#altho i have thought of a tma/scp crossover for a while
nonmaliamc · 4 years
So if you had to entity (TMA) assign the scp doctors who would get what entity and why?
aaaahhhhh this is such a good question!! and honestly...not that easy to answer. but i'll try!
(massive spoilers for the magnus archives, esp season 3 onwards!)
bright: the Spiral. after all, what else would he have to fear? he is, essentially, an immortal. his sense of identity and sense of self slowly slipping, his view of reality gradually becoming more and more distorted as he distances himself from that which made him human, and the man known as jack bright shatters into a million tiny pieces. not knowing who or what he is anymore, losing what makes him, well, him, is what i feel bright would resonate the most w
kondraki: i'm torn between the Lonely and the Slaughter. the Lonely because of certain tales where he's depicted as so distant and all in all, unable to connect w other people, and ultimately unwilling. the Slaughter because...everything else. i personally lean more towards the Slaughter for him because hehe feral scientist fucking everyone's shit up go brrrrrr (also, anger issues)
clef: hmmmm. the Web, perhaps? clef is one hell of a liar and a manipulator. besides, seeing as the people of the web have a spider motif going for them, and the most popular (canon) picture of clef features him w the head of a spider, i can't help but feel it fits
iceberg: …i'm at a loss. the End? no, maybe not. the Desolation? he does have a thing for explosives and destruction, although i'm not sure if it's like...integral to his character (can you even have an avatar of the Desolation who's cold instead of like, hot/made out of wax?? it surely would be an...interesting concept. since other entities like say, the Buried, do manifest in many different forms)
gears: this one is decidedly the trickiest. how do you go about defining a character based off what their deepest fear/a defining part of theirs is, when one of the character's main schticks is that they, seemingly, feel no fear at all? (or any emotion, for that matter) for that reason alone, the End. people who have been touched by it seem to have that very apathetic/detached feel to them (well, georgie at least), so it would at least explain how absolutely nothing phases him
cimmerian: the Eye. ngl, since i'm not that familiar w the character (never seen the yt vids, tho i probably should) so i can't really say for sure, but he has that Vibe y'know. what w the bill cypher get up and the scars. it's easy for me to picture him spying on all the events going down at the foundation and simply jotting them down on a computer or notebook somewhere-most likely a notebook. technology and the Eye don't seem to get along
rights: ohoho i'm gonna go completely on a limb here and say: the Hunt. it's just very easy for me to picture her as...feral. no real idea why. i'm sure there's a Fear better suited for her but i like this one personally
glass: no disrespect to my boi simon, but he has way less avatar/servant vibes and way more "i gave a terrified statement and went missing two days later" vibe. but if i really had to try and guess: the Eye. after all, his job relies on trying to get information out of people, in a sense, and he probably has...a decent chunk of intel others working at the foundation might not have (even if it's possibly not anything particularly important or noteworthy). also, i ADORE the notion of simon, the most harmless, generally well-meaning of the docs, turning into something horrifying in his own right who you don't want to fuck w. but not in a heel-face turn sort of way; him gradually Knowing things about the others and letting it slip during sessions, and giving the other docs a terrifying moment of whiplash "how the FUCK did you know that???"
gerald: the Desolation. not because he's particularly destructive by nature, he's just so fucking disaster prone he somehow lands himself into a situation where he makes a deal w the entity by accident and oop, will you look at that, all of site-19 just burned down
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