#altho gimlet can be a bit of a dick occasionally
nemossubmarine · 5 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #22
Hey, it’s the start of a new adventure, and with the leaving of Gorm and addition of Vivek the party’s average height has gone down like 30%. I wonder if that’s going to be at all relevant?
There’s about a day or so in between Gorm and Uffe leaving and anything interesting happening. Vivek and Saef spend it together. 
Vivek has decided to stay at Saef’s room, since he rather not take a stranger’s room and Gimlet lives between Gorm and Saef, so taking Gorm’s room won’t do either. 
Saef’s cool with this. 
They hang out and talk, Saef explains what has gone down at Dew Mountain (Vivek doesn’t explain at all about what has happened with him :P). 
Saef also mentions to Vivek that the Inquisitor has arranged him a teacher in all that psyker stuff. 
Vivek questions what might be the end goal of such an education. 
Saef shrugs and says he only wants to keep the Inquisitor happy for now. 
Vivek warns him that it’s plenty easy to get conscripted in a world such as this, so it might be relevant for Saef to ask about that before he gets drafted for something he doesn’t want to. 
Saef says ”thanks dad”, which flusters Vivek a bit. 
He tells him to get a better father figure. 
Saef shrugs and says that he somehow has managed to get quite a few dads, Gimlet, Vivek, his actual dad, who’s also on ship. 
Saef opens up to Vivek about how awkward the whole thing has been, having his family on board. 
He mostly tries to avoid them, because he’s pretty sure his family doesn’t want to see him. 
Vivek shrugs and says it might not be the case, but if this is what Saef is most comfortable with. 
Meanwhile, Gimlet stays inside his room and avoids Vivek the best he can.
But let’s cut to the actual happening-ons, Saef gets a text from Molly, where Molly asks him to get his friends and meet her at the teleporter. She has a favor to ask. Saef gathers Vivek and Gimlet and off they go. 
Molly explains that there’s an Imperial cargo ship adrift in space and it’s been calculated to hit Santa Maria within an hour. 
Santa Maria is planning on blowing it up, but Molly would like to take a peek at what the cargo is and whether it could be sold for cash-money. 
Namely she wants Saef and co to do it, and they have only about half an hour to do so before Santa Maria blows the ship up. 
So any ideas? 
Vivek suggests them hopping onto the ship and fixing the engine if it’s broken. 
Good idea, but there’s one problem. His name is Jimbo, he’s the new teleporter guy (RIP Paul, you are missed). He needs to be gotten out of the room so Molly can teleport our folks. 
Molly says all he knows about Jimbo is that he really, really likes space golf. 
Vivek asks if anyone knows anything about space golf a little too loud, and Jimbo (from the other side of the room) asks if someone mentioned space golf. 
Vivek grits his teeth for a bit, then turns on his smile and goes to talk with Jimbo. 
You see, Vivek is a space golf enthusiast but doesn’t actually know much about it, maybe Jimbo could teach him. 
Jimbo suggests they meet up for a coffee after his shift. Vivek agrees, and then tries to get Jimbo to show him his club right now, so he could talk golf better? 
Yeah it doesn’t work. So Vivek agrees that it’s a date. 
Jimbo gets quite flustered at that, he didn’t mean it as a date.
 Vivek pulls rank on Jimbo, saying that he’s a corporal of the Mechanicum army (technically still true?) and he doesn’t do or tolerate that kind of behavior (it wasn’t a date-date, it was we’ll meet there at this time and date-date), so maybe Jimbo could go and report to his supervisor about what he just did. Jimbo, defeated, does so. 
Vivek turns to the others and asks if he was flirting with the dude. 
The general consensus seems to be yes. 
Well, nevermind that, Molly starts working the teleporter and sends the trio in one by one (in order Vivek, Saef, Gimlet).
Our heroes teleport into a tight corridor of the ship. There’s a siren blaring and smell of blood in the air. 
