone is missing...
3. The Troy And Abed Of It All
Okay, so let’s just acknowledge right off the bat that these two are in love. Cool? Now we can move on.
Without Troy and Abed, this episode doesn’t work.
- This Is The Culmination Of Troy’s Early Character Development
This is Troy finally letting go of his jock persona, finally not worrying about how others view him. This parallel’s Jeff’s journey in this episode, which is why there’s such an emphasis on Jeff’s $600 suit and his texting. Troy has to see that in the face of death none of that is going to matter or save him. After this, Troy stops worrying as much: we get the blanket fort, the trampoline, his 21st birthday. He goes from a nerd to a jock and back to a nerd again.
He uses his jock persona as a safety blanket. He has come a long way since the pilot, but his anxieties and insecurities are so deeply rooted that they come out kicking sometimes.
- Trying To Ground Abed In Reality
Abed is the exact opposite of Jeff, Troy stands between them.
Abed is focused on the idea of saving the world by lowering the thermostat. He relinquishes power, and lets Jeff convince him that it won’t work. And hey, maybe if they had tried it then it wouldn’t have. Ultimately, he was right and the unreality was key, but the next 5 minutes are pivotal to Jeff and Troy’s story.
- Troy’s Voice After Leaving Abed
Look, I know we already set aside their love for each other but we can’t just fucking ignore this. It breaks me. He’s so broken. He just left behind his best friend. They just had a fight and then Abed sacrificed himself for Troy. Because no matter what he’s never going to not believe in Troy. 
- Abed Is The Only One Who Can Get Troy To Be A Nerd Once And For All
When Abed gives up the illusion of the fantasy and focuses on escaping, Troy takes up that torch. He follows through with Abed’s plan, but Abed’s plan only works if you don’t bind yourself to the laws of reality.
- If Abed Was With Him, Troy Wouldn’t Have Gone Back In
This might be a stretch. Maybe they would have come up with another plan. Or found out the army’s plan.
But seeing Abed sacrifice himself for Troy after everything, Troy has nothing more to lose. That’s his other half, and he has to at least try to save him (and everyone else)
- Confronting The Zombies
The costume does help slow the zombies down to some extent, but it’s impractical and eventually given up. Troy has to give into the fantasy, but he can’t stray too far from reality. He needs both to survive.
Troy punches every single one of his friends. Except Abed. The only person who could get him there was the only person who could stand in the way of his success.
He still pushes through. Acknowledging Jeff once more. Both Abed and Jeff pulling him to their extremes in one way or another. But combined, they give him the push to complete his journey. Troy truly has the Heart of a Hero.
- Aftermath
There’s so much in the way they look at each other after being bandaged up. Troy and Abed know something is different. They might not know exactly what happened, but they know it was big. Something has changed. They have changed. But what’s important is they’re together. They survive when they work together.
This is Troy finally letting go and being the person he truly is inside. Thanks to Abed.
Maybe I’m biased. Maybe I’ve rambled on for hours. Maybe no one will ever read this.
Maybe I just prefer episodes that focus on Troy and Abed.
Maybe I just had an intense love for zombie stories as a kid and it’s bleeding into adulthood.
This episode is just so special to me for so many reasons. I really do think it’s one other the best episodes of Community and honestly of a lot of tv shows I’ve ever watched.
It’s an action filled episode with an ABBA Soundtrack. What more could you want?!
And most important of all........ the cat in the basement.
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basicsofislam · 2 years
PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH)’s BIOGRAPHY : The Conquest of Makkah.3
Abu Sufyan Watches the Islamic Army
The Messenger of God did not let Abu Sufyan to leave and go to Makkah at once. He had belief but it was possible that he would be affected by the notables of the polytheists and make preparations against the Islamic army. It was necessary for Abu Sufyan to see the Islamic army so that he would have the view that the Qurayshi polytheists did not have the power and strength to resist the Islamic army. It was necessary for him to see the magnificent army so that he would try to dissuade those who would think of resisting the Islamic army, which would earn them nothing but would shed their blood.
Therefore, the Prophet said to Abbas, “O Ab­bas! Take Abu Sufyan to the narrowest place of the valley, where the horses pass with difficulty so that he will see the magnificence of the army of God.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 46. ]
Upon this order of the Prophet, Abbas took Abu Sufyan to the narrowest place that overlooked the passage of the army.
