#malia mumblings
“Why did you ask me that?”
“Huh? What's that, big guy?” Stiles mumbles, answering the query with one of his own without looking away from Derek's laptop screen. The laptop Derek kind of bought for Stiles for when Stiles is at the loft.
There's a ballpoint pen shoved in the kid's mouth—God, that mouth—and another slid behind an ear, the latter ready and waiting for Stiles to click to death in the In Between Typing Times.
The others dispersed a couple of minutes ago. Apart from Derek and Stiles, only Lydia and Deaton now remain at the loft and they're deep in conversation about the preliminary theory of who or what is killing the humans of Beacon Hills this week, and are standing at the opposite side of the open-plan space, making more coffee. Scott and Malia left to rally the other ʼwolves (not answering their phones as they're at a cinema screening) plus find and talk to Argent to arrange a pack meeting proper about the situation, so they can all work on devising a plan. Granted, there is Peter to consider—who's probably still lurking somewhere, what with lurking being one of his favourite pastimes—who can obviously hear any and all conversations that are, or could be happening inside of the building. Sadly though, Derek has never been able to hide much of anything from his uncle.
He thinks about elaborating on the question he asked Stiles, but can't.
He tries not to stare at Stiles, and fails.
Stiles is squinting at the screen with intent and looking like he has forgotten that Derek said anything at all. Or that Derek is still hovering close by. Or that Derek, you know, exists.
Derek is just standing there, all difficult and awkward in his own fucking home and his own fucking body, looming over Stiles like a creeper as Stiles taps away furiously at the keyboard and violently zig-zags a fingertip across the mousepad like an actual lunatic.
Derek almost laughs at that.
The Boy Who Runs With Wolves.
“Why wouldn't I?” Stiles now asks, still mumbling around the chewed ballpoint Derek is trying not to be jealous of. 
“I—what?” Derek's caught off guard; always and only by Stiles. 
Stiles doesn't skip a beat, unlike Derek's heart. “Why wouldn't I ask?” he adds.
Oh, right.
“I, uh, I don't... ” Derek trails off pathetically, swallowing any confidence he had previously mustered and looking away from Stiles, even though those big, brown devastating eyes aren't actually looking at Derek because they are, of course, still zoomed-in on whichever web page is currently yielding the most information.
Dusk is quickly closing in and all around them and the light filtering through the loft's huge window has begun to dim somewhat, so that the glow of the computer screen is now filling Stiles' eyes with bright, dancing sparks and arrhythmic shapes as they flicker like lightning from one tab to another, then another, then another. And as mesmerising as it is to watch—Stiles looking as though he is brimming with magic—the sight becomes too much for Derek, and looking away feels like his only option.
It doesn't last.
Stiles' long, large-knuckled fingers still their rapid movement just as Derek's eyes find their way back.
Derek watches the kid some more, like a lifeline.
An anchor.
Then, Stiles is taking the pen from those perfect lips as sneaker-toes slowly spin the swivel chair around, so that Stiles is now facing Derek where he stands with arms crossed reactively over his chest.
His heart.
“I asked if you were alright because I wanted to know if you were okay, man," Stiles divulges, as if that's nothing at all. As if it's something Derek hears often. He tilts his head to catch Derek's eye, which works, of course, because it always works, no matter the nature of the moment they're caught up in. "Like, I was concerned, y`know?” 
Derek feels guilty just for looking. And not only because he wants to touch but because he wants to let Stiles care.
“I care, dude,” Stiles says on cue and Derek tries to self-implode while Stiles waits, probably for Derek to look at him and say don't call me dude and probably hoping not to have his head bitten off or his throat ripped out. 
Derek does look again, just not for long. Barely a glance. He can't afford himself too much Stiles, not when Stiles is looking directly back at him. It's safer that way—self-preservation and all.
“You do know that, right?” Stiles tries again. “That I care.” 
Derek wants to ask Stiles if they can talk, if Derek can tell Stiles things. Derek wants to ask Stiles if he'll stay, and if he'll let Derek spill his secrets, let him tell Stiles everything, like Derek never does with anyone these days, and if Stiles will hold Derek's hand when Derek cries about it, like Derek doesn’t allow himself to anymore. Derek wants to ask Stiles if Derek can touch him and hold him and if Stiles would hold him back, if Stiles would ever want that, if Stiles could ever be his.
“Don't call me dude,” is what he actually says because he can't not. But then he steals himself, head staticky and heart thumping as he dares himself to add (after what is undeniably too-long a pause), “And yeah. Maybe I do.” 
Then they look at each other. They just—look.
They look and look and look.
And they each keep looking at the other for a very long time. Definitely too long for two people supposedly not much more than acquaintances. Allies, maybe. Comrades at tenuous best.
Then they look for longer. Look for more. Look until it starts to feel as if they are the only two people in the room, in the building, in the world.
Whatever happened to self-preservation?
Something is starting to happen, and Derek is pretty sure it's not just happening to him, and he finds he is equally stunned as he is thrilled as he is completely fucking terrified about that. 
Eventually, Stiles says, “Derek, we're friends.” Then he's licking his lips and looking Derek up and down, shameless, adding—with a nonchalant shrug of one shoulder—“Till we're not.”
The latter part is spoken like a ominous secret, but one without the slightest hint of malice, because that's not how he means it. It's more promise than threat, if Derek is remembering correctly what genuine affirmations sound like (it's been a while).
The sparks from Stiles' eyes are then flashing blue in Derek's and Derek could swear he hears every every one of his neurons firing inside of himself, all at once, as each of his mutated cells flare into overdrive; nail beds and gums tingling, the short hairs on the back of his neck and arms and hands standing up on end.
He feels utterly alive.
It's honestly a struggle not to keen and whine like a pup, and Derek has truly never been more happy of the fact that Stiles is unable to scent chemo-signals because, oh, yeah, Derek would be so fucked right now.
He has a reply for Stiles but it's caught in his throat, the sentence forming then solidifying, fast as a quick-drying glue.
Derek is just—standing there. Statuesque. Alternating between trying to swallow his words down and attempting to speak them, like a first class dipshit. Just looking and looking and looking at Stiles.
In an entirely mortifying turn of events, it is actually the sound of Peter's low, mocking chuckle from some tucked-away shadowy place in the loft that is the thing that forces Derek unstuck, and it takes all Derek has to not roll his eyes to the back of his skull and growl out I'm going to kill you again now, Uncle. 
He takes a breath, un-clenches his fists and tries for a smile—or at least a hint of one. He doesn't want to freak the kid out.
Derek then manages to repeat Stiles's words back at him, no more than a whisper.
“Till we're not.”
Stiles is just looking and looking and looking at Derek, before he's asking, “Can I stay for the evening? You can talk to me while I research. I always work better with noise. It'll be soothing,” like he's ordering pizza instead of answering all of Derek's prayers.
Derek notes how the kid's usually erratic eye-contact is weirdly as unwavering as his usually erratic heartbeat, which is now weirdly steady as a metronome.
That's a lot of weird. 
Derek fights the urge to bite into his lip with his fangs. He wants to draw blood, and to taste it.
He embarrassingly feels his eye twitch and his breath hitch as he dares himself to do this. 
He sputters, “What do you want me to talk about?”
Stiles slowly swivels back towards the light of the laptop—ethereal milky skin and dark moles once again luminous in its white-blue glow—at the very same time as the evening's first moonshine peeks through clouds and seeps in through the loft's huge skylight.
Derek is memorised. 
Stiles starts annoyingly clicking away at the Clicking Pen, while shoving the other back between those beautiful lips of his, now mumbling his words around the thing once more and speaking them as if they are the most obvious thing in the universe.
“Everything, Der.”
for @poebin for asking <3 (unedited, soz)
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freedomfireflies · 2 years
Stiles blurb with him and the reader having a little makeout session then Scott barges in and Scott looks like a proud parent 😭😭
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“Easy…easy, Princess—”
“Stiles…come on—”
“Shh. You can be patient, can’t you?”
You lean back and catch his eye, offering a flat look. “Have you met me?”
He grins, chuckling under his breath as he smooths his palms up your spine while tugging you closer. “Touché.”
With that, his kisses return to your throat, teeth scraping down your feverish skin as your head drops back and your eyes fall closed.
You’ve never needed someone so badly. So urgently. So salaciously. He’s fucking everything. 
And he knows it.
“Don’t go quiet on me,” he murmurs, nose nudging under your jaw. “Not after all that begging you did earlier.”
You whimper despite yourself, fingers in his hair as he rolls your hips over his. 
“It was cute.” He nips at your chest. “Hearing you beg me to touch you. Watching you squirm in your seat. Put my hand between your thighs under the table. In the middle of the goddamn library, too. S’that how bad you needed me?”
You don’t answer. Can’t. Your cheeks are already flushed, and your mind is hazy but Stiles doesn’t care. 
The sadistic prick.
“Does history turn you on? Is that it?” he teases, smirking when you whisper his name. “Had to drag me to the nurse's office just to fuck me? Is that it?”
“Say it,” he hisses, hand around the back of your neck as he squeezes, forcing your eyes on his. “Go on. Tell me what I wanna hear. Tell me how bad you fucking need me—”
The sound of a third voice brings your attention to the door, both of your eyes widening as you find Scott with his head peeking in from the hallway.
His eyebrow cocks up when he realizes what he’s walked into, blinking quickly as he mumbles, “Oh, my bad. Malia said you weren’t...feeling…well?”
Neither you nor Stiles move, somehow frozen as Scott’s mouth begins to turn up in a rather smug smirk. 
“But I see you’re feeling much better now,” he declares, nodding his chin at the two of you. “Carry on, Obi-Wan.”
And with that, he slips back into the hall and closes the door, leaving Stiles to groan as he drops his forehead onto your chest. “He gets the reference wrong every fucking time, I swear to God—”
“I thought you locked the door,” you laugh as you slip off his lap to do just that. “It’s like you want to get caught.”
He watches you suspiciously as you return to him, grabbing onto your hips as you straddle his waist. “Oh, I’m the one who wants to get caught, huh? When you were screaming so loud last time, half the station heard you.”
“Listen, it’s not my fault you had to have me right then and there,” you argue. “I mean, your dad was a few hundred feet away—”
“Right, and we would have gotten away with it, if you hadn’t done exactly what I said not to do, and moaned—”
“I couldn’t help it, baby,” you suddenly whisper in a needy purr, dipping down to ghost your lips over his as your fingers drag through the soft hairs on the nape of his neck. “Can never help it when it comes to you.”
And suddenly, he’s not so upset anymore, hands tugging at you until you both go crashing back against the small mattress.
“Yeah?” he murmurs, hands already slipping under your skirt. 
Your breath hitches.
“Then let’s make it two for two.”
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~ Full Masterlist
~ Other Dylan Blurbs
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miguelschamp · 9 months
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pairing: isaac lahey x fem!reader
summary: something is finally done about the lingering feelings between you and isaac
warnings: none. it’s quite literally just fluff
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the bell rings dismissing you from your last class of the day. you walk out with malia by your side complaining about your teacher.
“malia, she’s just doing her job.” you chuckle
“i don’t care. she’s not making any sense when she’s explaining things and she’s the only one whose given us homework for the weekend.”
“that is true.” you mumble as you two stop at your locker
“it’s stupid.” she says rolling her eyes. she looks past you as you dig through your locker. a smirk takes over her face. “your boyfriend’s coming.”
you look up to her quickly, “what ?” she nods ahead as you turn to your left. your eyes widen as you see isaac coming toward you. “oh my god.”
“good luck.” she says. your head snaps to her. “what ? where are you going ?”
“away from here. the awkward flirting makes me nauseous.”
“wait, malia. please.” you beg
“no.” she mumbles, “isaac.”
you sigh as the boy stops beside you. he smiles lightly, “hey, malia.”
the girl hums before she walks off.
you and isaac had a little bit of a confusing relationship. you two weren’t dating, but it was obvious you liked each other. you didn’t really know what to make of it since he hadn’t asked you on a date or to be his girlfriend. it was just a little awkward whenever you two spoke to each other.
“uh, y/n ?”
your eyes shut tightly before you slowly turn to him. when your eyes open, you’re met with a smile.
“hey, isaac.” you say softly
“hey. how was your day ?” he asks
“it was good.” you nod. “uh, what about you ? how was your day ?”
“good. good.” he nods. you chuckle as you nod with him. “i actually wanted to ask you something.”
“okay.” you say as he starts digging through his bag.
“i wanted to ask if you’d wear my extra jersey to the game tonight.” he says as he pulls the jersey out. you brows raise as you look up at him.
“really ?”
“yeah.” he says scratching the back of his neck, “only if you want to though.”
of course you did.
“yes. yeah, sure.” you ramble
“okay. great.” he smiles wide as you take the jersey from him. “i’ll be sure to look out for you.”
his heart skips as you smile up at him. his blue eyes searching your face before he looks down at his feet.
a couple of hours had passed and the game was starting soon. you sat in the bleachers with lydia and malia while isaac, scott, stiles, kira, and liam were out on the field.
you wore isaac’s jersey like he asked, but you put a long sleeve on under seeing as it was always cold in beacon hills. you also tied the end of his jersey around your waist since it seemed like it was huge on you.
“you know, wearing someone’s jersey basically means that you’re dating.” lydia says
“does it ?” you ask
“yeah.” lydia nods, “trust me. so many different guys have tried giving me their jerseys. it’s like showing other guys that you’re taken.”
you look down at the jersey, “oh.”
“so, he’s finally making a move.” malia says, “thank god.”
“is that bad to where you guys are hoping that we finally start dating ?”
“yes.” they both say. your mouth opens slightly as you try to respond, but you come up with nothing as the game begins.
you missed how isaac had looked into the bleachers for you. his eyes searching each row until they finally land on you. a smile instantly taking over his face at the jersey covering your body.
the game was nearing the end with only a few seconds left on the clock. the teams were tied and you could see coach basically having an aneurysm on the sidelines.
you weren’t too much into sports. only going to the games because of your friends being on the team, but you were on the edge of your seat.
it’s not long before you see the boys running around on the field. your eyes looking for anyone on your school’s team to have the ball.
you gasp as the ball flies through the air and isaac catches. the students start to cheer in the stands as he runs toward the goal.
“go, isaac ! go !” you yell as the students cheer him on. unbeknownst to you, he had been listening to only your voice the entire game. so, out of everyone yelling at him and cheering him on, he only heard you.
you and the students in the bleachers stand as he gets closer to the goal. you feel your heart beat hard in your chest as the clock ticks down.
just as isaac tosses the ball toward the goal, the buzzer goes off. it’s quiet for a second before the ball goes in. isaac earned the game winning point.
the crowd erupts into cheers as the team runs over to isaac. you and lydia jumping up and down as malia cheers beside you.
a couple of people step off the bleachers into the field to celebrate with the team.
you, lydia, and malia make your way down the bleachers and onto the field. you guys spot stiles first. malia walking up and giving him a hug as you look around.
“he’s on the other side.” stiles says breathing heavily. you turn to him to see him already smiling at you.
“go get him.” lydia says tapping your arm excitedly. you chuckle at her before you make your way through the students.
isaac laughs as his team sets him down. he turns as his eyes scan the crowd for any sign of you.
“isaac !”
he turns and sees you pushing through some students trying to make your way to them. you dodge a teen running up toward a friend as he smiles at you.
as you run up to him, he holds his arms out. you two collide in a hug with your arms going around his neck and his around your waist.
he lifts you off the ground slightly causing you to laugh. he sets you down as you pull away, but don’t go far at all. your hands holding onto his arms as his stay around your waist.
“that was amazing. i’m so proud of you.” you smile
“thank you.” he says, before his eyes trail down, “you actually wore it.”
you look down before looking up at him with bright eyes. “yeah, of course. you wanted me to, right ?”
“yeah.” he nods, “you know, i couldn’t have done it without you.”
your brows furrow, “what do you mean ?”
“i was listening for your voice.” he says. your face softens, “while i was playing. it helped me focus.”
isaac searches your face for any reaction to what he said. he doesn’t expect you to lean up and kiss him, but he definitely accepts it.
you pull away slowly. your breathing a little heavy as you look up at him. “i really like you.”
his smile widens, “i really like you too.”
you chuckle as he leans in again, kissing you softly.
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symp4nat · 8 months
I saw you wanted Dior requesters and I had an idea, so here you go. You don’t have to write it, but thank you so much if you do.
Dior coming home from the gym in her workout gear to find you asleep in her bed wearing her clothes?
Post Workout Nap
dior goodjohn x curly-hair!reader (it isnt said but kinda implied idk)
authors note 1: reader isnt an actor
authors note2: "i- i go, i wanna go, i wanna write" (me when starting to write this at 2 am)
You were tired out of your bones to be able to do anything today. To keep yourself entertained, you tried working on your project for your college classes, listening to music, eating snacks and you even ended up straightening your hair out of pure boredom. Everytime you tried to work on your project, you kept getting distracted, and then frustrated.
Dior had left the house at 2 and told you she would be back by 6. It was now 7 and you were lucky she was the type to tell you if she'd be late. She texted you that she might be an hour late because she was with Malia, Momona and Leah. A few of your friends were invited, but they chose not to go since you weren't.
You didn't mind Dior being out, of course you didn't, it was just, you hadn't seen her for the whole day. In the first half of the day she quickly got dressed and made some breakfast for the two of you and rushed off to the studio. You were glad you got to talk to her for a few minutes in the morning, but you missed her.
Occasionally, Dior went out with her friends without letting you know, but usually she'd pick you up. Her friends adored you.
After a long day of classes, you slipped into one of Dior's hoodies and laid on the couch. You turned on her favourite show and leaned against one of the pillows. Not long after, your eyes drifted close and you snuggled into the pillow. With a startled reaction, you woke up 5 minutes later, disappointed you fell asleep. You continued half-watching the TV, but your eyes kept flickering over to the clock and your phone. 
