#alt route where bobo/mc stars in the event
axvwriter · 1 year
SSR Bobo Suitor Dress
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Summon: "Who do you think you are?! I won't let you claim Idia as yours unchallenged!"
“I really surprised everyone with my plan, huh?"
Groovification: "Are you alright? I won’t let anyone die on my watch.”
Set to Home screen: “I’d say love is worth fighting for… would you like me to fight for you?”
Home transition 1: “I didn’t think before of how flustering it would be to receive such attention… I-I think I’ll keep this on for a little longer.”
Home transition 2: “A few students keep teasing me for having a crush on Idia… I mean, they think I have a crush, I’m not saying that I actually do!”
Home transition 3: “Some students keep saying I look good enough to eat… I didn’t think wearing this dress would put my life in danger!”
After login: “Are you ready for our wedding? Ha hah, did I scare you? I’m only joking.”
Home transition groovification: “Huh? Oh, I didn’t get this from Sam. I was able to get a Pomefiore friend of mine to make some adjustments to a dress he was making. I owe him a favor now.”
Tap home 1: “Idia looked really good in that suit… huh? I mean, don’t you think so too!?”
Tap home 2: “My plan was absurd, but I thought at the very least the absurdity would buy the others more time to figure something out.”
Tap home 3: “I don’t think I’d wear this exactly to my own wedding. I just wanted to match Idia.”
Tap home 4: “Ortho has a devious side to him… he keeps teasing me by calling me his big sister!”
Tap home 5: “Wh-what!? What do you mean you’d make me a happy bride!? You’re being too forward!”
Tap home groovification: “If I’m stuck here forever… I suppose I can take my time with finding a partner without feeling like I’m going to drown otherwise…”
I tried to replicate the style of Twisted Wonderland's SSR cards and have a better grasp of all I still have yet to learn about drawing. Also I'd like to clarify for the Home Transition 3 voice-line, anyone saying she looks good enough to eat are just joking and teasing her. She doesn't quite realize that and is thinking they're threatening to actually eat her. Not vore her, eat her. Such innuendos don't really exist where she's from thanks to the literal threat of being eaten alive by giant man-eating beasts.
I do have the vignette story written, but I plan to share that with the groovy art, which I'm going to heavily procrasinate doing- Though hopefully now that I've done this one, I wont make the same mistakes where I remade the floor twice and realized afterwards I was using the wrong image for reference for the background. I fixed it using blue-green layers because I couldn't handle redoing the entire background. Kept remaking the floor because of trying to figure out how the floor would look, how to draw it, then ending up following a tutorial while completely forgetting the tiles are diagonal which the tutorial was not. Eventually realized I didn't even need to do that as I most likely only needed one to three rhombuses.
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