Abu Sufyan watched, in amazement and fear, the magnificent Islamic army that was passing in groups; he asked Abbas who they were one by one. Abbas gave him the necessary information. Abu Sufyan’s eyes were dazzled by the mujahids who were proceeding like luminous waves.
How did Muhammad, who managed to escape from them by the help of God when they decided to kill him, succeed in entering the hearts of tens of thousands of people and in making them obeying every order of him? Those who had fought together with them against Muhammad until yesterday became loyal to him, loved him so much, shared their feelings of distress and happiness with his feelings.  
Abu Sufyan was carefully looking for the Messenger of God among the troops that passed in groups. Whenever a troop passed, Abu Sufyan asked Abbas, “Did Muhammad (pbuh) pass?” He knew that his passage would be more magnificent.
Finally, the troop that the Messenger of God was in was coming fully armed. The Messenger of God was on his camel, Qaswa, with his magnificence, dignity and solemnity peculiar to him. Ansar and Muhajirs were around him. Sa’d b. Ubada, from Ansar, was carrying the standard. They were passing in front of Abu Sufyan making him shiver.  
Abu Sufyan asked curiously, “Subhanallah! O Abbas! Who are they?”
Abbas said, “The Messenger of God, Ansar and Muhajirs.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4. p. 47. ]
Abu Sufyan was more terrified and he shivered; he said, “What a great sultanate has been given to my cousin! I have never seen any king having so much sultanate!”
Abbas said, “It is not sultanate; it is prophethood.”
Abu Sufyan confirmed him, “Yes, it is prophethood.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4. p. 47; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 135. ]
Abu Sufyan realized that nobody including Makkans could resist this magnificent and luminous army, which, beat like a single heart, acted like a single hand and spoke out like a single voice. He said, “O Ab­bas! I have never seen such an army or congregation.”
After that, Abu Sufyan was allowed to go to Makkah so that he would inform the polytheists about the situation, he would prevent them from attempting to resist and he would advise them.[ Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 117. ]
Abu Sufyan in Makkah
Abu Sufyan returned to Makkah and declared that he had become a Muslim. He said, “O Qurayshis! There is Muhammad! He has come near us with an army that we cannot resist. Become Muslims so that you will attain salvation.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 47; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 117. ]Then, he shouted, “Whoever enters Abu Sufyan’s house will be safe. Whoever stays in his house and closes his door will be safe. Whoever enters the Kaaba will be safe.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 47; Ibn Sayyid, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 170. ]
However, the notables of Quraysh and even his wife, Hind, insulted Abu Sufyan due to his words; and people like Safwan b. Umayya, Ikrima b. Abi Jahl even tried to provoke people into opposing the Messenger of God. However, people did not heed the words of those enthusiastic polytheists. Some of them went to their houses and others took shelter in the Kaaba as Abu Sufyan advised.[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 47; Ibn Sayyid, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 182. ]
Preparations to Enter Makkah
Before entering Makkah, the Islamic army gathered in Dhituwa valley. The joy of the Prophet and the Companions spread in waves. They gathered in Dhituwa Valley. There were smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts.
The Prophet was on his camel, Qaswa. He was praising and thanking God Almighty, who made him see this blessed and magnificent day.
He bent his head due to his modesty so much that the tip of his beard was about to touch the saddle of the camel.[ Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, Vol. 1, p. 265. ] With this attitude, he declared to everybody that the only being one can bow down before is God Almighty, the Creator of the universe; he also taught people that it was God who granted success and that what man needed to do was to work hard and make preparations.  
The Prophet Enters Makkah
The Prophet divided his army into four to enter Makkah:
The right wing… The commander of the right wing was Khalid b. Walid, known as “Sayfullah” (Sword of God). He was going to enter Makkah from the lower part of the city.
The left wing… The commander of the left wing was Zubayr b. Awwam. He was going to enter the city from the place called Kuda.
The third part of the army was under the command of Sa’d b. Ubada and it consisted of Ansar soldiers.