By the time Dior walked in, you were fast asleep on the couch. When she noticed that the TV was still playing, she sighed and went to turn it off where she was met with the sight of you calmly sleeping.
You had one of the strings of Dior's hoodie (that you stole) wrapped around your finger and your other hand curled up into your chest. Dior ran her fingers through your hair and smiled softly.
She couldn't lie, you were always irresistible but right now, you looked so cute, she couldn't resist taking a picture. She did as she wished and put her phone back when she noticed you softly hummed. Dior's hand caressed your cheek and she said, "I'll get the blanket and you can lay on my lap, once I change," she softly mumbled.
Your eye peeked open and a blush covered your face as you noticed her in her workout clothes. She held back a laugh and said gently, "We went out for an early dinner and I had to drop the girls off. Sorry 'm late." You shook your head in understanding. "Food was good," you asked.
Dior nodded and ran upstairs with a shirt on and your blanket. She draped the blanket over your lap and you lifted your head so she could sit where your head was. Once she was comfortable, she pressed play on the show to finish watching the episode you left off on. "Night, pretty girl," she said gently into your hair.
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zegrasdrysdale · 10 months
[ christmas cookies ] j. hughes
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day three of malia’s christmas fic marathon
paring : Jack Hughes x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) and Jack make a bit of a mess in the kitchen when they bake Christmas cookies since they’re both home because of the snow
warning(s) : some sexual content and language, implied sex. mainly fluffy tho :)
author’s note : i KNOW this is very late according to the schedule i put out but it was my birthday weekend so i didn’t have much down time to write or post anything. i think day four is coming at some point during the day tomorrow so keep an eye out for that
"Jack!" (Y/N) yells as she runs back into the bedroom. "Jack. Baby, it's snowing and I don't have to go to work." She happily jumps on her side of the bed and crawls up to her sleeping boyfriend. Jack lets out a groan when she lays herself on top of him. She's like a happy puppy.
Jack mumbles an "it's early" and doesn't open his eyes.
She frowns and sits up on his waist. "It's snowing," she tries again. "I think you promised me that you would bake cookies with me next time it snowed since we would both be home all day." When Jack doesn't move, she begins to jump up and down on her knees like she's riding him. "Jack Hughes, get your cute ass out of bed and make cookies with me!"
His hands fly to her waist and stops her. "(Y/N)," he slurs. "Keep doing that and I will not make cookies with you. I will be making babies with you."
"Sounds good to me either way," she teases. That gets Jack to open one of his eyes. (Y/N) smiles. "Tell you what. If you make cookies with me then we can come back to bed and we can do whatever you want to me. I can still walk so obviously we didn't do enough last night."
Jack to flies out of bed butt ass naked from the previous night. (Y/N) laughs and watches him put on a pair of sweatpants and one of his Devils t-shirts before practically sprinting to the kitchen. She follows him in one of his larger Devils t-shirts that has his number on the chest and a pair of tiny shorts underneath.
The messy hair while Jack runs around their kitchen to grab what he considered cookie ingredients. "Baby, you can barely cook broccoli," she comments as she walks toward him. "I don't think you know how to bake cookies."
Jack's head snaps up. "Hey, I'm still learning," he snaps. "Get over here and help me get cookie stuff together."
She laughs and helps him out. She pulls out bowls, spoons, and the baking pan that will need to be used to actually bake the cookies.
The kitchen island is filled with different dry and wet ingredients and utensils that will need to be used to make the cookies without making a complete mess out of their kitchen.
Honestly, the kitchen will still probably end up being a mess because that's the way the two of them work. They're a messy couple and all of their friends know it. It's why their friends refuse to make food with them. Something always happens and food ends up everywhere.
(Y/N) pulls a chocolate chip cookie recipe up on her phone while Jack puts on some music so it's not dead silent while they're baking. He settles on Christmas music since it is technically Christmas Eve. She smiles to herself.
Jack comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist while she's leaning over the counter. She can feel his semi press against the top of her thigh right under her ass. "Jack, behave," she warns him. He definitely didn't take the warning seriously since she's smiling at how needy he is.
His love language is definitely physical touch, and she loves it.
The first step in baking cookies is mixing the dry ingredients together before incorporating the wet ingredients. In the biggest bowl, (Y/N) lets Jack measure and put in the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. She works on the butter, granulated sugar, and brown sugar in a mixing bowl.
While she begins to mix the eggs and vanilla in with the creamed butter and sugars, a white powder hits her in the face. She blinks until her eyes are clear and hears Jack laugh at her side.
"You're an ass," she tells him as she wipes the flour away from her eyes. Jack is leaning back against the counter as he laughs. "I didn't want to make a mess, Jack.
"You were an easy target," he tells her with a smile. "I couldn't help myself."
She blinks at him before she grabs a handful of flour and throws it in Jack's face. He coughs and wipes his own eyes. "That was deserved."
Jack looks at her. The white powder is all over his face and in his hair. She smiles, proud of her retaliation. She barely has time to react before Jack throws another handful of flour at her. He barely misses her face and she throws another handful at him.
They're both laughing and running around the kitchen throwing flour at each other. Jack catches her in his arms and she squeals.
He picks her up by her waist and spins her around until her waist is pressed against the counter. They're both covered in a layer of flour but she smiles up at him. Jack brushes some of the flour out of her hair and off her face.
“There’s my pretty girl,” he softly says.
His little name for her makes her heart jump in her chest. Her eyes meet his and she surges up to press her flour covered lips to his. Jack immediately kisses her back and presses her waist against the counter.
Her fingers are gripping his t-shirt. Her pinkies touch the skin on his waist and a jolt of electricity goes down to her core.
One kiss and she’s aching for him.
(Y/N) is the one to break the kiss and Jack chases her lips.
“Can we please put these together and in the oven so we can go shower?” (Y/N) asks when she pulls back from the kiss. She suddenly wants to get these cookies made so she can get back in bed with her boyfriend.
It’s insane that all Jack said was ‘there’s my pretty girl’ and she’s weak at the knees for him and kissing him while they’re both covered in flour.
Jack nods and they rush to finish making the dough so they can put the cookies in the oven. Jack starts doing the dishes while (Y/N) puts the baking sheet in the oven with the balls of dough on it.
As soon as the timer is set, she grabs his hand and they walk to their bathroom. “I was cleaning the dishes,” Jack protests.
“And now you’re going to clean yourself,” she retorts.
(Y/N) closes the bathroom door behind them. Jack’s eyes are on her as she turns the shower on.
She turns around to face her flour covered boyfriend. “Are you going to get naked or are you going to stand there and look pretty?” she asks.
“Oh I am so going to keep making messes in the kitchen if it means getting to shower with you,” he comments as he begins to undress. “You’re going to keep your promise and let me do what I want, right?”
“As soon as the cookies are done.”
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, and 1,982 others
yourusername someone decided to make a mess in the kitchen then distract me so we had to remake the cookies since they got burnt
view all 291 comments
trevorzegras can’t trust a hughes in the kitchen
yourusername fr
lhughes_06 so rude trevor
_quinnhughes i hope the cookies were good
jackhughes eh. the chocolate chip ones were probably better
yourusername the world may never know
jackhughes not my fault you look so damn fine baking cookies. even when you were fully clothed, i was distracted
nicohischier jack calm DOWN
lhughes_06 that’s disgusting bro
dawson1417 lmaoooo
yourusername can you stop traumatizing your brother
colecaufield damn he hit you with the flour huh
tysmith_06 can he cook broccoli yet ?
yourusername nope
jackhughes what the fuck
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sabokunsmalia · 10 months
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featuring: levi ackerman, eren yeager, erwin smith plot: very easy, asking them the fmk question, and seeing their reaction. mature content ahead!! content warning: mentions of sex, mdni!! hi it's malia: please, i can't get those hot aot men out of my hand anymore, but i will definitely do a one piece version too!
ʚ levi ackerman ɞ
"okay, listen," you raised your flat hands in front of your boyfriend, smiling widely. the way, you ran into his office without knocking, and how you stuttered between words because of your excitement, already informed levi that hange placed another parasite inside of your head. another little thing, she created. "let's play a little game."
"what game?" levi questioned, not a single muscle twitching in his face as he closely watched how you moved. and he already despised himself for even asking about it, and allowing you to explain further. "hange told me -"
"four eyes again," the captain scoffed, holding the small cup of tea in his signature kind of hold. bringing the brim to his mouth, he poured a sip of his favorite green tea into his mouth. eyes never leaving your face. "it's called fuck, marry, kill," you explained to him, clapping the flat hands together in excitement.
"fucking hange, what's that kind of fucked up game?" levi mumbled against the cup, holding it close in front of his mouth. actually, he wanted to smile, the left corner of his mouth already curling up slightly and the drink helped him to cover up. hange always came up with the worst games, and yet the funniest names. she was truly a specialist. "i give you three names, and you will tell me who you would rather fuck, marry or kill," you explained to your boyfriend, raising a finger with each choice.
"kill everyone, fuck and marry you," levi answered without moving a muscle, his voice still a deep and steady melody to your ears. blinking repeatedly at him, your lips parted and mouth opened, you wanted to scold him but the syllables died down on your tongue. "that's... that's not how it works, levi!" you complained, throwing the stack of papers placed in your lap on the table in front of you. the one piece of furniture which truly separated your two presences from each other.
"works for me," the captain shrugged the shoulders, the sole kind of emotion you were getting from him. a stupid answer for a stupid question. he would never decide between marrying or fucking you. what a stupid thing to even ask him.
ʚ eren yeager ɞ
"let's play a game," you suggested, turning around to switch positions. eren was sprawled out beside you in the double bed. an arm behind his head, a book placed in his lap as he read about several historical events. you turned from your side onto your belly, legs lifted and crossed in the air. elbow propped up on the comfortable duvets, the chin placed in the span of your soft palm.
eren seemed interested in what you proposed, wanting to hear more about the game. a thick, dark brown eyebrow raised in your direction, a couple of strands from his messy bun fell into his face. he looked way too good to be real, you always questioned how you ended up with such an attractive and sweet man.
"it's called fuck, marry, kill," you spoke up again, looking up through your thick, black lashes with a smile. oh, almost so innocent as when you tried to lure him into another exhausting activity. pull him into your deep spell again while hands wander. "continue," eren watched you closely, gesturing with his free hand in a circle to sign what to do.
"i give you three names, and you decide which one to fuck, marry or kill. you can only choose each option and each name once," you explained the instructions with raised brows, satisfied with how eren's attention lingered on your lips while talking. the brown-haired male nodded at your explanation, a one-sided smile on his face while waiting for the names.
"historia, me," you raised a finger for each name that once was spoken in connection with eren's relationship status. "and mikasa." and hers made you swallow as your throat tightened. you remembered exactly how long they had been dating, and that they still cared about each other, it made some situations difficult. "mh," eren hummed, closing his eyes as he thought about his answer.
"eren." you used your free hand to gently push your boyfriend, tellin him with actions that he was taking too long to answer. at least for your liking. you always felt like your confidence disappeared the moment mikasa was mentioned. "oh right," he chuckled confidently, playing with the messy bun on the back of his head. "easy, i would marry you because it's a lifetime thing. wouldn't want to waste my years with another woman when i could have you,"
you nodded your heart, feeling your heart thudding in your chest. eren's answer was sweet, so romantic but you still waited until saying a thing yourself. "kill historia, which would result in my own death trial, and fuck mikasa. just a one-time thing," eren shrugged his shoulders, not doubting his choices at all. you nodded your head, slightly disappointed about his choice but satisfied with his descriptions.
ʚ erwin smith ɞ
erwin had his gaze anchored on the stack of papers while trying to write down the notes of their last mission for the government. running his thick fingers through his blonde strands, the hair already looked like the greatest mess. "you need a break," you interfered with his circle of thoughts, raising your eyebrows at your boyfriend. he's been focused on his work for the past six hours, while you entered and exited his office multiple times. bringing him coffee, or a meal so he wouldn't avoid eating and drinking for an entire day.
"don't have time for breaks, babe," erwin answered, not even glancing up from the one paper in front of him. between the multiple files of murdered veterans and new cadets, erwin was responsible for them all as the commander.
"let's play a quick game, it will give you a slight stress reduction," you tried to convince him, leaning forward to place your elbows on your knees. the couch was starting to get uncomfortable from seating for hours, and waiting to finally receive attention.
"what game?" the pen slipped out of his grip, and he finally leaned back in the chair for the first time in hours. not even while eating the sandwich you made, he looked up or changed into a comfortable posture. "it's called fuck, marry, kill,"
"i'm intrigued," he admitted, placing his flat hand on his thigh, waiting for you to explain the rules of this little game. "i give you three names, and you have to give each name one of those, but can't use them twice. neither name nor option," you explained the quick rules, gesturing around with your hands. really hoping that it would not change his interest in the game. nodding his head repeatedly, erwin smiled. "alright, give me them names,"
"hm," soft fingertips rubbed along your chin, trying to find the perfect three names instead of speaking clear answers yourself. "levi, hange and me," you clapped your hands together, looking back at your boyfriend with a smile.
"interesting choice with levi," erwin chuckled quietly to himself, placing his thick fingers at his chin while overthinking. "marrying you, that's the easy answer for me, i would like to say kill both because i'm not entirely intrigued by the idea of fucking my subordinates but since hange's only loving titans, i would have to kill her. i'm not some fucking experiment," erwin did not look up from his thighs, overthinking what he was saying while trying to find explanations.
"you would fuck levi?" you raised your eyebrows, pupils slightly dilated while a smile crept its way on your lips. "for the game, it's my only leftover option," erwin did not seem pleased with the option but still somehow satisfied that his answers did not seem to bother you at all.
"great, that makes two of us," you clapped your hands together, stifling a laugh as confusion and surprise twisted Erwin's features.
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Everybody wants some (Stiles)
(Also on AO3.)
"Dare," Erica grinned after a moment of suspense.
Lydia rolled her eyes, having anticipated Erica's answer ever since the beta had presented her suggestion of a "fun" game to a very tipsy, and very bored group of college students. It had been the fourth pack night in a row after everyone had finally arrived for their summer break and there were only so many movies they could watch, plus it was still better than Scott's suggestion of spin the bottle. 
Speak of the devil.
"Everyone has chosen dare so far," Scott noted with the faintest pout on his lips, clearly disapproving of the humiliating tasks distributed so far.
Erica smacked her lips, giving Scott a taunting smile. "Fine. I changed my mind. Truth."
"Can she do that?" Isaac questioned but Scott only shrugged, not caring about the rules as long as no one else was forced to drink spoiled milk from a bowl like a puppy again.
"Okay, so..." Allison leaned forward, a foreboding shadow casting over her face that Erica met head-on, "If you weren't with Boyd, who would you fuck out of everyone in this room?"
Erica raised a single eyebrow, visibly unimpressed. "Stiles, duh."
It was almost superhuman how quickly Stiles straightened up in an instant, his mind having wandered off to fantasies of a certain socially inept alpha who had excused himself from his own living room as soon as the pack had settled down to play, and now getting jolted back into reality.
"That's boring. Everyone knows you had a crush on Stiles." Malia piped up from where she rested her head in Kira's lap, the kitsune's fingers carding through the locks of her hair absent-mindedly. 
"You say that like you wouldn't fuck him if you had the chance."
"Of course, I would," Malia shrugged like it was no big deal.
Stiles, on the other hand, nearly choked on his tongue.
"That's not a surprise, either, you actually dated him." Lydia pointed out, and Stiles could only snap his eyes back and forth between the two girls, trying to frantically grasp just when he had lost track of the conversation.
"You don't have to sound so condescending," Stiles mumbled out eventually, his eyes finally pausing on Lydia.
"Oh, honey, you can't be this oblivious."
And Stiles totally wasn't imagining the knowing looks on his packmates' faces. 
"About what?" He asked (damn his curiosity), feeling the usual trepidation that came with the whole 'being in a pack with not-so-mythical creatures' schtick.
Erica only snickered as she cuddled into Boyd's side, mischief dancing behind her thick eyelashes and promising no good. "About how everyone wants to breed you in this pack."
Okay, Stiles definitely choked this time (and Scott may have been a bit too enthusiastic with his back slaps) or maybe he fell asleep and was having the weirdest sexy dream without actual sex happening. Although, Lydia's offended yet conceding glance to the side looked pretty real.
"Wha-at?" Stiles wheezed out very eloquently between two consecutive coughs, and got immediately startled by the fact that Mason was the one to answer.
"Everyone in this pack has been attracted to you at one point," Mason clarified as if it was the most common knowledge in the world. Corey's agreeing nod did not help lift the fog in Stiles's mind at all.
"Say, Lydia, did you ever think of fucking Stiles?" Erica asked, a sadistic grin spreading wider on her firey red lips.
"Of course," Lydia replied, honest and simple, even flicking her hair for extra effect.
"Since when?" Stiles asked, a little outraged. He had spent many years pining after Lydia, so the fact that she hadn't shared this crucial piece of information with him was a bit of a punch into his teenage self's heart. Oh, and there was that tiny detail that Lydia had a boyfriend.
"Remember when we were hiding in the school from a rogue Peter?"
Stiles nodded, eyes squinting in suspicion as he recalled that dreadful night.
"You remember punching Jackson?"
And just like that, Stiles's jaw hit the ground, funny animation movie sound effects and all that. His chest subconsciously puffed out when he heard Jackson scoff indignantly, and continued to stare at Lydia, feeling like he was seeing her in a completely new light. "Wait, you liked that?! That turned you on?"
"Of course," Lydia parrotted with incongruous disinterest, "Still wouldn't have dated you. But I do enjoy a good display of dominance."
This had to be an alternate universe. Or a hyper-realistic dream, Stiles deduced.
"Okay, that makes... wow, three people who thought about getting all up on this," Stiles said in a daze with a half-aborted gesture to his body. Admittedly, the number was impressive (since he had always assumed it to be zero) but, at the same time, it was far from being the entire pack as Erica and Mason had so confidently claimed.