Also, Saef recognizes the smell of tyranids. 
When he informs the others of this, Vivek says that his grandparents were killed by tyranids, to which Saef points out that his whole home planet was just decimated by tyranids. 
They pull out their weapons and start sneaking forward. 
There’s a window showing to the cargo room and Saef sees shadows moving inside. 
Upon letting everyone know, they duck so as to not let the people (or most likely xenos) inside know what’s up. 
There’s blood and servitor parts littering the room, and a broken down servo skull that Vivek checks out. 
It’s clear that our heroes can’t avoid the battle forever. 
Vivek asks what’s their usual battle plan. 
Saef says they usually just let Gorm go first, and then follow after him. 
Unfortunately there’s no Gorm around, so one of them has to go first. 
Vivek gets up, catches glimpse of the first genestealer (of two) and blasts off its lower left arm with a devastating blow. 
This is for my grandma, he says as he does it. It’s pretty cool, eyy. 
Saef gets up next and shoots the same genestealer, killing it. 
There’s a second genestealer still left. 
Gimlet shoots at it, and also manages to blast off its lower left arm, very cool-like. 
Unfortunately it doesn’t quite die and it charges through the new broken windows at the closest victim, which is Vivek.
It gets stuck in the window, but manages to attack Vivek quite severely (altho Skitarii don’t bleed, so who’s to say). 
Saef comes in to beat it up with his bludgeon. It’s quite shocking. 
Gimlet shoots at it over Vivek’s shoulder but the genestealer has not yet gone down.
 It attacks both Vivek and Saef with its next attack. Ouch. 
Vivek has noticed that there’s a pipe of some sort going above them, and he pulls off the vent of it with his magnetic abilities (dude’s one big magnet if need be). 
The pipe turns out to be a pipe for gasoline and it douses the genestealer. 
Saef manages to step out of the way in time to not get doused. 
Vivek then lights up a cigarette and drops his lighter into the gas, lighting the poor genestealer aflame (but it looks damn cinematic).
The genestealer rushes back out of the window and dies on the cargo bay floor. 
Combat’s over, yay! 
Gimlet goes to give Saef some first aid. 
Vivek wanders off to check the other stuff in the hallway, which turns out to be a skeleton of a small child with a small bunny plushie next to it. 
Vivek loots it and then goes to examine the cargo bay. 
Gimlet offers Vivek first aid as well, but Vivek says he’s fine. 
Both Gimlet and Saef can see this is not the case. 
Saef asks Vivek to accept some medical attention, ”for me buddy?” 
Vivek pulls Saef aside a bit, and notes that Gimlet’s the reason he currently wanders around without an arm and an eye, so he doesn’t exactly trust him to get anywhere near his wires. 
But fine, he’ll do what Saef asks, as long as Saef keeps an eye on Gimlet. 
Vivek asks Gimlet to take a look at the spot where the Genestealer’s hit has driven a piece of his armor into his side and Gimlet does so, without any fuss. 
Vivek thanks Gimlet. 
Then they turn their attention to the cargo. Vivek and Saef open some of the boxes of cargo in the room. 
All seem to contain guns that Saef recognizes being used by gangers on Dew Mtn. 
Well, there’s plenty of them, but is this what Molly was hoping, who knows. 
But first a more pressing matter, turning the ship back on. 
Our heroes make their way to the engine room where Vivek and Saef immediately show their ignorance on all things technical (Vivek offers to say some prayers). 
Gimlet points out that the engine isn’t broken, it’s just turned off and it’s easiest to turn that back on from the control panel, in the cockpit. 
So that’s where our heroes head. 
The doors to the cockpit are jammed shut but there’s holes from guns littering the door and one hole big enough for our heroes to get through. 
Inside they find several dead genestealers as well as a dead space marine, who’s body has been eaten from inside his power armor. 