The fourth part of the army consisting of infantry was under the command of Abu Ubayda b. Jarrah. He was going to enter Makkah from the upper part of the city.[ Ibn Hisham, Sirah, Vol. 4, p. 49. ]
The Prophet gave the commanders the following order:
“Do not fight or kill anyone unless you are attacked!”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 51. ]
Some people were not included in this command. They were going to be killed wherever they were seen even if they took refuge under the covering of the Kaaba. They were the following people:
Ikrima b. Abi Jahl, Abdullah b. Sa’d b. Abi Sarh, Hab­bar b. Aswad b. Mut­talib, Huwayris b. Nuqayz, Miqyas b. Su­baba al-Laysi, Abdullah Hilal b. Hatal, Hind binti Utba b. Rabia, Sara the singer, Qu­rayna and Arnaba.[ Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 136. ]
The crimes that they committed were crimes that could not be forgiven: abjuration, excessive enmity against Muslims, torture, murder, satirizing the Messenger of God and Muslims insolently.                        
The Kabaa
The Wings of the Army Entering Makkah…
It was Friday, the thirteenth of the month of Ramadan, 8th year of the Migration. The sun had just risen.
The Prophet was on Qaswa, his camel. He had a black turban made in Yemen round his head. One end of his turban was hanging between his shoulders. He was entering the blessed city in glory and modesty. On the one hand, he was praising and thanking God because He showed him that day; on the other hand, he was reading the chapter of al-Fath, which had given the glad tidings that Makkah was going to be conquered. It was one of the happiest moments for him and for his Companions.
The tongues did not utter bitter words; they pronounced only nice words that conquered hearts. The faces were full of smiles.
The mujahids were not in ecstasy, caused by great victories and magnificent conquests. They controlled their hearts, souls and tongues.
Sa’d b. Ubada is Dismissed
Meanwhile, Sa’d b. Ubada, the commander of the third wing was affected by the dazzling victory involuntarily and said, “Today is the great day of fighting. Today it will be permissible to fight in the Kaaba.”[ Bukhari, Sahih, Vol. 3, p. 61. ]
The Messenger of God was informed about his statement. This statement was contrary to the aim and spirit of entering the Kaaba without fighting and shedding blood. He ordered that the standard be removed from him and given to Qays.[ Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 135. ]
Attack against the Wing of Khalid b. Walid
The Islamic army was entering Makkah in waves, without swinging their swords against anybody, and with respect as the Prophet had ordered.
However, meanwhile, the wing commanded by Khalid b. Walid was attacked. Some people like Ikrima b. Abi Jahl, Safwan b. Umayya and the people that they gathered attacked them.[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 50. ]
Khalid did not want to respond at first because the order of the Prophet was clear. However, when he saw that the polytheists increased the attack and threw a lot of arrows, he let his soldiers fight. The polytheists had to run away. Two mujhaids were martyred during the fight and thirteen polytheists were killed. The Messenger of God was informed about the situation. The Prophet summoned Khalid. When he learnt from Khalid that the polytheists attacked the Muslims and that the mujahids had to defend themselves, he said, “What God decreed and allowed is good.”[ Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 136. ]
No other clashes took place when the magnificent Islamic army consisting of ten thousand soldiers entered; the Muslims did not use their weapons.
Meanwhile, some of those who were decreed to be killed were captured and killed. Some of them had been Muslims but then exited Islam. Abdullah b. Hatal and Miq­yas b. Subaba were two of them. The other people that were killed were Harith b. Tu­lay­tila, Huwayris b. Nuqayz and Sara. They were the people who had tortured and insulted the Prophet when he was Makkah. The other polytheists that had been ordered to be killed ran away.
Declaration of Safety
As soon as the Prophet entered Makkah, he declared that people would be safe. He said,
“Whoever enters Abu Sufyan’s house will be safe. Whoever leaves his weapons will be safe. Whoever enters his house and closes his door will be safe.”
Thereupon, some of the polytheists went to their own houses and others took refuge in the house of Abu Sufyan.
The Prophet in the Kaaba
The Islamic army, consisting of more than ten thousand soldiers, entered Makkah but Makkah was having a calm and peaceful day. Everybody was safe and secure.    
The Messenger of God was proceeding toward the Kaaba on his camel, Qaswa, Usama b. Zayd was also on the camel; Hazrat Abu Bakr was next to him and the muhajirs and Answar were around him. There was no change in him between the first day he declared his cause and the victory today. He was modest, humble, forgiving and merciful when he declared Islam and belief on his own; he was like that on the day when Makkah was conquered. He was generous, compassionate, modest and forgiving when he had affected few people; he was like that when he affected thousands of people; he did not lose any of his qualities.