As if reading his mind, Lydia's sweet voice filled the loft once again. 
"Hey, Ally, didn't you consider dating Stiles at one point?" Lydia addressed the other girl out of nowhere, making Stiles turn towards his long-time friend with a look teetering someplace between pure shock and utter horror.
"Yeah?" Allison's uncertain response launched her into a pensive moment, probably rummaging through her memories before frowning in mild amusement. "That was actually your fault I think."
"Wha-" Stiles opened his mouth to say something along the lines of 'what the fuck' but Lydia beat him to it.
"It was before prom," Lydia reminisced with an honest-to-God smile, "You were insufferable and tried to convince me to go with Stiles. I told you that if you think he's such a great catch, maybe you should be the one going with him."
Allison snapped her fingers as if the memory had been at once revealed to her as well. "Oh yeah. I remember thinking that he would be a gentleman in bed."
"Ugh..." Honestly, at this point, Stiles's brain was officially out of order. Dial-up error noise, no signal sign, all that jazz. He seriously didn't think the night could get any more absurd, but then again, this was his life, with the constant motto being 'fuck Stiles's sanity', so what was he expecting, really?
"I would feel so grossed out right now if I didn't have fantasies about Stiles, too," Isaac revealed nonchalantly, and to that, Stiles had to make a face. "What? I just wanted to see if I can shut you up."
"With your mouth," Erica added with a conspiring smirk. Stiles really hated her right now. She was the one responsible for this whole avalanche collapsing onto poor unsuspecting Stiles in the first place. 
"I had the same thought," Boyd added, apparently joining in on the 'let's wreck Stiles's world' plan, "Although I was planning to shut your mouth with something else."
Stiles's mouth decided at that moment that it was just going to assume a permanent open position, gaping like a fish out of water (cause that was exactly how he felt), which didn't help his case, in hindsight.
"Stiles does have an oral fixation," Malia chimed in, everyone else nodding along like that wasn't news at all.
"Seriously, guys? This- okay, Scotty, help me out here," Stiles pleaded, unsure of how to feel about everything that had been spoken so far, but still solid in the faith for his quasi-brother, "You did not have sexual fantasies about me, right? We're best friends. Brothers from another mother."
Stiles really wished Scott wouldn't have pulled the world's most apologetic and guilt-ridden grimace at that.
"Remember when we went to that pool party in eighth grade?"
Stiles didn't like where this was going, but yes, he could sort of remember. That day marked the first time Stiles had drunk alcohol - some cheap booze their classmate's brother had stashed somewhere in his room. It was also the summer Stiles's body had finally gained some definition so he wasn't too shy about forgoing a shirt.
"You asked me to put sunscreen on your back?" Scott continued with hunched shoulders like he could hide from his own words, and Stiles's eyes popped open in realization.
"That's why I had to go to the bathroom," Scott scratched the back of his neck with flaming cheeks, "Twice."
"Twice?" Liam echoed, and Stiles imagined wrapping his hands around that little pup's throat and just squeezing.
"Stiles's swim shorts were very tight when he got out of the pool," Scott answered sheepishly, and much like a volcano, the pack burst into loud cheers. Stiles was seemingly alone in his mortification, mourning the loss of his innocence and feeling oddly betrayed.
"Since we're being honest," Oh God, why was Jackson talking?, "I did have some dreams about Stilinski, and in my defence, I was still in the closet back then and it was a small locker room, okay? I'm not responsible for my thoughts after seeing what he's packing."
"I did think about making out with him when we were on a stakeout," Theo added, a bit too eager to be part of the pack in Stiles's opinion.
This was all too much. Probably a bigger conceptual change than the discovery of the supernatural's existence. Stiles couldn't help it, therefore, in the following silence where everyone awaited his final reaction with baited breaths, he realized there was only one thing left to do: laugh.
"Okay, wow," Stiles breathed out between bouts of laughter, almost doubling over himself as he clutched his sides, "Nice joke, guys. Really. Prank of the year. Picking on the single pringle in the pack. Did you rehearse this?"
There was something unsettling in the look his packmates shared.
Malia looked around then with a neutral expression and exclaimed. Loudly. "Raise your hand if you ever thought about kissing or fucking Stiles."
Everybody's hands, without exception (Stiles checked), shot up high into the air like they were pulled by strings (Mason might have had to nudge Liam in the side but he, too, raised his hand with eyes downcast in shame), and it was the most out-of-left-field reaction at that moment, but Stiles suddenly felt a glimmer of hope that maybe... no. That was and had always been wishful thinking. Even if, apparently, Stiles was the epitome of bonability in his peers' eyes.
Right on cue, a deep rumble came from the bottom of the stairs, startling absolutely no one besides Stiles who was still momentarily lost in adjusting his worldview.
"What is happening?"
It was truly fascinating how reluctant everybody seemed to answer now in the face of that gruff voice. Stiles, for the most part, could only swallow past the sound of his own rabbiting heartbeat.
"Just playing some stupid game," Jackson deflected as his hands, in comical synchrony with all others', dropped to his sides.
"What game?" Derek pried, arms crossing across his chest and making the muscles bulge threateningly, not that Stiles noticed. 
"It's called... 'Who's thought about kissing Stiles'?" Kira replied with a tamer version of the truth, although Stiles had no doubt that Derek had heard the original statement if his 'what brain-dead moron do you take me for' frown was any indication.
Nervous laughter bubbled out of Stiles, and he clapped his hands for lack of a better idea on how to diffuse the situation. The pack was engaging in some creepy version of a stare-down with their alpha, and from Isaac's uncomfortable squirming, it was evident that the others had felt the uncanny chill of Derek's look, too. Even Stiles had the uncomfortable impression of a noose tangling around his neck, awaiting (perhaps) a sentence or an order, and he was eerily reminded of the early days of knowing Derek. Things had been better in recent years so the current tension in the room was all the more puzzling, especially since the pack rarely acted so unassertive around their alpha.
"Well, at least we know one person who hasn't, right?" Stiles joked weakly in the silence, his smile short-lived against the strangely intense leer on Derek's face.
If anything, their alpha's features hardened at the words, his (thankfully still normal) eyes blazing with a heat that Stiles had never seen outside the throes of battle. It was doing some very ill-timed things to Stiles.
Unsurprisingly, Lydia was the first to stand up, the light shake of her head accompanied by a soft "Oh, Stiles" before she made the smart move and left, rousing everyone else into action. Derek kept glaring at the pack until they dribbled out one by one, some sending Stiles encouragement (like Erica with her thumbs up) but ultimately abandoning him in the loft with a displeased alpha to handle. Stiles gaped after his traitorous friends, arms stretched open in disbelief and no clue about anything that had gone down so far. If there was a way to say "???" out loud, Stiles would have done that right then and there.
"Wha- guys?" Stiles asked just as the metal door violently slid shut. It was thunderous in the otherwise empty loft.
He whipped around swiftly and poked his thumb in the direction of the exit because that felt like the next logical thing to do when a murderous-looking werewolf began to move towards him.
"I guess that means pack night's over so I'll just... Umm..."
Stiles could have sworn that he heard a growl before Derek's eyes bled into ominous red, and it was a testament to how fucked up Stiles's self-preservation instincts had become over the years that those weren't the wolfish features that had Stiles's brain melting into syrupy goo. No, that achievement could only be attributed to the sharp fangs poking out from behind Derek's pink lips, and Stiles was like 95% sure that "How would those feel buried in my skin?" was not a normal thought to have in this kind of situation. 
"Has any of them touched you?"
Stiles shook his head - you know, once he had enough blood there to comprehend the question - and his hands came up unwittingly to put some barrier between him and Derek. "Hold on, what? No! It wasn't that kind of game- oh well, some of your pups were certainly touching in ways that I tried really hard to ignore- hey, you should talk to them about that! You know, privacy, I'm sure you heard... about... that..."
Derek's eyebrows gradually sank lower during his rant while Stiles's mouth slightly opened to help regulate his breathing (and why was that so hard all of a sudden?). Something in Derek's look made Stiles itchy to speak, like he had to defend himself for some reason. "It's not like any of them would actually want to fuck me- Hey, what's with the looming, dude?"
Derek's eyes narrowed wordlessly onto Stiles's chest where the human's heart rate spiked from feeling the solid surface of the door hit his back. He hadn't noticed how fast Derek was crowding in on him, and something about that fact made Stiles think of one of those National Geographic documentaries. You know, where the gazelle gets mauled.
"Dude, if you want me to leave, just say so. You don't gotta go all Michael Myers on me-"
"Would you let them?" Derek slurred around his fangs, eyes meandering like he was trying to catalogue all of Stiles's (very straightforward and very communicative) reactions, "Would you let anyone in the pack fuck you?"
Stiles shook his head so fast, he almost felt dizzy afterwards.
Derek's eyes faded back to green then, and he withdrew his body heat that Stiles hadn't even taken note of up until that point. With the proximity confiscated, Stiles felt a tinge of disappointment as well as a buttload (hah) of confusion - the same emotions somehow getting reflected back at him in Derek's eyes before the werewolf sculpted his face into his usual neutral look. 
Stiles had never had a more life-changing lightbulb moment before (previous truth or dare game included), and he felt the urge to facepalm at himself.
"I mean, it depends..." Stiles trailed off, Derek's hostile yet curious eyebrows making a reappearance. "I, um..."
Instead of bothering with words, Stiles licked his bottom lip as a test and delighted when Derek's eyes followed the movement with failing restraint. With a sudden burst of confidence, he pushed away from the door and violated Derek's personal space as much as he could get away with without actual touching. 
"Raise your hand if you have a crush on Derek Hale.
Derek frowned, his eyebrows doing some weird high jumps when Stiles sneaked a hand up into the air and wiggled his fingers for emphasis. This time, when the werewolf's eyes caught his, they were consumed by darkness instead of alpha red but were no less promising. And when Derek grabbed his wrist and yanked him forward, literally tripping Stiles into a kiss, that was something Stiles was for once expecting and welcomed with an eager moan. 
As it turned out, nobody wanted Stiles as much as Derek Hale did.
And out of all the reveals that day, that was the only one that truly mattered to Stiles.
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seriesxwriting · 5 months
not sure if you’re doing requests still but i was wondering if you could do Theo Reaken x reader where shes always there for the pack but gets pushed aside like shes nothing by them and Theo notices because hes trying to get in good graces with the pack again and then the reader gets kidnapped and the pack doesnt care so Theo takes matters into his own hands
My requests are always open!! I love to see into other peoples creativity and bring their ideas to life. Thank you for this one <3
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I’ll follow you anywhere
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Pairing: Theo raeken x female reader
Series: teen wolf
Warnings: fighting, deep wounds, kissing.
Summary: request x
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“Stiles!” “Lydia! I’m so glad you’re okay” stiles swallowed while throwing his arms around the ginger girls shoulders. He held her head into his neck as she gasped from relief. “Is everyone back?” Scott asked walking through his living room, nodding at everyone.
“Yeah” malia nodded looking round the room confirming everyone’s appearance. “Uh no- y/n isn’t here” Theo raised an eyebrow pulling a face but keeping his thoughts to himself. “Oh- yeah y/n” malia mumbled to herself tucking her hair behind her ear awkwardly. “Oh we forgot about y/n” Lydia swallowed looked between Theo and then Scott.
“Who heard from her last?” Scott swallowed feeling the tension in the room. “Erm- not since she left” stiles licked his top row of teeth not giving anyone eye contact. “She made it to the location” Theo stepped in looking around at everyone suspiciously. Out of nowhere the door handle started rattling and the groups attention swivelled round to that.
A gentle knock followed and the eyes of the group glued onto Scott as he edged to the door, with precaution. He unlocked it pulling it open. I stood on the doorstep with tears in my eyes. “Y/n?” “Why was the door locked?” I asked gently wiping a tear off my cheek. “No reason- just an accident- come on…” Scott moved out the way opening the door wider.
“what happened?” Malia questioned seeing the dirty state I was in. “Uh you were right- it was crawling with berserkers” I nodded to Scott tucking my hair behind my ear. “I knew it! God- how are we going to get round them- did you see a way?” Malia questioned completely passing the fact I was evidently hurt. “Y/n come and sit down you’re clearly hurt” Theo pointed to the sofa with his head. “No- it’s okay- um I didn’t see a way I’m sorry, I was too busy running away from their clasp- I can always go back and…”
“No” Theo shook his head “it’s too dangerous” he outburst looking to Scott. “Theo you don’t make the decisions here- if y/n is offering to go back then…” Lydia shrugged slightly. “Scott seriously? It was possibly dangerous when you sent her the first time she got hurt- why would you send her alone again” Theo raised his eyebrow pulling a face of disgust at the group. “Theo she’s offering” Scott rolled his eyes.
“Theo stop it” I widened my eyes at him whispering under my breath. “I don’t mind- il let you know how it goes” I waved them off before squeezing past Scott to go out the door. I usally felt like I wasn’t part of the group but recently it’s picked up more. Of course I’m getting the hint but i keep thinking that if I do something helpful they will see I’m capable of being a full member. Theo came running out the door behind me.
“What are you doing?” I hissed at him from across the green front garden. It was starting to get a little late now, the sun was setting. Theo ran up to me and I didn’t even acknowledge what he was saying. He looked so pretty in the golden hour. “Y/n! Did you hear that?” He chuckled putting his hand on my arm. “What sorry no” “I said I’m coming with you” “why” I frowned turning my head.
“Y/n they are horrible to you- they shouldn’t send you back and you definitely shouldn’t go on your own” he said under his breath. “Oh, don’t sit up on your high horse you’re in the same position as me- you arrived a little late and you’re trying to get in their good books- are you mad because I’m a little better than you at doing it?” Shrugged pressing my car key to open my car. Theo pulled a face before running after me.
“Are you really that blind to it?” Theo questioned walking round to his side. “Blind to what?” I swallowed turning the car on. He invited himself in and closed us in. “Y/n they use you- they dont use me, they are open with how they feel about me- they talk about you behind your back- we aren’t in the same position” he told me as I started pulling off ten drive and taking us away from the house.
“Theo I appreciate your concern but they are my friends they don’t talk about me behind my back, if they didn’t want me to join the group they would have let me know by now” I told him smiling and shaking my head. “Oh god I feel even worse knowing you don’t see what’s happening” he whispered under his breath. “Theo will you drop it- I don’t know why you even came” I rolled my eyes frustratedly.
“I came because I don’t want anything bad to happen to you” he answered making my heart skip a beat. “And I won’t drop it because I don’t want them to hurt you when you do finally realise” he added on adding to the silence of the vehicle. “Thanks for looking out for me… but I don’t need your help I’ll win them over myself” “well if we’re in the same situation shouldn’t we stick together?” He whispered rolling his head and staring at me as I drove.
His eyes I could see out the corner of mine, along with his gorgeous smirk. He was making my legs feel like jelly. Which wasn’t wise because I was driving. “Stop looking at me like that” I told him in a small voice. “Why?” He questioned with a smile. “you’ll be responsible for your death when we drive off this cliff” i told him trying to focus on the road now. Theo chuckled to himself and then looked ahead. Nothing more was said and eventually we reached our destination. It was pretty much dark now.
It made it a lot more eerie. I stopped the car down the road and me and Theo got out looking up ahead. “What exactly are we here for” “we need to try and get in” I shrugged looking at our challenge pretending that I was screaming inside from the fear. “Come on then” he whispered walking fearlessly in front of me. “Theo- be careful” I hissed running to him. “I’m alright” he whispered putting an arm around my waist. This is how we continued to walk up the road.
I did feel a lot safer with him next to me. I looked up at his face now in the moonlight. Still gorgeous. “This is so eerie, this place was crawling with them two hours ago” I shrugged looking around like a hawk. “I believe you” he told me looking above us in the trees. My heart stopped and I froze when I heard a low growl behind us. Theo squeezed my wrist before we both slowly turned around.
There were three berserkers in front of our exit and two coming from the sides of us. “Run” theo whispered to me. I saw fear in his eyes when I looked across at him. “Come on then!” I frantically grabbed his wrist and pulled him as I started running. He eventually realised what we were doing and what was going on, and he started running properly getting a full grip on my hand now. “Stop stop stop!” I squealed as two more stepped out in front of us.
As we stopped to turn one of them grabbed my arm. It pulled me squeezing my arm so tightly. “Theo!” I screamed as he held on tightly to my hand. I saw his eyes flash as his wolf anger began to show. His claws came out as he held on to me and let out a howl calling for Scott’s help. “Theo let go” I cried out pulling away from him. He fell just dodging one of their hands coming out to him. The berserker wrapped me in its giant arms as I squirmed, screaming to get out of its harsh embrace.
Theo jumped up and was now fighting them off while this one carried me away. “Theo!” I screamed thrashing about trying to get free. “Y/n!” He desperately called out for me. The last thing I saw was him watching me and he fought off the rest that surrounded him. That was before the berserker knocked me out against a tree.
Theo took an opportunity to duck under one of their arms and get away from the circle they were creating. Him being the piggy in the middle. He looked at what why I could have been taken but I was long gone. Theo felt panic spread across his body. “No- y/n” he whispered to himself before pulling it together and running away from the ones left. Theo jumped straight into my car and raced back to Scott’s house breaking every road sign and camera. He pounded on Scott’s door.
When he finally opened it he was in shorts and no top. He covered his mouth to yawn before letting Theo continue. “Y/n has been taken” he breathed with wide eyes. “What? By the berserkers?” Scott asked jerking his head back. “That’s odd- that haven’t taken anyone before usually just killed” “we can’t let that happen- we have to get y/n back” Theo ranted becoming a bit jittery from the adrenaline.
“Everyone’s gone home and got into bed” Scott shook his head looking at his pjs. “They aren’t going to want to come back out” he admitted looking at Theo who’s face had dropped. “Are you joking?” “No- it’s late” Scott pulled back getting defensive. “She’s part of your group are you joking, please say you are” he threw his head back taking a step down to get away from Scott. “We will get her back just in a few days when we plan out how to get in”. Theo shook his head.