Gimlet immediately recognizes the space marine’s armor and says it’s a Red Corsair, a type of Chaos Space Marine known for pirating. 
Vivek puts out his cigarette on the dude’s armor. 
Gimlet turns the engine on and everything's smooth sailing, except the gas light is on, for some reason hmm… 
Saef and Vivek go attempt to put the panel Vivek tore off back on, but it’s too high up so Gimlet comes to help, lifting Saef up to get the panel back on. 
That figured out they return back to the cockpit and notice that the ship was on autopilot, heading somewhere in Dew Mtn and it’s now asking if that should be continued. 
Saef calls Molly and let’s her know that the cargo is shitty cheap ganger guns, and also a chaos space marine. 
Molly is a bit surprised at that, it is an Imperial cargo ship after all. 
She leaves getting rid of them to Saef. 
So, can our heroes sell these totes illegal guns to someone? 
Saef says he knows a weapon sales’ person by the name of Sheila on Civitas A. 
She dealt guns to a lot of gangers, from similar crates. 
Unfortunately she is super-annoying, but it’s worth a shot to check if she’s still alive and in the business. 
Vivek takes the pilot’s seat (well co-pilot’s seat as the Red Corsair is on the pilot’s seat proper). 
Gimlet investigates the body of the Red Corsair more carefully. 
He finds the Corsair’s bolter and on it ascribed the name ”Nemeroth”, who Gimlet knows to be a Red Corsair warlord that supposedly died 120 years ago. 
Saef carries some of the bodies out of the cockpit to give them room to manage the ship. 
As he does so, he hears some kind of mechanical sound coming from underwater, or under gasoline in this case. 
He follows it and finds the servo skull that is attempting to make some kind of sound, but its speaker is broken. 
Saef brings the skull to Gimlet to look over. 
There is a radio on the ship that Vivek has turned on. 
Apparently Red Corsairs are really into metal. 
But the skull could be hooked up to the speakers as well. 
As Gimlet fiddles with the skull, he asks Vivek whether Uffe has a crush on him or not. 
Vivek seems quite taken aback by the question, asking on what observation Gimlet is basing this on, he has only ever seen Vivek and Uffe together twice, and it’s not like Gimlet has any particular great insight into what kind of person Uffe is like. 
Gimlet is quite persistent at the point. 
Vivek points out that Space Marine’s don’t do romance / sex anyway, so he must be mistaken. 
Saef chimes in about these books he’s read that say something quite different.
Vivek makes the point that those have been written by people who find Space Marines attractive, plenty of those around, Vivek may or may not belong in that category (just because he likes a man who could snap him in half with one hand…), don’t mean they are accurate to what happens in real life. 
As they are arguing the point, Gimlet hooks up the skull into the speakers and it starts blasting off a message about Elysium and Grand Inquisitor Fane. 
Vivek asks if this Fane person is a friend of Gimlet’s. 
Gimlet says an Inquisitor by the name of Fane did live, 120 years ago. 
So is this some kind of time travel thing?
 Saef goes to check out the weapons and comes to the conclusion they have been made maybe two months ago, max. 
So at least those aren’t from the past. 
There’s also the question of servitors, as far as Vivek can see, they’re not official Triplex Phall -variety, so someone’s making unofficial servitors, great. 
Gimlet is also worried since Grand Inquisitor isn’t a title in the Inquisition. 
Vivek suggests perhaps this Fane fellow liked to be called a Grand Inquisitor in bed (eyebrow waggle). 
Gimlet doesn’t really get what Vivek is saying so Vivek calls him a bit of a virgin. 
Gimlet leaves the cockpit. 
Saef stays with Vivek and teases him about Uffe a bit more, though Vivek can see that Saef is just ribbing him. 
He does admit that Uffe is kinda cute, Saef says he doesn’t really see it, but ”you do you”.
And that’s all for the first session of this adventure. Plenty of mysteries abound. Next time, some weapons selling and possibly something more.
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