The Prophet entered the Kaaba with modesty and humbleness, feeling gratitude to God. The Muslims were entering the Kaaba in groups. When the Messenger of God uttered, “Allahu Akbar!”, the Muslims shouted all together, “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!” The horizons of Makkah resounded with this holy sound. The mountains and stones of this holy land replied this sound by uttering, “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!”
Circumambulating the Kaaba
The Messenger of God started to circumambulate the Kaaba on his camel, Qaswa. The Companions followed him. At each lap of the circumambulation, the Prophet greeted Hajar al-Aswad by pointing at it with his stuff.[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 54. ] After the seventh lap of the circumambulation, he got off his camel. He went to the Station of Ibrahim and performed a two-rak’ah prayer there. Then, he went to Zamzam Well, drank some water and made wudu. After that, he went up to Safa Hill. He watched the Kaaba and the Muslims from there and thanked God, who made him see this magnificent day.
Meanwhile, some Muslims of Madinah felt a bit concerned. They said, “God Almighty enabled His Messenger to conquer his hometown. We wonder if he will he settle in Makkah?”
When the Messenger of God finished his prayer, he asked them what they were talking about.
They said, “Nothing. O Messenger of God!”
The Prophet repeated his question a few times and received the same reply. Then, he was informed by God what they were talking about.
Thereupon, he said, “I take refuge in God from what you were talking about. Know it very well that I will live with you and die with you.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 59; Muslim, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 1408. ]
When Ansar heard it, they gathered around the Prophet and tried to lenify him.
They said, “By God, we spoke like that due to our love toward God and His Messenger.”[ Muslim, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 1408. ]
What Abu Sufyan and Fadala Think About
The Prophet and the Muslims were circumambulating the Kaaba.
Abu Sufyan was sitting at a corner of the Kaaba and thinking. Satan was trying to provoke him and giving him some delusions. Whenever the Messenger of God passed by him, Abu Sufyan thought, “I wonder if I can gather soldiers again and fight him?”
Just then, the Messenger of God approached and stood by him and said, “God will humiliate you again.”
When Abu Sufyan heard this statement, which flashed in his mind, it dawned on him. When he looked up, he saw the Prophet next to him. He was astonished and he shivered. Then, he asked forgiveness from God and said to the Prophet, “By God, you are Messenger of God!”[ Ibn Kathir, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 576. ]
Fadala b. Umayr was watching the Prophet in order to kill him during the circumambulation. Fadala had approached the Messenger of God when the Messenger of God suddenly turned and asked him, “Are you Fadala?”
Fadala, who was astonished, said, “Yes, O Messenger of God!”
The Prophet said, “What are you thinking about now?”
Fadala, “I am not thinking about anything; I am only mentioning the names of God.” The Messenger of God said, “O Fadala! Ask forgiveness from God!” Then, the Prophet put his hand on Fadala’s chest and prayed for him.
Upon this miracle, Fadala gave up his evil intention; his heart softened and his belief was strengthened. As it is seen, only one single luminous smile of the Messenger of God converted enmity to friendship and softened hard hearts.
Fadala described that moment as follows: “By God, when he removed his hand from my chest, there remained nobody lovelier and more beloved than him.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 59; Ibn Sayyid, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 180. ]
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paypant · 6 months
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noisynutcrusade · 1 year
Marcell Jacobs, the great expectation: "Me and Kerley as in the ring, the clash is good for athletics"
ROME — It defines itself One Man Armythe One Man Army: it seems a reminder of the enormous spite he did to the Americans, Caribbeans and British, taking the Olympic throne of Usain Bolt. Marcell Jacobs he trains listening to trap, he looks tough, but he always smiles and has young children waiting for him at home. He has fears, but some have defeated them. Source link
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Work got me #tired #army #armythings (at Ft. Carson, CO 4th ID) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FWixNBcNq/?igshid=3ilgjy0i9it9
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jawwwhn · 7 years
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Lunch with a retired army general. Happy Saturday! #soldier #army #armythings #armylife #gay #lgbt #gaysoldier #instagram #selfie #me #saturday
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thetimecrystal · 2 years
5, 10, 15, 20 & 25 ~
end of year asks
5. TV show of the year?
hm. i barely remember what i watched this year, so uh wednesday? it was the latest tv show i watched and i did quite enjoyed it?