“Count me out of this group, I don’t like how you treat outsiders” Theo looked Scott up and down before backing off. “You’re making a mistake leaving” Scott shouted as Theo walked off but he just scoffed, which Scott only heard using his wolf ears. Theo jumped back in my car and sat for a second with both hands on the steering wheel.
He was just thinking. Thinking about what to do. “Come on Theo, you can do this yourself” he whispered to himself. “You don’t need the pack” “just need to think” he told himself seriously. “I can do this” he nodded before starting the car back up. He then drove as fast as he could back to the place I was taken. He over took cars on dangerous roads, risked his life and other peoples to get to me.
Theo drove right up to the entrance and got out with glowing eyes. It was quiet. It was dark. Theo looked around for something to sink his teeth into. Out the corner of his eye he saw a berserker come out the trees. Theo headed straight toward it with no fear this time only anger. Theo went under his arm and kicked his back so the berserker was on the floor. With one punch to the head Theo cracked the skull of the creature and it stopped moving.
He looked around for something else to kill, but his ear twitched. Clapping started appearing and Kate walked out of the tree like. “Well done- not many people who can kill berserkers” she raised an eyebrow looking him up and down. “Is this what you want?” She held the triskillian in her hand up at theo. “No” Theo shook his head. Kate jerked her head backwards. “Yes it is” she frowned. “No- I’ve left that pack- I don’t care what they want” he snarled.
“Don’t say you’ve come to join the opposite side you rebel” she winked at him but Theo just rolled his eyes. “Kate, I just want y/n back” “y/n?” She pulled a face. “Oh the one with y/c hair- the petite one?” “Yes y/n” Theo nodded once. “We don’t have her anymore” Kate shrugged carelessly. “What do you mean? Who has her?” “Nobody- I thought she’d ran back to the pack she got away” Kate explained. Just then, to the side of the two the leaves started rustling.
“Call off your berserkers Kate, I’m no threat to you” Theo told her dangerously. He was feeling a lot of emotions right now. “Theo that’s not one of them” she shook her head looking intrigued. Theo’s claws retracted out as he stared at the leaves. I stumbled out barely being able to even see straight. I thought I could hear his voice so I walked towards it. I could see a figure in the distance and it must have been him. Or I was hallucinating from the blood loss. “Theo?” I called out quieter than I thought I’d said it.
“Y/n” Theo whispered to himself before running over to me as quick as he could. “Y/n can you hear me” he whispered rubbing my cheek with his thumb. I didn’t say anything but I moved my hand up to hold his as I fell in and out of consciousness. “Take her to the hospital” Kate called out. “You’re just going to let us go? Just like that?” “You told me you’re no longer part of the pack- why’s that?” Kate shrugged stepping closer. “I told them y/n needed help that she’d been taken- but they didn’t care- they treat her badly- I don’t like their morals” he answered.
“Then they’re your enemy just as much as mine, it would be silly to hurt a potential ally” Kate raised an eyebrow. Theo didn’t say anything he just turned to me ignoring her comment and lifting me into his chest. He nodded at Kate when we left and he reversed out the space. Theo then sped all the way to the hospital where he gave me across to Melisa.
The next day-
I woke up yawning in a hospital room. I was strapped into a bed and was attached to various drips. Theo was sitting in the corner with his eyes closed on a chair. They’d given him a blanket too. I smiled at him before picking up the buzzer next to me and pressing it. Theo jumped awake looking towards me. “Y-you’re awake” he stuttered scrambling up to come by my side. “Yeah- you’re here” I smiled warmly. “I- couldn’t leave you there knowing- I could do something” “Theo” I put my hand out for him to come closer.
He jumped up walking slowly over to me. He looked like he hand guilt behind his eyes. “Thank you” I breathed pulling him in for a hug. “Anytime gorgeous- anywhere” he whispered in my ear holding me tightly. “The pack were right behind me- I just am a better driver” he shrugged sitting on the side of my bed and holding my hand with both of his. “Yeah- I can imagine” I hummed rubbing his bicep gently. I looked at his arms and tried to put my whole hand around it. I couldn’t even get close.
Theo noticed what I was doing and chuckled. “Impressive mr reaken” I smiled squeezing his arm. “You know I think you’re gorgeous too” I blinked up at him. “You’ve never said it but I know that you think it” Theo winked at me leaning in closer so he could whisper. In that moment the door opened. “H-hey y/n” Scott waved smiling at me which must have been fake because he then looked at Theo with the same one.
“Oh you guys are here aw that’s so great” I smiled back, sitting up and putting my hand on my heart. Malia filtered in as the last one. Stiles and Lydia were there too. “Yeah we thought we’d come and check on you- make sure you’re ready for the big fight tonight” malia put her hands together. “Tonight?” Theo scoffed rolling his eyes. “Stop it” I whacked Theo on the rib gently. “Big fight mmh I remember you talking about it” I nodded “yeah that’s tonight so we need all hands on deck, so- we’re glad you’re okay” stiles laughed nervously.
“Obviously we would have rescued you our selves, but…” scott trailed off scratched the back of his head. “Yeah don’t worry Theo explained that you were right behind him” I smiled nodding. Scott eyed Theo before smiling at me and putting his thumb up. “Good- good good- so we will see you later then” Lydia waved and blew me a kiss. “Yeah you should go” I swiped my hand in the air.
“Mmh we should” stiles nodded making his way to the door. “Yeah you should, just don’t be expecting me at that big fight of yours” “what! Why?” Malia outburst, wrinkling her forehead. “I know Theo’s covering for you- you wasn’t right behind him you were tucked up in bed knowing I was in danger” I told them dropping the smile from my face. “I know you don’t like me and you treat me badly, you don’t appreciate me and you’re never going to accept me in this tight circle” I added in counting on my fingers.
“Y/n…” Scott blinked but I cut him off “no im not finished thank you for asking, you don’t respect me and it’s time I stopped respecting people who only showed up here to check it was okay to drag me out of bed to sit in another fight on the front line even though I’m still hurt from a previous wound from your battle you that forced me into!” I shouted pointing at the door. “You should be ashamed- and I should be ashamed it took me so long to realise” I folded my arms and lied back down.
“Y/n we…” “get the fuck out” Theo lit up his eyes standing up. “Fine” Scott swallowed and backed out the room with stiles and Lydia. “You’re both made for each other” she spat staring us up and down before storming out. Once they were gone Theo twisted his head to me. “How did you know?” He widened his eyes dropping his anger and becoming all soft again. He only did that with me. “I heard you- talking to Kate- I heard what they did to me and you and that you had left” I half smiled taking his hand to hold in mine.
“And I’ll follow you anywhere Theo raeken” I looked up into his eyes. Theo’s eyes flicked to my lips quickly and in seconds his were against mine. I smiled against his lips and put my hand against his head pulling him in closer. My heart fluttered and I didn’t want the moment to end. We pulled away staring into each other’s eyes. “I don’t know where we go from here but- I’m glad you’re here with me” Theo whispered, his eyes looked slightly scared. “We’ll figure it out together handsome” “I’ve never had anyone say that to me before” he breathed, I saw a flick of pain in his eyes.
“You have me now” I kissed his cheek gently. Theo smiled and puckered his lips for another kiss.
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Theo raeken masterlist
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ateotd-izzy · 1 year
ceilings | stiles stilinski x fem!reader
PART ONE | part two
summary: in an attempt to bring stiles back from the ghost riders, lydia, scott and malia try to help y/n to search her memories and remember him completely.
warnings: set during 6a, kissing, possibly swearing? idk how i feel about this tbh
taglist: @brvceyamada
ceilings, plaster
“okay, y/n. imagine you’re in your bedroom.” lydia’s voice calmly echoed through the room. “visualize yourself in your bedroom.”
you looked around. your bed, your shelves, your desk, it was your bedroom.
“can you see it?” lydia asked and you nodded. “okay, good. can you see your shelf? the one with all your movies?”
you took a few steps over to the bookshelf, dvds filling each individual shelf and only a few books lay around.
“y/n, imagine each dvd is a memory of stiles. every movie is a different memory.” lydia spoke. “you need to find the correct memory. the one that’ll bring him back.”
you pulled the first dvd off the shelf and opened it, putting the disk into your player.
can’t you just make it move faster?
“what the hell?” you wiped your cheek with your hand as the boy in front of you laughed. “what the hell was that?”
he shrugged, still laughing.
you were in your kitchen with stiles, the afternoon sun spilling through the window as you went through the cupboards.
“seriously, babe, what was that?”
“it was just water.” he chuckled, dipping his fingers into the glass beside him and flicking it at you. “don’t need to worry.”
“you’re such a dick.” you rolled your eyes, fighting the smile that grew on your face as he slowly made his way over to you.
“you love me.”
“go on. say it.” stiles whispered into your ear, his arms wrapping around your body from behind and his chin resting on your shoulder. “you know it’s true.”
“fine.” you spun around so you were still facing him in your arms. “i love you, stilinski.”
he smiled and leaned in, pecking your lips.
“i love you, too.”
lovely to be sitting here with you
“can you see him? can you remember him?” lydia asked.
“it was just water.” you mumbled. scott and malia exchanged a confused look behind lydia’s back.
“y/n, you need to find a stronger memory. keep looking.”
you’re kinda cute, but it’s
you ran your hand along the different dvds before stopping on one.
you pulled it out and glanced at the cover. it was blank.
they were all blank, so you knew it would be a hard search to find the right memory.
“find a stronger memory, y/n.” lydia’s voice guided you and you placed the new disk into the dvd player.
raining harder
“you guys won!” you cheered, grabbing both of stiles’ hands in yours.
you were standing on the lacrosse field at the high school, and he was wearing a beacon hills jersey.
he was number 24.
it must’ve been winter, or just cold, because it was raining.
the grass was all soaking wet, and water dripped down your face and near your eyes as you looked up at him with the biggest smile.
my shoes are now full of water
“did i look super hot out on the field?” he joked. you knew he had only been out there for a few minutes.
“totally.” you pulled him by his shoulders and kissed him on the lips, drops of water falling off his hair.
“i did better than scott, right?” stiles asked after you pulled apart and you laughed.
the boy made a face at you and you scoffed.
“okay, well, he’s team captain for a reason.”
“it’s fine, i know i was better than him.”
“you keep telling yourself that, buddy.”
lovely to be rained on with you
“did you find a good one, y/n? something strong?” lydia asked and you shook your head.
“keep searching, y/n.” scott’s voice was just as soft as lydia’s, but she quickly shushed him.
“y/n, you need to find a stronger memory.”
it’s kinda cute, but it’s
you looked through the dvds and picked one out at random.
it wasn’t like you could pick and choose when they were all blank.
you thought, ‘better than nothing.’ and put it in the player.
so short
“come on. please?” stiles made a sad face as he held out the star wars dvd to you. “we haven’t watched it in like… a month.”
“we just watched a star wars movie like a week ago.”
“yeah, but that was a new hope, so now we have to watch empire.”
“okay, fine, but my mom wants me home right after.”
“yes! also, don’t worry about that. i’ll drive you.” he smiled brightly as he put the disc into the dvd player in his living room then dropped onto the couch beside you. “you know, this is why you’re my favorite.”
“scott would never watch this with me. especially not multiple times.”
“scott never watches movies with anyone. you should know this by now.” you bumped him with your elbow.
“i know, i know.” stiles slid his arm around your shoulder and kissed your cheek. “you’re still my favorite, though.”
then you’re driving me home
you sat in the passenger seat of stiles’ jeep, which sounded like it was going to fall apart as he drove it, later that night.
you glanced to your side, staring at his face.
you could tell a smile tugged on his lips and he looked to you for a split second.
“what are you staring at, weirdo?” he asked and you looked out the window again.
“liar. you were looking at me.” he teased. “cause you think i’m so hot.”
“is that a crime?”
“oh, definitely not. you can look at me all you want.”
there was silence between you two for a moment as he pulled into your driveway. you sighed.
he looked at you this time.
“do i have to leave?”
he chuckled and gave you a kiss. “i’ll see you tomorrow, y/n.”
“see you tomorrow…”
and i don’t want to leave
“keep pushing, y/n.” lydia motivated. “search deeper. you can find the one you need.”
“do i have to leave?” you muttered the words. “see you tomorrow…”
lydia sighed. “y/n, try searching deeper. you’ve got this.”
there was a growing stack of dvds being dumped on your bed after going through its memory.
you picked out another one.
but i have to go
“come on. you don’t need to go in there.” you pointed up at the building beside you inside the large gates. “you’re not crazy.”
“i don’t want to hurt anyone, y/n.” stiles spoke, sheriff stilinski standing beside him. “especially not you.”
“but eichen house?” you stared at him sadly. “stiles…”
he reached out his hand and pulled you into his chest, hugging you tight. he kissed the top of your head.
“i love you, y/n.”
you sighed, your arms keeping him as close as possible. you didn’t want to let him go. “i love you too, stiles.”
you kiss me in your car
“come on, stiles. breathe.” you cupped the boy’s face in your hands. “try not to think about it. think about something else.”
“like what?” he panted, looking up at you with sad eyes and a broken expression.
you were both sat on the locker room floor, he was having a panic attack.
“happy things. friends, family-” you stopped yourself after he gave you a look. “okay, not family. try not to think about your dad. just breathe.”
“i…” he hyperventilated. you adjusted your hands on the sides of his face. his eyes met yours.
that was all you could see. his eyes.
“stiles, just breathe.” you could see there wasn’t really a difference in his actions. you leaned forward and attached your lips to his.
his eyes went wide, but he seemed to melt into the kiss.
you pulled apart and he stared into your eyes, his breathing slowed down, the panic attack over.
you grabbed his hand and he intertwined your fingers.
and it feels like the start of a movie i’ve seen before
“i kissed him.” you spoke to lydia and the others, your eyes closed as you sat at the table in front of them. “he was having a panic attack. i kissed him.”
“holding your breath stops a panic attack.” lydia nodded, explaining to the others. “now, y/n, find something deeper. something more important to you. something more important to him.”
“to stiles.”
the next dvd was higher up on the shelf, you grabbed it easily.
bedsheets, no clothes
you were lying beside stiles, running your finger along his bare chest.
he pulled you closer to him with a smile, pushing some of your hair away from your face.
“hey.” he whispered.
you smiled back. “hey.”
“that was something.”
“a good something or a bad something?” you asked, still whispering.
“definitely a good something.” he rubbed his hand up your arm. “probably the best something. i don’t know if there’s been a better something—”
“alright, i get it.” you chuckled softly.
there was no need for the whispering, it was the evening and no one else was home, but you still did.
his hand ran along the side of your face. “you’re so beautiful.”
there was no way you could’ve fought off the smile on your face as your cheeks warmed.
touch me like nobody else does
“definitely a good something.” you recalled. “he said it was definitely a good something.”
“what was?”
you went quiet again, searching through the different dvds.
some memories were shorter than others, just conversations or things like that.
“find something, y/n. good or bad.”
lovely to just lay here with you
you picked out another dvd. it was blank like all of the others, but it seemed different.
you took it off the shelf because it seemed to be staring right at you, practically calling your name.
you played that one.
the memory didn’t give you a feeling that it would bring him back, but it felt like something you needed to see.
you’re kinda cute, and i would say all of this
“come on, stiles.” you whispered. “you can talk to me.”
he was ignoring you. and you had no clue why.
he sighed and your eyebrows knitted in confusion.
it was late at night and you were both lying in his bed, him with his back to you.
“can you just… drop it?” he mumbled. “i’m not in the mood.”
“what happened, stiles?”
“nothing, just go to sleep.” he adjusted himself in the bed slightly, but didn’t face you.
but i don’t wanna ruin the moment
time seemed to skip and he was sitting up, facing you.
“what? do you not trust me or something?” you asked.
“no, that’s not it—” he cut himself off. “i just don’t want to talk about it.”
“stiles, i get that, but i want to know what’s going on with you.” you put your hand on his shoulder and he, quite obviously, winced. “what’s up with your shoul—”
“nothing, y/n. just leave it.” he winced again and pushed your hand off. “i don’t need your help.”
“seriously?” you scoffed as he turned his back to you again. “you know what? whatever.”
you pushed the covers of his bed off and stood up, slipping your shoes on.
“where are you going?” stiles asked, sitting up again.
“home.” you answered. “you obviously need space, so i’m respecting that. i’m not gonna push it anymore.”
“wait, babe,” he started getting out of his bed. “i don’t want you to go.”
“i’m still going, stiles.” you picked up your backpack. “we can talk tomorrow.”
“it’s late.”
“i’m aware. my car’s outside, remember?”
“please stay.”
“i’ll see you tomorrow, or whenever you’re ready to talk about whatever the hell’s going on with you right now.”
lovely to sit in between comfort and chaos
standing in your bedroom, staring at the tv as you left stiles’ bedroom, you remembered the fact that you didn’t talk the next day.
stiles just never said anything about it to you.
not until after everything with theo was practically over.
basically everyone else knew about it, but you.
he didn’t think you would understand, which was probably the most upsetting part for you because you did.
you understood it was self defence. you understood he did it because if he didn’t he would’ve died.
but it’s over
“y/n? are you okay?” scott asked, ignoring lydia as she shushed him.
you nodded. being hypnotised was weird.
lydia had taken notice of your saddened expression too.
“find a different memory, y/n. i know you can do this.”
then you’re driving me home
the next memory you found was not long after theo was literally sent to hell.
you were with stiles in his jeep. he was driving you home again. except this time going home from scott’s house.
the car was silent, but not in the usual comfortable way. neither of you had really spoken to the other since that night, only really for pack stuff.
you were terrified that he thought the two of you had broken up, and he was scared of the exact same thing.
“i’m sorry i didn’t tell you that night.” stiles spoke up. “i should’ve said something.”
“no, i get why you didn’t. i was being pushy and you didn’t want to—”
“i did want to tell you.” he sighed. “i was so scared, y/n. i thought there was a chance that you wouldn’t understand or something and i’d lose you.”
he looked right at you.