10. Something that made you cry this year?
my british culture exam, which has made me cry twice :)
15. What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
i have picked up some really bad sleeping habits these final months, i am staying up until like 3AM or 4AM and it is very exhausting...
20. What’s something you learned this year?
that i don't have the super good work habits and i should work a bit more on it tbh
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one!
ooh!!! i picked up dnd this year and i am about to play an one person campaign, with my half-elf rogue armythe spiritfall (they/them).
their father is a piece of shit royal who stole them from their mother and took them far away when he heard that he had a child with a sex worker off in another country and the campaign is their escape from their father to their mother (crossing the country with their best friend, célio!)
here is a picrew of them, they kind of just miss the shorter, messy curls
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amandasprytattooist · 5 years
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Lest we forget, half sleeve. #lestweforget #memorial #armedforces #11thhour11thday11thmonth @hm_armed_forces @britisharmy @armythings #poppytattoo #war #wartattoo #peace @veteransforpeace.uk (at Aces High Tattoo Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4uoO9Ehkul/?igshid=1evnqrt890byn
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bibledictionary · 3 years
For the entirety of the great tribulation period, up to the return of Jesus, the Beast (Antichrist) has broadcast an endless stream of deceptions (Revelation 13:5 - 6). His subtle lies, coupled with the performance of evil supernatural wonders, have led the world to worship him as both god and savior (Matthew 24:15, 2Thessalonians 2:1 - 4). His authority is absolute and no one dares challenge him militarily (Revelation 13:4, 7).
The Antichrist is aware that his authoritarian and violent rule over the earth will be interrupted by the return of Jesus (Revelation 12:12). Satan, however, is forever the optimist when it comes to pursuing evil.
Satan the devil has never let his perfect record of defeats, or prophecies guaranteeing his future failures (Revelation 19:20 - 20:3, 7 - 10), stand in his way. He believes he can repel the return of Jesus and maintain his earthly reign.
Gathering an army
The devil, near the end of his forty-two months of rule, turns his attention to amassing the greatest human military force in history in order to fight the coming of Jesus. He believes he can beat the odds and find a weakness in the Lord's return. His consuming desire is to continue to bask in the glory of God's greatest creation worshipping him.
There is, however, a tiny flaw in the devil's plan to defeat Jesus when he returns. His choice of humans to combat spirit beings is, to put it bluntly, crazy! The Bible records that just ONE spirit can completely decimate any number of humans (e.g. an angel, in 701 B.C., killed 185,000 warriors set to attack Jerusalem). His decision to use human military strength to fight Jesus, which he has never done, is worth a try in his mind.
Mount of Olives todayPix by Andrew Shiva (Wikipedia)
Release the demons!
God will, surprisingly, aid Satan's military goals so that humanity witnesses the futility of rejecting him and Jesus Christ. The sixth of the seven last "vial" plagues sent on the earth will dry up the Euphrates River. This will enable the "kings of the east" (Revelation 16:12) to link up with the devil's existing forces.
Three unclean and powerful demonic spirits will then be released by Satan. Their goal is to perform miracles to deceive the masses into defending the earth from an "invading" army led by Jesus (Revelation 16:13 - 14). Ten "kings" or rulers will also allow the Antichrist to use their military strength in the upcoming battle with the Lord (Revelation 17:12 - 13). All this military might will eventually gather in the valley of Jezreel near ancient Megiddo (Armageddon, Revelation 16:16).
Two Witnesses killed
There is one task, however, the Beast must complete before launching his offensive against Jesus. The Two Witnesses, for forty-two months, have been miraculously protected from all harm. They possessed the unique power of instantly killing anyone who opposed them (Revelation 11:3 - 6).
Just before the Lord's return, however, their supernatural protection is removed. The Beast immediately goes to war against them and murders them in Jerusalem's streets (Revelation 11:7 - 12).
The world rejoices at the deaths of the two witnesses who "tormented" them and leaves their bodies unburied for three and one half days. God then resurrects them and has them publically rise to heaven. It is then heralded, by those near God's throne, that Jesus will return to the earth to reign forever and ever (Revelation 11:15 - 19).
First resurrection takes place
After the two witnesses are made alive others are resurrected as part of the first resurrection (Revelation 11:18) conducted just before Jesus returns. These righteous folks are known as the "dead in Christ" (1Thessalonians 4:16). They are those who possessed God's Spirit and were obedient to him unto death. The last ones given eternal life are Christians protected in an earthly "place of safety." They will be instantaneously changed from flesh to immortal spirit (Revelation 11:10 - 12, 1Thessalonians 4:16 - 17, 1Corinthians 15:51 - 53).
The next prophetic event is the wedding supper of the Lamb, which takes place in heaven (Revelation 19:7 - 9). This unique event symbolizes the spiritual union between the bride and Jesus Christ. The bride are all those chosen worthy to be a part of the first resurrection (the spiritual church of God).
Battle of good versus evil
After Jesus gathers his spiritual army, composed of saints (Revelation 17:14), he begins his glorious return to the earth (Revelation 19:11 - 16). His Second Coming will save a remnant of humanity who would otherwise perish (Matthew 24:21 - 22).
Satan's immense military will attack Jesus as he nears the planet (Zechariah 14:1 - 3, Revelation 19:19) and heads toward the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:4). The devil's forces, however, are no match against God. The Beast and False Prophet will be thoroughly defeated by Jesus (Revelation 17:14). Countless humans will quickly lose their life (Revelation 19:17 - 18, 21).
The carnage of men and machines who dare to fight Jesus will have no equal in human history. The amount of dead flesh generated by man's defeat will be more than enough to feed every bird that feasts on them (Revelation 19:17 - 18, 21). The amount of blood spilled in this last world war will so saturate the ground that large pools of it will form (Revelation 14:17 - 20).
As the forces of righteousness land on the Mount of Olives it splits in two and creates a wide valley (Zechariah 14:4, Acts 1:10 - 12). Both the Beast and False Prophet are thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20).
The Adversary is caught!
Satan, the evil genius who initiated the great tribulation, is placed in a spiritual prison for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1 - 2). Jesus, upon his return, will fully assert his role as King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:16) to bring God's kingdom to the earth!
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basicsofislam · 2 years
PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH)’s BIOGRAPHY : The Expedition of Tabuk.Part4
A Piece of Food Becomes Enough for the Army
The army was getting ready to leave Tabuk. Meanwhile, some Companions went to the Prophet and said that some mujahids ran out of food and that they were having difficulty. They said, “O Messenger of God! Will you let us slaughter the camels that carry our water and eat their flesh?”
The Prophet said, “All right! You are allowed.”
Thereupon, they started to make preparations to slaughter the camels.
Meanwhile, Hazrat Umar came. He asked them not to slaughter the camels. Then, he went to the presence of the Messenger of God and said, “O Messenger of God! Did you let them slaughter the camels that people ride on?”
The Prophet said, “They complained me about lack of food. So, I let them.”
Hazrat Umar said, “O Messenger of God! If the mujahids act like that, there will be no camels left to ride on. Tell them to bring the food that they have. Put them together and pray for abundance on them. God will accept your prayer and increase them.”
The Messenger of God said, “All right!”
The mujahids brought the food that they had and put them on a leather cloth that the Prophet put on the ground. Some of them brought a handful of dates; some brought a handful of flour; others bought a handful of millet, etc.
The food items on the cloth were not very much. They probably weighed three sa’s  (3.120 grams) or less.
The Prophet stood up, made wudu, performed a two-rak’ah prayer and prayed God Almighty to increase the food. Then, he said to his Companions, “Fill your plates.”
Everybody filled their plates; no plate was empty. They ate the food on the cloth until they became full. Then, they saw that the same amount of food was still present on the cloth.[ Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 11; Muslim, ibid, Vol. 1, p. 57; Ibn Kathir, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 17. ]
Leaving Tabuk
After staying in Tabuk for twenty days, the Prophet set off from Tabuk toward Madinah.[ bn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 170; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 168; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 147. ]
Ammar b. Yasir was holding the halter of the Prophet’s camel. Huzayfa b. Yaman was behind, riding the camel.
Meanwhile, the Messenger of God was informed by God Almighty that a group of munafiqs would try to assassinate him at night. Therefore, the Messenger of God was watching out and acting carefully.