“i mean, scott didn’t.”
“that was theo’s fault.” you told him. “scott didn’t know the full story. you know he knows the truth now.”
“mm.” he seemed to agree, but you could tell something was still off by his body language.
you took the hand he didn’t have on the wheel into yours.
and it kinda comes out as i get up to go
“you know, i still love you, right?” you told him after he stopped and he looked over at you.
“wha— oh, yeah. yeah, i know.” he nodded, avoiding your eyes, looking outside the car.
“do you know?”
he didn’t answer for a moment, then shrugged.
“i do, stiles.” you kissed his cheek. “i love you, and that never changed.”
“not for one moment.”
he smiled, then laughed softly, then leaned forward and kissed you on the lips.
“i love you too.”
you kiss me in your car
“it never changed.” you sniffled slightly. “i still loved him after everything. he was so scared i wouldn’t, but it never changed.”
“after what, y/n?” lydia asked, hoping more elaboration would help them bring back stiles.
“after donovan.”
scott knew what you were talking about, that was something he had remembered when he thought about stiles.
“after i knew, i still loved him, and he still loved me.”
and it feels like the start of a movie i’ve seen before
then you picked up one more dvd. you just stared at its blank cover and seemed to know what it was.
putting the disk in, you watched as you ran with stiles to his jeep in the school parking lot.
this was the last memory you had of stiles. the last time you had really seen him.
but it’s not real
“y/n, babe, listen. you’re going to forget me.” stiles’ voice seemed to echo around you as you recalled the night.
“no, i won’t. stiles, i won’t.”
“you will.” he cupped your cheeks and made you look him in the eyes. “you will.”
you shook your head as tears threatened to spill. “i won’t.”
“it’s okay, just find some way to remember me. any way.”
and you don’t exist
“i was the last person to see him.” you spoke to your friends. “i was there when they took him. i saw it happen.”
that night was so long ago, but all the details were rushing back to you now.
you were starting to remember it all.
not just that night, but everything about stiles.
and i can’t recall the last time i was kissed
“i know you’ll find some way to remember me.” he squeezed your hand. “ do you remember the first time we danced at the winter formal? you were the first girl i ever danced with.”
you had gone together as friends, despite everyone knowing you had crushes on each other.
“remember how we started dating that summer.”
“the summer before junior year.” you nodded.
“yeah.” he stroked your cheek, wiping away a tear. “that was the best summer of my life.”
you chuckled. “mine too.”
“remember all those sleepovers we’ve had. remember when we’ve fought. remember every time we’ve kissed, or…” he paused and just stared you in the eyes.
the interior of the car was silent, but the wind blew violently outside.
“just remember i love you, okay?” he kissed your hand. “please just remember that. i need you to.”
then he was pulled from the car. the wind stopped and he was gone.
it hits me in the car
you sat there, curled into a ball in the passenger seat, sobbing.
you muttered over and over. “i remember. just remember. i promise.”
you hated the silence, and you hated that he was gone. you didn’t even notice that he had started to slip from your mind.
not until you walked into school the next day, anxiety overwhelming you as your brain tried to remember why it felt like you were forgetting something.
why it felt like a whole piece of you was missing.
just then, remembering what it was like when he was taken, every single memory of yours that included stiles came rushing back.
memories from when you were friends as kids, up until high school. memories from after scott was bitten, back when stiles had his buzzcut.
memories from when he was possessed by the nogitsune. memories from all the times both of you had almost died.
memories of the two of you before and after you started dating. memories with scott and the pack, memories with his dad, memories alone.
all of it.
and it feels like the end of a movie i’ve seen before
you opened your eyes and looked around. you weren’t in your bedroom anymore, you were back in argent’s underground bunker with lydia, scott and malia.
lydia had tried to get your attention, but stiles’ voice played over and over in your mind.
you could see bright lights coming from outside the room, and you rushed out. the three of your friends who were still there ran after you.
you stopped in the corridor, the lights so bright you couldn’t see anything.
then you could see him.
not his face, or any defining qualities at all, but you knew it was him.
he was more like a silhouette, but you could recognize stiles stilinski anywhere.
“stiles.” you breathed out, a smile breaking out onto your face.
you were finally going to have him back. after months of the awful anxiety and feeling that something was missing.
he was like the last piece of your puzzle, and you were going to be complete.
then the light faded.
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a/n: first post on tumblr help this is scary
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mrsstruggle · 3 months
The Beast of War - Prologue // Teen Wolf x Marvel AU
This is the second part of the Shadow Wolf Series. Read The Lost Child First if you haven't!
Series Summary: In the aftermath of discovering her true identity and reuniting with her long-lost family, Y/N Stilinski finds herself adjusting to a new chapter of her life in Beacon Hills. With her brother and his friends in their senior year at High School, the town faces a fresh new threat. Y/N must navigate the complexities of her new life while confronting the looming threat that threatens to hurt her and the people she loves.
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death/Injury/Grief/Torture, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else)
Series Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader, Stiles Stilinski x Malia Tate (for now), Steve Rodgers x Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Vision x Wanda Maximoff
Words: 2.6k (This is short but the chapters will be longer)
Note: This is Part 2 of the Shadow Wolf series! This happens in the time span before the epilogue in The Lost Child. This will loosely follow season 5 (and possibly the beginning of 6) of Teen Wolf.
Additional Note: While this is a Teen Wolf x Marvel AU, not everything is true to the shows/movies/comics. I had to change things for the story.
One Last Note: Y/N was adopted by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I did this so more people can see themselves in this story.
***I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel or any related characters. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.***
The Beast of War Masterlist
The Lost Child Masterlist
Next Chapter
Y/N hums to herself as she mixes the ingredients for Stiles’ favorite pancakes in a glass bowl on the kitchen counter. He slept over at her and Derek’s loft since their dad had to work an overnight shift at the station. She hasn’t seen much of Stiles since everything that went down with Hydra, the hunters, and the Avengers. With getting kidnapped and outed as the dead Stark child to the world, she had a lot of shifts to make up for at the hospital. Today is the first morning she doesn’t have to be in at 5 AM, so she plans to make the best of it and catch up with her little brother.
Letting go of the whisk and bowl, she grabs the tongs next to the stove and flips over the bacon she has sizzling in a pan. Y/N is so engrossed in what she’s doing that she doesn’t hear Derek sneak up behind.
“Holy shit,” Y/N jumps as Derek wraps his arms around her from behind.
Derek lets out a low chuckle, “For a werewolf, you have terrible hearing.”
Y/N rolls her eyes at him, “I was clearly distracted.”
“I’d be happy to distract you some more.”
“Or you could set the table?”
“I can do that too.” Derek presses a kiss into her hair before letting go of her. He notices that she has three different pans on the stove cooking bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns. “What’s with the big breakfast?”
“It’s Stiles’ first day of senior year, and I feel bad that I haven’t seen him that much since everything that’s happened this summer,” Y/N says, pouring some of the pancake batter onto the griddle she has set up on the counter.
“He slept here for almost two weeks.”
“Yeah, but that’s because he was scared that he was going to lose me. Not that he’d ever admit that.” She says the last part under her breath, but Derek is still able to hear it. “We haven’t had time to catch up lately.” Y/N turns to look at Derek and loses her train of thought when she sees him. He’s shirtless and his blue plaid pajama pants are hanging dangerously low on his hips.
Derek pauses setting out the silverware as he feels her eyes on him. Looking up, he smirks at her eyeing him up and down. He’s about to tease her when she hisses in pain and jumps away from the stove.
Y/N rubs at her arm where she accidentally touched it to the hot pan on the front burner of the stove. She was so distracted by Derek that she wasn’t paying attention to what she was doing.
“I blame you for that,” Y/N mumbles, pouting at Derek as he walks over to her.
“I’m sorry,” Derek presses a quick kiss to her lips before grabbing her arm and pressing a kiss to where her arm touched the pan. There was luckily no burn on her. She either didn’t touch the pan long enough, or it had already healed by the time he got to her.
Y/N thanks him and kisses him on the cheek before turning back to the food before it burns. She continues to hum the tune to the song stuck in her head as she finishes cooking breakfast. She hears Stiles come down the loft’s stairs as she scoops the scrambled eggs into a bowl for the table.
“It’s too early,” Stiles whines, plopping down in a chair at the kitchen table.
“It wouldn’t be too early if you didn’t stay up almost all night last night.” Derek rolls his eyes at Stiles.
“How do you know that I stayed up last night?”
“Because thanks to werewolf hearing, we can hear you typing and scribbling all night,” Y/N replies, setting down the eggs and bacon in the middle of the table. “What were you doing anyways?”
“For what?”
“Another werewolf showed up at the school at Senior Scribe. Well, technically two werewolves showed up, but I’m only talking about one of them. He claims to be Theo.” Stiles says with disdain in his voice as he shovels food onto his plate.
“Should I know who that is?” Y/N asks, setting down a plate of pancakes and sitting down in the chair between Stiles and Derek.
“He used to go to school with me and Scott. His sister, Tara, was found dead in a creek before him and his family moved.”
“Oh yeah,” Y/N says in realization, “I know who you’re talking about. Why was he at the school? And what do you mean two werewolves showed up?”
“Some guy showed up and tried to kill Scott a—”
“What?” Derek stops cutting up the pancake on his plate and looks up at Stiles with a slightly angry look on his face.
“He was talking about taking his power and shit. His claws, which were glowing by the way, were in Scott when Scott broke his arm and some of his claws and told him to leave, or he’d break more of his bones. The guy left after that.” Stiles shrugs before shoveling some food into his mouth.
“He just left?” Y/N questions doubtfully.
“Yeah,” Stiles says with his mouth full of food.
Y/N turns her head to look at Derek. She can see he’s thinking the same thing she is. There’s no way a guy tried to kill Scott and then just left when he was unsuccessful. He’s probably hiding out somewhere in Beacon Hills until he heals and then will strike again later. She doesn’t love it, but she sometimes wishes they would stop being so gracious with people’s lives. It seems to cause more trouble than killing them. As seen as what happened with Gerard and Kate.
“How does Theo fit into this story?” Y/N asks.
“He tried to stop the guy that tried to kill Scott.”
“And that’s why you’re researching him?” Derek questions, unsure how that warrants Stiles doing a deep dive on him.
“No,” Stiles huffs in frustration, “It’s because he’s different.”
“Wasn’t the last time you saw him in fourth grade or something like that? People tend to change as they get older.” Y/N says, confused about what Stiles is trying to say.
“There’s just something off about him. Scott doesn’t believe me, but I can feel it in my gut that something is not right about him.” Stiles looks at Y/N with a pleading look, begging her to believe him. Scott thinks he’s paranoid and that he needs to give Theo the benefit of the doubt, but Stiles knows he’s right. Malia also doesn’t understand why he’s suspicious of him.
“If you say there’s something off about him, then I believe you.” She almost asks if she should ask Tony or Bruce to look into Theo, but she thinks that would make Stiles more upset. It’s not that he doesn’t like them, but she doesn’t want it to come off as she thinks he won’t do a good enough job.
It’s been almost three months since she found out she is a Stark. Stiles was insecure about it in the beginning, as was their dad, but they slowly got over their fears as Y/N not only tells them but shows them that she isn’t going anywhere, and they will always be her family. Even though it’s not as prominent anymore, those insecurities are still there.
“Other than this Theo guy, what else is new? How are you and Malia?” Y/N asks, changing the subject.
“We’re good. She got her email that she doesn’t have to repeat junior year. We’re still looking for the Desert Wolf.” Stiles says.
“That’s good.”
“What about you two? What have you been up to?”
“Well, there’s still people pretending to be sick or hurt to meet the long-lost Stark, so not much has changed.” Y/N rolls her eyes thinking about the number of people who show up and disrupt her from helping actual patients just so they can meet her. A few reporters even try to interview her while pretending they need help. Luckily no one has purposefully injured themselves to try and meet her. This has been going on since she went back to work the day after her big press conference.
She’s just happy that nothing about her, Scott, or the others has been exposed. She tries not to think what would happen if the truth about Beacon Hills got out. She can handle people at the grocery store staring at her for being a Stark, but she’s not sure she can handle them looking at her in fear for being a monster.
“People are still showing up at the garage too. There’s not as many as there used to be, but several still love to show up.” Derek says. He wants to complain about it, but all the extra money he’s making is going toward remodeling the Hale house. He will complain about them taking pictures of him though. They think he can’t see when they do it, but he notices when they secretly take pictures of him. He assumes they post them on the internet, but he stays as far away from that as possible.
“Oh, tell him about what happened with those bikes someone left in front of the garage,” Y/N beams at him, proud of what he did with the four motorcycles that were abandoned at the garage. He spent several weeks fixing them up in his free time and even customized them to make them a bit cooler. She will never forget the massive grin on his face when he showed her the first one he finished.
Derek shrugs his shoulders, “I fixed them up and sold them.”
Y/N rolls her eyes at his modesty, “He sold them at some show in San Francisco, and they sold for over $25,000 each. He’s already gotten a few emails from people asking him to customize their rides.”
“Really?” Stiles asks with a shocked look on his face.
Derek tries not to blush at Y/N’s praise, “I probably could’ve sold them for more, but I didn’t think anyone would buy one. I’m currently interviewing for a new mechanic to take some of my work because we’ve got some more bikes coming in from people who have emailed me.”
“Speaking of the garage, when are finally going to bring Roscoe in?” Y/N asks Stiles.
“The jeep is fine and doesn’t need to be brought in.” Stiles crosses his arms in defiance.
“It has more duct tape than I did when I was making duct tape wallets in sixth grade—and I had a bucket full of duct tape.”
Stiles rolls his eyes at her, “What else has been going on? You know it’s not going to hurt me if you talk about the others.” ‘The others’ being her other family.
“Um, well, they are currently back at their compound and will be back tomorrow. I’ve been told they’ve each found places they are going to rent until the new Avengers compound is built.” After a few conversations among themselves, the Avengers decided to move closer to Y/N. She made it clear that she has no intention of moving out of Beacon Hills anytime soon.
The new Avengers compound started building two weeks after the fight against the hunters. Even though they still have the lake house, they decided it would be best to get their own separate places until it was finished. Y/N even went with each of them to look at places to rent. She also made Derek promise to lie to them and tell them there were no available units in their apartment building. She likes them, and she enjoys getting to know them, but living in the same building with any of them would be too much for her.
“Tony and Peter still bring me lunch at least once a week.” Y/N continues, shrugging her shoulders in nonchalance. “Steve and Bucky have even brought me food on some of the days I’ve worked for almost twenty-four hours.” She hasn’t had much time to spend with them with how much she’s been working. She feels like she’s barely seen Derek with how much she’s been working.
“What do you talk about with them?” Stiles asks.
“I mostly just talk about work or Derek, or we laugh at the wildly inaccurate articles people write about me. If they ask, I explain more of the supernatural to them, but even I don’t know everything. We mostly just avoid talking about Pepper, Hydra, the hunters, or anything that happened after Hydra kidnapped me and Peter.”
Conversations with any of the Avengers revolve around telling each other about their days with awkward silences in between. She thinks it’s because they see her as family while she sees them as strangers. She can see this look in their eyes like they expect something from her, but she can’t give them what they’re looking for.
“You talk about Derek but not about me?”
“I talk about you too, but I have a hot boyfriend, and I like to brag about him.” Y/N sends Derek a flirty wink while Stiles groans in disgust.
Stiles stands up and brings his dirty plate to the sink, “I should go. I promised to pick Malia up to take her to school.”
“Okay, are you still coming over for dinner tonight?” Y/N scheduled a little family dinner and invited Stiles, their dad, Tony, and Peter. She knows them all separately, but she wants them to all get to know each other as well.
“Yeah, I’ll be there!” Stiles yells out, running up the stairs to grab his stuff.
“Okay, well have fun on your first day of school!” Y/N yells back, watching as Stiles stumbles back down the stairs. “Wait!” She shoots up from her chair and grabs her phone from the kitchen counter, running to catch Stiles before he leaves.
“What?” Stiles groans, his hand resting on the loft’s door handle.
“Smile,” Y/N grins, snapping a few pictures of him. “Don’t roll your eyes at me. You know this is tradition, and I need to send one to Dad—so smile.”
Derek leans against the pillar in their living room, a small smile on his face as he watches Stiles force a smile on his face as Y/N continues to take pictures. “Do you want me to take a picture of both of you?”
Stiles glares at him as Y/N happily hands him her phone. She walks up the few steps up to Stiles and wraps her arms around him in a crushing hug. Derek smiles at Stiles’ embarrassment and takes a few pictures of them.
“I hate you both.” Stiles pushes Y/N off him, pulls open to door, and walks out of the loft.
“Love you too!” Y/N calls after him.
“Should we be worried about this Theo guy?” Derek asks as Y/N shuts the loft door.
“If Stiles says there’s something off about him, then I’m going to believe him unless proven otherwise.” Y/N walks down to Derek and wraps her arms around his waist. He moves his arms around her and pulls her into his chest. “What if we just stayed like this forever?”
“I have no complaints, but I think your job would.”
“I’ll quit.”
“If you say so,” Derek presses a kiss to the side of her head.
“I hope this year they’ll be able to get through school without almost dying several times. Hell, I hope we get through the rest of the year without almost dying several times.” Y/N says after a long moment of silence. She doesn’t need to say who she’s talking about because Derek knows she’s talking about Stiles and his friends.
“Me too. Maybe this year will be different.” They both know that’s a long shot, but they still love to hope.
@xxemmarldxx @esposadomd @ladyjenjay @ts1mp0ne @misshale21
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
God His Thighs - Theo Raeken x Reader
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Pairing: Theo x Reader
Prompt: Theo Raekens abs!
“Why is he here?” You snarled angrily as you looked Theo up and down with distaste.