He saw through darkness that a group was coming toward him. They were the munfiqs that planned the assassination. They planned to attack the Prophet in the narrow pass ahead.
The Prophet ordered Huzayfa to scatter them. Huzayfa walked against them, shouting, “O enemies of God!” They were scared, ran away and joined the ranks of the army.[ Ibn Kathir, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 36. ]
When Usad b. Khudayr found out that the munafiqs attempted such an assassination, he got furious. He asked the Prophet to allow him to kill the munafiqs in the army. The Messenger of God said, “I do not want people to say, ‘After the war with the polytheists ended, Muhammad started to kill his Companions.’”
Usad b. Khudayr said, “O Messenger of God! They are not your Companions.”
The Messenger of God said, “Since they express that they are Muslims by uttering kalima ash-shahada, we cannot touch them.”[ Waqidi, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 1043-1044. ]
Masjid ad-Dirar
When the Prophet was getting ready for the Expedition of Tabuk, a group of Quban munafiqs went to the presence of the Messenger of God and said, “O Messenger of God! We built a mosque for the people who cannot walk far on rainy and cold nights and for ill people. We want you to come and lead a prayer in our mosque.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 174; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 147. ]
What they said seemed to be the expression of an innocent intention. However, the intention that they concealed was something bad. Their aim was to divide the Islamic congregation even if it was in a small scale, to attract some people from the Quba Mosque to the mosque that they built and to try to abuse them. Abu Amir Rahib Abdi Amr, whom the Prophet had described as an obvious sinner, promised to help them. He said, “Build a mosque and stock as many weapons as you can in it. I will go to the Byzantine Emperor. I will bring soldiers here and expel Muhammad and his Companions from Madinah.”[ Ibn Qayyim, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 12. ]
However, the Messenger of God did not know about their evil intentions. Therefore, he had said to them, “Now, I am about to go on the Expedition of Tabuk. If we return from Tabuk and if God wills, I will lead a prayer in your mosque.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 174; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 147. ]
Their real aim to invite the Messenger of God was to make their mosque holy and legitimate. If they managed it, it would be better for them to attract people there and to abuse them.
Was such a mosque really necessary?
No… However, the munafiqs needed such a place of gathering in order to spread their views of mischief.
The Expedition of Tabuk ended. The Prophet was returning to Madinah with his Companions. When they approached Madinah, the munafiqs asked the Prophet to keep his promise about their mosque.[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 174; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 147. ]
However, God Almighty did not allow them to realize their evil intentions; He informed His Messenger about their real intentions by sending down the following verses:
“And there are those who put up a mosque by way of mischief and infidelity― to disunite the Believers and in preparation for one who warred against God and His Messenger aforetime. They will indeed swear that their intention is nothing but good; but God doth declare that they are certainly liars.
Never stand thou forth therein. There is a mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety; it is more worthy of thy standing forth (for prayer) therein. In it are men who love to be purified; and God loveth those who make themselves pure.
Which then is best?― he that layeth his foundation on piety to God and His Good pleasure?― or he that layeth his foundation on an undermined sand-cliff ready to crumble to pieces? And it doth crumble to pieces with him, into the fire of Hell. And God guideth not people that do wrong.
The foundation of those who so build is never free from suspicion and shakiness in their hearts until their hearts, are cut to pieces. And God is All-Knowing Wise.”[ at-Tawba, 107-110. ]
Thereupon, the Prophet called Malik b. Duh­shum and Asim b. Adiyy and gave them the following order:
“Go to that mosque, whose people are oppressors; demolish it and burn it down.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 174; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 147. ]
The order of the Prophet was fulfilled immediately. The mosque which is described as “Masjid ad-Dirar (Mosque of Harm)” was demolished and burned down.[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 174; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 147. ]
Approaching Madinah…
While the Messenger of God was approaching Madinah, he said to his Companions, “There are such people in Madinah that they are regarded to have been with you anywhere you went and any valley you walked through.”
The Companions were astonished; they asked, “O Messenger of God! How can they be regarded to be with us when they were in Madinah?”