Scott sighed as Stiles nod in agreement. Liam however seemed less judgemental than usual, which you internally pouted about. Alec the newest member of the pack looked between you and Theo with curious eyes.
“We talked about this Y/N. You know Theo’s changed and I’ve decided to let him ease into the pack so we don’t cause a rift. I don’t trust him yet but I’m getting there.” Scott huffed as he looked between you and Theo. He turned to Derek with a pleading expression which he took as a green light and began talking.
“Peter was just as bad as Theo and you accepted him.” Derek added softly, shooting you a pantie melting smile before awaiting your response.
“Peter is Malia’s dad and plus…He’s nice to stare at.” You smirked as Peter shot you a grin.
“Don’t boost his ego more than it already is.” Derek mumbled, his face twisting into one of disgust and mental pain.
“An Theo’s not nice to look at?” Lydia snorted causing Stiles to shoot Theo a glare.
“Oh if you got rid of his personality and he was just a body and face I’d fuck him all over the room. However he’s a sociopath.” Jackson snorted at the words before looking over at Theo.
“Well I like him.” He said with a grin, earning an eye roll from his boyfriend.
“You would Jackson he’s got muscles that I’m pretty sure they are firmer and bigger than Derek Hales. Though I still think Derek’s more attractive I mean his pale green eyes and stubble do things to m-”
“Yes I think that’s enough of that.” Peter groaned his face pulling into an almost symmetrical face of disgust which you had now named a Hale thing.
You glanced at Theo but when you looked at him his eyes were cast down and he was fidgeting with his fingers. You frown and looked at Liam for a minute who subsequently shot you a dirty look that screamed ‘shut the fuck up’.
“What’s wrong with you?” You sighed dramatically.
“Theo saved my life more times than I can count, even when he said he wouldn’t. You should be nicer to him.” Liam snapped but Theo looked at you with wide eyes before casting them back to the coffee table.
“Fine I’ll give him a chance. Only because his thighs literally slay my world.” You muttered childishly, only to look up Theo trying not to smile. Which very much caught you off guard.
Scott finished the pack meeting, you all decided to watch a movie with the pack. Alec was chatting happily with Liam, whilst Stiles and Derek were debating on some things you didn’t really pay attention to. Lydia was sat happily cuddled up to Stiles talking to Malia who was animatedly talking about her date with Scott a few nights ago. Peter was sat watching Malia with a smile which brought a smile to your face. While Ethan and Jackson were laughing about something on their phones.
You and Scott shuffled around the kitchen grabbing snacks and drinks when he threw his arms around you. You shot him a grin as you stirred yours and Ethan’s cups of English tea.
“He’s not that bad once you get to know him.” Scott muttered glancing over at Theo who was sitting further away from the pack, his eyes cast down looking like he wanted to join the conversation but didn’t dare.
You honestly didn’t really hate Theo. You only acted like you did to mask the fact that you want him to fuck you all over every room in every house in Beacon Hill’s. You looked up at Scott and to tell him why you really hated him but decided that since Theo would hear that actions were better.
“I don’t hate him for the reason’s you think.” You mumbled softly which he raise an eyebrow at.
You turned to Theo who still had his head down and made grabby hand in his general direction. Scott burst out laugh understanding what you meant, though he looked a little disgusted probably because you were like his best female friend, since you showed up with Ethan and Jackson a few months ago.
“I hate myself more than I hate him.” You groaned dramatically earning another chuckle from Scott.
“Okay well instead of fighting it why not try embracing it. If anyone can keep him in his place it’s you ‘sweetheart’.” His English accent sucked but he liked to mock you occasionally which you only saw as affection.
“Okay ‘Lindo’.” You muttered sarcastically but Scott only looked more confused. He may be classed as half Spanish but he literally knew no words of Spanish.
“Derek what did she just say to me I feel like it was an insult!?” Scott yelled from the kitchen causing everyone to look up.
“I didn’t hear.” Derek mumbled with a frown.
“Lindo? I think?” Scott mumbled his face now resembling that of a confused puppy.
“She called you a pretty boy.” Derek snorted but high-fived you as you walked past him.
“Aww that’s so nice.” Scott preened clearly not getting that you were mocking him.
“Idiot.” Stiles and Alec said in unison which made you look at them both. You tried to bite back the words wanting to escape you but when Alec and Stiles shot each other a skeptical glare you snapped.
“Okay am I the only one who thinks Alec looks like a love child produced by Scott and Stiles!?” You exclaimed and everyone looked at you with wide eyes.
“Oh thank god! I thought I was the only one!” Lydia sighed as if she was thoroughly relieved with this new information.
“No I think we all thought it.” Peter snorted as he glanced at Stiles and Scott who were still frozen in place.
After a minute they were both on Alec like he’d won the lottery. They stared at him, then at each other. This kept going for a good while which Alec clearly wasn’t happy about, as he was trying to watch the movie that just began playing.
You sat down in the only available space, which unfortunately was next to Theo. You placed the popcorn on your lap unfortunately you kept spilling it because the couch was full and you may be a wolf but you still weren’t as strong as other wolves meaning you couldn’t steady yourself as well as others. So when Alec and Liam began play fighting you got shoved about.
Theo noticed and without a word he stood up, which made you frown thinking he was moving elsewhere but suddenly you were picked up like a doll and moved over to where he was sat seconds ago. He sat back down where you were and put his arms round the back of the couch behind you.
You looked at his arm about to speak up when you noticed his arms muscles were clenched as if he was trying to stay still. That’s when you noticed he was making sure you didn’t get shoved about or touched by him or the other boys as Liam was evidently shoving against Theo. You smiled to yourself before that quickly came to a stop when Theo couldn’t hold off any longer.
He was suddenly touching you, well more like you were pressed against his side which cause a blush to form on your face. He looked down and frowned in an apologetic way before he stood up and grabbed both Alec and Liam by their collars.
“Right if you two wanna play fight that badly go over here! You could have hurt Y/N! She’s still new to this whole werewolf thing!” Theo scolded and suddenly the movie was paused and Scott was checking on you.
“I’m fine Scott. Theo moved me before I got hurt.” You muttered with a blush which he smiled at.
“Thanks Theo. I didn’t even register because those two do it all the time.” Scott sighed as he grabbed both boys’ necks and dragged them off upstairs silently.
Theo sat back down this time further away so you wouldn’t have to touch him. You grinned and decided you may as well start bonding now. You threw your legs over his lap and looked toward the TV which was now playing again. You could see Theo in the corner of your eyes, looking at you with wide eyes before he started smiling and turned to the movie as well.
After 5 minutes Scott and the boys came downstairs, with Scott looking satisfied and Liam and Alec looking like scolded little kids. Liam moved your legs and went to sit next to Theo but you growled at him softly.
“If you move my legs off his comfy ass thighs I’ll end you.” Liam froze for a second before slowly putting your legs back.
They looked around the room for another seat when you let out a sigh and stood up. You placed Alec down first, laying him across the couch. You placed Liam between his legs so he was laid with his back against Alec’s chest and then you laid down between Liam’s legs then threw yours over Theo. He shot you a grin before placing his hands on your shins.
“This has to be the comfiest position ever.” Liam chuckled, earning a few looks from the pack who burst out laughing as they saw you all.
“It’s like fucking puppy pile…but more…organised.” Derek muttered in thought before he shot you a grin.
Everyone continued watching the film in silence before putting on another but eventually you fell asleep without a care. However when you came to you were shocked to feel your head being lifted onto something soft.
“Have you got another blanket?” You heard Theo’s voice asked quietly.
“She’s a werewolf.” You heard Derek’s voice snort.
“Yes but even I think it’s freezing in here.” Scott’s voiced added.
“Lydia and Stiles took the other blankets because there room is one of the coldest.” Derek sighed grumpily.
“Maybe you should just stay here so she can take in your body heat instead.” Scott giggled earning a huff from Theo you were unsure of whether it was from distaste or embarrassment.
“She’ll be angry if she finds me cuddling her tomorrow morning.” Theo grumbled the embarrassment clear in his voice. You decided now was a good time to sit up and rub your eyes. The boys stared at you as you shot them a pout.
“Where’d my leg pillow go?” The blanket fell off your shoulder causing you to shiver. Theo looked at you and raise his hand giving you a little wave so you knew where he was in to your current dazed stated.
“Hand.” You commanded as you held your right hand out.
“Is that a dog joke?” Scott snorted but you shot him a glare before turning to Theo who looked a little unsure.
“Fine don’t come cuddle maybe I’ll go stay in Peter’s bed with him.” You huffed playfully, however as soon as you tried to leave the living area Theo picked you up and put you back on the couch. You turned to Derek and Scott who were looking rather amused. Your room in the newly built Hale house was still being decorated so you honestly had nowhere else to sleep except with Derek or Peter.
“Goodnight Derek. Night Scott.” You said with empathises on the night so they knew you wanted them to leave.
They left with a chuckle, leaving Theo standing there awkwardly and you sitting on the couch with a grin. You grabbed his hand and pulling him down to the couch making him sit down. You shot his a smile before speaking.
“How would you like to do this?” You chuckled, your own words amusing you to no end.
“Ermm I don’t know…” Theo replied awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck.
“Well you’ve obviously cuddled with someone before so what’s comfiest for you?” You giggled softly but as soon as you saw his cheeks darken under the moonlight your eyes widened. Instead of mentioning that he’d obviously never cuddled a woman before, you decided to take the initiative.
“How do you usually sleep?” You asked softly which made him look up at you.
“On my front.” He answered easily.
You instructed him to lay down before situating yourself on your front. He guessed what you wanted him to do and laid his chest over half your back, his arm slung over your shoulders you felt comfy but soon Theo started shuffling about which made sigh loudly.
“What is it?” You snapped, humour clearly evident in your voice as you turned your head to look at him.
“I usually sleep without a top on…” He murmured awkwardly which caused you to erupt into a fit of giggles which earned a few chuckles from him.
“Take your top off then situate yourself and I’ll lay wherever is comfortable for you.” You snorted before sitting up and nudging him off you.
He took his top off and waited as if he was thinking about something. He laid on his front and faced the outside of the couch before glancing at you.
“Dammit I thought I’d be able to sleep on your pecks.” You pouted playfully earning a snort from the man laying down. You climbed over him and laid down on your front, half on Theo half on the couch. Your unconsciously threw your leg over the back of his thighs before your arm was thrown over his back. You sighed happily and closed your eyes and before long you began to drift off.
“Why is Y/N sleep on the couch with a half-naked Theo?” You heard a voice whisper.
You tried to sit up but opened your eyes when you realized you couldn’t, you saw a rather large bicep and shoulder. You scanned around only to see you’d somehow laid on your back during the night and Theo had laid himself half on top of you.
You grinned and looked up to see a few pair of eyes. You glanced at Lydia who had an amused smirk on her face. You gave her a thumbs up and an eyebrow wiggle. You looked at Theo’s face that was right next to yours, close enough that it you wanted you could kiss him which, right about now didn’t sound like a bad idea but still you decided against it.
You scanned his face noticing how sexy he looked sleep. No not angelic. Sexy. His hair was slightly messy and his lips were slightly open but he had a slight frown on his face which added to the sexiness. Suddenly his eyes started opening and you smiled but continued staring.
“Why are you staring at me while I’m sleeping?” Theo grumbled, his eyes closing again.
“Cause your big ass biceps are trapping me and I had nothing else to do.” You dead panned causing a few people downstairs to laugh.
“I’d say sorry but it’s the morning and you’re already objectifying me so I think I can safely say I don’t need to.” Theo voice was husky with sleep which made you shiver but before he or anyone noticed you were manhandled and flipped over. You were now laid on Theo’s chest which you couldn’t exactly complain about like at all…ever.
“There. You’re free.” He chuckled but you looked up into his now open eyes and shot him a cheeky grin.
“Nope I honestly think I’m glued here.” Jackson and Ethan burst out laughing but you just sent them a thumbs up as you looked over to the couple.
“Well as entertaining as that is. I need coffee.” Theo snorted, as he ran his hand through his messy hair. You stared at him for a few minutes in silence, letting him silently know you had zero intention of moving. When he finally realized he rolled his eyes and moved your arms to his neck before he sat up.
“Still not gonna move?” He chuckled which you nodded in reply to.
He nodded back and grabbed the back of your thighs earning a squeak from you. However you still clung to him as he stood up and made his way to the kitchen. He let go of your thighs leaving you to cling to him like a koala bear, as he grabbed a cup.
“Theo put a shirt on.” Stiles complained his face most likely contorting in disgust.
“I would however it appear Y/N and I are stuck together.” Theo said seriously which you tried not to giggle at.
“Oh my god! Is it a witchy thing?! Did someone cast a spell on you two and now you’re like magically glued to one another!?” Stiles screamed in distressed.
Scott and Derek walked into the room and Scott burst out laughing as he moved to look at you over Theo’s shoulder where your head was resting. You gave him a satisfied grin which only made him laugh harder.
“No more like Y/N is clinging to Theo because she wants to lick his abs.” Lydia snorted as she poured herself a coffee.
“That is not totally untrue!” You exclaimed happily as Theo sat at the breakfast bar.
You sat back slightly so you could look at him, your legs swinging back and forth and the side of you and Theo. He placed a hand on your lower back to make sure you didn’t fall which made you smile.
Scott handed you a plate of waffles before sitting down next to you and Theo. Theo cut up the waffle for you and handed you the fork before going back to drinking his coffee. You stared at Scott in shocked but he just gave you shrug.
You ate a few pieces of waffle before shooting Scott an evil grin whose eyes narrowed in worry. You raised your free hand a pinched Theo’s nipple hard making him open his mouth say ‘ow’, but before he could you shoved a fork full of waffle in his mouth. After he finished chewing he frowned at you.
“I can’t tell if I should find what you just did sweet and endearing or extremely savage.” Theo sighed before holding his cup to your mouth letting you have a sip of his coffee.
“I can’t tell if that was sweet and endearing or just a way to shut me up.” You retorted childishly, after swallowing the coffee.
“Both.” Theo mocked, earning a laugh from Derek and Scott.
Eventually you decided to go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and shower. Much to your own dislike that meant letting go of Theo. You chuckled at the thought of your weekdays being like this from now on.
Obviously Theo wasn’t offered a room in the Hale house yet because people were still warming to the idea but eventually you knew they would. Until then you could always offer him a place in your room which will be finished by tomorrow.
You hopped out the shower and made your way to Lydia’s room where all your clothes were. Unfortunately luck was not on your side because you bumped into Theo who stared at you with wide eyes before looking away.
“Make me a cup of tea I’ll be down in a minute.” You snorted before making your way to Lydia’s room.You quickly got dressed in a pair of high waist Nike skinny joggers and a matching sports bra before drying your hair and tying it up.
 You made you way downstairs in thought, you had tried to find your matching cropped Nike hoodie but it wasn’t in Lydia’s room. You looked in the front room and asked everyone if they’d seen it but they all answered no which only made you pout.
“Theo have you seen my hoodie?” You asked as he passed you a freshly made cup of tea.
“The light grey Nike one?” He asked as he put the sugar, milk and tea bags away in their rightful places.
“Yeah.” You answered before taking a sip.
“Its on the coat hook, where you put it yesterday, after you got back from getting your nails done with Lydia babe.” He responded easily as he closed the fridge door. His domestic response however isn’t what made you start choking on your tea. It was the fact that he’d called you babe.
“Babe?” You coughed out as you tried to regain your composure.
“Did I say babe?” Theo asked with wide eyes, clearly not realizing he’d said it himself.
“Oh yeah you totally added babe on the end of that sentence.” You replied awkwardly before taking a sip of your tea.
“Sorry.” He muttered before grabbing himself a water bottle from the recently closed fridge.
“Its fine I don’t mind just shocked me.” You chuckled softly before sitting at the breakfast bar.
Theo nodded clearly still shocked by what he’d done but if you were being honest, you didn’t mind. In fact it felt nice to hear him say that, not that you’d tell him that. Theo lent against the counter looking rather deep in thought until he turned to you with a slight frown.
“We should go on a date.” There you were again choking on your tea.
“Am I going to get to drink my tea up am I going to choke it down instead?!” You snapped with fake anger, amusement and embarrassment seeping through the room.
Theo shot you a pantie dropping smirk before taking a sip of his water. He didn’t respond so you took it upon yourself to answer his rather unexpected question.
“Isn’t it a little pointless to go on a date?” You asked skeptically. Theo’s eyes went from amused to sad in seconds quickly coming to the conclusion that someone as perfect as you wouldn’t date a monster.
“We already know each other so I don’t see why we can’t just be together.” You muttered shocking not only Theo but yourself as well.
“Well…how about we at least have a movie date at home…I mean so we can hang out or something.” Theo replied, his cheeks dusted with a light pink.
You stood up and walked over to him with a smile. You stood on your tip toes pressing your lips against his in a very short chaste kiss, which felt oddly normal and domestic. You pulled away and took a sip of your tea before speaking.
“If you wanna go on a date ‘babe’ we can.” You retorted playfully before making your way out the kitchen into the living room. Leaving Theo thoroughly shocked and frozen in place.
You sat in the living room for a few minutes sipping your tea before you heard Theo’s water bottle drop on the kitchen floor. You grabbed Ethan’s hand and placed the cup of tea in it before you heard Theo scream.
“Y/N you can’t just kiss a person like you’ve done it your whole life then walk off!?” Theo shouted angrily his footsteps getting closer. You hopped off the couch and over Liam who was laying on the floor before turning to see Theo coming into the room.
“Now babe there is no need to make a big deal about it.” You scolded playfully as you jumped over Alec when Theo walked towards you. Everyone in the pack was staring with amusement as they watched to see how this would play out.
“Y/N when I get a hold of you I swear to god.” Theo huffed, a smile working its way to his face.
You squealed as he ran towards you hoping over the boys laying on the floor. You ran round the couch and used Scott who had just walked downstairs as a shield. Scott looked between you two then to Theo.
“What’d she do?” Scott asked with his arms crossed.