The Prophet explained the issue: “They remained in Madinah due to their excuses. Does God not say the following in His book?”: ‘Nor should the Believers all go forth together: if a contingent from every expedition remained behind, they could devote themselves to studies in religion and admonish the people when they return to them― that thus they (may learn) to guard themselves (against evil).’ (at-Tawba, 122) I swear by God, in whose hand of power my existence is that their prayers are more effective than our weapons on the enemy.”[ Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 168; Waqidi, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 1056-1057; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 341; Abu Dawud, Sunan, Vol. 3, p. 12. ]
Love of Uhud
While approaching Madinah, the Messenger of God looked at Mount Uhud and said, “There is Mount Uhud. It loves us and we love it.”[ Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, ibid, Vol. 5, p. 425; Muslim, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 1011 ]
Meeting in Thaniyyatu’l-Wada
When the Muslims in Madinah heard that the Prophet was coming, they all went up the hill called Thaniyyatu’l-Wada to meet him. The women and children had the joy of seeing the Messenger of God again. They expressed this feeling by saying, “The white moon rose over usfrom the valley of al-Wada / And we owe it to show gratefulnesswhere the call is to God.”[ Ibn Qayyim, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 12; Halabi, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 123. ]
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aarizaayan · 3 years
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𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒕 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔Musa (Moses) - The Perishing of Pharaoh and His ArmyThe Pharaoh Learns of the Believers' Escapehttps://www.alim.org/history/prophet-stories/17/3
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Back at it again #Army #armythings #fortcarson (at 4ID Motorpool) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzbDdf2BsSJ/?igshid=ae9aznd0dee0
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ericfruits · 4 years
Thais seem ever less impressed by the army
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In the doghouse Thais seem ever less impressed by the army
The army commander recently accused them of ingratitude
“EVEN MILITARY dogs are grateful to the army,” said Apirat Kongsompong, its commander, earlier this year. He was implying that if mere animals could muster the appropriate emotion, people should be overflowing with gratitude. After all, the army is a “sacred” institution, he believes. Yet ordinary Thais do not seem to realise how lucky they are. Indeed, they have been showing signs of sacrilege.
Enlistment is one indicator of disenchantment. Every April the government conducts a lottery to select some 100,000 conscripts to serve in the armed forces for two years. Because this year’s draft has been delayed until July, owing to the coronavirus pandemic, a shortfall of soldiers looms: just 5,460 out of 42,000 conscripts scheduled for discharge at the end of April have volunteered to stay on, despite the wilting economy. Often it is poorer boys from rural areas who end up as conscripts; richer Thais seem better at finding ways to dodge the draft. Reports of beatings, abuse and drudgery abound. Occasionally conscripts die from such mistreatment. So unpopular is conscription that a new party which promised to end it and seek other military reforms won the third most seats in last year’s election.
A fuss about military spending is another sign of Thais’ diminishing regard for men in uniform. The government, led by Prayuth Chan-ocha, a former army commander who appointed himself prime minister after a coup, had planned to spend roughly 232bn baht ($7.2bn) on the armed forces this year. When covid-19 blew a hole in its finances, it turned to Thai businesses, cap in hand. Disgruntled netizens pointed out that plenty of savings could be made before the state went begging—a brave thing to do, given how many Thais have been locked up in recent years for expressing the wrong opinions online. The government swiftly trimmed military spending by 8%, diverting the savings to schemes to salvage the economy.
The biggest blow to the army’s standing came in February, when a soldier went on a shooting rampage in the city of Nakhon Ratchasima, killing 29 people. The incident revealed the army’s incompetence (the killer obtained guns and ammunition by raiding a poorly guarded armoury), corruption (he seems to have been enraged after being cheated in a property deal involving relatives of a superior officer) and arrogance (it was criticism of the army’s response to the killings that prompted General Apirat to complain about ingratitude).
Soon after the massacre General Apirat pledged to reform military housing and root out corruption. Mr Prayuth weighed in, too, promising to halve the number of generals—there are about 1,700 of them—and to trim the army overall. Thailand has some 560,000 soldiers and reservists. Britain, with a similar population and pretensions as a global power, has about 230,000.
Many doubt that the promised reforms will come to much. “Nothing is being done,” says Paul Chambers of Naresuan University. Besides, the most urgent reform of all—an end to the army’s involvement in politics—is hardly one that Mr Prayuth is likely to pursue. ■
This article appeared in the Asia section of the print edition under the headline "In the doghouse"
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