“She told me there no point in dating we may as well just go out then kissed me like she’d done it her whole life then left.” Scott raised an eyebrow at you then at Theo before grinning. Your eyes widened as you realized he was on Theo’s side. You tried to run however before you could, Scott grabbed the back of your sports bra and picked you up by your waist. He placed you in front of Theo with a grin.
“Here’s an early birthday present.” Scott joked before walking off.
Dear god…Your Alpha just totally fed you to the wolves…or wolf in this case.
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tagged by the lovely @thiamsxbitch
Dropping Theo at the top of the stairs, he goes to close the door, but does not expect Theo to fall down the stairs like a tumbleweed. He hears the snap when he reaches the bottom with a broken thud.
“Shit,” Liam mumbles under his breath. He pushes the door shut and stumbles after the older boy.
Pushing the ragged boy over, Liam’s first thought was Damn, Theo was out cold! Not even a broken bone could wake him up. Liam noticed how his leg layed at an awkward angle. He knew he needed to reset it before it healed, but he was worried the pain would wake Theo up again. He could always just punch him; that seemed to work last time. He needed to make sure Theo couldn't get away, though.
Looking to the side, he looked around the basement with golden eyes. He figured if Malia used to stay down here, there had to be something that he could use. It was mostly cleaned out, apart from the couple of rats trying to make a home here. An iron rack that held tedious things like spare tools and duct tape lined the wall in front of him. His eyes light up in interest when he sees the duct tape, but that couldn't hold a werewolf on its worst day.
He gets up on hesitant feet when his eyes meet the bare wall of concrete. Only, it wasn't completely bare. Two iron hooks drilled into the cement stuck out like rings. It glinted in the darkness as Liam touched its icyness. It was just missing some chains and if Liam was right, and he really hoped he was then Theo — like every other werewolf in Beacon Hills — would carry his own set of chains.
Leaving Theo in a heap, Liam runs outside to Theo’s truck. He really should move it, but first he needed to fix Theo’s leg. His truck held countless of items, including a gym bag full of clothes, some old shoes, and alas a black backpack containing some heavy packed chains, sturdy enough for a werewolf.
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blondwhxrewrites · 11 months
A/N: this was inspired by a fic called parental guidance by Obriengf go check them out! Also this is a fem reader and there is no actual child it's a doll for an assignment. Anyways enjoy this crack fic
This was certainly not how you saw your week going—being forced to take care of a doll. "Y/N and Stiles", Coach Finnstock listed off the partners for the assignment. You let out a sigh as you were given your new 'child'. You stared at it with a look of discontent. You weren't good with children. You had no idea how to take care of a child, even if it was just a doll.
"Time to show off my skills as a future dilf", Stiles claimed as he walked up to you with a happy smile. You raised a brow as you looked at your friend and now co-parent.
"Never call yourself that again", you stated blankly, and you held out the baby for him to take. You watched as Stiles took the baby from your arms, and you were surprised at how immediate his switch from his usual sarcastic self to a more paternal and caring self was. He cradled the baby in his arms, and you didn't know how to feel when he started to coo at it like it was an actual baby.
"We gotta name her", he said, and he looked up at you. He held out the baby for you to take, and you shook your head and stepped away, making sure that the baby stayed far away from you. He looked at you with a frown. "The doll isn't going to bite."
You narrowed your eyes at him. Feeling embarrassed by his words, you said, "I'm just not a parental person."
He rolled his eyes. "Well, you don't really have a choice. This is our child we are talking about, and I won't let my child have a deadbeat absent mother", he said, cradling the baby close to his chest and rocking it gently.
You gawked at his words. "Stiles, it's a doll", you stated. You gestured to the doll with a 'are you serious' expression.
"I say we name her Ahsoka", he said, disregarding your statement. He maneuvered the doll so that he could pick up his stuff.
You grabbed your things as the bell rang, signaling that class was over. "We aren't naming our child after a Star Wars character", you said, and you followed him out of the classroom and into the hall.
Stiles smirked, and he turned his head to look at you. "Notice how you called it our child", He held the doll out for you to take, and begrudgingly, you took it.
"Okay, that is not how you hold a baby", Stiles said, and he stepped towards you, taking your arms and guiding them to the correct positions to safely hold the baby. You flinched as suddenly the baby started to cry in a high-pitched voice. 
"Make it stop", you complained as you tried to rock the baby as gently as you could. After a second of you doing that, the crying suddenly stopped. You lit up as you realized that you had successfully made it stop. "Okay, maybe this week won't be as bad as I thought", you conceded, and you looked down at the doll with a newfound softness.
Stiles smiled softly as he admired you. "You're going to be a great momma to our little Ahsoka", he cooed teasingly.
"Wow, okay, never call me that again", you said as you continued on your way to the cafeteria. "Ahsoka Claudia Stilinski doesn't sound so bad, I guess."
Stiles expression immediately softened. You were perfect. "Claudia?", he asked with a small smile.
"Well, of course,", you responded, and you softly cooed at the doll in your arms.
"I want to rip this doll to shreds", Your soft moment was ruined by Malia, who held a crying doll in her arms. Besides her was Lydia, who had been partnered with Malia.
You rolled your eyes. "This is going to be a long week", you mumbled to yourself.
 You were woken up by the sounds of a baby crying, and you immediately let out a frustrated groan. "Stiles, it's your turn", you grumbled. You turned to face the sleeping boy, and you shook him.
The boy woke up with a start. He looked around, confused, and dazed until the drowsiness faded away. He frowned as he registered the sound of crying. "Come on, Ahsoka, let your mother sleep", he cooed as he leaned over to grab the doll from the makeshift cradle you and Stiles had made. He cradled the doll in his arms, shushing the doll until eventually the crying stopped. He let out a sigh of relief. It had been another long night of researching the recent missing persons case. You had come over to help Stiles, and it ended with you staying the night, which was normal considering how close you two were.
"Give me my daughter", you mumbled as you held out your arms. Stiles nodded, and he gave you the doll, and he chuckled as he watched you embrace the doll and fall back to sleep with her cuddled in your arms.
It wasn't even halfway through the week, and you had already become attached to the doll. Stiles found it cute how motherly you had become over the past two days. You went from hating it to never wanting to let it go. "Goodnight, baby momma", he whispered, and he leaned down to press a kiss on your forehead
"Y/N, where is the bottle?", Stiles asked as he frantically tried to look for the bottle that came with the doll. "Our child demands food."
You could hear the crying coming from the doll, and you let out a tired sigh. "It's in the cradle, Stiles", you said. You were currently trying to finish your history essay while Stiles was doing more research. It was the second-to-last day of the assignment, and you could count on one hand how many hours you had slept in the past few days. Caring for a child, albeit a fake one, was hard and exhausting.
"Found it!", Stiles exclaimed in victory as he held up the bottle. He then proceeded to feed the doll, and finally the crying stopped. "How's the essay going?", he asked as he put the doll into its makeshift cradle.
"I finished it."
Stiles nodded, and he crashed onto his bed. "I think we have officially broken our record for the hours you have spent at my place", he said. He prompted himself up on his bed and leaned back against his headboard.
"I'm an honorary Stilinski."
Stiles chuckled and shook his head in amusement. "Don't worry, I'll personally make sure you become a Stilinski", he stated with a smug smirk.
You turned to look at him with a raised brow. "Oh, so you're claiming the title of future husband?", you questioned, clearly amused by his sudden confidence.
"Don't forget future baby daddy", he added, and he gestured to the makeshift cradle that currently held the doll. You rolled your eyes and turned back to your essay.
"I'm never going to know peace", you mumbled as you put your school things away so that you could focus on helping Stiles with the current case.
"My baby!", you whaled as you watched Stiles hand back the doll to coach Finnstock. "Mommy is going to miss you", you cooed as you said your final goodbye to the doll.
Coach Finnstock looked at you weirdly. "You're just as bad as Stillinski", he said. You sent him a glare as you headed back to your seat.
You let out a huff as you sat at your desk. "Stiles", you said. You turned to look at him. Stiles immediately perked up in his seat as you called for him.
"Yes?", he asked.
"I want one."
He looked at you, confused. He raised a brow as he asked, "Want what?"
"A baby", you answered, and you gestured to all the dolls that were now piled in front of the class. You could see Scott choke on his water from the corner of your eye.
Stiles was taken aback, and his eyes widened. He stumbled to find the correct words to say. "I can settle for a hamster that we both co-parent", he said.
"No babies!", Coach Finnstock yelled, and he glared at both you and Stiles. You had to choke back a laugh from Coaches sudden outburst.
"Hamster it is."
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hawkeyetrained · 2 years
You Can Trust Me
Derek Hale x Fem!reader
Other Characters: Kate Argent, Scott, Malia, Stiles (mentioned), Lydia (mentioned), Braeden (mentioned)
Warnings: slight spoilers for s4ep1&2, cannon level violence (though nothing too graphic at all)
Summary: When Derek gets turned back into his younger self, she promises he can trust her.
Word count: 2594
Scott, Stiles, and I had been friends for as long as I could remember. I moved into town when I was just 10 years old, instantly becoming friends with the two. That’s how I met Derek Hale, and how our crazy involvement with the supernatural began.
Derek and I had a different relationship than the rest of the pack. He would often keep me in the loft if the current threat ever got too close, opting to have Peter stay back and keep an eye on me instead of allowing me to help like Stiles. For the last few years, the crush I had on Derek only grew stronger and Lydia was the first to call me out on it. When we were sitting in the loft for one of our pack meetings, she had noticed how I tuned Scott out as he talked but instantly focused on Derek when he spoke. She had nudged my side, making my cheeks burn pink, and later took me out for dinner to talk about what she saw.
We talked at the diner for more than two hours about my crush, going into detail on everything that she could get from me. I had her sworn to secrecy to not tell anyone for fear that he would completely reject me.
So, while broken down on the side of a road in Mexico, she had stuck to my side in an attempt to keep me calm. Stiles was busy fixing his Jeep, Malia and Kira keeping watch on the sand around us, while Lydia and I tried to attempt helping Stiles. Scott had gone off with a woman named Brayden in search of Derek, promising to be back by morning.
I spent the night sitting on the ground by the front tire of Roscoe, Stiles’ jeep. Lydia kept sending glances my way all night, but I ignored her until I was able to see the motorcycle coming back down the road just after sunrise.
Scott had jumped off to grab my arms, pulling me off to the side. “Hey, he’s alright, but something happened in that church. Derek, he’s different.”
“What do you mean?” I tried pulling away only for Scott to stop me. “What happened?”
“I don’t know what happened.” Scott shrugged. “Something changed him, made him younger.”
I spent the entire ride home in the back of Stiles’ jeep, worrying over Derek and wondering why he wasn’t waking up. Once we got back, we went to Deaton’s office first. Scott had called ahead, letting the doctor know about our situation and to see if there was anything he could do to help. Once we got Derek inside and laid on the exam table, everyone watched as Deaton worked for a few minutes on checking for anything unusual, and once coming up empty handed, he sent everyone home for school in a few hours.
“Someone should stay here with him.” Scott mumbled to the group as we turned to leave.
“I think it should be Y/N.” Lydia said, stopping in her tracks.
“What?” I looked up at her. “Why me?” My cheeks were stained a soft pink.
“Out of all of us, you and Derek were closest. And he trusts you the most.” She explained. “When he wakes up, I’m sure he’s going to be confused. You’ll be the only face he’d want to see.” Everyone seemed to agree with her, so they headed out to gather their things for school while I went back into the exam room to join Deaton.
It seemed like hours passed since my friends had left. Deaton had continued to check on Derek when he needed breaks from his paperwork in his office. I had sat myself down in one of the plastic chairs, pulled up beside the table, my arms crossed on the metal surface with my head resting on them. My phone would occasionally go off with a text message, one of the pack members checking in, but there was never much to say other than a finger twitch or a deeper breath than I had been listening to all day.
Deaton had come back in yet again to check on Derek, but this time, the young wolf’s eyes snapped open, his body launching up into a seated position. The doctor had been fast enough to grab my arms and yank me back before I was swiped at by a clawed hand. The boy’s eyes softened ever so slightly when he got a look at our faces and heard our racing heartbeats, but it wasn’t long before he was running out of the clinic.
Stiles and Scott were able to get Derek from the police station hours after he ran from the clinic, the three of us headed towards Scott’s house. Scott’s phone buzzed in his pocked and he told us how he had to go take care of something, leaving Stiles and I alone with Derek.
Derek had seemed apprehensive about following Stiles into the McCall house, but a soft smile and a few encouraging words from me and helped him follow us inside. “Scott?” An older male’s voice called from the kitchen.
Stiles and I shared a worried look, and before we could turn around and get out, Scott’s father showed up in the doorway with a paper bag held in his hand. “Um, hi.” I greeted, offering a slightly awkward wave.
“Stiles. Y/N.” Mr. McCall nodded to us. “Who’s your friend?”
My eyes flashed to Derek, trying to think of a believable excuse. “He’s my cousin.” Stiles blurted out, wrapping an arm around Derek’s shoulders. “My cousin Miguel.” Both Derek and I looked to Stiles to see if he was serious or not, and to our horror, he was completely serious.
We were all quickly pulled into the worst dinner of our lives. Scotts father continuously asked Derek questions, obviously seeing right through Stiles’s lie, but Derek was able to play along. I ate a little food before excusing myself and heading up to Scott’s room, wanting to call him and warn him of his father being home.
I barely managed to send the text before the door was being pushed open. “Y/N?” I recognized Derek’s voice as he called out, not wanting to startle me.
“Yeah, come in.” I smiled at the Hale boy, sliding my phone into my back pocket, and sitting down on Scott’s bed. “How are you holding up?” I asked him as he sat down beside me, leaving more space than usual between us.
Derek shrugged. “It’s all so confusing.”
“Is there anything I can try to help with?” I asked.
He shrugged his shoulders again. “I don’t even know what to ask. I mean, you three look at me like you know who I am, but I’ve got no idea who you are.”
A deep sigh left my nose as I adjusted, pulling my legs up under me and turning to face him. “You’re Derek Hale. You’ve helped us through a lot recently, taught all of us a lot of things about the supernatural world.” His dark eyes lifted up to watch me. “You’ve saved all of us too many times to count. It’s been a hard few years for all of us.”
“If I’m going to be honest, I’m a little scared.” His voice dropped to a whisper, almost like he didn’t want anyone hearing his confession. “I woke up in a strange place, surrounded by strange people, in a city that doesn’t even have my home, and no one will tell me what happened. I don’t know who to trust.”
My fingers twitched together nervously. “I know how scary that must be, but I can tell you one thing. You can trust me. It’s gotta be weird having people know you without you knowing them, but we are actually really good friends. You’ve watched out for me since we met. Let me help watch out for you until we can figure out how to help you.”
“I can trust you.” He didn’t phrase it as a question, more so a way for himself to finally believe it.
The window creaked from behind Derek, alerting both of us. Derek’s arm had crossed protectively over me as he turned to look for the cause of the sound, something he did normally that was showing through his younger self. “Kate?” Derek’s eyes adjusted to the dark of the night faster than mine, but I was able to see her climbing through the window.
“Hey, handsome.” She greeted with a smile. “Been a long time.” Right, Peter killed her, or so we had thought. “Longer than you think.” Her eyes flashed back to me as both Derek and I stood from the bed, my feet automatically drifting closer to Derek’s side. “Aww, little Y/N, still playing shadow?” She taunted, a sick smile on her face before she came closer.
Derek didn’t tense up like he typically does. Instead, he stayed pretty relaxed, making me think that younger Derek had known Kate better than I thought he did. “Derek.” I shrunk closer to him as she got closer to me, not trusting Kate at all after what Peter had done to her.
His hand flexed at his side a little, like he wanted to do something but couldn’t think of why or what to do. “Still scared hun?” Kate stalked closer, ultimately putting herself between Derek and me. “He doesn’t even know you sweetheart.” As she continued to draw closer and closer in the dark room, I had taken steps back, trying to keep as much space between her and I as I could. “He knows me. He can trust me.” My heart started to race, images of her clawed hand swiping at my throat flashing through my head, eyes frantically flickering between her and Derek as I backed up.
In a blur, one of her hands had enclosed around my throat, holding me still and putting just enough pressure to where I was uncomfortable. “Kate, please. Let me go.” My hands reached up to try prying at her fingers, but I was no match for her newfound strength.
“Kate.” Derek’s voice growled out from behind her in a warning. “Let her go.”
A sick smile crossed her face. “If you say so.” Her hand slipped from my throat and just a second after my eyes met Derek’s, she had kicked her boot into my chest and send me stumbling back into Scott’s adjoining bathroom. The door slammed shut and I could hear something being pressed against the outside of the door.
“No.” I scrambled into my knees. “Derek!” I call, banging on the door. “Kate, let me out.” I could hear muffled voices of her and Derek going back and forth, a little worry in the boy’s voice as he said my name. “Derek don’t listen to her. Don’t go anywhere with her. You can’t trust her.”
Minutes of silence passed by before whatever was leaned against the door was pulled away and the door swung open. Stiles stood on the other side, phone pressed to his ear. I rushed out of the room, frantically looking around for Derek, but the still open window confirmed my worry. “Calm down.” Stiles tried.
“Kate took him.” I looked back at Stiles. “Kate took Derek. Ask Scott where she would take him.” My hands grabbed the keys to Stiles’s jeep from his hands before I raced down the stairs and out to the car. I jumped into the passenger seat as Stiles came chasing after me, getting into the already running car and heading towards the school.
He managed to pull up quick enough, letting me jump out and meet Scott and Malia while he went off to delay Scott’s dad. “Hey, calm down.” Scott pressed his hands to my shoulders.
“Kate took him and somehow managed to age him back, before kidnapping him, again. I can’t stay calm Scott. What if she kills him?”
“I don’t think that’s what she’s going to do.”
“Scott.” Malia called from the stairs going up to the second floor of the school. “Scott, what’s that smell?”
Chris Argent had told me stories of some of the supernatural beings he had faced in the past. I tried to check up on him as much as I could after Allison died. I didn’t have a father myself and I had seen him as a fatherly figure since Allison and I had become friends. This creature though, he didn’t have a lot to say on it, other than the fact that they were pretty much soulless creatures that were practically invincible. Berserkers seemed to scare the older Argent man, and so they scared me. I never thought I’d face one, let alone be running from one as my friends battled the other.
I had managed to put enough distance between myself and the one chasing me, but the one that Malia and Scott had been focused on caught me by surprise. It’s thick, bone covered hand swept out just as I was running past, sending me flying across the school floor and sliding up against the lockers in a corner not far from my friends.
Both of the berserkers faces locked on me, slowly creeping closer. “Scott!” I shouted, cowering as far as I could into the corner of lockers. “Scott!” Before any of their hands were able to grab at me, a large shadow managed to knock both away from me. The berserkers went after the shadow, giving Scott and Malia enough time to come to my sides and pull me to my feet.
Once the shadow was able to scare off the berserkers, it stood to it’s full height and turned to face us. Derek, as we knew him, stood in front of us, panting slightly from the fight and running all the way up to us. “Derek?” Scott was the first to ask, holding onto my shoulder.
His eyes locked on my face, and with a subtle nod, I was running across the hall over to him. Derek’s arms wrapped tightly around my waist as I threw my arms around his shoulders. He was back, after months of wondering what happened to him and the past few hours trying to convince him that we were friends, he was back.
“Are you ok?” I asked as I took a step back. “What happened to you?”
“Kate broke into the loft and shot me with wolfsbane. I don’t remember much after that.” His hands had yet to leave my waist as his head came to rest against mine. “All I remember is that I can trust you. I did, I do trust you.”
A breathy laugh escaped my nose as he tipped his head down to press his lips against mine softly. My fingers drifted from his shoulders to his hair, pulling him closer to me. His hands tightened their hold around my waist, slowly wrapping his arms around me completely.
A cough pulled the two of us apart, my cheeks flushed a bright pink as I glanced up into his eyes. “Guys.” Scott spoke, his feet shuffling loudly against the hall floors. “We should probably get out of here.”
“Go.” Derek told him. “We’re right behind you.” I could faintly hear Scott and Malia walk down the stairs, back towards the front of the school. “Come with me.” Derek didn’t ask, seemingly already knowing my answer when I linked my hand tightly in his. “You can trust me.”
A bright smile covered my face. “And you can trust me.”
@thetallassgirl @hallecarey1
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perseephoneee · 9 months
rosy cheeks and scott mccall please. for ficmas
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꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ happy day 7 of ficmas!
a/n: AGHHH i'm sorry for the delay and because of that delay i feel like this is very lame :(( i'm very sorry to the people of the universe. i will now bury myself in a hole and cry.
↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist ↳ ficmas 2023
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Located about an hour south of Mt. Shasta is your sleepy town of Beacon Hills, California. Beacon Hills was most known for the burgers on 9th Street, Christmas tree lights downtown, and the werewolf population. It was also a place that tended not to get very cold, just slightly chilly. It didn’t stop the residents from wishing they could enjoy the type of winter seen on their TV screens, with big fluffy snowflakes and subzero temperatures. So when it was announced that the lacrosse tournament would be held near Mt. Shasta with a surprise trip up the mountain for all winter activities, almost all the students signed up. 
You had signed up for the trip and the rest of your pack before you started avoiding Scott. Everyone in the pack could notice your tension, but no one said anything. Since Thanksgiving break, when you had almost kissed at Lydia’s party. You were interrupted by the usual werewolf drama. Now, there was something unspoken between you guys, and instead of addressing it (like adults), you have resorted to ignoring the problem until it eventually blows up in your faces.
Currently, you were standing with a duffel bag outside the bus waiting to load on. Climbing the stairs, you averted your eyes as you noticed Scott perk up at your entrance. The last thing you wanted to do was spend an hour on a bus with the guy you had an unestablished thing with. Quickly, you sat down next to Malia, who jumped at your sudden movement. 
“What’s up with you?” Malia asked, pulling out her earbuds. You shoved your bag under the seat and curled up into yourself, ignoring the question. “Hello?”
“Just sitting next to a friend,” you smiled. Unfurling, you grabbed your book out of your bag. Malia was still looking at you. 
“Is it because of Scott?” Malia inquired. You choked at the question. Malia rolled her eyes. “Everyone knows, I’m just the first to say anything.”
“Not surprising,” you mumbled, earning a jab from Malia’s elbow. “But yes, it might be about Scott.” Malia seemed to think about your answer, a pensive expression on her face. 
“Why don’t you talk to him?” Malia waited for your answer, but you couldn’t give one. Not when you were too cowardly to admit anything. So, instead, she just offered you one of her earbuds, and you graciously accepted it, listening to music for the rest of the ride. The drive to the mountain wasn’t too bad, and you spent most of it asleep with your head on Malia’s shoulder. She was aloof but recently had become a good friend to you. You recognized her struggle in adjusting to real life again, and she appreciated that she never felt the need to justify things to you. It’s how you knew she would be blunt about Scott but never pressured you too much. 
The lacrosse tournament happened at the beginning of the trip, so that whatever the outcome, the team could either celebrate or destress depending on the outcome. Coach Finstock wasn’t excited to deal with a bunch of teenagers for four days, but there were at least other teacher chaperones to help him. This was great for the students and Coach– neither had to deal exclusively with the other. You and Malia went to the closest cafe to get refreshments before the game. Malia had been on the journey of discovering if she liked coffee or tea, and so far, she hated all of it. She opted to get a Diet Coke while you treated yourself to a white mocha to stay awake for the game and the rest of the trip. When you finally left the cafe, you were happy that Lydia had saved you some seats. She refused ever to have a wrong view and scared off multiple sophomores. Lydia took a glance at Malia’s drink.
“Gave up on tea and coffee?”
“Why does it taste so bitter?” Malia grumbled, earning a smile from you and the redhead beside you. You saw Scott run onto the field, throwing on his helmet as he did so. Your eyes were glued to him, and you felt yourself wringing your hands anxiously as the game started. Fun fact: you had no clue how lacrosse worked, but based on the chants from the stands, you could surmise when things were going well. Scott appeared to score a goal, and you found yourself shooting up and hollering just as loudly as the rest of the Beacon Hills kids. Malia gave you a pointed look, which you happily ignored. Forgetting for a second that Scott had super-hearing, he turned to look up at you in the stands, and you felt your breath catch as he sent you a smile. Great, so he could hear you being a lunatic. He didn’t look at you for the rest of the game, but Beacon Hills won. 
There wasn’t much time to assemble on the field and congratulate the field, so everyone was sharing compliments back on the bus. Squeezing through the aisles, a hand grabbed you as you tried to walk by. You made eye contact with Scott and felt a claw grip your heart. 
“Hey,” he whispered meekly, as uncomfortable as you were. He looked at the hand holding you still and immediately let go. His instincts beat out his brain. 
“Nice game,” you smiled, running away before he could respond. You shoved in next to Malia again, who gave you an annoyed look. You silenced her before she could make any comment. 
Half an hour later, you ended up at the lodge where everyone would be staying. Forgetting your troubles, you happily glanced out the window at the beautiful brown lodge looming ahead of you. It was covered in snow, but faint lights twinkled from the archway. Everyone ran inside quickly, not wanting to be caught in the snowdrift. The inside was even more beautiful. It looked straight out of a storybook. Beautiful wood is finished, and multiple levels boast stone fireplaces and windows looking out at snowcapped trees. Coach gave out room keys to assigned pairs (you were stuck with some junior girl before Malia bullied her into changing assignments). Coach Finstock also lectured about not bothering him at any point, even if you were dying. Not even a good game could change his attitude on helping children. 
You got up to your room on the third floor with Malia and smiled at the log beds with red and white quilts. There was a view of a ski lift out of your window and an en suite bathroom with tiny bottles of shampoo and lotion. You dropped your bag by a bed and happily jumped on it, turning into a starfish as you sighed heavily. 
“You slept for most of the bus ride. How are you still tired?” Malia asked, catapulting onto her bed. 
“Sleeping in a vehicle is different from sleeping in your bed,” you mumbled, your voice muffled because of the sheets. You both sat silently, enjoying being on a warm bed. “Scott looked sad.”
“How would you know?” you inquire, rolling over so your face is unobstructed by the bed. 
“I saw him,” Malia picked up a loose thread on the quilt. “He looked sad. Probably because you’re ignoring him.”
“I am avoiding a potentially disastrous situation,” you argue.
“You’re being chicken,” Malia said, throwing a pillow at you when you made a noise in disagreement. “He likes you, or at least cares about what you think, and you’re avoiding him because of your fear.” You stayed silent, not denying her words. “I’m about to kick you out of this room to go and find him.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“I would,” Malia raised a brow, gesturing with her hands for you to leave. You grumbled about her being maybe right, something that she smiled at. She was right, and you resented it. You hid from Scott because admitting feelings was hard, and you liked him a lot. Leaving the room in a huff, you wandered the hall, harassing various students about where Scott was staying. Unsurprisingly, he was sharing a room with Stiles. Unfortunately, he was not in that room. After carefully investigating, you found him outside in one of the hot tubs. You paused on the threshold, holding your coat closer to yourself as you saw him lean his head back against the lip of the tub. Water droplets gathered on his chest, and his hair was flattened against his forehead. He looked gorgeous, and it frightened you how much you liked him. You found the strength to put one foot in front of the other, ending up in front of the hot tub and capturing the werewolf's attention. 
“I was told I could find you out here,” you said, wrapping your arms around yourself. 
“You’re talking to me now?” Scott said, his voice sharp. 
“I’m…yes,” you stumbled, sitting down on the rim of the hot tub. It was a rough Norwegian wood that you ran your fingers over as you refused eye contact. 
“Y/N,” Scott sighed. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, no,” you turned to face him, hating the sad puppy eyes he seemed to have constantly. “I just…I’m not good at being emotionally available, and what almost happened between us was enough to make me the least communicative person in the universe.” 
“I wanted it to happen,” Scott whispered. “I missed talking to you.”
Your heart broke at his words. You always loved how kind Scott was how loyal and careful he was with people. You hated that you hurt his feelings. Without giving much of a second thought, you peeled off your jacket and shucked your jeans, standing in a t-shirt and underwear as you got into the hot water. Scott jumped back from surprise as the water splashed around. The warmth seeped through your bones, and you almost sighed as the cold left your body. Instead, you waded closer to Scott, close enough that you could grab his hand under the water. 
“I like you,” you admitted. “I…missed you too.” You leaned in, not letting your doubt stop you as you kissed Scott. It’s what you meant to do weeks ago, and now that it was happening, you didn’t regret it. Your hands ran up his chest to his shoulders, enjoying the feel of his muscles under your hands. He kissed you back, gripping your hips and bringing you closer. You liked the slight growl he made when you tugged on his hair. You lifted your knees to straddle his lap, letting his chest press against yours. Scott let his lips trail down your jaw to your neck. 
“I’m glad you’re talking to me again,” Scott mumbled against your neck, nipping the skin there as you gasped. 
“I’m sorry for not talking to you,” you gasped, feeling Scott's hands tentatively under your wet shirt. You kissed the corner of his mouth, feeling his jaw underneath your lips. You could’ve lived the rest of your life in this moment, in Scott's arms with Scott’s lips. Except much like everything in Scott’s life, Stiles was always there. 
“Woah, finally,” Stiles laughed, appearing out of nowhere and scaring both of you. You fell to the side of the tub, still gripping Scott’s shoulders. Scott glared at Stiles. “I was waiting for you two to stop tip-toeing around each other.”
“Stiles,” Scott growled. 
“Aww, you guys have such cute, rosy cheeks. Is it from the hot water or the hot makeout?” Stiles teased. Scott carefully put you aside so he could run out of the tub and attempt to tackle Stiles. You couldn’t stop the laugh escaping your throat as you watched the two boys try to wrestle each other to the ground. At least, you could call one of those boys yours.
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zegrasdrysdale · 9 months
[ christmas kisses ] c. caufield
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day nine of malia’s christmas fic marathon
paring : Cole Caufield x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) teaches Cole how to wrap presents
warning(s) : slightly nsfw ! suggestive content, heavy makeout, mostly fluffy tho
author’s note : moving right along lol
She gets the call as she’s wrapping gifts for her family. A panicked Cole is on the other end of the line.
“(Y/N), I need your help,” Cole says as soon as she picks up the phone. “I’m just now realizing that I have no idea how to wrap presents when I have about a dozen to wrap. Nick isn’t here to help me so can you come over to help if you’re not busy?”
With a glance at the five more gifts she had to wrap, she decides that they can wait until tonight because her family isn’t flying in until tomorrow. “Yeah,” she replies. “I can be there in ten minutes.”
“You are the best friend in the entire world,” Cole sighs. “Thank you.”
“Mhm,” she hums. “See you in a little bit.”
The line goes dead and she finishes wrapping her mom’s gift. As soon as she’s done, she grabs the closest hoodie and her pair of Crocs before heading out the door to go to Cole and Nick’s apartment.
As she sits in the Uber from her apartment to Cole’s, she thinking about “the best friend in the entire world” that Cole said to her.
For years, (Y/N) has hidden her feelings for the Montreal winger. Cole has never seemed to reciprocate those feelings and constantly friendzones her. She’s terrified to tell him about her feelings because of their friendship.
She doesn’t want to lose him over something she can’t control. She represses her feelings every time she sees him because she’s afraid that she’s going to say or do something that will expose how she feels.
That’s the last thing she wants.
Ten minutes goes by a lot quicker than she would like. The Uber pulls up to Cole’s apartment building and she thanks the driver. (Y/N) texts Cole that she’s on her way up.
Cole is opening the door when the elevator opens and she walks toward the apartment.
“I owe you my life,” Cole tells her when she walks into the apartment. “Seriously.”
“I’m not staying for long, Cole,” she replies. “I’m going to show you what to do then you’re on your own. I can’t come over here every time Nick isn’t here to wrap your presents for you.”
The door shuts behind both of them and (Y/N) walks to the gift filled dining room table. Cole walks up beside her and says, “I still appreciate you coming over to help. I know you’re getting ready for your family to come over.”
She looks over at him and he shoots her a smile. “You know I’d do anything for you,” she reminds him. “I do have a few more gifts to wrap for tomorrow so let me show you what to do so I can get back home.”
Cole nods and hands her one of the boxes. She grabs a roll of wrapping paper and measures it out to make sure it’ll fit the box just right.
Then she demonstrates what to do. Cole watches with interest as she wraps the first gift. She tries not to have a reaction to Cole’s eyes on her.
“That’s how you wrap a present,” she happily says when she’s done. He looks up at Cole, who still looks confused. “Oh my God, Cole. It’s not that hard. Grab a box while I cut a piece of wrapping paper.”
He listens to her instructions and grabs a box. She places it in the middle of the piece of paper. (Y/N) shoves one of the rolls of tape at him and he takes it. “You act like I know what to do,” he tells her.
“Take one of the sides and fold it over half the box,” she tells him. Cole listens to her. “Tape it down so it doesn’t move on you when you go to fold the other side.” He does what she says.
He listens to everything she says, until it’s time to fold the sides. They work on it together.
She tries not to react every single time their fingers touch. She does glance up at him and finds it very hard not to say how cute he looks while he’s focused. Cole looks down at her and she watches his face get red.
“How does it look?” she asks.
“Really good,” Cole mumbles. His eyes are on her when he says it.
That’s when she’s realized she’s completely pressed against his side. She goes to move away and Cole follows her. “What are you doing?” she softly asks.
There’s a quick moment of fear in his eyes as he says, “I didn’t mean to- I’m sorry. I thought you felt it too.”
“Felt what?” She wants to hear him say it.
Cole hesitates for a second before motioning between the two of them. “This,” he admits. “Us. I think I read the whole thing wrong.”
Her head immediately begins to shake and she turns so she is facing him. “You haven’t read anything wrong,” she admits to him. “Cole, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for some indication that you liked me and wanted more than just a friendship.”
“(Y/N), I have probably been in love with you since the day we met,” he admits. “I’ve been terrified to tell you. I had no idea you felt the same way.”
An involuntary smile breaks out on her face. She can’t believe this is happening.
“Can I kiss you?” Cole asks, voice quiet.
After a small nod from (Y/N), he leans down and presses a soft kiss to her lips. Cole pulls back to make sure she’s okay.
It’s a quick kiss to test out the waters and cross the line that they’ve both apparently been flirting with for years. She meets his eyes for a second before Cole leans in for a second kiss. This one is deeper and more intense than the last kiss.
(Y/N) wraps her arms around Cole’s neck so he can’t pull away again. He presses her body against his and one of Cole’s hands flies to her waist.
Her heart is pounding in her chest and she hopes that he can’t feel it. Their friendship is evolving into something more. It’s changing with every kiss they share.
She couldn’t be more excited and terrified.
To get a better angle, Cole wraps his arms around her waist and lifts her up to she’s sitting on the table. He’s standing between her knees and she keeps their bodies pressed together.
Now that she’s had him like this and touched him like this, she isn’t sure that she ever wants to let him go. It doesn’t seem like Cole wants to let her go either.
She has a grip on the collar of his shirt. Cole moves his hips against hers, and she lets out a soft whine. “Coley,” she mumbles against his lips. “Please.”
His hands slide around to the back of her neck. His fingers find a home in the hair on the back of her neck. Cole pulls back and (Y/N) chases his lips.
“Not today,” he tells her. She pouts and his thumb traces her bottom lip. “I can come over when your parents leave tomorrow. I don’t leave for Carolina until Wednesday.”
(Y/N) smiles and nods. “Can we go back to kissing now?” she asks. “I want kisses for Christmas.”
Cole laughs and happily brings their lips together again.
He’s like a drug, and now she can’t get enough of him.
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